
The system of professional and public accreditation of educational programs implemented by organizations engaged in educational activities. Professional public accreditation Public accreditation of educational programs


In Russia, the participation of employers in the preparation of an order for specialists with the qualifications and profiles they need is expanding, as well as directly in the activities of universities and colleges and in assessing the quality of education and training of their graduates.

This is actively promoted and motivated by the position of the leadership of the Russian Federation, which is reflected in the May Decrees and a number of laws and regulations introducing various types of independent assessment of the quality of education. So, for example, representatives of professional communities began to develop professional standards, conduct professional and public accreditation of educational programs on their basis, and an independent assessment of the qualifications of graduates. The educational environment, programs, processes, and competencies formed on the basis of the results of such assessments are the most important areas of interaction between education and business.

Therefore, today, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, employment and labor, the tasks of the economy are building a system that directs the vector of assessing the quality of vocational education to the public sector.

Yes, Art. 96 of the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ defines professional public accreditation of educational programs (POA EP) as a tool for recognizing the quality and level of training of graduates that meet the requirements of professional standards and the labor market. At the same time, clause 8. of the article establishes that information about the PAA available to the educational organization is considered during state accreditation and is subject to submission to the application for state accreditation in accordance with clause 8 of the Regulation on state accreditation of educational activities. You can read more about the procedure and advantages of professional public accreditation of educational programs in the Russian Register and its relationship with state accreditation. here.

In the development of the motivational factor, the presence of professional public accreditation of educational programs affects the receipt of admission targets, budget allocations (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 04/01/2015 No 340).

FSES 3++ determine the responsibility for ensuring the quality of training of students for the educational organization, and the external recognition of programs - by PAA procedures, the result of which should also be demonstrated during state accreditation.

You can learn more about the legal and regulatory support of the public accreditation procedure here.

You can read more about the problems of the PAA system of educational programs that are emerging in the Russian Federation. here.

Substantiation of the eligibility of the works of the Russian Register on PAA OP

For independent and competent work in accordance with the legislative requirements of the Russian Federation Russian Register:

  • included in the Register of Organizations Carrying out Accreditation educational programs of the AIS "Monitoring of professional and public accreditation", created by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Art. 96 FZ-273);

  • is accredited by the Federal Accreditation Service (Rosakkreditatsiya ) . Has a wide scope of accreditation and provides recognition at the national level;
  • has the authority for professional and public accreditation of educational programs from regional structures Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs , cooperates with a number of all-Russian industry associations of employers, Councils for professional qualifications;
  • owns FSB license to work with information constituting the state. secret;
  • acts as an internationally recognized Agency for the assessment of the quality of vocational education, being a full member or having an affiliate status of the International Networks of Educational Quality Agencies ( INQAAHE, APQN,ENQA) are global associations dealing with theoretical and practical solutions in the field of quality assurance in higher education.

The advantage of conducting PAA EP procedures in the Russian Register is the possibility for an educational organization, within the framework of a unified accreditation examination, to conduct PAA EP of different UGN (S) in different associations of employers and with different costs of work due to the wide range of recognitions and powers available.

At the same time, in accordance with the principles and ethics, taking into account the industry-specific expediency and approaches to conducting PAA EP, the Association conducts these works in those areas of training / specialties whose industry specifics are characteristic of the activities of the selected association of employers (see above). In this regard, and also taking into account the reputational risks of the Association, some areas of training implemented by educational organizations, incl. determining its industry focus, will recommend contacting other accrediting organizations.

