
How to apply for a non-cash housing subsidy.

Conifers in design

How will the mechanism of state support for housing construction work? Will all beneficiaries be able to receive state support? Alexander GORVAL, Head of the Housing Policy Department of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of Belarus, answered these and other questions from AiF readers.

What changed

In addition to the current system of preferential lending for housing construction, since August 6, 2017, in accordance with Decree No. 240, a new type of state support has been launched for citizens in need of improved housing conditions. Now preferential categories of people on the waiting list will be able to count on receiving subsidies for the construction and reconstruction of residential premises.

The fundamental approaches to providing state support in Belarus will remain. Only the mechanism for distributing funds will change. Now citizens will take a commercial loan from the bank and partially repay the debt at the expense of a subsidy issued by the state, the specialist of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture noted.

Thus, according to Decree No. 420, the categories of citizens listed in Decree No. 13 of January 6, 2012 will be able to apply for subsidies - all those who could previously count on a preferential loan. Today in Belarus there are 16 categories of citizens who are eligible for soft loans, of which nine categories are eligible for extraordinary loans.

Large families - priority

Can a young family count on state support if one of the spouses is a Russian citizen permanently residing in the Republic of Belarus?

Foreign citizens permanently residing on the territory of the Republic of Belarus have the same rights to state support in housing construction as Belarusian citizens. Such a norm, by the way, was enshrined in Decree No. 13. Therefore, for advice, you need to contact the executive committee at the place of registration of those in need of improved living conditions.

I read that along with the fact that payments on loans with a subsidy will be close to the size of payments on preferential loans under the terms of Decree No. 13, people will pay more on a loan. Is it so?

E. Nikolaychik, Gomel

For those categories of beneficiaries that are spelled out in Decree No. 13 (Decree No. 240 also applies to them), the interest on the loan remained the same. But, indeed, an increase in payments is possible due to the fact that interest rates on commercial loans may differ in banks. We are talking about a difference of 1-2%.

All in order!

Tell me, how long do people stand in line to improve their living conditions?

Victoria, Minsk

In the regions, the queue moves faster than in large cities. But there is less housing being built. In Minsk, a person who is in the general queue of people in need of better living conditions can wait up to 30 years for their apartment. The most vulnerable categories of citizens, such as large families, families with orphans, military personnel, etc., will receive guaranteed housing in turn. There are 9 categories in total.

I would like to clarify how the queue for subsidies will fit if we are building a private house. Construction has already begun. The district executive committee explained that specific apartment buildings will be built under subsidies, how many apartments - so many people who need it in turn will fall under subsidies, but if among these people there are those who build private houses, they will be "thrown out" of the queue. Is it so? Or for individual construction - a separate line?

N. Zaikovskaya, N

No. It's not like that at all. The principles for distributing state support remain the same as in Decree No. 13. That is, the amount for multi-apartment and individual construction will be determined from the total amount of subsidized loans. Everyone has their turn. I repeat that nothing changes for citizens either in the order of sending them to construction, or in the queue.

A year ago we received a commercial loan. Can we apply for state support?

E. Leshko, Minsk

No. The subsidy applies only to those loans that are issued after August 6, 2017, that is, after the entry into force of Decree No. 240, and only to those loans that are received in the direction of the executive committees in order of priority for specific objects. The decree does not apply to previous agreements with the bank.

A family of 3 is building an apartment for a commercial loan at a rate of 16%, the delivery of the house is in October. We stand in line as those in need of better living conditions. Are we eligible to receive a subsidy under Decree No. 240?

K. Senko, Grodno

Unfortunately, you are not subject to the new Decree No. 240, since you issued a loan before this document came into effect.

I am a disabled person of the second group since childhood. I'm standing in line as someone in need of better housing. Do I have to queue up to receive a subsidy?

O. Korolev, Minsk

There is no separate queue for subsidies. To receive state support for housing construction, you just need to stand in line to improve housing conditions.

We were given a plot for the construction of a residential building as a needy young family with two children in turn in the village council in 2015. We were not given any benefits. Do we have the right to receive this subsidy immediately or will we have to queue up again?

If you are already on the register of those in need of better housing conditions, then you just have to wait for your turn. When it occurs, a state subsidy will be provided depending on the amount of funds that have been allocated for individual construction in this region.

