
Poltergeist - who is a poltergeist, how is it dangerous and how to get rid of it? Seven signs that a poltergeist has settled in your home.


Have you ever witnessed strange things happening in your home? Have you noticed anything unusual that is beyond reason? If so, don't be in a hurry to get scared. It is likely that an otherworldly creature lives in your house. The presence of a guest from a parallel world in a home is often characterized by some basic features. Many people think that usually the ghost manifests itself only through moving objects and sounds. It's a delusion. There is actually a lot of evidence that there is a poltergeist in your house now. Let's look at them to be sure that a being from another dimension really lives next to you.

The feeling that someone is watching you. The feeling that someone is constantly looking at you can arise if you have the ability to feel differently from others. But sometimes even ordinary people can feel the presence of an otherworldly being. If an intruder has really settled in your house, you will constantly feel some kind of discomfort. As a rule, ghosts usually like to watch new tenants or a new family member.

Frequent mood swings. Not everyone is able to see an alien from another world, but about 90% of people can feel his presence at the subconscious level. All of this can lead to emotional instability and mood swings. By being in contact every day with a ghost, you will succumb to its influence. You may suddenly be overwhelmed by sadness, which will abruptly be replaced by a state of euphoria and joy. Those, in whose house a poltergeist lives, unconsciously strive to be at home as little as possible.

Painful condition. In most cases, when a guest from other worlds settles in the house, the tenants often start to get sick. The state of health may deteriorate, nightmares, migraines, insomnia, and frequent colds occur. This is the reaction of our body to foreign radiation. The manifestation of this symptom may even somewhat resemble the damage that has been brought to your home, but these are completely different things.

Temperature changes. In the house where the ghost has settled, as a rule, the air temperature always changes. It gets cold, then you suddenly start sweating.

Smells. If you notice that the house smells differently, this could be a sign that there is an otherworldly guest nearby. Ghosts can often exude scents that matched them in life. Smells can be either harsh or subtle.

Sounds. The presence of ghosts is often accompanied by the periodic appearance of all kinds of noises. It can be grinding, clinking dishes, howling, whispering, creaking - whatever. Thus, the ghost wants to scare, or get in touch with you. If you suddenly heard strange sounds and are sure that there is no one at home except you, then, following the direction from where the noise comes from, you may even see a poltergeist. You should not be afraid of this. He cannot do any harm.

Dreams. The ghost can contact you through. If you often see in a dream a place unfamiliar to you or strangers, then it is quite possible that the spirit wants to tell something in this way. If these strange dreams come to very often, try to write down every dream in the morning. Then after a while, re-reading these notes, you will be able to understand what the uninvited guest wants from you.

If a ghost really lives in your house, do not rush to get scared and call for help the entire composition of the "Battle of psychics". It happens that the spirit living in the house does not want to harm you, and, on the contrary, protects you from troubles. In this case, try to establish contact with him and get used to the fact that there is a guest from another world nearby. You should not make attempts to drive out the uninvited tenant on your own; it is better to entrust this difficult task to people who professionally practice magical practices.

22.10.2013 12:04

The whole world can be divided into those who believe in life after death and those who ...

Poltergeist is studied by researchers of mental phenomena and parapsychologists, who arranged for him in the literal sense of the word debriefing. Volumes of observations have been collected about throwing stones or dirt, about the flight of various objects, about glow and unusual visions, about tapping, about some loud screams and even attempts at rape by a poltergeist. Minor pranks like unscrewing a light bulb from a socket and dialing several numbers at the same time are recorded separately.

So much evidence has already accumulated that a group of ufologists finally decided to subject the phenomenon to scientific systematization. The Zhytomyr researcher Sergey Deyneko suggested his own version. According to his version, there are stripes between rams and rams. Depending on their behavior, they fall into three categories: classic, childish, and evil.

The main feature of the classic poltergeist is that it acts in the absence of people who, upon returning home, see overturned furniture and burnt laundry. The classics account for almost 80% of the recorded phenomena. Of course, in this case it is difficult to say what kind of force caused this pogrom. For example, burnt clothes can be explained by childish pranks, and broken windows by neighbors' revenge. A poltergeist usually starts and stops abruptly. It can last from several months to several years, but usually lasts at least a month.

Are there poltergeists attached to people?

Yes, this is a childish poltergeist, which is attached to a person, like a child to a mother. Barabashka, who at one time made a lot of noise in the apartment of Andrievskaya from Kiev, who lived on Saperno-Slobodskaya Street, pursued the family even after fleeing from him, she moved to another city. Quite a lot of such cases are known when a poltergeist moved from place to place, following its victim.

Researchers often note a stable connection of the phenomenon with one of the family members, most often a child or adolescent. This is confirmed by the fact that when such a carrier is absent or asleep, the drum does not manifest itself in anything. When the carrier is in another house, poltergeist phenomena also begin to occur there: ignition, falling and moving objects. A case is described when as soon as a boy (carrier) appeared at the neighbors' house, the table immediately turned over by itself. This selectivity suggests that there are some reasonable forces behind the phenomenon. True, they are not always childishly friendly.

Do you mean evil poltergeists?

Yes, an unpleasant name and phenomenon. They pose a serious danger to humans, often associated with spontaneous combustion of objects. Sometimes completely non-combustible materials burn, even asbestos insulators! Automotive poltergeist also happens. This is a phenomenon known to many drivers when, when the engine is in full working order, something constantly and methodically knocks in the car. The driver, as a rule, does not pay the slightest attention to extraneous tapping and in vain. This methodical knock lulls, and the driver can fall into a hypnotic state, similar to severe overwork. Accidents in this state are not uncommon. Probably, in all three cases we are dealing with three different forces, but what they are, no one will undertake to say for sure now. And the most offensive thing is that we do not know how to deal with them. In addition to holy water and prayers, mankind has not invented anything next to a poltergeist for many years of life.

"Poltergeist" - the disorderly movement of objects, accompanied by strange sounds and destructive consequences in the home, has been known since antiquity. This phenomenon is translated into Russian as "noisy spirit". Folklore attributes the origin of the poltergeist to spirits, brownies and evil sorcerers. However, in our time, the problem of the poltergeist was found scientific approach... From 1995 to the present day, an ambulance service for poltergeists has been operating in Moscow, organized by the L. L. Vasiliev Parapsychology Foundation. It was created for the purpose of scientific study of an unusual phenomenon, as well as to help victims get rid of the devastating consequences of this anomalous phenomenon. I managed to talk with the head of the parapsychology fund and the head of the "emergency poltergeist care service", Dr. med. Andrey LEE.

HOW often does the capital get worried about the poltergeist?

During the period from September 1995 to 2001, the team went on calls about a hundred times. The main "poltergeist activity" fell on the period from 1995 to 1997. At this time, out of 86 calls of the brigade, 22 cases turned out to be just practical jokes, in 30 cases the service faced the manifestation of various kinds of mental disorders among citizens. In 23 cases, natural causes of disturbing people were identified. During this time, 8 fire and 3 motor poltergeists occurred, accompanied by powerful destructive consequences, the reasons for which could not be immediately understood. Therefore, round-the-clock surveillance was deployed: video equipment was installed, as well as equipment that records strange sounds and temperature fluctuations.