The content of the quality assessment of educational programs in PAA procedures

In view of the wide , as well as significant experience in conducting evaluation procedures, when carrying out work on the PAA of the EP in various associations of employers, fulfills the requirements and is guided by the regulatory documents established by these partners, or if it is recognized by them and given the appropriate authority by their own approaches to the evaluation of educational programs, the content of which available here . These approaches are distinguished by a multi-standard comprehensive view of the educational program, based on the requirements of the National Council under the President of the Russian Federation for professional qualifications, and on the ESG standards of the European network for the quality of education ENQA, and on the ideology of total quality-based management (TQM) - continuous improvement, systemic and process approach to the management of the EP, as well as the best national and foreign practices in the field of independent assessments of the quality of education:

Procedures for professional public accreditation of educational programs

In view of the broad of the spectrum of powers and recognitions of the Russian Register for PAA OP , as well as considerable experience in conducting evaluation procedures, when carrying out work on the PAA of the EP in various associations of employers, the Russian Register complies with the requirements and is guided by the regulatory documents established by these partners, or, if it is recognized by them and received the appropriate authority, by its own approaches to the procedures for evaluating educational programs , the content of which available here .

The general algorithm of actions is typical for the generally accepted qualitative procedures for the professional evaluation of the accreditation of educational programs, differs from others in the high organization and regulation of procedures and the obligatory face-to-face visit to the educational organization.

The term of work is always prescribed in the form of a calendar plan in the contract with the educational organization and, as a rule, takes an average of 3-4 months from the conclusion of the contract to the receipt of the Certificate. The term depends primarily on the ability of the educational organization to provide its own procedure for self-examination of the EP as the most time-consuming. In practice, there are works completed both in 1 month and stretched for a year.

Principles for the formation of a group of experts PAA OP

Taking into account the role and degree of influence of risk factors related to the competence, awareness and training of personnel, in order to ensure the manageability of personnel involved in incl. in the process of PAA OP, created training and certification system for relevant personnel .

In order to ensure the necessary competence of personnel influencing the quality of services in the field of independent assessments of educational organizations, the Russian Register has developed, documented and maintains a process for ensuring the competence of experts involved in accreditation expertise. The process consists of three main steps:

  1. Selection of professional workers and identification of needs for the training of experts.
  2. Ensuring the competence of potential experts.
  3. Certification and assessment of experts, including:
  • consideration of the application, the results of theoretical training, feedback on the internship at a meeting of the Attestation Commission of the Russian Register, issuance of a certificate of competence in case of a positive decision;
  • inclusion of an expert in the register of certified experts;
  • periodic review of the expert's work practices;
  • maintaining certification and professional development.

When conducting the PAA of the EP, the experts must additionally have the necessary competence in the field of the educational programs being assessed. Thus, when certifying an expert, competence codes are assigned in accordance with the codes of the UGSN (aggregated groups of specialties / areas of training), within which the expert has experience in designing / implementing educational programs and / or the relevant field of activity, as well as their evaluation. Candidates for experts of the Russian Register declare their competence in terms of competence codes on their own by submitting information to the RR in the prescribed form. The final decision on the assignment of competence codes is made and approved by the Attestation Commission.

To conduct the EP EP, expert groups are formed, consisting of at least 2 people: an expert from the academic community and an expert from the professional community.

In the PAA procedures of the EP, the experts from the academic community are (in the context of each UGSN of the declared area of ​​accreditation):

— experts registered in the register of the Russian Register (full-time and freelance), having competency codes based on the EAC Classifier (code - Education, 37) and the UGSN code,

— representatives of educational organizations of vocational education, who have passed special advanced training in the Russian Register to participate in appraisal procedures.

Experts from the professional community (employers) are:

— experts registered in the register of the Russian Register (full-time and freelance) with competency codes based on the EAC Classifier in various fields of activity, correlated with the UGSN in accordance with the application of an educational organization for professional and public accreditation of educational programs;

— representatives of partner organizations of the Russian Register, whose field of activity is correlated with the UGSN, which contains educational programs applied for professional public accreditation.

Article 96 Public accreditation of organizations carrying out educational activities. Professional public accreditation of educational programs

1. Organizations carrying out educational activities may receive public accreditation in various Russian, foreign and international organizations.

2. Public accreditation means the recognition of the level of activity of an organization carrying out educational activities that meets the criteria and requirements of Russian, foreign and international organizations. The procedure for conducting public accreditation, the forms and methods of assessment during its conduct, as well as the rights granted to an accredited organization carrying out educational activities, are established by the public organization that conducts public accreditation.

