
Chernorechensky canyon card. Chernorechensky - the longest canyon of the Peninsula Crimea

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Chernorechensky Canyon - the longest canyon of Crimea. This is a deep and narrow black river gorge. The length of the canyon is 12 kilometers. The route starts from the Baidar Valley and ends in the village of Chernorec. In the rainy season, walking in the Cornorechensky canyon dangerous.

In 1947, the Chernorechensky Canyon recognized the nature monument of local importance. In 30 years he became a state reserve.

If you judge the name, then the black river should be black. However, it can be blue, and green, and jade, and turquoise. It is believed that it was called it after the joining of the Crimea to Russia in the 18th century. Prior to that, she wore name Chorgun. But the Russian was difficult to pronounce this word, so they renamed it into the Black River.

Routes of Chernorechensky Canyon

The campaign in the Crimean Canyon can be carried out both in one day and in two days. In the second case, it is worth choosing a comfortable place to sleep. If you go to the route for one day, the walk will take at least 8 hours. The route is complex, from the Baidar Valley to the exit to the village of Frost, it goes on the rocks, then at the bottom of the river. Then goes from the left shore to the right. Rod to cross the black river. The current is strong, so you need to go carefully and with a stick as an additional stop.

Those who want to look at the Black Canyon, but not ready for difficulties, you can take a walk from the village of Monnorshechye and go to the village of Frost. This is a simple way along the dirt road next to the river.

How to get

To get to the Chernechchensky Canyon in Crimea is most conveniently in public transport from Sevastopol. From the stop "5 kilometer" walks the minibus to the village of Ozernoye. It is necessary to go out on the track before turning to the village so that you do not have to return. The pedestrian route begins in front of the bridge through a black river. First goes on the left bank, then right. Ends in Monnorechye, from where you can get to Sevastopol or balaclava.

The Chernorechensky Canyon, according to those who visited him, is one of the most beautiful places in Crimea. By analogy with a large canyon, he is called the Small Canyon of Crimea, although it is many times longer than a large canyon. Some idea of \u200b\u200bthe black river canyon gives the following photo.

Before talking about the canyon, it makes sense to briefly describe the black river itself, which for many millennia struck in the thicker of the inner ridge of the Crimean Mountains this intricate channel, through which the water of mountain spring reaches the sea.

It is believed that the onset of black river is a skest source located near the river bed of Uzundzhi a little higher than the village of Spring. Water in the direction comes from under the stones. Starting from this place, Uzundja from an independent river turns into a black river inflow, which soon flows into the reservoir.

From the reservoir, the black river comes out full and flows across the Baidar valley until several kilometers enter the canyon. Black river ends in Inkerman, where it flows into the Sevastopol bay. Black River Length 41 kilometer. Of these, 12 kilometers it goes along the winding cramps of the canyon, squeezed by cliffs a few hundred meters high. This canyon begins at the rock with the name of the red stone and ends in the village of Chernorec.

Black River - the main water supplier in the reservoir, located in the center of the Baidar Valley. That is why the reservoir is called Chernorechensky. Water from this reservoir is used for the needs of Sevastopol.

For many centuries, the black river changed a lot of titles. Among them: Akerman, Kyzykli-Uzny, Bick-Uzny, Cher-Su, Chergun, etc. It is believed that the modern name "black" appeared as a result of the adaptation of Tatar "Crygun". This is not the worst adaptation option. For example, Kara-Sous River in the Belogorsk area "Crighted" in Crasevka.

After these explanations of the general nature, we turn to the consideration of the route itself. His description will be especially useful for those who pass the canyon for the first time, since in some places the trails are read very badly, and sometimes for some time they disappear at all.

You can pass the canyon on the left or right bank of the river (here and then all the directions are given orographically, that is, in the assumption that you are deployed by the face towards the flow of the river, lowering the canyon, ravine, etc.). A trip to the beautiful deciduous forest of the left bank seems to me much more interesting, so this particular version of the canyon is considered here.

The route starts from the bridge over a black river, which can be reached by the Sevastopol-advanced bus, coming from the bus station on the 5th kilometer. This bus makes a ring route at the Baidar Valley. Bridge over a black river he drives on a plot between the villages advanced and lake. The driver must be asked to stop the bus immediately behind the bridge. On the map below, this bridge is applied by a dotted circle.