How do you manage to see through the staged poltergeist?

We usually install hidden cameras and pretend to move away. It is then that the "playful" and reveal themselves. For example, once the cause of the poltergeist was a little boy who had a fight with his grandmother. He threw pots around the house, smeared his mother’s makeup on the carpet, almost threw a hammer into expensive video equipment. One camera recorded all the pranks of the child. The reason for suspicion appeared immediately when it turned out that the dog was behaving calmly. With a real poltergeist, pets are very worried, and cockroaches disappear altogether. For the false call, the family had to pay 800 rubles a day to the surveillance service. And if we find out that the poltergeist is real, all work is carried out for free. Moreover, we attract additional specialists: physicists, electrophysiologists and others.

What happens during a real poltergeist?

Poltergeists usually begin with strange sounds and movements of objects, and gradually, over several days or weeks, the rampage in the house intensifies. Sounds become louder and sharper, dishes can start flying around the apartment, light bulbs can burst, chandeliers swing, money is pulled out of pockets as if by an invisible hand and scattered around the apartment. Figurines from the shelves fall on people ...

In the absence of people in the room or during their sleep, abnormal phenomena, as a rule, cease; in the evenings, when everyone is at home, the poltergeist intensifies. Moreover, the presence of strangers in the house, both guests and researchers, does not in the least prevent the riot of the "noisy spirit" from continuing. If people, trying to escape from anomalous phenomena, go to a neighboring apartment or temporarily move to relatives, anomalous phenomena most often harass this family or its individual members in their new place of residence. When the victims of the anomaly return home, the poltergeist resumes.

Is the riot of a "noisy spirit" really deadly for people, and there may be no stone unturned from home?

Rumor has it that the devastating consequences of a poltergeist are over-exaggerated. Windows usually do not break in winter. Objects flying at high speed either do not hit people, or roll up without reaching, or stop when they touch the body. Furniture does not fall on a person. And things catch fire only when at least someone in the house is awake and is able to extinguish a fire that has begun. In 1997, in a Moscow apartment on Planetnaya Street, a sofa in the living room suddenly flashed and went out. Then suddenly the windowsill caught fire, the walls in the kitchen and in the hallway decayed to blackness. Everything in the apartment was turned upside down. Mom, grandmother and 10-year-old son panicked: it became unbearable to live in this devastation.

And how did you manage to identify and eliminate the cause of the strange phenomenon?

The spontaneous fires were caused by the son of a woman who called our service. During observation, it was recorded that all poltergeist processes took place in the immediate vicinity of him: two or three meters behind the child's back or in front of the boy's face. As soon as something flared up, the teenager usually ran away to call his mother or grandmother to put out the flaming fire. Our psychologist Tatyana Vorobyova taught the boy special exercises, with the help of which he was able to first transfer a dangerous fire poltergeist (when things light up) into a motor one (when objects just move around the room), and then completely nullify the destructive phenomenon. It turned out that there was a conflict situation in the family. The child was very sensitive to the quarrels of the parents, but could not influence them. And so, unconsciously, he began to burn down the apartment without the help of matches. Before the appearance of the poltergeist, the boy did not differ in supernormal abilities: he did not bent a spoon for show, he did not foresee the future. When the cause of the poltergeist was found, the teenager simply lost his dangerous abilities.

Does anyone manage to deliberately summon a poltergeist?

The poltergeist is characterized by the fact that it is spontaneous telekinesis. True, people who cause poltergeists are able to learn to control their abilities and even use them to heal others. True, very rarely any of the "instigators" of a poltergeist takes possession of their inner "I", and we are trying to teach such people this: for example, the ability to translate macrotelekinesis (the ability to move large objects) into microtelekinesis (the ability by an effort of will to influence the movement of microparticles in the human body, thereby normalizing, for example, metabolism or curing viruses).

A couple of centuries ago, sorcerers or priests were engaged in the expulsion of a poltergeist, which meant a rampage of demons or a brownie. Are they competitors for you today?

Unfortunately, we have no competitors at all, since I doubt that magicians or priests can expel a poltergeist. After all, usually the matter turns out to be in the human head, and not in the rampant of evil spirits. Unconscious collective unconscious processes are the cause of poltergeists. Usually they are controlled by one subject - the cause of the poltergeist. Often these are teenagers from 10 to 15 years old, but there may be adults as well. Poltergeist is born as an unconscious protest to pain, humiliation, reaction to quarrels, conflicts. This phenomenon can occur in conditions of a large concentration of aggressive people (in the army, in prisons). Therefore, our task is not only to eliminate, but also to prevent the appearance of spontaneous telekinesis.

We distribute leaflets with the rules of conduct for poltergeists in power structures, because, first of all, officials, police, workers local authorities the authorities need to know that abnormal phenomena exist. You should not immediately drag people who have a poltergeist in the house to a psychiatric hospital, consider them fraudsters or malicious hooligans. First of all, it is necessary to describe all suspicious and strange phenomena: sounds, facts of movement or ignition of objects, unusual sensations of the victims of a poltergeist. And then call the scientists.

What is the cause of the poltergeist?

Poltergeist is one of the most obscure phenomena in the area.
The word "poltergeist" means "noisy ghost." Ghosts-spirits manifest themselves in the most scandalous way: mystical noises, unpleasant odors furniture moving by itself, inexplicable voices, objects that disappear and appear, uncontrolled levitation of victims ... - all these are signs of what is usually called the manifestation of a poltergeist.

The most common manifestations of a poltergeist: rain from stones, dust and other small objects; throwing and moving objects; loud noises, plaintive groans, mysterious light, visions. Poltergeist keeps pace with technological progress and is able to carry out telephone interference, harm electronics, turn lights and electrical appliances on and off. Sometimes the poltergeist pinches, bites and hits the person to whom it is.

The poltergeist usually appears and stops abruptly. A typical episode of the appearance of a poltergeist can take from several hours to several months, there have even been cases that lasted for many years. Almost always this happens at night in the presence of an “intermediary” - a person who acts as a focus of poltergeist manifestation or as a magnet that attracts him.

In the generally accepted theoretical flow about the phenomenon of poltergeist it is said: as a rule, it is caused by a person living in a house. It is believed that this person can unconsciously manipulate objects in the house through psychokinesis, which is the ability to move objects with energy generated by the brain. This kinetic energy remains unexplained to this day, but scientists are beginning to recognize that it actually exists.

The most famous case of infection

One of the most famous enchanted houses in the world is the priest's house in Borley in the English county of Essex. It was an old manor house, half destroyed. According to local legend, it housed a monastery in the 13th century. One monk and a beautiful young novice were killed when they tried to escape to get married. The monk was hanged, and the novice was immured alive in the monastery walls. For a long time, the ringing of bells and other sounds were heard in this place, as well as objects moving by themselves.

And although the ghosts in the house were disturbing, but they were quite peaceful until October 1930, when the priest, the Reverend Lionel Feister and his wife Marianne, settled in the house. Someone began to lock them in rooms, objects disappeared from the house, glass broke in the windows, furniture moved, etc.