3. Employers, their associations, as well as organizations authorized by them, have the right to conduct professional and public accreditation of basic professional educational programs, basic professional training programs and (or) additional professional programs implemented by an organization engaged in educational activities.

4. Professional and public accreditation of basic professional educational programs, basic professional training programs and (or) additional professional programs is a recognition of the quality and level of training of graduates who have mastered such educational programs in a particular organization that carries out educational activities that meet the requirements of professional standards, market requirements labor to specialists, workers and employees of the relevant profile.

5. Based on the results of professional and public accreditation of basic professional educational programs, basic professional training programs and (or) additional professional programs by organizations that carried out such accreditation, ratings of educational programs accredited by them can be formed with an indication of the organizations that implement them and carry out educational activities.

6. The procedure for conducting professional and public accreditation of basic professional educational programs, basic professional training programs and (or) additional professional programs, including the forms and methods for evaluating these educational programs during its implementation, the rules for applying organizations engaged in educational activities to the organization, carrying out the specified accreditation in order to obtain it, the period for which such educational programs are accredited, the grounds for depriving organizations engaged in educational activities of professional and public accreditation of educational programs, as well as the rights granted to the organization implementing accredited educational programs, carrying out educational activities, and ( or) graduates who have mastered such educational programs are established by the organization that conducts the specified accreditation.

7. Organizations that conduct public accreditation and professional public accreditation ensure openness and accessibility of information on the conduct of the relevant accreditation and its results, including by posting this information on their official websites on the Internet.

8. Information about the organization carrying out educational activities, public accreditation or professional public accreditation is submitted to the accreditation body and considered during the state accreditation.

9. Public accreditation and professional public accreditation are carried out on a voluntary basis and do not entail additional financial obligations of the state.

Professional public accreditation of educational programs is one of the new areas of independent assessment of the quality of education in the Russian Federation. Its legal basis is defined in the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation". Article 96 of this law for the first time regulates the issues of professional public accreditation.

According to the new legislative norms, professional and public accreditation of professional educational programs is a recognition of the quality and level of training of graduates who have mastered such an educational program in a particular educational institution.

Professional public accreditation can be carried out by employers and associations of employers corresponding to the specifics of the educational program of industries. When conducting such accreditation, it is not the quality of the educational process as such that is assessed, but the quality of education, that is, the professional qualities of graduates of an educational institution.

The procedure for professional public accreditation, its forms and assessment methods are established by the employers conducting this procedure or an organization authorized by them. At the same time, the conduct of professional public accreditation should be open in nature, information on the procedure for its implementation should be available.

Information on professional public accreditation of an educational program is considered during the state accreditation of educational organizations.

WHAT SHOULD BE EVALUATED during professional public accreditation?

First, how the components of the program - its content, design, technology - affect the formation of certain professional competencies.

And also such groups of indicators can be evaluated as:

    recognition of the competence model of a graduate by the labor market;

    satisfaction with the results of training of employers and graduates;

    demand for graduates in the regional (and/or federal) labor market;

    program development strategy, compliance of the structure and content of the program with the needs of the labor market;

    compliance of the documents regulating the organization and conduct of the educational program with the competence model of the graduate;

    educational materials, technologies and methods of educational activities, personnel, material and technical, financial and information resources of the program.

GOALS AND OBJECTIVES of professional public accreditation:

To give an independent objective assessment of the quality of graduate training in an accredited educational program based on indicators that are not taken into account during state accreditation and are based on an analysis of the demand for graduates in the labor market, compliance of their qualifications with the requirements of employers, professional standards, as well as identifying best practices and significant achievements of an educational institution.

FEATURES of professional public accreditation:

Voluntary participation. An educational organization has the right to independently determine both the expediency of undergoing professional public accreditation and the list of programs applied for accreditation.

Multisubjectivity of the assessment. The accreditation commission and the expert council for professional public accreditation include representatives of employers, academia, and public figures.

