
Social partnership in the field of labor.


The social partnership is called civilized interaction between organizations - defenders of workers' interests (trade unions), employers and government agencies. Through cooperation, the regulation of labor relations is achieved, based on contracts and legislation. Due to the functioning of the social partnership, the level of guarantees for workers increases.

The most brief definition of social partnership sounds like this. This is a system of interaction in the labor market between the main agents. We will consider the concept and principles of social partnership in this article. Start the study of this market category of society follows from interpretation.

More about different interpretations of concept

Allocate two interpretations of social partnership. The global version based on historical laws, states that the class struggle was transformed into a partnership system between workers and employers. In developed countries, civilized socio-labor interactions contributed to the development of the economy and erasure class contradictions. Conflicts in the modern world arise not between classes, but between organizations. Disputes are solved by a civilized way. Thus, the social partnership on this interpretation is one of the methods of achieving coherence of interests.

For another aspect of understanding, the social partnership ensures the solution of socio-economic problems and resolving controversial moments between employees and employers. These two points of view do not contradict each other, so it is possible to take into account the global and specific interpretation for the latitude of understanding the system. Social partnership To the end can not exclude fluctuations in the labor sphere due to class differences. It only softens confrontation.

The importance of social partnership

The formation of social partnership proceeded difficult and occurs so far. In the Russian Federation, legislation in this niche developed from scratch. First, the security of the labor population as a result of rapid reforms fell, but it led to the impetus for the development of the social system. There was a weakening of state control.

Currently, any specialist is clear that the system and principles of social partnership are an effective way to optimize the balance of interests of employers and workers. This concept is described in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Art. 23). There are also its species.

Principles of social partnership

Social partnership regulates the interests of the state, business and employees in the field of labor. Its direct function lies in the stabilization of relations in society, which contributes to the preservation of the balance and the world. The system has an impact on the development of civil society and democracy in the economy, provides socio-economic security and justice in resolving contradictions in labor niche.

The main principles of social partnership are the following:

  1. Any Party may initiate negotiations (equality).
  2. The interests of all participants are taken into account.
  3. Legislation provides the opportunity to negotiate on their own on many issues.
  4. The state strengthens the democratic component of social partnership by creating special assistance bodies.
  5. The signing of the Agreement requires the parties to comply with the items compiled, taking into account the norms of labor law and registered in the legislation, as well as other legal acts.
  6. The appointment of representatives of the parties occurs with the help of the meeting of workers and the preparation of the Protocol (trade union delegation) or the order (participants from the employer). As a result, the chosen acquires the authority to defend interests.
  7. The choice of issues discussed depends on the participants. The principle of social partnership is freedom of choice.
  8. The obligation to the parties are made voluntarily, without pressure, they must be real, that is, bye.
  9. Collective contracts require inevitable implementation. Supervisory authorities carry out control.
  10. Upon default, an administrative responsibility occurs, which is established at the conclusion of the contract.


The processes occurring in the socio-labor sphere ensure the stability of the economy and policies of the Company and contribute to the development of democratic institutions. The principles of social partnership in the field of labor are focused on the elimination of a radical approach to solving problems. The World Practice and the ILO activities (International Labor Organization) are aimed at this. The task is to conduct a constructive dialogue, taking into account the interests of all participants.

Coordination of a variety of socio-group interests, the settlement of contradictions, conflicts and their prevention through the methods of social partnership contribute to the world, the development of the economy and public order.

History of origin

The development of social partnership began from the moment the motion is the appearance of the ILO. In Russia, this system has undergone after the appearance of Decree No. 212 of 15.11.1991. It provides permission to work disputes, discussion and drawing up agreements.

Forms of social partnership

  1. Collective negotiations in compiling general agreements.
  2. Drawing up collective contracts.
  3. Mutual consultations, for example, in disagreement between the trade union and the employer.
  4. Management of employees and trade union organization.
  5. Pre-trial proceedings of representatives of workers and employers.

Examples of social partnership

The dialogue between employers and employees or their representatives relates to a bilateral type. The interests of workers include the stability of temporary regime and payments worthy of wages or the optimal ratio of the complexity of duties and material remuneration, social benefits. The employer seeks to obtain maximum profits and dividends, optimize production in order to reduce costs. The instability of the relationship is caused by ignoring the interests of the opposite side. As a result, problems begin: reducing profits and investments, strong fluctuations in working conditions.

Depending on the development options for negative phenomena, various forms of social partnership are used, described in detail in the Labor Code (Article 27). The system operates at the organization level in bilateral form. If the coordination of the problem at the state level is required, then this type is called trilateral. Coordinate problems are allowed with local (territorial, regional), industry and / or national bodies.

In Russia, the Commission is organized, which includes representatives of trade union associations, employers and governments. The structure performs the functions of the settlement of socio-labor relations. In the subjects of the state, there are also the possibility of organizing commissions of different levels operating on the basis of the laws of the Russian Federation and special guidelines approved by local governments.

The role of state

The state is a special role in regulating social partnership:

  1. Controls legislation.
  2. Takes new legal acts.
  3. Determines the features of the organization of associations of workers and employers.
  4. Sets the forms and methods of interaction between partners, the legal framework of their activities and the legislative regulations.
  5. He acts as an intermediary in solving conflict situations.
  6. It is a social partner when issuing a special level collective agreements.
  7. Creates conditions for creating associations between workers and / or employers.

The main task of the state

Basically, the task of government agencies is not to commit obligations on itself, but to coordinate and stimulate the negotiation process, maintaining the uniformity of the established rules. The achievement of compromises between the parties contributes to the successes of economic and social development.

In which case, government agencies assume certain obligations other than the right regulation? If they act as employers (in relation to state or state-owned enterprises). The owner of the property can be local or government agencies. The directorate of enterprises performs farming functions.

Social partnership: principles, levels

In the Labor Code (Art. 26), 5 levels of social partnership are distinguished:

  1. Federal (fundamental settlement basics).
  2. Regional (regulation in subjects).
  3. Industry (management in a specific industry).
  4. Territorial (for a specific settlement or its zone).
  5. Local (within a certain organization).

The current principles of social partnership should function in accordance with the legislation at any level.


Thus, if you describe the forms and principles of social partnership, you can withdraw the following key features of the proper structure of the structure:

  1. This is a strong ideology of partnership in the classes of workers and owners, where employees do not seek to destroy the existing system, but stimulate the creation of new reforms and agreements to improve their position.
  2. The principles of social partnership and their system are functioning exclusively in a developed economy, when the state not only supports a certain class, but makes a policy on accounting for many representatives of the population. The basic principle of social partnership is the principle of equality of the parties.
  3. The interest of communities is needed from the working class (parties, trade unions) and the presence of sufficient strength and authority, so that employers and government agencies are considered with the opinions of organizations. Therefore, some specialists consider respect and accounting of the interests of the parties to the basic principle of social partnership.
  4. Economic problems, loss of capital and instability in society are the main reasons forcing the state and owners to listen to employees.

The relationship between the children's public organization with other public structures of the general education institution, including the bodies of the student government, should be based on a partnership basis on the basis of a contract or agreement. This is directly stated in the decision of the Board of the Ministry of Education. Russian Federation dated May 29, 2001 No. 11/1 "On the experience of interaction between education and children's public associations."
Analyze the main provisions " Methodical recommendations On expanding the activities of children's and youth associations in educational institutions, "approved by the Ministry of Education of Russia from 11.02.2000 No. 101/28-16.
So, firstly, "it is necessary to emphasize that the bodies of student self-government and children's associations, created in educational institutions, differ in their functions and objectives." Consequently, this letter immediately records the presence of differences in the functions and tasks between the bodies of student self-government and children's public organizations.
In the first two paragraphs of this manual, we set out quite detailed by the regulatory framework for the creation and functioning of the children's (youth) public organization and the bodies of the student government. Therefore, continue consideration of the provisions of "Methodical Recommendations ...".
The following important position states that "representatives of public associations may be represented in the bodies of a student self-government or the Council of Schools in order to inform about their own activities and attract members of public associations to the decision of the actual problems of the educational institution." In this position "Methodical Recommendations ..." It is clearly recorded that the authorities of student self-government and children's public organizations (associations) are not the same thing. Up again using the scheme, fix this difference even at the level of the main regulatory documents that regulate the activities of the student self-government and the children's public organization. These are their statutes. But these are different statutes!
Further, in the text of "Methodical Recommendations ..." it is indicated that children's public organizations and the bodies of student self-government can and should interact, including through the representation of public associations in the elected bodies of the student government. Thus, children's public organizations can quite "legally" talk about their activities, their programs, inviting those children who have not yet entered this organization, etc. But at the same time, when entering the bodies of student governments, members of the children's public organization should not forget that the student government is created to solve the actual problems of all schoolchildren who are trained in this general education institution, and not only the protection of the interests of members of their public organization.
It is fundamentally important to note that it is the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation specifically "emphasizes that the relationship with children's and youth public associations cannot be built differently as on partnerships." This is the methodical basis that should determine the relationship between children's public organizations and bodies of student self-government.
Before switching to a detailed presentation of the basics of social partnership, comment on several more provisions of "Methodological recommendations on the expansion of children's and youth associations in educational institutions."
The first fundamentally important position reads: "Absolutely no control of these associations is not allowed, administering by the educational institutions or leaders of educational institutions." Once again, carefully read the text of this position. No control over the activities of the children's (youth) public organization by the education authorities of any level and administration (director, his deputies) of the general education institution is not allowed. True, the reader, in the right to ask: "And what then to do? Is it really complete independence and autonomy of our children's public organizations?"
Of course, no and in the near future teachers will have to oversee, advise, support the asset of a children's public organization, help children in developing programs and plans, in the preparation and implementation of specific activities that the children themselves are planned or they are doing this together with adults. But at the same time it is important to remember constantly - the main thing is to gradually transfer more and more rights and powers to the children and high school students who are members of the children's (youth) public organization. Otherwise, we will never be able to get the necessary pedagogical effect - really self-governed children's (youth) public organization, whose members help the teachers to solve the actual problems of the educational institution where schoolchildren are trained.
Studying further than this regulatory document, we see that the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "does not believe that only one children's organization can act in a particular general educational institution or institution of children." This is the reason why the general educational institution should coordinate the activities of several children's public organizations or associations, and not just support "their", created from their "relatives" schoolchildren who have long known the teachers, they are calculated in various situations and etc. This provision prescribes schools in every way to promote schoolchildren in the realization of the right to create their public organizations and / or to participate in the activities of public associations who offer them interesting programs and events.
This is exactly the same provisions of "Methodological Recommendations ..." - "in the conditions of the diversity of children's, youth associations, managers of educational institutions should create conditions for their activities in the walls of educational institutions in extracurricular and out-of-school time ..."