What mechanism

The subsidy will also be given for the reconstruction of residential premises. What is it about?

A. Kulikov, Gomel

Reconstruction of a single-family, blockaded residential building and non-residential buildings in the local area is understood as a set of construction works related to changes in technical and economic indicators (construction volume, total area of ​​a residential building and non-residential buildings), as well as the functional purpose of these houses and buildings in order to improve living conditions . For example, a large family living in their own house, wanting to increase the living space of existing housing, decides to build on the second floor or make an extension to the house. On a first-come, first-served basis, a family has the right to receive a subsidy for the reconstruction of a dwelling, provided that it is registered as needing better housing conditions.

Explain how the mechanism of state support will operate?

A. Valentinchik, Grodno

If the turn has come, the citizen applies to the executive committee, where a decision is made to provide a subsidy and its calculation is made. Further, a citizen with an extract from the decision of the executive committee applies to the bank to conclude a loan agreement, taking into account the amount of the subsidy. So far, only two banks issue state subsidies - these are Belarusbank and Belagroprombank, but proposals from 5 more banks are being considered. The subsidy will be paid monthly during the loan period. If the composition of the family changes, its size will change (the composition of the family changes - the base cost of the loan is recalculated, changes are made to the decision of the executive committee and the amount of the subsidy is adjusted). Since the amount of the subsidy depends on the refinancing rate, it will also change in the process of payments in accordance with the information of the National Bank on changes in the refinancing rate (recalculation will be made).

20:19 30.08.2016

Since October 1, a system of non-cash housing subsidies has been introduced in Belarus. It should mitigate for vulnerable categories of the population the consequences of rising prices for housing and communal services.

The decree on the introduction of the system was signed just the other day, on August 29. Now government agencies are launching a machine for its implementation, simultaneously informing citizens about the new rules and nuances.

the site has tried to bring everything that is known to date into one memo.

Which families will receive subsidies

  • Families living in the city, whose housing and communal services costs will exceed 20 percent of the average monthly total income.
  • Families living in a rural area, whose housing and communal services costs will exceed 15 percent of the average monthly total income.

How to qualify for a subsidy

  • Non-working pensioners and non-working adults with disabilities, if able-bodied family members do not live with them, will receive a subsidy automatically. Provided that their spending on housing and communal services exceeds 20 or 15 percent. This is called the revealing principle.
  • The rest will be able to count on receiving subsidies by submitting an application to the organization that records and calculates the accrual of housing and communal services. This is called the declarative principle.

What expenses will be subsidized

  • Payment for all main types of housing and communal services: hot and cold water supply, water disposal (sewerage), gas, electricity, elevator maintenance, municipal solid waste management, sanitary maintenance of auxiliary premises of a residential building, overhaul, as well as electricity costs for lighting entrances and operation of elevators .

What spending will not be subsidized

  • Payment for the main types of housing and communal services consumed in excess of the established norms. Anything above that will have to be paid for on its own and in full.
  • Payment for additional types of housing and communal services: maintenance of intercoms, video surveillance, and so on. That is, those that a person can refuse.

How will family income be calculated?

  • According to the revealing principle: family income for the three months preceding the month of application is taken into account.
  • According to the application: family income for the six months preceding the month of application is taken into account.
  • The specific list of income taken into account in the calculation (for example, salary, pension, stipend, alimony) is still unknown. It will be determined by the Council of Ministers by October 1.

How will the subsidy be calculated?

  • The size for each recipient will be determined individually by the decision of local executive committees, taking into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dwelling, the number of citizens living in it, the volume of housing and communal services consumed.

How long will the grant be given?

  • According to the revealing principle: they will be provided for a quarter, i.e. for three months.
  • According to the declarative principle: they will be provided for six months.

Who will not receive a subsidy

  • Households, whose family members have two or more apartments, registered firms for this premises, rent out rooms.
  • The unemployed who were not registered at the labor exchange.

How to find out if you have received a grant

  • The amount of the subsidy provided will be indicated in the bill. An additional line will appear in it.
  • According to the revealing principle: fattening with such a line will begin to arrive from October. In addition, this category of citizens will receive a separate notice.
  • According to the declarative principle: fat bills with a subsidy line will come in November with the amounts for October.

