
How to serve at home. How beautiful to cover on the table so that everything is ash surprised

All about the lawn

Serving for solemn cases differs from the usual serving only using thematic accessories, using more expensive dishes and large, compared to the usual serving, the number of devices.

How to comfortably and correctly serve the table

The rules of good colors suggest avoiding excess cutlery located near the plate. More accurate observance of the etiquette will be the use of additional serving tables and a separate submission of additional devices to dishes. Special fish plugs, double lemon plugs, cheese knives and tongs for sherbet or crabs only clutter the table. In addition to cases, if the crabs or corporate fish are the main dish.

If you are in the middle of a dozen spoons and forks, laid out on the right and to the left of the plate, simply use them in pairs, ranging from the edge to the center. An excessive set of devices can also mean a hint of a shortness of the event. The table serving rules allow and this option. But usually, if we speak frankly, the oversupply of the instruments speaks of a lack of waiters or a low service class.

There are general rules for serving the table

  1. Guests have all the devices should be the same.
  2. Napkins rely on each device, there is an additional stock of napkins and towels, linen and paper.
  3. Plates for bread rely on each instrument.
  4. A glass of water is required to each instrument and is located on the right before the plate.
  5. Invalid the overaffect of cutlery and tesne at the festive table. It is better to put extra tables.
  6. For desserts, special dishes, hot, use additional serving tables.

Accommodation guests

When organizing a celebration, sex plan, decoration and menus should be thought out in advance and recorded.

Each guest must have an invitation card with the number, according to which he will take place at the table. You can use business cards with the names of guests, laid out on the dying plates or beautifully arranged between the instruments.

The use of numbered places is more practical, since finding a large written number corresponding to the invitation is easier than reading the intricate and beautifully written name. Comfort guests is the basic requirement for organizing ceremonial events.

Time to cover on the table

In many manuals, it is written that you should not serve the table in advance. This does not mean that waiters should run with devices, sweeping guests. It is understood that it is impossible to start serving in a few days.

  1. Tables must be completely covered in half an hour before the appointed time of receiving guests. What includes the concept of "covered tables"?
  2. Tables must be covered with tablecloths.
  3. The decor must be placed in places and is fixed. Volani, decorative garlands, thematic decorations, bouquets in vases - all these elements of the celebration must be placed before the arrival of guests.
  4. Tables are numbered visible.
  5. Solonki, peppers, vinegar in special stands at least 1 solon tanks for 4 guests are conveniently set.
  6. Placed bottles with water. It is possible to place water next to each device.
  7. Opposite each seating places should be standing plates. Thus, the guest's personal space is formed. The alignment of the coaching plates will help to avoid possible tightness. If it turns out that guests are more than planned, the plan of seating is changing and put additional tables.
  8. Cards with numbers or guest names must be placed in front of each device.
  9. After the placement of the guest cards, cutlery folds out.
  10. The cutlery knives lie on the right, the blade to the guest, the plugs are located on the left. If the soup is served, a spoon for it is located to the right of the knives.
  11. Arrange the glasses in advance. The optimal amount of glasses is a glass of water, a glass for champagne or wine glass, a glass for strong drinks. Glasses can be built in one line or semicircle.

These rules will help you avoid nervousness, fuss and enjoy the triumph at least.

Dish with chopped bread can be placed a few minutes before receiving guests. Wine bottles in napkins and champagne in ice buckets can be served after the guests took their places.

Where did the comment come from that the tables are undesirable in advance? Basically, from books on etiquette for a last century. To the solemn events, especially for the wedding, was preparing in advance. Outfits and tablecloths at the wedding sewed and embroidered a few years before the event. Therefore, starting to decorate the wedding table immediately after the announcement of the engagement, for the months to the celebration, it seemed completely natural for the young bride. The front plates were covered with dust, the tablecloths faded, silver tuck and rarely.

Let's not fall in extremes and prepare everything in advance.


Placement of cold snacks.

  • Cold snacks can be arranged a few minutes before the guests arrive. With a large number of invited, the same dishes should be exactly repeated for each table.
  • Serving forces for sausages, cheese, rolls and other small snacks will be conveniently located directly in the dish.
  • Canapes with caviar It is more convenient to provide in advance stuck skeps.
  • Stuffed eggs, baskets, conveniently equipped with tweaks.

The proper table setting implies the use of serving tables.

