
How to insulate the roof from the inside. Why and how to insulate the roof from the inside: detailed instructions

DIY garden

A large percentage of heat loss occurs through the ceiling, this is due to the desire of warm air to rise. In contact with the cold ceiling, it forms condensate, which accumulates from the side of the attic. Over time, wooden structures get wet, fungal and mold formations develop, and their integrity is violated.

Significant heat loss leads to an uncomfortable microclimate in the room, in winter it is a low temperature in living rooms, in summer it is unbearable heat. To avoid this, a heat-insulating layer is mounted.

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The choice of materials and methods of roof insulation

The choice of roof insulation method from the inside depends on the functional use of the attic space.

In a residential attic or a technical room located in the attic, to reduce heat loss in the cold season, as well as maintain a comfortable microclimate in the hot season, the sloping roof surface and gables on the inside of the room are insulated.

If the attic is not planned to be used for living or technical needs, then thermal insulation can only be located on the ceiling, and these works can be performed both from the attic side and from the side of the room.

All roofs can be conditionally divided into flat and pitched (single-pitched, double-pitched, tented, hip, mansard, multi-gable).

Insulation of a flat roof for effective heat retention should be done on both sides. Thermal insulation materials are placed from the side of the room, and they are carefully insulated from the outside to prevent moisture from entering the room.

You can use roll or sheet material, or you can insulate the roof with polyurethane foam, by spraying.

As heat-insulating materials in a private house use:

  • mineral or glass wool;
  • polyurethane foam (PPU);
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • expanded clay.

Requirements for thermal insulation materials:

  • relative lightness, so that there is no additional load on the roof structures;
  • moisture resistance; liquid-saturated material loses its technical characteristics;
  • low coefficient of thermal conductivity; the lower this indicator is, the better the heat will be kept in the room;
  • safety for the health of residents;
  • resistance to temperature changes.

To insulate the roof from the inside with your own hands, you will need to first calculate the required layer of thermal insulation. Its size will depend on the selected material and climatic conditions at the location. 10 cm layer of mineral wool corresponds to 35 cm of expanded clay, or 8 cm of expanded polystyrene, 5 cm of polyurethane (PPU).

Important. The more severe the winters in the region, the thicker the insulator layer is used to insulate the roof.

Basic rules for the installation of thermal insulation materials

The roof insulation scheme includes 3 stages, which always remain unchanged:

Important. Foil insulation is much better at retaining heat.

Only in those cases when the technology of roof insulation is carried out exactly, you can count on a positive result.

Mansard roofs

Insulating an attic roof will require much more effort than insulating a pitched roof. This is due to the presence of windows, broken surfaces and a large area of ​​roofing.

Important. If the thickness of the insulation is greater than the height of the beam, it is necessary to grow it to the required size.

Such roofs are mounted to increase the attic space. They can be made as usual gable, but more pointed, or with a broken roof structure. Like every gable roof, there are 2 gables in their design. Therefore, they can be considered work on their insulation as insulation of a pitched roof.

  1. Work begins with laying the moisture-proof material on top of the crate, bringing its edges under the roof overhang, thus ensuring unimpeded removal of moisture.
  2. Lay the heat insulator between the rafters.
  3. The ceiling is stuffed, which also performs a decorative finishing function, and keeps the thermal insulation layer from falling out during operation.

The insulation of the roof with polyurethane foam has proven itself well. In this case, the space between the rafters is filled with polyurethane foam by spraying. It is important that the roof space does not have cracks, gaps and holes into which uncured polyurethane foam (PUF) could seep. This material does not require special surface preparation, has high soundproofing, heat-insulating and water-repellent properties. PPU has a good degree of adhesion to almost all materials.

A distinctive feature of such roofs can be called the presence of window blocks.

It is important to ensure a snug fit of heat-insulating materials to window frames, to seal possible gaps.

flat roofs

Insulation of a flat roof from the side of the room is carried out in cases where large heat losses occur through the ceiling. Most often, flat roofs are made of reinforced concrete floors. Therefore, there is an additional difficulty in fixing the heat-insulating layer.

