
Cheat on the ammo rack. Penetration zones for ammunition racks and fuel tanks

We build a bath

An ammunition rack is a device for placing ammunition or shells in a tank. It provides not only their fastening in the established places, but also the possibility of quick extraction for shooting.

To apply in game World of Tanks tangible and maximum possible damage to the enemy, first you should familiarize yourself with the weakest and most vulnerable spots that most tanks have. So, the greatest damage to enemy combat vehicles can be inflicted in two ways: by setting fire to and exploding.

Set fire

In this case, in addition to the damage received from the projectile, enemy vehicles will also receive permanent damage from fire. And you can set fire to the enemy if you shoot him at the stern - where the engine and tanks are. This rule applies to all machines. So, for example, the Germans are excellently set on fire when you break through their lower armor plate.

Blow up the ammo rack

It has one drawback - in this case, it can be quite difficult to inflict damage in one shot, and even more so it is impossible to completely destroy the enemy. And not all tanks will have such a number.

Important: As a rule, the ammo rack explodes only from a second hit, that is, after it was able to receive critical damage.

Remember - ammo rack explosions are most common on light and medium tanks, but sometimes this also happens on heavy tier 10 vehicles such as the IS-7.

In addition, you can advise to shoot with land mines at vehicles that are weakly armored, for example, at the top tank destroyer Waffentrager E-100.

World of Tanks Blitz is one of the most iconic online games , the player needs to destroy as many enemy tanks as possible. The more the player destroys enemy tanks, the more experience stars are awarded for which you can improve a combat vehicle or crew skills. But unfortunately in the game World of Tanks Blitz - the tanks are so realistic and drawn in the likeness of real battle tanks. Shoot down armored tanks and pierce armor of tanks is not very good simple task for the player. Not all players who play World of Tanks Blitz know where it is better to shoot at a tank and what kind of shells. V mobile game WoT Blitz is very realistic. penetration zones tank, armor, etc.

Where to shoot at the tank to break through the armor where are weak spots in the tank and their penetration zones, these questions torment many players. Everyone wants to be the best players and pump the piles of tanks in the game faster. Each class of the tank has different penetration zones, weak points in tank armor which you need to shoot to disable and destroy the enemy tank faster and win the team game.

In addition to penetration zones, the barrel and shells of your tank play an even greater role in this. Which ammunition is better to take and for which barrels for better penetration of the tank's armor. How and where is it better to shoot at the tank in order to destroy it faster.

The gap between the tower and the hull.

This is the most popular and one of the most effective penetration points for a tank. With a successful hit in this point in the tank disables the turret rotation mechanism. Also, when hitting a tank turret, there is a chance to damage the enemy tank's ammo rack. But you also need to remember that the turret in the tank is the most armored and it is not easy to penetrate the turret.

Commanding small towers and superstructures.

Shooting at the small commander's tower, as well as similar protrusions on the tank's turret, you do good damage or even have a chance to destroy the tank's crew. There is a high risk of a miss in this breakout zone. Getting into small parts of the tank is problematic, especially at a great distance.

Sight holes and machine gun windows in the tank.

If the player had to take a head-on battle with the enemy, then try to shoot at the viewing holes and machine-gun windows. These are the vulnerabilities of every tank. Here, the accuracy of the tank's gun and the ability to aim quickly at the weapon are important. This weak penetration zone also includes all hatches and windows, both on the turret and on the hull of the tank.

Undercarriage or tank tracks.

By shooting at the tracks of tanks, you can shoot them down, immobilizing the enemy tank for a while and making it easy prey for both you and your team. You can knock down the track of an enemy tank by hitting the front or rear roller. Simple shooting at the tracks themselves will not give you anything useful. Also, the tank tracks fly off well from the hits of a large high-explosive projectile. Moreover, it is not necessary to hit exactly the caterpillar.

Engine - the engine compartment of the tank.

The engine compartment is the weak point of any enemy tank. The likelihood of fire if it hits the engine is high in tanks. Another hit in the engine compartment of the tank significantly reduces the speed of movement or completely stops the enemy. If you hit this part, there is a great chance to set the tank on fire, since there is a gas tank in this area. Effectively set the tank on fire by firing high-explosive shells at it in the engine compartment.

Lower part of the tank

The lower part of the tank rarely opens for shooting, only in rare cases when an enemy tank creeps into a hillock or hill. It is advisable to shoot the lower part of the tank not in the center, but along the edges to the left or right, since the crew of the enemy tank is in these places.