Soups, desserts, corporate dishes are conveniently served from serving tables. Also, the tables are indispensable when changing the dishes.

The prudent manager will take care of the additional serving table, standing aside, on which the bread will be placed in baskets, towels, napkins, some plates and clean glasses, if urgent replacement is required.

Have a nice holiday!

It is nice to cover not only a dining table on the occasion of the arrival of guests, but also for the family. Even the kitchen and coffee tables deserve a special relationship. We offer several tips that will help make a covered table simple and stylish. The main secret lies in combination texture, colors and accessories.

1. Porcelain and Glass

No need to spend a whole condition on plates or glasses to get an elegant table. If you properly decorate it, it will look a million. First of all, you need to pay attention to porcelain and glass.

We start with porcelain. There should be a small plate on the table, a salad plate, a blade.
Use a stand plate. It is large enough and perfectly framed dishes, outlining her borders. You can use a special rug, which, if you wish can be made with your own hands from decorative paper. Simple wreaths and even leaves.

Grouping glasses. If you put more than one glasses on the table, then only this trick will already give the table a stylish and elegant look. Wine glasses should be grouped, there must be glasses for wine and glasses for water.
Cutlery can be connected using a ribbon or beef. In addition, they can be beautifully wrapped in a napkin.

2. Tablecloth

The tablecloths are able to completely change the mood, immediately creating a festive mood. Now there is a huge selection of all kinds of tablecloths, napkins, tracks that should certainly be of different colors, textures and patterns, it is desirable that they are all combined with each other. In addition, there must be thematic kits that are suitable for certain holidays.

Desktop - Tablecloth in the form of a narrow strip passing through the entire table. This is one of the most modern methods Decorate the table, especially if there is no desire to hide a beautiful wooden or glass countertop under the fabric completely. Such tracks are universal. They can be calmly decomposed on top of the usual tablecloth along the table, you can put them across and designate guests for guests.
Tableclothbe sure to be on the festive table, especially if you want to emphasize the theme or color gamut of the covered table.

Napkins. No need to refuse tissue napkins in favor of disposable. They are a notable part of the table design. If I really do not want to make them washing after the holiday, then you should look at the paper in a banquet style.
Cutlery substrate Determines the place for each guest. They may not only be rectangular, but also square (give modern view), and round (break the head angularity).

3. Central composition

On the festive table, there must be a central composition that will decorate it. It will give the volume and unite the entire table, but it must be remembered that it should be low and narrow.
The main rule - on each side for a person and its cutlery, should remain at least 35 cm. Therefore, from the width of the table, we submit a minimum of 70 cm, the rest of the space can be used for the composition. For desktop composition, we use flowers, candlesticks, twigs, pebbles.

Eating culture - an integral particle of universal culture modern man. A table setting is a process that currently inevitably accompanies any feast. And therefore it is not worth the way to set the value of the table setting, because we all love high-quality shoes, a beautiful hairstyle, any well done by someone ... And the very first thing, wherein ordinary breakfast begins (dinner, dinner ...) or a festive table - this is his setting .

According to free Internet encyclopedia, table setting is its covering and placement on it cutlery. The word "serving" itself comes from the word "service", which means the service, or service. It is not worth confusing the table serving with a table decoration, wine serving, dishes, etc. - these are already somewhat different concepts and processes. It is the coverage of the table and the placement on it of cutlery - the correct, convenient, stylish and harmonious - and there is an accurate definition of the term "table setting".

Of course, with the effort and soul cooked dishes, with sincere love and respect for future "consumers" a covering table, fantasy, originality can be for most of us much more important than the classic table service principles. And yet it will be very helpful to know and general rules Serving - After all, from time to time we will still be forced to cover the table according to the generally accepted standards.

Basic Table Service Principles

After analyzing a number of articles on the subject matter under consideration, it can be concluded that the general principles of any traditional table setting are: the correct location of the cutlery; convenience in their use; harmony of their size, proportions, colors and shades; And finally, the matching menu and the nature of the feast. Here are some obvious examples of improper table setting: the impressive size of the table itself is too small plates; White tablecloth - Dark glasses; homogeneous dishes - and different colors; Bright colors and shades - on business reception ... Elimination or preventing such imbalances - already half of the case. And the main nuances and some subtleties of the table setting will look further.

