
Sedatives for neuroses. Sedatives for the adult nervous system

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People face small annoyances and problems at work every day. Annoying factors bring a person out of balance. The result can be depression, neurosis, apathy, a nervous breakdown. Pharmacology is constantly evolving, the market is filled with drugs for stress and anxiety, suitable tablets are available for all patient groups, including pregnant women and children. To choose the right medicine for nerves and stress, you need to study all the advantages and disadvantages of commercially available products.

When to take the pills

You need to start taking the pills when the symptoms of stress remain, even if all the negative events have ended.

These symptoms include:

  1. Insomnia or short sleep. If you have trouble falling asleep, waking up frequently in the middle of the night, or waking up too early.
  2. Strong irritability, unreasonable aggression, increased excitability.
  3. Appetite problems. For example, a complete rejection of food or, conversely, the use of excessive amounts of sweets.
  4. The emergence or resumption of bad habits - craving for smoking, alcohol, itching of the skin.
  5. Loss of interest in life, unwillingness to do what you love or work, indifference to everything.
  6. Lack of strength, physical weakness, headaches, nausea, low blood pressure.
  7. Tearfulness, self-pity.

Often people are looking for a cure for stress and depression to get rid of them by taking one pill. However, not all remedies can immediately restore peace of mind. Ideally, the drug should be prescribed by a specialist. If a person picks up pills himself, you will have to study the indications and contraindications.

Varieties of drugs

Everything is a large group of drugs that affect the functioning of the nervous system.

According to their pharmacological effects, they are divided into:

  1. Antipsychotics- a group of drugs that are prescribed for neurosis, as they cause inhibition of the central nervous system. They have a sedative, hypnotic effect, relax muscles. Reception is accompanied by side effects.
  2. Antidepressants- drugs that fight depression. Symptoms of depression include lack of mood, suicidal thoughts, impaired thought processes. Antidepressants help manage these symptoms, but they also have a number of side effects.
  3. tranquilizers- drugs that should be taken only under the supervision of the attending physician. Suppressing human emotions, pills help relieve anxiety, fear, get rid of phobias, but can be addictive.
  4. Nootropics- pills that improve blood circulation in the brain, restore nerve fibers. Medicines improve mood, prevent depression. Can be taken to improve brain function.
  5. Sedative drugs- sedatives made from natural ingredients. The composition contains mint, valerian, motherwort. They relieve nervous tension, have a calming effect, do not cause drowsiness.

List of the best

Among the drugs for the treatment of stress and depression, there are several that are suitable for almost everyone and are sold in any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.


Tenoten is a nootropic anti-anxiety agent.


  1. Fights irritability.
  2. Improves memory.
  3. Increases concentration.
  4. Helps to cope with emotional stress.

Each drug has contraindications.

The most common disadvantages of Tenoten:

  1. May cause an allergic reaction.
  2. Not recommended for persons with lactase deficiency.
  3. It is advisable not to use in pregnant women, but the safety of use during this period has not been studied.


Glycine is a metabolic agent that regulates metabolism in the brain.

A drug:

  1. Helps to cope with insomnia.
  2. Increases mental abilities.
  3. Relieves stress and aggression.
  4. Improves mood.

If the dosage is not observed, a negative effect on the body is possible.

It manifests itself in different ways. For example:

  1. There is overexcitation.
  2. Sleep problems begin.
  3. The manifestation of aggression, sharp jumps in mood.


Lorazepam is a medicine to treat stress and block panic attacks.

The main actions of the drug:

  1. Reduces excitability and anxiety.
  2. Treats seizures, epilepsy.
  3. Relieves insomnia.

The drug belongs to tranquilizers, so it does not always manifest itself positively.

Main side effects:

  1. Causes drowsiness.
  2. Relaxes muscles.
  3. Forms a physical addiction.
  4. Impairs coordination of movements in the elderly.
  5. Causes dizziness.


Cipralex is an antidepressant that normalizes blood circulation in the brain.

Assign when:

  • depressions;
  • panic attacks;
  • anxiety disorders;
  • decreased liver and kidney function.

Within a week after the use of the drug, negative effects occur, which later disappear.

These include:

  • decreased sexual desire;
  • dizziness;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • disorders in the work of the musculoskeletal system;
  • skin rash.

Elderly people and teenagers should take a reduced dose of the drug. In patients with panic attacks, an increase in anxiety may occur at the beginning of treatment.


Many sedatives are made from natural ingredients. Such medicines are effective and do not harm the body.

Valerian tincture

Valerian tincture is a liquid that is made only from the root of the plant. The tincture is 70% alcohol and 2% essential oil.

Advantages of this tool:

  1. Helps restore sleep.
  2. Has a calming effect.
  3. It is inexpensive.

For an adult, the dose of valerian is no more than 20 drops. You can not take the tincture after the expiration date and give the remedy to children.


Motherwort is a herbal remedy that fights nervous system disorders. It has been proven that motherwort tablets can cure many diseases. For example, it normalizes the hormonal background, pressure and the work of the digestive tract. It is often prescribed for VVD, hypertension and nervous diseases.

Motherwort reduces concentration, so it is not suitable for those who drive a car.


  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • recent surgeries.

For sleep disorders, it is better to take motherwort in the form of a tincture than in tablets. It will relieve insomnia in 2-3 weeks.


Persen is a safe natural drug, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by many. It is released without a doctor's prescription, it has a minimum of side effects.

Persen contains valerian, mint and lemon balm. These substances are helped by cornstarch and cellulose. Tablets have a sedative effect, it is prescribed to persons with increased aggression, anxiety.

Persen helps to cope with difficult life situations, insomnia and irritability. Long-term use causes side effects.

These include:

  • constipation;
  • impaired concentration;
  • exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases.


Negrustin is a herbal remedy that has an antidepressant effect. It contains St. John's wort extract, cellulose, magnesium stearate and other substances.

After taking the patient's mood improves, efficiency increases, insomnia disappears. St. John's wort extract has a sedative effect.

Fair-skinned people should avoid sunbathing while taking pills, this can lead to photosensitivity.

Side effects that may occur:

  • urticaria, itching, rashes;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • dry mouth;
  • nausea;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia.


Novo-Passit is a herbal remedy that soothes and relieves the symptoms of anxiety disorders. The composition of the drug includes a complex of components: valerian, lemon balm, St. John's wort, hawthorn and hops.

The drug normalizes blood pressure and sleep, relieves anxiety and stress. It is prescribed for VVD, nervous disorders and mental stress.

The medicine begins to act within an hour after ingestion, but has side effects.

Side effects:

  • allergic reaction;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • weakness.

Characteristics of strong antidepressants

Strong antidepressants are prescribed for those who suffer from serious nervous diseases. Drugs in this group affect the central nervous system and stop the symptoms of stress and depression.


Afobazole is a mild tranquilizer that is not addictive. It treats the state of anxiety in adults, which were caused by various factors. For example, when a person is worried about an upcoming operation, exam, or other event. The tool fights well with mental disorders.

Afobazole is available in the form of tablets with the active substance fabomotizol. Starch, cellulose, magnesium stearate help him cope with diseases of the nerves. Tablets are compatible with alcohol, do not cause intoxication.

