
The history of the development of cooking (culinary) art. The origin of the word "cooking", how did it get into the Russian language? Means Cooking

Before winter

Culinary, cookery art. A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. Popov M., 1907. cooking (Latin culinas kitchen culina kitchen) the art of cooking, as well as the collective name of dishes. New… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

COOKING- (from Latin culina cuisine), the art of preparing food from products of animal, vegetable (and mineral) origin in the form of various dishes. K. was known in prehistoric times before the advent of pottery (for example, frying meat and fish ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

COOKING, cookery, pl. no, female (from lat. culina cuisine). 1. The art of cooking. Cooking courses. 2. collected Meals. Exquisite culinary. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

COOKING, and and COOKING, and, wives. 1. The art of cooking. 2. Store of ready meals and semi-finished food products. | adj. culinary, oh, oh (to 1 value). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

Cooking is a pleasure, unfortunately, daily. A certain American housewife The same dish is never the same. Alain Lobro Cooking is a matter of time. In general, the more time, the better the result. John… … Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

cooking- and culinary... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

- (from lat. culina cuisine) the art of cooking ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

I kulin aria, culinary ia f. 1. The art of cooking. 2. unfold Tasty cooked food. II kulin aria, culinary specialist Ia. A store or a special department at a restaurant, a canteen selling semi-finished and ready-made meals. Dictionary … Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

Exist., number of synonyms: 3 geumatics (2) geustics (2) dietoculinary (1) ... Synonym dictionary

cooking- and, well. art culinaire. 1. The art of cooking. ALS 1. Kataev physiologically, as they say, with all his liver, appreciated (knew how to appreciate) the flesh of life, knew how to savor it, had a special gourmet taste of life, and not just French cooking. Banner 1999 ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language


  • Cooking, . The COOKING book was written for a cook to help him in his work, improve his skills, teach him the basics of cooking, instill useful habits and skills. Introductory sections of the book…
  • Cooking, . The book "Cookery" was written for the cook to help him in his work, improve his skills, teach the basics of modern cooking, instill useful habits and skills. Introductory sections…

The section is very easy to use. In the proposed field, just enter the desired word, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-building dictionaries. Here you can also get acquainted with examples of the use of the word you entered.

Meaning of the word cooking

cooking in the crossword dictionary

Dictionary of medical terms

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


And and COOKING, -and, f.

    The art of cooking.

    Store of ready meals and food semi-finished products.

    adj. culinary, -th, -th (to 1 value).

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


COOKING (from lat. culina - kitchen) the art of cooking.


(from lat. culina ≈ kitchen), the art of cooking a variety of foods from raw plant and animal products.



Cooking food, cooking or cooking- human activity of preparing food for meals. Includes a complex of technologies, equipment and recipes. Cooking is a set of methods for preparing a wide variety of foods necessary for human life and health from minerals and products of plant and animal origin.

Compliance with certain rules when cooking is called technology. Cooking methods and the ingredients themselves vary widely among different countries, peoples, social groups are called cuisine and reflect the unique interrelationships of culture, economy and traditions. Cooking itself is highly dependent on both the skill and education of the cook. To prepare tasty and healthy food, it is necessary to acquire certain knowledge of technology and skills in the culinary art of cooking.

Also, cooking- a store (or a special department at a restaurant, canteen, cafe, in a store) selling semi-finished and ready-made foods.

Cooking (book)

"Cooking"- Soviet collection of culinary recipes and cooking tips (cookbook), published in the mid-1950s. The total circulation of the book amounted to more than a million copies. The Ministry of Food Industry of the USSR acted as the customer and curator of such publications.

The book talked about the basics of rational nutrition, provided information about food products produced in the USSR, and provided recipes for various dishes.

Examples of the use of the word culinary in the literature.

If the food workers had several varieties of bread, bakery and lamb products actually on the same table, then the URS occupied the entire palace of miners, where bakery and confectionery products occupied a wall of 20 meters, sausages and smoked meats the whole room, along with semi-finished products and cooking.

Pork reigns, and dumplings became the strongest disappointment in Prague: exalted by Hasek to poetic dignity, they turned out to be slices of boiled dough - the triumph of literature, shame cooking.

To reproduce it does not require any deep knowledge in dietology, nor in cooking.

On a portable gas stove, kupaty, bought by Victoria in cooking.

In cooking, you can focus on our recipes and the principles of low-fat cooking outlined in the previous chapter.

I thought with fright what kind of shortening Vityechka would give me if I cooking frozen meatballs!

His sophistication in matters of interior and drinks was quite balanced by a complete disregard for cooking.