And now we will turn to the consideration of the main mechanism for the interaction of children's (youth) public organizations and the bodies of the student government of general education institutions - social partnership. The term "social partnership" is a relatively new for today's Russia. As a rule, its meaning is revealed as the establishment of constructive interaction between the three forces acting on the country's public arena: state structures, commercial enterprises and non-profit organizations. These forces are conventionally called the first, second and third sectors of the economy.
The interaction between them at the state level, the local community is necessary in order to jointly solve socially significant problems, such as poverty, employment problems, homelessness, etc.
For example, the Law of Moscow No. 44 "On Social Partnership", accepted from October 22, 1997, in Article 1 "Basic Concepts" as follows this concept - "Social partnership is the basis of relations between workers (trade unions, their associations, associations), employers (their associations, associations), authorities, local governments with the aim of discussing, developing and making decisions on socially labor and related economic issues, ensuring social peace, social development, based on international norms, laws of the Russian Federation and Moscow and Expressing in mutual consultations, negotiations, in achieving and conclusted by the parties to agreements, collective agreements and in the adoption of joint decisions. " We will not comment on this definition, only clarify that for the purposes of this manual, this definition is very narrowly interpreted by a social partnership as a relationship between employees (trade unions, their associations, associations), employers (their associations, associations), authorities, local governments. For the purposes of our benefit, a wider approach is required.
Therefore, we believe that the term "partnership" should be understood more widely. And as an example, we give the most common understanding of the partnership as "to combine the efforts of persons or organizations to solve common problems and / or achievements meaningful for all purposes." This definition can be used in the education system and, based on it, develop a program of interaction on the basis of social partnership.
Therefore, you need to use a wider view of the social partnership, as a way to solve the social problem, which:
provides for the interaction of representatives of all 3 sectors operating together;
implies an understanding of the joint benefits of each party (and for society as a whole);
constructed on the rules developed and adopted by the participants themselves;
Based on the sense of solidarity and responsibility of each participant.
In this manual, we use the most detailed definition of social partnership. So, "Social Partnership is the real interaction of two or more equal parties (individuals and / or organizations) on the basis of the agreement signed for a certain time in order to solve a specific issue (social problem), which does not satisfy one or more parties in anything and which is more efficient to solve by combining resources (material, financial, human, etc.) and organizational efforts to achieve the intended (desired) result that is acceptable for all participants in the agreement. "
Let us consider in detail each of the main provisions of this definition.
First, the real interaction of several partners, that is, children's public organizations and the bodies of students can interact only with each other whether to involve third parties (organizations, authorities, institutions, etc.). In addition, pay attention, especially from a pedagogical point of view, on the reality of the specified interaction, it must be real practical cases aimed at meeting the interests of the Parties included in the process of interaction.
Secondly, the partnership should be decorated in writing. This may be the simplest agreement on the intended social action or a wider event, on a permanent basis. We perfectly understand that the teachers are easier to "organize and conduct an event" than to make the execution of actually carried out affairs and social shares. But it is precisely, from the point of view of the pedagogical effect, schoolchildren need to gradually prepare for the design of all joint stocks and events in writing. A sample of such an agreement is provided in applications.
Third, the contract or social partnership agreement should have a clear temporary framework, that is, the start date and date of the end of partnerships. Such an approach disciplines participants and helps them navigate in signed commitments.
Fourth, it is a fundamentally important characteristic of the social partnership, which is issued "in order to solve a particular issue (social problem), which does not satisfy one or more parties in anything and which is more efficient to solve by combining resources (material, financial, human and T .d.) and organizational effort ... ". It is this provision that should be central - that is, it is important to determine the social problem on which the "Contracting Parties" is going to work. And further - the social partnership involves the unification of efforts and the children's public organization and the bodies of the student. In our case - human, organizational, material (for example, carrying out a particular event in the walls of the native school). But under certain conditions, it is quite possible to combine financial resources. In order for each of the parties to understand what its contribution (human, organizational, material, financial) must be recorded in writing.
And finally, fifthly, a social partnership agreement is considered completed if the result is achieved by both parties, and at the same time, the result that is acceptable for all participants in the agreement.
Attentive reading the definition of a social partnership allows you to realize that, on the one hand, this is a fairly serious technology that requires significant preliminary efforts by its organizers, but, on the other hand, it brings a very significant social, which is even more important a pedagogical effect.
We bring together the basic principles of social partnership:
respect and accounting of the interests of the participants of the agreement;
The interest of Contracting Parties in participation in contractual relations;
compliance with the social partners of the legislation of the Russian Federation, other regulations, which are guided by partners;
Availability of relevant powers of social partners and their representatives when negotiating and during the signing of a partnership agreement;
equality and confidence of the parties to the relations of the social partnership;
non-interference in each other's affairs, which means that neither a children's public organization nor the bodies of student self-government may interfere in each other's internal affairs;
freedom of choice and discussion of issues included in the scope of social partnership;
voluntary commitment to social partners based on mutual agreement;
Regularity of consultation and negotiations on issues included in the social partnership scope;
The reality of obligations adopted by partners, that is, the object of the partnership agreement should be only provided by their own funds and resources of the event;
the obligation of the fulfillment of the agreements reached;
systematics of control over the implementation of agreements adopted within the framework of social partnership, contracts and solutions of each of the parties that have signed the Agreement;
Responsibility of the parties for failure to comply with their fault of the commitments, agreements, agreements, decisions;
Compliance with the applicable legislation of conciliation procedures in resolving disputes.
Even a simple listing of these principles of social partnership suggests that this social technology is quite a very complex phenomenon. Nevertheless, we can recommend it for use in the education system precisely in working with children's community organizations and student authorities. With all the complexity of the organization of social partnership, the results that receive parties are many times superior to pedagogical and organizational "costs".
The term "social partnership in education" - as the activity itself, received full recognition in modern Russia a few years ago.
Social partnership in education:
attracts the resources of society for the development of the educational sphere;
Helps to direct the resources of education on the development of joint activities of any educational institution, its social self-organization and self-government, regardless of its type and type;
It helps to accumulate and transfer the life experience of both the educational community and its partners for the formation of community members of survival in the educational services market;
It allows you to act effectively and successfully, having in mind the priority perspective, common to all social partners;
able to effectively coordinate joint activities with a clear understanding of the degree of responsibility of each partner;
allows you to assist in need of community members;
To achieve partners, remaining unlike others, recognized the differences in individuals and organizations.
Briefly list the conditions necessary for the implementation of a successful social partnership:
development of organizational culture of partners and culture of partnerships;
A formed strategy of organizations (institutions), involving exactly partnerships;
Humanitarian partnership content;
Effective control system, including in the field of financing;
broad information support;
Functioning of the mechanism of self-development of partner organizations.
When using social partnership technology in working with children's (youth) public organizations and student authorities, the above conditions should be taken into account, naturally, with a certain pedagogical adaptation of each of them.
First, it is an adult to systematically deal with the development of the basics of organizational culture, engage in the development of partnership skills, creating relevant situations for this, organizing practicals, including in real social interaction with various partners.
Secondly, the task of adults includes the development of a strategy for the development of an educational institution or a children's public organization with the prospect of including children and senior schoolchildren in real partnerships. But at the same time, it is important to understand that the schoolchildren themselves must gradually learn to develop a strategy for the development of their children's public organization and / or student self-government.
Thirdly, in no case should not ignore the "humanitarian constituent content of the social partnership." This is all the more important when it comes to inclusion in the social partnership of children school age. For them, participation in social partnership should be a school of humanism and practical help to those who need the support of young and strong.
And now we go to the presentation of the main components of the components of the social partnership strategy, which are:
affiliate thinking;
mutual addition;
a variety of forms of combining partnership subjects;
Phased use of partnership technologies.
Consider in detail each of these components.
1. Affiliate thinking. Affiliate thinking is the habit of seeing the best in man, respectful attitude towards someone else's opinion, the desire to understand the other, the desire and ability to build social relations. The main thing in the partnership is not to receive, but plan what you are able to give to those who need your help and support. Being a partner means: to share the ideas of those with whom you agree to joint activities, take the most active part in the planned and decorated with the relevant agreement of joint activities, independently choosing the type of this activity, fulfilling its obligations.
Being a partner means to be able to take on specific obligations, providing them with available resources, carry out permanent communication with partners who share the same ideas and started implementing the planned plan.
2. A mutual addition, or the "principle of mutual complementality" in partnerships means that within the framework of joint activities to achieve the best result, everyone should do what it makes the best. If the children's (youth) public organization has been worked out with the public relations of this municipality, if the ability to directly contact with the media, then it may suggest to carry out this particular direction within the framework of the alleged agreement on social partnership. Then the agenic self-government bodies, as partners signing a partnership agreement, should propose any type of activity in which they have already succeeded, for example, their website to accommodate the necessary information.
Such an association on the principle of "mutual additionality" significantly improves the effectiveness of the social partnership. In wider plan following this principle, it is necessary to build a relationship type:
- children's (youth) public organizations and bodies of student self-government - business structures of different levels,
- children's (youth) public organizations and bodies of student self-government Public institutions of various profiles,
- Children's (youth) public organizations and bodies of student self-government - local governments, including management (departments) of education,
- Children's (youth) public organizations and bodies of student self-government - public organizations of various types and species.
Despite the seeming evidence, the introduction of this approach in practice requires considerable effort. And, as a rule, it is associated with the need to refuse the usual schemes of work, established stereotypes, is associated with overcoming, or rather the "coordination of" personal ambitions of leaders of youth public organizations and activists of student self-government. Taking into service this principle, many partners from the bodies of the student government can in cooperation with children's public organizations to open up new opportunities both for themselves and potential partners. It is this model that allows many public organizations to correctly navigate in their activities.
3. Particular participation in ensuring joint partnership involves combining resources in order to obtain the synergistic effect of the result, which cannot be obtained outside the partnership. Everyone contributes what he has. And, above all, it is human resources, then finance, material resources, information, etc. If, for example, a children's (youth) public organization has effective programs for social and psychological training on the preparation of leaders and in its ranks there are competent coaches, then it can offer the bodies of the student self-government that is precisely this resource. And the student self-government, having the necessary material resource - the premises of the school, including its assembly hall, can make its affiliate contribution to the "natural form".
Shared participation is fundamentally important for the implementation of social partnership technology, as the partnership suggests, first of all, the equality of the parties, and each undertakes to make its available resource or several resources within the framework of the signed agreement. First, it emphasizes the equality of partners, each of which has a certain independence and the availability of resources, which makes them self-sufficiency. Secondly, signing partnership agreements, thereby make up certain obligations, including, and to ensure the resources of the event, which is the object of agreement.
4. A variety of forms of combining partnership subjects. In social partnership, several types of subjects participate or may participate: state and municipal authorities, non-governmental non-profit organizations, commercial enterprises, budgetary organizations, finally, just citizens, and in our case - children's (youth) public organizations and student authorities. The degree of their interaction can be different, ranging from the exchange of information and ending with the formation of joint partnerships - individuals and legal entities whose specially organized activities has its goal of the socio-economic development of the city, school, etc.
Forms of combining the efforts of partnership entities may be the most diverse and significantly depend on the specific conditions and local initiatives. It is strategically important to understand and most importantly - take this diversity and initially refuse to attempt to use uniform schemes and "proven" solutions. It is important to understand that the basis of partnership people, their participation in solving social problems, and the purpose of improving the quality of their lives.
So, the social partnership is not a simple collaboration, where the main approach is the benefit of partners ("You, I, I am," especially the business), there is always the third component - a social problem, on the solution of which a social partnership is aimed !! !
Social partnership is not charity and not a patronage, that is, the manifestation of mercy, patronage, guardianship, patronage, intercession, guardianship is a personal active activity to address the identified social problems !!!
Social partnership is a special kind of social practice, the main purpose of which development of the local community through a solution to specific social problems real people And their communities on their own on their own initiative, including, on the initiative of the asset of children's (youth) public organizations and associations and leaders of the student government.
As an example of a real social partnership with the participation of the student's self-government and children's public association, we give the text of cooperation and interaction agreements.
"Agreement on cooperation and interaction"
The urban body of the student's self-government "School Action of the city", represented by the Chairman, on the one hand, and the children's youth association "The Young Inspector of Road Movement", represented by the head, on the other hand, concluded this Agreement.
Guided by the principle of openness for cooperation, conscious that the expansion of mutually beneficial coherence is in the interests of all participants in the social space and, if desired of the Parties, to create relevant organizational, economic, legal and other necessary conditions for this, the parties are with the initiative of the conclusion of the following agreement:
1. General Provisions
1.1. The agreement is to mutually beneficial cooperation in the development of public youth movements and initiatives.
1.2. The agreement is the basis for the development of any joint initiatives, projects and programs, the action of which is governed by this Agreement and additional agreements.
2. Tasks of cooperation
2.1. To form a single social space for the implementation of children's and youth initiatives.
2.2. Ensure information, organizational, activity support of youth initiatives within the interests of the parties.
2.3. Create conditions for the implementation of new topical social projects.
3. Main areas of joint activities
3.1. Development of programs, projects, individual events for joint implementation.
3.2. Participation in seminars, round tables, conferences, competitions and other events that are accepting.
3.3. Use partner features to expand the information field.
3.4. Strengthening the positive image of the parties.
4. Relationships of Party
4.1. The parties have the right to initiate the participation of the other party in their own events on agreed conditions (as coordinarizers, participants, consultants, observers, experts).
4.2. The parties undertake to conduct a constant exchange of information on current activities and plans.
5. Additional conditions
5.1. This agreement does not entail financial obligations.
5.2. Any financial relationships are governed by individual contracts.
5.3. If new circumstances occur, in the process of cooperation, the parties have the right to add additions to this agreement.
5.4. The agreement comes into force on the moment the signing and is valid for 3 years.
5.5. This Agreement is drawn up in 2 copies and is kept by the parties.