In order to carry out high-quality installation, in which heat loss will decrease, the base is carefully prepared, all kinds of irregularities, plaster residues are cleaned off and treated with deep penetration primers. It is possible to insulate the roof with polystyrene foam, the plates of which are attached to the base with adhesives, and the dowel is additionally fixed with nails.

Styrofoam does not absorb moisture, so it is not necessary to install hydro and vapor barriers. All joints and connections are carefully filled with hermetic compounds. If several layers are laid, then the seams are placed apart, this will significantly improve the quality of the insulation.

You can close the insulation system with tension or suspension structures. In cases where the installation of drywall is planned, a wooden crate is first stuffed to the base with a beam cross section equal to the thickness of the heat-insulating layer. Electrical wires are placed in a protective box, between the layers of foam.

Attic floor insulation

If the attic is not used as residential or technical rooms, then roof insulation from the inside is not necessary. It makes sense to place heat-insulating material on the ceiling and minimize heat loss from heated rooms to the attic. This method will allow you to maintain a comfortable temperature in the living room, while reducing heating resources.

Such insulation of the roof of the house can be carried out both from the side of the room and from the side of the attic. Consider options for insulating the ceiling from the attic.

As in other cases, work begins with laying a layer of vapor barrier, which will not allow the insulation to absorb the resulting condensate. If the roof of a wooden house is being insulated, then all beams and ledges must be wrapped with a vapor barrier to prevent rotting. At the junction of the attic floor and roof slopes, the film is brought up so that its edges protrude at least 5 cm above the level of thermal insulation, and are fixed with adhesive tape (buttons, staples).

In cases where it is necessary to connect 2 sections of the vapor barrier, they must be overlapped and glued with adhesive tape. To effectively save heat and increase the service life of materials, it is important to ensure the tightness of all connections.

If smoke and ventilation ducts pass through the attic, they are also wrapped with insulation to a height of 40–50 cm, having previously installed a vapor barrier layer.

Insulation can be placed throughout the entire floor, but it will be much more efficient to build a cellular system from beams or boards installed on the edge. It is desirable that the height of the ribs of the crate is equal to the total thickness of all layers of thermal insulation.

Roof insulation with mineral wool

Mineral wool is cut into fragments corresponding to the dimensions of the constructed cells, observing the specified parameters as accurately as possible. Indeed, through the remaining gaps, in case of insufficient dimensions, intensive heat transfer will occur. Too large pieces, of course, can be pressed in, but the quality of heat containment will deteriorate significantly.

Important. Two thin layers of insulation retain a much greater percentage of heat than one thick one.

A layer of waterproofing is laid on top of the surface insulated with mineral wool, after which they begin to install a rough flooring, along which you can move freely if necessary.

Roof insulation with foam

Insulation of the attic floor using foam or polystyrene boards is not difficult. You can easily carry out such roof insulation with your own hands.

Before laying the sheets, you will need to level the base, because only a snug fit of polystyrene can provide reliable insulation. Styrofoam is laid in a continuous layer butt-to-butt or in a cellular crate and all joints are carefully sealed. Having completed the insulation of the roof with polystyrene foam, they mount the subfloor.

Insulation of the attic floor with expanded clay

Insulation of the roof of a private house can be done using expanded clay. Typically, this method is used if the ceiling is mounted from reinforced concrete slabs.

The development of individual housing construction and the growing interest in suburban housing have led to the fact that more and more often it is necessary to resolve issues of improving their own homes. If wall insulation and interior decoration usually do not cause difficulties, then roof insulation from the inside often becomes a problem. It will not be possible to bypass this issue, because the reduction of heat loss in the house and the overall level of comfort in the premises depend on the work done and its quality.

Before you insulate the roof from the inside, you need to decide on the method of insulation. In principle, only one factor influences the choice - whether the attic will be used as an attic or whether it will serve as a non-residential premises. If the owners of the house plan to equip another room under the roof, then the roof itself will need to be insulated directly from its inside.

When the area of ​​​​the attic or its other features do not allow organizing another living space there, then the issue of insulation must be addressed with respect to the ceiling, which is the ceiling for the rooms of the house.

