
In the battle on the river river against Mongolo. Battle on Kalt: Causes, Battle Map and Consequences


The thirty thousandth Tatar-Mongolian detachment, under the leadership of Jebe and subeday, whose goal was to conduct reconnaissance in the Eastern European lands, in the spring of 1223 he went to the Polovetsky steppes. The remains of one of the Polovetsky Hordes defeated by this squad were fledging for the Dnieper, and Khan Kotyan turned to Galitsky Prince Mstislav to Galitsky Prince.

On the advice of the princes it was decided to provide Hanu military aid, and in April 1223 the Russian regiments moved to the Dnieper. They headed their three most influential at that time of the prince: Mstislav Kievsky (old), Mstislav Galitsky (removed), Mstislav Chernigov. With the avant-garde of the Tatar-Mongolian troops, Russian shelves met on the 17th day of the campaign, barely crossing through the Dnieper. The princes drew enemies to flight and pursued them for eight days before the shores of the infamous river. Fork (proceeds through the territory of modern Ukraine).

On the bank of Kalka, a short military council was arranged, in which Kiev and Galician princes could not agree on joint actions. The Kiev prince was a supporter of a defensive position, and Mstislav Galitsky, fully justifying his nickname removed, rushed into battle.

Friend of Mstislava Daughty crossed the river, leaving behind the troops of the Kiev and Chernigov princes. A detachment was sent to the exploration under the command of Daniel Volyn and Yaruna Polovtsy. On May 31, 1223, the main forces of Jebe and subedea were faced with the troops of the Russian princes. However, the onslaught of the devils of Mstislav removed, which could well be successful, was not supported by Chernihiv and Kiev princes. Polovtskaya cavalry fled, along the way upset the combat orders of Russians. The fighting warriors of the Galician Prince were desperately defeated, and the survivors retreated for the rolling. After that, those who rushed into pursuit, broke and regiment chernihiv Prince.

Battle on r. Kalka continued for three days. Protecting the fortified camp of Mstislav Kievsky, the warriors carried huge losses, but nomads managed to take the camp only with cunning. Prince Kievan believed the enemy's oaths and stopped resistance. But subemetes violated his own promises. Kiev Prince Mstislav and his closest surroundings were brutally killed. Mstislav removed with the remnants of his squad fled. Losses incurred by Russian warriors in the battle on Kalka, huge. Only one warrior out of ten returned back. And the troops of Jebe and subcentay moved to the lands of the Chernihiv principality and turned back, only reaching Novgorod-Seversky.

The battle on Kalka showed that the inability to unite in the face of a serious threat can entail the fatal consequences. However, this terrible lesson was not absorbed. And 15 years after the battle at Kulk, the Russian rulers could not agree to jointly reflect the danger impending from the east. For many 240 years, the development of Russia braked.

The battle on the river Kalka - the battle between the united Russian-Polovtsy army and the Mongolian corps. Initially, Polovtsy and the main Russian forces were broken, and after 3 days, on May 31, 1223, the battle ended in a complete victory of the Mongols.


In the first quarter of the XIII century, another wave of Eastern nomads rolled into central, secondary and front Asia from the depths of the Eurasian continent. It was a new eruption of the Turkic world, which was made from his womb himself and breeding not only related Turkic state formations, but the overwhelming world of Eastern Slavs and mixed it in fire, blood and tears like tornado.

The name of the new Asian conquerors of Taumen (Lavrentievsky chronicle) - Tatars, Turkmen, Turks or Turks indicate the ethnic nature of the people. Blow that came on Eastern Europe In the first half of the XIII century, it was terrible, but Russia was able to resist and as a result of the Tatars.

It should be said about the state of Russian troops at the time of the invasion of Mongol-Tatars. Russian princely squads were at the time excellent army. Their armament was famous far beyond Russia, but these squads were small, they had only a few hundred people. For the defense of the country from a well-trained aggressive enemy it was too little.

Princely squads were unsuitable for the action of large forces under a single start, according to a single plan. The main part of the Russian troops was urban and rural militia, which were gained at the time of danger. We can say about their armament and military training that they left much to be desired.

In many ways, Russians were obliged by the preceding centuries of the creative work of the grandfathers of Slavs, who laid the solid material and spiritual basis of Being not only in the forest-steppes of Eastern Europe, but also in its north, in the forest strip, lowered for Tatar riders. In the XIV-XV centuries. The power of the Tatar-Mongolian world of Eurasia began to decrease, and the Russians began to move to the east, having the ultimate goal of the Pacific Coast.

The news about the fact that the Tatars are approaching Russia (Kumani) brought to Russia. Tatars chase Polovtsev to seats in the left bank subwayprovier "The Idezes called Val Pogovskyi" (Zmiev Tree). These were southeast of Rus.

By 1223, he owed hardly half the Eurasian continent. The message of Polovtsy about the Tatars forced the Russian princes to gather at the Council in Kiev.

Sent in Kiev in the spring of 1223. Grand Duke Kiev Mstislav Romanovich, Mstislav Mstislavovich, who was sitting in Galich, Mstislav Svyatoslavovich, who won Chernigov and Kozelsky. The young princes were sitting around the oldest monomashevy and Olgovichi: Daniel Romanovich, Mikhail Vsevolodovich (Son of Cherny), Vsevolod Mstislavovich (Son of Kiev Prince). The West Rus was left a spun-sitting in Vladimir-Volyn Youth Vasily Romanovich.

The oldest of the princes of northeastern lands Yuri Vsevolodovich was absent at the congress in Kiev, but he was notified about what was happening and sent the nephew of Vasilka Konstantinovich, who was in Rostov in South Rus.

To the battle on the river Kalka Vasilko, Konstantinovich was late and, having learned about what happened, he turned into Rostov from Chernigov, to be trapped on the churches numerous at that time.

