
Will a man forgive with treason? Husband betrayal: Is it worth forgiving how to survive? Tips for psychologist

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"I'm interested in whether at all? Just forgive you really, without reproaches, without control? Forgive to start life again? Is it possible, and if yes, how should a man be? Weak and snotty, like a child? Or vice versa? Thank you". Without a signature.

You know, much more with more confidence I would say that forgive treason can a woman, but with men in this sense more difficult. Still how many centuries a woman was on the second stage, and therefore a man it was possible that it was impossible to a woman. And yet I will venture to say that a man forgive betray to betray. For example, I could. It is unlikely that I am so unique, with all my respect for yourself 🙂 so let's try to find out how this is possible with whom under what conditions.

Do the men goodbye to betray? Case case Maintenance

Start with the fact that much depends on the situation in which the treason happened. Perhaps it is also true for both men and women. Although sex for a man is more physiological, and looks like this, "seriously".

And yet there are a lot of life situations with the so-called "softening circumstances". The same act in the light of these circumstances looks different.

Here are a couple of examples. At the party, the woman quarreled with his man, and he left, throwing her alone. He drove hard. Yes, just very upset. It is clear, no circumstances are justified by a woman, but nevertheless. Why did he leave her?

Or he left for a long time and rarely calls. At the same time, he left or after a quarrel, or after he did not want to discuss a certain important question with a friend, for example, plans for a joint future.

In these cases, he, of course, is still not responsible for changing him, but it seems to me, indirect wine is available. In addition, it is very important how accidentally and inadvertently treason occurred.

If this really rock accidentAnd a man is aware of this, then the chances of the forgiveness of betrayal of a man is significantly higher in comparison with the fact that the woman fully controlled what happened to her.

Minimal chances for the forgiveness of treason, if the woman has changed not with some abstract stranger, and with a friend of his man. In this case, she also deprived him, most likely a friend.

And very important moment - How woman behaves. If she is tormented by what he did if forgiveness asks, this is not the same thing that to leave the clarification of relationships or, especially, to accuse someone.

Male Male Rosy

Ready to admit that, in spite of any "softening circumstances", most men are unlikely to simulate treason. It is too painful, plus the owner's instinct, public opinion, "permitting" to him, but prohibiting her.

However, there is a minority of men.And this minority is also inhomogeneously.

It may be man with a philosophical mindsetwho understands that women are also living people, and in life it happens anything.

It may be strong manFor which the unit weakness of its weak half is not the reason to leave it.

It may be weak manwhich is just afraid to stay alone.

Finally, the reason may be in strong loveWhen a man is ready to forgive the woman and betray, and anything, just to stay with her.

That is, the options are many. You can, of course, classify, but it all averaging. I do not believe these classifications.

Human motivations, aspirations, fears, subconscious reasons are simply not amenable to such a primitive case as a list. And therefore, the statement is that every person is unique, not a pathos at all and is not a banal.

A man forgave treason. And what after?

It is also not amenable to any forecasts what will be in the future, after a man forgive the treason to a woman. Someone will constantly torment and in the depths of the soul will not forgive if it will even love.

Someone generally satisfies the woman such hell that it would be better for this for for forgiveness. And someone closes, cool, but the relationship does not interrupt, although it will not mention the past.

With regard to when a woman, after forgiveness, changes again, this is a difficult case. Once - chance, two or three times - regularity. In this case, it is necessary for her to think, and whether she needs a man to whom she changed? Or is it just necessary for several men?

In general, my personal opinion is that Change case - something like checking relationships. If a man loves, if he doesn't just meet or lives with this woman, he must forgive her. Must be able to.

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How much is the Institute of Marriage, there is so much married treason. Even when marriages were not registered with secular nor religious representatives, men and women were looking for a better partner for life. At the dawn of mankind, the quality of the partner's choice ensured a higher standard of living and the safety of offspring. It is not necessary to fight for food resources and for a place near the fire for a long time, but still people are still in permanent relationship, tend to find something else than they have. The topic of treason as a social phenomenon is relevant from the beginning of time to this day, because a person is often unhappy with its choice and is not always able to cope with everyday troubles without falling into the first extended hugs.