50 meters from the bridge where the most hopping path in the black river canyon begins, a shield with a warning is installed that this sanitary zone and passage is prohibited. I do not encourage anyone to break the prohibitions, but I want to note that the route in the Chernorecian canyon is very popular with tourists, and near the village of Frost, it is even marked.

The first 20 minutes we will go on a magnificent trail. For all the time, only one is not very holing branch to the left, which must be ignored. On the right on this section of the river presses to the steep slope of the red stone (see the photo below).

After the first 20 minutes, we approach the fork: one trail goes lower, and the second turns to the left and rises up on the rock. We need to climb the rock and continue the way.

After a 5-minute walk along the excellent trail, we approach a flat rock, tilted toward the river and ending in the course of our movement by a half-one-step ledge (see photo below). The ledge is low and you can climb, but there is no need for it. It's easier to bypass it on the right, as shown in the photo of the arrow.

Soon, our trail will merge with the one that fans tattured to climb the ledges. And there will be a fork: one trail will go up, and the second down. It is necessary to go in the next day, where again you should choose the path going up. After a small lift, this trail will go to the descent and will bring us to a large glade near the water.

The next 15-20 minutes of the path could be called "loop with the river." In this section, the trail repeats the bends of the bed, but it does not have a development and everything is good everywhere. This segment ends with an overview site.

After watching and making photos, minutes for 3 let's go down from the sightseeing site to the beginning of the "chaos" - so I would call the disorderly journey of large stone blocks. Here we are waiting for the test. Initially, the distinguishable path (if it can be called it) traverses the slope, that is, it goes without loss and a set of height. Having moved from the boulder on the block, try not to lose this "path". Meters through 40 weak traces will behave on the rise, after which the traverse will continue, but already at greater height (here the "trail" is even less distinguishable). After 10 minutes of crawling on "chaos", the stone jungle will end, and the trail comes on the descent well.

Soon there will be a split path with the subsequent merger of the resulting trail. In my opinion, preferably the upper trail. A more couple of minutes, and we will go down on a beautiful glade near the water.

The path from the glade goes up and immediately leads to a fork: one trail continues the rise, and the second turns to the right and goes with a slight rise parallel to the river bed. We will go to the right and after 10 minutes it will be completed in a low wall. You don't need to climb on this wall, on the right there is a trading path (photo below).

The reason for such a changing canyon becomes clear if you look at the map, which is at the beginning of the description of this route, and on the right bank of the river. And on the map, and in nature it is clearly seen that the river is limited to the rocks of the Karshi-Kai Ridge (the rock, lying on the contrary), and on the left pressing the Biyuk-Tyuz mountain (big mountain with a flat vertex), forcing travelers to climb everything higher and higher Its slope. We go over the main cramped canyon - "gates". Especially good is visible on the following photo A.V. Sapozhnikova made from the right side of the canyon.

The photos of the blue line depicts the river, and the Red - our trail. Unfortunately, in this angle is not visible, where the foamed stream of the river rushes with a dizzying speed. It is necessary to see with your own eyes, spectacular spectacle.

In the end, the rise will end, and we will go to a small platform with traces of Bivuaka. From this site, trails go to the river, and one trail turns to the left and goes without substantial loss of height. This is our trail. Almost immediately from our trail, a trail comes upwards. It must be ignored and continue the end of the slope.

After 10 minutes there will be a fork: one trail will go up, and the second (labeled blue paint on the tree) - down. Despite the labeling, in this case it is better to go up. A certain benchmark for this place is white sweels, "adorning" the opposite side of the canyon (in the photo below they are circled around).

After 15 minutes, the situation will repeat - we will come to the fork of the trail (up and down), where the driving path is marked with blue paint. Here you need to stop and think about the further route, because this is the place where, as in a famous fairy tale, "go to the right - ..., go to the left - ...".

Rotate down means continuing the path along the canyon for about 3 runs (before this development we walked about 1.5 hours), and the turn up means exit from the canyon. To pass the canyon from the builder and climb the cold, it will take about 3.5 run hours, and, turning up, you can come to the cold for 1 hour. But it's not just time. The main thing is that the further passage of the canyon can be problematic for people who have been afraid of height. There will be no extreme in the canyon, but in some places it will have to climb on the ropes and pass along the paths over the steep slopes. For a normally physically trained person without phobias, it does not represent difficulties, and the beauty of this part of Canyon Storice will reward for the efforts spent.