But the worst happened to Mrs. Foister: somehow in the middle of the night an unknown force threw her out of bed, invisible hands slapped her in the face, she was forced to dodge heavy objects that flew at her day and night, and once they even began to strangle her with a mattress. Some time after that, foggy messages, written by an unknown hand, began to appear on the walls of the house. It seems that in these messages someone was begging Mrs. Foister for help.
Researchers believe that the Borley priest's house was a catalyst for paranormal activity. There was something about this place that invited the energy to come in and become something like a collector with which Marianne Feister could somehow communicate.

The Poltergeist Girl Story

1984 in the beginning was no different for the Resh family of Ohio from the rest. But their peace of mind was disturbed because they were involved in. Spouses John and Joanna Resch were famous in those days for their amazing work with foster children. Over the years, the couple has adopted more than 250 homeless problem children. Then the family lived with their son Craig, adopted daughter Tina and four more adopted children.

Suddenly, Tina became the hotbed of a strange series of frightening events. One Saturday morning in March 1984, lights went on throughout the house, although no one had touched the switch. John and Joanna decided that the voltage was too high and called the local electrical company. They were advised to call an electrician, which they did. But the electrician, no matter how hard he tried, could not turn off the light. As soon as one light was turned off, the other immediately turned on.

On the same day, lamps, brass candlesticks and clocks began to fly in the air; wine glasses began to break; the shower itself turned on; eggs flew out of the box, rose up and hit the ceiling; knives flew up, and much more.

Was Tina a medium?

Tina, as you can see, was the center of everything that happened. Many objects hit her. It is important that Tina was the object of activity: family members, neighbors and witnesses who did not know each other claimed to have seen how Tina was hit by flying objects that sometimes flew from other parts of the house.

This fact interested not only curious neighbors and the press. Thus, the parapsychologist William Roll found out about this story and paid a visit to the Resch family. By Monday morning, the house was in chaos and literally dozens of eyewitnesses, including reporters, police, church workers and neighbors, were vying to tell. Roll made sure it was a poltergeist.

Skeptics were not so sure and wisely began to investigate the photos taken by the press. One of the pictures showed a girl who grabbed the lamp from the table by the wire and pulled it towards herself. At the same time, she let out a cry of horror. When Tina was pressed, she admitted that she had set up some of the phenomena. She explained that she was tired of lengthy interviews and was annoyed by the constant attention to herself. Tina expected the press to leave as soon as they reported. For skeptics, this film and confession was positive proof that Tina was a poltergeist from the beginning.

But not everyone shared this point of view. Many never stopped claiming that they were witnesses to a genuine and inexplicable phenomenon. They also noted that the skeptics profitably "forgot" about the information given by the witnesses, who swore that this activity was aimed at Tina, and did not come from her.

What caused this kind of manifestation? The researchers believed it was a case of suppressed anger and anxiety that were looking for a way out. Probably, there were problems in the house related to the fact that Tina, against the will of John and Joanna, recently searched for her biological parents, and best friend Tina broke off friendship with her only two days before these events began to occur. All this energy, from the point of view of experts, concentrated and burst out. How exactly? We may never be able to find out about it.

Poltergeist phenomenon

It should be noted that until the 19th century, Satan, a demon, sorcerers, ghosts were considered the culprit of the poltergeist, and they attributed him to witches. Of all those cases that have been collected since the 18th century, only 7% are witches, and very little - only 2% were attributed to demons. The cases with demons were very similar to possession, and they were similar to the actions of a harmful and evil substance, but very intelligent. According to research conducted by scientists Cornell and Gould, this alleged intelligent substance does not show itself as a demon, so such cases have remained unclear. Most likely, according to the above researchers, the victim of the poltergeist simply believes in the attack of demons, they resort to the help of the ministers of the church, and when the actions of the priests help, this happens purely on a subconscious level.

In the 19th century, the opinion was slightly changed and associations with a special human gift - the gift of a medium, and appeared. The mediums themselves said that they were so. Modern research has led to the emergence of a new point of view on. Since the phenomenon occurs in the presence of a certain person, it was given the name psychokinesis, which manifests itself independently of a person's consciousness and completely involuntarily. They began to believe that strange, uncontrollable processes that were not subject to the control of consciousness were taking place in the psyche of the contactee. They are the reason for the poltergeist ...

There is a good film "My Bride is a Witch". In which a young girl in a stressful state could perform strange actions. With one glance, she could move furniture, throw chairs, move a cup across the table. The phenomena shown in the film could be a good explanation for such an incredible phenomenon as a poltergeist.

Scientists have proven that people in contact with a poltergeist tend to have poor health. They are very nervous, vulnerable, often prone to stress and depression, have increased internal aggression, and psychokinesis occurs involuntarily and uncontrollably from themselves. This is a kind of expression of emotions, a surge of negative energy. A person cannot even imagine what a great power is inherent in him. When the poltergeist calmed down, such people became contented and happy, and they themselves could not explain the reason for such happiness.

There were also cases where contactees turned out to be quite mentally healthy people. Then a version appeared that the phenomenon of a poltergeist is the tricks of dead spirits who do not like being forgotten about them. The souls of the dead for some reason did not calm down, and remained between the two worlds, and thus make themselves felt.

There is another version of the poltergeist - when the poltergeist manifests itself in a state of nervous stress in a person, but psychokinesis is not directly caused by the human state. In this case, there is a projection of the person's personality into a form that resembles. Such a form is completely separated from the physical body of a person, and works on its own. In other words, such a poltergeist is an independent ghost projected by a human.

Spontaneous combustion can also be attributed to poltergeist phenomena. So, the researchers recorded a case when objects ignited in front of a little boy. He was frightened and tried to extinguish them. As it turned out, he himself was the cause of the fires. The boy's parents were constantly in conflict in the family. The child did not like it, and he did not know how to express his protest. The child reacted sensitively to parental quarrels, and when he no longer had the strength to see them, the boy unconsciously began to set fire to objects in the apartment without matches. The parents reconciled, they stopped quarreling, and the child's abilities as an arsonist disappeared.

Quite a lot of such cases are known when a poltergeist moved from place to place, following its victim.

Researchers often note a stable connection of the phenomenon with one of the family members, most often a child or adolescent. This is confirmed by the fact that when such a carrier is absent or asleep, the drum does not manifest itself in anything. When the carrier is in another house, poltergeist phenomena also begin to occur there: ignition, falling and moving objects. A case is described when as soon as a boy (carrier) appeared at the neighbors' house, the table immediately turned over by itself. This selectivity suggests that there are some reasonable forces behind the phenomenon. True, they are not always childishly friendly.

Do you mean evil poltergeists?

Yes, an unpleasant name and phenomenon. They pose a serious danger to humans, often associated with spontaneous combustion of objects. Sometimes completely non-combustible materials burn, even asbestos insulators! Automotive poltergeist also happens. This is a phenomenon known to many drivers when, when the engine is in full working order, something constantly and methodically knocks in the car. The driver, as a rule, does not pay the slightest attention to extraneous tapping and in vain. This methodical knock lulls, and the driver can fall into a hypnotic state, similar to severe overwork. Accidents in this state are not uncommon. Probably, in all three cases we are dealing with three different forces, but what they are, no one will undertake to say for sure now. And the most offensive thing is that we do not know how to deal with them. In addition to holy water and prayers, mankind has not invented anything next to a poltergeist for many years of life.