1. Questions
1. How do you understand the term "social partnership"?
2. Call the basic principles of social partnerships that need to be taken into account when using this technology in working with children's (youth) public organizations and an asset of student self-government.
3. What does the concept of "partnership thinking" mean? Why exactly does it largely determine the meaning of social partnership?

2. Tasks
Task # 1. Organize the search for objects in the area of \u200b\u200byour general education institution, a neighborhood of living, which can be the basis for social partnership. Relying on the above "Cooperation and Interaction Agreement", make your own option, taking into account the specifics of the found object.

Task number 2. Think over the resources of your children's (youth) public organization or student self-government, which you can offer to implement an agreement on social partnership, since one of the leading components is "share participation in ensuring joint partnership." What can we offer for our part to interest partners?

3. Workshop
Workshop No. 1. Examine the text of the Treaty of Cooperation of the Council of the City of Masters and the Council of Elders. It can be used as a sample to prepare such contracts for your children's (youth) public organization with various social partners.
Treaty on the Cooperation Council of the City of Masters and Council of Elders
Children's public organization "City Masters" represented by the Council of the City of Masters, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and the Council of Elders, consisting of representatives of the pedagogical and methodological communities of the Gododod "Computer Center for Technical Creativity" (CCTT), acting on the basis of the Charter, The other side, which are later understood as parties to the contract, concluded this Agreement on the following:
1. The Subject of the Agreement.
1.1. This Agreement is concluded between the parties in order to establish mutually beneficial cooperation in creating the conditions for the realization of the right to independently manage its own life.
1.2. The council of the city of Masters takes over the following duties:
make proposals to improve the lives of city citizens in the territory of KCTT;
create favorable conditions for the development of self-government;
Inform about the activities of the city council, about the life of citizens of the city of Masters.
1.3. The Council of Elders takes obligations:
Actively promote the activities of the Council of Masters;
Advise members of the Council of the City on Legal and other issues;
provide assistance in organizing and conducting various shares, affairs, events;
Take care of the opinion of the Council of the City of Masters when organizing an educational process.
1.4. This Agreement may be a prerequisite for concluding in cases if the parties consider it necessary, additional agreements or contracts related to the improvement of conditions for the development of children's and youth self-government.
2. Term of the contract.
2.1. This Agreement comes into force from the date of its signing, has an indefinite period of validity and may be discontinued at any time by the solution of at least one of the parties. At the same time, the party who decided to stop the contract undertakes in writing to notify the other party. If within 30 days after sending the specified message, the initiator of the termination of the contract will not change its decision, the contract is considered to be terminated. This Agreement cannot be terminated if there are currently between the parties between the parties there are other agreements or agreements concluded on the basis of this contract or referring to it.
3. Other conditions.
3.1. The parties have the right to conclude any contracts, contracts and agreements with other legal entities. If, with the subject of the contract, the contract, agreements with a third party relating to the subject of this Agreement, the Party is the initiator is obliged to inform about this the other side.
3.2. The parties undertake to maintain the confidentiality of information received from each other during the exchange of information under this Agreement, as well as during the implementation of specific works.
3.3. Partners undertake in the shortest possible time to satisfy the claims to each other and solve all disputes through negotiations, guided by the principle of mutual respect, mutually beneficial equitable cooperation.
3.4. Issues not settled in this Agreement are governed by the norms of the current Russian legislation.
3.5. The contract is made in two copies one for each side. Both copies are equal to force.
3.6. For the implementation of contacts between the parties and the decision of the current issues under this Agreement, the following representatives of the parties were identified.

Workshop No. 2. Check out the position below. Determine what this is a children's public organization or a student authority? What can you advise the authors of the document so that he adopted the appropriate one of the laws "about public associations" or the law "On Education" form?

Regulations on the children's association "high school students" MOU Gymnasium № 10
This provision is developed on the basis of the following documents:
Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
Conceptual provisions approved by the Collegium of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 14.04.93 No. 6 \\ 1;
Position "On the support of children's general education organizations in the Russian Federation" from 05.05.96 No. 12 \\ 1;
"The main directions and action plan for the implementation of the education development program in the Russian education system for 2002-2004" of January 25, 2002 No. 193;
A letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "On the strengthening of educational work with children and young people" dated 01.04.2002 No. 30-51-221 / 20;
State Program of Patriotic Education of Russians of Russia (2005-2005).
1. General Status: Children's Association "High school students" is a voluntary formation of children 8-11 classes and adults for joint activities that satisfy their social needs and interests. Children's association "High school students" MOU Gymnasium No. 10 enters the regional organization "Union of children's associations" of the Kirov district.
2. The purpose of the Association: to form students the fundamentals of civil law and political culture, the basics of an active life position, the ability to civil governance through the introduction of personal-oriented technologies into the educational process.
3. Tasks for children's association:
Continue to work on the creation of a single civil legal educational space through the self-government system;
Contribute to the development of an independent creative personality through a system of differentiation and individualization of the educational process.
4. Structure and main directions for the content of the activities of the association.
Manages the Presidential Council (commander of grades 8-11, community activists, members of the city youth public organization "Youth of the city", members of the regional public organization "participation").
Heads the presidential council president. The president:
Must be aware of the cases of gymnasium and always to attract others to the organization of all events;
has the right to personally attend all administrative meetings and with the right of a decisive voice;
He is a member of the jury of all events, except for those where he participates;
Together with the Department of Education and the Presidential Council, he watches all the deeds of the gymnasium;
Takes part in planning educational work in the gymnasium and its adjustment during the year.
Presidential Council:
performs the functions of the jury when developing conflicts and complaints;
has the right to attract any child to his work if necessary;
Takes part in the planning of educational work in the gymnasium.
The presidential council has five ministries:
Ministry of Development of Interest in Knowledge and Creativity.
Ministry of Patriotic Education.
Ministry of Environmental Education.
Ministry of Healthy Lifestyle.
Ministry of Leisure.
5. The order of dedication to "high school students".
Members of the children's association can be students of gymnasium №10, starting from the 8th grade. Acceptance of students in children's association is carried out at the festival "Dedication to high school students" in the first week of October every year.
The order of exit from the children's association is carried out voluntarily on the basis of an oral statement.
The motto: burn yourself and burn others.
Symbolism: Name "high schoolhead".
Emblem: free personality, carrying the ideas of friendship, peace and good. Colors: blue, white, red, green.
Traditions: Teacher's Day, Autumn Ball, Health Day, Fair, Maslenitsa, Ball of Excellents, Miss Gymnasium, Last Call, Graduation Evening.
6. Rights of high school students: members of the association are entitled:
enter and exit association during the school year;
require a humane relationship from other members of the association;
participate in the preparation and conduct of social-based work;
defend your opinion when discussing scenario plans, provisions, plans for holding cases, etc.
participate in the meetings of the Big Council, meetings in the director and deputy director for educational work, where questions relating to the vital activity of high school students are discussed;
Conduct within the combination of the event and take part in them.
Members of the association do not have the right:
humiliate advantages, make fun of the weakness of other people;
Consider yourself in a privileged position compared to students who are not part of the association.
7. Responsibilities of high school students:
comply with and fulfill the uniform requirements of the gymnasists;
fulfill the decisions of the governing bodies;
Show an example of proper appearance;
To be disciplined to maintain a common order at school.
8. Organization of the work of the children's association. The activities of the association are based on the principles of openness, equality, self-government. The tasks are implemented through the work of the Presidential Council, the "Business Game". Through the business game, self-government is developing in the group of students.
Self-management ensures the inclusion of students in solving significant problems, forms social activity, contributes to the development of leadership. As a result of children's self-government, students independently:
Determine the problem;
looking for ways to solve it;
make decisions;
Organize their activities to implement it.
9. Documentation of the Association: a program for the development of an educational institution; Educational program "Chance"; Regulations on the children's association; legislative acts; Meeting Protocols; work plan; Printed organ "big change"; corner of self-government; Declaration of rights and norms of student behavior.
10. Expected results: Prepare from among the children's asset of the leaders of the youth movement, to form students the foundations of civil and legal and political culture, to bring up a citizen living in the interests of the planet, Patriot Motherland.