Advantages of the drug:

  1. Removes irritability.
  2. Eliminates tearfulness.
  3. Removes feelings of anxiety and worry.
  4. Relieves insomnia.
  5. Stops any kind of manifestation of anxiety.
  6. Improves memory.

The positive effect is manifested a week after the start of taking the pills.


Phenibut is a nootropic agent, it is recommended to be taken by those who are struggling with psycho-emotional stress. The drug has a weak tranquilizing effect. The main component of the tablets is aminophenylbutyric acid, it relieves anxiety and stress, but does not affect human performance.

The drug can be taken by both adults and children.

Among the indications for use are:

  • anxiety-neurotic states;
  • neurosis, psychopathy;
  • insomnia, apathy;
  • problems with the vestibular apparatus;
  • Meniere's disease.

Phenibut is taken for 2-3 weeks. If there are no strong side effects, then the course is increased to 4-6 weeks.


Phenazepam is a strong tranquilizer. Treatment takes place only under the supervision of a doctor, since the reaction to the tablets can be unpredictable. If taken for a long time and uncontrolled, it can exacerbate problems and push the patient to suicide.

Phenazepam strongly affects the central nervous system, dulls the feeling of fear and anxiety. Substances of the drug affect the brain. This is expressed in a decrease in aggressiveness and nervousness.

Exceeding the dose prescribed by the doctor is dangerous.

The consequences of an overdose are manifested:

  • retardation of movements;
  • slurred speech;
  • drowsiness;
  • apathy;
  • coma.

The course of taking the tablets should not exceed 2 weeks, otherwise addiction may develop. The drug itself is prescribed to patients in small doses. With a sharp cancellation of the drug, insomnia and depression may develop.


Psychostimulants are a group of drugs that are prescribed to increase the activity of the body.


Amilonosar is a nootropic drug. It improves brain function by increasing cerebral circulation and dilates blood vessels. It is prescribed for older people who suffer from a depressive disorder and asthenia.

In combination with other drugs, amylonosar is prescribed for adults to treat alcohol intoxication and prevention of migraines.

From the side of the central nervous system, side effects may occur:

  • irritability;
  • anxiety;
  • headache;
  • dizziness.


Pantogam is a nootropic that enhances mental and physical performance. The active substance is calcium salt of hopantenic acid. It affects the brain, making it resistant to poisoning by toxins.

Pantogam is prescribed to patients with various diseases of the central nervous system.

The drug is prescribed for:

  • neuroses, stuttering;
  • developmental delay in children, cerebral palsy;
  • epilepsy;
  • schizophrenia with signs of inhibition.

When taking the drug, you need to take into account the dosage, which differs for different diseases. It is not recommended to use Pantogam in combination with other nootropics. Also, the drug is not combined with alcohol and can cause intoxication.


Phenotropil belongs to the group of nootropics. It improves brain function, increases mental abilities and concentration. With psycho-emotional stress, the patient increases stamina, improves mood.

Phenotropil found its main use in neurology, they treat disorders of the nervous system.

Advantages of the drug:

  1. Treats depressive states at different stages.
  2. Helps develop resilience to stressful situations.
  3. Improves memory.
  4. Coping with schizophrenia.
  5. Restores metabolic processes in the brain.

All diseases that are treated with phenotropil are complex and require a doctor's consultation. It is not recommended to take the drug to pregnant women, however, the negative impact of the drug on the development of the fetus has not been confirmed.


Tranquilizers are drugs that relieve a person of anxiety and tension, have a calming and hypnotic effect.


It is a daily drug without anticonvulsant effect. It is often prescribed to people suffering from VVD, myopathy and myosthenia. Does not cause dependence and withdrawal syndrome.

The drug has many side effects:

  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • loss of appetite;
  • muscle tension;
  • irritability.

The sedative effect is enhanced if grandaxin is taken with other sedatives.


Mebikar is a tranquilizer that is prescribed for mental disorders, neurasthenia, hypomania and for the treatment of addictions. The most important effect of the drug is to reduce arousal and anxiety. The components of mebicar saturate the heart muscle with oxygen, but the drug is not used in cardiology.

There are almost no contraindications, the remedy does not cause drowsiness and addiction, but is not recommended for pregnant women.


Diazepam is a drug that depresses the nervous system. The drug has a sedative, anti-anxiety, hypnotic and anticonvulsant effect. After application, the person relaxes, ceases to feel nervous tension, falls asleep well.

The drug is prescribed for patients with epilepsy and panic attacks. Available in the form of tablets, suppositories and solution. The course of admission should not be more than two months, so that addiction does not occur.

Contraindications include:

  • allergy;
  • renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • brain damage.


They are called sedatives. sedatives, which weaken the processes of excitation in the brain.


Passiflora is a plant that has a sedative and hypnotic effect.

The medicine treats conditions such as:

  • stress;
  • anxiety;
  • irritability;
  • hypertension;
  • insomnia;
  • convulsions;
  • menopause;
  • alcoholism;
  • depression.

Substances contained in the plant increase the level of serotonin, improve a person's mood. The remedy relaxes the muscles anticonvulsant effect, increases efficiency and normalizes sleep.


Valocormid is a herbal remedy that contains belladonna, valerian, lily of the valley and menthol. Caution should be taken when driving a car and other activities that require increased attention.

Assign as a sedative for diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Side effects include:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea
  • headache.


Corvalol - transparent drops with a specific smell.

The main components are:

  1. Phenobarbital - enhances the sedative effect, has a hypnotic effect.
  2. Ethyl ether - has an antispasmodic effect.

Caution should be taken by pregnant women and people with renal and hepatic insufficiency.


Antipsychotics are a group of medicines that treat mental disorders.


Aminazine is a neuroleptic agent that gives a strong sedative effect. At an increased dosage, the drug causes retardation of movements.

positive action:

  1. Reduces and reduces the feeling of fear.
  2. Eliminates psychomotor agitation.
  3. Relieves hiccups, gag reflex.

The drug is prescribed to people with schizophrenia, chronic psychosis and other mental illnesses.

Negative consequences:

  • visual impairment;
  • weight gain;
  • in women - violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • in men - impotence.


Zeldox is a neuroleptic that comes in the form of capsules.

Discharged to patients with:

  • depressive states;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • apathy.

Do not use with alcohol, as the drug depresses the central nervous system. Contraindicated in persons with hypersensitivity to ziprasidone, with myocardial infarction, with arrhythmias and during pregnancy. A reduced dose of the drug is prescribed for liver failure.


Etaperazine is a drug whose active substance is perphenazine.

His actions:

  • antiemetic;
  • sedative;
  • anticholinergic;
  • hypotensive.

The drug is prescribed for psycho-emotional disorders, neurosis, schizophrenia, psychopathy, vomiting, psychosis. Be wary appoint children after 12 years and pregnant women.

High risk of occurrence during therapy:

  • lethargy;
  • apathy;
  • dizziness;
  • nightmares.


Combined products combine several active substances in the composition.


Phytosedan is a herbal collection, which includes herbs of sweet clover, oregano, motherwort, thyme and valerian. A decoction is prepared from the collection and consumed orally for 10 days. It has an antispasmodic effect.

The decoction helps to improve sleep, promotes natural falling asleep, relieves disturbing thoughts. In exceptional cases, Phytosedan may cause an allergic reaction.