Poltergeist - the disorderly movement of objects, accompanied by strange sounds and destructive consequences in the home, has been known since antiquity. This phenomenon is translated into Russian as "noisy spirit". Folklore attributes the origin of the poltergeist to spirits, brownies and evil sorcerers. However, in our time, a scientific approach has been found to the poltergeist problem. From 1995 to the present day, an ambulance service for poltergeists has been operating in Moscow, organized by the L. L. Vasiliev Parapsychology Foundation. It was created for the purpose of scientific study of an unusual phenomenon, as well as to help victims get rid of the devastating consequences of this anomalous phenomenon. I managed to talk with the head of the parapsychology fund and the head of the "emergency poltergeist care service", Dr. med. Andrey LEE.

How often does a poltergeist harass the capital?

During the period from September 1995 to 2001, the team went on calls about a hundred times. The main "poltergeist activity" fell on the period from 1995 to 1997. At this time, out of 86 calls of the brigade, 22 cases turned out to be just practical jokes, in 30 cases the service faced the manifestation of various kinds of mental disorders among citizens. In 23 cases, natural causes of disturbing people were identified. During this time, 8 fire and 3 motor poltergeists occurred, accompanied by powerful destructive consequences, the reasons for which could not be immediately understood. Therefore, round-the-clock surveillance was deployed: video equipment was installed, as well as equipment that records strange sounds and temperature fluctuations.

How do you manage to see through the staged poltergeist?

We usually install hidden cameras and pretend to move away. It is then that the "playful" and reveal themselves. For example, once the cause of the poltergeist was a little boy who had a fight with his grandmother. He threw pots around the house, smeared his mother’s makeup on the carpet, almost threw a hammer into expensive video equipment. One camera recorded all the pranks of the child. The reason for suspicion appeared immediately when it turned out that the dog was behaving calmly. With a real poltergeist, pets are very worried, and cockroaches disappear altogether. For the false call, the family had to pay 800 rubles a day to the surveillance service. And if we find out that the poltergeist is real, all work is carried out for free. Moreover, we attract additional specialists: physicists, electrophysiologists and others.

What happens during a real poltergeist?

Poltergeists usually begin with strange sounds and movements of objects, and gradually, over several days or weeks, the rampage in the house intensifies. Sounds become louder and sharper, dishes can start flying around the apartment, light bulbs can burst, chandeliers swing, money is pulled out of pockets as if by an invisible hand and scattered around the apartment. Figurines from the shelves fall on people ...

In the absence of people in the room or during their sleep, abnormal phenomena, as a rule, cease; in the evenings, when everyone is at home, the poltergeist intensifies. Moreover, the presence of strangers in the house, both guests and researchers, does not in the least prevent the riot of the "noisy spirit" from continuing. If people, trying to escape from anomalous phenomena, go to a neighboring apartment or temporarily move to relatives, anomalous phenomena most often harass this family or its individual members in their new place of residence. When the victims of the anomaly return home, the poltergeist resumes.

Is the riot of a "noisy spirit" really deadly for people, and there may be no stone unturned from home?

Rumor has it that the devastating consequences of a poltergeist are over-exaggerated. Windows usually do not break in winter. Objects flying at high speed either do not hit people, or roll up without reaching, or stop when they touch the body. Furniture does not fall on a person. And things catch fire only when at least someone in the house is awake and is able to extinguish a fire that has begun. In 1997, in a Moscow apartment on Planetnaya Street, a sofa in the living room suddenly flashed and went out. Then suddenly the windowsill caught fire, the walls in the kitchen and in the hallway decayed to blackness. Everything in the apartment was turned upside down. Mom, grandmother and 10-year-old son panicked: it became unbearable to live in this devastation.

And how did you manage to identify and eliminate the cause of the strange phenomenon?

The spontaneous fires were caused by the son of a woman who called our service. During observation, it was recorded that all poltergeist processes took place in the immediate vicinity of him: two or three meters behind the child's back or in front of the boy's face. As soon as something flared up, the teenager usually ran away to call his mother or grandmother to put out the flaming fire. Our psychologist Tatyana Vorobyova taught the boy special exercises, with the help of which he was able to first transfer a dangerous fire poltergeist (when things light up) into a motor one (when objects just move around the room), and then completely nullify the destructive phenomenon. It turned out that there was a conflict situation in the family. The child was very sensitive to the quarrels of the parents, but could not influence them. And so, unconsciously, he began to burn down the apartment without the help of matches. Before the appearance of the poltergeist, the boy did not differ in supernormal abilities: he did not bent a spoon for show, he did not foresee the future. When the cause of the poltergeist was found, the teenager simply lost his dangerous abilities.

Does anyone manage to deliberately summon a poltergeist?

The poltergeist is characterized by the fact that it is spontaneous telekinesis. True, people who cause poltergeists are able to learn to control their abilities and even use them to heal others. True, very rarely any of the "instigators" of a poltergeist takes possession of their inner "I", and we are trying to teach such people this: for example, the ability to translate macrotelekinesis (the ability to move large objects) into microtelekinesis (the ability by an effort of will to influence the movement of microparticles in the human body, thereby normalizing, for example, metabolism or curing viruses).

A couple of centuries ago, sorcerers or priests were engaged in the expulsion of a poltergeist, which meant a rampage of demons or a brownie. Are they competitors for you today?

Unfortunately, we have no competitors at all, since I doubt that magicians or priests can expel a poltergeist. After all, usually the matter turns out to be in the human head, and not in the rampant of evil spirits. Unconscious collective unconscious processes are the cause of poltergeists. Usually they are controlled by one subject - the cause of the poltergeist. Often these are teenagers from 10 to 15 years old, but there may be adults as well. Poltergeist is born as an unconscious protest to pain, humiliation, reaction to quarrels, conflicts. This phenomenon can occur in conditions of a large concentration of aggressive people (in the army, in prisons). Therefore, our task is not only to eliminate, but also to prevent the appearance of spontaneous telekinesis.

We distribute leaflets with the rules of conduct for poltergeists in power structures, because, first of all, officials, police, local government officials should know that abnormal phenomena exist. You should not immediately drag people who have a poltergeist in the house to a psychiatric hospital, consider them fraudsters or malicious hooligans. First of all, it is necessary to describe all suspicious and strange phenomena: sounds, facts of movement or ignition of objects, unusual sensations of the victims of a poltergeist. And then call the scientists.

Air on September 22, 2002.
Live broadcast of "Echo of Moscow" Alexander Prokhorov, editor-in-chief of the magazine " lost World", Alexander Semyonov, President of the Association" Ecology of the Unknown ", Andrei Li, President of the Parapsychology Foundation. Vasilyeva.
The presenter of the broadcast is Anton Orekh.