The rear of the tank turret

The rear of the tank turret is the best place for punching. Every player wants to get into this part of the armor, since it is an excellent penetration zone and there is a chance to quickly destroy the enemy's tank. As a rule, there is ammunition in the rear of the tank turret, and having broken through this zone, the player is likely to destroy the enemy tank.

The barrel of a tank gun.

An accurate hit into the enemy's barrel incapacitates the weapon. It is very difficult to get into the barrel of a tank from a distance, but if it hits, the player incapacitates the enemy's ability to shoot at you.

A few tips - how and where to shoot to penetrate the enemy tank.

  • Never try to hit the enemy tank's forehead, hull or turret. It is practically impossible to penetrate the thick frontal armor.
  • Try to shoot only at right angles - recochet is a nasty thing, it is often annoying.
  • Choose the right shells - high-explosive shells for tanks with weak armor and self-propelled ones, armor-piercing shells for penetrating the thick armor of an enemy tank.
  • The fact is that the hull of the tank is less armored than the turret of the tank.
  • To immobilize the enemy, shoot at the chassis, tank tracks.
  • Watch out for the classes of tanks that you play not all tanks have good armor.
  • Try to play as a team as it is a team game alone, it is difficult to win against the enemy team.

Mod zone of penetration of ammunition racks and fuel tanks of tanks for World of Tanks - how to set fire to a tank

The mod is made specifically for those who do not like skins with penetration zones, but want to blow up and set fire to enemy vehicles, not knowing where to aim. Lightweight ashes of penetration show the location of only the ammo rack and fuel banks. If you do not know how to set fire to a tank, the skins of World of Tanks will help you with this!

Bite skins are made for all nations:

USSR - 53 tanks.

USA - 31 tanks.

Britain - 19 tanks.

France - 20 tanks.

Germany - 36 tanks.

China - 18 tanks.

Japan - 7 tanks.

Almost all the equipment of 9-10 levels was included. More details in the screenshot:

After the LBZ was introduced into the game, many tankers thought about how to set the tank on fire? In the very first campaign for medium tanks there is a task in which you need to set the tank on fire. It was for the LBZ that the World of Tanks ammo rack and fuel tank penetration zone mod was made. With it, you will know where to aim to set fire to the tank.

The mod will be useful not only for completing this single combat mission, but also for a simple game in random and companies. With it, you will be aware of the enemy's weaknesses. Over time, you will remember where to shoot in order to get a frag and be able to remove the skins.

How to install the penetration zone mod

Copy the mods folder to the game folder, confirming the replacement.

Shooting and armor penetration - essential elements game mechanics. This article provides information on in-game parameters such as accuracy, armor penetration and damage.


Accuracy- a parameter of a weapon characterizing its ability to send projectiles exactly at the target.

The game has two aspects related to accuracy:

Scatter shells when firing at 100 meters. Measured in meters. The spread depends on the skill of the gunner. An untrained gunner (50% of the main skill) shoots 25% less accurately than a trained gunner 100%. Aim time- aiming time, measured in seconds. This is a conditional parameter that was introduced for balance needs. That is, it is not enough to aim the weapon itself at the target, it is important to wait for the moment when the aiming circle stops decreasing. Otherwise, the probability of a miss increases dramatically. When the tank moves and the turret and barrel are turned, as well as after the shot, the sight "diverges", that is, the aiming circle increases sharply and it is necessary to wait for the information again. The convergence time is the time during which the convergence circle decreases by ~ 2.5 times, to be precise, by e times (e is a mathematical constant, the base of the natural logarithm is ~ 2.71).

It is also important to understand that in the game (without installing extraneous modifications), a circle of information is displayed, and not a circle of scatter - these two circles have completely different diameters and, with very rare exceptions, do not coincide with each other. In fact, the circle of scatter is less than the circle of information (at times) and the task of the circle of information in the game is not a display of the spread of shells, but a visualization of the state of the gun and its gunner, whole, damaged, the gunner is reduced or reduced, he is healthy or shell-shocked, etc. ...

How to increase the accuracy of the weapon

  • Install hardware Improved ventilation
  • The Brotherhood of War(approximately + 2.5% to accuracy).
  • Use equipment that gives for one battle + 10% to all parameters of the crew, including about 5% to accuracy - Doppayek, Chocolate, Cola Crate, Strong coffee, Tea pudding, Improved diet, Onigiri.