A herbal remedy that has a strong sedative and hypnotic effect. The composition contains several components: belladonna, hawthorn, oats, lemon balm, motherwort and hops.

Phytosed is available in the form of tablets. After application, a person feels calm, relieves nervous tension. People who are heavily loaded with study or work improve their working capacity and mental abilities.


Dormiplant contains ethanol, valerian and lemon balm. It is prescribed for patients who suffer from insomnia or wake up frequently during the night.

The tool reduces concentration, it is not recommended for those who drive a car. This drug should not be used in children under 6 years of age, women who are expecting a child, and people with kidney failure.

No sedative effect

The list of drugs that do not have a hypnotic effect is small. Most remedies still combine a sedative effect with sleeping pills.


This remedy activates the production of serotonin, which helps to improve mood and calm the nerves.

The drug does not cause drowsiness and has a lot of positive properties:

  1. Does not allow weight gain.
  2. Can be taken in combination with other medicines.
  3. Does not affect pressure.

It should not be taken by people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and with prolonged use, dependence is formed.


Valoserdin are transparent drops that are taken orally before meals. A few drops are mixed with water and taken for a week. If the patient has tachycardia, then the amount can be increased.

Since the composition of the drops contains ethyl alcohol, it is forbidden to use the remedy for alcoholics and people with diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart.


Sedavit is available in the form of tablets and solution. It normalizes the work of the heart and nervous system. After taking a person feels how nervous tension disappears, anxiety goes away.

The composition, in addition to plant extracts, contains vitamins. They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

After taking it, some side effects may appear:

  • constipation;
  • diarrhea;
  • pressure reduction;
  • dermatitis.

How to choose

It is better to buy stress pills after consulting a doctor. Each group of drugs affects the body in different ways. The choice depends on the type of stress and the underlying symptoms.

Types of stress

Stress is the body's reaction to nervous tension, overwork and negative emotions.

There are several types of stress:

  1. Eustress is mild, mild stress.
  2. Distress is stress that the body cannot cope with. It can lead to various diseases.
  3. Emotional stress is a person's experience of conflict situations.
  4. Psychological stress is stress that is caused by social factors.

What is the danger

Stress is dangerous for the body, as it affects the work of all organs.

Diseases that can be acquired due to a stressful condition:

  • allergic rash;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • obesity;
  • heart attack, stroke;
  • neurosis.

Main symptoms

There are several symptoms that are characteristic of a stressful condition.

The main signs of stress are:

  • irritability, unreasonable aggression;
  • insomnia;
  • weakness, lethargy, lack of physical energy;
  • problems with concentration, brain function;
  • tearfulness, self-pity, pessimism;
  • decreased appetite.

At the first symptoms of stress and depression, you should start taking medication, preferably on a plant basis.

What sedatives can be taken

There are two groups of patients for which drugs should be selected with caution. These include pregnant women and children.

During pregnancy

In pregnant women, during gestation, the hormonal background changes, which also affects the mental state. A woman may become tearful, she may begin to have insomnia, a feeling of anxiety may appear.

For pregnant women, the safest drugs are:

  • glycine;
  • motherwort;
  • Melissa;
  • valerian;
  • new pass;
  • persen;
  • validol.

Folk methods

To get rid of depression and stress, it is not necessary to immediately buy pills for nerves. For starters, you can try traditional methods of treatment.

Best Herbs

The best herbs for treating the nervous system are lemon balm, mint, hop cones, motherwort and yarrow.

Several ways to prepare a sedative at home:

  1. Brew in a glass of boiling water 1 teaspoon of mint and lemon balm. The decoction should be infused for 10 minutes, and then it can be consumed.
  2. Pour two cups of boiling water over 2 teaspoons of chamomile, hop cones and lemon balm. The broth should be infused for 2 hours, after which it must be filtered and cooled. The decoction is consumed 3-4 times a day, 2 tablespoons, can be added to black tea.
  3. Brew 3 hop cones with 200 ml of hot water and leave for 20 minutes. After that, the decoction is added to tea along with honey and drunk 1 glass a day to normalize sleep and mood.
  4. Mix in a separate container 2 tablespoons of mint, yarrow, St. John's wort and chamomile. Pour them with a liter of boiling water and leave overnight. Consume every day for a week 30 minutes before meals.
  5. Pour 5 tablespoons of St. John's wort with 1 liter of water and put on fire. The mixture should be boiled for 20 minutes, and then strain. After the broth has cooled, it is taken an hour before meals.

Juices and teas

To relieve stress, in addition to decoctions, you can use other drinks.

These include:

  1. Green tea - improves mood and performance, relieves depression.
  2. Pu-erh - invigorates, relieves anxiety, gives confidence.
  3. Carrot juice - provides the body with vitamins.
  4. Celery juice - relieves tension and fatigue, maintains a positive mood.

Alternative ways to deal with stress

In the modern world, a person experiences fatigue and irritability every day. In addition to the use of medicines and medicinal decoctions, there are other ways to deal with stress.

These include:

  1. Sport. During the manifestation of aggression, a person needs to throw out negative energy. During sports, a person gets rid of negativity, thereby improving his mood and heals the body.
  2. Yoga. Yoga classes well relaxes the body, allows the body to escape from bad thoughts and calm the nerves.
  3. Music. Calm harmonious music has a positive effect on a person. When listening, the mood improves, a charge of vivacity appears.
  4. Relaxing baths. This method is suitable for those people who get tired after a hard day's work. If you add a few drops of aromatic oil to the bath, fatigue and nervous tension will go away.
  5. Breathing exercises. Together with yoga, it gives a positive result. Exercise allows you to normalize your heartbeat, calm your nerves and put your thoughts in order.

About the dangers of self-medication

Self-medication is always unsafe, regardless of the symptoms of the disease.

There are several reasons:

  1. The person himself can not always correctly diagnose himself. This will lead to improper treatment and exacerbation of the disease.
  2. Certain medications need to be monitored. To do this, you should take certain tests and adjust the dosage.
  3. The attending physician should observe the effect of the drug on the human body. If unpleasant effects appear, the doctor should reduce the dosage or prescribe another remedy.

Self-medication is a dangerous occupation, which entails the aggravation of existing and the development of new diseases. The best cure for nerves, anger and stress is a positive outlook on life, the desire to see the good in everything and not take minor troubles to heart.


Elena Malysheva talks about how to cope with stress.

Stress is the body's response to negative events in our lives. Problems with children, conflicts at work, a failed personal life - all this negatively affects our nervous system, forcing us to worry, cry, and not sleep at night. The result of a decadent mood is persistent depression, insomnia and various health problems. Today, the pharmacological industry offers a wide range of drugs that effectively solve this problem. Pills from nerves affect the body, helping a person to easily get rid of stress and depression, return to a normal lifestyle without a nervous breakdown.

Stress Pills - Prescription Only

What is the danger of stress

Any event can cause stress. One will consider this an incentive to change the habitual way of life, while for the other it is a source of strong nervous experience, which can provoke a deterioration in the state of mind. Moreover, both a bad and a joyful event can be stressful.

The most dangerous for health is the so-called distress, when a person cannot independently cope with negative emotions and experiences.

