
Relocation of an optical socket. How to connect an optical cable: theory and practice

garden buildings

Today we will not once again discuss the advantages of this technology, but will try to understand more pressing problems. How should a Beltelecom employee connecting GPON look and say, what changes for subscribers with the advent of progress and new technologies, as well as how long it takes to connect to GPON and whether it is possible not to switch to fiber, but at the same time stay with a landline phone .

Tatyana Triputen, Deputy Director for Sales and Customer Service of the Minsk City Telephone Network branch of RUE Beltelecom, told about this.

Not so long ago, excited residents of the capital's Lyubimov Avenue turned to the editorial office of the BelTA agency, where the introduction of GPON is just being completed. Residents of one of the houses in the area found out that with the advent of high speeds and the ability to get Internet, TV and telephone over one cable, one nuance appears - they will have to say goodbye to the old landline phone number, or rather, to its first three digits.

“We were also told that if we do not connect this technology now, then later we will have to do it with our own money! Can we refuse it? And aren't they scammers? asked worried Minsk residents.

“Today we have a new round of network evolution. User requirements are growing, the demand for high-speed Internet, IPTV, IP telephony is increasing, and the possibilities of copper lines are no longer enough. Therefore, the transition to new platforms and solutions is the norm, and not some kind of emergency event. This is an objective process and a global trend. At the same time, it is very expensive to maintain both a copper and a fiber optic line, Beltelecom cannot afford such unjustified expenses, - says Tatyana Triputen. “Changes in telephone numbers have been planned before, and annually, not only in connection with the transition to technology such as GPON.”

- Can the tenants simply be unaware of such work being carried out in the house?

“As for the appeal to the editorial office, most likely representatives of the construction organization, who are laying communication lines for connecting GPON, communicated with the residents of this house. Beltelecom employees come only after agreement with the owners of the apartments,” she explains. “We hold a tender, conclude an agreement with the contractor, after which he begins work on the construction of communication lines.”

It is the builder who is the very first sign that brings the subscriber news about the upcoming changes. After all, in order to conduct an optical fiber, an optical socket must be made in each apartment. Employees of ZhESov, where the connection is made, are required to know by name all the builders who work on their site. And the latter should have badges that residents should pay attention to.

“The contractor organization warns residents in advance about the work that will be carried out in their home, and also provides contact numbers by which residents can check if they are scammers. Information is posted on stands in the entrances, leaflets are distributed through mailboxes or handed directly into the hands of residents,” emphasizes the representative of Beltelecom.

“But not everyone reads the information on the stands or studies the leaflets from the mailbox.

“We are closely cooperating with the housing and communal services, and at our request, they bring information about the connection of fiber optics. And if necessary, the housing departments organize meetings for us with residents, where we explain in detail all the nuances of this process,” says Tatyana Triputen.

After the optical socket is installed in the apartment, it will be the turn of Beltelecom employees who will already connect the equipment itself. But before that, there will also be a door-to-door detour.

“We are additionally hiring temporary workers who go around all the tenants several times. They are easy to recognize by branded bags and badges, they distribute specially prepared programs, which describe the technology in detail. In addition, they agree on a convenient time when our staff member can come and connect GPON. Now we are working in the South-West region, and our representatives are already going around the apartments in the second circle,” says Tatyana Triputen.

In this situation, it is very difficult to miss the information that the house is starting to be connected to fiber optics, the main thing is to at least occasionally look through the leaflets in the mailbox and communicate with company representatives who will tell you in detail what changes will be in your house in the near future.

One of the most exciting circumstances for tenants is information about a change in part of the owner's phone number.

“Yes, a number of requests come to us precisely because of the change of number. People, especially the elderly, find it hard to get used to this idea. But not the whole number changes, but only the first three digits. In addition, we turn on an auto-informer - an answering machine, which will redirect the subscriber who calls you to a new number, ”Tatiana Triputen emphasizes.

Such an autoinformer turns on when all apartments are connected to GPON. But even here Beltelecom can meet halfway. For example, legal entities have the opportunity to connect a personal autoinformer.

“We try to approach each situation as individually as possible, to find a solution that suits both the subscriber and the company's specialists. But because of one subscriber who refuses to connect the fiber optic line, we will not be able to keep copper connections in the house, ”she notes.