Most articles are written that the style, in accordance with which any table is served, must correspond to the form of the upcoming feast and the assortment of cooked dishes. Worth adding here also one more the most important factor - Psychological factor - namely the contingent (!), To which a served table is calculated. And this contingent factor is quite possible, it can significantly modify the style of serving the entire table. After all, it is he, the human factor, in most cases - the fundamental (unfortunately) in many spheres of our life. And, regardless of our desire, this factor constantly accounts for ...

We start with tablecloth

In classical understanding, table setting is usually divided into four types: 1 - dining table; 2 - cold table; 3 - tea (coffee) table; 4 - Buffet (options: buffet, cocktail table, Swedish table ...).

In any case, initially the table itself is covered with a clear and smooth tablecloth. The choice of tablecloths on the material and the color is very important - please do not miss this important point. According to the generally accepted rules for serving the table, the edges of the tablecloth should hang on from all sides to 25-30 centimeters from each edge of the table, but not lower than the level of the seat of the chairs, otherwise the present can be quite uncomfortable.

The corners of the same tablecloth must close (or almost close) table legs. And more: the whole minor and additional furniture - tables, servants, stands, etc. - should also be neatly covered with tablecloths or napkins.

We serve the table with dishes and cutlery

The next step is the arrangement of dishes and cutlery. Naturally, they should be absolutely clean, and if possible, polished to the gloss or a towel. For each of the member member, of course, its personal diner plate should be provided. In this case, it should be strictly opposite the corresponding chair and at a distance of about 2 centimeters relative to the edge of the table. (In order not to miss out of sight, we immediately note here that the indents from the edge of the table value of at least 2 centimeters is required for all other cutlery, as well as other objects and attributes of the feast).

Then, at a distance of approximately 5 - 10 centimeters to the left of the diner, the piring plate is put. And at the same time, the centers of all the plates standing in one row must be "built" in one line. Also, the distance between the "neighbors" plates should be no less than 60 - 80 centimeters (!). A neatly folded napkin is put on each diner plate. (Spice is symmetrically exhibited in the center of the same table).

Next - layout of spoons, forks, knives. In the interval between the pyrolyne and the diner, the plates need to put a dining room and a snack fork (both forks should be broken up). A table and snack knives are unfolded to the right of each diner (the blades of both knives must necessarily "look" on the plate). Neither the fork, nor the knives, at the same time, should be "hidden" under the edges of the plates, and also - should not touch each other. If there are also fish dishes in the menu, each of the "fears" is additionally unfolded: a fork for fish (should be between the fork of the dining room and a fork of the diner) and a fish knife (put up between the knife and the dubble knife).

The recess is up to the right of each diner plate, near the knife - there should be a soup spoon. It is necessary to put a knife for meat on the right side of each pie plate ... The last nuance: the table setting should be initially calculated for a maximum of 3 sets of instruments. In the case, if the menu is very extensively and needed the 4th set (for example, fish), then this kit must be put directly on the snack plate, carefully covering the napkin.

Stage Next - Laying of dessert devices. They should be located before each diner plate and "approach" to the center of the table in the following order: first the knife, then the fork, then a spoon. In some cases, if the dessert "modest" - dessert devices can be less. For example, only a dessert plug. Or is a dessert knife and a dessert spoon. A spoon for dessert, as a rule, put on a cutlets to the right and recess up. The dessert fork must lie up the edge and left cutlets. That's the whole science! ..

Alignment of wine glasses (or glasses). A glass designed for the beverage to the most main dish, you need to post opposite the blade of the knife. Fuuder for drink to a snack - somewhat right and must be lower in height. The main rule is here: all glasses (glasses, glasses) are set to right from the very first - in the manner corresponding to the scene of the feeding of dishes. Also allowing glasses (glasses, glasses, glass) and in 2 rows.

Example: Series 1st - Fuuder, wine glass, pile for vodka; A number of the 2nd - a glass for champagne, a glass for wine. And one more essential rule: the higher the dishes in which snacks are located, the closer to the center of the table, this dishes must be placed; Conversely - snacks in the dishes are laid out, as a rule, further from the center and, accordingly, as close as possible to the guests.

