
How to create a location in instagram. How in instagram indicate the city of residence

All about Alpinaria

Geolocation in Instagram - coordinates on the map where the picture was taken. It can be any place: fitness club, shop, museum or even the beach. Companies celebrate themselves on the map so that they can easily find customers. Ordinary users celebrate the place where they rested or on the contrary, wherever they would like to go.

In this article, we will analyze how to add our place and create geolocation in instagram, and also put the geometric in the post or in Storage.

Why should you celebrate geolocation in instagram

When you press geolocation, you can see the point on the map, up to the address. On many devices, the default geoction opens in Google Maps, but can also be viewed in any other cartographic service. You can also build a route to the right place.

Geolokation in instagram is also used to promote business. In posts, you can mark the nearby popular geometry of the city or launch Massolong, Maslainking or Mauluking on them. Using special services, you can assemble the target audience of geo in instagram.

In addition, for each geolocation there are top posts and show the latest hosted stories. Therefore, the use of popular geometers allows you to get additional coverage for your publications.

Some users are faced with the fact that they cannot add geolocation. To fix it, you need to go to the settings and enable geolocation definition on your device. In the iPhone, we go "Settings - Privacy - Geolocation Services". From the list, select the software you need - Facebook and Instagram, and activate them.

Then how usually choose a photo, add text and specify the place. If you see that your geolocation has already been created, you can safely take advantage of it. Often after the introduction of the first letters, the name of the place that you can choose appears. Similarly, you can note geolocation under the video. At the same time, it is impossible to change geolocation for the publication already made.

In Stories, you also add a photo, swipe up and add "geodatat".

But if your company only opens and is not yet on the list of possible geolokations? Then you can create and add instagram to the base for further use. At the same time, use the created place, you can, as you yourself and other users.

How to create your geolocation and add a place in Instagram

Add your geolocation, in fact, quite simple, but the creation itself is not at instagram. This platform belongs to Facebook, so you first need to add a place at the business page in Facebook. After that, geolocation will be available to select Instagram and will also be called as your page on Facebook.

To create your point on the map, you need to go to Facebook and create a business page there or log in if you have already had a page. Further:

Step 1. Go to the company page and choosesection "Information".

Step 2.. In the window that opens, click "Edit".

Step 3.. We enter the address:

  • accurate address: Street and houses (or microdistrict, metro station, quarter);
  • settlement (city, country side, village)
  • index.

Actually, all, now you can add geolocation in two social networks. And also attach a place in posts. You can find geolocation by entering the name of the page in the search for geolocation.

Because of which the location is not determined in Instagram

If you can not determine your geotochka, it is worth checking the phone settings and geo sensor. In this case, you should restart the phone or check the Internet connection. And again try the option of determining geolocation.

You need to go to the phone settings. Find "Personal data" and open the "location". You must enable this feature by moving the slider. Now you have a list of applications that collect data about your location. You need to allow access to two applications - Facebook and Instagram.

Turn on the definition of geolocation on the iPhone

You need to go to "Settings", choose "Privacy". Go to "Geolocation Service" and allow access to two applications - Facebook and Instagram.

As you can see, create geolocation, and then use it anyone. The function is useful for both companies and ordinary users.

Social network Instagram One of the first to introduce geolocation for its users. The convenience of such a location designation are obvious: it is not necessary to paint the place where the photo is done under each publication; Friends will be much easier to find you if the photo with your location is marked on the map. Geometrics are useful for business owners who promote goods or services through Insta. As an answer to numerous questions of an instagram-audience, in this publication we will look at how to create geolocation in instagram, and what should be done for this.

Geolocation - powerful business promotion tool

About the benefits of Geometrs in Insty can talk a lot. Nevertheless, the most convincing fact is an example of life.

The story of the girl (I will call it Irina) began in a small provincial town, which on the expanses of our immense - thousands. She is a disabled childhood. To feel necessary and earned at least some money, she created a page in inst, where he began to promote the florist's service.