As a result of this, the immune system malfunctions: the protective functions of the body weaken, and various health problems begin. There are malfunctions in the work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, organs of the gastrointestinal tract, there is a deterioration in memory, working capacity and attentiveness, suspiciousness and a panic state develop. The main symptoms of stress are the following changes in the body:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • high blood pressure;
  • labored breathing;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • apathy;
  • constant fatigue;
  • feeling of fear and panic;
  • increased irascibility and irritability;
  • exacerbation of bad habits (alcohol, smoking).

Effect of stress on the brain

If a person fails to quickly resolve their problems, and nervous tension does not subside, there is a danger of developing chronic stress, and then it will be very difficult to overcome prolonged depression. Therefore, stress must be taken seriously and in no case should its manifestations be ignored. In this difficult period of life, a modern person will come to the aid of pills for stress and nerves.

Of course, as before using any medication, you should consult with your doctor before purchasing sedatives.

Types of drugs

Drugs and remedies for depression have a psychotropic effect, i.e. they normalize the work of the central nervous system, relax and improve the psycho-emotional state of a person. Depending on the effect that stress relievers have on the body, they can be divided into several main groups.

drugs for nerves

  1. Sedatives ("Validol", "Barboval", "Valocordin"). These drugs reduce excitability and nervousness, help normalize sleep. They are proven to have virtually no side effects and are not addictive. As a rule, such medicines consist of useful herbs and plant extracts.
  2. Nootropics ("Piracetam", "Vinpocetine", "Pantogam"). Preparations of this action help the body withstand stress and nervous tension, normalize blood circulation in the vessels, which is necessary for the functioning of the brain, improving memory and mental activity.
  3. Normothymic drugs ("Risperidone", "Olanzapine" and "Quetiapine"). Stress pills of this group are aimed at improving the patient's mood caused by a nervous situation. They help to get rid of apathy and cheer up. After taking them, the patient ceases to be in a depressed state.
  4. Means that stimulate the nervous system help a person to remain efficient, physically active and hardy for a long time (Caffeine, Phenamine, Cititon, Bemitil). But after the drugs stop working, a breakdown and apathy may occur.
  5. Tranquilizers are powerful sedatives. After their application, panic attacks and fear cease, anxiety and anxiety disappear. However, these drugs have many side effects (drowsiness, headache, nausea), which negatively affect the body. These drugs are highly and quickly addictive, so they are drunk only on prescription and under his direct supervision.
  6. Antidepressants ("Diazepam", "Phenazepam", "Atarax"). These anti-stress drugs alleviate the psycho-emotional state of a person. Normalize mood, help to cope with depression and nervous tension. Antidepressants and medications for depression and stress must be used very carefully as they can cause hallucinations. They are prescribed only in very serious and severe cases.
  7. Antipsychotics ("Afobazol", "Heptral" and "Prozac"). On the one hand, these are potent drugs that are drunk under stress and give excellent results. On the other hand, they cause severe inhibition and have a negative effect on healthy cells of the nervous system. Therefore, they are prescribed only for severe nervous disorders.

Afobazole - neuroleptic

Popular pills for nerves and stress

Today, medical treatment of stress can be carried out with the help of various drugs that are widely represented in the pharmacy network. Before deciding which pills for nerves and stress to drink, it should be noted that drugs of this orientation are divided into two groups: of plant and synthetic origin.

Plant-based medicines are in huge demand due to their effectiveness, availability and relatively inexpensive price.

In addition, they have practically no contraindications and therefore are completely safe for human health. In order to get a healing effect, these funds must be taken for a long course. But synthetic drugs act on the body much faster. However, it is not advisable to take them without consulting a doctor.

Effective drug

The list of drug names that help get rid of nerves, stress and depression needs to be studied in more detail.

Effective herbal preparations

You can drink from nerves and stress valerian extract - a well-known and very effective remedy. From this plant produce:

  • tablets;
  • alcohol tinctures;
  • capsules;
  • tea bags and even briquettes.

You should not take more than 80 drops at a time, otherwise you can get a completely opposite effect. Valerian will help calm down and improve sleep, reduce excitability and relieve the negative effects of nervous stress. This drug is suitable for both men, women and children.

No less effective are other herbal medicines. For example, you can drink motherwort tablets, its tinctures, decoctions of St. John's wort. These drugs have a similar effect - they have a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, improve the general condition of the body and normalize sleep.

Combined pills also help treat stress and depression. Various herbs and plants perfectly complement each other, enhancing the healing effect.

The name of such a drug will be prompted to you in any pharmacy. The most popular are "Fitosed", "Persen", "Novo-passit". These pills are effective for headaches, irritability, outbursts of anger, with panic attacks and twitching of the facial nerve. These drugs are available without a prescription. Before you buy sedatives, keep in mind that they are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, allergy sufferers, and young children.

Novo-Passit - a sedative

Drugs in drops

More powerful drugs in their action in the form of drops. These drugs are convenient to use, observing the exact dosage. The most popular therapeutic drops include: "Valocordin", "Corvalol", "Zelenin drops". What effect do they have?

"Valocordin" perfectly helps with neuroses, insomnia, panic attacks, attacks of fear. But, using it, care must be taken, since the remedy can cause severe drowsiness and dizziness.

"Corvalol" - effective sedative drops. Great for patients with vegetovascular dystonia, who are easily stressed, agitated and often suffer from mood swings. The drug is contraindicated in young children, people with renal and hepatic insufficiency.

Valerian has a calming effect

Zelenin drops, which include an extract from lily of the valley, valerian and belladonna, have proven themselves well in the fight against stress. However, this drug has many more side effects than others: an upset gastrointestinal tract, complications from the work of the heart.

Sedatives without a prescription

Stronger tablet products that can be freely purchased at a pharmacy include Glycine, Quattrex and Tenoten. Let's consider their action in more detail.

  • "Glycine" is an excellent remedy for nerves and stress, helping to calm down in any conflict and tense situation. In addition, with its help you can overcome insomnia, relieve nervous tension and find peace of mind. Good for patients with heart problems. The drug is not contraindicated in children and adolescents. The course of treatment, as a rule, lasts from 2 to 4 weeks.
  • "Tenoten" is available both in the form of tablets and in the form of an alcohol tincture. The drug helps in any stressful situation, as it relieves nervous tension well, relaxing a person and normalizing his brain activity. Has a sedative effect.
  • "Quattrex" is a medicine that will relieve you of anxiety-neurotic conditions and restore peace of mind. It is also used as part of general therapy in menopausal women and in the treatment of alcohol dependence. Before drinking this drug, be sure to read the instructions. Especially the point about side effects, which can manifest themselves in the form of various skin rashes, disorders of the digestive tract, drowsiness.

Tenoten is effective for stress

Often, sedatives are available in the form of intravenous and homeopathic droppers, which are instantly absorbed into the bloodstream and heal the body very quickly. Homeopathic influence is exerted by such preparations as Rest, Notta, Gelarium, Leovit and Nevrosed.

Please note that when choosing sedatives, you should not rely on the tips of friends and acquaintances. Medicines should be chosen individually, depending on the state of health. Do not forget that some pills for stress and depression are highly addictive, and many are dispensed by pharmacists only by prescription.