Do not forget about seasonings and spices

Spices and seasonings - the most important moment In such a creative process, like table setting! Remember from history? There was a time when pepper bag was equal to a whole state! And indeed: without seasonings and spices, our table would be much more scarce and fresh than with their presence. So, with particular attention and all responsibility, you should consider the preparation of a set of such popular spices and seasonings, like pepper (pepper), salt (saltka), mustard (mustard), vinegar (bottle for vinegar) and other seasonings and spices (and their Now many) - taking into account the needs of the entire expected contingent! (And here the human factor pops up on the surface J ...).

And more: the correct selection and preparation of the set of spices and seasonings is, at least, several impressive paragraphs of the detailed text. For simplicity, we allocate only the most basic: containers for all spices (seasonings) must be absolutely clean or transparent, closed lids or corks (so as not to be exhaled and absorbed moisture and smells), and finally filled with half. These are the rules of the culinary etiquette.

Pay close attention to napkins

Napkins. How many times we bought them with packages and laid out on the table, not particularly thinking about their color, material, dimensions, shape ... And it turns out that the napkins are also in a certain degree of science! So, first of all, the color of the napkins should be harmonized with the color of the main dishes. There are napkins in different ways - depending on the type of upcoming event. Without going into such details, we note the main thing: there are napkins in such a way that they are always easily and quickly - it was possible to deploy, wipe the mouth, put on your knees or use for others, individual, goals.

And one more important nuance: if the table does not provide for snack bars, instead they are laid out, folded four-solid, linen cuddles, and paper (in this case) are not used at all.

Decorate and decorated the table

And the final step: ashtrays, flowers, decorations, souvenirs, attributes and many other useful "trifles" - all so that the table setting has become as close as possible to perfection! It is rather not even a serving, but design and decoration of the table. But, nevertheless, the process is so close to the topic under consideration that it is difficult not to mention. Yes, and the decoration, and the design of the table is the most important detail in our creative event. And this detail sometimes can become just decisive - let's say if you have difficult negotiations at the table. The main thing is to decorate and arrange a table with taste, harmony, fantasy and all that can, at least, raise the mood to any of those present.

Make a highlight of personal fantasy

In conclusion, I would like to add that the table setting is a process both creative and quite individual. It is not necessary to deprive yourself with the opportunity and pleasure to add it and your personal highlight (or invention). Individual fantasy and an informal approach to the preparation of the table will emphasize your non-equilibrium to those present, as well as give you the strength to create everything in the best possible way.

I will give an example from your own experience. I personally like the table on which there is a smallest amount of cutlery, and all of them are minimal dimensions - and at the same time very tanks (spacious). Thus, at the table, a maximum of space is formed and a lot of food is placed at the same time. And when you have to carry out such a delicate process, like table setting, I always try to stick to this particular principle. This nuance usually notice a few, but so far no one complained. After all, the good is almost always perceived as proper, and therefore it is often not noticing ... But in this, concrete, I do not regret it about it. After all, the main thing is that the table turns out!

All - a pleasant appetite and a wonderful mood! Drink on health! But always remember that the basis of any successful meal is thoughtful, correct, beautiful, comfortable, stylish, harmonious, exquisite, accurate, spiritual ... table setting.

The proper table setting corresponding to the event, occasion and time of day of the feast, will allow guests to feel satisfaction from both the event, and from the meal itself.

The proper table setting not only emphasizes the delicate taste of the hostess, but also shows its respect for guests and households.

The table is served with the reason, the menu, themes and the time of day. At the same time, the goal of any serving is to provide guests with a comfortable and pleasant pastime and convenient access to all presented dishes.

Basic rules for serving the table table appliances at home

First of all, you need to choose and store tablecloth. For rectangular table Take a tablecloth by 50 - 60 cm longer table tops. If a round table or oval - at 100 - 110 cm wider than the diameter of the table top.

Calculate the length of the tablecloth so that its edges are below the bottom surface of the table by 30 - 50 cm.

For home lunch will need one-photon white tablecloth, but other calm pastel colors are suitable.

Important: Well, if the color and texture of the tablecloth is harmony with the color and texture of the curtains, upholstery of sofas and chairs in the room. In any case, the tablecloth should be cleaned with flawlessly.

When the table is covered, arrange the devices. First of all - glass and porcelain plates and dishes. Behind them - knives, spoons, forks And other necessary devices.

The latter put glass and crystal glasses, stacks, glasses.

Scheme of proper sorting festive table.

