
Competition of presidential grants for educational projects. Presidential Grant Competition for Educational Projects Fulbright Program for University Teachers

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We have collected the best grant programs of international and domestic organizations in which Russian teachers can participate. All programs are open, you can send your application now. Just be sure to carefully read the terms of participation.

TEA Teaching Excellence Program

Time and duration of the event: spring/autumn 2017, 6 weeks

Advanced training program for secondary school teachers from 55 countries, including Russia.

The Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program (TEA) is held annually. The 170 participants who have passed all stages of selection will visit the US in two groups in the spring or fall. The program is organized by the International Research and Exchanges Council (IREX), and financial support is provided by the Department of Educational and Cultural Programs of the US Department of State.

During an intensive six-week professional internship at a US university, participants in the program will take: - a specialized course in pedagogy and in their subject area;
- a specialized course on technologies of teaching the subject;
- practice in an American high school;
as well as take part in extra-curricular activities of the host schools.

All teachers who have at least 5 years of professional experience and teach the following disciplines in secondary schools in Russia can participate in the program:

  • English language;
  • Public disciplines;
  • Natural Sciences;
  • Mathematics;
  • Special (correctional) education in the specified disciplines.

Applicants must be citizens of Russia, have a good knowledge of English (at least 450 TOEFL scores) and have the intention of teaching in a secondary school after graduation from the program.

The selection of participants is carried out in 2 stages: the semi-finalists are interviewed in Moscow and take an English exam, the finalists are approved by IREX no later than October 2016. The internship is fully paid by the organizer, including travel, accommodation and daily expenses.

Fulbright Program for University Teachers

Grants from the Fulbright Faculty Development Program (FFDP) are provided on a competitive basis to develop a new or improve an existing curriculum for a Russian university within the declared discipline.

Grants are issued to university professors not older than 39 years. The finalists of the competition fly to the USA as a group in August 2017.

The program begins with a three-day workshop, during which the theoretical aspects and methods of developing courses in the United States will be studied. After the seminar, all participants go to US universities, which are selected for each finalist, taking into account the declared discipline.

At the end of the program, each participant must submit a draft course at the final workshop, which will be held in mid-January 2018 at the Institute for International Education in New York.

To participate in the competition, you need to speak English at a good level (at least 80 points in ibtTOEFL) and have at least 3 years of continuous teaching experience at a university. The recruitment of participants is carried out in two stages.

Fulbright Young Teachers of English Program

The main goal of the program is to improve teaching skills and cultural exchange between the United States and other countries.

Its participants will be assigned to US universities and colleges to work as teachers or teaching assistants of the Russian language.

Activities provided under the program:
- teaching the Russian language and culture of their country up to 20 hours a week;
- study at least two subjects per semester, one of which must be related to U.S. Studies (American Studies), and others must be related to the specialty "Teaching English";
- joint conferences and seminars for the exchange of experience.

The program begins in August with a mandatory one-week orientation in the US. After that, the participants disperse to the universities and colleges where they were assigned.

Participants will have to actively interact with representatives of the local community: organize conversation groups, language clubs, hold extracurricular events and round tables to familiarize the audience with the culture and traditions of their country.

Participants of the program must work as teachers of English or study at a higher educational institution in the last courses in the specialty "English language teacher".

Grants from the Russkiy Mir Foundation

Applications are accepted without date restrictions

The Russian Foundation, established in 2007, annually distributes grants for the implementation of projects aimed at studying and popularizing the Russian language and culture.

Funds are provided on a competitive basis to Russian and foreign non-profit organizations, as well as individual citizens or even stateless persons.

The following target areas are envisaged:
- teaching the Russian language;
- advanced training and retraining of teachers of the Russian language and literature;
- creation of new educational and methodological complexes, teaching aids, textbooks and other publications to help teachers of the Russian language and literature studying the Russian language;
- development of multimedia educational resources and distance learning systems for the Russian language and literature;
- establishment and support of the activities of Russian-speaking schools;
- holding olympiads and competitions in the Russian language and literature, conducting linguistic research, forums, conferences, events, organizing media projects, etc.

The main condition for receiving a grant is the practical expediency and social significance of the project. The amount of funding and duration are not regulated, but these conditions must be carefully justified in the application.

Prizes of the Government of St. Petersburg in the field of higher and secondary vocational education

The competition, established this year, is aimed at developing the educational potential of St. Petersburg and creating effective learning technologies.

The project provides for the presentation of twenty annual awards in the amount of 300,000 rubles each.

