
Common diseases and pests of cabbage: treatment and prevention. How to get rid of pests of cabbage without chemistry: folk recipes for protecting cabbage Measures to control pests of cabbage

vegetable crops

Diseases of cabbage in the photo

If your plants are still affected, both chemicals and folk remedies can be used to combat diseases and pests of cabbage. However, do not forget that in everything you need to observe the measure.

Growing plants must be programmed for success. If it is not possible to allocate the desired area for cabbage, regularly water, feed, organize the protection of cabbage from pests and diseases, it is better not to grow plants so as not to be upset due to crop loss. After all, our desires do not always correspond to the possibilities, and we have to reckon with this.

In this material you can find photos and descriptions of cabbage diseases and pests that cause the greatest damage to the crop.

Cabbage aphid in the photo

cabbage aphid damages cabbage and other cruciferous crops everywhere. It sucks the juice from plants, as a result, the leaves turn yellow or acquire a pink tint, their edges twist down. Heads of cabbage are formed small and loose. Damage is caused by adult aphids and larvae. Adult aphids are light green, up to 2-2.5 mm long.

In summer, these pests of cabbage in the open field multiply without fertilization. Females give birth to larvae that are very similar to adults, differing from them only in smaller sizes and the absence of wings. One female, on average, gives birth to 40 larvae over the summer. In autumn, the bisexual generation of aphids appears.

Fertilized females lay black, shiny, about 0.5 mm long eggs on cabbage stumps and on cruciferous weeds, which overwinter. Up to 16 generations of the pest are observed during the year. The full cycle of development lasts 10-14 days.

cruciferous bugs, populating cabbage, suck the juice from the leaves. In damaged areas, light spots form, the leaves turn yellow and wither. Adult bugs are black, with a metallic green or blue sheen, 6-10 mm long.

As you can see in the photo, these cabbage pests have a clearly visible pattern of bright yellow, red and white spots and stripes on their backs:

Cruciferous bug: a pattern of bright yellow stripes
Cruciferous bug: red and white spots and stripes

Bed bugs hibernate under fallen leaves. In the spring they feed on weeds. Later they fly to cabbage, mate and lay barrel-shaped eggs 0.6-0.8 mm long on the underside of the leaves in two rows. The larvae hatched from the eggs harm from June to August.

Cruciferous fleas on cabbage (photo)
Cruciferous fleas in the photo

cruciferous fleas- small, jumping, black beetles with yellow longitudinal stripes 2-4 mm long. Beetles eat small holes on the leaves; larvae that hatch from eggs in the soil eat the roots. The larvae are worm-like yellow, harmful for 16-30 days, after which they pupate in the soil. In August, young beetles appear, which remain for the winter under plant debris, fallen leaves or lumps of soil.

Cabbage pests in the photo
Stem secretive proboscis in the photo

Stem secretive proboscis, whose larvae in the stems of seedlings eat out longitudinal passages, also harms cabbage. Such seedlings lag behind in growth, after transplanting to the garden they wither and dry out.

Cabbage moth on cabbage (photo)
Cabbage moth in the photo

cabbage moth eats plant leaves. First, short straight or slightly curved light mines appear on the affected leaves, and then windows (leaf tissue is eaten only from the underside). The caterpillars of this cabbage pest are bright green, up to 12 mm long.

cabbage caterpillars whites eat the flesh of the leaf from the edges. Caterpillars are yellowish-green, and large butterflies are white, with black spots, with a wingspan of 55-60 mm - these are they. The pest hibernates in the pupal stage. Has two generations a year. Caterpillars hatch from eggs in 6-13 days.

Caterpillars of turnip whitefish irregularly shaped holes are eaten out in cabbage leaves, leaving veins and part of the pulp around them. And this pest gives 2-3 generations a year and also hibernates in the pupal stage.

Caterpillars of cabbage scoops thick, naked, they cause significant damage to white and cauliflower, especially late varieties. They eat deep passages in heads of cabbage, in which they leave excrement. When water gets into such heads, they rot. The caterpillars are greyish-green, with a yellow stripe on their sides, and feed only at night for 30-50 days. They then pupate in the soil, where they overwinter.

Larvae of the rapeseed sawfly They also eat cabbage leaves. At the seedling stage, the roots and the underground part of the stem are eaten by the larvae of the spring cabbage fly. Damaged seedlings wither, their leaves acquire a blue-violet hue, plants are easily pulled out of the soil. The larvae are white, up to 8 mm long, they feed for 20-30 days, then they pupate and adult flies appear after 15-20 days. Pupae overwinter in the soil at a depth of 5-10 cm.

Larvae of the summer cabbage fly they take root inside the roots and stumps, make moves there. Affected plants lag behind in growth and development, sometimes die.

cruciferous gall midge, whose larvae live in the lower part of the petioles, also damages cabbage. The leaves of the inhabited plants are deformed, the petioles thicken and bend, the apical bud dies.

Cabbage is affected by all types of plant diseases caused by fungal, bacterial and viral pathogens.

Look at the photo of cabbage diseases that cause the most damage to plants:

Black leg of cabbage seedlings in the photo

The most common outdoor cabbage disease is blackleg. Seedlings of different types of cabbage are affected. The root collar becomes brown or black, thin, often twisted and rotted. Affected seedlings lie down and dry out.

