
Recipe for cooking with step-by-step photos of delicious sauer tomatoes in banks for the winter. Kanched Tomatoes: Best Recipes

Culinary recipes for cottages and houses

Actually, the presence of such traditional things like a wooden barrel and cellar, optional. The dishes can be any, the main thing is quite spacious, and the cellar can replace the shady autumn balcony. On summer, sauced tomatoes will not work - the place must be cool.

Sauer tomatoes with greens

These tomatoes will break straight in the banks, which is very convenient. Store them in a cold place or in the refrigerator in the same banks.

To tomatoes (calculation of about 3 kg) we will need:

  • 1 garlic head;
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • 1 Celery beam.

On 1 liter of the fill we take:

  • 1 l. water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salts;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.

The volume of fillings depends on the dishes and how tightly you put the tomatoes there. 3 kg will need a liter 2-3.

1. Banks and polyethylene covers are thoroughly and wipe.

2. Clean garlic, my greens.

3. My tomatoes and let dry. Pierce the skin or cut the place of fastening the frozen.

4. We add salt and sugar to water, bring to a boil. If the celery had stalks, then separating greens from them, and stems are lowered in boiling water and removed.

5. In banks put garlic, tomatoes and greens in the afternoon. Pour brine, cover the neck with a saucer or a plate.

6. We leave for 3 days in the warm room. Brine during this time should be poisoned. After that, we rearrange banks in a cool place.

Readiness sayer TomatooS is determined on the sample. As soon as they consider that they are ready (sufficiently sour), close the cans with covers, without rolling, and remove into the cellar or refrigerator.

In addition to greens in banks to tomatoes often add cabbage - see.

Council: Sai gray with tomatoes greens is also very tasty, maybe it is worth putting it in the banks more and eat as a separate snack.

Sauced tomatoes with grape and cherry leaves

Very fragrant dish. Of course, it is best suited to those who have the opportunity to go and narrow grape and cherry leaves. They, however, are now sold in markets for different dishes and for billets almost everywhere.

Greens falls, as a rule, loosely, and the brine will need a lot: per 1 kg of tomatoes - 1 liter.

In the dishes, in addition to tomatoes, we will lay out:

  • bulgarian pepper;
  • cherry leaves, grapes, black currant, horseradish;
  • black peas;
  • dill;
  • bay leaf;
  • garlic.

The proportions, which is called, to the eye and taste. Putting in the aggregate should be 100 g. Per 1 kg of tomatoes.

For brine, take:

  • 2 tbsp. l. salts;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.

1. Sufficiently extensive to get all tomatoes, dishes with a cap well and wipe dry.

2. We spread tomatoes on the bottom of the dishes. On them - a layer of greenery, sprinkle pepper, put several cloves of garlic. From above - again the layer of tomatoes, on it - again greens. So, layers, fill the dishes, sling here and there on the quarter bulgarian pepper For fragrance.

3. We prepare brine: in cold filtered water, dissolve salt and sugar. Thinking up dishes in a cool place (the cellar is perfect, but not everyone has it) and pour our tomatoes.

4. We close the lid and leave quas for a month.

Council: If the dishes are big, impose and fill the tomatoes with brine is better right where they are going to leave them on Zakvask.

Sauer stuffed tomatoes

Beautiful and tasty snack bare tomatoes, cook and store which is better in a small dish, so as not to press each other weighing and not collapsed.

Best of all, green tomatoes are suitable for this recipe.

For stuffing approximately 3 kg of tomatoes, we will need:

  • 1 sharp pen;
  • 8-10 garlic cloves;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • 1 bunch of parsley.

For 1 l. Romor Take:

  • 1 l. water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salts;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. l. table (6%) vinegar.

1. My tomatoes, let dry.

2. Carrot shred in a blender or kitchen Combine. There is also garlic and pen. Greens of rubble or also send to the blender. Mix all this to get a filling.