Quite often, situations arise when the thermal insulation of the roof of a house from the inside is insufficiently produced or completely absent in a building that has been in operation for a long time or in which installation work has recently been carried out. In this regard, according to the recommendations of specialized builders, do-it-yourself roof insulation from the inside. Since the roof is a rather complex structure, with respect to humidity and temperature conditions, these works should be carried out in special cases. To maintain the required temperature in a residential or technical room, one insulation from the ceiling to the ridge will not be enough. Wetness of any heat-insulating material leads to the loss of its useful properties, in addition, moisture can enter the material, both from inside and outside the building. Since the house is the main source of moisture, it is necessary to make sure that moisture escapes from it by transferring it from one building material to another before the final release of vapors into the external atmosphere. If the roof is already installed, these steps will not work.

Varieties of materials for thermal insulation of the roof

To make Insulation of the roof of a wooden house from the inside is suitable for various materials. Expanded clay is considered to be a fairly effective insulation, which will be possible to apply if the roof is pitched and unexploited. In other words, visits to rooftops should be limited, as the “loose” layer of material will prevent walking on it, and frequent trampling can lead to various clearings. Since the penetration of cold occurs from the side of the roof, then the insulation with expanded clay, lying under the feet, will be a useless action, not suitable for equipping technical and residential premises or attic construction.

In order to carry out the thermal insulation of the exploited roof, mineral wool should be used as a heater for the ceilings. In this case, it will be necessary to install the crate from a beam, the thickness of which must correspond to the layer of insulation that is laid between the bars of the crate itself. Using chipboard or another layer of hard material, the decking is made, which can also be done using polystyrene foam, along which a cement screed can pass. Closely laid sheets then do not require the use of crates.

Scheme of the construction of the roof of a private house

Despite the simplicity of the last version of roof insulation, the height of the room will be reduced, and this will lead to the transfer of ceiling lighting fixtures. For these actions, you will need to increase the length of their fasteners.

Methods for insulating the roof from the inside of the room

The modern market offers a huge selection of building materials and tools for roof insulation. For example, mineral wool.

In order to produce quality insulation of the mansard roof from the inside or any other, you will need either sheet material (foam or expanded polystyrene), or roll material (any type of mineral wool). In order to produce roof insulation from the inside with mineral wool sheathing the ceiling of the room, parallel rows of wooden bars should be used, and the selected heat-insulating material should correspond in thickness to the thickness of a wooden bar, the thickness of which depends on climatic conditions. The same technology can be followed when warming foam inside.

Sheet materials can be fixed in two ways. The first is less effective due to the contact of the rafters with the sheathing. If you use foam or polystyrene foam, which do not require additional lathing and air gap, then the decorative sheathing can be attached directly to the rafters when lining vapor barrier material under it when shed roof insulation.

The second way with house roof insulation is more complex but effective. A continuous layer of insulation is laid on the inner surface of the rafters while fixing the decorative finish to the rafters themselves. You can also do warming the roof of the garage from the inside or warming the roof of the attic from the inside with your own hands.

Video: Roof insulation process

Catalog of materials for insulation


Material - L-35

Ready-made examples of roof insulation (10 photos)

We insulate the roof with massandra. Laying insulation between wooden beams.

Blowing a special mixture of insulation with a puller. One of the most effective methods allows you to fill in the most inaccessible places, thereby increasing the thermal insulation of the roof.

First of all, you need to be able to choose the right material for roofing, hydro and thermal insulation. To date, the market is full of high-quality insulating roof insulation with excellent performance properties.

When choosing a material for insulation, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • the thickness of the heat-insulating layer: it should be at least 25 mm, and 10 cm is considered ideal;
  • operational characteristics;
  • material cost;
  • resistance to climatic and mechanical damage.

In addition to the above, the configuration of the roof is also of great importance.

There are the following types of roofs:

  • flat,
  • pitched,
  • tent,
  • attic.

Mineral wool slabs, foam concrete, polystyrene foam and fiberglass slabs, polyurethane foam, foamed glass are considered especially popular materials for insulation.

Each of the heaters differs from the others in terms of environmental friendliness, thermal conductivity, water absorption, vapor permeability, and strength. The differences also apply to prices.

One of the most popular materials is mineral wool. Its popularity is due to its low thermal conductivity and ability to withstand high temperatures.

Mineral wool can be produced on the basis of different materials.

