
76 Guards Airborne Division. Pskov Division


The 76th Guards Array Assault Division - one of the most famous units existing to this day. She also carries the name of Chernihiv red-known. Has Order Suvorov.

Guards units

The 76th Guards Assault Assor Division is deployed in Pskov. And one of the regiments is based in the suburban town of the coch. In the surprise, this division is called Pskov. This is her unofficial name, but it is under him who knows the majority of Russians. Now the division is commanded by Major General, whose name is Alexey Namess.

76 Guards Chernihiv Red Banner, Assault Division was formed on the eve of World War II. At the front, she showed himself brightly. Participated in the defense of Sevastopol, Stalingrad, Kerch and Odessa. He took part in and battle on the Kursk arc. War finished victorious - in Germany.

In the mid-1990s, separate divisions of the Division participated in an armed conflict in the North Caucasus. Recently, soldiers and officers of this military unit show themselves in international conflicts. For example, the 76th Guards Array Assault Division participated in the peacekeeping operation in Kosovo, which was held from 1999 to 2001, as well as in the military conflict against Georgia in the summer of 2008.

The last time the Division was seen in 2014 in the Crimea. There, she was entrusted to fulfill the tasks of returning the republic to Russia.

History of Division

Initially, the 76th Guards Assault Division received number 157. It was founded in 1939 on the basis of the Taman Division.

At the time when the Great Patriotic War began, the division was attributed to the North Caucasus Military District. The first task in the war was the defense of the Black Sea coast.

In the first battle, the 76th Guards Assault Division, whose history since then has a lot of battles, participated in the fall in the first year of war. At that time she defended Odessa. However, at dawn, unexpectedly for the enemy moved to the offensive, he convinced the state farm and settlement.

In October, Division was transferred to Sevastopol, and later to Novorossiysk. She was able to show himself in the Feodosian landing operation. The battles lasted 9 days, according to their results, it was possible to completely free the Kerch peninsula, the defeated Sevastopol was developed.

Military operations

In the summer of 1942, the division destroyed the German troops moving through Don. In August, stood on the northern coast of the Aksai River. Continuous battles went here. In the division, there were always their heroes. In these battles, they became the Red Armyman Athanasius Ermakov, a machine gunner. He was assigned the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

In 1943, the 76th Guards Tent-Assault Division received an order to participate in the Battle of Stalingrad. The division has implemented the "Ring" operation, concluded in the destruction of the opponent who has fallen into the environment.
In the Stalingrad battles, the division destroyed more than 10 thousand German soldiers and officers. After the Stalingrad battle, she was assigned the status of the Guards.

At the end of the war

The Division was then part of the Bryansky front, participated in the Kursk battle. On July 12, paratroopers forced OKU and mastered the German bridgehead, destroying one and a half thousand enemies.

After that he participated in the liberation of Chernigov. For three days of the Division, it was possible to advance 70 kilometers, coming on the enemy. In 1944, already as part of the 1st Belarusian Front, participated in the captured by the fascists. With battles moving towards Brest. As a result, the city-fortress managed to free.

In January 45, already as part of the 2nd Belarusian front, the division destroyed the enemy's division, which the city of Torun was defended. It included more than 30 thousand soldiers and guidelines of the Wehrmacht. On March 23, the Coppot was taken, so the USSR received a free way to reach the Baltic Sea.

The division moved towards Germany. On May 2, he won the town of Güstrov, and advanced detachments had already spoiled to the Baltic Sea, where they crossed with individual divisions of the Allies.

During the war, more than 50 soldiers and officers were charged the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. 12 thousand people were awarded medals and orders.

In peacetime, the Division was translated from Germany, and in 1947 he arrived at the place of his new deployment. The 76th Guards Announcement Assault Division of Pskov to this day considers its home.

In peacetime, the division regularly participated in the exercises, but this did not limit himself. In 1988, a large-scale earthquake was held in Armenia. The division helped cope with the consequences of a natural disaster.

In the Chechen war

To participate in the Chechen war, the division was sent to the North Caucasus back in 1994. Guardsmen lost about 120 soldiers and officers dead. This time 10 people received the title of heroes of Russia, and two of them posthumously. In the performance of official debt, Sergey Pyatnitsky, former lieutenant colonel, and Yuri Nikitich died.

The personnel of the division also participated in the second Chechen campaign. The paratroopers dismissed settlements of Argun, Gudermes and Karamakhi, blocked the Vedeno Gorge.

Bright examples of heroism

A vivid example of heroism 76th Guards Assault Division, whose address Pskov-2, Military part 07264, General Marghelova, House No. 17, showed in battle for height 776. The paratroopers were opposed by the Hattaba trained militants. It was one of the most outstanding battles in which Division participated. The enemy was inflicted serious damage. 22 paratroopers received the title of Hero of the Russian Federation, however, 21 of them are posthumously.


The ardent assault division became in 2006. The remarkable feature of this military unit is that paratroopers can not only land with a parachute, but also with part of military equipment.