Prizes are awarded in the following categories:
- development of innovative activity in an educational institution;
- organizational decisions to improve the quality of training of specialists;
- scientific achievements that contribute to improving the quality of training of specialists and highly qualified personnel;
- educational and methodological support of the educational process, aimed at improving the quality of training of specialists;
- in the field of integration of education, science and industry;
- in the field of educational work with students, development of their professional skills;
- for special achievements in the field of training creative workers for cultural and art organizations.

Citizens of the Russian Federation from among employees of educational and scientific organizations, industrial enterprises, innovation and technology centers and technology parks located on the territory of St. Petersburg, as well as authors' teams of up to 3 people, can participate in the competition.

A grant is financial assistance that talented schoolchildren, students and researchers receive for study and work. Funds are provided by authorities, charitable organizations and commercial enterprises in Russia and abroad. These departments are interested in hiring worthy employees, therefore they provide their education. The largest online database of grants is located at There you will find scholarships for universities, courses, summer and winter schools around the world.

Grants for study abroad

DAAD - the famous German academic exchange service

DAAD Scholarship

Scholarship website:

DAAD is a German organization for international exchanges in the field of education. Provides financial support to foreigners who want to study or engage in scientific activities in Germany. DAAD focuses on working with Eastern European countries, including Russia and Ukraine. Every year, 100,000 people receive grants from this organization. In 2017, DAAD offers the following scholarship programs:

  • German courses in Germany for students and teachers;
  • study tours for groups of students;
  • scholarships for additional education in various areas, including "Architecture", "Design", "Musical Art" and other creative specialties;
  • scholarships for scientific research, including the program "Immanuel Kant" with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
  • professional internships for employees;
  • practice for students of natural history and agrarian areas;
  • programs for former DAAD fellows.

Participants must be fluent in German, have the required level of education and meet the age restrictions. DAAD projects target university students, faculty and staff under the age of 30-35.

Fulbright Program

Scholarship website:

The Fulbright Program is an international system of educational grants

The largest educational scholarship program for foreigners in the United States. The initiative is funded by the US Department of State with support from other businesses that support the program. The enrollment of participants for the 2017-2018 academic year has already been completed. In February 2017, you will be able to apply for the next year. Grants for study and internships are intended for the following categories of Russians:

  • graduates of master's and postgraduate studies, regardless of the faculty (for study);
  • novice teachers without a degree (for practice);
  • English teachers aged 21-29 (for practice);
  • specialists in the humanities, social, natural and mathematical sciences, as well as artists (for teaching and scientific work).

Fulbright runs specialized projects such as the Arctic Program to study the climate in the far North. The SIR (Scholar-in-Residence) program is designed for scientists who want to teach at American universities. Each project sets separate requirements for the age and education of participants. But knowledge of English is mandatory for everyone.

Grants from Erasmus

Scholarship website:

Erasmus is a non-profit EU student exchange program

Erasmus is a European program for the international exchange of students and young researchers. Allows participants to study or train abroad from a few months to two years. The costs of their classes and accommodation are covered by the European Commission and the host university. Grants from Erasmus are received by undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate students, teachers and staff of universities. Scholarship applicants undergo a rigorous selection process and must meet the following requirements:

  • have completed at least two years of study at their university;
  • obtain a bachelor's degree for participation in a master's program or a master's degree for teaching and internship;
  • have high grades and other academic achievements;
  • participate in student activities;
  • know the language of the host country at a high level (B2 and C1).

Participate in Erasmus a maximum of twice: once for study, the other for an internship.

Grants for studying in Russia

Young Russians often look for grants abroad. But domestic organizations also provide assistance to talented students and researchers! The website has compiled a list of Russian organizations that provide financial support to talented youth. And, of course, do not forget about the main state program...

Grants of the President of the Russian Federation

Scholarship website: grants of the president of the Russian Federation

Presidential grant can improve

Scholarships are intended for first-year undergraduate or specialist students who study full-time for budgetary funds. In the previous year, they became winners of olympiads, competitions, sports and creative events. The selection of participants and the payment of the grant is handled by the Talent and Success Educational Foundation. How to get a presidential grant?

  1. Open the list of applicants and find your name in it. The list of possible fellows for 2016-2017 has not yet been approved.
  2. Register on the grant website.
  3. Prepare the necessary paperwork, including an agreement with the university where you study. Compose the document according to the template that you will find on the site.
  4. Follow the site for updates.

Fellows annually prove their eligibility for assistance. The grant is extended if the student receives good grades and has achievements in scientific, creative or sports work. After graduation, a person who received a scholarship for more than a year must work for five years. Otherwise, he returns the funds received.

