
Prayer Rev. John Rylsky. Saint Rev. John Rylsky

Works in the country, in the spring garden

Rev. John Rylsky - Great Durifying Mote Bulgarian Orthodox church And the Heavenly Patron of the Bulgarian People was born in 876 in the village of Skranino Mescalod region (the ancient sophia - now Sofia). Early remaining orphans, the boy left the shepherd in other people's people. One day, the rich beat him for lost a cow with a calf. The boy cried for a long time and prayed to help him. When he found a cow with a calf, the water rose in the River Strode. The young shepherd prayed, put his outerwear on the water, drawing a cross on her, took a calf on her hands and passed with him, as in Sukhu, on the other side of the river, where the cow was already located. The rich, hidden in the forest, was horrified, seeing this miracle, and generously awarding the boy, let him go from his house. Renting the property, the boy left his native village. Where and when the saint accepted the nightly stop, remained unknown. Initially, he lasted on a high and bare grief, eating only wild plants. His hut was from the twig. After a short time, the robbers attacked him at night and, beat, were driven away from there. Then he found a deep cave and settled in it. There soon settled his nephew of St. Luka. The place was so deserted that Rev. John considered first the appearance of Luke for the Besnowian Kozny, but, having learned that the young man is looking for spiritual salvation, with love accepted him. For a short time, however, they had to live together: the brother of St. John found the devotees and took the son of Son. On the way home, the young man died of snake bite. Reward, brother asked for forgiveness from the Reverend. The wilderness often walked on the grave of the righteous young man; There was his favorite place of rest. Twelve years spent the reverend in the wild cave, and then moved to the fish desert and settled in the voupel of the tree. He fasted a lot, prayed and constantly crying; Food only the grass. Seeing such patience, God has grabbed the reverend beans, which he eats for a long time. These beans made his feats to famous people. Once a flock of sheep from a sudden fear ran down mountains to dumb, until he stopped at the place where the reverend lived. The shepherds who followed the herd, with amazement they saw hermit, who gentlely treated them: "You came here hungry - Rove myself my beans and eat." All ate and satuled. The same told myself a lot of beans and a stock. On the way home, he offered them to comrades, but in the stolen pods there was no grain. The shepherds have grown up with repentance, and old man forgave, saying with a smile: "You see, children, these fruits are appointed by God to feed the deserted". Since then, began to lead to reverend patients and obsessed with an unclean spirit, which he healed prayer. Avoiding fame, the devotee left his beloved hollow and settled on a high and hard-to-reach rock, where she spent 7 years old. Rumor about the great deserter reached the Bulgarian king Peter (927-969), who wanted to see him; But Rev. John, writing a letter, rejected a date for humility. Later, the deserter accepted the inkom to be bored, which arranged a monastery with a temple in a cave, where the St. John was first. He wisely Pass his herd and died on August 18, 946 in the 70th year of life. Over 5 years before the death, he wrote his hand "covenant to students", one of the best creations of Strokrobolkaya writing. The holy life of the devotee and the signs of the grace of God in his prayers were the best sermon of Christian faith in the newly worked Bulgarian land. In the alarming time of the struggle of Bulgaria with Byzantium, with the West-Mountain Tsar Samuel (976-1014), the Rev. John the Rylsky appeared to students who had to move his power to Middle (Sofia), where the Patriarch of Bulgarian Damian was hidden (927-972). It is assumed that the transfer of the relics was in 980. A little later, the right hand of St. John Rylsky was moved to Rus (presumably in the city of Rylsk, in which the church was built in the name of St. John Rylsky with the face dedicated to the martyr Flor and Lavra, on the day of whose day - 18 August, he died). The name of St. John with deep antiquity was known and loved by Russian people. It is in Russian sources (Mineya for August XII century., Mazurinsky chronicler) preserved the date of the death of Rev.. In 1183, the Hungarian King Bella II (1174-1196) during the campaign on the Greeks took together with other jewels of the middle ark with the relics of St. John and suffered in Osterg. In 1187, decorating the ark, he sent the holy power back with the Great Honor. On October 19, 1238, the relics of St. John were solemnly postponed to the new capital - Tarnovo and laid in the temple in the name of the saint. On July 1, 1469, the holy relics of St. John Rylsky were returned to the Rylsky Monastery, where they reveal until the present day, feeding fertile help to all believers.

St. John the Icon of St. John, a copy on the canvas of an old icon from the album of images of saints Icons released by E.I. Fesenko at the end of the XIX century.

Rev. John Rylsky is a patron of men named Ivan and the entire Bulgarian people. Days of celebration August 18/19 and October 19 / November 1.

The consecrated icon of John Rylsky helps children suffering from the weakness of the mind or experiencing difficulties in teaching, protects weak children and instructs them on the right path. The icon of John of the fishing Izstari addressed a prayer for the healing of not many.

Rev. John Rylsky - the Great Spiritual Assembly of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church and the Heavenly Patron of the Bulgarian People, was born in 876 in the village of Skranino Mescalod region (the ancient sophia - now Sofia). Early remaining orphans, the boy left the shepherd in other people's people. One day, the rich beat him for lost a cow with a calf. The boy cried for a long time and prayed to help him. When he found a cow with a calf, the water rose in the River Strode. The young shepherd prayed, put his outerwear on the water, drawing a cross on her, took a calf on her hands and passed with him, as in Sukhu, on the other side of the river, where the cow was already located. The rich, hidden in the forest, was horrified, seeing this miracle, and generously awarding the boy, let him go from his house. Renting the property, the boy left his native village. Where and when the saint accepted the nightly stop, remained unknown. Initially, he lasted on a high and bare grief, eating only wild plants. His hut was from the twig. After a short time, the robbers attacked him at night and, beat, were driven away from there. Then he found a deep cave and settled in it. There soon settled his nephew of St. Luka. The place was so deserted that Rev. John considered first the appearance of Luke for the Besnowian Kozny, but, having learned that the young man is looking for spiritual salvation, with love accepted him. For a short time, however, they had to live together: the brother of St. John found the devotees and took the son of Son. On the way home, the young man died of snake bite. Reward, brother asked for forgiveness from the Reverend. The wilderness often walked on the grave of the righteous young man; There was his favorite place of rest. Twelve years spent the reverend in the wild cave, and then moved to the fish desert and settled in the voupel of the tree. He fasted a lot, prayed and constantly crying; Food only the grass. Seeing such patience, God has grabbed the reverend beans, which he eats for a long time. These beans made his feats to famous people. Once a flock of sheep from a sudden fear ran down mountains to dumb, until he stopped at the place where the reverend lived. The shepherds who followed the herd, with amazement they saw hermit, who gentlely treated them: "You came here hungry - Rove myself my beans and eat." All ate and satuled. The same told myself a lot of beans and a stock. On the way home, he offered them to comrades, but in the stolen pods there was no grain. The shepherds have grown up with repentance, and old man forgave, saying with a smile: "You see, children, these fruits are appointed by God to feed the deserted". Since then, began to lead to reverend patients and obsessed with an unclean spirit, which he healed prayer. Avoiding fame, the devotee left his beloved hollow and settled on a high and hard-to-reach rock, where she spent 7 years old. Rumor about the great deserter reached the Bulgarian king Peter (927-969), who wanted to see him; But Rev. John, writing a letter, rejected a date for humility. Later, the deserter accepted the inkom to be bored, which arranged a monastery with a temple in a cave, where the St. John was first. He wisely Pass his herd and died on August 18, 946 in the 70th year of life. Over 5 years before the death, he wrote his hand "covenant to students", one of the best creations of Strokrobolkaya writing. The holy life of the devotee and the signs of the grace of God in his prayers were the best sermon of Christian faith in the newly worked Bulgarian land. In the alarming time of the struggle of Bulgaria with Byzantium, with the West-Mountain Tsar Samuel (976-1014), the Rev. John the Rylsky appeared to students who had to move his power to Middle (Sofia), where the Patriarch of Bulgarian Damian was hidden (927-972). It is assumed that the transfer of the relics was in 980. A little later, the right hand of St. John Rylsky was moved to Rus (presumably in the city of Rylsk, in which the church was built in the name of St. John Rylsky with the face dedicated to the martyr Flor and Lavra, on the day of whose day - 18 August, he died). The name of St. John with deep antiquity was known and loved by Russian people. It is in Russian sources (Mineya for August XII century., Mazurinsky chronicler) preserved the date of the death of Rev.. In 1183, the Hungarian King Bella II (1174-1196) during the campaign on the Greeks took together with other jewels of the middle ark with the relics of St. John and suffered in Osterg. In 1187, decorating the ark, he sent the holy power back with the Great Honor. On October 19, 1238, the relics of St. John were solemnly postponed to the new capital - Tarnovo and laid in the temple in the name of the saint. On July 1, 1469, the holy relics of St. John Rylsky were returned to the Rylsky Monastery, where they reveal until the present day, feeding fertile help to all believers.