The last time the Division showed itself in 2014. She participated in an armed conflict in the south-east of Ukraine. The SBU declared the seizure of two paratroopers fighting vehicles. True, in the ministry these species refute. Some even noted that it could be a provocation.

An indirect confirmation of the participation of the Pskov division in the war in the southeast was the funeral of paratroopers who died with unexplained circumstances. After some time, the company was buried, but already in Voronezh. According to the Voronezh Military Commissioner, he died when he was fulfilling his direct official duties.

In different years, many famous commanders served in the division. It is especially worth noting the hero of the Soviet Union Viktor Malyasov, who was lifelongly listed in the shelf lists.

Armament is quite modern. This is the martial car of the landing machine, armored personnel carrier, airless self-propelled gun, portable anti-aircraft missile complex. Now the division continues to be in Pskov in anticipation of further orders.

The deployment site of the 234th Guards Black Sea Order of Kutuzov named after Alexander Nevsky Against Assault Regiment, or V / h 74268, is the city of Pskov, the Pskov region. The compound is included in the number of structural units of the 76th Guards Assault Division, located in Pskov and is subordinate to the command of the Western Military District.

Sleepy sign of the 234th Guards DSHP


The predecessor of the compound was the 221th Rifle Regiment, formed in the winter of 1926 and immediately included in the 74th Taman Rifle Division. For combat merits in pre-war time received the name of the Black Sea.
In August 1939, allocated from the composition of the division as an independent unit and reorganized in the 157th Rifle Division. The structural divisions of the headquarters and one of the battalions became the basis for the formation of the 384th rifle regiment, replicated to Novorossiysk. The regiment itself, among the combat units of the 157th division, defended Odessa (September 1941) and was involved in the Kerch-Feodosian operation (December - May 1942).
The regiment was reorganized in the 234th at the end of the Battle of Stalingrad (1943), then he received the title of Guards. After the Great Patriotic War, it was redeployed in Kirov, and in June 1946 - in Kingisepp. The final location of the dislocation then of the 234th Guards Rifle since 1947 was the city of Pskov.
In the summer of 1946 there was another reorganization of the unit - it became known as the 234th Guards landing airborne regiment and entered the rolled 238th Guards Rifle Regiment. The 234th Guards Parachute Renamed in the fall of 1949. It is worth noting that during the war the compound received the Order of Kutuzov 3rd degree for participating in the liberation of Danziga (May 1945).

76th Guards Assault Division

Compound from 1948 to 1950. He was under the command of V. Marghelov and the first began to undergo tactical teachings, which included the association of landing and ground fighting, as well as ground attack by groups, small in composition.
After the 2008 military reform, he was renamed the 234th Guards Rangent assault regiment. Before reform (in 2004), translated on the contract basis of the configuration. Today, the division is the only one in the Russian Federation, which is called Alexander Nevsky's name (assigned in 1996). The image of the saint is on the banner and violating stripes of the division.
In the second half of the 1980s, the regiment participated in the operations carried out in Baku and Yerevan, as well as in the elimination of the consequences of the natural disaster in Armenia. The UN peacekeepers and participated in missions in Abkhazia, Transnistria, as well as Yugoslavia and North Ossetia. Participated in two Chechen wars (1995-1996, 1999 and 2004).

Power supply to the shelf

Evan's impressions

The material and domestic living conditions of the military personnel of the village of 74268 are called good. So, recruits and old-workers are placed on different floors of a cubic hostel (Kubriki are designed for 12 people), which eliminates the grandfather, although conflict relations between the old-starving and recruit fighters were previously noted. To prevent such situations, a black-based truck inspection of soldiers is carried out.
The barracks are equipped with shower, a lounge and a sports magol. The dining room is on the first floor: the personal and officers feed together. The store on the territory of the garrison soldiers can only walk with accompanying officers. It is noteworthy that there is a terminal in the chip to replenish the account.
In addition, there is a club, a medical unit in the garrison and a bathrobe plant. Cleaning the nearby territory and first floor barracks carries out civilian staff. Cleaning the fighters are carried out on their own (for this purpose is prescribed).

Sport in Part

The part management allows an independent purchase of a new shoe instead of the shoes of the old sample. You can do this in one of the Mortar of Pskov. Shops of army clothing, shoes and equipment are located at the following addresses:

  • "Alloy" on ul. Pushkin, 16. Works until 18.00;
  • "Camouflage" on the street. Jubilee, 22. Works until 18.00;
  • "Sturmer" on ul. Yana Fabrichus, 3-A / 13. Works until 19.00.

The oath is carried out on Saturdays, at 10.00 am, this is a common event for all divisions of the 76th Guards Tent-Assault Division. For this reason, relatives should arrive at the gearbox part to 8.00 to find the fighter data in the lists and make their name to the list of visitors. At the end of the oath, paratroopers of such a unit, like the military unit 74268, allowed to be allowed to 19.00. You can extend the dismissal to 19.00 Sunday, after celebrating the division commander. The rest of the time is allowed on holidays and weekends, but it is rarely released with overnight.