Business on colors is focused exclusively on consumers from one settlement (flowers simply will not survive long-term transportation without the relevant equipment). The use of geometrs in its publications and competent geotarting (selection of the target audience in geographical location) gave the opportunity to the girl to offer high-quality services to their countrymen, and to her, to become very successful (in their circles), the businesswoman, despite a rather complicated illness.

Location, geolocation, geoposition: Determines with terminology

Before proceeding directly to the instructions for creating geolocation in Instagram, you need to clarify some of the terminology of the terminology used in this context.

Geolocation is a service implemented in modern mobile devices. Assigning this tool - determining the location of the subscriber. Search is carried out by:

  • coordinates from cellular stations;
  • geostationary satellites and GPS technology;
  • IP address of the gadget.

The geographical position of the user is requested by some applications, such as Instagram, Google-cards, etc.

Conclusion number 1: Geolocation is a process that allows you to determine the location of a particular mobile device. That is why, for determining the location point, the word is more appropriate, instead of borrowed British geolocation.

The geometry is a location point that is specified automatically or manually when publishing a photo. To implement this process, compliance with several conditions:

  • geolocation service in the smartphone must be included and configured;
  • the location coordinates are correctly imposed.

The location is the location of the object, in the radius of which the photo was made. The location is determined automatically when the geolocation service is enabled on the smartphone. Depending on geopositioning technology, the place may be from the actual location of the object within a radius to several kilometers.

Difference in definitions

Now consider such concepts how to add, or specify a place in instagram. Many users ask if there is a difference in definitions? There is a difference. Consider this issue in more detail.

  1. Specifying the place is to add a location where a snapshot from the list proposed by Instagram is taken.
  2. Adding a new place - a set of activities to add a location when you need it in the proposed list. In detail about it - in the article.

In principle, the difference is small, but it creates confusion in the heads of the recently joined users of an instant, not understanding all the subtleties of geolocation use.

How to specify a place in Instagram: Step-by-step instructions

So, you photographed the "magical" place. In instagram it needs to be urgently added until others did it.

To specify the place where the photo was made need to do the following:

  • select "Where are you?";
  • select a category from the list as appropriate for your picture;

  • in the search bar, enter the names of the city and the address.

After the application define your place, select "I'm right now."

  • click "Create" in the top of the window;

Now go to Instagram.

  • proceed it, add a description, tags;
  • select "Specify the Place".

How to create a place in instagram to add others to add it?

So that the location appears in general access, it must be recorded in the Foursquare database. You can do this manually, but you can using the SWARM application.

  • install the Swarm application on your smartphone and run;
  • being in the desired location "Chekin" by pressing the "Chekin" button in the lower right corner;
  • in the search bar, type the name of the site;
  • press the "Add place" item;

  • fill out location data;

  • check the location point on the map;

  • we click "add a new place."

The photo shows all the steps to be done to add space to the Foursquare database.

Now the standard procedure for indicating location in Instagram:

  • take a picture or download photos from the gallery;
  • add a description, meta tags;
  • select "Add place";

  • choose the finished location from the list.

This method allows not only to use your location. The thing is that. That this method makes the location of the active reference. It is very useful to everyone. Who promotes their business. In one click, any user can see where the photo was made.

Also, everyone who promotes business uses information about the promotion itself :.


In this publication, we disassembled in the most detailed as possible how to create geolocation in instagram, decided on the terminology, learned how to create an active location. In principle, everything is not so difficult, the main thing is to clearly follow the instructions presented in this publication.

Previously remote from Instagram, the function of creating a new user geometry has made an urgent question of how to do it now. A lot of articles appeared on the network, telling about creating geolokations in Instagram through the Facebook application. However, it does not always work. In this post, I will tell you how to create a geometry in FB so that it appears in inst

Facebook marketers decided to raise the popularity of their project, enforcing instagram audience. So, to switch the Instagram account to the "Business Profile" mode, you will surely need an account on Facebook. The same thing now concerns the possibility of creating new geolokations on the map. In this case, you will have to install Facebook, as you cannot create a geometry from the web version.

Around the issue of creating geolokations in instagram, in the network, the hype rose, due to the fact that new geometry appear not for all users and not always. This applies not only to the Russian Instagram segment, but also Western, where users are trying to understand the logic with which the geometry is filtered by joint efforts. But, everything turned out to be much easier and spending 2 days in experiments, I suddenly understood what the actual thing is. Below I will describe everything and answer the question - "".