Apparently, the sphere of Zherdev's passions was not limited to cooking, car business and drunken drunkenness.

As soon as the issue of marriage was finally resolved, yesterday's student began to secretly take lessons in cooking at Bronya and the old woman Dlusskaya.

On the fold of the letter G, on the inside, there was a large stand: it was filled with books by Bertoldo, including his own writings on cooking, bound in pigskin, bronze candlesticks, on which he helped Donatello, and wax and clay models of most of his sculptures, were immediately stored.

It's just a mystery of nature why humans, who certainly don't evolve with regards to cooked food, must necessarily consider the boiling point of water at one hundred degrees Celsius to be ideal for the needs cooking He pointed with a ceramic spoon at his kitchen vessels.

But Vitaly Alekseevich Korotich is right, his instinct did not deceive him: for domestic journalism, it is true that the time has come when one should be interested in precisely cooking everything else is a danger zone.

Divide the book into 7 sections - cooking general, dough, washing and washing, sewing, knitting, hygiene and physical education, various little things.

And there was cooking, there they baked buns, sand rings, cakes and many, many different goodies for the officers.

The history of the emergence of culinary world dates back to antiquity, when a person first began to get food for himself. Since then, much has changed and cooking has become one of the art forms.

Cooking is a word derived from the Latin culina, which means cuisine. Its meaning is clear to everyone, it is the art of preparing delicious, healthy and satisfying dishes.

This has been studied for many years in special educational institutions, and individual, especially talented chefs are famous all over the world.

But this art form has its own history. The history of cooking is confusing and ambiguous.

The main stages in the development of cooking

  • The history of the origin of cooking begins from the moment when man appeared on earth. It has been established that even before people learned how to make fire, they mixed different products that they ate. Some were crushed or ground between stones, some were left in their original form.

This difference in approaches to cooking can be considered the initial stage in the history of the development of cooking.

  • Only later, after the fire became not only a terrible threat to all living things, but also a different way to heat a home and process meat and plants under the influence of high temperatures, cooking stepped to a new level. The use of fire is one of the main stages in the development of cooking
  • Heat treatment not only made food tastier, but also killed harmful larvae and microbes in meat, vegetables and fruits. And then various herbs began to be added to meat, fish and poultry.
  • Salt and sugar began to be obtained much later, but their use has become literally a new word in the preparation of various dishes. It is almost impossible to imagine modern cuisine without these ingredients. Undersalted soup seems disgusting (however, just like oversalted, but in the latter case it is much more difficult to correct the situation), and too sweet a dish, just like not enough sweet, is unlikely to be a success at any table.

History of world culinary

The history of world cuisine is considered one of the most ancient. The attitude to food and its preparation in different countries, in different territories was surprisingly different. Of course, the products also differed (however, this, although to a lesser extent, is still relevant today: some specific Spanish jamon or Japanese noodles are rarely served as a home-cooked dinner on duty), and the methods of their preparation.

The emergence of cooking in Greece

However, the attention paid to the meal, say, in ancient Greece, is amazing. The Greeks clearly loved to eat well and tasty, and spared neither money (whom the situation allowed, of course) nor time for it.

Festive feasts were arranged on a truly amazing scale. What are the multi-layered stuffed dishes alone worth (almost like in Russian fairy tales, only with a gastronomic bias: an olive in a pigeon, a dove in a hare, a hare in a lamb, and the latter, in turn, in a ram roasted on a spit). They washed it all down with wine, and dinners were presented in whole performances.

But in Sparta, on the contrary, the approach to food was strict and restrained, almost like to all areas of life. In this country, warriors were brought up who were not accustomed to excesses and who were able to withstand great physical exertion and long transitions.

The food, accordingly, was quite coarse, but satisfying. There were no sophistications like those that the Greeks allowed themselves to be.

History of cooking in Italy

And at the beginning of the first century AD, Greece ceased to be a country where culinary talents could find not only a decent income, but also public recognition. The center of culinary art was the capital of the great Empire - Rome.

The emphasis placed on dining rooms and kitchens in Roman architecture is found in many history books. drinks and snacks were served both in the baths and on the streets, and during friendly or business meetings. And, of course, various types of taverns and taverns flourished.

In the Middle Ages, a certain stagnation occurred in the history of Italian cuisine, which ended at the very end of this dark time. The Italians began to create again, and already at that time, world-famous Italian dishes appeared.

After, at the beginning of the seventeenth century, France became the center of culinary art. It was at that moment that the history of the emergence of French cuisine begins.

The exquisite dishes of local masters left few indifferent, and the French and Italians are still competing, trying to win the title of the best chefs in the world.