Prayer Reverend John Rylsky

"Oh, Pubtskie and the gardener, our John, the viewer is inadequate than the glory in the Heavenly Kingdom and the help of the gracious things to you, do not leave the place of this, on the lack of work and the feats about Christ picked up Esi and the land with tears of yours Ords. Yes! May your abode In Neigh, the God of God is Holy Your Power to be confused, unshakable from the tricks of enemies of visible and invisible. Increased in the valences of Cad Your, I gone to the abode of your premises, Yako, you know your knowledge and follow your footsteps. Our country in the world is observed by Orthodox People in Brane On the frozen sprinkle. Visit from the height of the heavenly all, right to you running around and asking your tental concession; in the Mori floating boils, Zholtyskigo Sea is the excitement of the witch, church contention, the world around the world as soon as the saving visit, sorrowful advantage of gratefulness, All are all the worship, I was in the life of your life.
Cool about us to God prayer, it is given to be graceful to pray for us, Yako how to make your petition to imagine the eternal bliss of buying with you and all the saints in Christ Jesus, our Lord, Jested every glory, honor and worship with Father and Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

. Early having lost his parents, Saint John in childhood was a shepherd among other people's people. Once the owner of the herd beat the boy for lost a cow with a calf. The saint turned for help to God, and the Lord not only heard him, but also revealed a miracle, from which it was clear that the lattices of John - the chosen one of God. Holy Patterns found a cow with a calf behind the stream, but as long as he was looking for them, the water in the river was added, and the calf could not go through the river. Saint John prayed to God, put his outerwear on the water, drawn on her the cross, took the calf and passed with him, as in Sukhu, on the other side. The owner hidden in the forest was horrified, seeing this miracle, and generously awarding the hotel, let him go out of his house.

Our Savior Jesus Christ announces that the first and most important commandment: "Lite of the Lord God of your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your understanding" (Matt. 22:37). No one fulfilled this commandment better than saints and especially the hermits. For what otherwise encouraged the deserted monks to leave the father's house, secular joys, wealth, pleasure, relatives and friends, as not their insurmountable love for God? Who loves his beloved first and pure love, he does not crave noisy society and cheerful conversations at the table behind a glass of strong wine. He prefers to be in solitude with the elected of his heart to sing it there - in the open sky, under the noise of the forest and the murmur of the flow, the hymns of their love. Something like this happens and with spiritual love for God. Who will light up with fiery love for his creator, cannot already quench his love any earthly attachment. He is not looking for noise of human society. No carnal pleasure, no secular entertainment can give him what he dreams about and wishes hard. He is looking for solitude, so that, unlocked by other people's glances, could talk with the king of his heart. He feels that in order to get closer to God, you need to move away from people, for the voice of God is sometimes so quiet that the holt of a vulnerable life dries it.

"How Lan wants to streams in water, so wishes my soul to you, God!" (Ps. 41: 2) In these words, the psalm operator is the most inspired manner of the hermit to God. "God! You are my God, "says in another place of St. King David. "I'm looking for you from early dawn; My soul is eager for you, my flesh is languishing in the ground empty, withered and anhydrous, to see your power and glory yours, how I saw you in the sanctuary: for your mercy is better than life "(Ps. 62: 2-4) .

Here is a classic expression of the conviction of a loving god of the Hermitage: "Your mercy is better than life!" To get this mercy of God, who is for him the source of inexhaustible eternal happiness, he leaves everything in life. By fulfilling the commandment of the commandment about all-grand love to God, hermit gets along with this and great satisfaction - to be always next to God - and more happy, immensely happier with God, rather than in love with his beloved. This is the psychological basis on which the life and feat of holy hermites is based. From this point of view, the mobility life of the Veliky Bulgarian Desert Enforcement becomes becomes clear.

St. John Fishky's infinitely loved God, loved him to complete self-denial. This circumstance itself shows what the great performer of the Commandments was he. Could he neglected with smaller and easiest commandments if he performed the first and most important commandment, which says: "Love the Lord God of your God with all your heart and all your soul and yours and all the intelligence"?

Before the greatness of this sacrificial love for the Most High, we must humbly bow your head.

Putting the property to the poor, Saint John entered the novice to one of the nearby monasteries - probably in the monastery in the namesaint Dimitri located on top of the ruled. There Saint John learned to read and write, began to studyHoly Bible , liturgical books, the creations of the Holy Fathers. After some time, he accepted the nightly stop and retired in the surrounding forest, where he settled in a woven from his hut. He lasted on a high and bare grief, eating only wild plants.

After a short time, the robbers attacked him at night and, beat, were driven away from there. Rev. John was forced to move to the deserted terrain in the upper flow of the strips, where he lived in a deep cave. There soon settled his nephew of St. Luka. The place was so deserted that Rev. John considered first the appearance of Luke for the Besnowian Kozny, but, having learned that the young man is looking for spiritual salvation, with love accepted him. For a short time, however, they had to live together: the brother of St. John found the devotees and took the son of Son. On the way home, the young man died of snake bite. Reward, brother asked for forgiveness from the Reverend. The wilderness often walked on the grave of the righteous young man; There was his favorite place of rest.

How many tears of repentance shed holy! How many reckings of the dignity sent him to the sky! How many invisible consolations he got from there! How many heavenly contemplation warmed his lonely days and nights! How many secret feats, how much the fight against the dark spirits of the malice suffered a flame worry of spiritual perfection! This is known to God. We can only partly imagine his everyday difficult prayer feat. In the whole hours, and in the summer, maybe, and whole days of St. John stood on his knees in the forest, somewhere not far from his cave, delving himself to a prayer conversation with God. Wonderful silence reigned around. Only leaves of age-old trees quietly noisy, coiled by a mountain breeze. Rocks with a reverent attention listened to the prayer of the saint. And the sun covered this paradise world from above. St. John his inspired prayer joined the sky and the land and asked God's mercy and grace not only for himself, but also for the entire Bulgarian people. How most of all precipitation falls high mountainsFor they attract the heavenly clouds around themselves, and the grace of God is most poured on the saints - these invisible spiritual peaks - to descend from there to the nizenas of the people who lost themselves among the everyday life of the people.

The twelve years of St. John launched in a cave, in a feet of post and prayer, and then moved toRilie Mountains . Without staying in one place in one place, St. John passed on the slopes of the peaks of Briebrara, Tsarev Top and Elenin Top, until she settled in the place, called the Great. For a long time, the Rev. John lived in the Wooden Wood, and the beasts did not harm him. All the time holy spent on his sins and prayer, only the grass was fed. Seeing such patience, God has grabbed the reverend beans, which he eats for a long time. These beans made his feats to famous people. Once a flock of sheep from a sudden fear ran down mountains to dumb, until he stopped at the place where the reverend lived. The shepherds who followed the herd, with amazement they saw hermit, who gentlely treated them: "You came here hungry - Rove myself my beans and eat." All ate and satuled. The same told myself a lot of beans and a stock. On the way home, he offered them to comrades, but in the stolen pods there was no grain. The shepherds have grown up with repentance, and old man forgave, saying with a smile: "You see, children, these fruits are appointed by God to feed the deserted". Since then, began to lead to reverend patients and obsessed with an unclean spirit, which he healed prayer.

After some time, wanting to avoid fame and silently, Rev. John moved to a spacious cave on a high rock. Here he lasted more than seven years, has undergone many temptations from demons. The devotee wore long leather clothing, which over time turned into rags, eats herbs.

But this place of the feats of St. John was openly. The news of him reached the royal yard.King Peter (927-969) sent nine people to find the saint to take his blessing. With great difficulty, the envoys found saint. Providaya that the travelers did not eat anything for five days, Rev. John offered them a small bread, which they all miraculously satuled, and even half of the bread remained. Returning, they told about the king's miracle, which he himself wished to see the saint and therefore, when he came to the middle for some kind of royal affairs, he went with his retinue specifically to Mount Rila to visit the Grand Delicate. Rising upstairs, he reached a certain vertex, which was later named in his honor of Tsarev Vryx (Bulge. - Tsarist Top). But from there he saw that it was impossible to get from this place to St. Hermit. In front of him gaped a deep and impassable abyss. Then the king spent two of his servants and punished them: "When you come there, tell the Holy Father:" Father, I came to see, if possible, your honest face. " With great difficulty sent to St. John. The latter accepted them kindly and answered them: "The king is holy and nice, everything is possible for God, but not for a person; If you want me to see me and I see you, break the tent there, on top, and I will reconcile a bonfire so that you see the smoke, for it is drunk so much to see. " So done. Holy spread on one glade a big bonfire, whose smoke went up as a pillar to heaven. The king saw smoke and broke his tent high. Thus, both met from afar, bowed to each other and glorified God. Then the king, touched, poured a lot of gold in the bowl and sent it to St. John, saying: "Accept it from my Majesty, so that it serves to you for food." Holy Father took the cup, and the gold returned, punishing the royal servants to convey to the king of his answer: "There is a single person alone, but the Word of God, as written in the Gospel. I, brother, do not have to arm soldiers, nor buy something. Therefore, take your gold, for you really need it, and I left the cup for you about you ... "The king was very surprised by the nonostowing of St. John, who served him a good lesson, and happily left the blessed mountain of Rila.

After some time, the brothers began to settle near St. John nearby, sought privacy. Then the reverend founded at the foot of the rock, near the river River, the monastery. At first, the buildings lived in the huts, then at the site of the feats of St. John elevated the temple and built Kelia. The monastery was a hostel; According to legend, at first it was pretended by sixty-six inok.

St. John was the first igumen with the monks around himself. He instructed them in her father's spiritual life, and his example, and in his own words, sending them to the sky. The weak supported, weary healed, bad fixed, virtuously encouraged and thus dispersed the spark of love for God and to the neighbor. So his feat in deep privacy spawned the salvation of many. Wanting yourself to save, sv. John led to salvation and others.

For many years, Rev. John was the igumen of the monastery founded by them, instructing the brotherhood by an example of holy life and delicate edifications. Having reached an old age, five years before the death of the Rev. John made up his disciples of the "covenant", in which he taught the rules of the inochetic life and spiritual instructions. Reverend perfectly knew the Greek language and read the holy fathers in the original - in his "covenant", for example, the creations of the St. Theodore of Studit were used, which at that time were not yet translated into an old-coalist language.