How to create an instagram geometry on Facebook?

For those who face the need to create their geometry for the first time, I will describe the whole process in detail. First of all, you need to install Facebook on your device and start an account in this social network if you do not have it. About how to do this, I will not tell, as this is a fairly primitive process. After installation, log in in the application and follow the instructions described below.

On the Shared Ribbon page, click on the "where you" button to create a post with a geolocation on Facebook.

On the page that opens, enter the name or object name in the field, to which you want to create a geometry in instagram. For example, a grocery store "Birch". After entering the name, click on the "Add New Location" button. If the map already exists a geometry with similar names, the button will be at the very end of the list.

You will find a section of the instructions of the category of your geometry. Find a suitable category that will most accurately match your geolocation. In my case, this is a "grocery store." Geolokation categories are broken through subcategories. If you do not find the desired category, look for in the subcategories or use the search for categories at the top of the page.

After selecting a category, you should specify the city in which you want to create geolocation. You can enter the name of the city and choose from the drop-down list, or, if you are in the same place where you create geolocation, you can use the button - "I'm right now."

At the end of creating your own geolocation, you can specify the address and index, as well as download the photo of the place. But this is optional. Only an indication of the position of the label on the map remains obligatory. If you are directly in place where you want to create a geometry, you can put a check mark in the "I'm here" field. Then Facebook will determine your location and automatically secure the label in the right place. Otherwise, click on the map and set the label manually by dragging it on the map.

Check all the indicated data and complete the process of creating geolocation by clicking on the "Create" button in the upper right corner.

Now that the label is created, we must finish the post with the specified geolocation on Facebook. Just write any word and click on the "Publish" button. I recommend to set the visibility of the post in the "Available All" mode. As far as this is important, I can not say, but in my experiments I set just such a value.

On our Facebook page will post with just created by geolocation.

To make sure that geolocation is really created and can be used, open the Instagram application and in the publication creation mode, reach the geometry instructions.

Start enter the name created on Facebook geolocation. If the label is created successfully, then, as the names input, you will see it in the drop-down list.

Return to Facebook and remove the post with the created geometry so as not to spam your tape.

Why do not geolocation appear in instagram?

To understand what labels are created successfully, and which they disappear, I experimented a lot and revealed two patterns. First, the niode of the geometry, which I pointed out the category "fun for", did not appear in Facebook or Instagram. It can be concluded that this category is created to invent and attach cool names for its posts. But it is done openly, that is, without the possibility of reuseing such a tag. Secondly, all geolokations that all the same appeared in Instagram were indicated in the immediate vicinity of my location, in the distance of one two streets. Hence the conclusion - you can create a geometry of those places where you could be in the next 3-5 minutes ago. No wonder, in Facebook, when creating geolocation, we pressed the button - "Where are you?".

So, so that your label is exactly in Instagram:

  • Do not specify the category of "fun for", when creating geolocation;
  • Create geolocation only those places you are in close proximity.

Not every user instagram wants to paint the place of his stay under each photo, and many have long been asked a question for a long time, - how to create a place in blue. Yes Yes! It is about geolocation today we will talk, went!

Ease of geolocation use is obvious - in a tour you do not need to memorize the names of settlements, if you are in the place where we agreed to meet with friends, they will be easier to find you using a map. And most importantly - you do not have to answer annoying questions: Do you have such an interior at home? This is where such a picture on the wall? Are you in what night club were? Particularly spontaneous people with geolocation even restore the route of yesterday's movements in the event of a memory failure. Others with its help return to the lured parking place in nature, if they do not remember the road there since last year, etc. In general, geolocation - the thing is extremely useful and without it the instagram user simply cannot be considered advanced. So, if you still did not give the values \u200b\u200bto configure this valuable service, it's time to proceed to it.

How to configure location designation in instagram?

1. Download the Facebook application to your mobile, then register or authorizes if you are already in this social network.