There are the following types of this material:

  • based on basalt
  • based on fiberglass
  • Styrofoam,
  • styrofoam,
  • foam glass,
  • cellulosic materials.

At its core, a warm roof is a special roof format with a layer of insulation embedded in it, thanks to which it perfectly retains moisture.

Mineral wool The first two types are a pretty good choice. But it should be remembered that the moisture-absorbing properties of fiberglass are not very high.

In addition, the use of wool implies additional costs for the installation of vapor and waterproofing protection both from the inside and outside.

Styrofoam is a cellular (foamed) mass of plastic. The density of this material is much lower than the density of the polymer (feedstock), since the main part of its volume is occupied by gas.

This causes sufficiently high sound and heat insulation properties of this material. The heat-insulating qualities of foam plastic are quite high, provided that the operating temperature of a particular type of material is not higher than the temperature of its destruction and loss of structure (destruction temperature).

Its advantages include non-toxicity. Certain types (polystyrene foam) are allowed even for contact with food. The lightness of foam makes it very convenient for use in construction.

Among the shortcomings of the material are the following:

  • although the foam has sufficient resistance to the action of microorganisms and is unfavorable for the development of fungi and algae, its rough surface can create favorable conditions for fixing colonies of algae (microorganisms) on it;
  • in addition, today, foam plastic is found on the building materials market, which, during use, under certain operating conditions, can harm both the consumer qualities of the building and the health of the people in it;
  • the material is easy to process, but requires compliance with safety rules: a prerequisite is the performance of work in the open air or in rooms with good ventilation.

In the photo, the scheme of roof insulation with polystyrene foam: 1 - Drywall; 2 - Rafters; 3 - Extruded polystyrene foam; 4 - crate; 5 - Waterproofing.

Styrofoam boards are also an excellent choice as a material for insulation. One of their main advantages is the prevention of the formation of so-called cold bridges (due to which there is a heat leak).

This is achieved thanks to special stepped or tenon-groove joints. The material also has very high moisture resistant properties. Its use allows you not to install additional protection against snow and rain.

In addition, expanded polystyrene is characterized by high strength and load-bearing capacity. Upon completion of the installation of insulating materials, you can get a holistic design that perfectly withstands high temperatures and stress.

Nowadays, extruded polystyrene foam is often used. This material is almost universal and is combined with any kind of work.

The price of insulating materials depends on their quality characteristics, density, size, thickness.

For example, a foam sheet measuring 100x100 cm, the density of which is 25, the thickness is 40 mm, costs 80 rubles; with a thickness of 50 mm, the price is 100 rubles; and if the sheet thickness is 100 mm, then the cost increases to 200 rubles.

In recent years, another heater has become popular - isover. Thanks to a special manufacturing technology, the fiberglass structure contains air, which causes its extremely low thermal conductivity.

One of the most important qualities glass wool– durability (service life can be 50 years or more). Its other advantage is that it practically does not burn and provides high vapor impermeability.

Together with heaters, materials for waterproofing are also used, the purpose of which is to protect against moisture. The most popular materials today are polyurethane, mastic, roofing material, etc.

Important rules for insulation

  • When insulating the roof, make sure that the insulation material does not cover the ventilation gap.
  • When using a superdiffusion membrane, it is necessary to install materials for thermal insulation close to it.
  • When using a conventional roofing film, gaps must be provided above and below the film.
  • The joints of adjacent insulation boards must be staggered.
  • The width of the seal must be greater than the distance between the rafters so that it fits snugly against the rafters.
  • Attention should be paid to the tight fit of the heat-insulating plates to each other.
  • When using mineral wool boards, a waterproofing material is also needed. Installation must be carried out with high quality, while joints will require special attention.
  • If there is a large step between the rafters, the material should also be additionally fixed from the side of the room: screw self-tapping screws into the rafters, pull the wire between them.
  • With a large cross section of the rafters, the insulation is placed between the beams and under them.
  • Builders with extensive experience advise using two layers of 100 mm each, and not four layers of 50 mm, with a 200 mm insulation layer.

Preparing for insulation

The choice of a specific insulation is determined by the configuration of the roof.

Warming a conventional pitched roof will not cost as much as warming a hipped roof.