Devices lay out in this way:

  • any knives Put on the right, so that the cutting part is facing a plate
  • tablespoon put on the right, so that the convex part of it turned out to be below
  • fork After serving the tables should be on the left, while the teeth will be directed upwards
  • dessert spoon must be behind the plate, her handle is turned right

IMPORTANT: Performing table appliances must be taken into account that they will use them from the outer edge and change objects depending on the filing of new dishes. For convenience, place items at a distance of about 1 cm from each other.

Basic rules for serving a table dishes at home

Plates put on the table first, and glasses, stacks, glasses - the latter.

Arrange the plates in this order:

  • Middle Tarel (snack) Put in such a way that 2.5 - 3 cm remains to the edge of the table.
  • Pirobe (bread) plate Place the left, leaving about 10 cm.
  • If dishes change, put under the snack dining plate of small size, Pre-inspired a napkin under it.

Important: Depending on the type of first dish, choose a plate for it. If cream soup or broth is supplied - take the pile, if a thick soup or borsch is a big deep plate.

Glass for wine Put on the right glass for water - Left, but they must stand in one line. Two rows of drinks for drinks are allowed if a grandiose event is prepared with a large number of varied dishes and drinks.

Important: Dishes for serving the table should be prepared in advance. To do this, it is washed, dried, carefully wipe with a towel. The main thing is that before serving the dishes looked flawlessly. Divorces, drums, muddy or opaque view of it are unacceptable.

Folding Napkins for Table Serving

Slippet. - An integral attribute of any feast. No matter how beautifully folded paper or linen napkins were not forbid, they should not forget that they, first of all, serve for the convenience of guests.

Therefore, any napkin should be located in the most accessible place, and even the most intricate napkin figure - easily unfold.

In the pictures and video, it is shown how quickly and beautifully make a flat or bulk figure from a napkin.

Important: Volumetric figures of tissue napkins will be well kept form, and the napkins themselves are easily detached from contaminants if they are starchable.

To close the linen napkin:

  • In 0.5 L. cold water Add 1.5 tbsp. Starch and stir until you receive a homogeneous solution of muddy white, not containing lumps.
  • We boil 1 l of water, pour into the prepared solution and mix.
  • Cool and strain through the gauze.
  • Pure dry napkins lower into the solution and squeeze a little.
  • Hang napkins dry without applying clothespins.
  • To ironing between two towels, proceed as soon as all the water strokes with the napkins.

Important: According to the rules of etiquette, beautifully folded napkins should be on solemn feasts. For other events, the napkins can be just gently put into a glass or stand.

Rules for serving a table to breakfast on etiquette

To correctly serve the table to breakfast, follow the following scheme:

  • Arrange the snacks.
  • Put the cups and glasses.
  • Place a tea spoon on the saucer.
  • At the diner plate, set the stand for eggs, do not forget about a special spoon.
  • On the diner plate also put a deep plate for porridge.
  • Coffee pot or tea with a hot drink. Put in the middle of the table.
  • Sandwiches or croissants serve on a large flat dish.

Important: On the table served for breakfast, relevant will be a saucer for jam or honey, oil, saltka and sugar bowl.

Rules for serving a table to dinner on etiquette

The options for serving the table to dinner are somewhat, as the lunch itself can consist of a different number of dishes:

  • Put a small plate on the shining tablecloth table.
  • Put deep into the small plate - for the first dish.
  • Add a snack plate if you serve dishes that can not eat from the overall dishes.
  • To the left of the plates, place the plug, on the right - soup spoon and knife, and the knife should be closer to the plates, and the spoon is closer to the edge of the table.
  • Beautifully folded napkins decorate a snack plate.
  • In the center of the table, put the straw, troughs with the necessary spices and seasonings.
  • Wine glasses and glasses for water put on the right and left, respectively.
  • Bottle with alcoholic beverage put on the table in advance.
  • Live colors in the center of the table will decorate and complement even a imperfect serving.
  • Oil serves in the oilbox.
  • First serve hot in a table.

Rules for serving a table to a dinner on etiquette

Dinner, whether it is called or quiet family, always associated with warmth and comfort. Therefore, it is important for the hostess not only to serve the table, but also to supplement the serving with the corresponding details.

  • Pick up the tablecloth (suitable with a small pattern).
  • Two small plates place one to another, and install a plate for bread from the left.
  • To the left of the plates, place the forks up the teeth, right - knives blades to a plate.
  • Cook for alcoholic beverages. Put on the right of the plates for water to the left.