A. WALNUT Good afternoon! Our guests today are Alexander Prokhorov, editor-in-chief of the Lost World magazine, Alexander Semyonov, president of the Ecology of the Unknown Association, Andrei Li, president of the V.I. Vasilyeva. We are talking about poltergeist, rams, etc. Somehow, within the framework of our program, we agreed that we do not propagandize, but we do not deny any phenomena either. That since the society as a whole is talking about ream, about poltergeist and adjoining this phenomenon, it means that we, too, must at some point talk. We planned this program as an educational and reassuring one, so that people would not get into a frenzy, and would not look for little bats. Let's start with a definition, because I think everyone has heard about the poltergeist, and I think that only a few people know what it is, those who do it professionally.
A. SEMENOV A little historical background. Poltergeist, as you said yourself, is not quite the correct name. The term is German, it sounds "poltergeist", which means "noisy spirit". Usually in rooms, houses, some abandoned castles, maybe in residential ones, German naturalists, especially in the 19th century, began to record, collect information about the manifestation of some incomprehensible noises. As if walking on stairs, creaking doors, the appearance of some graffiti on the walls, as a rule, obscene content. Then there appeared, as it were, sections of such a phenomenon as the appearance of water on the walls, on the floor, and vice versa, pyrogenetic phenomena, when everything ignites for no reason, even wet rags. I must say that this list can now be expanded as a whole. However, this is the classic base from which this term came to us, about which specialists should talk and deal, one of whom, and perhaps the most important specialist in Russia at the present time, Andrei Li, who is now sitting here.
A. NUT As far as I know, you are not only a theoretician, but also a practitioner. Those. your fund went to the addresses, and I have your work in my hands, and there specifically, with the exact amount in each case that happened. From practice, what did she show? Those. Barabashki live in every apartment, water pours everywhere, stones light up and all sorts of things happen? Or does this not happen everywhere, and in general, what is happening, for the most part, turns out to be nonsense, or not?
A. LEE Unfortunately, poltergeist as such a physical phenomenon is not such a frequent occurrence. Most often, a poltergeist, and even in Russian conditions, is understood as when all sorts of visual images appear, when someone seems to touch the body, unpleasant sensations arise, and more often the calls go in this plane. People get scared, something unusual happens to them unexpectedly. But when the brigades leave, since September 1995, the Foundation has been operating an ambulance service for poltergeists, when we try to figure out what is happening, it turns out that this is not a physical phenomenon, but some subjective experiences. A poltergeist as a physical phenomenon appears rather rarely. Those. when something spontaneously ignites, moves, collapses, etc. Our statistics says that out of about 150 trips that have been made in 7 years, only in 6 cases can we say that we are dealing with a physical phenomenon. In other cases, these are either artifacts or some painful experiences that are not directly related to physics.
A. NUT Ie rather, it has to do with the specific person with whom it happens.
A. SEMENOV According to world statistics, 80% of poltergeist cases occur in families with teenage boys, mainly during puberty. I would note one more gradation, according to our association, such statistics also passed that in second place, 10%, perhaps, are those families, most often incomplete families, where women have some kind of sexual problems. This is where calls are most often received.
A. WALNUT And how is this explained?
A. PROKHOROV In other words, it is connected with the human psyche.
A. SEMENOV Not really. The fact is that during puberty, a person as a biological object releases some kind of energy, increased, or in women at certain moments of life. Apparently, some physical phenomena that accompany a person as a carrier of this energy can cause some of these cases.
A. LEE It can be said differently. Poltergeist often occurs in families, collectives, where an unfavorable psychological environment that cannot be resolved in a normal human way. Then unusual phenomena begin to manifest. We are talking here about those phenomena that most often manifest themselves in our civil society, but the same situations occur in army collectives, in prisons. There are also such phenomena there. But, unfortunately, we, as a civic organization, do not have access there, less information comes from there. And judging by foreign sources, there are, of course, also a little, and they are studying them, what is happening there.
A. NUT So you talked about statistics i.e. these are the cases when we can already talk not about some kind of jokes, but really
A. LEE No, on the contrary, 80% are rallies, falsifications. And somewhere else, you have to look, maybe there really is the desired phenomenon.
A. NUT You say in your work that it is impossible to rely on a description, that there should always be a video confirmation of the phenomenon. Those. only in this case we can conduct some kind of scientific analysis, somehow consider this phenomenon. Those. it is still impossible to judge this phenomenon from hearsay.
A. LEE In the literary description, judging by our press, there is a huge number of poltergeists. But when you start to figure it out, it turns out that the observers overlooked a lot. So skillfully, deception and falsification often occur. And outwardly it seems to fall under the classical description, but in fact, when you put the camera and see how they do it, it turns out that this simply does not exist. This is very sobering, to be honest. There are many research groups in Russia, if just descriptions come, without confirmation by video surveillance, are not accepted for consideration.
A. PROKHOROV I just wanted to mention the famous Jones Randall Foundation, an American foundation, where this foundation promises $ 1.5 million for a miracle. Miracle implies the movement of things over a distance, hypnotic ability. There were a lot of precedents there, but no one in the presence of the commission was able to show their abilities in any way.
A. SEMENOV This is just a way of fixing some of our interesting people, that's all.
A. NUT Well, here's something from your practice. And in general, how is video surveillance organized in the apartment? Because, on the one hand, there must be the consent of these people, and then the one, if someone arranges jokes on this territory, he also knows that he is being watched. How does it all technically happen?
A. LEE It happens like this. A team arrives, brings equipment, this is a common burglar alarm and video surveillance system. They are installed indoors so that the entire apartment where the phenomena occur is under the supervision of cameras.
A. NUT So, excuse me, including the toilet?
A. LEE Well, we leave the toilet.
A. WALNUT Maybe the main poltergeist is unfolding there!
A. LEE If we put the toilet in the toilet! Science requires sacrifice. Well, when the whole apartment is under surveillance, the toilet also does not happen after all. And the brigade sits down, it is either directly in this apartment, or we are remotely observing, and everything that happens is written. And a poltergeist, if he goes very intensively, several cases of fire a day, he willy-nilly will be recorded on videotape. Our technique is also sensitive to the infrared part of the spectrum. And then we are already looking at how this happens. Who was there, what he was doing, where his hands were, how it happened. If it ignites, but nothing like that, manipulations with the fire were made, then the research group is strengthened, methods are added that look at electromagnetic fields, magnetometry, thermometry, radiometry, this is the study of the electromagnetic radiation of a room, and we are just trying to visualize the air currents that arise indoors, spray suspended particles, sols there. The simplest example of smoke from cigarettes, years, is duman water in England. If there are any temperature differences, movement, movement of air masses, it is well recorded by video cameras. And then we say yes, there is a phenomenon, or not, it is not.
A. WALNUT But we realized that this is extremely rare, in isolated cases.
A. LEE Yes, once a year.
A. NUT And I would very much like to hear an example. When, despite all your tricks, you still did not catch anyone by the hand.