So, we make the choice of further path. And so that in both cases you have had the necessary information, the description below describes both of these options.

One of the most picturesque and extended canyons in the Crimea is located between the village of Monnorechye and the Baidar Valley near the cities of Sevastopol and Balaclava. Its title, he, of course, is obliged to river a black, taking place in the Baidar valley and flowing into the Black Sea. Despite its name the river has a very pleasant emerald shade.

The Black River has a large strategic importance - it is an important source of fresh water in the region. It is no coincidence during the Crimean War, the British tried to capture the mouth of the river, in order to provide fresh water with their troops, precipitated Sevastopol.

Water element has both destructive and creative power. Water is an excellent artist and sculptor and the Cornorechensky Canyon is the result of her creation. With the erosion of the elements of the limestone breed, high rocks were obtained comparable to the Darialya Gorge of the Terek River. If you like nature, you are not afraid of extreme sensations and strive for something unusual, then the passage is one of the Canyon routes - just what you need. You can implement it on your own, as you can get into the canyon almost freely, but the path can be difficult and exhausting. Without good physical shape and endurance it is difficult to implement. In addition, there are also dangerous sites, therefore, perhaps the best option will be involved in the excursion or organized by professionals.

Routes to Chernorechensky Canyon

The length of the canyon is about 16 km and you can get into it from several points. The most interesting and full route runs away from the village of Monnorshechye to the Kizil-Kaya Mountains of the Baidar Valley, pointers are installed on the way. On the map of the Chernorechensky Canyon, several intermediate points are distinguished - the village of native and the village of Frost, which can be used to move from the path in case of fatigue or other circumstances.

The most amazing and beautiful in the canyon, of course, nature. On the way to tourists there are numerous waterfalls, lakes formed by the River Black. They have a gentle-emerald color, the water in them is pretty cool, but bathing is brown and refreshes into hot weather. Shadow from numerous trees also creates comfortable conditions for a hike in summer heat.

A lot of fish are found in the river, including Trout. By the way, the river is very complete and spring is very spilled, so at this time of year it is better not to go to the canyon. It is also dangerous to be here in crude rainy weather.

Travelers have to move the river on the Mostkki and Vbhod, climb upstairs on the stone ledge. To do this, you need comfortable clothing and waterproof shoes, just in case it is worth capturing a first-aid kit. You also need to take food for privals and drinking water. You can overcome the path with a rapid pace in one day or choose the measured rhythm and complete unity with nature - with a fire around the fire and overnight. In the second case, it will take additional tourist equipment and warm things - after all, at night and in the morning the canyon is quite cool. It is also necessary to take with you a sufficient amount of food and water.

On this route you can see the iconic sights - Chorgin Tower, the Manstein Road, a monument to partisans.

As you know, the territory of the Crimea owned both the Greeks and Byzantium, and the Ottoman Empire, and then Russia. Chorgin Tower is the remains of the Palace of Turkish Velmazby, which was allegedly built in the XV-XVI centuries during the time of Crimean Khanate, dependent on the Ottoman Empire. During the Crimean War, 1853-1856. The tower was used as a fort for defense of the approaches to Sevastopol. Now it is declared a monument of federal significance and is a Turkish trail in the history of the Crimea.

The road of Manstein is a narrow gravel bulk road between the village of Monnorshechye and the village of native. During the heroic 250 day defense of Sevastopol 1941-1942. German General Erich von Manstein moved reinforcement on this road to master the city.

Mount Kizyl-Kaya or Red Rock is also a popular place among campaign lovers. Mountain rivers and types opening with mountains are affected by imagination.

In addition, there are less than extended routes that begin with the village of native and frost.

How to get to the Chernorechensky Canyon

You can get to the village of Chernorec or village native (depending on the selected route) from Sevastopol by bus number 129 and route taxi No. 40.

Whatever the path of the path you choose, until the canyon you will need to be on foot.

Also, before the starting points of the routes, you can drive from Sevastopol by car or taxi: Sevartaxi, Taxi Crimea and others.

You can be reached from the village wide, but it will be necessary to walk on foot.

Chernorechensky Canyon: Video