History of Culinary in Russia

The history of cooking in Russia began with the establishment of the first cooking schools. It took place at the end of the nineteenth century. Before that, it simply never occurred to anyone that the art of cooking needed to be taught.

Meanwhile, Russian cuisine is one of the richest in the world:

  • Dumplings, cabbage soup, soups, pies, pies and much, much more - all this existed in the country, recipes and culinary tricks were kept by the people for many centuries. These dishes of Russian national cuisine are widely known all over the world.

Of course, recipes and dishes from different countries were constantly mixed up, and now it is already difficult to find out, for example, exactly where pasta was invented. A variety of ingredients, dried fruits and vegetables, dried meat, spices, along with recipes, were brought to distant lands by merchants and travelers, and then became a familiar part of the national cuisine.

Now, without leaving your hometown, you can try dishes from almost all cuisines of the world:

  • brazilian;
  • Mexican;
  • Italian;
  • Greek;
  • Russians;
  • Asian, etc.

Since ancient times, people have been familiar with cooking, since they first roasted a piece of meat on a fire. Only a few people know that the word culinary is of Latin origin and translates as kitchen (culina). You can understand this as the cuisine of a certain people - Italian, Ukrainian, or as a special place where food is cooked. Everything we know about food, its processing and cooking includes the word cooking, and it doesn’t matter which cuisine the dish belongs to. Cooking is both a science and an art, which together form a wonderful tandem that gives people the pleasure of food in all its diversity. Since ancient times, the secrets of cooking deliciousdishes . Each dish has a certain set of recipes, in addition, each cuisine of the earth has its own recipes. Literally ten years ago, in order to find out some unusual recipe, one had to buy cookbooks or magazines with a variety of recipes. But, science does not stand in one place, and paper has almost ceased to be the main carrier of information. To find what you need, you need to have access to the Web, where there are a great many sites dedicated to cooking. Our resource is also dedicated to the wonderful work of cooking. You can surprise your friends with new dishes every day. Many housewives often do not know how to please their husband and children - every time you can cook something very appetizing and unusual.

Cooking, today, and this is recognized, is not just an everyday word or an everyday obligatory ritual - cooking, but cooking is a science, and, unlike many other sciences, science is not only "exact", but cooking is also an art.
Throughout life, people learn, including how to cook. Cooking is studied from books, of course, if there is no worthy teacher nearby who will agree to teach you the art of cooking. But, we received the first knowledge of cooking by watching how our grandmothers cook, and if cooking was addictive, then we enthusiastically read books on culinary arts. It is believed that Cooking is the tenth muse of mankind. We love to cook. Almost everyone thinks they can cook. We cook at home, we cook in haste at work, we love to cook outdoors. Cooking brings joy and satisfaction to our lives.

Wikipedia defines the word "Food" or "Food" as a set of inorganic and organic substances obtained by organisms from the environment and used by them for nutrition. Food is necessary for the body to build growing body tissues and restore those that are destroyed in the process of life, to support this process and replenish the energy consumed. The main purpose of food is to be a source of energy and "building material" for the body, however, the factor of getting pleasure from food is also important in human nutrition. With improper nutrition, you can get obesity and other diseases of malnutrition. Many concepts related to cooking are called the word kitchen.
The correct use of food, or rather the correct preparation of ingredients and processing, i.e. cooking, and is called a beautiful wordCOOKING . What preceded the transformation of simple food consumption into the art of cooking. Barely having been born, a person receives an order from his stomach - EAT. A person screams his birth, but having screamed to his heart's content, he changes the timbre of the cry, demanding food. This is the first thing a new Life declares when it comes into the world - I WANT TO EAT. A person needs to eat in order to restore the strength that takes away from a person both physical work and mental work, yes, you also need to grow. If you delve into the history of mankind, then from birth a person receives food in order to live, grow and create. Without the energy that food gives the body, no living creature can live. The only difference between animal and man is that the savage or animal eats out of necessity, while the civilized man eats out of gluttony. And such a controversial opinion, which was voiced by A. Dumas, may have an explanation

A small journey into the history of cooking.

Until now, it is believed that it was Ancient Rome, whose aristocracy was immersed in luxury, who gave the World the first cookbooks in history. One of them is the ten-volume work of Caelius Apicius, written in the 1st century BC. AD However, the first descriptions of culinary recipes in history were found in Greece in the 4th century BC in the Greek colonies located on the island of Sicily.In those days, cooking was treated with great worship and respect, and it was believed that this science should be mastered by the freeborn, who received a gift from above. The merits of the culinary Greek chef Mitek in gastronomic art were equated by contemporaries with the contribution of the great Phidias to the art of sculpture. At the beginning of the 3rd century BC, Sophon of Acharis taught how to mix fragrant spices. Parmenon from the island of Rhodes has prepared a complete guide to cooking, and Paksam - "Cooking Dictionary".
The Romans, being worthy students of the Greeks, carried the knowledge of cooking further.
Mark Gabius Apicius , the alleged author of the only ancient cookbook that has come down to us - "De arte coquinaria seu de obsoniis et condimentis" in the 5th century BC.