Those who have decided to devote their lives to science have recently been able to count on material support. Financial assistance, grants are provided by government agencies, private charitable foundations and large companies interested in obtaining high-level specialists in a particular field of science or production. The 2017 grants will be awarded to young people who win in the qualifying competitions announced this year. Financing covers various areas of development - humanitarian, research, medical, environmental, art, culture.

Grants and competitions 2017

Foreign scientific centers, interested in attracting talented young people from all over the world to the country, annually hold competitive selections. In particular, the German academic service DAAD, which unites 238 universities of its country, in 2017 conducts selection under the Immanuel Kant program. Each year, this organization provides scholarships for the duration of their studies to about 100,000 students from around the world. Grants 2017 will be allocated to candidates from Russia who win the competition at the Moscow office of DAAD. What is the interest of the German exchange service?

  • Getting elite specialists to work in universities and scientific organizations in Germany;
  • internationalization of scientific centers;
  • showing interest in German culture and language;
  • getting fresh out-of-the-box thinking to accelerate the pace of progress and development.

And a counter question immediately arises: what will Russian science gain from this? – Postgraduate students and teachers, while undergoing internships in German educational and scientific centers, will accumulate experience and knowledge that will become a significant part of a scientific project or dissertation. In addition, joint training in close contact with colleagues from all over the world will ensure further cooperation of scientists in various fields of economic, humanitarian, social, and legal areas.

Educational grants 2016-2017 under the program "Immanuel Kant" are designed for 3 and 6 months, they are valid only for students and graduate students of universities. Scholarships ranging from 1 to 2 thousand euros are paid jointly by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and DAAD. Applicants are required to be fluent in German and English at the level of communication.

Competitions have been announced for the Fulbright program for 2016-2017, which awards grants in the following areas:

  • "Master's Degree and Internship in the USA" (for graduates of Russian universities and graduate students under 30, training is conducted in all subjects);
  • "For young teachers of English" - FLTA (for teaching the Russian language and culture in colleges and universities in America, the age of applicants is 21-29 years old);
  • "For university teachers" - FFDP (for the development of training courses and their further implementation in Russian universities, age - up to 39 years);
  • "For scientists and artists" - VS (lecturing, scientific research, conducting master classes in the USA).

These and many other grants for universities allow Russian graduates and postgraduates to receive additional education and internships at leading Universities in England, Belgium, France and provide an opportunity to continue to engage in scientific activities.

Grants 2016-2017 Russia

The government of our country has a Grants Council, created to support young scientists. Annually they receive financial assistance in several areas:

  • NK - to scientific schools of the Russian Federation;
  • MK - young candidates of sciences;
  • MD - young doctors of sciences.

Scientific schools are teams of researchers working on a hot topic in a priority industry, they include young researchers, and in parallel, scientific training of personnel is carried out. Presidential grants 2017 are allocated for 2 years, are intended for research in the field of science and the development of new technologies.

High school students and students of 1-3 years of Russian universities are very interested in the essay contest "Unity and Difference", its founders are the RELOD company together with the University of Oxford. The contestants write an essay in English, the main prize after summing up is free education in one of the best language schools.

The Presidential Grants for NGOs 2017 is a project that contributes to the support of non-profit non-governmental organizations that are actively working to protect human rights. Funding in this area is received by volunteers, youth sports organizations, youth and children's creativity centers.

Much attention in the country is paid to education, which, as you know, begins with school. The Teacher of Russia program invites graduates to try their hand at teaching. The 2016-2017 Teacher Grants are helping to attract the best young professionals who are able to find creative approaches to teaching and show their leadership qualities to work as a teacher in a regular school. For 2 years, talented novice teachers not only show an extraordinary approach to teaching, but also improve their knowledge themselves with the best teachers in the country, at business coaches, seminars, and consultations. At the end of two years of work, they receive a diploma of completion of the program, which gives them an advantage in choosing a further path.

Grants in the field of culture 2017 are aimed at developing the creativity of children and youth. All sorts of talent competitions held in the country invariably entail considerable costs, which include: organization of the venue, teachers involved in the preparation of performances, jury members, consisting of high-class professionals. Thanks to funding, it becomes possible to purchase valuable prizes and gifts for participants.

All competitions and grants in 2016-2017 in Russia are aimed at the development of science, education, and culture. The country is interested in the emergence of young talented people and creates the most favorable opportunities for scientific research and creativity (read about this on the website, article). Getting young people interested in promising prestigious work and providing decent wages are the right steps to success. To work for the good of our country, and not to strive to break out abroad, should become a personal desire for the best part of our youth.

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