1. Social Partnership Theory

.1 Social Partnership: Concept, Essence, Functions

Social partnership is a special type of public relations that implements the balance of the most important socio-economic interests of the main groups of society.

The system of social partnership is valid on the basis of the principle of a tripartite representation, which in world practice, the name "triparty". In practice, tripartis means that the state, employers, trade unions are independent and equal partners, each of which performs specific functions and is responsible.

As you know, interests are the subject of interest, desire and act as the motives of economic entities. Economic interests are objective motives of economic activity related to the desire of people to meet increasing material and spiritual needs. Economic interests are the main driving force of the progress of the economy. The coordination of personal, collective, public economic interests is the basis for the construction of an effective economic mechanism that stimulates the intensive development of the economy.

Economic interests underlie the economic stimulation system of production. This system should be built in such a way as to encourage people to more efficiently and the most complete satisfaction of social needs. This task can be solved on the basis of the active use of socially oriented market relations in combination with government regulation of the economy.

Socially oriented market relations imply the existence of a socially oriented economy. The social market economy is the model of the Company's economic structure, characterized by a social redistributive and socio-protective role of the state, the economy of which is based on market principles and is regulated by the market mechanism, which ensures the high efficiency of its functioning and the state of its social functions. Social policy in the market conditions is aimed at creating conditions for productive and high-quality labor on the basis of the disclosure of the creative possibilities of a person, manifestations of the initiative and creative enterprise.

Interests of employees or, in other words, personal interests imply the possibility of full reproduction of labor, the highest possible labor, safe working conditions, fixed working day, reliable preservation of work, social protection. The main interest of the entrepreneur (employer) is that the capital invested them as quickly as possible brought much profitably with perhaps the minimum cost.

Thus, the interests of employees and entrepreneurs have, at first glance, an irresistible contradiction, since employee wages are an element of the costs of the entrepreneur. However, both parties are involved in a single production process, are in collaboration and cannot exist without each other. Both the employee and the employer are interested in making a profit, the first - in the form of income, the second - in the form of wages, which to a certain extent it makes intersect their interests.

In addition, the main goal of the entrepreneur is to get as soon as possible a maximum of profit - can be achieved only with a stable, sustainable state of the collective, region, industry and society as a whole. Therefore, entrepreneurs are objectively interested in conducting together with the trade unions of agreed policy on payment and working conditions, employment, social guarantees, in the application of social partnership as a tool of social peace, protection against acute social conflicts, political confrontation of a third party in the social partnership system is the state. It is the state that unites all citizens of the country and is capable of presenting their common needs, interests and goals for this reason, to express the general will of the people, consolidate it through legislation and other forms of lawmaking, to implement it into life.

Government interests include economic and political stability, economic growth, high standard of living, compliance with the social interests of all segments of the population.

Thus, we see the need to coordinate the interests of employers, workers and the state in order to meet their main goals.

The social responsibility of the state in a socially oriented market economy should be manifested in the fulfillment of a number of essential social functions, such as:

-adjustment of the elemental processes of the polarization of wealth, preventing the social differentiation in society transfers permissible limits;

-determination of the subsistence minimum, implemented through established laws on the minimum sizes of wages, pensions, unemployment benefits;

-providing citizens with a certain set of free services in the field of education, health, environmental safety, access to cultural benefits;

-creating minimal conditions for social insurance.

In the social partnership system, the state performs the following functions:

-guarantor of civil rights;

-regulator system of social and labor relations;

-participant of negotiations and consultations in the framework of tripartite socio-labor relations;

-the owner, a major employer who form a policy of social and labor relations in the public sector;

-resolutions of collective conflicts with the help of reconciliation, mediation and employment arbitration;

-legislative consolidation of agreements achieved by social partners, as well as the development of relevant labor and social legislation;

-coordinator in the process of developing and implementing regional agreements;

-arbitration, reconciliation and mediation within the framework of social
partnership. The essence of social partnership implies the following content:

-joint consideration and coordination by employees and employers of socio-labor policy at all levels of social production based on improving labor efficiency;

-development of the criteria for social justice and the establishment of guaranteed measures to protect the effective labor to the subjects of the social partnership;

-mostly negotiating and negotiable nature of the relationship between representatives of employees and employers in the preparation of relevant agreements, as well as with the resolution of emerging disagreements.

The social partnership system includes the following elements:

-constantly and temporarily operating two-, trilateral bodies, formed by representatives of employees, employers, executive and carrying out interaction between them at various levels of regulation of social and labor and related relations;

-the combination of various joint documents (agreements, collective agreements, decisions, etc.) taken by these bodies on the basis of mutual consultations, negotiations between the parties aimed at regulating social and labor relations;

-the corresponding order, form of interaction, relationships and sequence in the development, timing of the adoption, priority of the above bodies and documents.

The social partnership system is practically expressed in the implementation of such tasks as ensuring the development and implementation of a coordinated socially-oriented policy of economic market transformations, promoting solutions to social and labor conflicts, improving the legislative framework for the regulation of socio-labor relations, overcoming the crisis of the economy and society and on this basis - Increasing the welfare of the people, the achievement of social stability in society. In general, the social partnership is implemented through a system of negotiations and concluded agreements on the federal, territorial, sectoral and professional levels and collective agreements in enterprises.

Thus, the social partnership acts as the ideology of a civilized society of a market economy, a tool for building a socially oriented market economy.

1.2 General Social Partnership Concept

Historically, the slogan of social partnership has emerged as an antithosis by class conflicts and revolutions, as a way to resolve the contradiction between labor and capital. But at the end of the XX century. This term was filled with a new meaning. The crisis of three leading concepts - socialism, the state of welfare and modernization in the countries of the so-called third world - demanded the search for other approaches. In the focus of public and political attention today, the initiatives of citizens who are united in the community of non-profit organizations and public movements. The meaning of the social partnership consists in constructive interaction between state structures, local governments, commercial enterprises and non-profit organizations. The term "partnership" suggests a completely defined form of relations arising in the process of social actors to achieve common goals. If the objectives of these subjects do not coincide, the issue of compromise, the achievement of consensus is raised. The basis of these relationships is undoubtedly social interaction.

Social interaction performs various functions in society: stabilizing, consolidating, destructive. It is the stabilizing function - a mechanism that ensures the development of a democratic society as a whole and its individual areas. This feature can successfully comply with the social partnership as one of the forms of manifestation of social interaction. Although social interaction at a certain stage of development of the democratic state generates a social partnership, the latter can be carried out not only through this mechanism, but also to form its own. Social partnership has already been social interaction as one of the forms of the last of the latter, embodying it stabilizing and harmonizing functions. THEM. Model, B.S. The model is proposed to consider "social partnership and as a way of cooperation in the field of federal relations, the form of organic interaction of multiple subjects of these relations, which allow them to freely express their interests in the context of the search for so-called civilized means of their harmonization."

The nodal element around which or on the basis of which the social partnership is formed is a social problem. Such interaction is necessary to jointly solve significant negative social phenomena (poverty, homelessness, orphanhood, domestic violence, pollution ambient and etc.). The establishment of partnerships contributes to a decrease in social tensions, eliminates elements of confrontation, conflict and lays the foundations of stability, public order.

Representatives of various sectors are usually aware of their own responsibility for solving these social problems. But, despite differences and contradictions, cooperation is necessary. What exactly can each of the partners offer, what are his interests? What are the features of their resources?

The state can act as a catalyst for change in socio-economic life, financially and institutionally supporting public initiatives, on which partnership is based. The state creates legislative and regulatory conditions for the implementation of innovations, the development of local self-government, the non-profit sector, charitable activities. It formulates target programs for the development of the social sphere and unites various resources to implement them. Using different organizational and financial mechanisms, including social order, for the implementation of targeted programs, the state attracts local government, non-profit organizations (NPOs) and business.

Local self-government is a phenomenon of public life, not state power. It acts on a par with other forms of public and private self-organization, public self-government, public associations, corporations, etc. Presenting the interests of the local community, local self-government within their authority provides the possibility of the most effective solution to social problems through the implementation of specific projects. It acts in conjunction with public associations and business representatives interested in the development of the local community.

The non-commercial sector is currently being analyzed by scientists as the most important part of civil society, on the one hand, and as a system of creating and delivering the consumer of public goods on the other. The democratic, voluntary nature of the non-profit sector, based on the not compulsory nature of the conscious civilian initiative, is particularly noted. This is exactly what is distinguished by the third sector from the state and brings it closer to the structures of the market economy.

For NPOs, such a definition appeared: "Business, who has a public mission." NPO, professional associations, independent analytical centers offer new ideas, solutions, social technologies, ensure civilian control over the actions of power, attract volunteers to work. Public associations express the interests of certain groups of the population and put forward new value guidelines. Business and Associations of entrepreneurs provide charitable donations, as well as the opportunity to use the experience and professionalism of competent managers in solving socially significant problems.

Of course, the possibilities and role of the parties as part of the social partnership of unequal. If the role of commercial organizations is mainly in the possibilities of financing, and the role of state structures is also in the use of power levers, the public associations form and organize a unique resource: social initiatives of citizens. In their activities, they embody new (alternative) values \u200b\u200band priorities. First of all, these are values \u200b\u200band priorities of groups with unequal capabilities that are deprived of access to power and information. Public organizations "voiced" the needs of these people, usually first formulating a social problem.

Social partnership is based on well-defined rules. This is a social action based on a sense of human solidarity and shared responsibility for the problem. It can be said that the social partnership occurs when representatives of the three sectors begin to work together, realizing that it is beneficial to each of them and society as a whole.

Social partnership is based on: on the interest of each of the interacting parties in finding ways to solve social problems; combining the effort and capabilities of each of the partners to implement them; constructive cooperation between the parties in the resolution of controversial issues; the desire to find realistic solutions of social problems, and not to imitation of such a search; decentralization of solutions, the absence of state paternalism; mutually acceptable control and accounting for the interests of each partner; The legal validity of the "cooperation" providing beneficial to each side and society as a whole conditions of interaction. Decisive here are mutual usefulness, mutual interest of the parties, self-restraint, respect and accounting of partners' interests. They are equal in the choice of paths and means of achieving a common goal, while maintaining independence and following the principle of non-interference in the case of the other party. These relations are built on the basis of confidence, respect, goodwill, equality, freedom of choice, the obligation of the fulfillment of the agreements reached. Formal moments in these relations are clearly out of informal, which to a certain extent facilitates the interaction, leveling personal sympathies.

Another principle of building and successfully functioning a social partnership is compliance with the norms of federal and regional legislation.

You can allocate objective and subjective conditions for the establishment of a social partnership. The objective includes: democracy and civil society, the need for social partnership, the formation and institutionalization of group interests, organizational and legal and political establishments of the state in terms of regulating the interests of the participants in the relationship in question. But all these conditions will remain potential in the absence of a subjective factor. The will and awareness of the commonality of the goals of participants in social partnership are needed, their willingness to follow the standards recorded in the relevant documents, the availability of a system of effective sanctions for violating the norms of social partnerships, the development of civil participation traditions. The successful development of each of the sectors is impossible without interaction with other sectors. In this regard, it is customary to talk about intersectoral interaction as a necessary element of nationwide management efficiency.