How to speed up aiming

  • Install the weapon with the highest aiming speed.
  • Upgrade the gunner's main specialty to 100%.
  • Install hardware Reinforced aiming drives(+ 10% to aiming speed).
  • Install hardware Vertical Stabilizer(-20% to dispersion when moving the tank and turning the turret).
  • Install hardware Improved ventilation(approximately + 2.5% to aiming speed)
  • Upgrade the gunner's skill Smooth tower rotation(-7.5% to dispersion when turning the turret).
  • Upgrade the driver's skill Smooth running(-4% to dispersion when the tank is moving).
  • Upgrade all crew members a skill The Brotherhood of War(approximately + 2.5% to the aiming speed).
  • Use equipment that gives for one battle + 10% to all crew parameters, including about 5% to aiming speed Doppayek, Chocolate, Cola Crate, Strong coffee, Tea pudding, Improved diet, Onigiri.


When you right-click with the scope aimed at the enemy, auto-homing turns on. It fixes the barrel of the tank at the center of the enemy vehicle. This allows you not to aim at the eye, but at the same time has a number of significant disadvantages. The fact is that the auto-aiming always aims at the center of the silhouette of the enemy tank, ignoring obstacles in the path of fire, as well as the vector and speed of the enemy's movement. In cases where only a part of the enemy's vehicle is visible in the sight, or when the target is moving and anticipation is necessary, auto-guidance will not only be of no use, but moreover, it guarantees a miss. Autonomic guidance does not allow targeting the weak points of an enemy tank, therefore, it is relatively of little use at high levels of battles with accurate guns and large, well-armored tanks.

Auto-homing is usually used in close combat during active maneuvers and when firing at long distances at a stationary enemy.

The automatic guidance can be canceled by pressing the E key (by default) or by pressing the right mouse button again.

Detailed analysis of the shooting mechanics

Armor penetration

Armor penetration- a parameter of a weapon characterizing its ability to penetrate the armor of enemy tanks. It is measured in millimeters and has a variation of ± 25% relative to the average. It is important to remember that the armor penetration indicated in the performance characteristics is indicated for an armor plate located at an angle of 90 degrees to the direction of movement of the projectile. That is, the slope of armor is not taken into account, while most tanks have sloped armor, which is much more difficult to penetrate. Also, the armor penetration indicated in the performance characteristics is indicated at a distance of 100 m, and with an increase in the distance it falls (relevant for subcaliber and armor-piercing projectiles and is not applicable for high-explosive / HESH and cumulative).


Each tank has a reservation. However, the thickness of the armor is not the same everywhere. In front, it is as thick as possible. Behind - on the contrary, it is thinnest. The roof and bottom of the tank are also very weakly armored. The armor is indicated in this format: frontal armor thickness / side armor thickness / aft armor thickness... And if the armor, for example, is equal to 38/28/28, then a gun with a penetration capacity of 30 mm will generally be able to penetrate the stern and side, but not the forehead. Due to the 25% spread, the real penetration of this gun from shot to shot will range from 22.5 to 37.5 mm.

It should be remembered that when specifying the armor, its slope is not taken into account. For example, armor T-54 is 120 mm, the angle of inclination is 60 °, and the normalization of the projectile is 4-5 °. With this slope, the reduced thickness of the armor will be about 210 mm. However, even the thickest armor has its vulnerabilities. These are various hatches, machine gun nests, wheelhouses, joints, etc.

Non-penetration and ricochet

Each projectile has its own penetration threshold. And if it is less than the armor of the enemy tank, then the shell will not penetrate it. To do this, you need to aim at the most vulnerable places of the tank: the stern, sides and various protrusions and slots. If this does not help, you can use high-explosive shells.

When shooting at a tank standing at an angle, there is a high probability of a ricochet. The border between penetration and rebound lies at an angle of 70 °. If the caliber of the projectile exceeds the thickness of the armor by more than 3 times, ricochet does not occur, and if the caliber is exceeded twice, the normalization of the projectile increases in proportion to the excess of the caliber of the gun over the thickness of the armor, and the projectile tries to penetrate the armor at any angle. So, for example, when firing from a 100mm gun with 170 armor penetration at an armor plate 30mm thick at an angle of 89.99 degrees, the normalization will increase to 23.33 degrees, and the reduced armor will be 30 / cos (89.99-23.33) = 75.75mm armor.

