
Russian cosmonauts commented on the flat earth theory. About the flat earth and the first astronaut to land in the sun


For a long time in the pseudo-scientific environment, conversations about the theory of a flat earth have not ceased. Popular Western bloggers, athletes, and cultural figures express dubious views on the structure of the world. Russian cosmonauts do not take these statements seriously, but the authors of the global rally are praised for their ingenuity.


“In my opinion, supporters of a flat earth are such a cool professional space trolling,” cosmonaut Sergei Ryazansky is quoted as saying. “I don’t believe that people can be such idiots,” he added during a direct line with the ISS. Another cosmonaut from Russia in orbit supported his colleague. "I don't even have anything to add to Sergei's words," said Alexander Misurkin.

The conversation about the supporters of the flat earth theory took place at the presentation of the first ever panoramic video shot in outer space. “It seems to me that this is a great technology, a great idea. open space", - said Ryazansky.