Will the rules still change

  • The Council of Ministers was instructed to study the experience of the system by October 1, 2017 and make a proposal addressed to the head of state on a possible expansion of the list of categories of citizens to whom subsidies are provided on a revealing basis.
  • It is estimated that about 10 percent of the country's households will benefit from the subsidies.
  • It is estimated that about 50 million denominated rubles will be required to help pay for housing and communal services.

Alexander Gorval, Head of the Housing Policy Department of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of Belarus, during a press conference at the Belta Agency, answered people's questions about targeted housing subsidies. Intex-press has collected the most important questions and answers.

Question: What is a state housing subsidy, what does it replace and why?

Answer: In general, loan payments will not be much higher than those provided under the 13th decree. Decree No. 240 introduces a new system of state support. This does not mean that the former everything is destroyed, cancelled. This is an additional mechanism that is aimed at attracting additional credit resources, because soft loans are getting smaller every year. Subsidies will be targeted. Thanks to them, loans from commercial banks will become more affordable. For example, if now a bank loan is given at 17-20% for housing construction on general terms, and this loan will be taken by a person who is entitled to a subsidy, then he will be compensated for either interest, or both interest and principal debt. For example, a large family with three children will be repaid interest for using a loan (refinancing rate + 2%, that is, at the current refinancing rate, 14% of the interest rate on the loan will be repaid), and the main debt (95%).

Question: What does a young family need to do in order to receive a targeted subsidy, if we are only standing in line for those in need of better housing conditions?

Answer: Wait your turn. As soon as it approaches, the executive committee will propose construction, and if you are eligible, you will be credited with a subsidy.

Question: Is a family with one child in need of better living conditions subject to Decree No. 240?

Answer: Yes , There is also a subsidy for repayment of the principal debt per child. But you have to wait for the turn to come. People thought that since we are talking about commercial loans, subsidies will be provided without waiting in line. But it's not.

Question: Is a young family with two children eligible for a subsidy if the family is not from a low-income family?

Answer: No. If the family is not low-income, then there is no state support.

Question: In the decree, nothing is clear at all about the construction of individual houses. Is the queue for apartments and houses common or not?

Answer: The queue for apartments and for the construction of houses is common, and the financing is separate. Every year, a government decree determines the amount of state support that will go to multi-apartment and individual housing. If a person whose turn has come wants to build a residential building, then he will receive money from resources for individual housing. For those who want to build an apartment, the money will be taken from the resources for multi-apartment construction.

Question: When will it be possible to see the list of commercial banks lending construction with a targeted subsidy?

Answer: The list of commercial banks will appear after Decree No. 240 comes into force on August 6, 2017. A list of those residential buildings that will be built under this decree will also be published.

Question: We are a family of four, raising a disabled child. Now we have been offered to build an apartment (shared construction), but we have not signed the contract yet. Previously, we had the right to a preferential loan and a one-time subsidy. And how are we going to build now (after the 240th decree)?

Answer: You have the right to be included in the list of families raising children with disabilities. Such families have certain preferences, but you can get them only in the order of priority. To receive subsidies under Decree No. 240, three conditions must be met: there must be a queue for housing, the applicant must fall into certain categories and obtain permission from the executive committee.

Question: Can I get a subsidy when buying a home on the secondary market?

Answer: No. Decree No. 240 does not subsidize the purchase of housing, but only construction and reconstruction. That is, if a family buys housing on the secondary market, the subsidy is not issued.

Who is eligible for a targeted housing subsidy

Low-income families registered as those in need of better housing conditions who:

    are having many children;

    in which disabled children are brought up or in the family there are disabled people from childhood of the first and second groups;

    live in residential premises recognized as unsuitable for habitation;

    have been living in hostels for at least 10 years.

Important. Young and large families that have signed loan agreements for commercial loans for housing construction until August 6, inclusive, will be able to receive financial support from the state on the same terms (under decree No. 585).

Since August, targeted subsidies for housing construction have been “working” in Belarus. Applicants for state support take loans from banks at commercial rates, and the state allocates subsidies to pay off part of the interest, and in some cases, to pay off part of the principal debt. The Brest region works more actively than others with subsidies, the Minsk region is still among the outsiders.

