
Asia on the contour card. Political map of foreign Asia

Decorative Cultures for Garden

A rapidly developing region takes 30% of the whole earthly sushi, and this is 43 million km². It stretches from the Pacific Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea, from the tropics to the North Pole. It has a very interesting story, rich past and unique traditions. MORE HALF (60%) of the population of the entire globe lives here - 4 billion people! What does Asia look like on the world map, you can see below.

All Asian countries on maps

Asia World Map:

Political map of Foreign Asia:

Asian Physical Map:

Countries and capital of Asia:

List of Asian countries and their capitals

Asia map with countries gives a clear idea of \u200b\u200btheir location. The list below is the capital of Asian countries:

  1. Azerbaijan, Baku.
  2. Armenia - Yerevan.
  3. Afghanistan - Kabul.
  4. Bangladesh - Dhaka.
  5. Bahrain - Manama.
  6. Brunei - Bandar Series-Begavan.
  7. Bhutan - Tchimphu.
  8. East Timor - Dili.
  9. Vietnam -.
  10. Hong Kong - Hong Kong.
  11. Georgia, Tbilisi.
  12. Israel -.
  13. - Jakarta.
  14. Jordan - Amman.
  15. Iraq - Baghdad.
  16. Iran - Tehran.
  17. Yemen - Sana.
  18. Kazakhstan, Astana.
  19. Cambodia - Phnom Penh.
  20. Qatar - Doha.
  21. - Nicosia.
  22. Kyrgyzstan - Bishkek.
  23. China - Beijing.
  24. DPRK - Pyongyang.
  25. Kuwait - El Kuwait.
  26. Laos - Vientiane.
  27. Lebanon - Beirut.
  28. Malaysia -.
  29. - Male.
  30. Mongolia - Ulan Bator.
  31. Myanmar - Yangon.
  32. Nepal - Kathmandu.
  33. United Arab Emirates - .
  34. Oman - Muscat.
  35. Pakistan - Islamabad.
  36. Saudi Arabia - Er-Riyadh.
  37. - Singapore.
  38. Syria - Damascus.
  39. Tajikistan - Dushanbe.
  40. Thailand -.
  41. Turkmenistan - Ashgabat.
  42. Turkey - Ankara.
  43. - Tashkent.
  44. Philippines - Manila.
  45. - Colombo.
  46. - Seoul.
  47. - Tokyo.

In addition, there are partly recognized countries, for example, separated from China Taiwan with the capital of Taipei.

Sights of Asian Region

The name has Assyrian origin and denotes the "sunrise" or "east", which is not surprising. Part of the light is characterized by rich terrain, mountains and peaks, including the highest peak of the world - Everest (Jomolungma), which is part of the Himalayas mountain system. Here are all natural zones and landscapes, it is the deepest lake of the world on its territory. In recent years, countries of Foreign Asia in recent years are confidently leading by the number of tourists. Mysterious and incomprehensible to Europeans tradition, religious structures, the weave of ancient culture with the latest technologies entertain the curious travelers. Do not list all the iconic sights of this region, you can only try to highlight the most famous.

Taj Mahal (India, Agra)

Romantic monument, a symbol of eternal love and a magnificent structure, in front of people, are fought by people, - Taj Mahal Palace, which brought into the list of seven new wonders of the world. The mosque was erected by the descendant of Tamerlan Shah-Jahan in memory of the deceased spouse, who died in childbirth, producing the 14th child. The Taj Mahal is recognized as the best example of the great Mughal, which includes Arabic, Persian and Indian architectural styles. The walls of the structure are posted from translucent marble and inlaid by gems. Depending on the lighting, the stone changes the shade, becoming at the dawn pink, in twilight - silver, and at noon - dazzling white.

Mount Fuji (Japan)

This is a sign place for Buddhists who profess syntiphes. Fuji's height of 3776 m, in fact, this is a sleeping volcano, which in the coming decades should not wake up. He is recognized as the most beautiful in the world. Tourist routes are laid on the mountain, operating only in summer, since most of Fuji are covered with eternal snow. Mountain and the terrain of "5 Lakes Fuji" around it are included in the territory of Fuji-Kakon-Izu National Park.