Questions also arise about what then you will have to pay for connecting GPON technology. Now Beltelecom is modernizing communication lines at its own expense, in addition, subscribers receive a special unit that will run wires from one fiber to all gadgets in the apartment. And also free. But what about those who, for example, left for six months or a year, when a new technology was being introduced?

“We solve such issues with each specific subscriber individually. And I can’t say that now the service is free, and in three months it will become paid. One way or another, we find a solution together with the subscriber,” the specialist explained.

“Sometimes we hear the question of whether it is possible to refuse to connect the service, especially from the elderly, for whom the usual phone number is more important than all these new technologies. The fact is that all the old telephone exchanges will simply be turned off, and a person who does not connect in a timely manner will simply remain without communication at all, ”Tatiana Triputen explains and emphasizes that they always try to find an approach to a person, solve the problem together.

For example, before the New Year, one of the inhabitants of the South-West was very worried that he would not be congratulated on the holidays because of the change of number. To reassure the elderly man, Beltelecom connected him to a personal autoinformer. Of course, you cannot connect all subscribers to such autoinformers, but this indicates the company's desire to resolve the issue favorably for everyone.

“Not a single Minsker has been left without communication! But we have been connecting GPON since 2011. It doesn't matter if it's new or old. In new buildings, by the way, it is much easier to work: we immediately install fiber optics there. But in the old districts, copper wires have to be replaced,” said Tatyana Triputen.

All technological innovations once seemed wild: people protested against electricity, were wary of cars, telephones, radio and television. And how many copies were broken during computerization! Moreover, some stubborn "Old Believers" are still shy of the computer and the Internet, but this has to be put up with - it is impossible to reverse progress.

“It seems to me that soon we, with our technology, will reach the point of no return, when people themselves will understand all the advantages of GPON. Already now, most of the requests we have come from those Minsk residents who are interested in when their houses will be connected to the optical fiber,” says a representative of Beltelecom.

In 2015, GPON will come to such metropolitan areas as the Institute of Culture and Uruchcha. In total, it is planned to connect more than 70,000 subscribers in Minsk this year.

GPON technology is a kind of FTTH (optics to the home) and involves bringing optical fiber to the subscriber's apartment. This eliminates all active intermediate devices (switches, routers), which undoubtedly improves the quality of service provision, and also creates the prerequisites for increasing the speed to the subscriber up to 1 Gbps or more. RUE Beltelecom plans to increase 650,000 GPON subscribers by 2017. This will increase the share of users of broadband access services with higher speeds. At the same time, a “smart” ONU device is installed for the subscriber, which has various interfaces (Ethernet, FXS, WiFi) to provide all kinds of telecommunication services - IMS services, interactive TV ZALA, Internet, security alarm, intercom, and in the future - "smart home" services .

what's new said the Minister of Communications and Informatization Sergey Popkov

Belarus today ranks 32nd in the world in the development of information and communication technologies. Being a leader in the CIS and ahead of a number of European countries in the ranking, Belarus sets an ambitious goal to get into the top 30. In order to increase the ICT-advancement index, a state program for the development of the digital economy and information society until 2020 has been launched, BelTA informs. What is special about this program was told by the Minister of Communications and Informatization Sergey Popkov.

1. IMS-platform of Beltelecom operator

Now it is possible to receive several services via one subscriber line - fixed telephone communication, Internet, IPTV television, control a sensor system (the so-called "smart home" concept). The cost mechanism for the construction of subscriber lines has been significantly reduced. If earlier communication lines had to be built for each service, today a number of services are laid in one subscriber line. Almost 2.5 million subscribers are already connected to the IMS platform.

2. Passive optical networks

The rapid pace of implementation of networks based on GPON technology makes it possible to provide data transmission services at speeds up to 100 Mbps. The number of subscribers connected via GPON technology in 2017 increased by 610 thousand to 1.7 million subscribers.

By the end of 2018, GPON will be in every high-rise building in regional and district centers. In 2019, the modernization of the so-called "last mile", that is, the subscriber line to the subscriber's apartment, will be completed.

In schools, we will finish work in 2019, in the medical field - in 2020.

3. Internet and TV

The number of TV broadcast subscribers in 2017 increased by 190 thousand and, as of January 1, 2018, amounted to more than 3.5 million subscribers, including 1.724 million IPTV subscribers and 1.79 million cable TV subscribers.