1.3 Features of the development of social partnership in Russia

The emergence of social partnership in Russia was associated with public movements and local governments (Zemsky traffic). With the support of the scopes (and in certain cases and state power), there was a first experience of solving socially significant problems "the creative union of different sense of intellectual directions with a wide range of young, patient capital."

In Russia, for the first time, new forces arose to solve social issues. These are local elected self-government, social movements (scientific and cultural societies, the movement of labor assistance), the charity of industrialists and financiers.

The formation of social partnership in Russia was very limited, and his success is incommensurable with the scale of the existing social conflicts. Charity could not eliminate poverty and smooth the sharpness of the contradictions between entrepreneurs and workers, landowners and peasants. Social conflict led to the revolution of 1917

Historical experience shows that the interaction of various forces in the public arena is a condition for the success of reform.

As for the specifics of the formation of sectors in modern Russia, now the private business-sector based on the business civil initiative has emerged, and the public sector has undergone significant changes associated with a reduction in the monopolistic effect on the production and social spheres. At the same time, a non-governmental non-commercial sector based on civil initiatives in the non-productive sphere began to be formed. Per last years In Russia, considerable experience of intersectoral interaction, summarizing which can be distinguished by several models of cooperation: information exchange; carrying out joint charity and other events of a different nature; systematic support for social initiatives, including through the provision of premises, providing advisory services, payment of expenses, etc.; the development of state-public forms of management, including through the creation of permanent round tables, uniting representatives of the three sectors, at the level of municipalities or subjects of the Russian Federation; Financing the social sphere on a competitive basis.

At the same time, there are a number of problems associated with intersectoral interaction. EAT. Osipov divides them into two blocks: profile intracerector problems and problems directly the most intersectoral interaction. The first block includes the following: insufficient professionalism of participants, information hunger and the absence of a common information space, the weakness of associative connections and the closeness of non-governmental organizations, misunderstanding of the particular sectors of partner problems. The problems of the second block: the lack of legal support of the interaction, the lack of mechanisms of interaction, based not only on personal contacts.

The building of the relations of the state with civil society organizations and business is not carried out in the framework of tripartite cooperation, but on separate channels that are not related to each other. In relation to business, this channel is the Council for Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship under the Government, and in relation to NPOs - public chambers (general and regional and regional). The approval of a similar model of interaction puts civil society organizations outside the public policy field, and without being able to participate in equal in mechanisms of direct and feedback with the state, they lose incentives for increasing activity.

The current system of relations between society, the state and business needs to either break and at its place to create a modern system of trilateral partnership, or to rebuild it to be in a fundamentally so that it is able to make this kind of partnership. To such a system, you need to go gradually to, leaving new frontiers and mastering them, move on.

The most appropriate participants in the updated system from civil society could be public chambers, or rather, the plenipotentists delegated by them. Representatives of absolutely different areas of activity, which, as about specific and more general socio-economic issues, are widely represented as part of the chambers, which also depends on our nearest and more distant future. These people could contribute to the existing system not only their knowledge and their experience, but also to make it a truly efficient and effective. Put the beginning of improving the social partnership system in Russia may initiative or from authoritative circles of political power, or from the Public Chamber and its Committees, or from those and others at the same time. Other options are possible, given the potential of the expert community.

The dialogue type of relations of society with the authorities is the guarantor of the achievement of civil consent. Principles of social partnership - subject to their awareness and adoption by the political and economic elites of the Federal Center and the subjects of the Russian Federation - can become an effective tool for the humanitarian reconstruction of the main spheres of life in Russia.

2. Social partnership development

2.1 Social partnership in the system of socio-labor relations

Social partnership is a way to organize public relations based on the principle of social justice, involving complete harmonization of the interests of all members of society. Due to the fact that the concept of social justice is the concept of ideal, the social partnership also implies the perfect type of social relationship. It is characteristic of: "The mutual relationship of subjects, an understanding of the significance of emerging problems, following in the negotiation process, the principle of compromise, solidarity when defending its position in other types of relations and with other subjects."

In labor law, the regulation of the social partnership was first legalized by decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On Social Partnership and Labor Dispute Resolution" of November 15, 1991. In the future, it developed in a number of laws and regulatory legal acts.

With the entry into force of the new Labor Code, the concept of "social partnership in the field of labor" is interpreted as the basis of the relationship between employees, trade unions, employers and their associations, government bodies and local governments for the purpose of discussing, making decisions, organizing joint activities on social labor and economic issues, ensuring social stability and social development. Social partnership in this period of time is in the formation stage and is not able to fully resolve the problem of equality and social justice between employees and employers in objective and subjective reasons.

The negative impact on the development of socio-labor relations has a situation that has developed in the labor market in modern Russia. It is characterized as follows:

-the discrepancy between demand and supply of labor (along with the employment of the regions there are employed regions, with a growing unemployment there is a lack of workers and specialists of some "non-mineral" professions, etc.);

-the predominance of ineffective employment, the consequence of which is the loss of qualified personnel;

-lack of a proper training system for personnel;

-low official wage; Most of the unofficial falls on the shadow side of the economy (the so-called wage in envelopes, non-infectious wages, etc.).

The most effective form of the implementation of the social partnership in this period of time is the conclusion in the organizations of collective agreements governing social and labor relations and promoting the improvement of social partnership in the field of labor between employees and employers. As statistics show, the maximum number of collective agreements (97%) is in organizations of state and municipal forms of ownership. And in the field of material production, collective agreements occur in organizations where there are trade union bodies representing the interests of employees. The main reason is not the conclusion of a collective agreement - the absence of trade union organizations. There is no collective agreement for the relationship between employees and employers in such organizations, it is most often due to the lack of the initiative of the parties, the passivity of the workers themselves.

Local regulation of labor relations in the non-state sector of the economy as a result of the weak activity of trade unions, the lack of other representatives of employees is completely under the control of employers. It is at these enterprises that most disorders occur in the field of labor protection, in matters of hiring, dismissal, wages, submission of vacations, payments for state social insurance benefits. As a result, all important solutions in the field of labor are accepted by the employer unilaterally, without consulting and taking into account the opinions of workers (their representatives).

The Federal Law "On Trade Unions, their Rights and Guarantees of Activities" has established the legal framework for regulating trade union relations with state authorities, local self-government, employers, public associations, legal entities and citizens. Organizational and legal regulation of trade unions are promoted by federal laws "On public associations", "On non-profit organizations", the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part 1, 2). The implementation of the protective function of trade unions and the protection of the rights of trade unions provides civil-procedural, administrative, criminal law.

As a result of the legislative transformations, trade unions took their place in the socio-political system of society, now in their actions they depend only on the law. In recent years, due to the adoption of these and other legislation, significant changes have occurred in the legal status of Russian trade unions, respectively, in their practical activity.

And so, the social partnership as a special type of public, in particular, socio-labor relations ensures the balance of the social and economic interests of all major social groups of society and is the basis of their social relations inherent in the social state.

2.2 Social partnership in the work sphere of the Altai Territory

Currently, the tendency to reduce the number of labor resources of the region is noted, an increase in the average age of working. For example, in such areas as chemical, light, industry, non-ferrous metallurgy, housing and communal services, education, health, transportation - every second worker older than 50 years. On the village - every fifth working in pre-subsidy age. Therefore, one of the tasks is to create conditions for the influx of young frames into production industries and the social sphere.

In addition, on the regional labor market, the inconsistency of the demand structure and suggestions is noted: the vacancy is mostly in the cities, while 70 percent of job seekers live in rural areas. Two thirds of the unemployed have higher and secondary special educationBut 80 percent of employers' proposals are workers professions.

At the rate of growth in registered unemployment, the Altai Territory occupies the first place among the regions of the SFO and the second - in Russia.

Another negative trend is an annual reduction in the share of labor costs in the cost of products. So, in industry, it decreased from 12 to 10 percent, such a situation has developed in construction and agriculture.

In this regard, the head of the regional administration, Alexander Karlin gave instructions to explore the effectiveness of social support for low-income groups of the population. He also noted that the issue of using labor resources is key in the development of the region. This is the main thing that determines the economy and the social sphere of the Altai Territory.

Regarding the migration issue of the population in the Altai Territory. Now the outflow of the most talented youth in the metropolis continues in our region. This phenomenon has no negative impact on national interests. The country does not lose specialists, and they, in turn, get the opportunity to work more effectively. But at the same time it is necessary to understand what is happening in the region from which workforces are leaving. Labor migration changes the structure of the population. Therefore, in Altai more pensioners than in other territories. And our social sphere is overloaded compared to other regions. From this situation it follows that Altai is a labor generator for other regions for many years.

According to the optimistic scenario of the development of the demographic situation, the population in the Altai Territory in 2025 compared to 2006 will increase somewhat and amount to about 2,700-2800 thousand people.

This scenario is based on a hypothesis that in the Russian Federation as a whole, and in the Altai Territory, in particular, the prerequisites of demographic growth will be implemented due to many sources, including due to successful measures to improve public health, improving the quality of its life, an increase in the life expectancy , incentives for the birth rate, strengthening the Institute of Family, Activating Migration Policy, etc. According to this scenario, the Altai Territory provides for a significant reduction in mortality rates (especially in the younger groups of working-age-bodied age), the growth of age-related population fertility indicators, overcoming negative migration trends. By 2020, the total fertility coefficient will be $ 1.75 for one woman, the life expectancy of men - 65.5 years, and women - 77.4 years, the migration increase will exceed 5 thousand people.

At the same time, the population of working age will be about 1500 thousand people. (In 2006, the population of working age in the Altai Territory was 1617.2 thousand people.), i.e. The population of working age is somewhat declined due to the total aging of the population. However, the difference in the number of working-age population will not have a significant impact on the security of the economy by labor resources, since it will be leveled by a decrease in unemployment (in 2006, the number of unemployed according to the altaycomstate was 115.9 thousand people, i.e. about 9 % of the economically active population) and a decrease in the share of the working age population, not occupied in the economy (students and students of working age, military personnel, housewives, etc. - in 2006 their number was 396.8 thousand people.).

Taking into account the fact that a decrease in unemployment level is predicted to 2% (i.e., the number of unemployed on the edge will be no more than 30 thousand people.), And about 300 thousand people. We will have to populate the working age not occupied in the economy (reducing the share of working age students, students, military personnel are projected in connection with the change in the age structure of the population by 2025), the population occupied in the economy in 2025 will not be reduced and will not be less 1100 thousand people At the same time, the employment structure by types of economic activity will change in approximately in accordance with the change in the share of certain types of activities in the GRP. Changing the employment structure of the population by type of activity is demonstrated in Table 2.1 (Appendix A)

Overcoming negative trends in the demographic situation of the Altai Territory creates the basis of labor resources, with which economic growth will be achieved. It lies one of the significant risks of the implementation of the strategy - if negative trends in demography will not be overcome, it will not be the basis for which the development of the region should be relying.