- During meetings with representatives of city and district executive committees, more than 2,000 families of the region received proposals to build an apartment on the terms of state support in the form of a subsidy. The mechanism for obtaining it is prescribed in Decree No. 240. The maximum amount of a loan and a targeted subsidy is determined taking into account the composition of the family and the living space owned. To date, about 153 families already have in their hands the decision of the executive committees to provide them with subsidies. 58 families have already entered into loan agreements with banks, - says Alexei Bykov, deputy chairman of the committee for architecture and construction of the regional executive committee. — But more than 240 families refused to receive targeted subsidies. The main reason for refusals is the conclusion of a loan agreement with a bank, which requires an appropriate level of wages and the presence of guarantors. In addition, someone would like to buy housing on the secondary market, and Decree No. 240 provides for the allocation of subsidies only for construction, - said the representative of the regional executive committee.

Targeted subsidies are allocated both for the construction of housing in multi-apartment residential buildings and for individual housing construction.

According to the Ministry of Construction and Architecture, in total in the region, with the involvement of targeted housing subsidies, it is planned to build 13 residential buildings for 985 apartments in Smolevichi, Machulishchi, Smilovichi, Berezino, Molodechno, Soligorsk, Stolbtsy and Starye Dorogi.

Also, with the involvement of subsidies, it is planned to put into operation 7,150 thousand square meters of individual housing construction in the Minsk region.

This year, 135 million rubles have been allocated from the state budget to subsidize the market interest rates of banks. Of the total amount, 37 million 490 thousand rubles were allocated for the Minsk region. Among the first financial institutions that launched the mechanism of targeted subsidies are Belarusbank and Belagroprombank. Belinvestbank is also ready to lend to individuals under Decree No. 240.

“Today, the specialists of our bank are actively advising borrowers,” says Elena Oshurkevich, press secretary of Belinvestbank. - After that, persons interested in state support for housing construction are sent to local executive committees.

Specialists of JSC "Belinvestbank" calculated an approximate schedule for repaying the loan and paying interest in the framework of Decree No. 240.

As a basis, we took a family with three minor children, which, according to the norms of the decree, is provided with a subsidy for the payment of part of the interest, calculated on the basis of the refinancing rate + 2% (in actual terms, i.e. 13%).

Loan amount: 50 000 BYN

Interest rate on the loan payable by the borrower: 2% per annum

Loan term: 20 years

Date of receipt of the loan: November 2017

Month of the beginning of payment of the principal debt on the loan: January 2019

Starting month of paying interest on the loan: December 2017

Preliminary construction time - 1 year

During the period of housing construction, the borrower does not pay the principal debt. Repayment of the loan in part of the principal debt begins after the residential building is put into operation. The maximum amount of payment under the loan agreement during the construction period (1 year) will be 85 Belarusian rubles per month - this is the amount of interest.

Upon completion of construction and commissioning of the house, the maximum loan payment amount will be 306 Belarusian rubles per month (principal debt + interest, excluding compensation paid).

According to a preliminary calculation, in order to obtain a loan under the conditions described above, the minimum wage of the borrower should be about 620 rubles per month (meaning the amount issued in hand).

If the salary is lower than the specified amount, the total family income can be used in calculating creditworthiness. 

Who can receive subsidies

Citizens listed in Decree No. 13 of January 6, 2012 can apply for subsidies - everyone who could count on a preferential loan before.

In particular, law enforcement officers and military personnel, families with many children, families with children with disabilities and disabled since childhood, orphans and children left without parental care, veterans of military operations on the territory of other states, laureates of special funds of the President for the social support of gifted pupils, students and to support talented youth.

The amount of the targeted subsidy

Provision of interest subsidies:

Large families with three minor children - in the amount of the refinancing rate + 2%.

Large families with 4 or more children - refinancing rate + 3%.

For large families with at least three children under the age of 23 (if they study, live together, etc.), the refinancing rate is +2%.

Other citizens eligible for state support (children and children left without parental care) - the refinancing rate minus 2%.

Provision of subsidies for the repayment of principal debt:

Large families with three minor children - 90% of the principal debt.