Important: Table serving to dinner looks like a dining service, but it is distinguished by the lack of a deep plate and spoons for the first dish. This dish is not a place on the table in the evening.

Beautiful festive table setting: Rules

Festive table Usually cover not only for members of your family, but also for invited guests.

There are several rules serving a festive table, observing which Lyuba Mistress will be able to show his ability to celebrate guests at the highest level:

  1. Tablecloth For the festive table should be perfectly clean and ironed. On the table under the tablecloth, it is desirable to spread a dense fabric that will avoid the zoom of the dishes in case of its random fall, as well as protect the surface of the table from the spilled fluids. However, it is permissible not to put the table from the dear thorough tree.
  2. Dishes and devicesThat are used for serving must be from one set. It is unacceptable to serve a festive table of dishes of different colors and sizes. Clean and gloss, dishes must be immaculate.
  3. how plates and devices need to spread Only in the order in which the hostess plans to serve dishes.
  4. On the table should not be excess dishes and appliances. The items "just in case" will not be needed, but only spoil the type of table.
  5. Everything alcoholic beverages Served on the table in advance bottles, but champagne is discovered immediately before serving.
  6. For each guest should be prepared one tissue and several paper Sleeps..
  7. First course Guests spills the hostess in the plates. Some of the guests or households can help her serve filled plates. It is necessary to do this, coming to each present at the table on the right side.
  8. Second course Guests themselves put themselves in a plate of a common dish.

Important: generally accepted the following procedure for filing dishes for a festive table: snack, first dish, fish dish, meat, sweet dessert and fruits, tea or coffee.

The presence in the center of the festive table of the thematic decor will emphasize the efforts of the hostess and give the feast of comfort and warmth.

Banquet Table Serving Rules

Banquets It is arranged in honor of any major holiday, such as an anniversary or wedding. The very concept of "banquet table" implies that the event will be held in a specially rented banquet hall, the guests will serve the waiters.

Banquet attributes are:

  1. a variety of decorations (balls, bows, special drape)
  2. entertainment for guests (live music, performances, Tamada or Holiday Lead)

Banquet table Must match the situation, occasion and general mood. The main rules for its serving:

  • Are used folding tableswhich are set up depending on the number of invited, features of the hall, such as service.
  • Tables are covered white banquet tablecloths, leaving descent from the edges of about 25 cm.
  • First of all set small plates. They are placed in such a way that the distance between adjacent plates was at least 60 cm, but no more than 80 cm, and the distance to the edge of the table did not exceed 1 - 2 cm. Top put the snacks, and on the left - cakes.
  • On right Put knivesFolded blades towards plates. All devices, located on the right: Knife table, fish knife, table spoon, snack knife.
  • Left from plates: Fork dining room, fish fork, two forks snack bars.
  • Dessert plug and knife Place behind a plate.
  • Also behind the plate fuuder, to the right of Fozher - ryumki. For stronger drinks.
  • Fabric napkins Put on the plates, pre-giving them a beautiful view.
  • Low vasons with alive or artificial colors Estate evenly in the center of the table.
  • Also, decoration of the table can serve vases with fruit and grapes.

Important: Every trifle is important for the banquet table, so the serving takes a lot of time.

Table Serving Rules in Restaurant

Two versions are possible in the restaurant:

  1. banquet
  2. preliminary (appropriate order from the menu) with entertainment

The name of serving "Preliminary" speaks for itself - the setting will require add-on after the guests choose dishes and make an order.

Items that should be present on the guest table according to the rules pre-serving:

  • table knife, plate, plug
  • wine glass
  • tissue napkin
  • additional accessories (spices, cards-menu folding, table number in the form of sign, ashtray, etc.)

Dessert Table Serving Rules

Dessert time - the end of the main feast. All dessert devices are served shortly before the dessert itself is filled. To the left of the dessert plate put the plug, right - a spoon.

Dessert is carried out on plates stands. If he is chilled, it is possible to feed in the creams or glasses.

Sweet Table Serving Rules

Sweet table setting has no fundamental differences. Put the plate, it is put in front of it. On top of a flat plate put deep - for liquid sweets.

On the right side of the plates are wine glasses and glasses. On the shells you can lay out fruits or different cakes.

Before you invite guests to the table, you are covered with a tablecloth, preferably soft tones.