But this is the history of cooking. In our modern time, cookery books are no longer considered a rarity, although there were such. In ancient times, when Russia was part of the USSR, the most scarce books were detective stories and cookbooks. It was considered a special pride to have a famous book in the house, published under the supervision of a member of the PolitburoAnastas Mikoyan 1939 edition of "On Tasty and Healthy Food". This book was published until 1978, in an era of total shortages and the collection of waste paper.

Now all the shelves of bookstores and newsstands are littered with waste paper about COOKING. It is better to keep silent about periodicals.

Your attention is invited to the culinary site "Varim Parim", which should fill the gap in knowledge about cooking, help completely inexperienced owners of stoves, imperfect pots and pans, fill in the gaps in knowledge, and the pros should remember not only classic recipes, but also get acquainted with new trends in the culinary art. On the pages of the site we will try to illustrate recipes from great people who devoted a lot of time to gastronomy as much as possible.

We will try to ensure that the information and recipes that you will find on the pages of our portal "Cooking Parim" are not boring, reliable, intelligible and not only stimulate the appetite, but also provide aesthetic pleasure. Most culinary recipes are accompanied by a series of photographs to make the cooking process as clear and accessible as possible for you.

Unlike a printed publication, where a recipe is often presented in the form of a simple listing of ingredients and, at best, correctly described stages of preparing specific dishes, a culinary site allows you to illustrate any recipe with any number of photos, and sometimes videos. This method of presenting the material makes it easier to assimilate the material, and to prevent mistakes in the preparation of a particular dish.

There are some dishes where the presence of many photographs cannot be in the specifics of the dish itself. For example,classic scrambled eggs . But even such recipes, unlike book ones, are accompanied by photographs.

And what dish, what table, that is, festive or homemade, without bread. The culinary site presents not only the technique that helps to bake delicious bread, but also a large number of recipes for a variety of bread. Bread is the head of everything, therefore bread is reservedseparate heading "BREAD" . let's not forget about those who are fasting or losing weight. They are discussed below.

Over the past 15 years, when our stores began to resemble the Central Market in terms of the abundance of products, the most burning topic of housewives was the topic - SLIMMING. At work and in line for trips to Turkey, in the clinic and at home in the kitchen, there is only talk about how to lose weight and what to eat. How many types, types of diets, probably, Landau would not have counted. How to lose 5 kg. in 4 hours, any klusha selling pies will tell you.

But no matter how much we are afraid of being overweight, we will never be able to give up the pleasure of eating delicious food, drinking hard and having an honest hangover. A meal is a primordially Russian concept, when a feast begins in the morning, and after a change of 26-30 dishes, smoothly flows into the evening assembly. Lovers of delicious food cannot be frightened by horror stories and historical facts related to the death of the great fabulist I. Krylov, who died from overeating.

How can you refuse, when you are on the hunt and really want, from mincemeat under a chilling hand with a glass of crystal clear vodka. And if there is a bowl of Georgian satsivi on the table, and a kulebyaka with a screech lies next to it, is it possible to refuse such magnificence? And at the table are good friends and pleasant interlocutors? How can you refuse such a pastime -gossip in the kitchen ?

But, as in the old joke, in order to have all this, you need to study. So, let's read and learn. And don’t let the names and complexity of cooking some recipes scare you, for example: spaghetti with bolognese sauce, it’s important to try cooking. We and you will not be frightened by foie gras. All this is simple when you know where and what happened. Why are pancakes with red caviar made and served this way, and not like in fast food.

And with what appetite do you read? Gastronomer's Notes» Alexandre Dumas, as Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol exquisitely describes to us in his works eating dumplings with sour cream. Is it possible to compare a trip to a dumpling shop with the sacrament of making dumplings at home and their absorption by the whole family, losing count of who ate how many dumplings.

Another remarkable work was published "Gastronomic Encyclopedia" ( Larousse Gastronomique) in 14 volumes. Part of the information from this magnificent publication will be supplemented and posted on the culinary website.

Cooking technology.

"Chicken with Rosemary, Garlic and Orange"


one . Chicken - 1 pc.