Kila cabbage pictured

Kila cabbage is also a fungal disease. Growths of various sizes form on the roots, while the number of root hairs decreases. As a result of the defeat of this type of disease, cabbage cannot absorb water with nutrients in sufficient quantities, the ground part develops poorly, heads of cabbage do not form.

Sick cabbage and peronosporosis (downy mildew). The disease of fungal origin develops on the leaves of seedlings and adult plants, on the stems and pods of the testes. On the upper side of cabbage leaves affected by the disease, yellowish irregular spots appear, on the lower side in these places a weak, scattered, grayish-white bloom is visible. Diseased leaves turn yellow and die.

With black spot (alternariosis) small black rounded spots first appear on cabbage leaves, later they increase in size, become concentric, covered with a black coating of spores of the fungus - the causative agent of the disease.

Cabbage heads are affected

white rot (sclerotinia),

dry rot (phomosis),

gray mold (botrytis),


All these plant diseases are especially dangerous for cabbage during storage. Heads of cabbage become slimy, soften, rot. The stumps also rot. Infection with rot occurs in rainy weather even in the beds.

Of the bacterial diseases, vascular bacteriosis is more common. that affects the conductive vessels of the plant. They turn black, especially intensively along the edges of the leaves. The leaves turn yellow from the edge to the center, dry out, wrinkle, become transparent.

When affected by wet rot, bacteria pathogens most often settle on mechanically damaged, weakened, affected by other diseases heads of cabbage during storage, especially at high humidity and temperature. Affected heads of cabbage become slimy, rot, smell unpleasant.

Black rot (bacteriosis) especially dangerous for cauliflower from the age of seedlings, and then for adult plants. Many small dark spots appear on the leaves and veins. At first they are watery, rounded, then, when the tissue dies, they become brown-gray, with black edges, irregular in shape, merge.

A characteristic sign for bacterial diseases is a transparent light green border around the spot in the light. With a strong degree of damage, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. Brown spots appear on the heads of cauliflower. In humid weather, the fabric in these places rots, softens, and emits an unpleasant odor.

Cabbage and various types of the virus are affected.

So, black ring spotting is characterized by the appearance on the leaves of greenish-brown spots with a black depressed border. The leaves dry out, growth and head formation are delayed.

Aphids carry the ring spot virus from plant to plant.

And the mosaic virus most often infects cauliflower, the signs of which appear 4-5 weeks after planting the seedlings in the ground. Vessels of young leaves, starting from the base, brighten, gradually becoming keltish-white. Vein growth stops and the leaf becomes wrinkled. Sick plants lag behind in growth, their leaves are deformed, inflorescences are not formed. The intensity of mosaic development is closely related to air temperature. The most severe damage is observed at a temperature of +16...+18°C. At + 24 ° C and above, the signs of the disease are masked. The virus is spread by aphids.

Prevention and control of pests and diseases of cabbage

Such an abundance of harmful organisms should not be frightening. With the following measures for the prevention of cabbage diseases, success awaits you.

Cabbage should not be planted in the same place more than once every three years.

To protect cabbage from diseases, before sowing, the seeds are heated by placing them in water heated to +50 ° C for 20 minutes, maintaining a constant temperature (+50 ° C). After that, they are cooled by immersion in cold water.

Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in one of the preparations ("Epin", "Immunocytofit", "Humisol", "Fitosporin" or other similar growth stimulants) according to the attached instructions.

Seedlings are watered every two weeks with a pink solution of potassium permanganate to prevent black leg.

When planting seedlings, diseased and weak plants are rejected.

If last year there was a cabbage fly on the site, after planting seedlings, Bazudin (30 g per 30 m2) is applied to the soil surface to control cabbage pests.

With the advent of cruciferous fleas, aphids, white caterpillars and other pests, plants are sprayed with one of the following insecticides (Iskra Double Effect, Iskra-M, Senpai, Fufanon, Inta-Vir, Knockdown). These pest control measures for cabbage are repeated as necessary, alternating preparations.

From the end of May, "Metu" or "Metaldehyde" is used from slugs, as well as early morning spraying of pests with a 0.5% solution of copper sulfate. To protect cabbage from pests, the soil around the plants is sprinkled with sawdust or sand, slugs do not walk on them. With the beginning of the formation of a head, cabbage against pests is sprayed with biological preparations ("Fitoverm", "Agravertin", "Aparin", "Iskra-Bio", "Bitobaxibacillin", "Lepidotsid"). Against cruciferous fleas, plants are dusted with tobacco dust or wood ash or a mixture of them (1: 1).

When diseases appear, diseased leaves are cut and burned. Severely affected plants are removed completely. To combat cabbage diseases, plants are sprayed with Oxyhom, Abiga-Peak or colloidal gray.

Damage to plants by pests and diseases is interconnected, so the fight against some reduces the harmfulness of others.

Of the pests, aphids, cruciferous fleas, butterfly caterpillars, cabbage fly larvae, leaf beetles, slugs and thrips most often cause trouble for cabbage.