3. We cut the tomatoes crosswise almost to the end, but so that they still remain unidentified.

4. Start tomatoes.

5. Thoroughly my dishes, wipe dry. Lay out tomatoes there.

6. Preparing brine. To do this, heat the water, not bringing to a boil, dissolve salt and sugar there, add vinegar.

7. Let the brine cool a little and fill tomatoes.

8. Cover tomatoes with plates, covers or any planes that will fit in the neck of the dishes. We put a small oppression (enough water-filled with a half liter bank).

9. We are waiting for a week, check the readiness of tomatoes to taste. Store them better in a cold place.

Council: So that tomatoes are stored longer, after brewing, shift them into sterilized cans and close the sterilized polyethylene lids. And also in the refrigerator.

Sauer Tomatoes with aspirin

The problem of sauerful tomatoes is that the "life of life" they are not as big as y. For example, pickled. But here, witty hostesses and the owners have found output: aspirin. You probably know that it should be added to the water in a vase so that the flowers stood and stood. Here he is for the same. He is harmless in food in such doses and performs on the same roles as vinegar.

So, we will need tomatoes - how many you have. Banks for them. In each jar:

  • 0.5 bulbs;
  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • aspirin in proportion: 1 tablet for 1 liter of banks (i.e., 3 for three-liter cans).

For brine, we take (per 1 liter):

  • 1 l. water;
  • 3 tbsp. l. salts;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. table (6%) vinegar;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • Three peas of black pepper.

1. My tomatoes, envy, everything is as usual. Caps with covers are also mine, and better sterilize a couple.

2. Garlic teeth are cut by quarters, onions - half rings.

3. We throw aspirin tablets into each bank, as you need. We put tomatoes in banks, shifting onions and garlic.

4. We are preparing brine, heating water and dissolving saline and sugar there. Remove from the fire, let it cool a little, add vinegar. Let us cool finally, catch the pepper and the bay leaf.

5. Cold brine fill tomatoes in banks.

6. We close the lids and send a quasi at least a week, and better - by 2-3.

Sauer Tomatoes - Traditional Russian Snackwhich is welcomed by any table. When I hear the word "sauernye", I remember the grandmother's cellar with a ceiling, hung in grapes (in this form he could be stored until spring), with shelves, on which appetizing jars with jams and marinades, ligaments, garlic, other different supplies on Winter. In the center of all this abundance there was always a huge barrel with sauced vegetables and fruits. Quasil in it all that was quas: Apples, watermelons, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage - everything is in one barrel. What was it tasty! It is a pity that it is impossible to organize such a barrel in the urban apartment, although it is possible to break the vegetables and in a three-liter bank is simple and no less tasty.

You will need:

  • tomatoes 25 pieces (small)
  • salt 3 Art. l (with a slide)
  • sugar 1 tbsp. (without a slide)
  • water 1.5 liters
  • bay leaf 2-3 pcs
  • garlic 1 head
  • polka dust pepper
  • black pea pepper
  • umbrella dill
  • bitter pepper

You still need a three-liter bank or enamelled saucepan. I like the bank more, because It is more convenient to store it in the refrigerator.

Step-by-step photo recipe for sauer tomatoes:

Prepare: Bring water with salt, sugar and laurel sheet. Cool down.

Wash the bank and tomatoes. At the bottom of the banks put spice and garlic. If you do not have dill umbrellas, you can add dry dill seeds. If you like sharp, add hot peppers (Half or tip).

Put into the bank.

Fill with cold brine and leave when room temperature on the 3-4 days.

During this time, the bank will begin in the bank, i.e. fermentation with milk-acid bacteria. In contrast, which wanders very actively, the tomatoes will not be ruined. It is possible to form a white film on the surface that you want to remove a spoon and throw away.

Three days, cover the can with a lid and remove in the refrigerator for 5-7 days, after which the snack is always welcome on the Russian table. The longer tomatoes will stand in the refrigerator, the brighter and rushing to their taste. Bon Appetit!

How to cook cabbage, sauced in a bank, see

Sauer tomatoes. A brief recipe.