The use of phytotherapy in the struggle for peace

Tea is the simplest means of maintaining the nervous system. Plants are famous for their medicinal properties and have been used in folk medicine since ancient times. Many herbal preparations and infusions will help to calm down and return to a normal lifestyle. With vegetovascular dystonia, neurosis, panic attacks, insomnia, the following medicinal plants are excellent help:

  • hop;
  • chamomile;
  • mint;
  • lavender.

All these herbs can be purchased in packaged form and combined into a single drink according to your own recipe. Or choose a ready-made sedative herbal collection at the pharmacy.

Herbal remedy for stress

Regular green tea will help to cheer up and overcome depression, which, by the way, contains a lot of useful flavonoids and antioxidants. Honey and lemon will be a great addition to any herbal tincture. When choosing tea for yourself, remember that it is important to accurately assess your psycho-emotional state. Do not forget also about a possible allergy to plants. If during the day you will need to work and stay active, then not all herbs will work. Some fees are best consumed before bed.

Essential oils for stress management

Aromatherapy is an excellent tool to help cope with unequal disorders. This healing method came to us from the East and has recently gained immense popularity. Essential oils from stress improve mood, strengthen the immune system, have a beneficial effect on the vessels of the brain, and relieve fatigue. This method of treatment is easy to perform and does not require significant financial costs, moreover, aromatherapy can be combined with any other methods of treatment. What are the best essential oils for dealing with stress?

  1. First, orange aroma oil. This fruit has a pronounced, memorable aroma that does a great job with bad mood, improving the state of mind.
  2. Secondly, lavender oil. This is an effective tool that will easily help get rid of depression, loss of strength and apathy, give vigor and energy.
  3. Thirdly, the ester of bergamot and cedar.

These oils have a wonderful healing effect on the entire body. They relieve fatigue, give strength and normalize the emotional state.

Essential oils for stress

There are two ways to use essential oils for nerves. Get yourself an aroma pendant - a small clay decoration (usually in the form of Greek vases), to which 1-3 drops of oil are added. Inhaling the healing aroma throughout the day, a person imperceptibly recovers and gains energy. You can also use an aroma lamp, which is a very popular accessory today and is perfect for your home or work interior. One aromatherapy session is 15 to 25 minutes.

When not to take stress medication

Not all stressful and nervous conditions can be taken with sedatives.

Doctors identify several main categories of people who should use nerve pills with caution.

  • Pregnant women. In this state, a woman is always in nervous tension, worrying about any reason. Self-selection of drugs can harm the health of the baby, so before taking any drug, they must consult with their doctor without fail.
  • Children. All children are naughty, crying and throw tantrums from time to time. However, this does not mean that you need to immediately give them sedatives. Try to find an approach to your baby and establish a trusting relationship with him. If you begin to notice deviations in his behavior, it is better to immediately consult a doctor. Never self-diagnose.
  • People prone to allergies and hypersensitivity. This category should also be careful in choosing medicines for themselves, not focusing on the advice of acquaintances and friends. Be sure to read the instructions before drinking this or that remedy.
  • Traumatic brain injuries and any diseases associated with brain activity. Nerve sedatives can cause various side effects. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.
  • Serious illnesses. If a person has a tumor, a number of serious diseases, sedatives may not be effective and may not have the desired therapeutic effect.


If necessary, you can use a variety of different means that will help get rid of nerves and stress, improve mental state, and restore the body's performance. However, even when taking medications, you should not forget about very simple but effective methods that can help you survive stress.

This is active exercise.

Exercising will enrich the body with hormones of happiness. In addition, proper deep breathing during physical activity helps to calm down and relax, which also improves well-being and effectively relieves nervous tension. In addition, psychologists in this situation advise paying close attention to sleep, because it is at this time that our body replenishes the vitality it needs. For normal health, an average of 7-8 hours of sound sleep is enough. Equally important is proper nutrition, because in order to cope with stress, the body needs energy. A balanced diet, rich in microelements, vitamins and nutrients, will help him regain strength and give vigor.

  • References:

    1. Introduction to psychology: textbook. / under total ed. A.V. Petrovsky. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 1997. - 496 p.
    2. Zimnyaya, I.A. Pedagogical psychology: textbook. allowance / I.A. Winter. -2nd ed., additional, corrected. and reworked. – M.: Logos, 2002. – 384 p.
    3. Psychology of personality: textbook. allowance: in 2 volumes. Foreign psychology. - 3rd ed., add. - Samara: PH "BAHRAKH-M", 2002. - V.1. – 512 p.
    4. Kotikova, O.P. Pedagogical psychology: a course of lectures / O.P. Kotikov. - Minsk: Ed. MIU, 2005. - 132 p.

    Physical and mental stress, emotional upheavals, negative attitudes of others and other factors disrupt the functioning of the nervous system. The body is subjected to severe stress, for which women are more vulnerable. Constant exhaustion of the psyche leads to the development of depression, apathy, neuroses.

    Bad mood provokes chronic fatigue and irritability. To maintain a psycho-emotional state, a sedative for nerves for women should be selected on an individual basis.

    Why is stress dangerous for a person?

    When exposed to adverse factors, the human nervous system is subjected to stress, which is divided into 2 categories: distress and eustress. If in the latter case adaptation to new conditions occurs due to a surge of positive emotions, then distress causes discomfort. With the development of negative stress, a violation of the psycho-emotional state is observed.

    Stress, insomnia and increased anxiety are common “side effects” of modern life. And if they bother you or your child, we will help you choose the best sedative, which has a minimum number of side effects.

    In this ranking, we have collected effective sedatives that have received many good reviews on specialized medical resources such as WebMD and Healthline, and review sites (Otzovik and iRecommend). All of them are sold without a prescription and are ranked according to the ratio of positive to negative reviews.

    Sedatives for the nervous system of adults

    5. Fitosedan - collection number 2

    Average price: 85 rubles.

    This is a good sedative with a natural composition, low price and a pronounced herbal taste. The active components of Fitosedan are: motherwort, mint, hop cones and licorice root. All of these herbs (with the exception of licorice) are known for their sedative effects. However, licorice is not in vain present in the composition. It has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, tonic effect and is a natural antidepressant.

    This collection perfectly helps during premenstrual syndrome, during high psycho-emotional stress and sleep disorders.

    According to reviews, it is better to buy the Fitosedan collection in filter bags, there is less messing around with them, and the taste is not as bitter as that of the "loose" collection.

    Average price: 354 rubles.

    This is a synthetic monocomponent drug. The active substance (fabomotizole dihydrochloride) is an anxiolytic, or a tranquilizer. Afobazole tablets do not work immediately, but after a few days of regular intake.

    The effect comes on smoothly and gently, mood improves, sleep normalizes and, as one of the reviews says, “the head becomes clearer.” When taken, there is no drowsiness, and after discontinuation, there is no withdrawal syndrome.

    Average price: 441 rubles.

    The capsules of the drug "Theanine" from the company "Evalar" contains L-theanine. This amino acid, found in green tea leaves, helps fight anxiety that interferes with sleep. A 2007 study found that L-theanine reduced heart rate and immune responses to stress.