You can protect cabbage and other vegetables from slugs by pouring narrow paths of mineral fertilizers along the edges of the beds on the surface of the earth. Lime (quicklime or chlorine) destroys slugs even better, but it must be used carefully under cabbage so as not to disturb the acidity of the soil. But most often, slugs are destroyed by setting simple traps on them - in the evening, wet rags and large cabbage leaves (including spoiled ones and therefore unsuitable for food) are laid out in the aisles and on the paths in the evening, and during the day they turn them over and get rid of the slugs that have accumulated under them . You can also place shallow containers (for example, canned food cans dug into the ground) with sour diluted beer or sour jam around the garden that needs to be protected.

cruciferous bugs

Sometimes they move to cabbage from weeds and cruciferous bugs that feed on leaf sap. These are large, conspicuous insects (green with red spots on the elytra) that can be collected by hand. It will also help the destruction of weeds in the neighborhood with the bed.

Cruciferous fleas

Cruciferous fleas- small jumping bugs that feed on the pulp of the leaves and are especially fond of young shoots. If there are too many of them, they are able to eat all the seedlings in general (however, this rarely happens, only if they are very poorly monitored). They can affect any cruciferous plants, including not only vegetables, but also flowers. These bugs overwinter in the soil or under the remains of plants and lay their eggs there, and therefore, in order to protect themselves from them, it is often good enough to dig up the soil both in autumn (with turning the layer) and in spring. If they have already appeared, a good way to get rid of them is to spray the plants with an ordinary soap solution (or even better, a mixture of tobacco infusion and soap solution).


- These are very small sucking insects that cannot be seen with the naked eye. It is possible to understand that the plant is infected with them by the fact that in the place of their nutrition and habitat, the tissues first discolor, and then turn brown and die. Onion or garlic infusions, as well as ordinary liquid soap, can protect against them. Stronger chemicals such as Aktara, Arrivo, Taran, Decis and others cannot be used for cabbage (but it can be used on many other vegetables, except for leafy ones).

In addition to these pests, they can also prevent you from getting a good cabbage crop. rapeseed beetle,, and with a seedless method of cultivation, sometimes centipede mosquitoes.

Protecting vegetables from pests is a hot topic for gardeners. If on cucumbers and tomatoes pests are visible to the naked eye, then it is very difficult to detect them on cabbage, because often beetles and caterpillars crawl inside heads of cabbage, where they eat away the tender core. This article is all about cabbage pest control.

Who harms cabbage

Among the pests of cabbage, you can meet those who infect other garden plants: aphids, whiteflies, gall nematodes, and bears. In addition, the culture is harmed by insects that prefer to eat cultivated plants of the Cruciferous family, which includes all types of cabbage.

Common pests

These pests cause damage not only on cabbage beds.


All types of garden plants are severely damaged by aphids. These small insects inhabit young stems and leaves, sucking the juice from plants. Aphids secrete sugary substances that attract ants. In turn, the ants spread the aphids to healthy plants, promoting the growth of pest colonies. Honeydew attracts not only ants, soot fungus quickly multiplies in sticky areas, aggravating the already deplorable state of seedlings or adult plants.

You need to deal with aphids as soon as a pest is detected. Usually, cabbage aphids overwinter on stalks and old leaves that negligent owners did not destroy in the fall. In early spring, the larvae turn into wingless individuals that are able to lay new larvae. By the middle of summer, a winged form of aphids appears, with the appearance of which the number of voracious larvae increases (each winged individual is able to lay up to 40 larvae). It is by the middle of summer that a blow from the hatched aphid falls, which sucks the juice, drying up the plant completely.

Pest control measures - spraying plants with special insecticides from aphids. Fighting ants on cabbage beds with the help of drugs Muratsid, Anteater, Thunder-2. To scare away ants from infected aphids of plants, ordinary mustard powder will help, which is densely sprinkled with the entrances to anthills and ant paths.

It is worth remembering that the autumn cleaning of the garden will protect against the occurrence of foci of infection with pests and infectious diseases, so the tops of vegetables must be burned or placed in compost heaps at the time.


Huge damage to cabbage crops is caused by a small white insect - the whitefly. This microscopic pest densely populates the lower surface of the leaves of cabbage seedlings, depriving the plant of the opportunity to develop normally. A huge colony of whitefly soars into the air at the slightest touch to the leaves.

Pest control measures are reduced to spraying cabbage with Beatlin, Phosbecid, Fitoverm, Cypermethrin, Talstar, Arrivo, Fury. If the pest has settled in the greenhouse, you can turn on several fumigators at night, as well as hang yellow adhesive tape in the room - pests prefer yellow, fly to it and stick to the adhesive surface.


In the spring, the bear is activated, which gnaws the roots of cabbage seedlings, sometimes leading entire beds to a deplorable state. It is difficult to deal with a bear, since in the fall they have been trapping manure traps in the beds, where pests gather in the cold winter. Manure, rotting, gives off heat, the bears are warm and comfortable in such conditions, the pest can overwinter perfectly in manure heaps. In early spring, it is necessary to stir up all the traps and piles of manure, manually select pests and their nests, and then burn them.

Chemical means for the destruction of the bear: Grizzly, Thunder, Medvetoks. Ultrasonic bear repellers - sititek have gained great popularity. It is worth installing several pieces of such devices on the site as the bear will leave the protected area.

gall nematode

Nematodes are microscopic worms that gnaw out passages in horses and stems of cultivated plants. Nematodes feed on the pulp and juice of the host plant, releasing toxic substances. On the roots of infected plants, round swellings are observed, similar to beads strung on a thread.