Detailed analysis of the armor penetration mechanics

Attention! Update 0.8.6 introduces new penetration rules for HEAT shells:

The HEAT projectile can now ricochet when the projectile hits the armor at an angle of 85 degrees or more. When ricocheting, the penetration rate of tanks in World of Tanks does not drop.

After the first penetration of the armor, the projectile begins to lose its armor penetration at the following rate: 5% of the remaining penetration after penetration - for 10 cm of the space passed by the projectile (50% - for 1 meter of free space from the screen to the armor).

Also in Update 0.8.6, the normalization of APCR shells has been reduced to 2 °.

With update 0.9.3, ricochet to another tank became possible. After the second ricochet, the projectile disappears. You can find out the combat characteristics of any vehicle, for example, damage, armor, and identify the penetration zone based on this, in the "Tank Science" section of the World of Tanks Assistant application.


Damage- the parameter of the weapon, which characterizes its ability to inflict damage on enemy tanks. Measured in units. It is important to remember that the damage indicated in the performance characteristics of the gun is average and in fact varies within 25%, both in the lower and in the higher direction.

Location of weak points

The location of various modules in the game is not indicated, but it is entirely consistent real prototypes... Therefore, if in real life the ammo rack was in the left corner of the rear of the tank, then in the game it will be there. But still, the weakest points of the tanks are located in approximately the same place:

  • The engine and fuel tank are usually located aft (rear) of the tank.
  • The ammunition rack is located in the center of the hull or in the aft (rear) part of the turret.
  • To knock down a tank track, you need to shoot at the front or last roller.
  • The weapon and triplexes are visible to the naked eye.
  • The commander is usually in the turret and can be incapacitated by hitting the commander's cupola.
  • The mechvod sits at the front of the vehicle.
  • The loader and gunner are located in the front or center of the turret.

Damage by modules

Shooting modules has its own characteristics. Often, when hitting modules, damage goes to them, but not to the tank itself. Each module has its own strength points (health units). If they are completely removed (critical damage), then the module stops working and it will take some time to recover. The health units of the module are not fully restored, but only up to 50%. It remains damaged and may not perform well. Accordingly, in the future, it will be easier to break the same module. If, during the repair process, new damage is inflicted on the module, health points are removed, the repair continues up to 50%. That is, if a tank with a track removed continues to hit the same track, then it will be repaired constantly (or until the tank is destroyed).

The repair kit restores the health points of the damaged module to 100%.

Engine If the module is damaged or after restoration, the maximum movement speed is reduced. In case of critical damage, movement is impossible. Each damage to the engine can cause a fire with the probability specified in the engine description (10-40%). Chance of Damage: 45% Caterpillar Damaging a module increases the chance of bursting. In case of critical damage, movement is impossible. Ammo rack If the module is damaged, the reload time will increase. In case of critical damage, the tank is destroyed. At the same time, the number of shells in the ammo rack does not affect the chance of its explosion. Only an empty ammo rack does not explode. Chance of Damage: 27% Tank Damage to the module does not impose penalties. In case of critical damage, a fire starts on the tank. Chance of damage: 45% Triplex When the module is damaged or after restoration, no penalties are imposed. With critical damage, the visual range is reduced by 50%. Chance of damage: 45% Radio station When a module is damaged, the communication range is halved. Chance of damage: 45% In case of critical damage, firing a gun and changing its declination is impossible. Chance of damage: 33% Turret Traverse Mechanism When a module is damaged or after recovery, the turret rotation speed is reduced. With critical damage, the rotation of the tower is impossible. Chance of Damage: 45%

Crew damage

Unlike tank modules, the crew does not have health points. The tanker can be either healthy or shell-shocked. A knocked out tanker can be returned to service by using a first aid kit. Concussion of all crew members is equivalent to the destruction of a tank. When one of the crew members is disabled, all the effects of additional skills and abilities learned by him disappear. For example, if the commander is concussed, the “Sixth Sense” light stops working. In addition, in cases where:

The commander is shell-shocked - the visibility is halved, the commander's bonus is no longer valid. The mechanic is shell-shocked - the speed of movement and turns is halved. The gunner is shell-shocked - the spread is doubled, the turret traverse speed is halved. The loader is shell-shocked - the reload speed is halved. The radio operator is shell-shocked - the communication radius is halved. Crew Member Concussion Chance: 33%

Detailed analysis of the mechanics of damage to modules

Tanking basics