St. John was a great wonderworker in his life. So he stayed and after his death. To him, while he lived among his students, they brought the weak, patients, underestimated and he healed them with his prayer. All the signs and miracles that happened through Him, he attributed to God's mercy, and not the power of his prayer. This showed true deep Christian humility. But the more he humbled, the more God glorified him.

In 941. The year Rev. John elected Gregory's beloved student with his successor, he left the cave in the shutter. The last five years of earthly life Rev. John spent in silence and prayer.August 18, 946. of the year, seventy years old, he was peacefully pressed to the Lord and was buried in the focus of the monastic temple in the stone tomb, which was preserved to our time. The holy life of the devotee and the sign of the grace of God by his prayers became the best sermonary of the Christian faith in the Novocred Bulgarian Earth.

Approximately 30 years after death, in anxious timeBulgaria with Byzantia , at the Bulgarian kingSamuil (976-1014), Rev. John Rylsky appeared to the igumen of a fishing monastery, one of his students, and commanded to postpone himpoons in the city of Middle (nowSofia ) where Patriarch Bulgarian disappearedDamian (927-972).

October 18, the holy power was open and gained intense. When they began to dig, the wonderful fragrance was separated around. The monks found the body of their favorite mentor completely - to a striking noncover. Holy relics were laid in a special coffin and since then believers began to kiss them and read as a shrine, especially since the bones of St. John, like the relics of the Prophet Elisha, began to work wonders (4 Tsar. 13:21): demons were expelled, patients were healing and wearable erected. As the great shrine, they were transferred to the sophia (the old name of Sofia), where the pious noble name named Gryd erected a special church for them, which was beautiful. Glory sv. John was separated throughout Bulgaria. Many fans came to the middle and reverently kissed the miraculous remains of the Great Rylsky Hermit. Many patients were healed. In the 12th century and the Greek emperor Manuel Komnin found out about the miraculous saint strength. He suffered to convulsions and, despite the fact that he was treated many doctors, could not heal. Because of the wars with Magyars, he often drove through Sofia. During one of his stops in this city, he was anointed his hands of St. Oil, which burned in a lampade over St. John relics, and got healing. From thanks, he presented the wondrous icon of St. The Mother of God, who is still stored in St. Fish monastery as a big historical value and fertile shrine.

Even before the transfer of honest relics, the so-called Branch of St. John's Drain was happened. According to some historians, the holy relics were postponed in 980, but the Hospitality of the Saint Rylsky monks was left in the monastery. Soon they had to leave the monastery, during the resettlement of the Bulgarians in a set on Rus because of the oppression of the Greeks, who captured by the eastern Bulgaria and forbidden to carry worship in their native language. Perhaps the Greeks began to gradually conquer Western Bulgaria, the fishing monks also went to Russia, taking a shrine of the monastery - the right hand of Rev. John. It is known that at the beginning of the XI century in the North-WestKievan Rus The city of Fortress Rylsk was built. The first temple, which was built by the city's inhabitants, was consecrated in the name of St. John Rylsky in the name of the Holy Martyrs of Flora and Lavra, on the day of the memory of which saint was pressed. Obviously, there were settled Bulgarians from the fishing mountains. There is reason to believe that the Table of St. John was kept in this temple. Thus, Rev. John became the first South Slavonic sainting, to whom the temple was erected in Russian land, and which became one of the heavenly patrons of the Russian people. It is in Russian sources that the date of the death of Rev. has been preserved. Subsequently, in 1240, according to the chronicler, "Only Rylsk remained from the Batueva of the Pogrom." When, during the siege, the inhabitants of the city called for the aid of their patron, Reverend John appeared on the city wall, waved his handkerchief, blinded by Tatars and thus saved the street.

More than 2 centuries of the power of St. John were in Sofia. By the end of the 12th century, Magyarsky King Bella III captured the middle and as a military trophy was taken by the famous St. John's power in their prestinal city by Ostrog, where he put them in one of the churches for worship. Local archbishop of rimocatolic religion, having heard about the wonderfulness of St. John relics and their glory for all nearby countries, did not want to believe in it. "I don't know that such a holy is mentioned in the ancient Scriptures," he said, and did not wish to worship his saint. But because of his disbelief suddenly numb. Only then did he understand that he sinned in relation to God's designer, hurried to go to the temple, fell before the crayon with the holy reels, kissed them, humbly in his sin. And immediately untied his tongue. From this day, Archbishop began to glorify St. John Rylsky as a new Great Ratio of God.

And many other miracles committed a glorious Bulgarian holy in the Magyar kingdom. The local king was horrified by the power of the saint and, decorating with silver and gold cancer, returned back St. Power in the middle with big honors. At that time, in Bulgaria, located under the Byzantine IG, broke out the rebellion of the two brothers Asen and Peter, which ended with the liberation from the Byzantine slavery. Asen, taking the middle, commanded to transfer the relics of the fish deserted in Tarnovo, wanting to increase the authority of his prestitutable city in this way and approve his kingdom with God with God.

In Tarnovo, honest relics were and after taking itturks in 1393. year, and only in 1469, at the request of the Rylsky monastery, and thanks to the help of widowsultan Murad II. Mary, Serbian daughterdespota George Brankovich , were returned to the abode of St. John, where and reveal the Donyn.June 30, 1469. Years, during the igumen David, the holy power were solemnly laid in the new tomb in the temple of the Fish Resident. The celebration of the return of the relics was established on July 1.

Meanwhile, the beginning of the All-Russian reverence of St. John Rylsky is conventionally related to the XIV century, since his name was first discovered by the seduced semi-supest XIV century into the manuscript of the XII century -Galitsky Gospel . Further information on the reverence of St. John in Russia belongs to the first quarter of the XV century. From the XVI century, the name of St. John the Rylsky mentioned in many liturgical books. Holy Service in everyday lifeRussian church Approved with the advent of the printed "Mine", not earlier than the late XVII - early XVIII century. IN1645 The year in Russia was first published by the service of Holy, and in 1671 in the printing houseKiev-Pechersk Lavra The "Service with the Life of the Rev. Father of Our John Rylsky" was printed, which is also the first printed publication of the Saint Bulgarian Patriarch.Eviefimy in the XIV century.

Great Righteous and Maker of the Russian ChurchJohn Kronstadtsky Born on October 19, 1829, on the day of the memory of the St. John of Rylsky. In memory of his heavenly thesis, he founded at the beginning of the 20th century inSt. Petersburg convent where subsequently and was buried himself, and where his relics are.

Revision of St. John in Bulgaria is so great that it can be compared only with special reverence of Rev.Sergius Radonezhsky In Russia. As Rev. Sergius is called "Igumen All Russia," and St. John can be called "Igumen All Bulgaria". The similarities and their lives are striking, and their heritage - both have obvious to the sleeping of lander-students who appeared the pillars of the Bulgarian and Russian churches. The monasteries-based monasteries became the largest centers of spiritual enlightenment of these states, and their non-permanent relics guard their capitals.

Considered a patron saint of the cityRylsk Kursk region . In his honor, the city of Ivan Rylsky was built in the city and the highest part of the coastal ridge was named - "Mount Ivan Rylsky", on which stood in antiquityRylsky fortress And the most ancient part of the city of Rylsk. Now the chapel in honor of St. John Rylsky was built on Mount, and a particle of the relics of John Rylsky was stored in the Foreign Nikolaev Monastery.

His name is namedchapel on Bulgarian polar station Holy Clement Ohridsky , South Orthodox Chapel on the planet.

Memory July 1, in memory of the transfer of the relics from Tarnovo to the Rylsky Monastery, August 18 on the day of the presumility, October 19, per day, transfer the relics from the middle to Tarnovo.

The "covenant" of Reverend John is considered one of the best creations of Strocholian writing and testifies to the high culture and the deep theological wisdom of the author. Rev. John recommends that the "covenant" read "more decens". At the same time, he quotes the "Parassis" of the HolyEphraim Sirina . The most earlystarobolgar The translation of this work was found in the Foreign Monastery in1845 year. This circumstance, obviously, points out the fact that it was in the fish monastery that the first translation of Pararasesis was made and perhaps the reverend John himself.

This is briefly the history of the life of St. John Fish. Began once, this story is not yet completed, although more than 1000 years have passed since its beginning. She will not end until the absenteeism of the century, for sv. John Rylsky and after his death alive and continues to work wonders, helping believers and retire history.

St. John Rylsky, this mostly agreed Bulgarian righteous, as a spiritual titanium, as a new Moses, stopped his fiery prayer of God's waters at the moments of Godotock and fall in Bulgaria. With his example, he lied thirst for holiness in many Orthodox Bulgarians and was always the most active inquiry to burn life for Bulgarians.

Story about St. John Rylsky will be incomplete if we do not mention and about the miracles of the fish deserted and now. St. John is not only a major historical personality. He is a lively modern assistant of all those who pray to him with faith. The fishing monastery is full of stories about glorious wonders who make a great hermit and so on. And the memory of the monks is an inexhaustible treasury of touching healing cases. There is even a special book that has already been undergoing several editions, in which the wonderful events of modernity are reported in the form of properly certified and signed acts, which occurred on the prayers of the Great Rylsky Desert.

It must be said that mainly in two directions is manifested miraculous power sv. John - in punishments of blasphemous and help with pious people. Among the many cases of the miracles are just two characterizing the best way sv. John as a punishing miracle.

After the First World War, a kind of officer went to the Ryll monastery to have fun. He did not believe in God and mocked over the shrines. Entered into a large monastery temple to consider him, he stopped before cancer with the miraculous relics of St. John. His face was distorted in a contemptuous grin and suddenly - quite unexpected for those present - he raised his leg and sainted saints.