Fear in Polovtsy Tatars caught up with such that in the spring of 1223 in Russia, the great Khan Polovtsy "Basta" was baptized.

In Kiev, it was decided to make a campaign in the steppe. In April 1223, under the mountain of Cube, to the island of "Varyazhsky", to the broth through the Dnieper, the shelves began to converge from all over Russia. Kievans, Chernihiv, Smolyan, Kuryan, Tubular and Putivly (residents of Kursk, Trubuchevsk and Putivly), Galichane and Volynians approached. They approached the burden and the inhabitants of many other cities of Russia with their princes. Polovtsy earn, two centuries were terribly tormented by Rus and now sought to find protection.

10 ambassadors from the Tatar pressed to the burl. It is important that the Mongols did not want to fight Rus. Mongolian ambassadors who arrived to Russian princes brought a proposal to break the Russian-Polovetsky Union and the conclusion of the world. Liquor than its allied obligations, Russian princes rejected Mongolian peace suggestions. And unfortunately, the princes made a fatal mistake. All Mongolian ambassadors were killed, and because in Yasa, the deception of the trusting was an unpredictable crime, then the war and meal after that was not avoided ...

Forces side

So the Russian princes actually forced Mongols to take a fight. On the river, the battle occurred on the river: there is no accurate data on the number of united Russian-Polovtsy troops. According to certain historians, it was 80-100,000 people. On another assessment, 40-45,000 people. According to V.N. Tatishchev, the number of Russian troops amounted to 103,000 people and 50,000 Polovetsky riders. According to A.G. Khrustaleva, the number of Russian troops amounted to about 10,000 warriors and another 5-8,000 Polovtsy. And a 20 thousand mongol army.

Battle's move

May 31, Morning - Alongle detachments began to transfer across the river. It was first forced by the detachments of the Polovtsian cavalry along with the Volyn squad. Then they began crossing Galicians and Chernigov. Kiev rail remained on the west bank of the river and began to build a fortified camp.

Seeing the advanced detachments of the Mongolian troops Polovtsy and the Volyn squad entered into battle. At first, the battle was successfully developed for Russians. Daniel Romanovich, the first to the battle, hesitated with unparalleled courage, not paying attention to the wound received.

Mongolian avant-garde began to retreat, the Russians rushed into pursuit, lost the system and collided with the main forces of Mongols. When Subedei saw that the Russian princes moved behind the Polovtsy, he gave the order of the main part of his troops to the offensive. Without withstanding the onslaught of a more resistant enemy, the Polovtsy appealed to flight.

This battle of the Russian army lost due to the complete inability to the most minimal organization. Mstislav delete and "Jr." Prince Daniel escaped for the Dnieper, they were the first to be at the shore and managed to jump in the rook.

After that, the rest of the princes have chosen, beating that the Mongols will be able to use them. By this they ordered the destruction of their associates, whose horses were worse than the princely. Of course, Mongols killed everyone who was able to put out.

Mstislav Chernigov with his army began to retreat along the steppe, without leaving the argeon assfill. Mongolian riders chased in Chernigov, easily overtook them and cut them.

Mstislav Kievsky placed his warriors on a big hill, forgotten that it is necessary to ensure a waste to water. Mongols did not make difficulty blocking a detachment.

Surrounded by Mstislav surrendered, he succumbed to the Plogni's persuasion - the leader of the apartments, which were allies of Mongols. The flatburn was able to convince the prince that the Russians will spare and do not shed their blood. Mongols, in their custom, this word restrained. They laid connected prisoners on the ground, covered with a flooring from the boards and sat down to smear on their bodies. But not a drop of Russian blood in reality was not shed. And the last one, according to Mongolian views, it was considered extremely important.

Here is an example of how the peoples of the norms of law and the concept of honesty are perceived by different ways. The Russians believed that Mongols went to violate the oath, killing Mstislava and other prisoners. But, from the point of view of Mongols, they kept the oath, and the execution was the highest necessity and higher justice, because the princes committed a terrible sin of the murder of confidential.

After the battle on the river, Kalka Mongols turned their horses to the east, seeking to return to their homeland with a victory. However, on the shores of Volga, the army fell into an ambush, arranged by Volzhsky Bulgarians. Muslims who hated Mongols as pagans suddenly attacked them during the crossing. Here, the winners at rod suffered a serious defeat and their losses were numerous. Those who were able to cross through the Volga left the steppes to the East and connected with the main forces of Genghis Khan. So the first meeting of Mongols and Rusich ended.

Consequences of battle

The battle on the river Kalka became a turning point in the history of Russia. It not only to largely weakened the strength of the Russian principalities, but also sowed panic and uncertainty. No wonder the chronicles are increasingly celebrating the mysterious phenomena of nature, considering their signs of future misfortunes. In the memory of the Russian people, the battle on Kalka remained as a tragic event, after which "Russian Earth sits awesome." People's Epos, precisely with her, tied the death of Russian warriors who gave life to their homeland.

Battle on river Kalka - This is the battle between the united Russian-Polovtsy army and the Mongolian army under the command of Jebe commander and subedea on the river Kalka (the territory of the modern Donetsk region). The battle lasted 3 days. At first, the Polovtsy and the main Russian forces were broken, and after 3 days on May 31, 1223, the battle ended in a complete victory of the Mongols. In battle died at least nine princes and many born boyars and ordinary soldiers from Kiev, Galico-Volynsky, Chernihiv, Smolensky Principles.

Events preceding the battle on Kalka.