Ritual to bring the soldier part to the military oath

Mobile phones Before taking the oath, it is prohibited - they are published by command, but the SIM cards remain with the soldiers. After the recruits took the oath, you can call home on Sundays from 16.00 to St. Recommended to acquire SIM cards of all Russian telecom operators with tariffs for Pskov and the Pskov region.
The monetary content of the military unit 74268 charges the conscripts once a month, and contract services - twice. Such an accrual system is adopted in all military units of the Russian Federation. The accrual of monetary content is made on the Sberbank Card of Russia. You can rent money in VTB-24 ATMs and the Baltic Bank on the street. General Marghelova, 1, that is, on the checkpoint. Relatives should open a VTB-24 card and send money to her. Marine paratroopers, in turn, monthly rent a certain amount for the needs of the company.

Information for mom

Parcels and letters

Roman Bochkala:

"A photo of the confirmation of what was said yesterday about the seizure of the BMD-2 Russian armored person in the Luhansk region. The onboard number 275, from the 1st parachute-landing company in / h 74268, the Pskov Airborne Division (Comvjudation Art. Lieutenant Popov).

Communicating with the guys who directly took Russian paratroopers. These are fighters of the 24th Brigade of the Armed Forces and Special Forces "Storm". The battle occurred near. Georgievski. The battlefield is sleeping with blue bakers and Rollton noodles briquettes.

The photographs are visible a combat machine and a machine gun of the PKT, which was installed on it, indicating the name of the machine gunner - ordinary Surnacheva N.D.

The same name and initials are indicated in the magazine of evening calibration, as well as the names of other fighters of the Russian army, apparently fighting in Ukraine.

For example, from the passport of Krygina N.S. It follows that he from the Pskov region was born in 1994.

This suggests that Putin has a problem with experienced recruits, young nonstunched fighters are thrown into battle. There are other confirmations that the regular troops of the Russian Armed Forces are fighting in Ukraine. That's what I wrote yesterday in Facebook, the wife of one of the military airborne Pskov: "Our husbands were recently sent to Ukraine. Type to doctrine. They themselves did not know wherever they will be sent. Since then, there are no call, nor leads. We We sit behind them cry! ". From myself I will add that the tears in Russia every day will be more and more. The Pskov Division carries loss. Soon the zinc grades will go to Russia not with unnamed mercenaries, but with the young sons of the Fatherland who died it is not clear for what. And if a woman written is true, it shows a special cynicism of Putin towards its own citizens. What can be the exercise abroad ??? The assembled evidence should be immediately demonstrated to the ambassadors of foreign countries and transfer to international organizations where they should be given a proper assessment. No matter how we did not want, but we are dealing with the real military invasion. The Russian Federation must be recognized by the aggressor. And Russian citizens should finally understand who is more expensive to them - relatives and relatives, who are sent to Ukraine to the faithful death or a fucking dwarf, who decided to seize the whole world. "

The Guards Rangent Assault Red Banner Regiment 104, Division of the Airborne Forces, in other words, the military unit 32515 is deployed in the village of Cheroch, not far from Pskov. The unit performs combat missions, destroys and captures the enemy from the air, deprives its terrestrial weapons, cover, and destroys his defense. Also, this regiment acts as a quick response connection.


The regiment was formed in January 1948 as part of the divisions of the 76th, 104th and 346th Guards Division Division. For excellent combat training in 1976, the regiment became red-known, and from 1979 to 1989, the entire personnel and officer fought in Afghanistan. In February 1978, the regiment has mastered new weapons and for the valiant use of it was marked by the Order of the Red Banner. From 1994 to 1995, a red-known regiment 104 (Division of the Airborne Forces) was part of the 76th division, and therefore actively participated in the First Chechen War, and in 1999 and in 2009 performed an anti-terrorist mission in the North Caucasus.

In early 2003, the regiment was partially translated into a contract basis, at the same time the reconstruction of the military unit 32515 began. The regiment 104, Division of the Airborne Forces, received the reconstructed old and erected new residential premises and objects on its territory, thanks to this work, household and material conditions of service Steel is much better. The barracks took a cubic view with the hallways, shower and cabinets for personal belongings, with a gym and a lounge. And officers, and the soldiers of the regiment 104 (Airborne Division) feed in the common dining room located separately. The food is the same for everyone, feed together. Work in the dining room, at cleaning the territory and barracks civilians.


All fighters of such a famous division as the Pskov Division of the Airborne Forces, 104 shelf especially, a lot of time is given to landing and advocacy at any time of the year. Mandatory activities for the landing: Improving masking skills, forcing fire and water obstacles and, of course, jumping with parachute. First, workouts pass with the help of an airborne complex on the territory of the military unit, then the cores of the five-meter tower occurs. If everything is absorbed correctly, the fighters, equipped with groups of ten people, make three jumps from airplanes: first with en, then with il.

Non-skill relations and grandfathers in this unit never present. Now it would not be possible, if only because the recruits, the old-starring and contract services live separately and extremely occupied by every business. The oath of the Pskov Division of the Airborne Forces, 104 regiment, fighters-recruits take on Saturdays at ten in the morning, rarely on the circumstances independent of the commanders can transfer it an hour ago or ahead. After taking the oath, servicemen get a leaved to 20.00. By the way, on the holidays, the fighters also get dismissal. On Monday, the next oath, the command distributes new fighters on companies.