- How long will you mislead the people! - He said rudely, standing in cancer with the relics of St. John, and came out of the church. The monk froze from horror and said to himself: "St. John, probably, will not slow down to punish it in order to form. "

The officer ordered his soldier to cook Faeton, sat down in him and drove back to the village of Rila. At one of the turns, the horse suddenly frightened something, jumped and flew along with Phaeton and travelers in the abyss. The catastrophe occurs so suddenly that it was impossible to avoid it in any way. After the initial stagger, the horse shakeped the earth from himself, snorted and stood on his feet. She was a must. After her, a frightened soldier rose. And he was unharmed. Only the officer lay, scared moaning and could not rise. Right leg with him, whom he kicked the power of St. John, was broken ...

Someone, maybe embarrassing what kind sv. John Rylsky can punish. Yes, he punishes to enjoy. Punishes the body to enjoy the soul, in other words punishes to save. It is in the punishment of St. John is visible by his love. It is much more valuable to the soul and her eternal salvation than the body and its temporary interests. St. John punishes little to make a lot to kind.

And this is a story of one Bulgarian priest.

Once I drove from the Rylsky Monastery to Sofia. In the compartment, where I was sitting, there was a lot of various passengers: in front of me, a student of the Chemistry Faculty was sitting, next to her, some merchant was driving, then a military man, next to me - a lawyer, near him several women, in the far corner - a peasant in Simple clothes.

The conversation began.

- Battyushka, where are you going?

"From the fishing monastery," I tethyl. "

- How beautiful nature is in a fish monastery! - inserted a student.

"Yes, really nature is charming there," I agreed. - But do you know that the most valuable is not nature there, and the shrine is a fish monastery and the power of St. John Rylsky, who are still creating miracles?

- Ha, Miracles! - the student objected. - Is it possible to talk about miracles today? After all, science has proven that there are no miracles! Only simple peoplewho do not know how to explain some phenomena, believe in miracles.

Passengers around listened with great attention to our conversation.

I explained that no science has denied miracles that there are separate scientists who do not believe in miracles, but their personal opinion is not necessarily for anyone, since there are much more and more great scientists who are deeply believed in God and wonders . And then began to talk about concrete sudden wonderful healings in the Foreign Monastery in front of the relics of St. John.

They all listened and somehow shaded their heads. And the student tried every individual wonderful healing case to explain scientifically, rejecting a miracle. Then I said:

"Well, since you don't believe in anything, try to explain to me the scientifically the following miracle, for example: in 1925, a fire broke out in the monastery forest on Brichebera. It was in August, when the weather in the monastery is usually so hot that resinous pine-hot pines are like gunpowder, which is just waiting for one spark of fire to ignite. The sky on the day of the fire, according to the testimony of eyewitness monks, was quite cloudless. The messenger breeze was blowing, who, unfortunately, only spread farther and fiery easily. In a short time, the whole forest caught fire. The fire covered a huge area in several hundred decars (measure of land square in Bulgaria, equal to 1000 sq. M). The briechebers slope is pretty cool. Last minute heads began to fall down and brought the fire to the monastery.

Thick stone walls began to rake from the fire. The smoke of a huge cloud rose high in heaven. Pilgrims, former at this time in the monastery, were frightened and quickly began to leave him. Monks in despair rushed in all directions and did not know what to do. Hegumen urgently called the phone and demanded help from Dupnitsa and Samokov (nearby cities). It was promised to send military units at once. But, while they traveled, the fire was all more and more intensified. Huge fiery languages \u200b\u200blicked trees and fiery sniped swallowed them. What to do? There is no help.

Finally, some of the monks guessed: "Little miraculous icon Sv. Virgin Osenovitsa, serve prayers with the last rain! Pray sv. John! Maybe a miracle will happen! "

And indeed, the miraculous icon of St. The Mother of God, presented by the monastery, was brought to the courtyard in front of the church, presented by the monastery by the Greek emperor Manuil Comnin in the 12th century. They gathered monks around her and began to pray as a person can pray in extreme need. Half an hour was not passed, as the cloud appeared on the side of the village of Rila, hung over Brianchebora and began to grow more and more. More prayer did not lose weight on the mouth of the monks, and the big rain wipeed over the monastery and fire. For an hour, the fire was awesome. Of course, a few days later, still treli heads and stumps, but the flame no longer applied. The most amazing thing in this case was that, as eyewitnesses tell, while the rain lilts like from a bucket over Brianchor, there were no precipitation over the neighboring vertices. The rain was only where it was extremely necessary.

- What do you say about this miracle? - I turned to the student. - How do you explain it scientifically?

- Why do you certainly need to assume that this is a miracle? She objected. - If we know all the circumstances in detail and all scientific laws, we will see that everything happens naturally.

I saw that my stories about miracles do not enjoy success among this troubled public, and silent.

At this time, the peasant was approaching me in simple clothes, which was sitting in the far corner of the coupe, and said:

- Battyushka, there are miracles! I myself made it in this! You tell what heard from others. Let me tell what I personally survived in the Foreign Monastery.

The looks of everyone in the coupe turned to the peasant. The conversation has become quite interesting. The peasant began:

- I come from Samokh villages. Married. My boy was born. He turned 3 years old. He grew up, ate, said, like all other children. But could not walk. That this was for the disease, no one knew. His legs were as if rubber. Could not get up on them. All the time lay in the crib. They put the pillows to him so that he lay on them, raising, as being relaxed, he could not even sit. What only doctors did not drive him. What only medications were given to him. Nothing helped. I thought my child would remain disabled for life. As my father appeared, I have a desire, I am ashamed to talk, but confessing him to see you, to some despair I got out - I wanted my child to somehow died, so as not to suffer all my life.

When I desperately desperately, my one came to me close person And says:

"Why are you not lucky to a fish monastery?" St. John will cure him. He helped me this way. And our neighbors helped. Ask them!

I got my fire faith, and I told my wife:

- We will go to the fishing monastery.

We burned the cart and drove. Just at Easter came to the monastery. All the bogomers stood in the church with candles. Monks sang so well - as angels. I put the child on the rug between the pillows next to the cancer with the relics of St. John and told him:

- Sit here and do not cry. We will be with my mother. If someone asks you: "What are you doing here?" - answer him: "Dad told me to be close to this grandfather!" And I pointed my finger to the relics of St. John. "Here," I said to him, - St. John Rylsky. "

The child sat all the time. I have never been crying. The service is over. Bogomols diverged. And the monks came out of the church. Only one who carries candles remains. I stood on the sidelines and waited for. The wife cried on one of the chairs, seeing that here we do not get help.

Suddenly, the child extended his handle and grabbed the bedspread, descending over cancer with the relics of St. John. I tried to climb, but calm down to the pillows. The wife began to cry and pray more diligently. And the child seized again for the covered and suddenly, for the first time in his life, climbed onto the legs, swayed, as if he was about to fall, but he retained on his legs, overlooking the cancer of St. John. Mother, seeing this, distraught from joy, rushed to him:

- My baby, what happened! - And hugged him, pouring tears.

- Wait, wait! - said the monk, stewing candles. - St. John healed him!

And he took him for one handle, and another filed to me. We led him to the smooth marble semi church. The child went. From this day, he fastened and was no longer lying. Since then, several years have passed. Now he is shepherd and runs behind the sheep.

So graduated from his story a simple peasant. Everyone in the coupe was lowered heads and wondered if there was actually some kind of supernatural power that helps believers ...

Alive St. John Rylsky! He is now miracens where finds faith.

Relief icon of St. John of the Rylsky (Mining and Geological University, Sofia), sculptor Nikolay Zikov

Ibons of St. Ivan Rylsky

Fresco with the image of the saint in a fish monastery

Saint Ivan's icon with scenes from his life

Images of sv. John Fishky and St. Joakima Sarandorovsky in the Poganovsky Manaster, XV century.

Founded by the Holy John the Largest Bulgarian Monastery today

Cave of St. John Rylsky on the outskirts of the Fish Monastery

The grave of John of the Rylsky in the monastery

Church of St. John Rylsky, Minsk, Belarus

Image of sv. John Rylsky on bulgarian coin 1 lion

Akathist Reverend and the governrance of our John,

deustholder Rylsky, Wonderworker

Kondak 1.

Chosen by God and preliminary living, Rev. John, from his youth to alone, alone, by close to him, marched by ESI; Veliki for the sake of the feats of your and tears of the outpatientness by the gift of the Spirit of the Holy Hannogo enriched. To the Troje Jaco to the Holy Trinity, the dying of Imuschi please be imprisoned, succeed: from all our misfortunes freedom, calling:

Ikos 1.

The angel of the earth and the Heavenly man was, Rev. John. What kind of worn wasting is yours worthy, many disregard arrangements? But inline the song is laudatory in the mouth, calling:

Rejoice, from pious parents born; Rejoice, they in the risk of God is good brought up.

Rejoice, from infant from church, Nikolijes retreating; Rejoice, by the sacred teachings of the fertile mind.

Having rejoice, the commandments of the Lord The Glamor is true; Rejoice, fosters and discharges incessant making devoid.

Having rejoice, on the death of parents heritage her wisely distributed; Rejoice, lives for the sake of the Dovochi race from the shovels of the subsidence.

Having rejoice, the slander of the wrongness is undergoing; Rejoice, departure with meekness suffered.

Rejoice, Love Seraphim, Following Christ; Rejoice, by the sake of the path of narrow monocities, choosing.

Rejoice, reverend John, the fishing miracle, Sno and our gladia.

Kondak 2.

Seeing the world of this bustle, Rev. John, irrevocatively, disgusting was sweeping; Nothing Bo you from Christ can be separated from Christ: Neither the buses of affinity, nor youth, below the glory of this world and beauty. This taste is all in any way immediately applied, I am a fauna to the sources of water, to God, Earth, Arching Him: Allilouia.