About 10.3 million subscribers use broadband Internet access in Belarus. There are about 3.1 million subscribers and users of fixed and about 7.2 million mobile broadband subscribers.

4. About 4G connection

The Belarusian Cloud Technologies (beCloud) infrastructure operator has been created, which, on equal terms, provides operators with the opportunity to provide fourth-generation communication services to subscribers. Today MTS and life operators are already developing services based on fourth generation networks, velcom is in the process of resolving this issue.

Access to 4G today is available in Minsk, in all regional centers and large district centers. Until the end of 2018, LTE technology will come to settlements with a population of 50,000 or more. In 2018-2019, it is planned to install about 630 more base stations, which will provide access to a single LTE network to more than 76% of the population of Belarus. In fact, by the end of 2018 - in the first half of 2019, the large-scale deployment of the fourth generation network will end.

5. About 5G communication

The International Telecommunication Union has confirmed that by the end of 2018 it will start testing the fifth generation communication standard. 5G technology is designed to transfer large amounts of data at high speeds. But one must understand that fifth-generation networks are more needed to provide services for the economy and the industrial sector. These are ensuring public safety, the development of mobile television, the Internet of things, and the transmission of big data. As for citizens, it is likely that the percentage of 5G users will not be so large.

6. About the cost of communication services

Issues of tariff increase are under consideration, the decision will be made jointly with the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade. Tariffs can rise in a percentage not higher than the inflation rate, perhaps, as the minister promised, and will not reach the inflation rate.

7. About the third operator of external Internet traffic

Today we have two operators of external Internet traffic - the National Traffic Exchange Center and Beltelecom. Two operators quite successfully cope with the tasks. The ministry sees no need to create a third operator.

8. Development of an open data portal

The regulatory framework for the creation of an open data portal is being worked out: which departments and what information should provide. The greatest demand is for information from the economic sector, which corresponds to the global trend and is understandable at the first stages of project implementation. Data in this category is in demand by the business community, which is the most active in the Internet environment.

After passing the initial stage of the portal operation, the distribution of the demand indicator may partially change in favor of data from other sectors: agriculture, trade, real estate, housing and communal services, and others. We are ready to hold an open competition for a technological solution developer. Until the end of the year, the de facto portal will work and be constantly updated depending on the needs of citizens and businesses, as is done all over the world.

According to Sergei Popkov, Belarus has made serious progress in the development of ICT, and the country is in 49th place in the UN rating for readiness for e-government. Ahead of us are countries with much more developed economies. Belarus entered the top 20 countries with the most convenient electronic public services.

Now the task is to consolidate the efforts of the entire ICT community to implement a common digital agenda. On the platform of the EAEU, Belarus initiates the development of a paperless trade system as one of the main elements of optimizing foreign trade, increasing the export potential of all countries of the Union.

A format for submitting initiatives to the Eurasian Economic Commission has been developed. Competence centers are now being created to work out these initiatives and isolate what will give a serious impetus to the further advancement of the digital agenda.

Alexander Lukashenko's statement about the Decree « On the development of the digital economy”:

The main goal of the document is to create conditions for global IT companies to come to Belarus, open their representative offices, development centers and create a product that is in demand in the world. The second goal of the Decree is investment in the future. These are IT personnel and education. The third is the introduction of the latest financial instruments and technologies. The world's leading economies are just eyeing this new phenomenon. Belarus is actually becoming the first state in the world that opens up wide opportunities for using blockchain technology. We have every chance to become a regional competence center in this area.

I have nothing to do with Beltelecom and their installers, so your judgment is wrong. Yes, and everything is visible in my profile, but you don’t care about the details.
When I had an optics done, I noticed that the installers do as you tell them (they spared neither the cable channel nor the cable (I'm talking about a LAN cable for a TV and a computer, a copper telephone cable for a phone).
You are deceiving yourself - you did not care about the installation, instead of a timely dialogue with the installers before and during the work. You may need to learn how to respectfully negotiate work and respectfully accept negotiated work.
Instead of ordinary people complaining here (in fact, nowhere), you better contact Beltelecom.