In this regard, the scenario of changes in the population of the Altai Territory, calculated by altekrailestat as the "average" option, implies a reduction in population population up to 2,224 thousand people. In 2025, which means a reduction in the working-age population about 1,200 and the number of "working" people up to 900 thousand people. Such a reduction in the population involved in the economy assumes that the increase in labor productivity should be advanced in relation to the growth rates of GRP, and therefore it should grow by 4.3-4.5 times in relation to labor productivity of 2006.

Thus, the task of the Administration of the Altai Territory is to maximize the overcomiating of negative demographic trends, to strengthen the health of the population, improving the quality of his life.

3. Social partnership in the Altai Territory

.1 Analysis of the development of social partnership in the Altai Territory

In the framework of the project "Altai Territory - the territory of the social partnership" of the Altai regional public organization "Support of Public Initiatives", a social study was conducted "Social partnership. Realities. Prospects. " We invite you to familiarize yourself with the results of the 1st stage of the study conducted in the first quarter of 2009 in the territory of the Altai Territory. Results of the 1st stage of sociological research "Social partnership. Realities. Prospects ", conducted by AKOO" Support of Public Initiatives "in the first quarter of 2009 in the territory of the Altai Territory.

This study was attended by 101 people.

Characteristics of respondents:

-37 people - representatives of public organizations;

-36 people - representatives of the management bodies, the administration of the municipal and regional level;

-15 people - representatives of TOS bodies;

-13 people are representatives of state and municipal institutions.

Among them:

-30% of men and 70% of women

-56% people aged 31 to 55 years old

-23.5% people under 30 years old,

-21.5% - older than 55 years.

Education of respondents:

-84% have higher education, including 10.5% degree;

-6.9% - unfinished higher;

-5.9% - secondary special education,

-1% - general secondary education.

Sphere of activity of respondents:

-30.4% - social protection;

-26.5% - education;

-24.5% - youth policy;

17.6% - culture;

10.8% - housing and communal services;

-6.9% - health care.

-11.8% of respondents Representatives of such areas of activity as: agriculture, ecology, construction and architecture, municipal management, media, planning and control, finance.

% of respondents noted that social partnership is a system of civilized public relations, providing coordination and protection of the interests of workers, employers, entrepreneurs, various social groups, layers, their public associations, government bodies. 24.5% under social partnerships understand the productive cooperation of all subjects of the development of the territory for its sustainable socio-economic development and the concomitant improvement in the quality of life of the population. 18.6% understand the social partnership as the interaction of the "two sectors" of society (NPO state) to jointly implement socially significant problems and issues in society.

Most of the respondents believe that in the Altai Territory there is such a mechanism as a social partnership, among them 61.8% of respondents note the prevalence of competitive financing of socially significant projects, 41.2% - the functioning of public councils and 20.6% - conducting public hearings. 10.8% of respondents believe that the social partnership mechanism "does not work" in the Altai Territory, due to the fact that this mechanism is in the initial stage of its development, which is characterized by sputum, formality, a high factor of personal relations of individual representatives of NGOs, state structures and Business.

According to the respondents, the participants of the social partnership should be: public organizations - 93%, government authorities, administration of the municipal and regional level - 88.2%; Business structures - 81.4% and state and municipal institutions - 73.5%. As another (10.8%), respondents were proposed to involve the population of the region to participate in the social partnership.

Thus, respondents believe that NGOs, state bodies and business structures equally should be presented in the social partnership mechanism. This situation changes in the assessment of the real involvement of all sectors of the Company into the social partnership mechanism: public organizations - 88.2%, government agencies, administrations of the municipal and regional level - 74.5%, state and municipal institutions - 65.7% and business structures - 47%.

The absolute majority of respondents (98%) are involved in the work of the social partnership mechanism with through public hearings (32.4%), the formation and implementation of social order (31.4%), holding competitions of socially significant projects (29%), creating and Coordination of the activities of the Public Council, participation in the public council - 27.5%, the development and implementation of socially significant projects (12.7%). Among the reasons for not involvement of their organization (2%), respondents allocate internal problems of the organization.

According to 5-point scale, respondents rated the degree of interest of their own organization in the development of social partnership. Their responses were distributed in this way: 72.5% appreciated their interest in "5", 14.7% - to "4", which indicates a high degree of interest of representatives of different sectors of the Company in the development of social partnership in the region. In addition, respondents noted the high degree of involvement of their organization to the social partnership process - "5" - 31.4%, "4" - 29.4%. At the same time, paradoxically, the degree of efficiency of the social partnership mechanism is only 8.8% of respondents assessed to "5", and 38.2% of the respondent at 38.2%.

Analyzing the changes that happened to the social partnership mechanism over the past three years, 76.1% of respondents point to the improvement of the situation.

By combining respondents' answers to this question, such changes can be distinguished as:

Systematic conducting competitions of socially significant projects, an increase in funding for social and significant projects;

The adoption of the target departmental program ensuring an increase in the level of efficiency of the social partnership mechanism, an increase in interest from state structures, the establishment of equal partnerships of power, business and NGOs;

An increase in the number of public organizations aimed at the development of the social sphere, an increase in the NGO authority, a rise in public awareness of the NGO activities;

Creating new forms of social partnership, for example, the Public Chamber,

Increasing attention to the problems of youth and society as a whole;

Improving the methodological support of the activities carried out, replenishment of the material and technical base.

9% of respondents indicated negative trends in the development of the mechanism of social partnership, among which can be noted:

The legislative base is outdated, and the changes made to it worsen the situation in the field of social partnership development.

Negative trends in reducing financing for programs implemented in partnership.

Negative information in the media.

Lack of analysis of the reasons for braking development of the mechanism of social partnership.

The presence of different opinions of respondents speaks of heterogeneity and non-systemics of the process of developing a social partnership mechanism in the Altai Territory.

Respondents also noted the difficulties with whom they face in the sphere of social partnership.

Representatives of the authorities say, above all, the low level of development of the third sector, the incrugulating positions and competition of NPOs; About business reluctance to participate in the social life of the city and the region. Also, representatives of state structures note non-formation from many leaders of understanding the significance of the organization of partnerships due to the insufficient social maturity of structures, civil immaturity, the lack of a clear mechanism for financing projects. Insufficient awareness of all participants in the social partnership on this system, not fulfilling the fully reached agreements, a large workload of partnership members with their daily activities. All of the above listed negatively affects the effectiveness of the development of social partnership.

Representatives of public organizations identified the following difficulties in the sphere of social partnership:

Internal problems of NGOs;

Lack of activity of the population;

A complex process of interaction with the authorities (difficult to find points of contact), the lack of a clear strategy of interaction as equal partners;

Low awareness of the possibilities of social partnership.

Thus, it can be said that with the difficulties in the field of social partnership, both representatives of state structures and representatives of the third sector are faced. All this indicates insufficient understanding between representatives of the authorities and NPOs in the development of social partnership.

So, the social partnership involves the interaction of state bodies, public organizations and business to address the issues of socio-economic and political development of a certain territory. The development of the social partnership mechanism in the Altai Territory has its own characteristics against the background of a high interest and involvement of various subjects in the development of social partnership, there is a low efficiency of the mechanism. This is caused by the lack of a systematic approach, an insufficient spectrum of mechanisms for the interaction of all sectors of the Company as equal and equivalent participants of the social partnership and low awareness, both partnerships on the work of these mechanisms and the partnership benefits on the results of intersectoral interaction.

3.2 Social Development in the Altai Territory: Problems and Prospects

The development of the region's economy, the implementation of strategic directions will be the basis for achieving new standards of the level and quality of life of the population, transformations of the social sphere. Improving the standard of living is considered as a fundamental element of improving its quality.

The consequences of improving the quality of life should be the formation of a powerful middle class and a fracture of a negative demographic situation, ensuring consolidation of a sustainable trend towards an increase in the population of the region.

The average salary in the region will reach a level of at least 35 thousand rubles in prices 2006. Its purchasing power in relation to the consumer minimum will increase by at least 530% (subject to an increase in the subsistence minimum of up to 6 thousand rubles in prices 2006).

The share of the population with income below the subsistence minimum will fall up to 3-4%. The low-income population will be 20-25%. The share of medium income population will be at least 50-55%.

Thanks to the introduction of innovative technologies in construction, manufacturing, including on the basis of local raw materials, new economical building materials, the situation with the security of the region is significantly improved by housing. For 2008-2025, 8-10 square meters will be built per resident. Meters of new housing, which will achieve a housing level in an average of 28 square meters. meters per 1 inhabitant. Investment growth in the construction complex, the increase in construction volumes will ensure the balanced development of the construction market, in which the growing demand is ensured by the proposal and the sharp rise in prices is impossible. With the leading growth of the income of the region's population, this will make housing really affordable.

The achieved level of health expenditures and social protection of the population, calculated as the proportion of value added, substantially (up to 60-65%) approaches the level of developed countries.

At least 50-55% of the economically active adult population will have a higher education.

As a result, the region will be able to realize the development potential of industry, agriculture, innovation economy, overcoming the barriers of infrastructure restrictions.

For the development of certain areas of social sphere the following strategic goals and tasks will be implemented:

The strategic goal of the development of social support of the population is the formation of such a system in the Altai Territory, in which support is provided to citizens who have not only for a shortage of a subsistence minimum, but also in a difficult life situation: loss of work, disability, long-term disease, old age, loneliness, orphanhood , lack of a certain place of residence, etc.

One of the priorities of the demographic policy of the region and the strategy of its development is to increase the life expectancy of the region's population. The value of this integral indicator characterizes the level and quality of life in the edge and is determined by them. At the same time, one of the key factors to reduce mortality and increase life expectancy is the level of health development.

The solution of the tasks of health development of the Altai Territory will be carried out, including in the format of the implementation of the priority national project "Health", designed for the medium term.

The strategic goal of the implementation of the specified project on the territory of the region, as in the whole country - improving the quality and availability of medical care, ensuring sanitary and epidemiological well-being.

Basic project priorities:

· development of primary medical care;

· development of preventive direction;

· ensuring the population with high-tech medical help.

The contribution of the education system to improving the quality of life of the region's population will be achieved by implementing strategic actions in the following main areas:

· ensuring the availability and equal opportunities of full-fledged high-quality education for all residents of the region (including actions aimed at preserving the network of preschool and general education institutions; construction of kindergartens in urban areas, restoration of destroyed - in rural; development of the educational base of educational institutions);

· ensuring the education system of the Altai Territory with highly qualified personnel;

· improving economic mechanisms in the field of education;

· improving the efficiency and quality of vocational education, the creation of a system of vocational education, which requires the need for key areas of activity of the region's economy.

Of particular importance in support of the main directions of development of the general education system has a priority national project "Education".