A. SEMENOV Yes, an example that should demonstrate this is what. Andrei Li, with his team, his organizational efforts, formed a very correct climate around the study of poltergeist in Moscow and the near Moscow region. The fact is that 20 years ago, in 1982, one of the first poltergeists was observed in Moscow. In a dysfunctional family, where there was a boy of 14 years old, dad drank bitter and that's it. None of this happened. Naturally, they turned to the police, to the doctors, and it ended in failure. The true reasons for the occurrence of a number of phenomena were simply overlooked, not investigated by anyone, and the 14-year-old boy was taken to a real psychiatric hospital, where for this young man there was such a shock, this is still not a fun institution. And apparently, the family suffered further. And now Andrei and his colleagues have built the business in such a way that, firstly, it does not appear on the pages of the press.
A. NUT Ie do you not publicize these cases?
A. SEMENOV Well, let's say, very neat. People don't suffer. If he recorded one case a year, then it appears on the pages of academic publications, etc. This is a correct, calm, balanced position. As for specific cases
A. LEE How it burns and burns it is necessary to watch the film, how it happens. I can say that there is an opinion that a fire poltergeist can occur in apartments, when a person is not present, at great distances, in another room. It turned out during research that this is not all. All these phenomena occur near the carrier of the poltergeist, several tens of centimeters, meters. Those. what we accept is that it seems to arise without, in another room, as it were, no, in fact, a fire source arises, it takes some time for the flame to appear open, which is then fixed. During this time, some movements in the apartment occur, it seems that they arose as if by itself. No, not by itself, it always appears next to the wearer. A poltergeist never happens when a person is asleep. And then you just have to watch how it's done. This is all very commonplace, unlike, say, rocketry, the engines are noisy, everything takes off, shoots, everything here is quiet, not so spectacular, not flashy. But the phenomena in their significance for science, I think, are extremely important. Why, how, at a distance of several centimeters, is it possible to transfer a sufficiently large energy to the one that ignites? Where is it from, how? And although the phenomena were recorded, fire poltergeists, and the movement of objects, however consensus there is no information about the mechanisms of this phenomenon. Why do we not go to the pages of the open press, we do not direct criticism? We do this on purpose, although in most cases this is a joke, falsification, something else, we do not want to alarm people so that they do not have the impression that since you have a poltergeist, then you are crazy, you have a headache, you need to go to a psychiatric hospital. So that people are not afraid of those unusual phenomena that arise in their apartment. We are extremely interested in it as a physical phenomenon. If this is a falsification, we silently show where we have arrived, what is happening, and this is where it ends. If it is really a phenomenon, we study it in academic organizations. After all, the parapsychology fund exists as a buffer organization. If everyone who was observed turned to academic organizations, their work would be disorganized.
A. WALNUT In general, as an intermediary.
A. LEE Exactly, buffer. Here we have really and mentally ill people, people who are carried away, different. We filter through them what is of interest
A. PROKHOROV I would like to wish that today's program does not lead to a new collapse of calls and calls!
A. SEMENOV Yes, let it be, it's okay!
A. PROKHOROV You say that everything is recorded on tape. Don't you think that David Copperfield, there, too, everything is recorded on film, and the same miracles happen?
A. LEE Maybe. We do not exclude it, but we show it to experts. Everything is clean so far, let's just say. We have these results on poltergeists, unfortunately, a motor poltergeist, when voluntary movement occurs, when they fly, hit, we were interested in the beginning, how they start to move, so we have not been able to record the beginning of the movement for all these years. And the fire ones, yes. And we have reported these results with video frames, with our critical approaches, these are evaluative approaches, among the operating organizations that control anomalous phenomena, the Americans have such a conference called "Sycop". The results were shown, seemingly obvious such criticism, they expressed criticism, but we withstood, i.e. they deserve some kind of trust.
A. NUT Ie have you caught blatant professional blunders?
A. LEE Yes. And there are always magicians in such commissions who say, he put his hand in, did something, you need to pay attention to it. No, it seems like this is not.
A. SEMENOV There is one more area of ​​criticism, which seems to me to be indiscriminate, all attempts to investigate this phenomenon and other anomalous phenomena are produced by religious circles.
A. NUT We have a few questions about what the church thinks and so on.
A. SEMENOV The Church, of course, has a negative attitude towards this, that it is from the evil one, manifestations of demonic things. In general, there may be a dispute about a certain terminology. What is considered a parallel world, demonic obsession or aliens? This is not the point. The point is how to investigate the physical nature of this phenomenon.
A. LEE I just disagree with you here. The church really, historically, it so happened that when unusual phenomena arose, historically the church was engaged in this. Well, that is church, everything in black and white, everything that was incomprehensible was attributed ...
A. WALNUT Divine or Satanic.
A. LEE Yes. Well, what can I say, Russian Orthodox Church still considers electricity a manifestation of demonic powers, yes, the 21st century is in our yard. Here is a little different. When the church gives such an assessment, it immediately kind of creates a negative negative attitude. Demon means bad. And people begin to be afraid, to think that something is wrong with them, they are to blame, and this further worsens the climate around them. This should not be, people should not be afraid of those unusual phenomena that occur. Neither the demon nor the devil has anything to do with it, it is a physical phenomenon that manifests itself in such a specific way in biological objects. And we must not be afraid, but pay attention to this, this is like a gift from God, to use the same terminology. Some people pay money, here the American fund was brought in to be shown to them, but here they have it spontaneously. It is necessary to turn to specialists who would see what it is, and then it is desirable to teach these people to manage their abilities so that this phenomenon can be reproducibly obtained in laboratory conditions. If there is an element of reproducibility, we can study it scientifically. And the church here hurts us more. People go to church more often because it's easier. And we come to the apartments, where everything is furnished with crosses, pieces of paper, but it still burns. You have the Bible on you, the Gospel, keep in front of you there will be no fire, the Bible is on fire! Here, devil. This is not a demon, it is a physical phenomenon. We need to figure out why it happens.
A. NUT We will continue after the news.
A. WALNUT We continue. It is clear that this is a physical phenomenon, but it does not come from the air, but is nevertheless associated with a specific person. Those. every time it happens close
A. LEE Meters, yes.
A. NUT Ie not in the next house, he lit something. And I was also interested in this every time it happens in the presence of someone, i.e. it can’t be that I went to work, I’m coming back, did it all burn out?
A. SEMENOV No, if you, the carrier, went to work, then no.
A. NUT Ie an indispensable condition for the presence of the carrier. And every time this happens when a person is awake?
A. WALNUT And as I understand it, a poltergeist, for all its visually impressive spectacle, is it safe enough? Can it do a lot of damage to a person?
A. LI No fatalities, but no security. Especially the fire poltergeist, why are they so detailed. What if a fire poltergeist is launched, the fires are not extinguished in time, the apartment actually burns out completely, people become beggars. Here is a vivid example of a poltergeist in Kolomna that happened some time ago, when a 3-room apartment on the 9th floor of a 12-storey building was completely burnt out. The same thing happens in Moscow apartments. This is not a completely harmless phenomenon. This was the twofold task of the ambulance service, on the one hand, to establish that the phenomenon exists in reality as such, and on the other hand, try to get rid of it. And with fire poltergeists, this is especially true. And the way to get rid of it is to transfer the fire poltergeist into a motor form, which is safer when objects are moving. And then, as a rule, within 2-3 weeks the fire stops, light objects begin to move, and after a while this also stops, the poltergeist, the anomalous phenomenon disappears.
A. WALNUT But if the nature of this phenomenon has not yet been fully studied, then how can you translate, make the sofa not burn, but move the pots?