Focus on educational programs. Professional public accreditation is aimed primarily at assessing the quality of individual programs by the professional community.

ADVANTAGES of professional public accreditation:

An educational organization that implements educational programs that have passed professional public accreditation will have the right to:

    post information about the availability of professional and public accreditation on the official website, on information stands when announcing information about educational programs being implemented, including admission to study in the specified educational programs, as well as on educational publications of the organization (textbooks, methodological materials) according to the relevant educational programs;

    use the results of professional public accreditation as a competitive advantage;

    present the results of professional and public accreditation to state authorities and education management when passing state accreditation procedures.

Employers get the opportunity to:

    save money on training and retraining of personnel;

  • to form a competence model of a graduate of an educational institution in accordance with the needs of business;
  • contribute to the elimination of shortage of personnel;

    form an order for the training of specialists with the necessary business qualifications.

TERMS AND COST of accreditation

The procedure for professional public accreditation is carried out within 8-9 weeks and includes:

familiarization of the organization carrying out educational activities with the documents regulating the procedure for conducting accreditation (1-2 weeks) before the start of the procedure;

    self-examination of a professional educational program (up to 21 working days);

    face-to-face audit of the professional educational program by members of the expert commission at the site of the educational institution, meeting of the members of the expert commission with graduates, employers, teachers and students of the educational organization (up to 3 days);

    preparation of the conclusion of the expert commission (3 weeks);

    consideration of the conclusion of the expert commission by the educational organization, if necessary, the direction of objections, clarifications (1 week);

    analysis of the conclusion of the expert commission and decision-making by the Accreditation Council (20 days).

1. Organizations carrying out educational activities may receive public accreditation in various Russian, foreign and international organizations.

2. Public accreditation means the recognition of the level of activity of an organization carrying out educational activities that meets the criteria and requirements of Russian, foreign and international organizations. The procedure for conducting public accreditation, the forms and methods of assessment during its conduct, as well as the rights granted to an accredited organization carrying out educational activities, are established by the public organization that conducts public accreditation.

3. Employers, their associations, as well as organizations authorized by them, have the right to conduct professional and public accreditation of basic professional educational programs, basic professional training programs and (or) additional professional programs implemented by an organization engaged in educational activities.

4. Professional and public accreditation of basic professional educational programs, basic professional training programs and (or) additional professional programs is a recognition of the quality and level of training of graduates who have mastered such educational programs in a particular organization engaged in educational activities that meet the requirements of professional standards, market requirements labor to specialists, workers and employees of the relevant profile.

5. Based on the results of professional and public accreditation of basic professional educational programs, basic professional training programs and (or) additional professional programs by organizations that carried out such accreditation, ratings of educational programs accredited by them can be formed with an indication of the organizations that implement them and carry out educational activities.

6. The procedure for conducting professional and public accreditation of basic professional educational programs, basic professional training programs and (or) additional professional programs, including the forms and methods for evaluating these educational programs during its implementation, the rules for applying organizations engaged in educational activities to the organization, carrying out the specified accreditation in order to obtain it, the period for which such educational programs are accredited, the grounds for depriving organizations engaged in educational activities of professional and public accreditation of educational programs, as well as the rights granted to the organization implementing accredited educational programs, carrying out educational activities, and ( or) graduates who have mastered such educational programs are established by the organization that conducts the specified accreditation.

7. Organizations that conduct public accreditation and professional public accreditation ensure openness and accessibility of information on the conduct of the relevant accreditation and its results, including by posting this information on their official websites on the Internet.

8. Information about the organization carrying out educational activities, public accreditation or professional public accreditation is submitted to the accreditation body and considered during the state accreditation.

9. Public accreditation and professional public accreditation are carried out on a voluntary basis and do not entail additional financial obligations of the state.

10. The formation and maintenance of a list of organizations conducting professional and public accreditation of basic professional educational programs, basic professional training programs and (or) additional professional programs are carried out by the authorized federal executive body in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.