What is male and female treason from the position of a man?

Men has a different attitude to their own and treason and female treason in the absolute majority. Intimate communication married man With an outsider, a woman is considered by them as the departure of natural need, minute weakness, a random adventure, which, in their opinion, should not affect well-established relationships with his wife. And, as a rule, the wife almost never loses anything from such a connection of her husband. He does not feel attachment to random mistress and does not destroy family life. Of course, there are cases when husbands go from wives to other women, but these stories usually have a serious basis from mutual reproaches, quarrels, scandals and misunderstandings of each other's spouses. In a prosperous family, the likelihood of treason is lower as below and its destructive impact.

View of men on female infidelity. Address of his wife seems to be the collapse of hopes for a happy marital marriage, perceived as a blow on pride. Men - terrible owners by nature. They became such in the process of many thousands of human development. His house, his woman, his offspring, his resources - all this needed protection. And by how an effectively man protects "his", the tribesmen were judged by his strength. Civilization has long brought its fruits into the daily lives of people, but the ancient instincts remained. It is they who make a man feel inferior due to the fact that his woman mastered another man. And the motives of female treason are usually not important. The fact of treason is important. A man with the poorest and unrespressive fantasy is able to draw a picture of himself, where his wife is with another, paint it and resurrect in imagination at every look at his wife. Gradually, the picture is becoming all new details, and the man begins to jealous not only to what was, but also to what theoretically could be. Such is his nature. Therefore, cases when husbands are goodbye to the wives of Ajulter, rare.

The question is forgiven the men of treason, ambiguous. Most often - no. Many women who lived in marriage several years are divided into the forums with such stories: Once upon a time, during a stupid youth, he changed her husband, he forgave and did not leave, and now, when children grew up and acquired their families, suddenly applied for divorce . This is because the husband in the depths of the soul retained his offense to his wife. He then, many years ago, found the strength to live with her further to raise children, led the usual way of life, provided his family and everything seemed to be fine, everything was forgotten. But in fact it was not forgotten; Just stuck pain. And when the reason for the preservation of the family - the children - disappeared, it turned out that there was nothing to save. Therefore, her husband was gone, having freesed from his wife, which was copied offended for a long time.

Is a man to forgive women's treason?

The difference between the male and female treason is to the attitude of each of them to their act. This is predetermined by the decision on forgiveness. If a woman understands that for her husband, a casual sex with an unfamiliar woman is just a fleeting and insignificant event, then probably forgives him.

But at the same time, the woman herself is extremely rarely solved on intimate proximity with whom she does not have at least feelings of sympathy. And the spouse understands it, because it is jealous not only her body, but also her soul. Usually, forgiveness depends on the circumstances: "drunk" treason say goodbye more often conscious. A man consults himself by the fact that the wife did not want this connection that another man just took advantage of her condition. In addition, women after such "adventures" fed themselves and feel dirty and disceived. This gives a man the hope that an unpleasant incident was single and no longer repeat. And although the fact that a man can forgive betrayal, often depends on its circumstances, usually the answer to such a question is negative.

Women's treason: Is it worth it?

Before deciding for treason and rush in other people's hugs, a woman is worth weighing all the arguments for and against such an act. Even if with a man they have the so-called free relationship without serious obligations, you must always remember that treason hurts on male pride. Very small percentage of steam, negotiating that intimate relationships on the side is kind of entertainment or hobby, and family life Built on friendship, affection for each other or general business. Spouses in this case have an intimate connection on the side, without hiding it from each other, but with lovers they do not associate anything but physical proximity. Psychologists argue that relations in such pairs are surprisingly strong and durable, spouses are free from conventions and challenges their instincts of ownership, which took them from ancient ancestors.

The absolute majority of the pairs are tuned to treason negatively and does not find the strength to forgive the partner who has fallen in infidelity. Therefore, before you decide on treason, you need to understand for yourself:

  • It may forever destroy relationships with her husband;
  • Even if the husband does not leave, he will always remember the insanity in the depths of the soul;
  • A woman can be bitterly, ashamed and uncomfortable after communication with the other, but nothing can be done yet;
  • Random passion, especially in the rustling of passion, when elementary sexual safety measures are forgotten, can lead to a "surprise" in the form of pregnancy (to establish paternity on a small period is almost impossible) or to sex infection.