A tea cup is larger than coffee, put on a saucer. A spoon is placed on a saucer. To the left of the cup put a dessert plate. Sugar use special tongs.

Tea table setting rules

The main rules for serving the tea table coincide with the basic rules of serving, described earlier, however, several recommendations will help create a more cozy atmosphere for guests invited to tea drinking:

  • The color and style of a tea service must match the color and texture of the tablecloth.
  • It is desirable that the composition of the living colors attended the table.
  • If a classic Russian tea party is assumed, it is appropriate and at the same time will be the original supply of tea straight from the samovar, which is placed on the left of the hostess at home or install on a separate table.
  • Milk is served in the milk to tea. Millarmer preferably put on a plate to accidentally not shed its contents on the tablecloth.
  • Cake, roll or cake cut into portion. Fruits put in vases, candy - in the cans. Berries are laid down in the creams or plates.
  • Alcoholic beverages are allowed behind the tea table.

Important: tea drinking is the time of relaxed sincere conversations. Even if the tea table setting is nonideal, positive to the guests and a good cozy atmosphere will scribe the evening and make some little shortcomings.

Truck setting rules

Buffet Conduct on official receptions, corporate holidays, presentations.

Feature of his holding It is that many people may be present at the event, but not a large hall, no special financial costs for this will not need.

Important: Complete a buffet in the evening, it lasts a maximum of 2 hours. The purpose of the event is to communicate, get acquainted. A bad tone is considered to begin to eat one of the first and leave the Furshet last.

Features of tableware tables for buffet:

  • Tables are covered with white tablecloths and in such a way that guests are fluently moving around the hall. For dirty dishes prepare a separate table.
  • There are no chairs, as during the buffet, the guests are suitable for the tables and choose food.
  • Menu of the buffet - snacks, light salads. Champagne and wine are allowed from drinks.
  • Fuashers and stacks of plates set at the ends of the table, plugs in special stands are placed next to the plates. Guests themselves take their dishes.
  • The main thing is to leave enough space at the edges of the tables.
  • Napkins are placed in holders and set evenly.
  • Be sure to decorate tables and halls with flowers, fruit baskets.
  • Water and juice are poured into glasses, alcohol is left in bottles, pre-scoring them.
  • The menu for the buffet table consists of dishes that can be easily put in a plate: canapes, sandwiches and light snacks.

Birthday table setting rules

Birthday - such a holiday that can be noted both in a narrow circle of relatives and the closest people and in a noisy company of friends, buddies and good acquaintances.

Depending on what holiday will want to arrange a birthday room, you should select the venue, menu, type of service.

  • If planned silent family dinnerThis is served either a festive table or a table to dinner.
  • If the birthday will take place in the cafe Or a restaurant with a pre-specified menu, a banquet table is served.
  • Those who decide on birthday visit the restaurantBut did not order a pre-table and certain dishes, it will wait for the standard restaurant pre-serving.

Table setting rules for children in pictures

Since childhood, you need to teach the baby the basics of etiquette. In adulthood, these knowledge more than once will be useful to him. In order to study the rules of behavior at the table and the foundations of its serving, the baby did not have difficulty, it is possible to conduct classes in the game form and use special pictures.

Knowing and applying the rules and features of the table setting in practice, you can feel confident, inviting guests or covering the table for family festivity.

Joint feast behind a cozy, beautifully decorated table will bring positive emotions to the owners and their guests and, perhaps, such a feast will turn into a good good family tradition.

Video: How to put the table?

And the dusty of serving the table has a thousand-year history. Each era corresponded to its culture of feast. In addition, different peoples have existed their ways to decorate the table and feeding dishes that correspond to national culture and traditions. And today there are quite a lot of serving, so let's try to understand only the main rules for serving the table on the etiquette and its design.

The main elements of the table setting are: tablecloth, dishes, cutlery, napkins and different decor. To make all these items on the table correctly, you need to follow some rules, as well as a certain sequence in actions.

On the eve of the feast, decide on the amount and view of the dishes, napkins, cutlery, etc. - it will depend on the number and type of dishes, the number of invited, the occasion for the feast.

We serve the table on etiquette


E e choose depending on the type of feast, color Gamma. Dishes, interior of the room - it should be harmonized with curtains and upholstered furniture. Usually give preference to light shades. A snow-white tablecloth looks especially exquisite.