The strategic goal of the implementation of the priority national project "Education" in the territory of the region, as in the whole country, the modernization of Russian education and the achievement of the modern quality of education, adequately changing the demands of society and socio-economic conditions.

The real contribution of housing in improving the quality of life of the region's population will be achieved through the implementation of the priority national project "Affordable and comfortable accommodation - citizens of Russia".

The strategic goal in the field of housing construction is the creation of conditions that ensure the availability of housing for different categories of citizens.

For a comprehensive solution to the problem of accommodation of housing, it is planned to diversify financial mechanisms for the construction and purchase of housing for citizens with sufficient solvency; State support for improving the housing conditions of socially vulnerable categories of the population within the established state standards; Development of mortgage housing lending.

To ensure improvement of the quality of life and human development, strategic action will also be implemented in areas such as culture, sports.

In the field of culture and sports, it is necessary to resolve the following strategic tasks:

-preservation of a single cultural and information space; Improving the conditions for access to cultural values \u200b\u200bfor the majority of the population;

-cardinal improvement in the material and technical base of cultural and sports institutions, for which it is planned to be widely attracting extrabudgetary sources of financing and intensifying the mechanisms of public-private partnership; Equipment of cultural and sports institutions with modern equipment, fire safety facilities;

-preservation of historical and cultural heritage;

-support for professional and amateur creativity in the region, creating conditions for its development, maintaining the participation of the population in Russian and regional art festivals, sports competitions;

-development and popularization of culture of different nationalities living in the territory of the region;

-development and implementation of mechanisms holding back to an acceptable level increase in the cost of services in cultural and sports and health spheres (including private institutions). Providing on this basis to meet the needs of the population, especially children and adolescents, in improving the cultural level and physical education and sports.

The most important direction to ensure the level and quality of life is also providing public security and prevent the threats to the occurrence of social instability.


And so in the course work, we concluded that the social partnership is a type of social relations, the interaction of diverse social groups and state institutionswhich allows them to freely express their interests and find civilized ways to harmonize them and implement in the process of achieving a common goal.

At the same time, it becomes obvious the need for further scientific study of the theory of social partnership, the ultimate goal of which could be concrete recommendations for creating its mechanism and the inclusion of the latter to the federal and regional legal space.

We also found out when analyzing the social partnership in the Altai Territory, that the development of the social partnership mechanism in the region has its own characteristics against the background of a high interest and involvement of various subjects in the development of social partnership, there is a low efficiency of the mechanism. This is caused by the lack of a systematic approach, an insufficient spectrum of mechanisms for the interaction of all sectors of the Company as equal and equivalent participants of the social partnership and low awareness, both partnerships on the work of these mechanisms and the partnership benefits on the results of intersectoral interaction.

However, it is difficult to imagine that only legislation, only legal norms could significantly help or provide social partnership, close cooperation. We need, we believe, not only legal establishments, a deep understanding of feasibility, but also an active desire of the parties, the presence of not only the desires, but also strong will to achieve a compromise, consent. It is necessary, therefore, the active assistance of the state, the authorities to create conditions that contribute to this understanding and formation of installations for the search for ways of fruitful cooperation of interacting parties. And this means that further scientific studies are required, studies of this relatively new to the Russian reality of the phenomenon - social partnership, especially since the subjects of social interaction with the state have yet been very weakly organized in our country. This applies to the interacting Parties in almost all spheres of vital activity of Russian society.

In conclusion, we note that our appeal to the problem of social partnership is a consequence of reflections on the paths and ways of finding both Russian and regional communities from the systemic crisis. We are deeply convinced that an attempt to overcome this kind of crises, including structural, can be successful only when the system of nature is understood. Moreover, the formation of such systemic social technologies, which is the technology of social partnership.


social partnership demographic work

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With all the objective conditional of the participation of workers in addressing management issues, it is impossible not to take into account the fact that the economic interests of the subjects of labor relations are opposed to the opposite, which is the basis for the occurrence of conflicts between labor and capital. This opposite of interest is laid in the very being of relations in the field of wage labor and cannot be overcome by the so-called enlightened management, nor the absence from employees of the requirements for changes in working conditions. The real situation that develops in the field of wage in society is determined by the nature of the fundamental conflict of the interests of the parties to the labor relations in a specific historical environment and is objectified in specific ways to resolve those or other problems arising within the indicated conflict. A modern economically developed society proceeds from the fact that, along with the conflict of interest, workers and the employer, there are generality of interests that the company works more and more efficiently, the higher the level of working conditions and social services for workers. Accordingly, both the employer and employees are ultimately interested in stabilizing labor relations and ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise (business). However, the need to ensure social cooperation in the organization is recognized far from all employers who are confessing an exceptionally ordinar style of communication, and representatives of employees who continue to act in the spirit of class struggle. However, the Russian society itself, which also knew the period for suppressing capital, and the period of administrative governance from the Unified Center currently recognizes the priority of social dialogue in production as the most appropriate decision mechanism regarding the rules for regulating relations in the field of wage labor.

The system of interaction of workers and employers in the field of labor management in Russian legislation received the name "Social Partnership".

Legislative definition of social partnership is given in TC.

Social partnership - The system of relationships between employees (representatives of employees), employers (representatives of employers), government bodies, local governments aimed at ensuring the coordination of the interests of workers and employers on the regulation of labor relations and other directly related relations (Art. 23 of the TC) .

At the same time, it is stipulated that state authorities and local governments are parties to the social partnership in cases where they act as employers or their representatives authorized to represent legislation or employers, as well as in other cases provided for by federal laws.

Let us analyze this definition in the aggregate with the scientific definitions of the concept of "social partnership", of which we give only a small part.

So, A. M. Kurenni noted that "social partnerships is not a system of organs formed by a fiscal order with the help of regulatory acts, but the principle of building relationships in the field of labor between real social partners in search of relevant decisions that promote social justice."

A. A. Kryzhanovskaya determines the social partnership as "a method for solving socio-economic problems and regulating labor relations on the basis of mutual negotiations between employees and employers with the participation and mediation of the state."

The interesting position of G. Yu. Semigina, allocating two aspects of social partnership. From a national point of view, he considers the social partnership as a relationship system of various social actors, which are focused on the priority achievement of national interests, without increasing the interests of group and corporate, i.e. Considering them. Considering the structure of the social partnership, he will give it a definition of as a totality of bodies and organizations created from representatives of employees of hired labor, employers and the state for regulating mainly socio-labor relations.

According to M. V. Lushnikova and A. M. Lushnikova, social partnership is a cooperation system of relationships between employees, employers and the state to ensure social stability, expressing in mutual consultations, negotiations, achieving and conclusted by the parties to collective agreements and agreements, making joint decisions.

A. F. Nurtdinova notes that the social partnership is, on the one hand, a system of cooperation between employees and employers, on the other, is the ideology of such cooperation.

Finally, E. M. Strezh determines the social partnership as a way of organizing joint activities to protect, coordinate and create the balance of opposing interests of employees and entrepreneurs, which is achieved mainly through negotiations and compromise with the regulatory role of the state, as well as the process to prevent and resolve the emerging In connection with these conflicts in the socio-labor field.

As we can see, scientific identification of social partnerships are quite significantly different from its legal definition, which is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe phenomenon under consideration as a system of relationships between employees and their representatives, employers and their representatives, government authorities, local government aimed at ensuring coordination Interests of workers and employers. At the same time, any relationship between employees and employers ultimately is aimed at harmonizing their interests or their implementation. So, entering into an employment contract, the employee and the employer coordinate their interests, but no one characterizes these relations as socio-partnership. At the same time, when monitoring the implementation of the collective agreement, the parties of this contract do not coordinate their interests, but the relationship arising between them is considered as an element of socio-partnership interaction.

The legal definition of the social partnership speaks of the relationship between the parties on the regulation of labor relations and other directly related relations, which directly correlates from Art. 1 TC, which determines the circle of social relations regulated by labor legislation. At the same time, legal definitions of the concepts of "collective agreement" and "Agreement" (Art. 40, 45 TC) are used as public relations regulated by the legal acts of social partnership "Socio-labor relations" and "related economic relations", definition which is absent in law.

The scientific definitions of the concept of "social and labor relations" are generally different from each other.

So, I. I. Andrianovskaya determines social and labor relations as a relationship related to the application (use) by the employer of professional, intellectual and other abilities of the employee, considering them as a generalized concept associated with the use of labor of any employee regardless of the forms of ownership and forms of economic Activities. It also refers these relationships and believes that it is advisable to consider it widely - like any relations that develop in the process of working. Accordingly, the term "social and labor relations" in the semantic plan is more wider than the term "labor relations", reflecting the entire set of relations related to the use of workers' work.

I. V. Chernyshova considers social and labor relations as social relations, which arise in the production and distribution of goods, the provision of services, the performance of work in the process of an unicurbish, contractual, hired labor subordinate to the employer.

According to V. M. Lebedev, social and labor relations are public relations with the employer's public relations (his representatives) with the employer (its representatives) and other subjects of labor law and productive, compensable, safe use of labor to achieve those goals that are formulated by the owner of the production tools for their business. It believes that this concept can be used as a generic concept, which are united by all public relations governed by the norms of labor law.

At the same time, V. A. Vasilyev marks the narrower definition of social and labor relations - these are related to labor relations between employees (representatives of employees), employers (representatives of employers) or between them and state authorities, local governments to ensure mutual rights and duties, satisfaction of the material, cultural, domestic needs of employees in accordance with the potential, level of economic development of the organization, industry, subject of the Russian Federation, society.

Specialists in the field of labor economy are considered by social and labor relations the relationship between people, developing in connection with and about: organizations and productivity of labor (work); Places and roles of a person in the production, receipt of labor remuneration, assigning profit and income from property; reproduction of labor (its formation, distribution, use); Qualities of labor life and social security. As part of socio-labor relations, they allocate two enlarged groups: labor relations, developing directly due to labor activities, and social relations caused by labor activities (relationships about employment, unemployment, the formation of labor ... pension and other social security, level and quality of life, etc.).

Summing up the positions of scientists who considered the circle of social relations to be coordinated during the socio-partnership interaction of workers and employers, it should be noted that scientific and legislative differences between the concepts of "labor relations and other directly related relations" and "social and labor relations" It practically does not exist, so you should agree with N. I. Diveyeva, which stated the practical inability to distinguish between these concepts, which does not exclude reproach to the legislator, which should be used by a single terminology.

In general, as we see, scientific definitions of social partnership are very diverse. On the one hand, it is considered as a way of regulating relations in the field of labor, and on the other, it is investigated as a social system of a particular society.

It should be noted that the social partnership is not an end in itself. First of all, it is a tool, the use of which during the dialogue between employers and trade unions allows from the variety of opportunities to choose the most acceptable from economic and social points of view.

At the same time, social partnership acts as the Institute of Social Policy, with the help of which the social functions of the state are being implemented and the class world is ensured and calm in the country. With these positions, the social partnership is the only possible alternative to the class struggle and the power methods of resolving the conflict of labor and capital.