A. SEMENOV The method is very simple. The one who is the carrier of the poltergeist has other tasks. For example, a propeller is set and the task is set once an hour, you must try to turn this propeller for 5 minutes. First, he sits, tries to turn, the spinner does not rotate, the fire continues, then after a while the spinner starts spinning, and the frequency of fires decreases. Some time pass, the turntable rotates, there is no fire.
A. PROKHOROV Psychic energy is being redistributed, relatively speaking.
A. LEE Yes. Of all the cases, we managed, well, it happened, nature is a little incomprehensible, that the phenomenon was reproducible only in 1 person. Of 6 cases, 1 retained this ability to control their processes in the laboratory. In other cases, the motor poltergeist also gradually dies down. And as experience shows, again, where it was, these phenomena do not arise.
A. WALNUT Is this all over 7 years?
A. LEE Yes, since 1995.
A. SEMENOV I would like to add whether it is dangerous. Andrey said how dangerous it is from the point of view of a true, physical poltergeist, and I can give an example that shows the danger of stirring up a stir around this case. A case investigated by representatives of the Zigil group 15-20 years ago. In one house where a mother and son lived, an imprint appeared in the kitchen, as it were, burned, some geometric pattern, on the kitchen table. And the son argued, and the mother was so nervous that something was also making noise, walking, clinking dishes, etc. In general, when studying this case, I omit all the details, it turned out that their relationship developed like this, he began to grow up and found a girl for himself, his mother loved him madly, became terribly jealous of him that his son did it on purpose. He put the heating pad on the table, and it kind of caused a burn. This affected the mother in a terrible way, there was not a scandal between them, but such a shock. And the son took the gun off the wall and shot himself.
A. LEE Well, it's still a relationship to poltergeists
A. SEMENOV Well, the topic of the poltergeist was presented in the form, you know. This, God forbid, I would not want. In general, I would like to wish that people who have been exposed to this, or believed that they have been, would turn only to specialists. Or to the doctors. You would behave yourself with dignity. To prevent panic from happening at all.
A. Lee To the doctors, perhaps, at first is not worth it. Because the doctor, seeing such unusual things, will immediately say that something is wrong with your head.
A. WALNUT And maybe he will say it right!
A. SEMENOV I am interested in doctors here, I can give another example. It is associated with the study of UFOs. In the Moscow Regional Research Institute in Monica, clinical, worked and is working as the head. Department of Ophthalmology A.A. Ryabtseva A long time ago she came across 9 patients who observed UFOs and whose eyesight was damaged. It was near Moscow, where some kind of nuclear laser center was being built, and near it, as it were, a UFO. Therefore, this information was not particularly disseminated. So, throughout all these past years, she constantly monitored their vision, treated them. And I came to an unambiguous conclusion: it does not matter for what reason a person as a result of observing some abnormal phenomenon, well, some kind of health change has occurred, in this case, it does not matter with the eyes, the doctor is obliged to treat such people, regardless of the fact that they say. And what they saw.
A. WALNUT But has your eyesight really deteriorated?
A. SEMENOV Yes, it has worsened and must be treated. And at first, no one even simply took them into consideration, well, the plate, of course, is bullshit.
A. LEE When it comes to poltergeists, it is a little more complicated, because most often in the medical environment such a phenomenon is interpreted as a mental disorder, especially in old age. Indeed, often people experience a deception of perception, which requires medication forms of treatment, this clearly did not lie close to what we are talking about. , an incomprehensible phenomenon is a client of a mental hospital. Because then people will stop turning, and these phenomena will remain unexplored. And the consequences of what happens in families will not be sorted out.
A. NUT As far as I understand, this excitement has 2 public consequences. The first is to put a person in a madhouse as a dangerous client, and the second person can be in the center of all the attention of others. Those. he was an ordinary man in the street, a housemate, and suddenly he had a darling. He becomes popular, attracts attention. And if journalists come, and even show it on TV, then, of course, you need to feed and stimulate this little drum so that it continues to move, explode, set fire to, because otherwise the person will again become an ordinary resident.
A. SEMENOV Both are bad. For science, this is all lost.
A. LEE That is why this situation is difficult. Why is the program not called "Look both ways"? The situation is difficult, it is necessary to approach critically, not to draw any harsh conclusions right away.
A. WALNUT We live in a noisy city, there are noises around us, how, at what moment should a person become interested in such sounds? How can this be classified in order to understand that something may be wrong in his apartment? Here are all sorts of knocks, water and so on?
A. LEE Usually they turn when the phenomena occurring around a person begin to scare him and interfere with his life. A person tries to figure out what it is, to analyze, does not find a normal explanation, and then mystical explanations begin.
A. SEMENOV And if he still talks to the wrong person, well, then then
A. LEE It starts with the fact that a person turns, that something does not suit him, he feels bad. And then the departure and the proceedings are already underway. And about the sounds, I want to give an example. Near the Savelovsky railway station there is an old building, where there are 2 arches, almost 1.5 floors. There is an overpass, opposite the Savelovsky railway station, and this house is on this side. And there are several complaints from this house that something is wrong. Vibrations, shelves falling, some kind of visions, etc. We arrived at this house, talked with the family that called, with all the neighbors, it seems that something is also wrong. We thought the metro, these vibrations. But it turned out that these 2 arches are huge, with a temperature difference on the street, where there is asphalt, and in the yard, large air flows are blown through them. They created low-frequency vibrations in the building. Low-frequency vibrations are perceived by people as an alarming state that people cannot explain. Plus something else is falling, shaking, beating. And in general, such a rather rational reason was found out. Another thing is how to help these people? We cannot lay the arches, we cannot relocate them. We give an explanation
A. SEMENOV Well, the explanation is reassuring.
A. LEE Yes, people understand what the matter is, they cease to worry about this problem. One way to solve. Although there were clearly applications for a motor poltergeist, destruction, movement, vibration, falling.
A. NUT And to what extent does such an ancient thing as ghosts adjoin the poltergeist problem?
A. LEE Closely adjoins! Because visual images appear most often. The situation here is complicated. In the overwhelming majority of cases, this is still a deception of perception, to put it more harshly - these are hallucinatory experiences. This person sees, his neighbor does not see, the simplest option. And most often elderly people complain about this.
A. PROKHOROV You also need to see a doctor.
A. LEE There, yes. Sometimes they even call by phone, from what they say, in terms of duration, usually it bothers a person for several years, it grows, we even advise you to consult a doctor by phone. They, as a rule, have a negative attitude and consider. You see, it is their element of life that becomes, they communicate with it, talk.
A. WALNUT But for a person psychologically it is also difficult, when he sees something, it is already really as an element of his reality, he calls you, and you tell him well, go to the doctor. He understands that he is perceived as not quite healthy.
A. SEMENOV In similar cases, these are ghosts or psychotronic influences of the military, this is often very often called. The advice from us, from our association, most often happens like this: to change the focus of attention to something.
A. LEE No, well, we recommend that when our doctors travel, I am a psychiatrist myself, we recommend taking certain medications, but as a rule, people do not follow such prescriptions and believe that they have. And since we come voluntarily, we cannot break into the apartment, we give recommendations, and then how it goes. Those. we do not deceive them, we do not say that a demon has possessed you, that most likely it is, try this, the simplest remedy. If they try, it goes away, thank God, if not, we can't do anything here.