The largest architectural ensemble of the world extended to North China for 8860 km (including branches). Construction of the wall went to the III century BC And it was possible to protect the country from the Huns conquerors. The decade has stretched construction, about a million Chinese worked on it and thousands of gibbles from exhausting labor in inhuman conditions. All this served as a reason for the uprising and overthrow of the Qin dynasty. The wall is extremely organically inscribed in the landscape, it repeats all the bends of the negligence and depression, having a mountain chain.

Temple Borobodur (Indonesia, Fr. Java)

Among the rice plantations of the island, the ancient giant construction in the form of a pyramid is towers - the largest and revered Buddhist temple in the world with a height of 34 m. Top leads and terraces, encircling it. From the point of view of Buddhism, Borobodur is nothing more than the model of the universe. Its 8 tiers marked 8 steps to enlightenment: the first is the world of sensual pleasures, the following three is the world of yogic trance, which ascended over low lust. Lifting above, the soul is cleaned from all overnight and gains immortality in the heavenly sphere. The upper step personifies Nirvana - the state of eternal bliss and peace.

Golden Stone Buddha (Myanmar)

Buddhist shrine bangs on Mount Chaittios (Mon). It can be loosened with his hands, but no forces will not be able to throw him off his pedestal, for 2500 years the element did not hit the stone. In fact, it is a granite block, covered with gravestone gold, and its top is crowned by the Buddhist temple. Until now, the riddle is not guess - who dragged him on the mountain, how, for what purpose, and how he balancing him on the edge. Buddhists themselves argue that on the rock the stone hold the Buddha's hair inspired in the temple.

Asia is a grateful edge for laying new routes, knowing himself and its destination. Here you need to go meaningfully, tuning on thoughtful contemplation. You may find yourself from the new side and find answers to many questions. Visiting Asian countries, list of attractions and shrines you can make themselves.

The video tutorial is dedicated to the topic "Political Map of Foreign Asia". This topic is the first in the section of lessons dedicated to Foreign Asia. You will get acquainted with various and interesting Asian countries that play a significant role in the modern economy due to their financial, geopolitical influences and characteristics of the economic and geographical position. The teacher will talk in detail about the composition, borders, the originality of the countries of Foreign Asia.

Topic: Foreign Asia

Lesson:Political map of foreign Asia

Foreign Asia is the largest in the population (more than 4 billion people) and the second (after Africa) in the area of \u200b\u200bthe region of the world, and this championship he preserves essentially throughout the existence of human civilization. Square of Foreign Asia - 27 million square meters. km, it includes more than 40 sovereign states. Many of them belong to the oldest in the world. Foreign Asia is one of the foci of the origin of mankind, the birthplace of agriculture, artificial irrigation, cities, many cultural values \u200b\u200band scientific achievements. Basically, the region includes developing countries.

The region includes different countries in size: two of them belong to the giant countries (China, India), there are very large (Mongolia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Indonesia), the rest, mainly refer to fairly large countries. The boundaries between them take place along well-pronounced natural borders.

Features of the EGP of Asian countries:

1. Neighborhood.

2. Primorsky position.

3. The deep position of some countries.

The first two features have a beneficial effect on their farm, and the third makes it difficult to external economic relations.

Fig. 1. Map of Foreign Asia ()

The largest countries of Asia in population (2012)
(according to CIA)



(thousand people)





Developed countries of Asia:Japan, Israel, Republic of Korea, Singapore.

All other countries in the region relate to developing.

The least developed countries of Asia: Afghanistan, Yemen, Bangladesh, Nepal, Laos, etc.

China, Japan, India, based on per capita, Qatar, Singapore, UAE, Kuwait have the greatest volume of GDP.

By the nature of the administrative and territorial device, most Asian countries have a unitary device. The federal administrative and territorial structure has the following countries: India, Malaysia, Pakistan, UAE, Nepal, Iraq.