Hello, dear readers. Today I would like to talk about cheating, why they occur what to do after how to prevent such a situation and much more. Main questionTo which we will try today to find an answer: if a man is forgiven to betray. Save confidence relationship is not always easy. It happens just one view to the parties so that distrust and suspicion arose between partners.

Changes to change

I covered this topic in the article. The reasons for which girls can be seized to left millions. But all of them are essentially supported by the same - lack of attention from their man. This is the biggest problem in relationships. The husband sits at work for a long time, often meets with her friends, never takes his spouse to meetings and so on. It is in such a situation that his wife begin to look for attention elsewhere.

With mistresses, things are a little different. There is no official confirmation of relationships, no obligations. Therefore, she is free and believes that it can do everything. Lovers do not have the status of his wife. Therefore, it will be stupid to accuse them in treason.

A woman who does not feel the beloved, necessary and important in the life of a man with ease of interest to attention from another young man. And there is no special guilt in this. Her main mistake is that she straight and honestly did not speak with his beloved man. After all, any problem can be addressed at the very beginning. It is worth only to think and take the right decision.

If you think about treason only hypothetically, then you are advice to you - do not take sin on the soul. Try to change the situation in another way. Relationships can be very spoiled and you will not be established. A one-time goal to the left will not solve your internal problems.

Try to correct the situation to

When a woman understands that the relationship with a man is not asked as she would like that he does not pay her right attention, feels lonely and abandoned, then she begins to do nonsense.
Dear ladies, let's solve the problem, and not look for a way of substitution. After all, the connection on the side is no more than just substitution of the desired solution. Yes, having received attention on the side, you may decide the problem for some time. But then she will come back. So what? So will you run?

You can only correct the situation in one way. First you need to understand what your desire is to go left. Lack of attention, rare sex with husband, excessive love for flirting. Next, you go to your faithful and honestly, openly talking to him. Talking for as long as the situation will require this. No need to say that you think about treason. Tell me that you lack attention, find together you come out of this problem.

Family relationships may be very fragile. Many couples cannot withstand the cheating and bred. And only in your hands it is possible to prevent such a sad outcome. Only you yourself make decisions and make a choice.

Relationship after

Men, as if small children. Not used to sharing your toys. Do not love when someone else uses their things. They are wild and zealous owners. It should be remembered to girls when they are decided to make attention from another man. Do you like when your lover will build eyes of the sexual secretary of the chef? I think the answer is obvious.

After treason, relationships can acquire any character. I met a couple in which the wife made a mistake once. The husband forgave and decided to preserve the relationship. But he himself became so to handle her wife, which would be better separated. The wife in the literal sense of the word became slave. Feed, bring - this is the most petty. He picked her every time in a mistake and forced to do everything as he wants to him.

It happens that the man is very wise approaches the situation. Trying to understand why it happened, no matter how he could help his beloved woman to correct the situation. Every woman goes to meet and together they cope with the situation and go further.

View from the outside

One thing I can say for sure: only one is not to blame in treason. No matter who changes anyone. Husband wife or she him. Both are always to blame. And you know you perfectly well, but do not want to recognize your own mistakes. A person is incredibly hard to take his own misses.

When you learn to work on your own miscalculations, and not deny them, then you are on the right path to happiness.

Nobody besides you know what you can forgive, but what is not. Each person himself establishes for itself the framework and the boundaries of possible. It happens either from one's own experience or by the Nativity. But this is exceptionally yours and a najor.
Therefore, to understand your partner better, talk. Share your thoughts and reflections on different topics. Including about the change.

You can say how your man relates to this question? Not just "negatively", but in more detail? Does he imply that this can happen to him and will pull him left?
Such a conversation can take a negative direction. Be very neat in statements, do not scold and do not shout on a partner. You just communicate. Remember that this is not a reality, but only your reasoning. Be loyal and listen to what you are told.

I hope my article helped you and you found interesting and useful thoughts for yourself. In any case, remember that everything is in your hands. You manage your life, and not someone else.
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