Ikos 2.

The mind of the Divine conquered Esi, Blessed, Also, the Lord in the vision of Sonsense of Jerls, from the Earth, Tweese of the Observing Tie and the place of salvation of yours seeking, and the whole, Liberty in the world, the prevalence, the prevail of the Riensky instilled. This is for the sake of a crying type:

Rejoice, the life is inherent love; Rejoice, the contamination of the sin of militant even to death is awesome.

Having rejoice, I am put up with our worldly lust. Rejoice, with an insatiable thirst for the feat of the monochable aspiration.

Rejoice, in the foremost extending, the rear oblivion of the prevails; Rejoice, the sweetness of the residence of a certain one in itself is involved.

Rejoice, Luva for the sake of Divine Life deserted love; Rejoice, guilt for the sake of the place the place is tonsured your left.

Rejoice, to the mountain, in the vision of you revealed, sending; Rejoice, having any unfortunate in the colive of your tail.

Rejoice, wondered wildlife; Rejoice, John the Baptist to the imitator.

Rejoice, reverend John, the fishing miracle, Sno and our gladia.

Kondak 3.

The power of the spirit of the saint in the desert was settled in the desert, John, silent lives of accomplishment, with God I was uncomfortable to talk, that Angelski is unstanding Slavostoviti, the rays of the Light of the Divine to the Savior to God pray, singing him with: Aliluia.

Ikos 3.

Having a desire for the firepage of Moses Moses, Rev., At the mountain, the phenomena of the divine glory of the perception, I don't hear about the eye and the ear not hearing in the heart of the heart is not poses. And who will make saint all the exploits of yours, in silence created? But we, with your lives, Cytz call:

Having rejoice, the burden of the greatness of the Veliki on the ramming; Rejoice, your angels are surprising.

Rejoice, Yako not bread, but I had a grass myself with myself; Having rejoice, and it is little less than the sun, we knocked the sun.

Rejoice, thirst for water to measure quenching; Rejoice, I am buying the prophet "Scottle would be with you" God is a bontache.

Rejoice, Yako streams tears from your eyes from the source; Having rejoice, the prayers of bo is incessantly God raised Esi.

Rejoice, the exploits of Simi from passion to themselves cleaned; Rejoice, demons in the beast of the way you are frightened by the care.

Rejoice, Adamanta, Koznymi enemias disgraving; Rejoice, in all temptations and the Supan, always with God the Five.

Rejoice, reverend John, the fishing miracle, Sno and our gladia.

Kondak 4.

A storm of the Demon's Demonstorms Strikes, in a cave, a kind of gloomy instilled in the cave, Rev. John, the enslaving body of your and degraded Light Solnechnago, Yako Yes, not having lost the Divine of Light in the kingdom of your Lord and yes, Her Tamo with all the saints: Aliluia.

Ikos 4.

Having heard about you, Reverend, the son of your brother, Luka Patterns, and parents hiding, to you in the desert pripe and you instruct the perception of your exploits. We are the gravity of the grace of Horrant, shine Sita:

Rejoice, the light of the divine yazhik of his illuminaries; Rejoice, the child is a small desert resident promoted.

Rejoice, from the malice of ancient to attack a new adherent; Rejoice, slander in the abduction of the extension has undergone.

Rejoice, from the brother of his criticism suffered; Rejoice, the brainchild from you rejected by the blessing.

Rejoice, the prayer tear of the devil is assimous; Having rejoice, the hotel, from Zmiya Wenennago death, with the Lord connected.

Rejoice, color paradise on Kameni Mountains of the Forest Mark; Rejoice, from the stone of Divinenago, water is ridiculous.

Rejoice, the Tainic of God, in the desert is not concealed; Rejoice in the lamp of Christ in the Marce Cave Alumina.

Rejoice, reverend John, the fishing miracle, Sno and our gladia.

Kondak 5.

The Big Toggy Star like the essence of the human response: It is not a sharpening to Christ themselves, but also other people of salvation will point out. This is for the sake of the sake of the surmix, I ware, Jokese and you, John: Boy's attack on the draw in the image of the robber, and bitter you, thank you from the cave. Then you are in the desert, the fishful deep deployment, in the hollow Duba Velikago united Esi, in Herman's great works of your Lord to glorify and Petit him: Allilouia.

Ikos 5.

Seeing the Lord Toligo Ombalment Your, Rev., Papers of the Earth Yes Estimates Slautok to you in Nature; The Slavna is the same Javi Pastrem, near the desert Toya acquired, and we are in acknowledged with the wonderful business of your screaming you like:

Rejoice, from the demons of the grandeage, adherents; Rejoice, the warrior of Christ is invincible.

Rejoice, not to the end of them embittered; Rejoice, Christ by the cover of Almighty Pokrovny.

Rejoice, before the face of the shepherds from the Lord, the famous; Rejoice, who has acquired your love your unheard known.

Rejoice, with cerebral wonderful, those bypassed; Rejoice, who left them miraculously wondrous.

Rejoice, other people from them are preaching; Having rejoice, from those who have come to you, the givingness of God is not hurry.

Having rejoice, the beard of the infirmity of the infirmation of the prayer tear is healed; Rejoice, to make the wonderland of this whole hope for God is placed.

Rejoice, reverend John, the fishing miracle, Sno and our gladia.

Kondak 6.

Preachers of Esma of the Esmi Himdennation of yours, Rev. John, manifically, before healing a nague in the prayer of your Sithya: "God is merciful, believe it is worthy of nazable your name with my unclean ufs!" Therefore, I am a climb and we pray to pray for the Lord and Petit him: Alliluia.

Ikos 6.

Having assumed the wonders of Velimi, Multiple to you faith and love Raine People of Orthodox. But the glory of your in all the Bulgarians of the country has passed, having got either from oak, human glory running. To the sake of humility for your sake of yours ...

Rejoice, humility Divine Love; Rejoice, the glory of human hazelnia.

Rejoice, the Glass of Christ to humility is urging, obedient; Rejoice, the word of Scripture is not for us, but the name of God is glory to give, donated.

Rejoice, highly achieved and neither kiih deeds in yourself not seeing; Rejoice, the tree of fruit, the branches of the bottom is cloncing, similar to the Five.

Rejoice, in humility David, the River "Az Yesh Cherv, and not a man", eliminated; Rejoice, but the prophet Isaoy "O, Pyana Az" ahead.

Rejoice, with a sinner's apostle for yourself Pervago Nurricane; Rejoice, in the humility of my very Lord imprisoned.

Rejoice, vanity Vadully opposite; Rejoice, Sien, Sien, Prahi, the Great Flood.

Rejoice, reverend John, the fishing miracle, Sno and our gladia.

Kondak 7.

I have attempting for a big lifting fame of the flame for the sake of the sake of Children of Luzva, the cattelbum was shaken Simeon, the Stone arrested, Rev. John, in the days and boils of Aki Pravden Prayer Aky, tears, the stone of Omakaya and a single tokmo guess guessing. We are on the feat of this look, we glorify the omnipotent of God in you Divnago and sing him: Aliluia.

Ikos 7.

Novago's dedication of yours, blessed, not serpev Divol, a pavement with a legion of demons, and from the stone to the abyss of deep overthrow. But you barely hover, Paks on the stone embraced the creature of your prayer and the misfortunes of Zvati:

Having rejoice, the love of Love Veliya Cvyazhava; Rejoice, this is for the sake of hardness from the shelves of the demonstrations.

Rejoice, Siah's sufferings in no one's impressive; Having enjoy your eyes in love.

Rejoice, no chim from Christ separated; Rejoice, they are for the sake of the beloved.

Rejoice, the ministry of Angerelskago, having expertly; Rejoice, from the hand of the angel with bread floodbing.

Rejoice, Loving to Christ the whole Diavelic temptation defeated; Having rejoice, I think all Christ is observed.

Rejoice, luster for the sake of Say Tokmo Glory Divine Catchy; Rejoice, this for the sake of the Lord, the famous.

Rejoice, reverend John, the fishing miracle, Sno and our gladia.

Kondak 8.

The strange image of your life, the humility and the love of your Christ-Christ is graceful in you, nia in the baptism of Christ for the sake of passion and death is greenery. To the sake of the sake of the Soviet of the Lord the Sun of the Spiritual Orthodox Church, yes, he will enlighten you to save to salvation and yelling to God: Aliluia.

Ikos 8.

All was the Vessel chief of God's grace, the great John, you will be the Baptist Word, I am not in moderation God gives the Spirit. Kiimi fertile giving giving god god? Kiimi Jaws of grace is not fulfilled to be your life? Towels on the tassel, we bring our praise our praise:

Rejoice, the gift of the humility of Christ is tied; Rejoice, tears and mildness to grace the breadless.

Rejoice, clean and chastity from God decorated; Rejoice, faithfully miraculously illuminated.

Rejoice, not Tokmo Christ is beloved, but also suffering for him suffered; Rejoice, the gift of jealousy at the bose was crowned.

Rejoice, luster to the nearly executed; Rejoice, the gift of the Divine Maintenance is a unused.

Rejoice, the gift of the dismissal dismissal; Rejoice, taking the prayer of the irrevoyable name.

Rejoice, to the end of the hope of the future of bliss preserved; Rejoice, Bliss This is still in life anticipating.

Rejoice, reverend John, the fishing miracle, Sno and our gladia.

Kondak 9.

Any grantee of the Spirit of the Holy Spirit will accept Ti, Rev. John, achievable broadcasting your piety of Tsar Peter, illy, the Voice of the Wajdes Ambassador to you nine Miai. You are already greedy to be the spirit of reason, with small bread I drink Esi, and the most press miracle Sie Vidovo, yellowing to God: Allilouia.