Large families with 4 or more children - 100%.

For young families at birth, adoption or adoption of the first child - 10%, the second - 20%.

Other citizens entitled to state support (children and children left without parental care) - 35%.

The loan period is determined by the bank: from 15 to 20 years old. The subsidy will be paid monthly. Its size will be recalculated when the composition of the family or the refinancing rate changes.

Since August 2017, when Decree No. 240 on targeted subsidies came into force, more than 1.5 thousand housing construction contracts have been concluded in Belarus.


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A loan received under Decree 240 will cost citizens more than under a decree on state support for citizens. More than 4 thousand families can count on state support in solving the housing problem.

About 135 million rubles are provided for targeted subsidies in housing construction from the funds of Belarusbank and Belagroprombank. Later, commercial banks will join them, Alexander Gorval, head of the housing policy department of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction, told BelTA on July 6 at a briefing.

In addition to the current system of preferential lending for housing construction, a new type of state support for citizens in need of better housing conditions is being introduced - state targeted subsidies. They will be provided to pay part of the interest for using a loan for housing construction received by citizens in any commercial bank, and to large and young families and orphans - also to pay off part of the principal debt on such loans.

The budget no longer injects money in the same volumes into concessional lending for housing construction. Banks mainly use returnable resources for these purposes, and the state only compensates for the difference between market and preferential rates.

As “SB.Belarus Today” explains, in general terms, the subsidizing mechanism will look like this. Only those citizens referred to in Decree No. 13 will be able to apply for support, with the same price standards and restrictions on square meters. Example. A family of 3 is building a 60 sq. m at a price of 660 rubles per meter, having received a preferential loan of 35,000 rubles. The monthly payment for obligations to the bank for such new settlers will be 224 rubles. But if the family receives the same loan amount under the new Decree No. 240, then the payment will increase to 347 rubles. For a family of 4, loan payments with a subsidy will increase from 298 to 463 rubles. For large families with 3 children - respectively from 45 rubles to 80 rubles. Nothing changes only for large families with 4 children. To them, the state in both the first and second cases fully repays both the principal debt and the interest on it.

Who can receive?

“A citizen who has the right to receive state support under Decree No. 13, when the queue approaches, is notified by the executive committee or the state administration body (law enforcement agencies, where it is registered). He goes to the bank, concludes a loan agreement, submits it to the executive committee. The Executive Committee calculates subsidies to repay the loan. If the rate, conditionally, is 20% per annum, then the contract is concluded at 20%, and the amount of the subsidy that will be accrued to the citizen is already calculated, - Alexander Gorval gave an example of a working scheme.

The interest subsidies will be:

  • large families with three minor children - the refinancing rate plus 2 percentage points;
  • large families with four or more children - the refinancing rate plus 3 percentage points;
  • large families with at least three children under the age of 23 (if they study, live together) - the refinancing rate plus 2 percentage points;
  • other citizens eligible for state support - the refinancing rate minus 2 percentage points.

The amount of the subsidy will be determined based on the number of family members, the normalized size of the dwelling and the maximum standard for the cost of construction. The subsidy will be paid monthly during the loan period, its amount will be adjusted depending on changes in the refinancing rate, when the composition of the family changes.

Loans will be more expensive

“Some on the forums have already discussed the decree, the text of which has only become known today. They write that again benefits, they will distribute cheap housing to their own. There will be no new benefits, they have long been determined by Decree No. 13 on state support for citizens in the construction of housing, and its effect is not canceled., - said Alexander Gorval, head of the housing policy department of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction.

“A mechanism has been found that, in our opinion, will help expand the volume of lending to housing construction, while it will be carried out with elements of state support”, said the expert. According to him, the system of direct preferential loans through the transfer of funds to banks will gradually be replaced by a system of subsidizing not banks, but directly citizens.

“Along with the increase in lending, budget expenditures will decrease. That is, the budget will compensate citizens only for the interest on the loan, and not the entire amount of the loan,” Gorval explained.

The allocated money will be proportionally distributed by districts and cities personally for each family. However, for the time being, as in the case of Decree No. 13, not every apartment can be built with state subsidies, but only in those houses that are included in a special list for financing through subsidies.