However, the tablecloths can be colored - monophonic or with a pattern around the edge. But keep in mind that too motley and bright tablecloths will tire eyes and distract from dishes on the table. If you use a dark tablecloth, choose the dishes of light shades.

According to the rules of etiquette, the tablecloth should be such a tablecloth to cover the feet of the table (rectangular or square), and its ends must even hang on 25-30 cm from all sides, but not to fall below the seat level.

They spread the tablecloth on the table as follows: open it, then take on the one side for the ends, raise, shake and sharply lower down. At the same time, a layer of air is formed between the table and the blasting - it facilitates further alignment of the tablecloth. Never stretch the cloth and do not pull it for the corners!

  • If the table is polished, undress under the tablecloth the oil.
  • Prefer fabric tablecloths, especially from natural materials - they will create a truly homely or festive atmosphere.
  • Whatever the tablecloth you choose, remember the main rule - it should be perfectly clean and rejected.

Cutlery and dishes

After the tablecloth is covered, proceed to laying the plates and cutlery.


Consider the etiquette of the displacement of the plates:

  • Snack plate - should be located opposite each chair and at a distance of about 2 cm from the edge of the table.
  • A plate for bread or pie - it put on the left of the diner plate at a distance of 5-15 cm.
  • If there are several dishes, you need to put a dining room under a snack plate.

In the process of a feast, when changing dishes, plates are replaced in a timely manner.


Table spoon and knife place on the right, and the plug is on the left. The dessert spoon is located behind the plate - the handle on the right side.

According to the rules of etiquette, first begins to use the instruments from the outer edge, replacing them with devices towards a plate as dishes shifted.

Try to abide by the distance between the devices and a plate, as well as between adjacent devices - it should be 0.5-1.0 cm.

Tableware for drinks

Glasses, glasses, wine glasses are designed only for one type of drink. The wine glass is located on the right, and for water to the left. Usually they are exhibited on one line, but no more than three items are. In the event of a complete setting, the dishes for drinks is placed in two rows.


Before serving, be surely thoroughly wash and wipe all cutlery - they should not be inclined and divorces. Polish them to shine with hard towels of cotton or multi-layer paper napkins.


They play an important role in the table serving. Options for folding napkins A whole set is a real art that can be said very much about. Let us dwell on the basic rules.

  • The material of the napkins is chosen depending on the type of feast.
  • For a festive table, tissue napkins (made of cotton or flax) are suitable, sometimes they can be replaced with paper - in this case they are put under the right edge of the plates.
  • The color of the napkins can be any - in tone tablecloths, candles or floral compositions on the table, although contrasting colors are allowed.

Devices with spices

They are placed at the final stage of the serving. Usually these devices are installed on special stands in the central part of the table. On the table must be salt and pepper, as well as in accordance with the menu - mustard, vinegar, vegetable oil And other seasonings.

Decor elements

The sibling of decorative decorations depends, first of all, from the occasion of the feast: business meeting, wedding, anniversary or birthday, New Year holidays and so on. And from the style in which the apartment has been performed. For example, it will be strange to look red napkins with turquoise color (You can read about this beautiful shade.)

For a sought dinner, it is better to stick to a neutral style in the design, and if close people or friends come to visit you, the design style may be more free.

The figurines of the bride and groom, pigeons, as well as objects in the form of wedding rings or hearts are suitable for the wedding table.

For the birthday, create bright accents With the help of the decor, and if the names in children - use the images of the characters of favorite cartoons.

On the New Year's table, there will be a beautiful composition of coniferous branches, christmas decorations, tinsel, candles, etc., as well as figures and souvenirs of New Year's subjects.

Decoration of any table, regardless of the type of feast, there will be flowers - bouquets or compositions of living colors, as well as floristic arrangements from dried flowers. However, when using them as decor, pay attention to some points:

  • make sure that no one of the invited allergies are allergic;
  • do not choose plants with a strong aroma, it will be mixed with the smell of dishes or interrupt it;
  • set the colors with flowers at some distance from cutlery and dishes, so that pollen or petals will accidentally fall into a plate of guests.


All decor elements should be combined not only among themselves, but also with a common interior.

Do not choose too high decorative elements - They should not interfere with guests to see each other and communicate freely.

Do not use too much decor - remember that in everything you need a measure.

The festive table should not only abound delicious dishes and delicacies. Try to arrange it original and correctly, because a beautifully served table is an indicator of your hospitality and good taste.