Dear self-appointed lawyer of Beltelecom, or whoever you are... You don’t know the details yourself, but you have already drawn incredible conclusions... When my apartment was connected, when I came home from work, I only managed to check the installation in my vestibule in me the previously installed cable channel . And in the next vestibule from the shield and the entrance, they were smoking without me. Do you know everyone has a job, and a week before that I took a day off and waited for the brigade all day, but no one came at the appointed time. And the installers carried the cable to the neighbors in general in my absence and frolic, as they saw fit. Although I immediately warned them not to put the neighbor's cable into my cable channel. The fact that they do not install sockets for optics is certainly not the fault of the performers, it is the fault of the developer of the regulations. In addition, they did not tell me anything about the absence of an outlet. And they are well aware that the slightest bend in the wire can lead to its failure. I'd buy the outlet myself if I knew. Obviously, so much fragile wiring should be brought only to a stationary outlet. And the owner cannot check where the cliff is without special equipment. Yes, they did not spare the cable, but why do I need these fragile tails in the apartment?
And why shouldn't people know about my negative experience? As they say, teach your wife how to cook cabbage soup. And I will solve the issue with them and make them redo everything as it should. But why should I waste my time on this? Maybe someone just sucks doing their job?

Somewhere a little over a year ago, I had optics done and during installation in the apartment they installed an optical socket - it looks like this one:

You should spend your time on this, if only because you are doing it for yourself, to satisfy your needs.

Imagine that you are the installer.
As in Vasya Oblomov's song "Memento mori":
Imagine that your doctor studied like you
Imagine that an accountant thinks like you
Imagine that the traffic cop is honest like you,
Imagine that everything around you is you.
And neither the cross nor the aspen stake will help,
And even prayer, head on the floor.
Looking for a way to stay on track
Blaming your neighbor for failures.

Gradually optical fiber supersedes all other types of cable communication in our homes. In new new buildings, for a long time, nothing is being started except Beltelecom fiber optics which provides all telecommunication services: Internet Byfly, interactive-television Zala., telephony, intercom. What is it?
Optical fiber This is the fastest way to transfer information today. One by one fiber, as thick as a human hair, a huge amount of information can be transmitted (up to 10 million telephone conversations at the same time).
Now in Minsk, and not only, there is an active modernization of telephone lines. Optical fiber of Beltelecom in Minsk- this is the replacement of old copper cables with new ones fiber optic lines. Accordingly, its separate fiber from Beltelecom available to each subscriber. This technology is called GPON(Gigabyte Passive Optical Network)

Here is a list of a few key points that you need to know about the mechanisms for introducing this technology into each apartment. Usually the main fiber optic line is installed at the entrance to the apartment and is the so-called “ optical socket” is directly your new telephone line, which is a plastic square with a side of about 10 cm mounted on the wall. Inside it is wound by itself optical fiber and a connector for connecting removable optical cords.
Installed at the entrance to the apartment as by itself fiber optic cable quite fragile, and for its restoration it is required to call specialists with special equipment. Next, a removable connector is connected to the optical socket. optical cord (patch cord). It is too optical fiber with chips on both ends. This cord can be used for laying around the apartment, because if it is damaged, it can be easily replaced by acquiring a new required length (purchase optical patch cord in Minsk you can with us). It is desirable to lay optical fiber in a corrugated pipe or in a box. The modem from Beltelecom comes with an optical cable 2-3 meters long. This optical patch cord a modem is connected, which requires a regular 220V power outlet to work. And from this modem, further wiring is already being carried out with ordinary copper wires such as twisted pair. The phone is connected with a regular telephone wire (it will do, and the old “noodles”, i.e. you can switch your old wiring to this modem and everything will work fine). For internet connection Byfly and television Zala 2 or 4 pair required about UTP cable with RJ45 connectors (network cable). The Internet can also be connected via Wi-Fi, but twisted-pair wiring is better to do anyway, especially in apartments with a large area. In remote "corners" Wi-Fi from a standard modem may not pull, in this case it is necessary to connect either via cable, or buy additional devices to amplify the wireless signal.
Attention ordinary TV cable (coaxial) connect and use for interactive TV Zala it is forbidden
In general, the connection diagram looks like shown in the figure:

Where 1 is an optical socket with a connected optical cord (patch cord),
2 - modem connector with connected to it optical patch cord and a connector for connecting the power supply (black),
3- place connection of a conventional telephone set,
4 - connections patch cord for internet or television