Speaking about the advantages of thermal roofing, it should be noted excellent sound and heat insulation and protection of the main coating from damage. This has an impact on the installation technique.

There are several important points that must be passed before starting work on roof insulation:

  • roof detail check. If dampness, rotting or damage is found, they should be replaced;
  • treatment of roof elements with an antiseptic;
  • checking electrical wires, water supply and heating parts (if any under the roof).

roof insulation materials

The process of roof insulation also involves the choice of insulating materials.

The main ones are:

  • polyethylene films,
  • perforated,
  • fabric reinforced,
  • mesh reinforced.

Since the films are one-sided, when using them, you need to pay attention to which side they are laid on. Otherwise, you can achieve the opposite effect.

Errors in thermal insulation

Although at first glance, insulation seems to be an easy-to-implement process, some mistakes are possible when doing the work yourself.

Most often this concerns the wrong choice of material, its width. Insufficient width of the insulation causes the formation of cracks and low efficiency of building insulation.

Another mistake is the use of wet material, which leads to the formation of rust on metal elements, rotting of the structure of bulkheads, rafters and the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the under-roof space.

With a high humidity of the insulation, it will be impossible to avoid the penetration of water into the house.

The next mistake concerns the lack of hydro and vapor barrier. The layer of thermal insulation material must certainly be protected from the accumulation of water and moisture.

Therefore, moisture-proofing materials will be needed for the thermal insulation layer on the outside and protection of the under-roof space. From the side of the residential area, protection against the effects of water vapor is created using a vapor barrier.

Roof insulation process

The ideal choice for a pitched roof is slab or roll materials. They are laid between the rafters, on the crate.

During the insulation process, care must be taken to protect the insulation material from below (with a vapor barrier film) and from above (through the use of a sealing tape). A gap must be maintained between the roof covering and the insulation.

In addition to laying thermal insulation material between the rafters, you can use another method: lay them on the rafters. With the correct performance of the work, it is possible to provide not only heat, but also sound insulation of the building.

Pitched roof: features of insulation

Insulation of a pitched roof, under which it is assumed that there is a dwelling, has its own characteristics. At high humidity in the attic, it is recommended to use reinforced films, on one side of which foil is applied.

Special attention should be given to the junction of the ceiling and external walls. In these places, the insulation should adjoin the walls more tightly.

If there are cornices, it is necessary to take care of their insulation to prevent cold air from entering the under-roof space.

In difficult areas, a construction stapler is used to attach the film, which greatly facilitates the whole process. You can also use wooden slats.

Mansard roof insulation

The attic needs insulation more than other rooms, as it is not protected from the cold from the outside. In addition, it has a large area of ​​interaction with the external environment.

With increased requirements for thermal insulation, the requirements for the quality of thermal insulation materials also increase. The most popular material for attic insulation is mineral wool.

A vapor barrier layer is placed on the inside of the insulation, and a waterproofing layer on the other. It is also necessary to provide space for ventilation in order to remove excess moisture and ventilate the room.

Taking into account the requirements for the quality of heat saving, when creating thermal insulation of the attic roof, it is advisable to use tiles or slate as a roofing material. Metal is better not to choose.

garage roof

In regions with a very cold climate, care must be taken to insulate the garage. Most often, glass wool is used for this, which is produced in rolls.

The width of the material in them for convenience corresponds to the rafter pitch. Glass wool has sufficient density, which is another plus.

If the bars are so wide that it is possible to make 50 mm holes in them between the insulation layer and the waterproofing material, then glass wool can be fixed between the rafters.

With insufficient thickness, the insulation is attached over the installed rafters. The final thickness of the layer of heat-insulating material will be 10 mm.

A vapor barrier must be installed over the glass wool to protect the garage from steam. Special bars are stuffed from above and the lining is laid. As a cladding, it is possible to use dry plaster, lining, drywall or other material.

The cost of insulation work

Prices for roof insulation may vary depending on the material, its thickness, type of roof.

You can refer to the following rates:

  • external thermal insulation. The cost of spraying a square meter of material with a thickness of 2.5 cm, a density of 29-32 kg per square meter. m is 480 rubles per sq. m. With a thickness of 5 cm, the price of work increases to 750 rubles per square meter. m.;
  • internal insulation. Spraying price 1 sq. m of material with a density of 9-12 kg per sq. m with a material thickness of 5 cm is 390 rubles per sq. m, 10 cm - 480 rubles, 15 cm - 720 rubles, 20 cm - 960 rubles.