Of course, parents, relatives and friends bored and worry about the health and pastime of those who are just starting service in the army. The command warns loved ones that their favorite sons, grandchildren, brothers and best friends, having entered the service in the regiment 104 (Pskov division of the Airborne Forces), cannot constantly be in touch.

Mobile phones are allowed to use only one hour before the removal, everything else the commander keeps the gadgets and gives the soldier only as a last resort, and after he will notice in a special magazine. Field exercises in the part are held year-round, regardless of the weather, sometimes a trip to two months. Fighters are famous for their military training, and without constant teachings, there would be such glory 104 regiment of the division (Pskov) of the Airborne Forces.

Helpful information

First March

The whole country remembered the day of the great feat of the fighters of the sixth company of the second battalion of a hundred fourth parachute shelf seventy-sixth Pskov Division aircraft. Year 2000th. Since the beginning of February, the largest group of militants after the fall of Grozny retreated to the Shatoysky district, where it was blocked. After aircraft and art preparation, the battle followed the chateau. The militants still broke through two large groups: Ruslan Gelayev north-west to Selu Komsomolskoye, and Hattab - to the northeast through Ulus-Kert, there was the main battle.

The federal troops consisted of one company 124 (Division of the Airborne Division) - 6 Rota, the heroically dead, who was commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Guard Mark Nikolayevich Evutyukhin, fifteen soldiers of 4 companies of the same shelf under the command of Major Guard Alexander Vasilyevich Davalova and 1st Rota of the first battalion of that The shelf under the command of Major Guard Sergey Ivanovich Baran. The militants were more than two and a half thousand people: Idris Group, Abu Valida, Shamil Basayev and Hattaba.

Mount East Cord

On the twenty-eighth of February, the commander of 104 regiment Colonel Sergey Yuryevich Melentyev, who survived his sixth company briefly, ordered the height of the East-Cord, which was dominant in this area. The sixth company with Major Sergey Georgievich Young Head led immediately and managed to take only 776 height, four and a half kilometer from the designated mountain, where twelve intelligence panels were sent.

The height planned by the commander was occupied by Chechen militants, with whom the intelligence entered into battle, leaving behind the main forces left behind. The commander of young people entered into battle and was wounded deadly, on the same day on February 29 he died. Command adopted

The Brotherhood of War

But only four hours ago the Shatoy feet under the blow of the federal troops. The militants fiercely broke out from the ring, without looking at losses. Here they met the sixth company. The battle was only the first and second platoon, since the third was destroyed by the militants even on the slope. By the end of the day, the loss of companies amounted to a third of the total number of personnel. Thirty-one people - the number of dead paratroopers in the first hours of battle with a dense environment around the enemy.

By the morning, soldiers from the fourth company, headed by Alexander Vasilyevich Davodalov, broke over to them. He broke the order, leaving well-strengthened frontiers in the next height, took with him only fifteen fighters and came to the revenue. They also hurried to help comrades from the first company of the first battalion. They were shipped across the Abazulgol River, got there in the ambush and secured on the shore. Only the third of March the first company was able to break through to position. All this time did not subside the battle everywhere.

Argun Gorge

On March 1, 2000, he claimed the lives of eighty-four paratroopers, and did not miss Chechen gangsters. The death of the sixth company is the greatest and largest in the second Chechen war. In Cherukha, at home, the native gearbox about this date resembles a stone on which it was carved: "Hence the sixth company's immortality." The last words of Lieutenant Colonel Evyukhina heard the whole world: "I caught fire for yourself!". When the militants went to avalanche breakthrough, it was 6.50 in the morning. Bandits did not even shoot: why spend bullets on twenty-six paratroopers wounded if the selected militants are more trite.

But the hand-to-hand fight still rinsed, although the forces were unequal. Guardsmen fulfilled their duty. All who could still keep the weapon came to the battle, and even those who could not. For twenty-seven dead enemies, he had to each of those who remained half-time paratroopers. Bandits lost 457 selected militants, but could not break through or further in anything, after which the road to Dagestan was practically open. All checkpoints are removed along a high order.

Hattab, perhaps, did not lie when he stated on the radio that he bought a pass for five hundred thousand dollars, but did not come out. Attacked the rot of waves, inland. Well knowing the terrain, militants were chosen closely. And then a bayonet knives, butt and simply fists went into the course. Twenty hours Pskov paratroopers kept height.

Alive only six. Two saved the commander, covered by the automatic flame of their jump from the cliff. The rest of the saved bandits were accepted for the dead, but they were alive and after some time crawled to the location of their troops. Rota Heroes: Twenty-two warrior posthumously became heroes of Russia. The names of eighty-four paratroopers called streets in many cities of the country, even in Grozny.

104 Airborne Division (Ulyanovsk)

This compound of the WDV of the USSR existed to 1998 as the 104th Guards Airborne Division, founded in 1944. In June 2015, Russian Defense Ministry decides to recreate the famous military unit. Composition 104 Airborne division - three regiments based on the 31st Ulyanovsk Airborne Brigade, which are placed in Orenburg, Engels and Ulyanovsk.