IN 1219 , 1220 and 1221 years Mongols captured the central areas of Khorezm with Samarkand and Bukhar. Sultan Mohammed ran to the West, and after Him was sent by chase from 3 Tumen ( tumen- 10 thousand riders) headed by Jebe, Subedem. And Thuchar-Neuon. Thuchar-Neuon was defeated in Iran.
After taking Urgench at the end of 1221, he ordered Juchi to continue the conquest in Eastern Europe, and Jebe and Subedea sent to the Transcaucasus and the Black Sea Steppes. The main purpose of this campaign was, Alans, Hungary and Russia, including Kiev, and Kurultay 1235, after which the invasion of Europe still took place, only repeated these goals. In 1222, the Mongols were responsible for persuasion and violated their alliance with Alans, after which the Mongolian army invaded North Caucasus In the Polovtsy Steppes. Late Tver chronicle reports the reaction of the Mstislav Kievsky at the news of the approach of the Mongols to the turns of Russia: " While I am in Kiev - on this side of the Yaika, and the Pontic Sea, and the River Danube Tatar saber do not wave “.
Polovtsy Khan Kotyan Sutoevich, together with other Polovtsy Khan, turned to his son-in-law, Galitsky Prince Mstislav Mstislavichu, and to other Russian princes, asking for their help against the new Terrible Enemy: " Our land is taken away, and your Schura, who has come, will take “.
Kotyan Sutoevich has been supported by the Galitsky Prince with large gifts. Mstislav Goodhal showed the initiative to organize the Congress of Princes to discuss the campaign against the approaching Mongols. He said that if the Russian princes do not help, they can join the Mongols, and then the danger will be more. South Russian princes gathered in Kiev to the Council under the primacy of the three "oldest" princes: Mstislava Romanovich Kiev, Mstislava of Good and Mstislav Svyatoslavich Chernigovsky. She sent an arcus to help the southern princes, but it did not have time for the Kiev collection. After many negotiations, the princes decided to meet the enemy in the Polovtsy Earth, not putting it on Russia. The collection was appointed on the burden, near the Isle of Varyzhsky (the island was opposite the mouth of the River Truzh, now destroyed by the Kanevsky reservoir), 10 kilometers from the current trachtemir Kanevsky district of the Cherkasy region. Compiled, numerous army did not have a common commander: the squads of the specific princes were obeyed by their princes.
When the squads gathered in an agreed place, the Mongolian Embassy arrived to the princes: " We heard that you go against us, having obeyed Polovtsy, and we didn't touch your land, nor the cities of yours nor the villages of yours; Not for you came, but they came along the will of God on the coarse and stables of their polovtsy. You take the world with us; if they will run to you - drive away from ourselves and take their estate; We heard that they made you a lot of evil; we beat them for it“.
After listening to the ambassadors, the Russian princes ordered them all to kill them, after which the connected forces moved further down the Dnieper.
At the mouth of the Dnieper near Olesya Galichan met the second Mongolian embassy with the next note: " You listened to Polovtsy and killed our ambassadors; Now go to us, well, go; We did not touch you: God is all right“.
Unlike the first embassy of the Mongols, these ambassadors were decided to let go with the world. Galician army passed up the Dnieper to the island of Khortita at the thresholds, where it was connected to the rest of the troops. Going to the left bank of the Dnieper and discovering an advanced enemy detachment, the Russians after a short one, but the bloody fight turned the Mongols into flight, the Commander of Ganibek was killed. Ibn al-Asira described these events: " Burned in Urusakh and Kipchak, the desire to break the Tatars: they thought that those retreated from fear and by weakness, not wanting to fight them, and therefore the Tatars were rapidly persecuted. Tatars all retired, and those chased in the footsteps 12 days “.
Moving to the East and without seeing the main forces of the enemy, the Russian troops after two weeks went to the shore of the river rivers, where they broke the other advanced detachment of the Mongols.

The forces of the parties in the battle on Kalka.

Mongol-Tatar army.
The number of Mongols at their first appearance in the Caucasus in 1221 is estimated at 20 thousand people. Mongol tactics wore a pronounced offensive character. They tried to inflict rapid strikes on the opponent's captured surprise, disorganize and make separation in its ranks. If possible, they avoided large front battles, breaking the enemy in parts, exhausting it with continuous slaughter and sudden attacks. For the battle, the Mongols were built in several lines, having a heavy connice in reserve, and in the front of the ranks, soldiers of the conquered peoples and lung detachments. The battle began throwing arrows with which Mongols sought to confuse in the opponent's ranks. They sought with sudden blows to break through the enemy's front, divide it into parts, widely applying flanking coverages, flanking and rear blows.
The strength of the Mongolian army was a continuous guide to the fight. Khana, Dathers and Thousands did not fight along with ordinary warriors, and were behind the building, on the elevated places, directing the movement of troops by flags, light and smoke signals corresponding to the signals of pipes and drums.
The invasion of the Mongols was usually preceded by careful intelligence and diplomatic preparation, aimed at the opponent's isolation and inflating internal gravestics. Then there was a hidden concentration of the Mongolian troops at the border. The invasion usually started from different sides by individual detachments, directed, as a rule, to one previously scheduled item. First of all, the Mongols sought to destroy the lively enemy's lively and do not give him to replenish the troops. They penetrated the country deep into the country, destroying everything on their path, destroyed the population and hijacked herd. Supervisory detachments were exhibited against fortresses and fortified cities, devastating surroundings and preparations for the siege.

Russian army.
The exact data on the number of united Russian-Polovtsy troops is absent. The estimates differ greatly: from ~ 10 thousand warrids plus 5-8 thousand Polovtsy (D. G. Krustalev), up to 103 thousand warriors and 50 thousand Polovetsky riders (V. N. Tatishchev).
The basis of the troops was Galician-Volyn, Kiev and Chernihiv troops. Smolensk and Turov and Pin Troops also participated in the campaign. Polovtsy commanded the Voivode Mstislav Galitsky Yarun.
At the military organization of Russian principalities, feudal fragmentation has adversely affected. The squades of the princes and cities were scattered in vast territory and weakly connected with each other, the concentration of significant forces was associated with difficulties. Nevertheless, the princely squads exceeded the Mongolian army for armament, tactical techniques and combat. Armament of Russian warriors, both offensive and defensive, was famous for the limits of Russia. Heavy armored armor was massively used. However, the squads, as a rule, did not exceed several hundred people and were unlikely to actions under a single command and for a single plan.
At the same time, the main part of the ancient Russian troops was a militia. It guessed to nomads in armament and the ability to own them. Axes, horns, less common - spears were used by the militia. Swords were rarely used.