    • L-theanine is closely related to glutamate, an excitatory neurotransmitter. However, L-theanine produces the opposite effect in the brain. It binds to the same brain cell receptors as glutamate and blocks them before the onset of excitatory effects. This inhibits excessive brain activity and has a soothing, relaxing effect in which anxiety disappears.
    • In addition to blocking excitatory stimuli at glutamate receptors in the brain, L-theanine also stimulates the production of the relaxing neurotransmitter GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid). This amino acid prevents mental arousal.
    • Unlike prescription drugs that are prescribed for stress, L-theanine does not make you sleepy or impair fine motor skills. Therefore, Theanine can be called the best sedative for those who need calmness and concentration instead of falling asleep quickly.

    Of particular interest are studies showing that supplementation with L-theanine prevents the sudden increase in blood pressure that occurs due to stress. For many people, normal blood pressure readings at rest are replaced by dangerously high levels during stressful situations. This leads to a sharp deterioration in well-being and adversely affects the condition of the heart and blood vessels.

    Average price: 275 rubles.

    One of the fast-acting sedative drugs that are not addictive. Available in the form of tablets and capsules. It contains natural ingredients: extracts of peppermint, valerian and lemon balm.

    • The results of a study conducted in 2002 by the Brazilian Federal University of the State of Parana prove that valerian reduces anxiety.
    • Peppermint helps with muscle and headaches, improves digestion and relieves flatulence.
    • Melissa relieves feelings of anxiety and improves mood.

    Like most other herbal preparations, Persen works as long as you take it. Therefore, it can be recommended to adults and adolescents who need to cope with emotional stress and insomnia in a short time, and for a short time (the course of admission is a month). People with severe depression or chronic insomnia will need strong sedatives, which may be prescribed by a neurologist or psychiatrist.

    1. Novo-passit

    Average price: 232 rubles.

    This remedy has a rich composition, which includes: extracts of lemon balm, valerian, St. John's wort, hops, elderberry, passionflower (passion flower) and hawthorn.

    • Hawthorn reduces pressure, reduces fatigue and reduces symptoms of cardiovascular disease.
    • black elderberry useful for coughs and respiratory viral diseases. It contains antioxidant flavonoids such as rutin and quartzetin.
    • St. John's wort used in medicine to treat various types of depression. It stimulates the production of the "hormone of happiness" - serotonin.
    • Meat Red Passiflora Helps with anxiety disorders and insomnia.
    • Also in tablets and solution "Novo-passita" is guaifenesin- a remedy that has an expectorant (mucolytic) and anti-anxiety effect.
    • Valerian- a recognized fighter with nervousness, excitement, sleep disorders and stress.
    • Melissa It is also a well-known sedative, improves mood, and relieves spasms.
    • Hop improves sleep and normalizes circadian rhythms.

    “I take Novo-Passit tablets. It helps me a lot. These miracle pills not only soothe, but also reduce the level of anxiety and aggressiveness. Now I fall asleep normally and sleep without waking up until the morning. Became more tolerant of family members and work colleagues. In general, it is easier for me to live with Novo-Passit. Its composition is completely natural, so it will definitely not be worse from taking it. I and my daughter of 12 years old sometimes give it. He also handles it very well.”
    Marina, Moscow.

    Thanks to the perfectly selected composition, Novo-Passit is one of the most effective non-addictive remedies if you need to quickly put your nerves in order. In addition, the list of his indications includes migraine, menopausal syndrome, itchy dermatoses and irritable bowel syndrome.

    Sedatives for children

    5. Glycine

    Average price: 40 rubles.

    This amino acid (other names are aminoethanoic acid and aminoacetic acid) is essential for various muscle, cognitive and metabolic functions in the human body. It helps break down and transport nutrients such as glycogen and fat to be used by body cells for energy. Without glycine, neither the digestive nor the nervous system will function normally. Some neurologists call this substance a "vitamin for the brain."

    According to research conducted at North Carolina State University, glycine can be used to reduce symptoms in people with ulcers, arthritis, leaky gut, diabetes, kidney and heart failure, neurobehavioral disorders, chronic fatigue, and sleep disturbances.

    Glycine is not a medicine and, judging by the reviews, has a cumulative effect. It gently and gradually reduces increased excitability, aggressiveness in children, normalizes sleep, improves concentration and can be used during the period of adaptation to new conditions. Glycine tablets can be given even to children under one year old (but only on the recommendation of a pediatrician or neurologist).

    4. Magnesium

    Average price: 150-210 rubles.

    Magnesium is a naturally occurring mineral and an essential nutrient required by the human body. It has a calming effect on the nervous system and can help promote sleep.

    The recommended daily limit for older children and adults is 350 mg. More is not always better, and taking too much magnesium can cause stomach pain, cramps, diarrhea, and lower blood pressure. The type of magnesium in supplements can also make a big difference. Magnesium supplements are often made by combining magnesium with organics and amino acids to make them more chemically stable and improve absorption. The type of substance that magnesium is mixed with can affect the effects of the supplement.

    • For example, magnesium citrate and magnesium oxide tend to have a laxative effect that a child may not need.
    • Magnesium glycinate has the least laxative effect and may be a good choice for people with sensitive digestive systems.
    • Other common forms of magnesium include: magnesium malate, magnesium aspartate, and magnesium threonate.

    3. Bayu-Bai

    Average price: 136 rubles.

    This Russian-made product (Kurortmedservice LLC) is produced in the form of drops and is intended for children from three years of age. It contains herbal ingredients: extracts of mint, lemon balm, linden, chamomile and oregano. It also contains magnesium sulfate.

    Drops help children fall asleep better and can be used during periods of increased emotional stress (for example, before an exam or important competitions). A good night's sleep is vital for mood and normal brain function. Research shows that not getting enough rest can worsen ADHD symptoms in children and teens, leading to a loss of emotional control. It can also negatively affect working memory.

    For a monthly course of "Bayu-Bai" (subject to three meals a day), 4 bottles will be required. According to reviews, the bottle does not have a very convenient dispenser.

    Average price: 69 rubles.

    Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla, Matricaria recutita) is one of the most popular traditional medicines. It is used to treat a wide range of childhood ailments, from colds, teething and colic, to indigestion, restlessness and irritability. It is an ideal herb for cranky babies and children who cannot settle down to sleep. Bathing in a sea salt bath will help relieve itching and irritation from prickly heat and mosquito bites. And chamomile has a relaxing effect and is a good natural antiseptic. Such baths are suitable for children from the first months of life (if there are no objections from the pediatrician), they are easy to use and inexpensive.

    Chamomile can be used not only as part of salt baths, but also as an independent remedy. It can be added to tea and drunk with a little honey. However, such a sedative with honey is suitable for children over 12 months old to avoid the so-called infant botulism.

    Chamomile is considered very safe, but because it is in the Asteraceae family, it should not be given to someone who is allergic to other plants in this family.

    1. Bunny

    Average price: 233 rubles.

    This is a Russian-made herbal sedative (LLC Alkoy). It comes in the form of a syrup and is intended for children 3 years of age and older. As part of the "Hare" a lot of natural ingredients: extracts of lemon balm, fennel, oregano, chamomile, thyme and peppermint. It also contains vitamin C, magnesium and vitamin B6, which together reduce anxiety and aggression, and promote healthy sleep. Due to the content of vitamins, the product is excellent for taking in the autumn-winter period.