You will need:

  • tomatoes 25 pieces (small)
  • salt 3 Art. l (with a slide)
  • sugar 1 tbsp. (without a slide)
  • water 1.5 liters
  • bay leaf 2-3 pcs
  • garlic 1 head
  • polka dust pepper
  • black pea pepper
  • umbrella dill
  • bitter pepper

Prepare brine: bring water with salt, sugar and laurel sheet to boil. Cool down.
At the bottom of the banks put spices and garlic. Put tomatoes in the bank, pour with cold brine and leave at room temperature for 3-4 days. After three days, cover the can with a lid and remove in the refrigerator for 5-7 days, after which the snack is ready. The more tomatoes in the refrigerator will stand, those aicle and brighter their taste.

In contact with

Refers to the types of canning. Quay differs from the saline by the fact that the brine contains two times less salt. Usually brines are not prepared in advance. Vegetables selected for chairs are shrinking with salt, thus, the brine is formed in the process of preserving from natural juices of vegetables. Sauer vegetables must be in a cool place, optimal temperature Storage 0-2 degrees.

Just like, tomatoes are well suited. In addition, they can be conserved in combination with other vegetables and spicy herbs. Traditionally, cumin is used from spices.

Cooking Sauer Tomato Recipe Provides compliance with special storage conditions. Unlike which can be stored at room temperature, cold tomatoes are needed. For cereal, tomato varieties can be used are the same as for marinating. A varieties with plenty of tight pulp are well.

Sauer Tomatoes "Cream"

Ingredients (for 2 three-liter banks):

  • Tomatoes - 3 kg
  • Salt (not iodized) - 120 g
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Black pepper peas - 20 pcs.
  • Fragrant pepper peas - 6 pcs.
  • Lovel Lavar - 4 pcs.
  • Carnation - 4 pcs.
  • Dill with inflorescences
  • Cherry leaves, horseradish and currant

Cooking method Summer Tomatoes "Cream":

Tomatoes rinse under cold water. Green cut into large pieces and mix.

At the bottom of each bank to lay the fourth part of the greenery, half of the peas of black and fragrant pepper, part of the laurel sheet and carnations.

Boil the floor-liter of water, dissolve in boiling water a cook salt. Repulse to blame for hot banks. Put in banks of tomatoes along with crude garlic slices. Top tomatoes lay the remaining greens.

Add to banks to top cold water, Close by polyethylene lids.

Banks gently flip over for a uniform distribution of salt throughout the volume.

Leave tomatoes at room temperature for three days. With the beginning of the fermentation process, banks are removed into the cellar or refrigerator for several weeks.

Summer Tomatoes Recipe with mustard

Ingredients (for a three-liter bank):

  • Tomatoes
  • Salt - 60 g
  • Mustard in powder - 20 g
  • Black pepper peas - 10 pcs.
  • Fragrant pepper peas - 7 pcs.
  • Leaf Lavar 6 pcs.
  • Garlic - 4 slices
  • Dill with inflorescences - 1 pc.
  • Khreno root

Cooking method sauer Tomatoes with mustard:

On the bottom of washed and sterilized three-liter jars to put spices (garlic, bay leaf, pepper, dill and horseradish).

Tomatoes are well flushed, poking in 3-4 places with a fork, tightly put in the jar.

In a liter of boiled water, cooled to room temperature, produce salt. Pour tomatoes with the resulting brine.

Cover the jar with tomatoes with a cotton cloth, pour mustard powder from above. In addition to the aroma, the mustard will prevent the formation of mold.

Bank with tomatoes leave for two weeks at room temperature. After the specified time to cover the can with a polyethylene lid, remove in a cold place for three weeks.

Tomatoes, saues in a dry way


  • Tomatoes - 2 kg
  • Sugar - 0.5 glasses
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • Cherry leaves, etaragon, dill and celery

Cooking method tomatoes sauchane by dry way:

Tomatoes wash, pinch the toothpick near the fruit.

IN enamel saucepan To put the tight rows of tomato. Each tomatoral row is suspended with sugar and salt, put the greens. The top layer of tomato is also salted and covered with greens.

To cover the tomatoes with a clean cloth and put the oppression on it. Tomatoes leave at room temperature before the appearance of brine, after which it is removed in a cold place.