There is no treatment for the pest, infected plants are destroyed, the soil in the beds should be replaced (a layer of at least 0.5 meters is removed).

cabbage pests

In addition to common pests, seedlings and adult cabbage plants are harmed by special insects that prefer cabbage leaves. It is worth noting that this is a fairly large detachment of pests, the fight against which is of particular difficulty - after all, it is often not possible to detect damage in a timely manner, because bugs and fleas climb inside the head of cabbage.

Babanukha (cabbage leaf beetle)

The rounded body of this bug is covered with a dark chitinous shell with an emerald sheen. Babanukha harms not only all types of cabbage, but also radish, radish, mustard leaf. After wintering, the bugs wake up at the beginning of summer, leaving shelters located in garden debris, manure, and earthen heaps. Female babanukha climb cabbage seedlings and lay eggs. One female can lay up to 400 eggs, from which new pests will soon hatch. Beetles damage cabbage leaves very badly, slowing down plant growth.

Control measures: timely removal of weeds (especially wild radish and mustard), early digging of the soil in spring, cleaning the garden from debris and plant debris in the fall.

cabbage fly

The gray fly has a very small size - only 6 mm, but its voracious larvae, which hatch in the ground from eggs laid by females, can completely destroy the root system of cabbage seedlings and young plants. The female specially arranges masonry near the roots of cabbage, the hatched offspring immediately begin to eat the young roots, as a result of which the plants die.

Helps to drive away pests infusion of fresh burdock leaves.

Wavy flea

A miniature beetle with black elytra with two cream stripes. The pest is small in size - the body length of an adult is only 3-5 mm. The females lay their eggs on the soil surface near the cabbage stalks. The hatched larvae start the meal, they have young roots and cabbage leaves on the menu. In the middle of summer, the second offspring of wavy fleas appears, which harm already adult cabbage plants.

Tansy infusion helps to scare away pests from cabbage beds.

cabbage white

A small, nondescript gray-white butterfly that lays its eggs on the underside of cabbage leaves is called the cabbage white. Butterflies themselves do not harm the leaves of plants, but their larvae that hatch from eggs. They are so voracious that they can leave only coarse veins from the leaves.

Control measures: spraying infected plants with wormwood infusion, periodic inspections of cabbage and manual destruction of clutches. Planting cabbage beds with carrots and dill, which will attract insects that eat eggs and cabbage white larvae.

cabbage moth

Another butterfly whose larvae harm seedlings and young cabbage plants. The body of the butterfly is small, the color of the wings is gray with an indistinct pattern. The butterfly lays its eggs on cabbage leaves, after which the caterpillars that have emerged from the eggs begin to eat them with appetite. After about a month, the caterpillars turn into pupae, but by this time the cabbage leaves turn into a sieve - the pests gnaw through holes in the body of the cabbage leaf.

Prevention measures: early planting seedlings, timely garbage collection and weeding. You can mechanically destroy the cabbage moth by luring the pest into the light.

cabbage scoop

A gray butterfly with transverse darker stripes on the wings. Voracious white caterpillars hatch from the laid eggs, which eat cabbage and beet leaves, lettuce, and peas.

Measures to prevent the spread of the pest are identical to the fight against cabbage moth. Spraying garden plants with infusion of red hot pepper helps.

Cabbage has a lot of pests, but the cleanliness of the garden and the timely destruction of plant residues, as well as the removal of weeds from the garden, will help prevent their resettlement in the beds.

    Pests of cabbage and how to deal with them properly It is not particularly important whether you grow cabbage in a summer garden or in a winter greenhouse, you will definitely encounter crop pests that will interfere with getting the desired result. That is why the topic of our today's conversation is cabbage pests and methods of dealing with them.


    Each of us dreams of growing a good crop, stable and high-quality, which will justify hopes and give us a lot of organic vegetables. To do this, we invest money and effort in developing the soil, building greenhouses, fertilizers and seedlings, but often we are left, so to speak, with a nose, and pests are to blame. Today we will tell you about cabbage pests and how to deal with them in order to preserve the crop. Cabbage pests and effective methods for their destruction

    Classic cabbage pests

    cruciferous fleas

    These insects cause serious harm already at the seedling germination phase. These are small bugs that overwinter in the soil and survive the winter in plant debris. With the onset of heat, they leave their wintering grounds and eat cruciferous on their way. First, these are weeds, and then cabbage, which we planted in the ground. An interesting fact is that cruciferous fleas eat cabbage in dry and sunny weather, but are afraid of moisture and during rains they simply go into the ground or under cabbage seedlings, where they wait adversity. Insects feed on the upper layers of leaf tissues, which is fraught with subtle ulcers on the plant. When the seedlings mature, tears appear in places of the sores. Massive damage of this kind often leads to wilting of seedlings and death of plants. If the attack falls on adult plants, they already have enough strength to survive it and show a harvest, albeit worse qualities. Cruciferous fleas are one of the main pests of cabbage in the garden

    How to deal with cruciferous fleas on cabbage?

    cabbage fly

    How to deal with cabbage fly

    To prevent the insect from harming cabbage plantings, we need:

    • Pollination of plantings with dust, no more than 3-5 g per square meter weekly; If cabbage fly larvae are found, water the culture with a special solution of thiophos (30%), the concentration of which should not exceed 0.03%. The consumption for each plant is about 250 g; Water the cabbage with chlorophos (65%), the concentration of the solution is about 0.15-0.25%, the consumption per plant is no more than 200 g; If there are no such poisons, the soil is sprinkled with naphthalene and sand , 1:7, or lime with tobacco dust (1:1), no more than 300 g per 10 m2.