Ikos 9.

We don't understand the world of the world, as King Peter, so in the glory of his own, to you, with the gifts, rushing, blessed, and the bearer was saddened, not the hoping of a swift for the sake of the mountains to the shrines of yours approach; But we, the words of the Lord, commemoratively, to all the people are spent, "Look for before the kingdom of God and the truth of it," yelling:

Rejoice, Yako, the kingdom of Heavenly reached the Earth; Rejoice, the kingdom of Bo Sie, who came in force, Javi Ti Lord.

Rejoice, Yako, the kingdom of God in the compassion of grace by People, Yalvil Esi; Rejoice, in the flesh blessing the paradise in himself in itself.

Rejoice, Yako beads a multi-mentioned tie, the vanity of temporary benefits showed ESI; Rejoice, Jaco, the truth and the world and the joy about Dolu holy had Esi.

Having rejoice, the radiance of Bo grace the glory of the tsarist eclipse; Rejoice, Yako Treasure the heavenly named, the gifts of the royal not happy.

Rejoice, Yako Sreeny each other in the sky of the kingdom of the king Peter promised the ESI; Rejoice, Jaco, the king in the Scriptures of your mercy and the church obedient Mostutov hurt the ESI.

Rejoice, Yako repentance of the king taught ESI; Rejoice, Jaco repentance for the kingdom of Eternal to him predicted by Esi.

Rejoice, reverend John, the fishing miracle, Sno and our gladia.

Kondak 10.

Save though to themselves to the end of the goat enemy, Rev. John, was abose of the standing of standing on Kamen. Sedmary years and four months. Mnosza eligible to you, near the stone of your church Creating and the abode of the composition, the head of the Pervago and the shepherd of Imusche, but it will be reaping from there the songs of the song: Allilouia.

Ikos 10.

The wall of the unproves is to resignly your humility even to death, Blessed John; Reasonably boiled by your desurn, the disintegration of the tear god would raise the Esi, the verb: "Father Almighty, nothing on the grounds of the good of the coordinates! This is for the sake of praying to travel the angel of the good of the blessing, yes, it will not be sunrise from the spirits of the Spirit! Lord my!" And the Sia of Rivers, Abye Spirit I wake up. We, by the scene righteous breakdown, we chew:

Rejoice, the life and the outcome of yours are geeky; Having rejoice, Horny is wise, and not the earthly urge us.

Having rejoice, nikimsazh with a mirrier of himself enjoyed; Rejoice, the blissful death from God is adherent.

Rejoice, about death disgusting his abdominal; Rejoice, the words of the apostle "on all the days dying" executive.

Rejoice, with the Apostle Paul's death of the Wajder; Rejoice, resolved and with Christ is a dream of the desire having.

Rejoice, tears and prayers to death to death; Rejoice, this is not for the sake of death, but in the stomach.

Rejoice, the everlasting joy with Christ by death, connected; Having rejoice, the keenness of God has been tied.

Rejoice, reverend John, the fishing miracle, Sno and our gladia.

Kondak 11.

Singing the prayer to be pleased with the time of time, incense, beyond the coffin of your coffin, Reverend John. This is for the sake of the coffin of your hole and your body gained nonsense and fragrance is fulfilled. Ottol a lot of miracles accomplished from the relics of your in healing to you who resort and God blatants: Allilouia.

Ikos 11.

The light agent will ask the Lord, Reverend, and the temple of the Spirit of the Sainry, the body is also observed. Looking at the grace of this grace, we glorify you by Sita:

Rejoice, intense your omnipotence of God's gossiya; Having rejoice, the monster of the telecommunication of the commander of the Resurrection is worthwhile.

Rejoice, with your glory of God in the Church is, Rejoice, the truth of the resurrection of the dead is approved.

Rejoice, by death Igumen, the monastery is expelled in a dream appeared; Rejoice, your relics in the middle village will miss the tone.

Rejoice, wonderful wonders and production is created; Rejoice, in grads of the terns were prenesed grand signature.

Rejoice, from the relics of yours in the History of the so many grace stirred; Rejoice, and in the captivity of the forces of all terrible.

Rejoice, Manuil King Greek healing is a gift; Having rejoice, the bishop of the Ostrigomsky language is coupled and expanding.

Rejoice, reverend John, the fishing miracle, Sno and our gladia.

Kondak 12.

Grace Veliya Darov Ti Lord for many love, the pre-wiseness of God, the reverend, our John, is ailment of healing, the boldness of the Enlightenment and all asking to be in salvation. Maximum thanks to the Lord, we are asked to you, I evoke with him: Alliluia.

Ikos 12.

Song of the song is inappropriate, why all the wonderful act of your divesels weakly pictures, reverend! The worship of the Great in the waters of God, daring to Sita praise you, calling:

Rejoice, in the support and work of the preliminary; Rejoice, illustrious to you by God, famous.

Rejoice, far away from the church, Bulgarian's beyond; Rejoice, and other Orthodox churches are honored.

Rejoice, notten the despondent in the Church of the Russian Toughurs; Rejoice, the grateful of the great fathers of the churmer.

Rejoice, the feats of Rev. Anthony and Makaria arena; Having rejoice, the acts of the shining of the Russian Sergius and Seraphim preliminary.

Rejoice, from Kralya Ungarskago glorified; Rejoice, and from the Turkic Sultans is a venerable.

Rejoice, in the abode of squealing faithful and incorrect accommodation revered; Having rejoice, Veliki for the sake of your wonders from all glorified.

Rejoice, reverend John, the fishing miracle, Sno and our gladia.

Kondak 13.

O Great John, Flying Miracle! We will accept this small praise our and pray for us to the Lord, yes Niscel will teach us the mercy of our and repentance to us, will save us from the power of the Misergers of the darkness of the century and will save in the Orthodox faith and graceful resident under the wondrous cover of God Mother, and your savings Application with God: Alliluia.

This Kondak is read three times, then the 1st Icos "Angel Earth ..." and the 1st Kondak "chosen by God ..."


About the great and preliminary miraculous, reverend John, and we will accept the disintegration of our and do not turn away from us, to your interference of the residences: the latter is disgusted with the people who came to you with the sadness of our lives; The same, the colive of the signs of mercy was Esi and on the breakdown of your people Orthodox! We also hear us now, the grandflower journeys, found on us in the junk days of this, Always, Dvil through the Female Danie, Popach Church Holy Troubles, Listen to us to save us permanent and temporary lives! We succeed in the Lord Jesus Christ of the forgiveness of sins, and the Napass of the sin of the naughty mother of our church! Give us a crushing of the heart, in the hedgehog with asylum steaming to the holy sacrament of repentance, Jaco, but not to condemn and the destruction will be the communion of the body and the blood of Christ, but in health and salvation. Unloading from us the Spirit of Bratzonianvius, give us the spirit of luban and the world to the brotherly unity of all the people of yours! Connect all of us with love to Christ and his church of Orthodox, Yako yes, obviously saving will of him, we will be true of God's true Chad! Buddes to us the rest of our days, Yako, yes, I've been confessed with the grace of the spirit of the Holy in the purity of the faith and the will of the Lord to the most death will create! At the same time, our deaths are coming out our soul to the throne of the Divine Property and Solve him: "CE AZ and My Children", IKO and Yako, the delight of Eternal Muk, the ineverance of the Blessed Blessed of the Kingdom of Christ. Amen.

To St. John, Ioanna Rylsky appeal for help in healing not dark. Akathist he was compiled by Archbishop Seraphim (Sobolev), a strict ascetic and a loving shepherd of the twentieth century.

About healing not dark

O, Ioanne's preliminary Father, Flying Miracle, quickly assistant in troubles, defenders in misfortunes and comforter in sorrows! We hear us, humble and sinful yours, suffering from Lyuto from many misfortunes in the current days. Sunday from the Lord Jesus Christ the forgiveness of our sins and give us a hearty crushing and humble spirit. Inhales in all of us love to Christ and his Orthodox Church - so that we kept the clean and immaculate holy orthodox faithIn order to follow in all the saving will of God, to be awarded to be true children of God. We are guarding our native Fatherland, save us from wars and civil workers and help us a pious and godly live in the world and achieve your ultimate goal of every Christian life with your help - a quiet lashing of eternal salvation. Amen.


Repentance. The foundation, presing the dignity, / the image of the consolation, the success of the commission / equal to youth is yours, Reverend. / In prayers of the CAB and in sickness and in tears staying, / Father John, / Moli of Christ of God about our souls.

Farmer for the return of the relics from Tarnovo to the Rylsky Monastery

Your relevant returned / Your abode is enriching, / Church is yours, I accept you, enlightened / and paint, faithful convenes with merry / luminous your lightly celebrating the day, / commerce, verbal, / and take the graceing of dating.

John Rylsky (OK. 876-946), Rev., Grand Dummy Maker Bulgarian Orthodox Church and Heavenly Patron of the Bulgarian People. Communication July 1 (July 14) In memory of the transfer of the relics from Tarnovo to the Rylsky Monastery, August 18 (August 31) on the day of the president, October 19 (November 1) on the day of transferring the relics from the middle to Tarnovo and in the Cathedral of the Bulgarian Saints.