Polovtsev's army.
Polovtsy, separated into many tribes and nomads, did not have a single military organization. Every Han independently cared about the arms of his squad. Polovtsy warriors, besides onions, also had sabers, arkans and spears. Later in the troops of Polovtsy Khan appeared both squads with heavy weapons. Heavy-friendly warriors were wearing chain rails, lamellar shells and helmets with anthropomorphic iron or bronze lines and barmiths. Nevertheless, the basis of the troops continued to remain the detachments of the passenger-made horse archers. Some Polovtsian detachments served in the Byzantine and Georgian armies, took part in the Russian princes of civil strife. As a result, by the end of the XII century, many Polovtsy have significant military experience, improved tactics and a military business as a whole.

The course of the battle on the river Kalka.

After two successful for Russian-Polovki troops, the shymks of the princes gathered a military council on which they tried to develop a plan for further action. The main question was the parking lot. Some offered to break the camp where the army was already gathered and wait for the opponent's approach. Others insisted on the movement towards the Mongols. The decision was never accepted, every prince eventually chose the tactics of actions for his squad, not being informed of other princes.

In the morning May 31 1223 Alongle detachments began to transfer across the river. It was the first to force her troops of a Polovtsian cavalry along with a Volyn friend. Then he began to cross the Galicians and Chernigov. Kiev rail remained on the west bank of the river and began construction of a fortified camp. Forward Mstislav, remotely sent a Polovtskaya watchman under the leadership of the old associate along the campaign and lipick battle of Yaruna. Mstislava man's squad moved to the right and took a position along the river, the squad of Mstislav Chernigovsky got up with the crossing of both shores of Kalka, the squad of Daniel Romanovich advanced to impact force. Mstislav Kievsky stood up behind the crossing on the rocky crack and pulled the camp of the palocol, making it with wagons.
Seeing the advanced detachments of the Mongolian troops, the Polovtsy and the Volyn squad entered into battle. Initially, the battle was successful for Russians. Daniel Romanovich, who first entered the battle, piled with unparalleled courage, not paying attention to the wound received. Mongolian avant-garde began a retreat, the Russians rushed into pursuit, lost the system and collided with the main forces of the Mongols. When Subaede saw that the power of Russian princes moved behind the midst, he gave an order to the main part of his troops to go to the offensive. Without supporting the pressure of a more persistent enemy, the Polovtsy ran.

Ipatiev chronicle tells in detail only about events in the center of the battle, where Daniel acted, his cousin Uncle, Prince Lutsky Mstislav Yaroslavich Smey, and Oleg Kursky, apparently, the first to cross the river from the Chernigov Regiment, and connects the subsequent flight with the blow of new Mongolian forces . Novgorod first chronicle calls the reason for the defeat of the flight of Polovtsy, and the Suzdal chronicle (according to the academic list) connects the flight of Polovtsy precisely with the introduction of Mongols to the battle of additional forces. The fastest of others has achieved success Mongolian right wing, an attack wing. Polovtsy ran to the crossing, kneading and upset the shelves of Mstislav Chernigov, already ready for the performance. Then the Mongols attacked Galicians and those policemen, which remained on their flanks. At first, Mstislav Lutsky was trying first, and then Oleg Kursky, but their squads were crumpled and broken by Mongols. The defeat of Russian and Polovtsy detachments from their camp saw Mstislav Romanovich, Kiev Prince, but he did not attempt to help them.

After breaking the basic forces of Russian and Polovtsy Sub Eadi organized the siege of the Kiev camp forces by Khanov Tsuhiir and Techi, and the main part of the surviving Russians rushed, constantly attacking the exhausted warriors. Only a few Russian warriors were able to hide in the Kiev camp, the rest retired in the steppe in different directions. Galician and Volyn squads fled to the Dnieper, where their rooks and boats remained. Immersed on them, they ordered the rest of the trial so that Mongols could not use them. Chernigov retired north under continuous attacks of the enemy, having lost their prince and his son. Smolensk friend, during a waste, it was possible to reflect the attacks of the enemy and at the Dnieper, Smolyan broke away from the pursuers. The squads of other principalities, as well as smaller squads, failed to join their main forces, were pursued by Mongols to the Dnieper and at the same time suffered large losses.

While Mongols pursued the surviving Russian warriors, some of their troops led the siege of the Kiev camp. Attacks alternated with shelling. The position of the Russians was aggravated by the lack of water reserves and its sources. They did not have access to the river. Negotiations were started on the third day. Substrem sent by Praudnikov, the plane pickers swore on the cross, that if the Russians are complex weapons, then none of them will be killed, and the princes and the governor will let go home for the ransom. Mongols, mushy for the death of their ambassadors, did not hold his promise: after the yield of Kiev, they were attacked from the camp. Part of the warriors was killed, part of the captive. Russian princes and other warlords were laid under the boards and crushed by the winners who dressed from above. There is a version that during the negotiations of Russian princes was given a promise not to shed blood and, heaving them under the boards, Mongols considered their promise made.

Losses in the battle on the rod.