    The main methods of dealing with cabbage fly in the beds of this crop

    cabbage moth

    This cabbage pest is a small butterfly that starts laying eggs on cabbage leaves as early as early June. Each butterfly is capable of producing up to 100 eggs, which are clearly visible on the underside of the leaf as small yellow dots. About a week after laying, a caterpillar emerges from the egg, which feeds on the pulp of a cabbage leaf, drilling blind windows into them. What does a cabbage moth look like and what harm can it do to a future crop?

    The fight against cabbage moth

    The fight against a pest of cabbage like this should be very effective, because during the warm period the mole gives up to several generations, causing very serious harm. To fight the cabbage moth, you should:

    • Treat cabbage from pests with calcium arsenate, approximately 12 g for every 100 m2; Spray with chlorophos (65%), solution concentration of about 0.15%, up to 500 mo per 10 m2; You can use entobacterin, which is diluted to a solution state of 0.1- 0.4% and applied in an amount of 500 ml for every 10m2.

    How to process cabbage beds to get rid of cabbage moth?

    Cabbage scoop and cabbage white

    The whitefish is a large moth with black spots on its wings. She rages during the day, when she lays eggs on cabbage leaves in rather serious portions, from 30 to 100 pieces at a time. After 1-1.5 weeks, a caterpillar is born, which quickly eats the flesh of the leaf, leaving only the veins intact. The scoop is a nocturnal representative of pests that acts in much the same way. But caterpillars from scoop eggs appear much earlier, after 5-8 days. Cabbage scoop and whitefish are pests of cabbage in your country house

    Fighting shovel and cabbage white

    Protection of cabbage from pests occurs in the same ways as from cabbage moths. You can use the same tools, in the same norms, and you will get an excellent result and save the cabbage crop. What measures should be taken to destroy the scoops and whites in the cabbage beds?

    cabbage aphid

    Methods of dealing with cabbage aphids

    Processing cabbage from pests is as follows:

    • A solution of anabasin sulfate 0.2% is being prepared, the treatment is in the amount of 500 ml per 10 m2; If chemicals are not available, you can use folk remedies for pests - a decoction of tobacco leaves. To do this, 400 g of tobacco is boiled for 2 hours in 2 liters of water. Further, when the broth cools, the leaves are filtered, and the liquid is poured into a bucket of water, 40-60 g of soap are added and the treatment is carried out.

    How to deal with cabbage pests (video)

    Now that you know the description of pests and the signs of their attack on the crop, and you understand 100% how to deal with cabbage pests, all that remains is to carefully prepare, choose a quality cabbage pest control and protect your crop.

    Also read:

Black ring spot of cabbage

Symptoms of Black Ring Spot on Cabbage: the first signs appear on separate parts of the plant, then affecting the entire cabbage. First, numerous black spots and stripes appear between the veins of cabbage leaves. Spotting affects all types of cabbage - Brussels sprouts, white cabbages, Savoy cabbages, leafy cabbages, kohlrabi, as well as many other plants from the cruciferous, nightshade and haze families.

: the tissue of the root neck of the sprout softens, turns black, the stalk thins and eventually lodges. Blackleg is a common disease of seedlings of seeds and seedlings of all types of cabbage, radish, cucumbers, tomato, lettuce and many other plants.

: Cruciferous fleas scrape small holes in the leaves, which leads to the drying of the injured tissue and the appearance of small holes in the leaves. Control measures for cruciferous fleas: it is necessary to plant seedlings as early as possible, you can cover the seedlings with non-woven material, which will protect against cruciferous fleas and from possible frosts. It is good to dust the plants and the soil under them with a mixture of tobacco dust and wood ash (1: 2). Before this, the plants need to be sprayed with water for better adhesion of the mixture ...

Pests of cabbage seedlings - you need to know the enemy in person!

Cabbage is grown on all household plots, and is the main vegetable used by gardeners, along with potatoes. There are different varieties and types of cabbage, but they are all subject to the invasion of various insects, as they have a juicy and nutrient medium for the development of cabbage pests. The most common and dangerous cabbage pests include cruciferous flea, cabbage scoop, spring cabbage fly, cabbage aphid, cabbage moth and other insects.

Cruciferous flea beetles are small jumping beetles, 2-3 mm in size. They leave their wintering places at the end of March, for the first time they feed on wild cruciferous plants: radish, colza, shepherd's purse.

When shoots of turnips, radishes, cabbages appear, the beetles move on to these vegetables, biting into the leaves, leaving behind depressions that look like sores. Often the leaves dry up and the plants die.

cabbage fly

Its years begin more often at the end of April, when the soil is already warmed up. Females lay their eggs in warm soil near plants. The hatched larvae bite into the roots or roots of the plant, thus gnawing through the passages.

Such damaged plants often begin to stun, wither and die. cabbage scoop is a caterpillar that, in addition to cabbage, can harm crops of beets, peas, and pumpkins.

These caterpillars eat through holes on the leaves; during the period of tying a head of cabbage, they can gnaw passages in it. Such fruits rot, become unsuitable for food and storage. cabbage white, we all know the cabbage butterfly.