  • an important point in the installation of the roof is its insulation;
  • today's market offers a huge selection of insulation materials;
  • when buying, you must consider the type of roof;
  • it is also necessary to take care of hydro and vapor barrier;
  • The cost of work depends on the quality characteristics of the selected material and the type of roofing.

Watch a video on how to properly insulate a roof:

Or flat, make up almost a third of their total number. Having carried out a set of measures to install a thermal barrier, you can not only reduce heating costs, but also get additional living space, which the attic turns into after work is completed.

Competently carried out measures increase the service life of the entire roof structure and create the microclimate necessary for life. The correct roof structure necessarily includes the following elements:

  • roofing covered;
  • rafters;
  • crate;
  • counterlattice;
  • vapor barrier;
  • waterproofing;
  • insulation;
  • space for ventilation.

To understand houses from the inside, it is first desirable to understand the basic physical processes that occur inside the roof structure, as well as to understand the influence of the main natural forces that it has to face daily.

atmospheric effect

Any roof throughout the year is affected by many climatic factors that require the use of protective measures. These include:

  • ambient air temperature fluctuating throughout the year and leading to heating or cooling of the coating;
  • precipitation in the form of rain, to which the roof is especially susceptible for almost the entire year;
  • precipitation in the form of snow, which creates an additional load on the roof;
  • wind effect, which implies reliable fixation of the coating to the structure.

Thus, the main task of the roof of the house is to create reliable protection against these influences and maintain comfortable living conditions indoors, which are characterized by a stable temperature and humidity level.

Physical processes inside the roof

The constant difference in temperature inside and outside the room leads to continuous physical processes that are of fundamental importance for understanding how to insulate the roof of a house from the inside. These include:

  • heat exchange resulting from the difference in temperatures outside and inside the house and leading to heat loss through the roof, which is prevented by the located insulation;
  • moisture exchange, which is a consequence of human activity (from breathing to cooking), as a result of which warm air, liquids, rises, and is prevented by the located insulation and a special gap for ventilation.

The value of physical processes in home insulation

Properly located insulation with any temperature differences has a temperature on the outer surface only a few degrees higher than on the street.

The use of a vapor barrier and a gap for ventilation prevent the accumulation of condensate formed after cooling of the steam in the insulation, and prevents not only its damage, but also the safety of the entire roof structure.

A good example of how to properly insulate from the inside can be seen if you look at the roof in houses after snow has fallen. If it is completely or partially absent, icicles hang around the perimeter, which means that the work was carried out in violation of the rules. This is due to increased heat transfer, as a result of which the roof of the house is heated by hot air. coming from the room, and, as a result, the snow melts.

The sequence of work

Before insulating the roof of the house from the inside, as in any work, it is necessary to prepare a plan, draw up an estimate and prepare the inner surface of the roof.

The plan includes carrying out the main stages, a list of the necessary tools and measuring the roof area. In addition to laying insulation, it is necessary to provide for finishing sheathing, communications (for example, electricity), installation of windows or doors. This will turn the attic into a full-fledged living space.

After the measurements, an estimate is prepared and material is purchased, usually with a margin of about 15%. The choice of material and its thickness occupy a key place in the whole process, so it can be separated into a separate stage.

There is nothing difficult in doing the entire amount of work on your own, no. But to reduce the risk of errors, it is recommended that you carefully read the steps and tips below before you insulate the roof of the house from the inside with your own hands.

The work is carried out in the following order:

  • surface preparation and choice of insulation;
  • installation of ventilation gap and waterproofing;
  • installation of a heater;
  • installation of vapor barrier;
  • installation of the finish coat.

Surface preparation and insulator selection

Before work begins, the roof structure must be inspected for damage, deterioration or other defects. Violations must be corrected, damaged elements replaced, wooden surfaces treated with impregnations or varnishes. These actions will protect the structure and eliminate the need to dismantle future layers of thermal protection for repairs.

The most common materials used for insulation today are:

  • mineral wool, in rolls or mats;
  • Styrofoam;
  • expanded polystyrene.