Asian regions:

1. Southwest.

3. Southeast.

4. Eastern.

5. Central.

Fig. 3. Map of Regions of Foreign Asia ()


Topic 7, P. 1

1. What regions (subregions) are allocated in Foreign Asia?



1. Geography. A basic level of. 10-11 CL: Textbook for general education institutions / A.P. Kuznetsov, E.V. Kim. - 3rd ed., Stereotype. - M.: Drop, 2012. - 367 p.

2. Economic and social geography of the world: studies. for 10 cl. general education institutions / V.P. Maksakovsky. - 13th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, Moscow Tutorials JSC, 2005. - 400 p.

3. Atlas with a set of contour cards for the 10th grade. Economic and social geography of the world. - Omsk: FSUE "Omsk Martographic Factory", 2012. - 76 p.


1. Economic and social geography of Russia: a textbook for universities / ed. prof. A.T. Khrushchev. - M.: Drop, 2001. - 672 C.: Il., Cards.: Col. incl.

Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Directory and Statistical Collections

1. Geography: reference book for high school students and entering universities. - 2nd ed., Act. and drab. - M.: AST-PRESS School, 2008. - 656 p.

Literature for preparing for GIA and EGE

1. Thematic control of geography. Economic and social geography of the world. Grade 10 / E.M. Ambarcumova. - M.: Intellect-Center, 2009. - 80 s.

2. The most complete publication of typical options for real tasks EGE: 2010. Geography / Sost. Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: Astrel, 2010. - 221 p.

3. Optimal assignment bank to prepare students. Unified State Exam 2012. Geography: Tutorial / Sost. EM. Ambarcumova, S.E. Dukov. - M.: Intellect-Center, 2012. - 256 p.

4. The most complete publication of typical options for real tasks EGE: 2010: Geography / Sost. Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: Ast: Astrel, 2010. - 223 p.

5. Geography. Diagnostic work in the format of EGE 2011. - M.: MCNMO, 2011. - 72 p.

6. EGE 2010. Geography. Collection of tasks / Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 272 p.

7. Geography tests: Grade 10: to the textbook V.P. Maksakovsky "Economic and Social Geography of the World. Grade 10 "/ E.V. Branches. - 2nd ed., Stereotype. - M.: Publisher "Exam", 2009. - 94 p.

8. Textbook on geography. Tests and practical tasks in geography / I.A. Rodionova. - M.: Moscow Lyceum, 1996. - 48 p.

9. The most complete publication of typical options for real tasks EGE: 2009. Geography / Sost. Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2009. - 250 s.

10. Single State Exam 2009. Geography. Universal materials for the preparation of students / FIPI - M.: Intellect-Center, 2009. - 240 s.

11. Geography. Answers on questions. Oral exam, theory and practice / V.P. Bondarev. - M.: Publishing House "Exam", 2003. - 160 p.

12. EGE 2010. Geography: thematic training tasks / O.V. Chicherina, Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 144 p.

13. EGE 2012. Geography: typical examination options: 31 option / ed. V.V. Barabanova. - M.: National Education, 2011. - 288 p.

14. EGE 2011. Geography: standard exam options: 31 option / ed. V.V. Barabanova. - M.: National Education, 2010. - 280 p.

Materials on the Internet

1. Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements ( ).

2. Federal portal Russian education ().

World Map 1.

World Map 2.

Foreign Europe

Great Britain




Foreign Asia





North America

Latin America


GDZ in geography 10 class contour cards Drop Dick 2014

Geography is a rather exciting subject. It is interesting both adults and children. To master the material - to carefully listen to the teacher at the lesson and work a little at home (for consolidation). In the tenth grade, a fairly large volume of topics are offered for study. And without a tutorial, it is impossible to independently prepare for the lesson. The modern textbook on geography for the tenth class is written very well: the material is served and affordable. In the textbook there are a large number of illustrations that makes it possible to remember better. The main terms are highlighted by another font, which facilitates memorization. But it is impossible to assimilate the material on geography without contour cards. In the 10th grade, many independent tasks in geography must be performed on the contour cards. The most successful of them is the contour cards of Dick Drop. The use of these contour cards is also offered teachers of geography at school. After all, they themselves use them, when preparing for geography lessons.