Glory airdraft

Airborne troops take their beginning from August 1930, and this is the only genus of the troops in the country, where the divisions are all up to one Guards. Each of them mined his own glory in battle. The ancient Pskov is rightfully proud of its oldest military compound - the 76th Guards Red-known Airborne Division, which heroically showed himself to all the wars in which he participated. The tragic death of the brave, courageous, pilot sixth company of the 104th regiment will never be forgotten not only in the country, but also in the world.

Ulyanovsk has its own historical pride: the Personal Composition of the Airborne Forces stationed there on the 104th Guards division took part in the battles in Chechnya and Abkhazia, was as part of UN peacekeepers in Yugoslavia. And each resident of the city knows that the combat technique with scorpion on board is a 104th Guards Airborne Airborne Division of the Kutuzov.

From February 29 to Morning on March 1, 2000, the fighters of the 6th company of the 104th parachute-landing regiment of the 76th (Pskov) division of the Airborne Forces under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Mark Evutyukhin entered into battle with a large illegal armed formation under the argument in Chechnya, at the turn of the ulus -Kert-Selmaous, at an altitude of 776.

The battle lasted with one day to five am first of March. According to various information, the number of militants was estimated from 1.5 to 2.5 thousand.

In battle, 84 servicemen were killed, including 13 officers. Alive only six fighters remained. The loss of militants amounted to, by different estimates from 370 to 700 people.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, 22 paratroopers were presented by the title of Hero of Russia (of which 21 - posthumously), 69 soldiers and officers of the 6th company were awarded the orders of courage (63 of them - posthumously).

The death of the 6th company of Pskov paratroopers, the death of the 6th company of Pskov paratroopers stirred, without leaving indifferent even distant from the army and the war of people. The feat of the winged infantry was the symbol of military valor and the new Russian army.

List of dead paratroopers 6 companies:

Guard Sergeant Komyagin Alexander Valerievich, Grenadeometteer 6 PDR. Born in the city of Rasskazovo Tambov region on September 30, 1977. Russian. He was buried in the city of Rasskazovo. The title of hero of the Russian Federation was posthumously awarded.

Guard Captain Romanov Viktor Viktorovich, commander 1 sub. Born on May 15, 1972. Russian. He was buried in the village of Soviev Sverdlovsk region. The title of hero of the Russian Federation was posthumously awarded.

Guard Senior Lieutenant Panov Andrei Aleksandrovich, Deputy Commander of PDR for Educational Work. Born in the city of Smolensk February 25, 1974. Russian. Buried in the city Smolensk. The title of hero of the Russian Federation was posthumously awarded.

Guard Senior Lieutenant Vorobiev Alexey Vladimirovich, Deputy Commander of Collector. Born in the village of Borovuha-1 Vitebsk region on May 14, 1975. Russian. He was buried in Kurmanaevsky district of the Orenburg region. The title of hero of the Russian Federation was posthumously awarded.

Guard Lieutenant Ermakov Oleg Viktorovich. Born in the city of Bryansk on April 26, 1976. Russian. He is buried in the city of Bryansk. The title of hero of the Russian Federation was posthumously awarded.

Guard Lieutenant Kozhemyakin Dmitry Sergeevich, the commander of the platoon of a separate score. Born in the city of Ulyanovsk on April 30, 1977. Russian. Buried in the city of St. Petersburg. The title of hero of the Russian Federation was posthumously awarded.

Guard Major delivered Alexander Vasilyevich, deputy commander of the parachute-landing battalion. Born in the city of Ufa on July 17, 1963. He was buried in the city of Pskov. The title of hero of the Russian Federation was posthumously awarded.

Guard Lieutenant Colonel Evyuhin Mark Nikolaevich, commander of the parachute-landing battalion. Born in the city of Yoshkar-Ola on May 1, 1964. He was buried in the city of Pskov. The title of hero of the Russian Federation was posthumously awarded.

Guard Private Shevchenko Denis Petrovich, 6 PDR grenadeometer. Born in Pskov on December 20, 1980. Russian. He is buried in the city of Locan of the Pskov region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Private Zinkevich Denis Nikolayevich, Grenadeometer 6 PDR. Born on March 15, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the village of Hornevo Pskov Region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Sergeant Grigoriev Dmitry Viktorovich, grenadeometer 6 PDR. Born in the village of Zakharinovo Novosokolnikovsky district of the Pskov region on November 6, 1978. Russian. Buried in the Kuninsky district of the Pskov region. The title of hero of the Russian Federation was posthumously awarded.