They meet the basic requirements for insulation: safety, lightness, poor thermal conductivity and durability. The use of glass wool indoors is not recommended. It is inconvenient to lay, and microparticles adversely affect health.

The minimum thickness of the insulator used almost everywhere is 150 mm. In most cases, this meets the requirements of building codes.

The choice of material is influenced by the shape of the roof. For small spaces with limited floor space, laying rolls or mats can be difficult. In such a situation, there is only one way out - how to insulate the roof of the house from the inside - with foam or polyurethane foam. They are sprayed with a special pump, usually in several layers. But in this case, the help of specialists with professional equipment is needed.

Installation of ventilation gap and waterproofing

The space for ventilation of the insulation prevents it from getting wet and spoiled, which inevitably leads to the loss of protective properties. The minimum distance that must separate it from the roof surface is 20 mm. This allows excess moist air, which still passes from the room through the insulator, to be freely removed from the surface of the insulation.

The simplest waterproofing, still widely used in construction, is ordinary roofing material. But to create more effective protection, it is desirable to use a special canvas with vapor permeability. The best option is diffusion, rather than conventional membranes. In this case, only one ventilated gap is sufficient. For the usual version, you need two of them:

  • between the insulation and the waterproofing sheet;
  • between insulation and roof covering.

These measures are the result of continuous physical processes taking place under the roof. But, for example, before insulating the roof of the house from the inside with polystyrene foam, these actions are not performed, since this material does not absorb moisture, which makes it possible to neglect waterproofing and ventilation gaps.

The insulation is laid with its smooth side towards the roof on specially fixed bars with an overlap of at least 100 mm, perpendicular to the rafters, after which it is fixed with staples or nails. During laying, a slight overhang is made to reduce the risk of damage during the installation of insulation. The joints are sealed with adhesive tape. Waterproofing should completely cover the rafters.

Insulation installation

The most crucial stage in the workflow is “how to insulate the roof of a house from the inside”. Depending on the material chosen, there are some subtleties of working with it. But the principles apply to all types without exception.

The width of the insulation should be 10 or 20 mm larger than the opening where it fits. The standard rafter pitch is 600 mm, which corresponds to or a multiple of the size of most heaters.

Fastening is carried out due to the dense structure of the insulation and the gap in size. But in addition, it can be fastened with thin rails or a cord laid between nails or self-tapping screws screwed into the rafters.

Styrofoam sheets and cotton wool should completely fill all the free space. One of the laying options is the installation of insulation in two layers. In this case, the second is installed so as to completely overlap the joints of the previous one.

Vapor barrier installation

After the installation of the insulating material is completed, it is imperative to fix the vapor barrier. The rough side is installed inside the room, as it absorbs steam, the smooth side is installed towards the insulation. As with the installation of waterproofing, two points are important here:

  • installation with the right side to the insulation, otherwise the effect will be completely opposite;
  • fixing all joints with double-sided tape.

Fastening is done with brackets to the rafters. A crate is sewn over the insulation to secure the future finish. To do this, you can use any finishing material: plastic, wood or drywall.

To understand the individual stages of the process, how to insulate the roof of the house from the inside, the photos located at the beginning of the article and below will help with this.

Features of insulation of different buildings

Despite the fact that the main technological process is typical for the insulation of different types of roof structures, the use of each material has its own characteristics. For example, until now there is no unambiguous majority of adherents on the question of how to insulate the roof of a house from the inside - with foam plastic or cotton wool. Each material has its pros and cons.

In houses with allows you to get a full-fledged living space where you can live. Not needing a warm attic would probably keep the process to a minimum if done with the floor first.

For most flat, it is considered the best option to start insulation work first from the outside. And only if there is no effect, start work inside.

If we consider the process of how to insulate the roof of a wooden house from the inside, then its main feature is the careful treatment of surfaces with protective impregnations or varnishes, and the minimum weight of the insulation.

If the work is carried out independently, it is advisable to always follow the main rules:

  • eliminate roof defects, and not mask them;
  • carefully handle wooden surfaces, especially rafters;
  • only work together.

Despite the simplicity, it is possible that these rules will become the determining factors in the durability of the roof of a residential building.