Cut Sauced Tomatoes "Smile"


  • Tomatoes
  • Cabbage
  • Carrot
  • Parsley
  • Garlic
  • Bay leaf
  • Pepper
  • Dill (umbrellas)

For brine

  • Water - 1.5 l
  • Salt - 100 ml
  • Sugar - 150 ml

Cooking method Smoley Sauer Tomatoes "Smile":

Tomatoes rinse, cut the top in such a way that it will perform the function of the cover with a thickness of 2 cm.

Cabbage is finely chopping, then clean the carrots and grasp it on a large grater. Skip the garlic through the press, parsley greenery chopped with a knife. All vegetables fold into a deep bowl and mix well.

Farming the tomatoes obtained by vegetable mixture, pressing it into the chambers. Separate juice to collect in the dishes, where tomatoes will be quas.

At the bottom of the banks or pots to lay a bay leaf, the inflorescences of the dill, pepper, after putting tomatoes and pour the brine.

For the preparation of brine, water heat is a bit, dissolve sugar with salt in it, cool water and pour prepared tomatoes in a saucepan. Next to tomatoes set a small oppression.

After 1-3 days, tomatoes are removed in the cold place, after another 4 days they become suitable for use.

Best Chef Nino Graziano - best recipes

Sauced tomatoes are a wonderful snack that complements almost any hot dish up to the usual roasted potato. That's just to prepare for the winter such a luxurious snack, you have to work a little. But then, when winter cold will come, you can open a jar with vegetable delicacies several times a day. Summer tomatoes will surely delight even the most capricious gourmets.

Recipe for sauer tomatoes in banks

Products for breaks (Calculation of 2 tritteral banks):
  • garlic - 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • black pepper - 20 peas;
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.;
  • non-iodized salt - 120 gr.;
  • cherry leaves, horseradish and currant;
  • inflorescence of dill;
  • fragrant pepper - 6 peas;
  • carnation - 4 pcs.
So that the workpiece is delicious, it is necessary to make tomatoes "Cream" for cooking. They are the best way Suitable for the starter. After the selection of ripe tomatoes can be taken for greens. It will need to be chopped large and mix. On the bottom of each predetermined banks are laid: the bay leaf, 1/2 of the peas of fragrant and black pepper, 1/4 of greenery, carnation. Thessol is preparing simply: salt is added to the floor-liter of boiled water, everything is added , it is a bit insistent - and brine is ready. Tri-liter banks are needed half a brine. Mowing tomatoes in the containers can be together with crude garlic slices. Laying tomatoes and garlic can be layers, but you can also live. The main thing is to cover all the fragrant greens on top. Dealently will only be addressed to the tops of the cans of the brine, cover them with covers (polyethylene) and flip up a snavashy day to the bottom. As soon as you see that fermentation began in the containers - remove them in a cold place. Literally after 3-4 weeks, tomatoes sauhana for winter can be considered ready. The dish it turns out such that they simply license "!

Sauer Tomato Recipe with mustard

Those who were fortunate enough to try the sauer tomatoes, know that this is a delicate dish worth the highest praise. But the most delicious sauerful tomatoes are obtained with mustard, which provides this billet for the winter to truly original, a bit of a spicy taste. The ingredients (on the 3-liter bank):
  • garlic - 4 pieces;
  • mustard in powder - 20 gr.;
  • tomatoes (weight is calculated by the volume of banks);
  • bay sheet - 6 pcs.;
  • salt - 60 gr.;
  • black pepper - 10 peas;
  • khrena root, inflorescences and dill greens (to taste);
  • easy pepper - 7 pcs.
1. Rinse and sterilize the bank. At the bottom of the container to fit all the necessary spices. 2. Wash thoroughly tomatoes, in separate places they pierce with a fork and fit into the bank (fruits to lay tight) .3. Boil water (1 l.), Cool it to room temperature, stirred with salt, and already ready to pour into banks. Capacity with fruits cover with a cotton cloth, and on top to pour a mustard powder on it. It will give the dish fragrance and helps to avoid the formation of mold.5. Two weeks of tomato "masterpieces" should be chased at room temperature. Then can be covered with polyethylene lids and attribute to the cellar for 3 weeks.