The essential specificity of the formation of relations between social partnership in the Russian Federation at the present stage is their formation in the conditions of refusal from the centralization of regulation of labor relations. The weakening of the state's intervention in labor relations, the formation of the economy independent of the state bodies significantly increase the role of local regulation, as part of which the contractual forms of rights and duties of the participants in the labor process are determining.

Eventually social partnership It is possible to determine as a method for regulating social and labor relations between employees (their representatives) and employers (their representatives), based on mutual accounting of the interests of each Party, respect for these interests and the refusal of the strengths of interaction.

At the same time, it is necessary to note the conventionality of determining this phenomenon as partnership.

Thus, under the partner usually refers to some joint activities of subjects that are not related to the relations of power - subordination. Usually it is customary to talk about the partnership in relation to the sphere of commercial turnover (in the civil and legal sphere) or interstate relations (in the international legal sphere) in which it is fully manifested as the joint actions of partners, the purpose of which is to achieve the maximum benefit of both. Partners in relations with third parties act as a whole, united by common aspirations, which can be implemented precisely in relations with third parties. Naturally, in relation to the relationship between employees and employers, it is not necessary to talk about the United States. In addition, the primary subjects of the labor market - employees and employers are not equal, but are among themselves in the relations of power - subordination. Already, by virtue of this, it is not necessary to talk about partnerships between them.

The social partnership is generally designed to maximize the mutual interests of the subjects of labor law, and the interaction of partners is directed, figuratively speaking, not on the third side, but on each other.

Therefore, it would be more correct in this case, we are not talking about social partnership, but about social cooperation or about social dialogue. At the same time, in this, we enter the path of the dispute exclusively about the terms, and not about the being of this phenomenon. The term "social partnership" is used in Russian legislation for more than 20 years, and its replacement for another, even more suitable for its description, it seems unnecessary, as it can give rise to only unnecessary discussions, and not only scientific, but also practical plan What is capable only to harm the real dialogue between the subjects of the social partnership.

Education as a social institution plays not a latter role in the process of human socialization. It is responsible for the timely and adequate preparation of the individual to full-fledged life in society. To understand the essence and specificity of the education system is not easy. The state regulates a single educational space, but in addition, there are many practices that complement the process. One of these phenomena is a social partnership in education. What does it represent, in which its methods consist and what is its system, we will try to figure out the examples.

Partnership as a social interaction element

"You're - I, I - You" - This is how you can characterize the meaning of the word "partnership". Initially, this concept was used only in social and economic sciences. They were characterized by the process of matching action by participants. In a broader sense, the "social partnership" should be considered as a system of solvation (interactions), as a result of which entities satisfy their needs.

For the past few years, social partnerships begin to interpret as a multi-layer process, where the functioning of elements is clearly regulated and is aimed at achieving positive changes. That is, it can be understood as a kind of type of relationship between the subjects, which are united by common interests and jointly solve the problems that arise. The main task of the partnership is to overcome the possible differences in the actions of the participants, coordination of the work and the leveling of conflicts.

Educational process

Based on the foregoing, social partnership in the field of education can be defined as the general actions of subjects relating to the educational process. For such actions, it is characteristic of having the same goals and carry mutual responsibility for the results.

The social partnership system of education is considered at three levels:

  1. The relationship between social groups of professionals inside the system.
  2. Partnership of employees of the education system with representatives of other organizations and social institutions.
  3. Relationships of the Institute of Education and the Public.

The development of a social partnership in education takes its beginning from the 80s-90s of the last century. At this time, educational institutions become autonomous, the demand for highly qualified personnel is increasing in the labor market. The Institute of Education begins to play a key role in the development of the state. An important element in the social partnership of the educational sphere is the relationship between educational institutions, trade unions, employers and state structures. Their main goal is as follows: identify the needs of the labor market to increase personnel potential; form an educated personality with an active life position; Increase the economic and spiritual potential of society as a whole.

Translated into the human language, this means that dynamic changes occur in the country. Affiliate schemes are beginning to be implemented on the type of US and against the background of this evolutionary chaos there is a need for "other people". That is, society requires frames that are already trained in new standards. And here the Institute of Education is coming to the fore, after all, who, if not, to respond to the training of the younger generation with new methods. In this, in fact, the main essence of the concept of "social partnership in the field of education" is concluded.

But over time, the country's leading persons begin to understand that, in general, consider the interaction of institutions of education, economics and politics is not very logical. Many important points that are at the lowest levels of institutional gradation are overlooked. Therefore, the social partnership in education begins to "figure out new shoots", each of which is responsible for its sphere.


Now the partnership can be viewed in the development environment of various educational institutions. The first, where to start, is a municipality. Under it implies a general educational process, which is carried out on a certain territory and solve problems inherent only to her. To be slightly clearer, you can bring a small example. Suppose there is a small educational process in establishments in accordance with the current legislation, but in addition to this, special elements are included, which are characterized only by this area. Within the framework of education, thematic fairs may be conducted, the days of the memory of famous personalities, which previously lived on this territory or creates crafts, which are popular in a particular region.

The municipality is divided into 5 species:

  • Rural settlements. This includes villages (villages, farm, etc.) that are on a certain territory.
  • City settlements. You can include cities or towns of urban type.
  • Municipal regions. These include several cities or villages, where local government solves general issues.
  • City districts. That is, the cities not included in the directive of municipal districts.
  • Autonomous city territories. Parts of the city with their organizational structure. For example, the Indian quarter in Singapore: on the one hand, part of the city, on the other, is a separate item.

The social partnership in the municipality is carried out between bodies, government-based educational processes, and the authorities of the country. The main specificity of such interactions is funding. For example, the state has long established that the system of municipality is responsible for providing benefits. Educational subventions are also provided that local government system divides all educational institutions depending on their needs and status. Also, the state may provide information on the need for the labor market of specialists who are trained in the institution, which is located in the territory of the municipal district. The authorities take it into account and can increase the financing of the institution, the number of budget places, etc.

Teacher Education

For those who do not know what pedagogical education is: this is the process of training highly qualified specialists to work in educational institutions. That is the preparation of educators, teachers and professors.

Social partnership in pedagogical education directly depends on public expectations. Recently, the requirements for the quality of school education have increased significantly, because of this, there was a need to change the methods and technologies for training teachers. The development of pedagogical education depends on such factors:

  • Political innovation in the field of education.
  • The presence of a concept that allows us to use state and municipal authorities to maintain research.
  • Creating a public control service, which, focusing on state requests, could send a system of pedagogical education in the right direction.

If the "municipal partnership" focused mainly on the financial side of the issue, the pedagogical education is based on the requirements of the public in improving the quality of education in accordance with modern standards.

For example, a few years ago the need for extracurricular educational institutions arose. Initially, the parents wanted, who decided that the child should develop more fully. Gradually begins to occur demand for such institutions, and the state is already connected, requesting teachers who would be specially trained to provide this kind of service.

In general, the essence is understandable: since each person visits educational institutions, the task of teachers is to form a person in demand in society. And if any changes occur, the training of teachers is also changing, because only it is possible to painlessly implement innovative programs into society.

Professional education

Now society requires that profile educational institutions will be issued by specialists who are willing to immediately begin work. The Economic Institute also requests a certain number of specialists for one or another sphere. Social partnership in vocational education is to provide claimed personnel in the labor market in the desired quantity.

Here everything is extremely simple: the market is a cyclical system in which something is constantly changing. One year is not enough economists, another year is impossible to find a lawyer. And, having heard that there are not enough representatives of certain professions on the labor market, the applicants massively begin to submit documents to this specialty. As a result, the offer begins to exceed the demand and the level of unemployment is growing. So that this is not happening, there is a social partnership in education that allows you to most effectively use human resources.

Preschool education

Modern cannot fully develop without interaction with the society, so the partnership here is especially important. The social partnership of preschool education is to create relations with preschool institutions with cultural, educational and other developing centers. This practice causes a higher level of perception in a child, it develops faster and learns to build its partnerships, by type "You - I, I - You.

Work in the conditions of social partnership helps to expand the cultural and educational environment of the child, and, accordingly, it will be easier for him to adapt further. In this segment of interaction on the fore, it is shown to him what is interesting and informative, they are trained what is needed. And also work with families, which are also participants in the social partnership.

Additional education

Social partnership in education plays a significant role even in an environment providing additional knowledge. These may be linguistic schools, courses, seminars or master classes. That is, the type of educational activity, which implies the comprehensive development of a person is an additional education. Social partnership in this environment is to provide all sorts of knowledge and opportunities. If you describe the thesis, the partnership is as follows:

  • Preserves the main ideas of organizing work in the field of additional education.
  • Supports relationships with state structures, a business environment, society and parents.
  • Takes an active part in its development. Responsible for a socially oriented segment of additional education, which includes talent search programs, supporting children from disadvantaged families or providing additional education services to children with disabilities.
  • Distribution of budget funds in accordance with the requests of organizations.

Additional education can be divided into three main groups: cultural, humanitarian and technical. Each of these groups provide general foundations of knowledge, as well as modern innovative ideas. Since now knowledge is the most valuable currency, then in an additional education environment, they are trying to provide the necessary basis, which will subsequently form a comprehensive individual development.

How is partnership organized?

The organization of social partnership is based on the following:

  1. Legislative acts. The laws created by the state are the main source of formation and development of social partnership. They regulate the action field and the boundaries of the participants' capabilities.
  2. Places management. Each municipal district has its own rules and laws, some of them relate to social cooperation. If you take, for example, a system of municipality. Suppose this organization received a certain amount for the development of the educational system in its area. She could share all equally, but this does not happen.
  3. Society and economics. The education system is closely related to public queries and economic changes. And if there is something new in the life of people, not concerning the education, neither indirectly, then the curriculum changes still that in the future students and students meet the expectations of the market.

Is social partnership in education?

Today, unfortunately, it is impossible to compare the concepts of "social partnership" / "Quality of Education". Although they moved a little ahead, there was still a lot of unsolved issues.

Initially, social partnership was introduced according to the type of America and Europe, and that was not taken into account the peculiarities of our state, his culture and mentality. In this regard, many important points were missed. However, despite all this, the partnership brings positive changes to the development of education even today.

Social partnership in education (priorities and opportunities):

  • The main priority goal of the interaction: satisfaction of the common interests of all Commonwealth participants. Not only social institutions and processes are taken into account that they occur in them, but the subjects of interaction (teachers, students, parents).
  • The social partnership program helps to make training more efficient. The participants in the educational process are becoming popular in the social environment.
  • The correct approach and regulation of the partnership give impetus for the full development of society, eliminating it from unemployment and filling in demand by experts.


You can enable many examples of social partnership in education. This is a system for encouraging students for good estimates (scholarship), and agreements between the educational institution and the employer who is ready to hire a former student, and even a parent and teacher dialogue. But the main component of this process is qualitative knowledge, the carrier of which is so in demand and expect society.