Accurate losses among fought unknown. At the same time, the sources preserved the estimates of the victims only in Russian troops. There are no data about Polovtsy and Mongolian data losses. According to the chronicles, only one tenth of Russian troops survived. The only author who calls Russian losses in numerical terms (however, very approximate, he also says about himself) - Heinrich Latvian. In the "Chronicle of Livonia", written about 1225: " That year in the land of Valvov of the pagans were Tatars. Valvov some are called parties. They do not eat bread, but eat raw meat of their cattle. And they beat them with the Tatars, and defeated them, and they destroyed all the sword, and others fled to the Russians, asking for help. And he passed through the Russian call to beat with the Tatars, and came the kings from all over Russian against the Tatars, but they did not have enough strength for the battle and they fled before enemies. And the great king of Mstislav from Kiev from forty thousand warriors, which was with him. The other king, Mstislav Galitsky, escaped the flight. From the rest of the kings Palo in this battle about fifty. And the Tatars were chasing for six days and killed them more than one hundred thousand people (and one God knows the exact number of them), others fled“.

Sales after battle on rod.

The remnants of Russian Rate Mongols were pursued to the Dnieper. Their squads invaded directly to the territory of Russia. According to the Ipatiev Chronicle, Mongolian drives reached Novgorod-Svyatopolcha. But learning about the arrival in Chernigov Vladimir troops, headed by 14-year-old Vasil Konstantinovich Rostovsky, Mongols refused to make a hike on Kiev and went to the Volga, where Samara Luke had defeated from the Volga Bulgarians. The surviving 4 thousand people returned to Central Asia. Through the steppes of modern Kazakhstan. On this path, but in the opposite direction, Mongols have taken their western campaign after a little over 10 years. Many historians believe that The battle on Kalka became a turning point in the history of Russia. It not only significantly weakened the strength of the Russian principalities, but also sowed panic and uncertainty. It is not by chance that the chronicles are increasingly celebrating mysterious phenomena of nature, considering their signs of future misfortunes.

On May 31, 1223, a bloody, grandiose on its scale and meaning, the battle between the army of the Mongols and the combined forces of the Russian principalities with Polovtsy was held. The battle was walking for 3 days and ended with the complete victory of the Mongolian troops. The result of this battle was of great importance and influenced the course of history not only Russia, but also of all Eastern Europe.

Causes and Prehistory Battle

At the end of the XII - early XIII century, the Tepeszhin managed to combine the scattered and submissive tribes of the Mongols. He conducted a wide range of reforms in public life, introduced a new set of laws, reformed the army. As a result, a strong Mongolian state occurred, striving for expansion and conquests. Over time, this state has become an empire with an area of \u200b\u200b38 million square kilometers and a population of over 160 million people. This world, without exaggeration, the Great Mongol is known under the name of Genghis Khan.

After spending some good trips to China, while significantly expanding the territory and the number of the empire, Genghis Khan fixed his eyes to the east. The next on the list of his conquests should have become Central Asia and the Caucasus. In 1221, the campaign of the Mongolian troops under the rekwear of two talented commander of that time - Jebe and Subedea began. Conquered Central Asia, where the force where the cunning and diplomacy, the 20-thousand Mongol army passed the military raid across the Caucasus and faced the tribes of Alanov, who in the allies were pretty numerous tribes of another nomadic people - Polovtsy. Having persuaded the Pollytsevsky army to disrupt the contract and bribing them with the offerings, the Mongols defeated Alanov. After that, attacked and the half, who did not expect this at all. In the battles, several Polovtsy Khan killed, and the remnants of their troops reunited with Khan Kotyan. His Horde nomaded in the territories of the Black Sea region, and Han himself was connected with family bonds with Galitsky Prince Mustislav Good. He had to be a son-in-law.

Kotyan addressed the great prince in Kiev Mstislav Romanovich. "Our land, the essence of the day was taken away, and I will be honored with your Schura, the Polovtsy turned to the princes of Russians, hinting for the fact that smashing them, the Mongols will take themselves for the land of Prince.

It should be noted here that by the beginning of the XIII century, Kievan Rus has already experienced a period of feudal fragmentation. The Grand Duke from Kiev was only formally considered senior. In fact, every prince had his own behavior, where he rules, leaning on the power of his squad and the support of the highest estate. Without an internal and foreign policy, signing contracts and alliances, declaring the war and imprisonment of the global agreements to the throne of the princes.

Causes of battle

To enter into an alliance with Polovtsy or not was to solve the Princely Council in Kiev. It is worth paying attention to the fact that Polovtsy actively tried to attract "Rusichi" to their side. After all, they have already come across Mongols, competed with them, knew about their strength and skills and perfectly understood that they were not surviving alone. Polovtsian khans showered to princes with rich gifts and promises, flattery and praise. Part of the Khanov even accepted the Christian faith that it was generally unheard of at that time.

Not all princes understood the depth of the danger of threatened Russia. Some of them were simply not understood. Mongols, like Paulovtsian, were nomads. The basis of the economy and life was animal husbandry. And what is needed to a nomad? That's right, steppe. Extensive and rich in the vegetation of pastures are needed for the herds of horses and herds of livestock. In my own, only some of the principalities bordered out the steppe and encountered nomads (with the same Polovtsy at the time). Separate princes thought to sit down at the high walls of their fortresses or kess themselves with the hope that the Mongol would not get to their victims. That is why the decision to conclude an alliance with the Polovtsy was approved by Princes of 4 principalities: Kiev, Chernigov, Smolensk and Galico-Volynskoye. The Grand Duke Suzdal seems to and supported the Union, and sent the troops, but they did not have time to say, they did not accept participation in the campaign.

Based on the above, it is worth identifying several reasons who prompted the princes to conclude a union and oppose the Mongols:

The battle had to happen not in Russia (in order to preserve cities and settlements from the consequences of hostilities). In the Tver Chronicles, the words of Mstislav Kievsky are given.

There was a real threat to what desperately, the Polovtsy would give up the Mongols without a fight and join their army. Accordingly, increasing and amplifying the army of the enemy.

Contracts and agreements between princely childbirth and Polovtsy leaders, fastened by dynastic marriages.