Advantages of fiber

Large length of regeneration sections (low signal transmission losses);
- not subject to electromagnetic influences;
- the fastest way to transfer information today;
- complete electrical safety;
- smaller and lighter than traditional copper lines;

Cons of fiber

The main disadvantage of this technology is the special delicacy during installation. Optical fiber does not like kinks, so even if the signal passes through the kink, the fiber throughput can significantly deteriorate.
More about the service

Today, Beltelecom is the most popular provider of broadband Internet access in Belarus. If you are planning to connect to byfly, but are lost among the proposed options, our guide will definitely be useful to you. We are talking about all Beltelecom tariffs for the Internet that are relevant in the current 2019 year.

Fiber or copper?

No, we do not offer you a choice. We are talking about two technologies still used by Beltelecom to provide subscribers with access to their services. And although work on laying fiber-optic cable is being intensively carried out throughout the republic, many settlements still remain “unclosed”. Therefore, for convenience, we divided all tariffs into two large groups.

If you have a "regular" Internet (xDSL)

Rate Maximum access speed (reception/transmission, Kbps) Cost (per month with VAT,BYN)
Homebody Start 3072/512 15,70
Homebody XXL 4096/512 17,50
SuperHomebody 6144/512 20,65
Homebody Ultra 8192/512 22,50
Social unlim 3 3072/512 8,00
Comfort Express (up to 10 GB traffic) 4096/512 9,50
Comfort Mini 4096/512 2,30
Homebody Premium 10240/5120 32,00
Homebody Family 3072/512 17,00

You can specify the cost and conditions for tariffs on the official website

The Domosed line is still in demand in those places where fiber has not yet reached: this is the best option out of all relevant Beltelecom tariffs for the Internet for individuals, attracting attention with unlimited access. Separately, it is worth highlighting two of its modifications - "Homebody Premium" and "Homebody Family".

Domosed Premium, in addition to the highest available access speed, also offers an annual subscription to the Kaspersky Crystal antivirus program for two computers at once.

And the cost of the tariff "Homebody Family" includes a fee for parental control. This is very handy if you want to make the network really safe for your child.

If, among Beltelecom's tariffs, you are looking for those that are best suited for pensioners who are veterans of the Second World War, pay attention to Social Unlim 3 - at the minimum speed, but also with a minimum payment and, moreover, without any restrictions on traffic.

The "Comfort" line with limited (not unlimited) traffic is suitable for rare use:

  • "Express" - if you want to have prepaid traffic;
  • "Mini" - if you want to pay for each spent meter of traffic.

Tariffs "Beltelecom" for "fiber"

Here again there is "Social Unlim" - this time with a more attractive access speed of up to 10 Mbps. It can be connected:

  • families with disabled children under the age of 18;
  • large families;
  • warriors-internationalists;
  • WWII veterans.

This is fixed in the instructions.

Beltelecom also connects this tariff to family-type orphanages.

The same speed as on Social Unlim is offered by Record 10, which costs more. This tariff can be recommended to pensioners who do not want to pay a lot of money for the Internet. The allocated channel is enough for regular surfing the net, for video communication with children and grandchildren, and for watching movies online.

The most popular Beltelecom tariff from this line today is Record 25. It offers quite decent speed for the money and fits the needs of most people perfectly.

If you are an adherent of online gaming battles and need a solid channel, then the Record 50 and Record 200 options will solve all your problems.

How to quickly check the balance, enter the promised payment, pause and other services for all Beltelecom services? Use the new personal account, here is ours, even from the phone.

Service packages

In addition to the Internet, Beltelecom also offers combined service packages, including access to the network, as well as telephone and interactive television services (halls).

The most popular options are "Yasna" for fiber optics and "Family" based on a regular xDSL connection.

The Yasna line offers high-speed Internet access using PON technology at speeds from 35/17.5 Mbps to 200/100 Mbps and is very popular among various categories of the population. It is no coincidence that there is even a separate tariff "Yasna Igrovoy" with a large number of bonuses for fans of the computer game "World Of Tanks".

On the "Family" for obvious reasons, the speed is more modest: from 3072/512 Kbps to 4096/512 Kbps.