2. Rosemary (fresh) - ½ tbsp.

3. Garlic - 1-2 cloves

4. Salt - 1 tsp
5. Black pepper - 1 pinch;

6. Orange

7. Potato - 1.2 kg

Cooking method:

Cut the garlic into balls and place them under the chicken skin, evenly over the entire carcass. Chicken weighing 1.5 kg. corn-fed (it has more juicy meat)

Mix 50 ml of olive oil with 0.5 tbsp. finely chopped fresh rosemary, 1 tsp salt and a pinch of black pepper.

Cut the chicken along the spine and flatten it on the board (like tobacco chicken). Lubricate it well with half of rosemary oil and place it on a greased sheet. Best of all in a baking sleeve - it shoots very well. Bake at 225C for about 50 minutes.

Take out, cover with half rings of oranges and bake for another half hour.

For the garnish, peel 1.2 kg of potatoes (a little more can be used), cut them into 6-8 pieces and mix with the remaining rosemary oil and place on a greased baking sheet. Put it under the sheet with the chicken, at the same time that you covered the chicken with oranges. When the chicken is ready, take it out, raise the temperature to 250 C and lift the potato leaf up, let it brown. Put the cooked potatoes on a dish, lay the chicken on top. Serve with fresh vegetable salad.

Organization of the work of the hot shop.

Pre-cooking includes hot and cold shops of catering establishments.

In the hot shop, hot first courses, second courses, side dishes, sauces are prepared, and all technological operations for the heat treatment of semi-finished products for the cold shop are performed. The cold shop produces a variety of cold dishes, snacks and culinary products.

The work of pre-cooking workshops is based on the menu plan. The release of dishes and culinary products during the day is carried out in small portions, taking into account the load of the trading floor and the schedule of the flow of consumers. The largest part of the products of pre-cooking shops is made before the opening of the hall.

It is probably difficult to imagine any, even the most trained animal, preparing food for itself according to certain rules and traditions. Therefore, according to the unanimous opinion of scientists, cooking is an exclusively human invention and the prerogative of our society. And also - a real outlet, a profession and a hobby that gives great pleasure to cooks and gourmets of all ranks and stripes. In the modern world, cooking is also a way of self-expression, bordering on the highest creativity. How else? The centuries-old history of the issue is the clearest confirmation of all of the above.

Cooking is the art of cooking

What does this term mean in the broadest sense? Some consider it an art form, others call it a science. In any case, cooking is the activity of people that is aimed at preparing food. This concept is a set of methods and techniques that are designed to diversify the cooking that people need to maintain their performance and health of the body. To turn the processing of meat, cereals, vegetables, fruits into a real art, to provide the chef with a flight for creative thought. It is these (or similar) definitions that exist in dictionaries: explanatory or encyclopedic.

Great variety

In different countries around the world, there are different ways and options for cooking, a variety of ingredients are used that give the dishes flavor and tradition. In the cuisines of different nations, sauces, seasonings, spices are used, which in another area may not be heard of. In addition, when cooking, certain technologies must be observed that are inherent in the development of modern society or, conversely, authentic ones that have come to us from ancient times.


Yes, without a doubt, cooking accompanied people in ancient times, and it was probably born at those moments when the ancestors first processed the food they obtained with the help of fire. The word "cooking" itself is a tracing-paper of the Latin culina, which means "kitchen". This term, in turn, denotes several concepts: kitchen - as a place or room for cooking, and kitchen - as a set of various ways of processing and preparing food ingredients in a certain area (there is, for example, Russian cuisine, French cuisine, Mexican cuisine, and so on). list of countries and peoples).

Accumulated knowledge

Cooking is a community of a lot of knowledge about all foodstuffs, about their processing methods, which have accumulated over the centuries. They give all people the opportunity to appreciate the delights of exquisitely prepared dishes, to which cuisine of the peoples of the world they would not belong. And cooking itself combines science and art, which together form a delightful duet, ensuring the enjoyment of dishes in all their diversity.

Secrets and advice in the culinary arts have been passed down from generation to generation, from chefs to their students, and beyond for centuries. Any dish is expressed by a formula, that is, a recipe. And for centuries, all kinds of recipes were collected in a cookbook, and then such collections bestowed their secrets on those learning to cook.

Cooking courses

Almost 10 years ago, in order to read a recipe, you had to buy a cookbook, magazine, brochure. Today, such culinary studies are more accessible, and the Internet opens up what was previously unattainable. And if you have a dream of becoming a chef, then the corresponding course can be taken for free or inexpensively even online. There are also culinary websites, blogs, where culinary pros or the most ordinary housewives will tell you step by step how to cook many interesting dishes, there would be a desire to learn!