Hike Russian troops

Having setting the place of collection, and waiting there all the mainstreams, the princely troops made a campaign. There are no accurate information about the number of troops "Rusich" - different sources call numbers from 10-12 thousand to 50-80 thousand soldiers. The scatter is certainly very large, but thoroughly analyzing and comparing all sources, it can be assumed that the army was about 30-40 thousand people. It is very many and at current times, and what to talk about the XIII century! There was no single commander among the troops, and the main decisions took 3 senior princes: Prince Kiev Mstislav Romanovich, Prince from Chernigov Mstislav Svyatoslavovich and Prince Galitsky Mstislav is good.

The Mongolian Embassy and Mongolian Embassy arrived at the place of collecting princely friends. This once again says that diplomacy and war went near the subordinates of Genghis Khan near and were highlighted at a high level. Mongolian envoy tried to dissuade the princely squad from the campaign, not to mention the fact that they intend to fight only with Polovtsy. Princes did not respect the embassy and executed ambassadors. Officially, they were accused of espionage. There are several points of view on this event: Some scientists believe that this was done so that the Mongols do not crush the Union (everything was known about the tragic history of Alans and Pechenegs); Others - that it was done by deliberately by the Mustislav remote, which thus rejected even the slightest opportunity to negotiate by other princes. One thing remains reliable - it was a gross mistake and led to bad consequences. First of all, for the princes themselves.

When the Russian-Polovetsky army approached the Dnieper and was preparing for crossing, the second Mongolian Embassy arrived at him. At this time, the ambassadors were told by the princes that it was not they violated the rules of diplomacy, killing the embassy, \u200b\u200band they won't go war, which means God, who sees everything. Such a message should not be interpreted differently than the manifestation of the power of spirit and willingness to war. Nobody touched this embassy, \u200b\u200band it soon went to his bet.

By moving through the Dnieper, the princely troops faced the Avant-garde of Mongolian rati and won in a short, but bloody battle. According to the chronicles, the remains of the avant-garde Russian-Polovetsky troops pursued 7 days, and on the 8th they went to the banks of the river Kalka, where some princely squads immediately crossed the other side of the river. Only Kiev Prince remained on the right bank and engaged in the construction of a fortified camp. The exact place is unknown, only it is indicated that it was a rocky hill. Subsequently, this camp will serve the good service to Mstislav Romanovich.

Battle and reasons for the defeat of Russian-Polovtsy troops

It is reliably known that the battle began in the morning of May 31. Against the Polovtsian-Russian troops, Mongols put up about 20-30 thousand warriors. In front of the princely troops were half amented, behind and on the flanks, the princely troops. At the beginning of the battle, the allies managed to press the Mongols, they began to retreat and the Polovtsian Connection began to pursue them, probably thinking that the battle was won. But at the decisive moment of the battle, Subeday was introduced to the Connection, which was in the reserve, which broke the fighting order of the enemy and divided it in two.

Polovtsy, no longer believing success, escaped from the battlefield, and the princely troops remained alone with the Mongols. Those who managed to cross the river were hiding in the camp and kept the defense for another 3 days. Mongols could not take strengthening with strength. Only cunning and promise to save life they managed to convince Rus herch to fold the weapon. But it was a hoax. Alive left only military bosses and princes. Simple warriors were killed immediately on the spot.

But sometimes alive envy the dead. Putting a tent for a feather in honor of the victory, under the flooring from Brön, Mongols eliminated all those left alive. And drank. Horror death can not be sought. Someone from the researchers suggests that it was revenge for the death of the embassy, \u200b\u200bsomeone that it was done as a penalties for giving captivity (Mongols were considered the greatest shame), but the fact remains a fact - such death is difficult to wish even the enemy.

The reason for the defeat of the Polovtsian-Russian invasion is considered to be retreating from the field of the battle of Polovtsy (this is if you listen to the Novgorod chronicle). In the Ipatiev chronicles, merit is given to Mongols and their introduced reserves in time. Suzdal chronicle connects these two factors. Later sources indicate the absence of a single command. Who is right? The answer is obvious - all. The absence of a single leadership, unreliability of the allies, a bad assessment of the situation, the arrogance of the command - all of this led to one of the most terrible defeats in Russia's history.

The effects of the battle on the river river

The consequences of the defeat of prince friends in this battle were terrible and tragic.

12 warriors of the prince's kind were returned home. It subsequently gave rise to the turn of new intrigues in the fight for the thrones and primitive.

Losses in the live strength weakened the 4 principalities and influenced the defense capability of Russia as a whole.

Druzh's defeat indicated the Mongols to the separation of Russia, on the weakness of the rulers.

He opened the road to new conquests of the Mongols and in the end led to the establishment of the Golden Town yoke.

The battle on the river Kalka - the battle between the United Russian-Polovtsy army and the Mongolian corps acting as part of Jebe's campaign and subedea 1221-1224. Polovtsy and the main Russian forces were divided on May 31, 1223, after 3 days the battle ended in a complete victory of the Mongols.

Zyabkin Dmitry. Battle on Kalka

On May 31, 1223, the first battle of Russian and polovtsov with Mongol-Tatar tarts occurred at Kalka.

After the ruin of the Alanian lands in 1223, Subede and Jab fell into the Polovtsy, who hastily fled to the boundaries of Russia. Polovtsy Khan Kotyan appealed to the Kiev prince Mstislav Romanovich and his son-in-law Galitsky prince Mstislav Mstislavich's delete with a request to assist in the fight against a terrible enemy: "And if you do not help us, we will now be excised, and you will be offended."