Their caterpillars are yellow-green in color, with transverse points on the body, eat cabbage leaves, mainly from the sides. With a mass accumulation, they are able to destroy the entire head of cabbage, leaving only coarse veins. Cabbage moth, a small brown-brown butterfly.

The caterpillars are small, spindle-shaped, bite into the leaves, leaving only the skin on the upper side, which is a hallmark of the presence of these pests. The damage is done in June, July. Cabbage aphid.

A small insect that lives in colonies, damages cabbage leaves, sucking the juice out of them. At the same time, the leaves wither, curl, taking on a pink tint. Aphids are dangerous during the period of their intensive growth and reproduction - the middle and end of summer.

Pest Control Measures

To protect all crops of the cabbage family, it is necessary to apply a complex of extermination and preventive measures. This must be done in order to exterminate pests this year and prevent them from overwintering next year.

All agrotechnical methods can be attributed to preventive measures, and the use of various insecticides or fungicides, manual collection of caterpillars and the destruction of these pests can be attributed to destructive measures. The main measures to combat cabbage pests are even at the stage of cabbage seedlings in your home. It is necessary to carefully examine the seedlings for the presence of various insects, midges, as they may already be in the ground that you brought home from your site for seedlings.

A good remedy for cabbage pests is tobacco infusion, infusion of potato tops. In the later stages of the infestation, various insecticides can be applied to kill insects in the area.

When harvesting, do not leave the stalks and leaves of cabbage and other vegetables on the ground. All sorts of pests of household plots can perfectly overwinter in them.

Healthy and strong seedlings are the key to a future harvest. When to plant seedlings, the lunar calendar will tell you. But at the very beginning of their development, immature seedlings can become victims of various diseases and pests.

There are many of them in nature, but they can and should be dealt with, including with the help of preventive measures. We will talk about diseases and pests of seedlings in today's article.

Seedling diseases


Both beginners and experienced gardeners often encounter such a phenomenon as blackleg. This is a fungal infection that is found in the soil.

Infectious pathogens of the blackleg come to seedlings precisely from soil, which we prepare for growing seedlings. A decrease in temperature or an excess of moisture provoke an “offensive” of infection on young seedlings. To prevent its appearance and development, small amounts of wood ash should be added to the soil intended for growing seedlings. In addition, it is important to monitor the temperature regime and watering, trying to grow seedlings in optimal conditions for this.

Excessive dampness is dangerous for both young and adult plants, therefore, for safety net, systematically add a small amount of river sand to the seedlings. If the black leg still managed to hit part of the seedlings, do not rush to give up. The fungus begins to capture the root neck of plants, while blocking their nutrition through the vascular system of the stem.

As a result, seedlings no longer receive enough nutrients and moisture from the soil. Gradually, the seedlings begin to die. If you find that the stems of plants at the root collar have darkened and become unusually thinner, this is a black leg.

Black leg at the seedlingCope with disease a temporary cessation of watering, removal of weak and seriously affected senets with their subsequent destruction, transplantation of more or less healthy seedlings into other containers with soil disinfected with potassium permanganate solution will help. Only in this way can the surviving plants be saved.

After transplantation, it is better to water them with water with the addition of Energen and lime water. It happens that the infection managed to destroy the entire population of young seedlings. In this case, you do not need to replant anything, it is important to destroy all the plants along with the clod of earth in which they were grown. Thus, you will destroy the infection and prevent its spread to neighboring containers with seedlings.


Another fungal disease - phomosis. Most often affects young cabbage seedlings. And if the infectious pathogen of the black leg lives in the soil, then the phomosis infection is found in the seeds.

For this reason, it is much easier and more productive to deal with this fungus than with the insidious black leg. To prevent the development of phomosis, you just need to soak the seeds in a potassium permanganate disinfectant solution for about an hour before sowing. Otherwise, the infection can affect the seedlings.

In this case, you will see spots with black patches on the stems and leaves of the growing seedlings. It is almost impossible to save plants affected by phomosis .

It remains either to destroy the seedlings and grow a new one, or to wait what will happen to the plants next. As a rule, in the open field, seedlings affected by phomosis begin to develop very slowly, its lower row of leaves acquires a blue or red tint, and the stem begins to thin and break, by analogy with the defeat of plants with a black leg. If you do not see the disease in time and plant diseased seedlings on your summer cottage, then after that it will not be possible to plant crops from the cruciferous family on these beds for 5 years. Be carefull!

White leaf spot

And again we will talk about fungal infection. In most cases white leaf spot infects tomatoes.

Initially, signs of the disease are found on the underside of the seedling leaves in the form of whitish spots with dark patches and a dark rim. Soon the disease moves to the whole plant, the spots begin to merge with each other, covering the leaves and stems of the seedlings completely.

Gradually affected by the disease, the leaves begin to crumble. White leaf spot in tomatoes The infectious agent remains in plant debris of affected plants. If they are not destroyed, then the disease remains active in the soil, the reuse of which will infect a new group of seedlings. To prevent the development of the disease , do not bring it into the soil in your summer cottage, it is necessary to destroy all plants at the first sign of white leaf spot.

Brown leaf spot

And again this fungal infection mainly affects tomato seedlings. As with the previous disease, the fungus first captures the lower row of leaves, on the surface of which blurry yellow spots can be found.