Guard ordinary archups Vladimir Vladimirovich, grenadeometer 6 PDR. Born in the village of Vyazki Porchovsky district of the Pskov region on October 27, 1980. Russian. He is buried in the city of Porkov Pskov region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard ordinary Shikov Sergey Aleksandrovich, flooring-operator 6 PDR. Born in the city of Great Lukes of the Pskov region on April 29, 1981. Russian. He was buried in the village of Mostmich District of the Pskov Region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Junior Sergeant Shvetsov Vladimir Aleksandrovich, Mechanic Group of Regulation and Repair of Aviation Equipment. Born in the city of Pskov on September 18, 1978. Russian. He was buried in the city of Pskov. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Private Travin Mikhail Vitalevich, mechanic-driver 6 PDR. Born in the city of Pskov on February 11, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Pskov. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Private Islentyev Vladimir Anatolyevich, grenadeometer 6 PDR. Born in the village of Phatchino Stroorokrasnensky district of the Pskov region on May 14, 1967. Russian. Buried in the Stroyokrasno district of the Pskov region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Major Young Sergey Georgievich, commander of 6 parachute-landing company. Born in the city of Kutaisi Georgian SSR on April 15, 1965. Russian. Buried in the Chelyabinsk region. The title of hero of the Russian Federation was posthumously awarded.

Guard Private Ivanov Dmitry Ivanovich, grenadeometer 6 PDR. Born in the city of Locan of the Pskov region on August 6, 1980. Russian. He is buried in the city of Locan of the Pskov region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Senior Lieutenant Kolgatin Alexander Mikhailovich, Engineering Supreme Supreme Commander. Born in the city of Kamyshino Volgograd region on August 15, 1975. Russian. He was buried in the city of Kamyshino. The title of hero of the Russian Federation was posthumously awarded.

Guard Private Sparrow Alexey Nikolaevich, senior shooter 6 PDR. Born in the village of Demiya Novosokolnikovsky district of the Pskov region on November 5, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the village of Zhitovo Pskov Region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Senior Lieutenant Wrestiannikov Andrei Nikolaevich, the commander of the zenith-rocket platoon. Born in the city of Ust-Kut Irkutsk region on February 1, 1975. Russian. Buried in the city of Ust-Kut. Posthumously awarded the star of the hero of Russia.

Guard Private Khrabrov Alexey Alexandrovich, arrows-operator 6 PDR. Born in the city of Tapa, Estonia, May 30, 1981. He was buried in the village of Chertov, Pushkinogorsk district of the Pskov region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Captain Sokolov Roman Vladimirovich, Deputy Commander of the PDR, Instructor of Vfs. Born on February 16, 1872 in the city of Ryazan. Russian. He was buried in the city of Pskov. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Private Nishchenko Alexey Sergeevich, senior arrows 9 PDR. Born in the village of Bejanitsa Pskov region on August 2, 1981. He was buried in the village of Borka Beszanitskoy parish of the Bejanitsky district of the Pskov region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Lieutenant Ryazantsev Alexander Nikolaevich, platoon commander 3 sub. Born on June 15, 1977. Russian. He was buried in the village of Voinovo Korsakovsky district of the Oryol region. The title of hero of the Russian Federation was posthumously awarded.

Guard Efreitor Lebedev Alexander Vladislavovich, senior intelligence officer of individual reconnaissance. Born in the village of Schiglitsa Pskov region on November 1, 1977. Russian. He was buried in the city of Pskov. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Senior Lieutenant Petrov Dmitry Vladimirovich, Deputy Commander of PDR for Educational Work. Born in the city of Rostov-on-Don on June 10, 1974. Russian. The title of hero of the Russian Federation was posthumously awarded.

Guard ordinary carotequels Alexander Vladimirovich, senior shooter 3 cps. Born in the city of Island of the Pskov region on November 10, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the village of New Energy of the Palkinsky District of the Pskov Region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Senior Sergeant Medvedev Sergey Yuryevich, deputy commander of the platoon, commander of the combat vehicle, commander of separation of 6 PDR. Born in the city of Biysk Altai Territory on September 18, 1976. Russian. Biysk is buried in the city. The title of hero of the Russian Federation was posthumously awarded.

Guard Private Mikhailov Sergey Anatolyevich, Putter-operator 6 PDR. Born in the city of Novorzhev on September 28, 1979. Russian. He is buried in the city of Novorzhev Pskov region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard ordinary Shukayev Alexey Borisovich, senior shooter 6 PDR. Born in the village of Ura-Guba of the Murmansk region on October 24, 1963. Russian. He is buried in the city of Pskov Region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard ordinary Tubenok Alexander Leonidovich, arrows-operator 9 PDR. Born in the village of Polotsk Starodubsk district of the Bryansk region on August 21, 1972. Russian. He was buried in the village of Polotsk Bryansk region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Private Nekrasov Alexey Anatolyevich, machine gunner 6 PDR. Born in the city of Kirov on February 4, 1981. Russian. Buried in the city of Kirov. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Private Kiryanov Alexey Valerevich, senior shooter 6 PDR. Born in the city of Tchaikovsky Perm region on September 23, 1979. Russian. He was buried in the village of Olkhovochka Perm region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Private Kobzev Alexander Dmitrievich, Grenadeometer 6 PDR. Born in the village of Orlovo Voronezh region in 1981. Eagle Voronezh region is buried. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Junior Sergeant Stewin Denis Sergeevich, Commander Office Bu Sand. Born in the village of Redkino Tver region on August 17, 1980. Russian. Buried in the city of Konakovo Tver region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Private Timashev Denis Vladimirovich, Commander of the Communist Machine, commander 6 PDR. Born in the Visitsky district of the Kaluga region in July 1980. Russian. He was buried in Istana, Karelia. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Junior Sergeant Pavlov Ivan Gennadyevich, mechanic-driver 6 PDR. Born in the village of Osyanka Marenevsky district of the Novgorod region on February 23, 1966. Russian. Buried in the city of Novgorod. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Private Tregov Denis Alexandrovich, senior arrows 9 PDR. Born in the city of Chusovoy Perm region on April 5, 1980. Russian. Buried in the city of Chusovoy Perm region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Junior Sergeant Kozlov Sergey Olegovich, Commander of the combat vehicle of a separate score. Born in the village of Mirny Tver region on April 13, 1979. Russian. He was buried in the village of Olenino Tver region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Private Vasilev Sergey Vladimirovich, Commander of the Communist Machine, Commander of the Department of 6 PDR. Born in the city of Bryansk on April 27, 1970. Russian. He is buried in the city of Bryansk. The title of hero of the Russian Federation was posthumously awarded.