Having received information about the movement of Mongols, Southhouse Princes gathered in Kiev to the Council. In early May 1223, the princes came from Kiev. On the seventeenth day of the campaign, the Russian army focused on the right bank of the lower flow of the Dnieper, in the turn. Polovtsy squads joined Russians here. Russian rhe consisted of Kievan, Chernigov, Smolensk, Kursk, Trubchevskaya, Putivl, Vladimir and Galitskius. The total number of Russian troops probably did not exceed 20-30 thousand people

(Lev Gumilev in his work "from Russia to Russia" writes about the eighty-thousand Russian-Polivotsky army approached Kaltoga; Dutch historian Leo de Hartog in his book "Genghis Khan. The conqueror of the world" is the most complete biography of the world's invokor - assesses the strength Russians in 30 thousand people).

Having found in the left bank of the Dnieper Advanced Mongols, Volyn Prince Daniel Romanovich with Galicians overpowered the river and attacked the enemy.

The first success was inspired by Russian princes, and the allies moved to the east, in the Polovetsky steppes. A nine days later they were on the river Kalka, where a small clash happened again with the Mongols with a favorable for Russian outcome.

Assuming the large forces of Mongols on the opposite bank of the banks, the princes gathered at the military novel. Mstislav Romanovich Kievsky objected to the transition through the roll. It is located on the right bank of the river on a rocky height and began to strengthen it.

Map Scheme "Battle on Kalka"

Mstislav removed and most of the Russian troops on May 31, 1223 began crossing the left coast of Kalka, where they met a detachment of Mongolian easy cavalry. Mstislava deleted warriors overturned the Mongols, and Daniel Romanovich's detachment and Polovtsy Khan Yaruna rushed to pursue the enemy.
At this time, the squad of the Chernihiv Prince Mstislav Svyatoslavich was still just crossed. After the main forces, the advanced squad of the Russians and Polovtsy met the major forces of Mongols. Subedery and Jebe had three Tumenes forces, two of whom came from Central Asia, and one was taken from nomads of the North Caucasus.
The total number of Mongols is estimated at 20-30 thousand people (Sebastatsi writes about 20 thousand Tatars spoke from the country "China and Massac").

Battle on Kalka.
Defeat of Russian troops. Causes of defeat

Began stubborn fight. The Russians fought bravely, but the Polovtsi did not stand the Mongolian attacks and ran, sow panic among the Russian detachments who had not entered into battle. His flight, the Polovtsy crushed the squads of Mstislav removed.

On the shoulders of Polovtsy Mongols broke into the camp of the Main Forces of Russians. Most Russian troops were interrupted or captured.

Painting Pavel Ryzhko "Kalka", 1996. The captivity of the Grand Duke Mstislava Romanovich on the background of the Kurgan folded from the bodies of Russian warriors.

Mstislav Romanovich's old watched with the opposite shore of rolling over the beating of Russian budgets, but did not help help. Soon his army was surrounded by Mongols.
Mstislav, staring at the tight, held the defense for three days after the battle, and then went to the agreement with Jebe and the subsession about the addition of weapons and free departure on Russia, as not participating in the battle. However, he, his army and the princes trusted to him were treacherously captive by Mongols and are cruelly tortured as "traitors of their own army."

After the battle of living, not more than a tenth of the Russian troops remained.
Of the 18 princes who participated in the battle, only nine were returned home.
Princes killed in the main battle, when pursued and captured (only 12): Alexander Glebovich Dubrovitsky, Izyaslav Vladimirovich Putivlysky, Andrey Ivanovich Tourovsky, Mstislav Romanovich Old Kiev, Izyaslav Ingvarevich Doroborovsky, Svyatoslav Yaroslavich Kanevsky, Svyatoslav Yaroslavich Yanovitsky, Yaroslav Yurievich Negovorsky, Mstislav Svyatoslavich Chernigovsky, his son Vasily, Yuri Yuropolkovich Nesvizhsky and Svyatoslav Ingvarevich Shumsky.

List of Russian princes - participants of the battle

The Mongols pursued the Russians to the Dnieper, destroying the city and settlements along the path (they reached Novgorod Svyatopolch south of Kiev). But without deciding to enter into deep into the Russian forests, Mongols turned into a steppe.
The defeat on Kalka marked the deadly danger that answered over Rus.

B. A. Chorikov. Prince Galitsky Mstislav losing the battle at Kalka saves for the Dnieper
"... came running to the Dnieper and told the rooks to burn, while others would leave and push away from the shore, fear of pursuit of Tatars."

The reasons for the defeat were somewhat. At the Novgorod chronicle the first reason is the flight of the Polovtsy troops from the battlefield. But even to the main reasons, the defeat can be attributed to the extreme underestimation of the Tatar-Mongol Forces, as well as the lack of a single command of the troops and as a result of the inconsistency of the Russian troops (some princes did not speak, for example, Vladimir-Suzdal Yuri, and Mstislav is old, though he made his inactivity ourselves and their army).


Lev Nikolaevich Gumilyov

Throwing the most common look at the history of creating a huge Mongolian ulus, we have the right now to return to Rus. But, before proceeding with the story of the then Russian-Mongolian relations, we remind the reader about the most early XIII century.
As already mentioned, unlike the "young" Mongols, Ancient Russia Then came from the inertial phase to the chipping phase. The reduction in passionality ultimately leads to the destruction of the ethnos like a single system. Externally, this is expressed in events and acts that are not compatible with either morality, nor with the interests of the people, but completely explained by the internal logic of ethnogenesis. So it was in Russia.

Igor Svyatoslavich, the descendant of Prince Oleg, the hero "Words about the regiment of Igor", who became Knyazh Chernigov in 1198, set himself to deal with Kiev - the city where the rivals of his dynasty were constantly strengthened. He agreed with Smolensky Prince Rürik Rostislavich and called for the help of Polovtsy. In defense of Kiev - the "Mother of the Russian cities" - Prince Roman Volynsky, who decorated to the allied troops of the Torks.