    Reviews of the syrup say that it helps nervous and poorly sleeping children who are prone to tantrums. However, this remedy is sugary in taste, it contains a lot of sugar and apple-cherry juice. Therefore, the "Bunny" is not suitable for children with diabetes. However, it can be diluted in an unsweetened liquid such as warm water or tea.

    Due to the natural composition, the syrup is stored in the refrigerator for up to 10 days, and you need to take it for 2 weeks. That is, the course of admission will require 2 packs.

    “If the situation does not require serious medication, then the Hare syrup is quite suitable as a mild sedative. After it, the kids do not become lethargic, just ordinary activity does not turn into a hurricane. And in the evening - a nice thing, for a good sleep for children and peace of mind for parents.

    Before taking any of the remedies described in the list, it is necessary to consult with a general practitioner. The fact that the drug contains natural ingredients does not mean that it is completely safe for all people.

    The concept of sedatives combines a large number of drugs that are completely different in composition and can have a sedative effect on the human central nervous system. In order to get rid of stress as quickly and effectively as possible, you should choose the right good sedative - this way you can save your nerves and save your strength for important things.


    All ailments and health problems due to stress, this has long been a proven fact. Today, stress is considered the same pathology as the flu, gastritis or arthritis - that is, it also requires attention, medical supervision and full treatment using various means.

    Unfortunately, even the most balanced person from time to time can not cope with an unfavorable situation that has arisen at work or in the family. There is nothing reprehensible in this - the rhythm of modern life simply leaves no choice and it is not always possible to keep calm, control oneself and avoid nervous shocks.

    If in general a person does not suffer from any nervous disorders, then factors such as:

    • stressful situations;
    • premenstrual syndrome;
    • change of weather, upsetting the nervous system;
    • insomnia;
    • mental stress at work or school;
    • pregnancy and related experiences.

    All sedatives are divided into several groups according to their composition, effects and pharmaceutical form. Each of them is designed to solve a separate problem.

    If you choose the wrong medicine, then at best it simply will not help. And at worst, it will harm even more and lead to the development of additional pathologies. That is why it is so important to understand what categories of sedatives for the adult nervous system exist and what they are intended for.

    Important! Improper use of medicines in this group can lead to serious and sometimes irreversible consequences for the health and psyche of a person.


    In pharmacies, a huge number of sedatives are presented, the choice is often quite difficult to make. According to the pharmacological action, all sedatives are divided into several groups.

    Vegetable (light)

    Soothing light remedies of plant origin have great advantages: they are not addictive and do not accumulate in the body.

    In addition, side effects are rare and are mainly limited to allergic manifestations. Herbal medicines reduce the rate of excitation processes in the cerebral cortex, as well as in subcortical structures.

    Basically, all the effects of herbal products are associated with the action of the esters, essential oils, alkaloids and organic acids contained in them. At the same time, herbal preparations are well tolerated by almost all individuals, they are successfully used for neuroses and depressive states.

    In nature, a large number of plants with the above properties. Most Popular:

    • valerian and motherwort;
    • passionflower;
    • Linden;
    • Stephanie;
    • chamomile;
    • laurel cherry;
    • Melissa;
    • clematis and lettuce.

    TOP-10 drugs

    Such sedatives are sold by pharmacies without prescriptions, since these drugs are practically not capable of causing any side effects.

    1. Neuroplant
      Plant-based, contains dry extract of St. John's wort herb as an active ingredient. It has antidepressant, anxiolytic and sedative effects.
    2. Relaxosan
      The drug is plant-based, indicated for use in case of increased nervous excitability, insomnia (disturbance of falling asleep). And also as part of a combination therapy of functional disorders of the cardiovascular system, spasms of the gastrointestinal tract.
    3. lotusonic
      It has a general strengthening effect. Mild sedative. The extracts of lotus, Chinese date, euphoria, thuja, erythrina, which are part of the preparation, have a pronounced sedative effect. It also helps to reduce irritability and tension, manifested in mental overwork, or neurasthenia.
    4. Theanine Evalar
      Contains the natural amino acid L-theanine, a unique natural relaxant and antidepressant. It has been experimentally established that after taking L-theanine, the human brain changes the nature of activity after 30 minutes: instead of “stressful” beta waves, it begins to emit “relaxed” alpha waves.
    5. Doppelhertz Nervotonik
      It contains St. John's wort, which has a positive effect on the state of the organs of the central and autonomic nervous system. This leads to a rise in mood, mental and physical activity, normalization of sleep.
    6. Phyto Novosed
      It has a strong sedative effect, anxiolytic effect. These effects are achieved by improving blood circulation in the brain. Increases the body's resistance to excessive physical and mental stress.
    7. Valerian dragee
      Restores the normal sleep cycle, promotes the onset of natural sleep, if you follow a constant optimal dosage, then the medicine has a persistent sedative effect. It is worth remembering that valerian dilates the coronary vessels and calms the heart rhythm.
    8. Nervoflux
      Combined remedy on herbs, promotes relaxation and calm, the formation of normal sleep. The active components of the plants that make up the drug have a calming effect on the nervous system and reduce excitability.
    9. Novopassit
      A medicinal product based on herbal ingredients, which, when taken orally, has a calming effect. This is manifested by a decrease in irritability and excitement, as well as facilitating the process of falling asleep. A drug is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of various diseases associated with increased nervous excitability.

    Sedatives (medium)

    To suppress internal anxiety, arousal and irritability, doctors prescribe sedatives. Simply put, these are drugs that calm the nervous system. They allow you to overcome neuroses and other disorders that worsen the quality of life and negatively affect your mood.

    The action of sedatives is aimed at stimulating the calm activity of the nervous system and attenuating excitatory impulses in the brain.

    First of all, these funds restore the functions of the central nervous system. The regulation of the processes of excitation and inhibition is manifested in the following way:

    • the feeling of anxiety disappears;
    • a person quickly falls asleep, sleeps soundly, and wakes up truly rested;
    • mood improves.

    Sedatives can enhance the effect of sleeping pills and pain medications.

    TOP-10 drugs

    Sedative drugs in medicine are used to treat neurosis and neurasthenia. They are widely used to eliminate problems with falling asleep.

    It is possible to correct hypertension at the initial stages of its development by taking sedatives. Sometimes they are prescribed for menopause, for irritable bowel syndrome, for diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