A. SEMENOV Unfortunately, in scientific environment Until now, there is a big dispute, even not in the scientific community, in the state environment, to which department the study of such things, anomalies, relatively speaking, control, etc. should belong. This is the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, this is still an open question.
A. OREKH Elena sent a message to the pager. She asks if the sources of some inexplicable sounds in the apartment are being recorded and studied? Those. I understood that you are filming. And how, if we are talking about sounds?
A. LEE The simplest way is a tape recorder, which you put next to the sound source and write what is happening. The simplest example. The walls of our houses are layered, empty spaces appear, dust accumulates on the cobweb, and after a while the air currents swing these stones, they knock on the walls, people listen, it comes to ridiculous start to talk with this knock, where did they go from, knock is yes , no, etc. And all this is perfectly written. If we distribute the frequency of distribution of blows over time, a normal Gaussian curve is constructed, which characterizes the normal law. These are completely random sounds. However, their nature is like this. Moreover, the technique for fixing the sound both in the audible region and at high frequencies and low frequencies, it is developed, there is nothing like that here. And before you get scared and believe that a demon has come to you or aliens, put the most ordinary tape recorder.
A. WALNUT And how long do you have these observations? How long does it take to measure in an apartment in order to understand what is happening in it?
A. LEE Differently. We had cases when we closed a case in 3 hours, and there was a case with a fire poltergeist on Komsomolsky Prospekt, when we sat for 3 weeks continuously, recorded, watched what was happening.
A. NUT And about the conversion of combustion energy into the energy of motion. At the same time, you said that you did not manage to fix the moment of the beginning of the movement.
A. LEE Yes, we did not succeed with motor poltergeists. Therefore, we believe that the literary reports that exist about motor poltergeists are probably still greatly exaggerated. Objects most often fly out from behind the observer's back. Motor poltergeist, we also had applications, we actually always saw that a person was throwing.
A. NUT Ie falsification?
A. LEE Yes. Those. it was not a twilight clouding of consciousness, no, it was not altered, it can also be seen on the video camera. In a normal, clear state of consciousness, a person performed certain actions, looking out so that no one could see, and performed them. And this was perceived by the observed as a chaotic poltergeist. Based on this, we conclude that the motor poltergeist is an even rarer phenomenon, oddly enough, than the fire one. The most common is the firing one. Then there is water, when water appears, and then, already not fixed by us, in our practice there is, apparently, motor.
A. NUT I'm just trying to understand. You say that it sublimates combustion into movement, but in what way, if it transfers energy from fire into movement, and it is not possible to fix this movement?
A. SEMENOV No, Andrey was talking about a turntable
A. LEE Spinner succeeds, it is just completely filmed. I'll give you the tape, see how it's done. No, no, it is recorded. And where it is reproducible.
A. NUT And yet, how great is the localization of this phenomenon within the apartment? Those. if all of a sudden it happened, does it happen in some specific place, or can it be in the whole apartment, or are there some safe places?
A. SEMENOV Throughout. Safe places.
A. PROKHOROV Honestly, the presenter has so many questions, not to mention what is on the pager, etc., that I would like to say here that the issues of studying the anomalous have been considered for a long time at the Digil readings. There will be readings on November 24 at the Moskvich cultural center. So if anyone is interested in these issues, Andrey Li will speak there, please come.
A. OREKH Here Olga asks Andrey for a phone number, says that a consultation is needed, and Tatiana writes that sometimes she can switch TV without a remote control, and where she can go.
A. LEE There is such a thing, yes. One form of poltergeist is the spontaneous actuation of a switch. Maybe you need to look, figure it out.
A. OREKH Olga, Tatiana, send your contact numbers to the pager so that Andrey Li can contact you.
A. PROKHOROV Or call the TV repair shop to see what's on the TV.
A. WALNUT No, but that is. can there really be such a phenomenon as spontaneous switching, switching on?
A. LEE Yes, especially now when there are infrared sensors, yes, it is possible. And now the so-called boom among Americans is going on. modem poltergeists, when they study cases of spontaneous operation of faxes, modems, computers. Previously, everything was on semiconductors, now there are charge-coupled conductors. And there it is possible, through a change in some characteristics of a device, a semiconductor, to influence the operation of computing facilities and technical means of registration. That is why, when telekinesis is studied, both in our country and abroad, when studying the phenomenon, they use several parallel registration channels operating on different physical principles. For example, a change in the electromagnetic field and optical components. And it is considered fixed when an effect is recorded in several parallel channels.
A. WALNUT Hope says you still do not explain what is happening in ancient castles, who is the source of energy there?
A. SEMENOV The source of energy is business!
A. PROKHOROV They hit him right on the quick. Of course, tourists are attracted by the same Loch Ness monsters and others. This is a simple explanation of the question, the most logical one.
A. LEE We even had an experience with the British. We offered them our techniques to use to register their ghosts, and they refused. Water, fogs, especially in Scotland, in the north are actually the same suspended water droplets that make visible the change in air currents. And at different temperature drops, air movements begin. If a person is tuned in a certain way, having previously told what happened in this castle, murders, secrets, then people often see. But from scientific research with the standard system burglar alarm they refuse because, as I interpret it, this is a kind of business. Because if this is not the case, the place loses its attractiveness. As soon as this kind of anomalous phenomenon occurs, they immediately appear there. Crop circles a lot of tourists. No business circles closed.
A. WALNUT There are many messages asking how you can be contacted, especially since you have an "ambulance".
A. LEE Phone 470-86-02. He is also a fax.
A. PROKHOROV And the ability of a person to see through a wall or at long distances can be attributed to a poltergeist? Or if a person foresees something that will happen during the day?
A. LEE No, this refers to another group of anomalous phenomena called clairvoyance, or scientific proscopy.
A. PROKHOROV Today we touched upon something that can be recorded, touched, filmed
A. LEE Write it down, see it. Such phenomena also exist, they are studied in a slightly different area.
A. NUT But apparently, telekinesis adjoins the poltergeist at some end, because as I understand it, it's just a kind?
A. LEE It's just that a poltergeist is considered a spontaneous telekinesis, and when telekinesis is demonstrated by an operator, we control it, as it were.
A. NUT As I understand it, you studied this problem as well. Is it so or not?
A. LEE Yes, we started with telekinesis, our task was to get it reproducibly in laboratory conditions, and then, from telekinesis in laboratory conditions, we moved on to studying in natural, to poltergeists. This was part of our program. Poltergeist is like a manifestation of energy. It can happen like an explosion, like an atomic bomb explodes, nuclear reactions are going on, or a nuclear power plant can generate current. Here is a poltergeist bomb explosion, not controlled, a mass of destruction, adverse consequences for humans. But at the same time, when translating, controlling the state of consciousness of a person, one can use this for his benefit, for the development of his some abilities, which he does not even suspect. Therefore, I once again urge the listeners not to be afraid of these phenomena, not to consider them a manifestation of demonic forces, aliens or some kind of punishment.
A. WALNUT Or your own madness.
A. LEE Yes. What to pay attention to, maybe this is a gift of God, because this is a very rare phenomenon, it is in demand by science, both here and abroad. Americans have a special program to isolate and search for this kind of phenomena. Americans and Japanese. And if there is, of course, and it is necessary not to bury, but to disclose and use for good purposes.
A. SEMENOV And at the same time, do not engage in falsification in any way.
A. WALNUT They will come and expose! Thank you! Our guests were Alexander Prokhorov, editor-in-chief of the Lost World magazine, Alexander Semyonov, president of the Ecology of the Unknown Association, Andrei Li, president of the V.I. Vasilyeva.