Calorie: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not indicated

In Russia, he has long been quasilny, everything that quas - cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes. Cabbage is quasil with apples, chopped or whole kochem in the chunk, and for acid quasil, the upper green leaves of the cabbage coach, are very fine. Quasilie barrels to have enough for the whole winter, and kept quashenin in the cellar or basement. Now the times are Others, but the tradition of kaming vegetables has not disappeared anywhere - in the fall, all the same mistresses chopped cabbage, select the most best tomatoes And fed them for the winter. But the basement is not all of everyone, but I want the sauer tomato tomato. There is a way out - in the conditions of an urban apartment you can cook tomatoes sauer in a bank - and it turns out no worse than in a barrel.
You can drink red tomatoes, and brown, and green. Ideally, everyone in his bank, but it is possible to put in one big layers. On Rodyshko green - they will quas longer than the rest. Then brown, well, on top - red. Bank is needed by a volume of 5-7 liters, in the three-liter turn to unfold. As an option - to break green and brown tomatoes in a large can, and for the red to highlight a separate smaller jar.

Tomatoes are sauy for the winter in banks - a recipe with a photo.


- Tomatoes (red, brown and green) - 4 kg;
- Khrena root - 8-10 cm;
- dill (greens and umbrellas);
- garlic - 2 heads are large;
- Salt cook - at the rate of 70 grams per liter of water;
- Black currant leaves;
- Chreem leaves;
- celery - greens;
- Parsley - 1 beam;
- pure water.


To prepare sauer tomatoes in the banks, at first, the tomatoes are sorting according to the degree of maturity. Clean the root of shit. We rinse all the greens under cold water, shake water.

Clean the two big heads of garlic. If the cloves are very large, cut into 2-4 parts. Khrena root cutting plates.

The jar is carefully mine. On the bottom we put 2-3 leaflets of black currant, garlic cloves, 2-3 plates root shrine. Add dill (greenery and umbrellas), celery, several twigs of parsley.

We put green tomatoes on the bottom of the banks in 2-3 layers. You can take cream tomatoes or ordinary round tomatoes - at your discretion.

We deploy tomatoes with a layer of greenery (like on the bottom), we throw garlic in the jar, hell. The following layers make from brown tomatoes.

We again cover the tomatoes with a layer of greenery. The remaining place in the bank fill in red tomatoes. Not compact, but we try to lay all layers so that there is quite a bit of place between tomatoes. Top to put the twigs of dill, different greens, horseradish, garlic.

Now you need to prepare a salt solution. It is very difficult to determine how much it will be necessary, so it is better to make portions. For example, two liters. We pour two liters of water into a saucepan or bowl, slightly heating. We throw 140 grams of the usual large salt (cook or stone), stir up to the complete dissolution of salt crystals. At the bottom of the dishes gather the sediment, so we drain the solution very gently or filter it through the gauze.

Fill with a lean solution of tomatoes to the very top so that they are fully covered. If a solution is not enough, we make another portion (per liter of water or two). We cover the jar with tomatoes with a lid (not tight) and leave warm for 5-7 days. After about 1-2 days, the brine will begin to wander, it is likening - this means that the process of casting went. It is necessary to withstand the sauer tomatoes in the banks warm another 3-5 days and then rearrange on a cool balcony or remove into the refrigerator. There, the process of casting will continue. Fully ready red tomatoes will be in 12-14 days. Brown and green will be quasred longer, about about a month.

You can try to try red tomatoes in 10 days, they will be quite good. But if you withstand the last two weeks, and comply with the technology of chairs, then it will be just a sodium!

On a note. Red tomatoes are desirable to take unorded to be dense. If the quasite cream tomatoes, then they can be held in warmth for 1-2 days longer than round tomatoes. Pay attention to the salt - only the non-iodized large salt (the usual cook) is suitable for the digestion (the usual cooking), the small salt or salt of iodized for chairs is not used.