Guard of Private Ambetov Nikolay Kamitovich, senior shooter 6 PDR. Born on January 20, 1981, Kazakh. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Efreitor Sokovanov Vasily Nikolayevich, Press-operator 9 PDR. Born in the city of Kirov in November 1976. Russian. He was buried in the city of Eagle Kirov region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Junior Sergeant Ivanov Sergey Alekseevich, Commander of the Commander, Commander of the Department of 6 PDR. Born in the city of Borovichi Novgoroskaya region on May 26, 1979. Russian. He is buried in the city of Borovichi Novgorod region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Private Isyumov Vladimir Nikolaevich, Grenadeometer 6 PDR. Born in the city of Sokol Volgograd region on August 13, 1977. Russian. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Senior Sergeant Aranson Andrey Vladimirovich, arrows-operator 6 PDR. Born in the city of Sevastopol on June 30, 1976. Russian. He was buried in the city Sevastopol. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard ordinary story Alexey Vasilyevich, deputy commander of the platoon, commander of the department, commander of the combat vehicle 6 PDR. Born in the city of Old Guta of the Bryansk region on May 31, 1980. Russian. He is buried in the city of Bryansk Bryansk region. The title of hero of the Russian Federation was posthumously awarded.

Guard Junior Sergeant Eliseev Vladimir Sergeevich. Born in the city of Uralsk Kazakh SSR on October 5, 1972. Russian. Boronitsa Novgorod region was buried in the village. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Efreitor Gerdt Alexander Alexandrovich, senior shooter 6 PDR. Born in the city of Ordzhonikidze, Kazakhstan, February 11, 1981. Russian. He was buried in the village of Bryansk region. The title of hero of the Russian Federation was posthumously awarded.