The Chernihiv Prince plan was implemented after his death (1202). Rurik, Prince Smolensky, and Olgovichi with Polovtsy in January 1203 in battle, which was mainly between the Polovtsy and Torkes of the Roman Volynsky, took the top. Capturing Kiev, Rurik Rostislavich subjected the city to terrible defeat. Church and Church were destroyed and Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, and the city itself burned. "The great evil, which was not from baptism in Russian Earth," the annals left the message.

After the fateful 1203 Kiev no longer recovered. What prevented restore the capital? In the city and talented builders, and involuntary merchants, and competent monks. The Kievans traded through Novgorod and Vyatka, built fortresses and temples, who survived to this day, wrote the chronicle. But, alas, they could not return the city of his former importance in Russian land. Too little remained in Russia, people who have the quality we called passionation. And therefore there was no initiative, did not awaken the ability to sacrifice personal interests for the interests of their people and the state. In such conditions, a clash with a strong opponent could not be tragic for the country.

Meanwhile, the indomitable Mongolian Tumenes approached the Russian borders. The commercial front of the Mongols took place through the territory of modern Kazakhstan between the rivers Irgiz and Yik and covered the southern tip of the Ural Range. In that period, the main enemy of the Mongols in the West were Polovtsy.
Their enmity began in 1216, when Polovtsy took the blood enemies of Chingis - Merkitov. The pennotee was extremely active, constantly supporting the Finno-Ugric tribes hostile to the Mongols. At the same time, the Stepnyaki-Poland were as mobile and maneuverable as the Mongols themselves. And the fact that the path from Onon to Don is equal to the way from Don to Onon,
Genghis Khan understood perfectly. Seeing the futures of cavalry sicks with Polovtsy, Mongols applied a traditional military reception for nomads: they sent the expeditionary building into the rear of the enemy.


The talented commander of Pattetay and the famous Jebe arrows led the body of three tumenes through the Caucasus (1222). Georgian king Georgy Lasha tried to attack them and was destroyed with all his army. Mongols managed to capture the conductors who indicated the way through the Daryalar Gorge
(Modern Military Georgian Road). So they went out to the upper shovel Kuban, in the rear of Polovtsam. Here Mongols collided with Alans. By the XIII century. Alans have already lost their passionarity: they have no will remain to resist, no desire for unity. The people actually collapsed into individual families.
The Mongols exhausted by the transition took the food from Alanov, hijacked horses and other cattle. Alans were horrified where he fell. Polovtsy, revealing the enemy in her rear, retreated to the West, approached the Russian border and asked for help from Russian princes.
A little earlier, speaking of the events of the XI-XII centuries, we were convinced that relations between Russia and Polovtsy do not fit in any way in the primitive scheme of confrontation "settled - a nomad." The same is true for the beginning of the XIII century. In 1223, the Russian princes made the Allies of the Kumanov. Three strongest prince Rus:
Mstislav removed from Galich, Mstislav Kievsky and Mstislav Chernigovsky, - by collecting Rati, tried to protect the Kumanov.

It is important that Mongols did not strive for war with Rus. Mongolian ambassadors who arrived to Russian princes brought a proposal to break the Russian-Polovetsky Union and the conclusion of the world. Liquor than its allied obligations, Russian princes rejected Mongolian peace suggestions. But, unfortunately, the princes made a mistake that had the fatal consequences. All Mongolian ambassadors were killed, and since in Yasa, the deception of the trusting was a disgraceful crime, then the war and meal after that was not avoided.

However, the Russian princes did not know anything and actually forced Mongols to take the battle. On the river Kalka, the battle occurred: the eighty thousandth Russian-Polovetskaya army fell on the twenty thousandth of the Mongol detachment (1223). This battle of the Russian army lost due to the complete inability to the minimum organization itself. Mstislav removed and "junior" Prince Daniel
They fled for the Dnieper, they were the first to be at the shore and managed to jump in the rook.
At the same time, the rest of the princes laid down, fearing that the Mongols would be able to cross after them. Thus, they ordered the death of their associates, whose horses were worse than the princely. Of course, the Mongols killed everyone who was overtaken.

Mstislav Chernigovsky and his army began to retreat along the steppe, not leaving the argeon assfill. Mongolian riders chased in Chernihiv, easily overtake them and cut them.

Mstislav Kievsky placed his warriors on a big hill, forgetting that it is necessary to ensure a waste to water. Mongols, of course, were easily blocked by a detachment.
Surrounded by Mstislav surrendered, yielding to the pursuit of the plane - the leader of the apartments, which were the allies of the Mongols. The plane convinced the prince that the Russians will spare and do not shed their blood. Mongols, according to their custom, was constrained this word. They put knitted prisoners on the ground, covered with a decidant from the boards and sat down to smear on their bodies. But not a drop of Russian blood was really broken. And the last, as we already know, on Mongolian views were considered extremely important.

Valentin Taratherin. After the battle on Kalka

Here is an example of how different people perceive the norms of law and the concept of honesty. The Russians believed that Mongols, killing Mstislava and other prisoners, broke the oath. But, from the point of view of Mongols, they kept the oath, and the execution was the highest necessity and higher justice, because the princes committed a terrible sin of the murder of confidence. Note that on the standards of modern right, violence over the parliamentary is strictly condemned and punishable.
Each, however, is waven in this case to take the position closest to its moral imperative.

After the battle on Kullet, Mongols turned their horses to the east, seeking to return to their homeland and report on the fulfillment of the task - about the victory over Polovtsy. But on the shores of Volga, the army was pleased with the ambush, arranged by Volzhsky Bulgarians. Muslims, hated Mongols as pagans, unexpectedly attacked them during the crossing. Here are the winners at rod
suffered a serious defeat and lost many people. Those who managed to cross through the Volga left the steppes to the East and were connected to the main forces of Genghis Khan. So the first meeting of Mongols and Rusich ended.

Video: "Battle of Kalka" (Karamzin. The history of the Russian state)

History of Russian Goverment