At the same time, an olive coating forms on the lower part of the leaves. Very quickly, the spots capture the entire plant, acquire a brown color. The leaves are starting to fall off.

The disease spreads at lightning speed under conditions of high humidity and temperature. Brown leaf spot It is important to destroy diseased plants as quickly as possible so that plant residues do not get into the soil, especially if the seedlings are already planted in open ground.

To prevent the disease, it is important to remember that tomatoes love dry air and cannot tolerate excess moisture. All diseases of tomatoes activated due to high humidity.

Therefore, if you grow seedlings in dry air, near central heating radiators and heaters, try to ventilate the room more often. When the opportunity arises, take the grown seedlings to fresh air under the rays of the spring sun.

The death of the root system in seedlings

Sometimes vegetable seedlings stop growing, stop growing, become lethargic, and eventually die. This happens more often in inexperienced gardeners.

They begin to look for spots, a black leg, pests on the seedlings, but nothing of the kind is found, and the plants continue to die. What's the matter?

Only in improper care of seedlings!If you watered the seedlings with cold water, the root system will inevitably die. If you put the seedlings on the windowsill, closer to the glass, trying to give them more sunlight, then you might not take into account that even in April it can be quite cool on the windowsill, especially for freshly watered plants. Cold destroys seedlings, remember this.


Kila infects cruciferous plants and flower crops. The infectious agent in the form of spores continues to live in the soil for a long time, getting into it with the plant remains of diseased plants.

When favorable conditions arise, keel spores begin to actively multiply and infect the root system of plants. Roots affected by the disease look ugly - growths-tumors appear on them. A damaged root system is not able to fully nourish the plant, as a result of which it will soon die.

In most cases, clubroot is found in heavy acidic soils. How to deal with kila? First of all, this is the liming of acidic soil, a moderate watering regime, the destruction of diseased seedlings along with a clod of earth.

The holes that remained after the seedlings were removed must be treated with charcoal, lime or ash.


Most often this fungal infection affects flower crops, in particular asters. The infectious agent lives both in the seeds and in the soil.

Initially, the disease begins to affect the roots of the plant, and then, in an ascending way, it rises along the stems of the seedlings and captures all the organs of the seedlings. As a result, the root system begins to rot, and diseased plants are effortlessly pulled out of the ground, as if they do not have any root at all. Following the roots, the root neck and stem begin to rot.

The leaves begin to turn pale and crumble. The disease more often affects seedlings, which hardly endured the picking process, during which they suffered damage to the root system. As a fight the selection of seed material is used exclusively from healthy plants, the disinfection of seeds and soil before sowing, the destruction of diseased seedlings and the complete replacement of the soil in the focus of the disease.

seedling pests


Dangerous for both seedlings and adult plants. It can multiply rapidly and populate the stems, leaves and shoots of the plant, feeding on its juices. This causes leaf curl.

Aphid control consists in the treatment of plants with infusions of garlic and wormwood, special insecticides.

greenhouse whitefly

greenhouse whitefly This the pest affects mainly vegetable crops, petunias and fragrant tobacco. The whitefly can be seen under incident light - this insect reaches a length of 1 mm, pale yellow with two pairs of wings.

The main harm to plants is delivered by larvae that feed on the juice of the plant, which leads to its withering and complete drying. Larvae can be found on the underside of the leaves.

The insect is also dangerous because it can infect seedlings with other viral diseases, as it is their carrier. To combat the greenhouse whitefly should apply Phosbecid or Karbofos by spraying the plant with these preparations during the growing season.

You can also wash the bottom of the seedlings with cool water, and then carefully loosen the soil to bury the pests that have fallen during washing. On warm sunny days, the greenhouse whitefly can accumulate on window panes, at which time it can be destroyed with Dichlorvos.

sprout fly

Often settles on young seedlings sprout fly, which fell into the soil along with humus. In warm conditions, it begins active life, laying eggs on the soil surface and damaging the first seedlings of plants.

In size, the germ fly reaches 3 mm, so it can be seen with the naked eye. To destroy the sprout fly , it is important to steam the soil immediately before growing seedlings and before picking. It is also important to avoid overwatering.


Seedlings affected by thrips have silvery spots that increase with time. Thrips infection occurs due to neglect of disinfectant rules for containers and soil for seedlings.

spider mite

Almost invisible to the naked eye, but far from being a safe pest that affects almost all seedlings - spider mite. The disease becomes noticeable with an abundance of ticks - the leaves of the seedlings begin to turn pale, turn yellow and crumble. The spider mite is destroyed by using Aktellika And Fitoverma.

How to deal with seedling pests?

In fact, chemicals are practically powerless in the fight against pests, since the latter quickly restore the size of their population. In addition, chemicals are not safe for the structure of the soil and the plant itself, since they contain pesticides.

For this reason, the most relevant are preventive measures, and not an attack with chemistry. The basic rule in the prevention of diseases and the appearance of pests on seedlings is maintaining optimal humidity and temperature conditions , and soil disinfection by steaming before sowing seed material. If the soil intended for growing seedlings is steamed ahead of time, then harmful insects and microorganisms can begin their development again, for example, an excess of nitrogenous compounds improves the conditions for the development of aphids and spider mites. Pest control should begin either immediately after their discovery, or focusing for the next dates of the lunar calendar - he will tell you the most successful day.