Guard Private Kuatbaev Galim Mukhambetgalievich, Press-operator 6 PDR. Born in the city of Astrakhan on May 26, 1981. Kazakh. Buried in the city of Astrakhan. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Private Biryukov Vladimir Ivanovich, machine gun 6 PDR. Born in the city of Jurmala on June 6, 1980. Russian. He is buried in the city of Pskov Region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Private Isaev Alexander Dmitrievich, topogeodesist control battery and arthrup. Born in the city of Kirovsk Leningrad region on January 16, 1980. Russian. He is buried in the city of Shlisselburg Leningrad region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Junior Sergeant Afanasyev Roman Sergeevich, Commander of the Department, Head of Radio Station 2 of the Communications. Born in the city of Pskov on October 11, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the Republic of Bashkortostan, the village of Sharovka. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard of Private White Denis Igorevich, Press-operator 6 PDR. Born in the city of Severodvinsk on March 30, 1981. Russian. Buried in the city of Kotelnichi Kirov region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Junior Sergeant Bakulin Sergey Mikhailovich, grenadeometer 6 PDR. Born in the village of Dedovichi Pskov region on June 2, 1978. Russian. He was buried in the village of Dedovichi Pskov Region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Junior Sergeant Evdokimov Mikhail Vladimirovich, Sanitary 6 PDR. Born in the village of Ulyanovka Tosnensky District of the Leningrad Region on October 5, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the Tsnensky district of the Leningrad region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Sergeant Isakov Evgeny Valerevich, platoon commander, separation commander. Born in the city of Chebarkul Chelyabinsk region on February 8, 1977. Russian. Buried in the city of Hill. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Private Kenzhiev Amangeldy Amantaevich, senior shooter 6 PDR. Born in the village of Vladimirovka Astrakhan region on April 23, 1981. Kazakh. He was buried in the village Vladimirovka Astrakhan Region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Private Popov Igor Mikhailovich, arrows-operator 7 PDR. Born in the city of Fergana January 4, 1976. Russian. He was buried in the village of Yablonovo Novgorod region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Senior Sergeant Sirayev Rustam Flaridovich, arrows-operator 6 PDR. Born in the city of Satka Chelyabinsk region. September 5, 1976. Russian. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Private Savin Valentin Ivanovich, radiotelephonist 2 of the platoon of communication. Born in the city of Old Russ Novgorod region on November 29, 1980. Russian. He is buried in the city of Old Russ Novgorod region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Private Bedean Stanislav Igorevich, machine gunner 6 PDR. Born in the city of Rybinsk Yaroslavl region on June 18, 1980. Russian. Buried in the city of Rybinsk Yaroslavl region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Junior Sergeant Hvorostukhin Igor Sergeevich, Sanningor 6 PDR. Born in the city of St. Petersburg on December 5, 1980. Russian. Buried in the city of St. Petersburg. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Junior Sergeant Krivusushev Konstantin Valerevich, Commander of the Commander, Commander of the Department of 6 PDR. Born in the Republic of Komi, the village of Ogidyag on May 31, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Coslane, Komi Republic. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Private Piskunov Roman Sergeevich, mechanic-driver 6 PDR. Born in the village of Sokolny Sokolnicheskaya district Ivanovo region on March 14, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Balachna Nizhny Novgorod region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Private Batregetdinov Dmitry Mansurovich, machine gunner 6 PDR. Born in the city of Orenburg on May 23, 1980. Tatar. Buried in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard ordinary Timoshinin Konstantin Viktorovich, the shooter 6 PDR. Born in the city of Petrodvorets of the Leningrad Region January 8, 1976. Russian. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Junior Sergeant Lyashkov Yuri Nikolaevich, machine gunner 6 PDR. Born in the city of Zhmerinka Vinnitsa region on March 15, 1976. Russian. Buried in the city of Chernida Perm region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Private Zaitsev Andrei Yuryevich, Press-operator 6 PDR. Born in the village of Diveevo of the Nizhny Novgorod region on February 1, 1981. Russian. Buried in the village of Diveevo of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Private Sudakov Roman Valerevich, grenadeometer 6 PDR. Born in the city of Rybinsk Yaroslavl region on May 18, 1981. Russian. Buried on the Makarovsky cemetery of the Rybinsky district. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Private Ivanov Yaroslav Sergeevich, arrows-operator 6 PDR. Born in the city of Tikhvin of the Leningrad region on August 21, 1980. Russian. Buried in the city of Tikhvin Leningrad region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Private Chugunov Vadim Vladimirovich, Press-operator 6 PDR. Born in the city of St. Petersburg on October 5, 1979. Russian. He was buried in the village of Orzhitsy Lomonosovsky District of the Leningrad Region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Private Yerdyakov Roman Sergeevich, Press-operator 6 PDR. Born in the city of Kirov on June 13, 1979. Russian. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard of ordinary Pakhomov Roman Aleksandrovich, grenadeometer 9 PDR. Born in the city of Dankov Lipetsk region on March 25, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the village of Dirt Lipetsk region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Junior Sergeant Zhukov Sergey Valerievich, Commander of the Commander, Commander of the Department of 6 PDR. Born in the city of St. Petersburg on June 20, 1980. Russian. Buried in the city of St. Petersburg. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Private Aleksandrov Vladimir Andreevich, machine gunner 6 DA, was born in the city of Ivangorod of the Leningrad region on March 21, 1981. Russian. He is buried in the city of Ivangorod Leningrad region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Junior Sergeant Schemlev Dmitry Sergeevich, Scout. Born in the city of St. Petersburg on July 28, 1976. Russian. Buried in the city of St. Petersburg. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Sergeant Puppetov Vladimir Ivanovich, Commander of the separation of 9 PDR. Born in the village of Otradnaya Kirovsky district of the Leningrad region on April 28, 1974. Russian. He was buried in the village of Pridozhsky of the Leningrad Region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Junior Sergeant Duhin Vladislav Anatolyevich, Commander of the Commander, Commander of the Department of 6 PDR. Born in the city of Stavropol on January 26, 1980. Russian. The title of hero of the Russian Federation was posthumously awarded.

Guard Junior Sergeant Vasilyev Alexey Yuryevich, Topgeodesist, 2 SAB calculator. Born in the village of Lomonomosovsky district Leningrad Region in 1979. Russian. Buried in the village of Leningrad region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Junior Sergeant Hamatov Evgeny Kamitovich, intelligence officer of a separate score. Born in the city of Magnitogorsk Chelyabinsk region on September 9, 1979. He was buried in the city of Podporozhye of the Leningrad region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Private Shataev Nikolai Vladimirovich, Press-operator 6 PDR. Born in the city of Lodeynoye Field of the Leningrad Region on August 2, 1980. Russian. He is buried in the city of Lodeynoye Field of the Leningrad Region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard Private Lebedev Viktor Nikolaevich, arrows-operator 6 PDR. Born in the city of Orenburg on October 6, 1976. Russian. He was buried in the city Sevastopol. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.

Guard ordinary Zagorav Mikhail Vyacheslavovich, Supper. Born on February 4, 1971 in the city of Porkov Pskov region. Buried on the military cemetery of the city of Porkov Pskov region. Posthumously awarded the Order of courage.