2. Click on the button "What are you doing?" And from the list that appears, choose the item "Where are you?". Important! If you just registered, you will need to subscribe at least 1 user.

3. Remember, before adding a point, you need to enable geolocation services.

To activate them in the iPhone, go to "Settings", then "Privacy" and straight into the "Geolocation Services". In the list of applications, activate Facebook and Instagram.

4. Return to the section "Where are you?" On Facebook and specify our location, which we will add to Instagram. To the question "Where are you?" We decided to add a conditional place called "on the moon". You call your own way as the inner voice suggests :)

5. After you have clicked the "Add" button, the location category selection screen must appear before you, select the one that is as accurately associated with your point.

6. On the next Facebook page will automatically determine your location, if you wish, you can specify your coordinates.


If you want your place to be lost in the list of closest places with the name "House" and "My Home", choose the name of it more interesting. The address, of course, is not worth writing. Names of titles and so mass - Hut, my basement, bergogus, bunker, fantastic, happiness, place of happiness, resting place, homemade hearth - and all this with adding a name, funny nickname, login ... The fantasy space is incredible. You can create a lot of places - to give special funny names of the house and the place of work, study, places where you often visit - for example "visiting a friend", "shop", "favorite store", etc.

In general, use geolocation services so as to raise your mood and others, and, above all, yourself.

Who does not know, this is an application that is gaining mad popularity among all the segments of the population in all countries.

People share their news or simply beautiful publications with the whole world.

  • You can choose your location from the list below the "Specify Place" key. The places close to your geoposition will be listed here: the city, the area, specific institutions.

  • You can click on the inscription "Specify the place" and enter the desired data, any place, optionally located not far from you and click on it.

  • On top of the publication, under your instagram nickname, the location specified by you will be located.

If you have already posted your publication, add a place to it will not make problems. It is enough to press the button in the form of three consecutive points to the right from the top of the publication, in the menu that appears, select "Change".

In the field where the location should be located will be the inscription "Add place". Then it remains only to click there and select one location from the list it in the list or enter your own data.

Attach your geoposition to history (Storsis) as follows:

  1. Make a photo, remove a video or add something from the gallery.
  2. On the top toolbar, click on "Stickers", representing a smiley in a square.
  3. Choose from the list "Geodatan" the place for you and click on it, then put in history.

How to create a new place in instagram

Adding geolocation via Facebook

Unfortunately, the creation of its own tag in the social network is not possible. But this can be done with.

First you need to synchronize accounts of these social networks. This can be done by going to the settings in the personal profile Instagram.

Press the "Account" point, then "Related Accounts". You will face a small list from social. Networks in which you want to select Facebook and enter personal data.

After that, you need to go to Facebook and create a new record with a geoposition indication, touch "Mark Visit". The item "Add a new place" will appear, where you need to introduce your coordinates (city, street, perhaps the house) and give your name mark.

Now I enroll in Instagram, you can add a place to publication, created by you.

Enabling location on Android and iOS

You can enable GPS in your phone settings.

GPS is a satellite navigation system that allows you to find the location of the owner of the smartphone.

On the iPhone, you need to go to "Privacy", after selecting "Geolocation Services". Here you should enable or disable the location definition, both for shared access and individual applications.

Similar algorithm has an Android operating system. In the settings you need to click on "Connections", and then to "geodata", located at the bottom of the list.

Here you can also follow access to GPS in various programs.

Because of which the location may not be determined

Your smartphone cannot accurately determine your location or does it not determine it at all?

This may be a number of reasons:

  1. You may have forgotten enable geolocation services on the phone, then you only need to check the settings.
  2. If the location is not defined in any particular application, go to the geolocation settings or setting the program itself and allow access.
  3. GPS services work primarily thanks to the Internet. If you are turned off or you are in some place with a bad connection: in the village, in nature, etc., it is not surprising that the location is determined inaccurately or not determined at all.
  4. You can enable power saving mode, which on most gadgets disables the location function.
  5. To more accurately specify your geopaic, it is recommended to include the Wi-Fi network.

If the problem is not eliminated, try turning on and off geodata and repeat the same with Wi-Fi and flight mode. And of course, do not forget to reboot the smartphone itself.