    1. Glycine
      It is an affordable nootropic drug widely used in both adults and children. Effectively improves mental activity, mood, sleep becomes strong, soothes and relieves irritation.
    2. Tenoten
      Belongs to the class of nootropics. Soothes, relieves anxiety, helps to endure physical activity, improves brain activity, protects against stress and depression.
    3. Quattrex
      A popular broad-spectrum drug related to nootropics. It is used with a decrease in mental activity, deterioration of memory and concentration. It is indicated for stuttering, tics and enuresis in children. Well help people during insomnia, the manifestation of anxiety, fear. It is used by doctors as an auxiliary drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence. However, the medicine causes drowsiness, nausea, headache, and sometimes a skin rash.
    4. Negrustin
      An anti-anxiety drug without a hypnotic effect must be used in a course of 1 month. It does not have a negative effect on mental abilities and does not reduce concentration, but it will not be able to immediately stop anxiety. The effect after its application is observed only after a few weeks.
    5. Deprim
      Herbal preparation based on St. John's wort extract is the most natural antidepressant. Deprim must be used for at least 3 weeks to achieve a lasting effect. The recommended dosage is 3 tablets per day.
    6. Phenibut
      The most effective drug for the treatment of neurasthenia at home. Assign for asthenic and anxiety conditions, insomnia, anxiety, fear and anxiety. Helps with mild depression and dizziness caused by dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus. The course of treatment is from 2 weeks and depends on the mental state of the person. Use 0.5 g 3 times a day. The maximum single dose is 0.75 g.
    7. Antistress
      Capsules for the treatment of anxiety and sleep disorders on a plant basis. Antistress is recommended to be used during the period of psycho-emotional and physical overload. The duration of treatment is 1 month, after which they take a break for the same period and repeat the course. The drug has a minimum of contraindications and is well tolerated.
    8. Persen
      A product with soothing properties and having a completely natural composition. Made on the basis of extracts of valerian, mint and lemon balm.
    9. Mexidol
      It has antioxidant, tranquilizing, nootropic properties. Eliminates neurosis-like and neurotic conditions.
    10. Cipramil
      The sedative effect of the tablets is achieved by increasing and maintaining a sufficient concentration of serotonin in the central nervous system. The drug does not reduce the speed of psychomotor reactions, does not cause drowsiness. A noticeable improvement in the condition is observed 10-12 days after the systematic intake of tablets.

    Tranquilizers (strong)

    Tranquilizers are a group of medicinal substances that have the ability to eliminate nervous tension, fear and anxiety. They create an apathetic feeling when stressful circumstances arise.

    Tranquilizers have a calming effect and make it easier to fall asleep, some of the drugs are successful in complex therapy for seizures of various etiologies.

    The tranquilizers currently in use are mostly derived from the benzodiazepine group and are characterized by low toxicity and generally fairly good tolerability.

    However, drugs in this group can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms, such as drowsiness, confusion, disorientation and incoordination, muscle weakness, less often muscle pain, xerostomia (dry mouth), blurred vision.

    TOP-10 drugs

    Most tranquilizers with long-term use are addictive to taking the drug, so treatment should be carried out in short courses.

    1. Frizium
      A benzodiazepine derivative that has a powerful anxiolytic and anticonvulsant effect, is indicated for conditions accompanied by an acute sense of fear (panic attacks), as well as for fear neurosis. It is prescribed orally at 10-20 mg / day.
    2. Bromazepam
      A powerful drug with a sedative effect, it is used to treat panic attacks as a means of normalizing sleep in case of neuroses. Less effective in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Dosage - up to 5-6 mg / day.
    3. Chlordiazepoxide
      The first of the benzodiazepine tranquilizers. It has a pronounced anti-anxiety, anxiolytic and muscle relaxant effect. It has an euhypnotic effect. It is used in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive states of a different nature, neuroses for the relief of emotional stress, panic attacks. The dosage of the drug is 30-50 mg / day for oral administration.
    4. Diazepam
      It has properties that chlordiazepoxide detects, relieves all types of anxiety in neurosis, panic attacks, insomnia, obsession, is used in Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome, normalizes night sleep, and can be used to relieve status epilepticus. Doses of the drug in tablet form - up to 40-50 mg / day, often administered parenterally for the treatment of persistent obsessive-compulsive disorders (intravenously - up to 50-60 mg / day).
    5. Lorazepam
      It has a powerful antiphobic and hypnotic effect, is effectively used for all types of neuroses, for the treatment of hypochondriacal, senestopathic disorders, and helps to stabilize the autonomic nervous system.
    6. Phenazepam
      Domestic drug with a wide spectrum of action, refers to highly active tranquilizers. It has anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant effect. Phenazepam is prescribed for various neurotic, psychopathic, psychopathic conditions, accompanied by fear, anxiety, increased irritability, and emotional lability.
    7. Oxylidine
      It does not apply to benzodiazepines, it has a moderate sedative, antihypertensive effect, under its influence the effect of hypnotics is enhanced, cerebral circulation improves. The drug is used orally at 0.02 mg per dose, 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is one to two months.
    8. Alprazolam
      Refers to triazolam derivatives of benzodiazepine, is used as a drug that most actively relieves panic attacks and acts as a vegetative stabilizer. It is rapidly absorbed, the peak plasma concentration is after 2 hours. It is administered orally, the initial dose is 0.25 mg / day, it can increase to 3 mg / day.
    9. Atarax
      The drug, which is not addictive, is used to treat asthenia, mild phobic manifestations. The recommended doses are from 25 to 100 mg / day in tablets, in addition, there is a 0.2% syrup (200.0), 5 ml contains 10 mg of atarax. The course of treatment is one to two months.
    10. Buspirone
      Relatively "mild" tranquilizer, because it is not addictive and does not sedate. It even has some antidepressant effect. It can be used for a long time (several months).


    There are conditions of the body when taking drugs of this kind is strictly prohibited, a medical specialist can indicate this, having studied all the individual characteristics of the body and the history of diseases.

    1. Pregnant women. The very state of waiting for a baby is associated with great worries and stress, however, self-administration of drugs can harm the child. It is better to consult a doctor who will select a suitable remedy based on medicinal herbs, such as motherwort or valerian officinalis.
    2. Children. Doctors do not recommend the use of sedatives in children who do not suffer from a violation of the nervous system. Periodic whims, tantrums, mood swings are quite normal behavior for a child. If parents suspect that the child's behavior is not up to standard, then you should contact a specialist.
    3. People prone to allergies and hypersensitivity. At the doctor's appointment, it is necessary to voice all the allergic reactions of the body that caused medications, the medical worker will select the appropriate drug. However, before use, you should independently read the instructions for the medicine.
    4. Traumatic brain injury. Postponed brain damage can provoke adverse reactions, so stress medications should be used with caution.
    5. Serious illnesses. It is not recommended to calm the nerves with drugs in the presence of epilepsy, brain tumors, alcohol and drug addiction.

    Folk recipes

    Not only the pharmacological industry is able to relieve irritation and fatigue, relieve anxiety and fear, and normalize the psycho-emotional background.

    1. Motherwort
      15 g of chopped herbs per 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 30-40 minutes, take a tablespoon 3-5 times a day.
    2. Thyme (creeping thyme)
      15 g of dry chopped grass per 1 cup of boiling water, leave for half an hour, drink a tablespoon 3 times a day.
    3. Thyme herb infusion
      1 st. a spoonful of dried grass should be poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water and insisted in a sealed container, wrapped well, for 40 minutes. Strain, add 30 drops of astragalus root tincture. Drink this infusion in 4 doses during the day.
    4. Sagebrush
      A teaspoon of dry chopped grass in 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours, drink a quarter cup 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
    5. Knotweed (highlander bird)
      20 g of dry chopped herbs in a glass of boiling water. Insist 2 hours. Drink a tablespoon 2-5 times a day.
    6. Bearberry (bear ears)
      10 g dried leaves per 1 glass of water. Boil for 15 minutes, drink 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day.
    7. citrus honey
      Peel 2 lemons, 2 oranges. Pass them through a meat grinder. Add 4 tbsp. spoons of honey. Take this mixture for 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day before meals.
    8. Beet
      Beet juice, mixed in half with honey, take 100 ml 3-4 times a day for 10 days or long-term - 200 ml a day for 3-4 weeks.