It was born around 876 in the family of pious inquired in the village of Skranino on the right bank of the River Strids, on one of the slopes of the Ryen mountain range. Early having lost his parents, Saint John in childhood was a shepherd among other people's people. Once the owner of the herd beat the boy for lost a cow with a calf. The saint turned for help to God, and the Lord not only heard him, but also revealed a miracle, from which it was clear that the lattices of John - the chosen one of God. Holy Patterns found a cow with a calf behind the stream, but as long as he was looking for them, the water in the river was added, and the calf could not go through the river. Saint John prayed to God, put his outerwear on the water, drawn on her the cross, took the calf and passed with him, as in Sukhu, on the other side. The owner hidden in the forest was horrified, seeing this miracle, and generously awarding the hotel, let him go out of his house.

Rentifying the property to the poor, St. John entered the obedient to one of the nearby monasteries - probably, in the monastery in the name of St. Dimitria, located on the top of the ruged. There, Saint John learned to read and write, began to study the Holy Scriptures, liturgical books, the creations of the Holy Fathers. After some time, he accepted the nightly stop and retired in the surrounding forest, where he settled in a woven from his hut. He lasted on a high and bare grief, eating only wild plants.

After a short time, the robbers attacked him at night and, beat, were driven away from there, Rev. John was forced to move to the deserted terrain in the upper flow of the strips, where he lived in a deep cave. There soon settled his nephew of St. Luka. The place was so deserted that Rev. John considered first the appearance of Luke for the Besnowian Kozny, but, having learned that the young man is looking for spiritual salvation, with love accepted him. For a short time, however, they had to live together: the brother of St. John found the devotees and took the son of Son. On the way home, the young man died of snake bite. Reward, brother asked for forgiveness from the Reverend. The wilderness often walked on the grave of the righteous young man; There was his favorite place of rest.

The twelve years of St. John lasted in a cave, in a feud of the post and prayer, and then moved to the fishing mountains. Without staying in one place in one place, St. John passed on the slopes of the peaks of Briebrara, Tsarev Top and Elenin Top, until she settled in the place, called the Great. For a long time, the Rev. John lived in the Wooden Wood, and the beasts did not harm him. All the time holy spent on his sins and prayer, only the grass was fed. Seeing such patience, God has grabbed the reverend beans, which he eats for a long time. These beans made his feats to famous people. Once a flock of sheep from a sudden fear ran down mountains to dumb, until he stopped at the place where the reverend lived. The shepherds who followed the herd, with amazement they saw hermit, who gentlely treated them: "You came here hungry - Rush myself my beans and eat." All ate and satuled. The same told myself a lot of beans and a stock. On the way home, he offered them to comrades, but in the stolen pods there was no grain. The shepherds have grown up with repentance, and the old man forgave, saying with a smile: "You see, children, these fruits are appointed God to feed the deserted." Since then, began to lead to reverend patients and obsessed with an unclean spirit, which he healed prayer.

After some time, wanting to avoid fame and silently, Rev. John moved to a spacious cave on a high rock. Here he lasted more than seven years, has undergone many temptations from demons. The devotee wore long leather clothing, which over time turned into rags, eats herbs.

But this place of the feats of St. John was openly. The news of him reached the royal yard. Tsar Peter (927-969) sent nine people to find the saint to take his blessing. With great difficulty, the envoys found saint. Providaya that the travelers did not eat anything for five days, Rev. John offered them a small bread, which they all miraculously satuled, and even half of the bread remained. Returning, they told about the king's miracle, which he himself wished to see the saint. But there were impassable places on the way, and the king sent ambassadors to come to him. As a gift, he sent gold and fruit. The humble hermit refused to go out of privacy and did not take gold. King he wrote a message with a teaching.

After some time, the brothers began to settle near St. John nearby, sought privacy. Then the reverend founded at the foot of the rock, near the river River, the monastery. At first, the buildings lived in the huts, then at the site of the feats of St. John elevated the temple and built Kelia. The monastery was a hostel; According to legend, at first it was pretended by sixty-six inok.

For many years, Rev. John was the igumen of the monastery founded by them, instructing the brotherhood by an example of holy life and delicate edifications. Having reached an old age, five years before the death of the Rev. John made up his disciples of the "covenant", in which he taught the rules of the inochetic life and spiritual instructions. Reverend perfectly knew the Greek language and read the holy fathers in the original - in his "covenant", for example, the creations of the St. Theodore of Studit were used, which at that time were not yet translated into an old-coalist language.

In 941, Rev. John chose his successor to Gregory's beloved student, he himself went to the cave in the shutter. The last five years of earthly life Rev. John spent in silence and prayer. On August 18, 946, the seventy years from the family, he was peacefully pressed to the Lord and was buried in the focus of the monastery temple in the Stone Tomb, which was preserved to our time. The holy life of the devotee and the sign of the grace of God by his prayers became the best sermonary of the Christian faith in the Novocred Bulgarian Earth.

Relics and reading
Approximately 30 years after the death, in the anxious time of the struggle of Bulgaria with Byzantium, with the West-Mountain Tsar Samuel (976-1014), Rev. John Rylsky appeared to the igumen of the Rylsky monastery and commanded to transfer his power to the city of Middle (now Sofia), where Patriarch Bulgarian Damian was hidden (927-972). October 18, the holy power was open and gained intense. They were transferred to the middle and put first in cathedral In the name of the Holy Apostle and the Evangelist Luke, and in the XII century in the newly built temple in the name of St. John the Rylsky. At the temple of his name, a monastery was founded.

Even before the transfer of honest relics, the so-called Branch of St. John's Drain was happened. According to some historians, the holy relics were postponed in 980, but the Hospitality of the Saint Rylsky monks was left in the monastery. Soon they had to leave the monastery, during the resettlement of the Bulgarians in a set on Rus because of the oppression of the Greeks, who captured by the eastern Bulgaria and forbidden to carry worship in their native language. Perhaps the Greeks began to gradually conquer Western Bulgaria, the fishing monks also went to Russia, taking a shrine of the monastery - the right hand of Rev. John. It is known that at the beginning of the XI century in the north-west of Kievan Rus, the city-Fortress Rylsk was built. The first temple, which was built by the city's inhabitants, was consecrated in the name of St. John Rylsky in the name of the Holy Martyrs of Flora and Lavra, on the day of the memory of which saint was pressed. Obviously, there were settled Bulgarians from the fishing mountains. There is reason to believe that the Table of St. John was kept in this temple. Thus, Rev. John became the first South Slavonic sainting, to whom the temple was erected in Russian land, and which became one of the heavenly patrons of the Russian people. It is in Russian sources that the date of the death of Rev. has been preserved. Subsequently, in 1240, according to the chronicler, "Only Rylsk remained from the Batueva of the Pogrom." When, during the siege, the inhabitants of the city called for the aid of their patron, Reverend John appeared on the city wall, waved his handkerchief, blinded by Tatars and thus saved the street.

In 1183, the Hungarian King of Bela III (1172-1196) seized the Mesal and suffered holy power to his capital - the city of Gran (Slav. Ostriga, now Osterg). However, in four years, the king for some signs at the tomb of Saint realized that he was unlikely to stay in the opposite, and in 1187 he returned the saints in the middle, richly decorated with a coffin and silver.

October 19, 1195, after the liberation of Bulgaria from the Byzantine dependence of Asen I (1187-1196), the king suffered the holy power to the new capital - Tarnovo. On the hill of the Trapezian erected the temple in which the relics of St. John were laid. In Tarnovo, honest relics were also after taking it by the Turks in 1393, and only in 1469, at the request of the Rylsky monastery, and thanks to the help of the widow of Sultan Muradi II Mary, the daughter of Serbian Despota Georgy Brankovich, were returned to the abode of St. John, where they reveal Donyn. June 30, 1469, with Jugumen David, holy relics were solemnly laid in the new tomb in the temple of the fishing monastery. The celebration of the return of the relics was established on July 1.

Meanwhile, the beginning of the All-Russian reverence of St. John Rylsky is conventionally related to the XIV century, since his name was first discovered inscribed by the semi-supersay of the XIV century into the manuscript of the XII century - Galitsky Gospel. Further information on the reverence of St. John in Russia belongs to the first quarter of the XV century. From the XVI century, the name of St. John the Rylsky mentioned in many liturgical books. The service of the Holy in everyday life of the Russian Church was established with the appearance of printed mines, not earlier than the late XVII - early XVIII century. In 1645, the Holy Service was published in Russia for the first time, and in 1671 in the printing house Kiev-Pechersk Lavra The "Service with the Life of the Reverend Father of Our John Rylsky" was printed, which is also the first printed publication of the life of the Saint, compiled by the Bulgarian Patriarch Euphiem in the XIV century.

The Great Righteous and the ascetic Church of the Archpriest John Kronstadt was born on October 19, 1829, on the day of the memory of St. John the Rylsky. In memory of his Heavenly Tezoimate Patron, he founded a women's monastery at the beginning of the 20th century in St. Petersburg, where John was subsequently buried.

Revision of St. John in Bulgaria is so great that it can be compared only with the special reverence of Rev. Sergius of Radonezh in Russia. As Rev. Sergius is called "Igumen All Russia," and St. John can be called "Igumen All Bulgaria". The similarities and their lives are striking, and their heritage - both have obvious to the sleeping of lander-students who appeared the pillars of the Bulgarian and Russian churches. The monasteries-based monasteries became the largest centers of spiritual enlightenment of these states, and their non-permanent relics guard their capitals.

(A source - )

On the right bank of the River Strids, on one of the slopes of the Ryen mountain range. Early having lost his parents, Saint John in childhood was a shepherd among other people's people. Once the owner of the herd beat the boy for lost a cow with a calf. The saint turned for help to God, and the Lord not only heard him, but also revealed a miracle, from which it was clear that the lattices of John - the chosen one of God. Holy Patterns found a cow with a calf behind the stream, but as long as he was looking for them, the water in the river was added, and the calf could not go through the river. Saint John prayed to God, put his outerwear on the water, drawn on her the cross, took the calf and passed with him, as in Sukhu, on the other side. The owner hidden in the forest was horrified, seeing this miracle, and generously awarding the hotel, let him go out of his house.

Rentifying the property to the poor, St. John entered the obedient to one of the nearby monasteries - probably, in the monastery in the name of St. Dimitria, located on the top of the ruged. There, Saint John learned to read and write, began to study the Holy Scriptures, liturgical books, the creations of the Holy Fathers. After some time, he accepted the nightly stop and retired in the surrounding forest, where he settled in a woven from his hut. He lasted on a high and bare grief, eating only wild plants.

After a short time, the robbers attacked him at night and, beat, were driven away from there, Rev. John was forced to move to the deserted terrain in the upper flow of the strips, where he lived in a deep cave. There soon settled his nephew of St. Luka. The place was so deserted that Rev. John considered first the appearance of Luke for the Besnowian Kozny, but, having learned that the young man is looking for spiritual salvation, with love accepted him. For a short time, however, they had to live together: the brother of St. John found the devotees and took the son of Son. On the way home, the young man died of snake bite. Reward, brother asked for forgiveness from the Reverend. The wilderness often walked on the grave of the righteous young man; There was his favorite place of rest.

The twelve years of St. John lasted in a cave, in a feud of the post and prayer, and then moved to the fishing mountains. Without staying in one place in one place, St. John passed on the slopes of the peaks of Briebrara, Tsarev Top and Elenin Top, until she settled in the place, called the Great. For a long time, the Rev. John lived in the Wooden Wood, and the beasts did not harm him. All the time holy spent on his sins and prayer, only the grass was fed. Seeing such patience, God has grabbed the reverend beans, which he eats for a long time. These beans made his feats to famous people. Once a flock of sheep from a sudden fear ran down mountains to dumb, until he stopped at the place where the reverend lived. The shepherds who followed the herd, with amazement they saw hermit, who gentlely treated them: "You came here hungry - Rove myself my beans and eat." All ate and satuled. The same told myself a lot of beans and a stock. On the way home, he offered them to comrades, but in the stolen pods there was no grain. The shepherds have grown up with repentance, and old man forgave, saying with a smile: "You see, children, these fruits are appointed by God to feed the deserted". Since then, began to lead to reverend patients and obsessed with an unclean spirit, which he healed prayer.

After some time, wanting to avoid fame and silently, Rev. John moved to a spacious cave on a high rock. Here he lasted more than seven years, has undergone many temptations from demons. The devotee wore long leather clothing, which over time turned into rags, eats herbs.

But this place of the feats of St. John was openly. The news of him reached the royal yard. Tsar Peter (927-969) sent nine people to find the saint to take his blessing. With great difficulty, the envoys found saint. Providaya that the travelers did not eat anything for five days, Rev. John offered them a small bread, which they all miraculously satuled, and even half of the bread remained. Returning, they told about the king's miracle, which he himself wished to see the saint. But there were impassable places on the way, and the king sent ambassadors to come to him. As a gift, he sent gold and fruit. The humble hermit refused to go out of privacy and did not take gold. King he wrote a message with a teaching.

After some time, the brothers began to settle near St. John nearby, sought privacy. Then the reverend founded at the foot of the rock, near the river River, the monastery. At first, the buildings lived in the huts, then at the site of the feats of St. John elevated the temple and built Kelia. The monastery was a hostel; According to legend, at first it was pretended by sixty-six inok.

For many years, Rev. John was the igumen of the monastery founded by them, instructing the brotherhood by an example of holy life and delicate edifications. Having reached an old age, five years before the death of the Rev. John made up his disciples of the "covenant", in which he taught the rules of the inochetic life and spiritual instructions. Reverend perfectly knew the Greek language and read the holy fathers in the original - in his "covenant", for example, the creations of the St. Theodore of Studit were used, which at that time were not yet translated into an old-coalist language.

Relics and reading

Approximately 30 years after the death, in the anxious time of the struggle of Bulgaria with Byzantium, with the West-Mountain Tsar Samuel (976-1014), Rev. John Rylsky appeared to the igumen of the Rylsky monastery and commanded to transfer his power to the city of Middle (now Sofia), where Patriarch Bulgarian Damian was hidden (927-972). October 18, the holy power was open and gained intense. They were transferred to the middle and put first in the Cathedral in the name of the Holy Apostle and the evangelist Luke, and in the XII century in the new-built church in the name of St. John the Rylsky. At the temple of his name, a monastery was founded.

Even before the transfer of honest relics, the so-called Branch of St. John's Drain was happened. According to some historians, the holy relics were moved to the year, but the Hospitality of the Saint Rylsky monks was left in the monastery. Soon they had to leave the monastery, during the resettlement of the Bulgarians in a set on Rus because of the oppression of the Greeks, who captured by the eastern Bulgaria and forbidden to carry worship in their native language. Perhaps the Greeks began to gradually conquer Western Bulgaria, the fishing monks also went to Russia, taking a shrine of the monastery - the right hand of Rev. John. It is known that at the beginning of the century in the north-west of Kievan Rus, the city-Fortress Rylsk was built. The first temple, which was built by the city's inhabitants, was consecrated in the name of St. John Rylsky in the name of the Holy Martyrs of Flora and Lavra, on the day of the memory of which saint was pressed. Obviously, there were settled Bulgarians from the fishing mountains. There is reason to believe that the Table of St. John was kept in this temple. Thus, Rev. John became the first South Slavonic sainting, to whom the temple was erected in Russian land, and which became one of the heavenly patrons of the Russian people. It is in Russian sources that the date of the death of Rev. has been preserved. Subsequently, in the year, according to the chronicler, "Only the Rylsk remained from the Batueva of the Pogrom." When, during the siege, the inhabitants of the city called for the aid of their patron, Reverend John appeared on the city wall, waved his handkerchief, blinded by Tatars and thus saved the street.

Meanwhile, the beginning of the All-Russian reverence of St. John Rylsky is conventionally related to the XIV century, since his name was first discovered inscribed by the semi-supersay of the XIV century into the manuscript of the XII century - Galitsky Gospel. Further information about the reverence of St. John in Russia refer to the first quarter of a century. From the XVI century, the name of St. John the Rylsky mentioned in many liturgical books. The service of the Holy in everyday life of the Russian Church was established with the appearance of printed mines, not earlier than the late XVII - early XVIII century. In Russia, the service was published in Russia for the first time, and a year in the printing house of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra was printed "Service with the Life of the Reverend Father of Our John Rylsky", which is also the first printed edition of the Saint Bulgarian Patriarch in the XIV century.

The Great Righteous and the ascetic Church of the Archpriest John Kronstadt was born on October 19, on the day of memory of St. John Rylsky. In memory of his heavenly toesoime patron, he founded a female monastery in St. Petersburg in St. Petersburg, where John was subsequently buried.

Revision of St. John in Bulgaria is so great that it can be compared only with the special reverence of Rev. Sergius of Radonezh in Russia. As Rev. Sergius is called "Igumen All Russia," and St. John can be called "Igumen All Bulgaria". The similarities and their lives are striking, and their heritage - both have obvious to the sleeping of lander-students who appeared the pillars of the Bulgarian and Russian churches. The monasteries-based monasteries became the largest centers of spiritual enlightenment of these states, and their non-permanent relics guard their capitals.


The "covenant" of Reverend John is considered one of the best creations of Strocholian writing and testifies to the high culture and the deep theological wisdom of the author. Rev. John recommends that the "covenant" read "more decens". At the same time, he quotes Pararases of St. Ephraim Sirin. The earliest old-headed translation of this work (two verbal sheets) was found in the Foreign Monastery in the year. This circumstance, obviously, points out the fact that it was in the fish monastery that the first translation of Pararasesis was made and perhaps the reverend John himself.

Prayer status

Tropear, voice 4

The body of hesitating with a rugway, / soul there is a singing, / Vessel, he was elected to the Holy Spirit, / John, our father, / clean your heart, Rev., lived. / Those, having to having to the Lord, / moths to escape our souls.

In tropear, voice toy

Your relevant returned / Your abode is enriching, / Church is yours, I accept you, enlightened / and paint, faithful convenes with merry / luminous your lightly celebrating the day, / commerce, verbal, / and take the graceing of dating.

In Tropar, voice 1

Repentance The base, presingfulness, / the image of the consolation, the spiritual part of the commit / equal to youthful life, Reverend. / In the prayers of the CSB and in sickness and in tears staying, / Father John, / Moli of Christ of God about our souls.

Kondak, voice 2

The firm mind and incessant prayers / Boritel enemy is the power to the end to the end to revive, With God, Father Reverend, / Praise and Approval.

In Kondak, voice toy

In the prayers, it's not sleeping in the prayers in the phenomenon of the incessant angel, if you left the coffin, leaving me, / and the nonsense was given to the nonsense, John, / from the death of Bo to the eternal abdominal His plenty.

In Kondak, voice toy

Warving the beastful intercession / and asking the speedy to the perpetrator, / Rev. Father in John, / Take the disintegration of our / and Christ's mind, pardonish us, / one-to-extension and multi-cells.

In Kondak, voice 6

By God's grace, we have enriched us / and the works of our good news, / the rank of Javin, John, the ward of Christ of God. / In Prayers and Posters of God's Giving Spirit / and to be a paradise of the vote / and the impiety of souls to our.

In Kondak, voice 8

Angelic Life Entieving, Reverend, / All Earth Leaving, to Christ, Esi / And That Commandments were improved, / appeared the pillar unshakable from the enemy's attacks. / The fact that they are: / Rejoice, Father John, Lightly Presbyte.