White cabbage is very often found in plots, as well as in summer cottages. This vegetable is very popular as an ingredient in many dishes and for preservation.

Therefore, gardeners often face such a problem as various kinds of diseases and pests. Let's talk about the main ones in more detail.

Diseases of white cabbage


The most common fungal disease of white cabbage, which appears most often in areas with impervious soil, where there is stagnant water. On alkaline soils, the keel does not develop; its environment is acidic soils. The causative agent of the disease can be in the soil for up to 7 years, so another possible cause of plant disease is planting seedlings in soil that has not been properly treated.

Kila appears after planting seedlings and at any stage of development (seedlings during growth may also be affected) by the general weakness of the plant, wilting. When excavated, bumpy growths are visible on the roots. The cabbage sprout withers, stops growing and dies.

What to do?

  1. It is not possible to save and resume the development of the plant. After determining the disease with clubroot, the affected cabbage is immediately removed and burned.
  2. The bed with the remaining healthy plants should be thoroughly weeded from all weeds, especially cruciferous, spud and watered.
  3. Places from which diseased plants are removed should be disinfected with solutions of formalin or Bordeaux mixture. Apply colloidal sulfur in the form of a powder to the bed, based on a square meter of 5 g.
  4. After reaching the maturity of the remaining plantings, all residues are removed from the beds, they are carefully dug up, and in subsequent years they do not plant any types of cabbage and related plants, and planting potatoes is also undesirable.
  5. To kill pathogens will help, planted in the next season, cultures of the families of nightshade, lily, haze. The striking combination is tomatoes and garlic.

Phomosis or dry rot

One of the most common and dangerous diseases of cabbage lies in wait for the plant at various stages of development. The causative agent is a fungal infection. With a disease of dry rot, the root stalk turns black in cabbage, yellow and gray spots appear on the leaves.

The affected stem is covered with fungus, becomes rotten, the plant dies. If the disease has overtaken at the seedling stage, the harvest should not be expected. Phomosis can overtake heads of cabbage already in storage, they become covered with spots, ulcers and dry out.

What to do?

  1. In the initial stage of the disease, seedlings and affected plantings can still be saved if sprayed with special chemicals.
  2. Pollination of seedlings with wood ash or ground sulfur is effective. This procedure is carried out three times in 7 days.

Vascular bacteriosis

Bacterial disease characteristic of all types of cabbage. It first affects the leaves, the tips of which become yellow and dry. The vessels of the leaf turn black, a grid appears, then the yellowness spreads to the entire leaf, it turns black and dies.

The next stage is the spread to the next cabbage leaves and the death of the whole plant. A viable bacterium remains intact in the soil, leaves, seeds for up to two years. From a sick plug to a healthy one, the bacterium is carried by wind or pests, insects. A positive development environment is abundant rainfall.

What to do?

If affected leaves are found, they should be removed and the entire planting should be treated with any of the garden chemicals.

Mucous bacteriosis

The bacterium most often develops at the stage of storage or transportation of cabbage, but it can also begin active actions at the growth stage. Signs of mucous bacteriosis can manifest themselves in two ways.

In the first case, the top of the head rots, mucus and an unpleasant putrefactive odor appear.

The second option - rotting starts from the root. The impetus for the activation of bacteria is soils overfed with nitrogen, a sharp drop in temperature and prolonged precipitation.

What to do?

  1. In the garden - remove the affected plant, treat the rest with appropriate preparations.
  2. If rotting began during storage, diseased heads should also be removed and the room should be disinfected.

Gray rot

A fungal disease that overtakes the harvested crop at the storage location. Sick heads of cabbage are covered with fluffy mold and black dots. This happens more often in rooms with increased dampness, it also overtakes if wet forks that have not been dried sufficiently have been stored.

The prerequisites for development are the same as with mucous bacteriosis. The way of fighting is also identical. Prevention of diseases that occur during storage - preliminary thorough disinfection and drying of the premises.

White rot or sclerotinia

Head rotting, the appearance of a white web on the underside of the leaf - such manifestations of a fungal infection most often occur during heavy cold precipitation. Affected more often is an already ripe crop, ready for harvest or already laid down for storage. Like other varieties of rot, sclerotinia likes to develop on acidic and nitrogenous soils.

Struggle - preventive decrease in soil acidity, nitrogen neutralization. Spraying with preparations containing copper can save plants.

Important! Even slightly affected cabbage heads will not be able to survive long-term storage. The infection will be transmitted to the rest of the crop. All damaged forks should be cleaned and recycled first.

Spot necrosis

This is a disease that manifests itself in the form of black small dots on the inner leaves of an adult head. Necrosis increases during storage, but is not transmitted to other heads, as the disease is not caused by an infectious cause.

Necrosis is a manifestation of a biochemical failure in the metabolism of cabbage, which manifests itself when the plant is overfed with mineral fertilizers. Cabbage with severe necrosis, when the points merge into large spots, becomes unusable.

The only way to combat necrosis is to comply with agricultural practices and be careful when using mineral supplements.

cabbage mosaic

The external manifestations of the cabbage mosaic are similar to the symptoms of necrosis - initially black dots also appear between the leaves, in addition, the edge of the leaf is covered with a dark green frame. Unlike necrosis, the cause of this disease is a viral pathogen, which is carried by aphids and spider mites.

What to do?

The disease is incurable, and can gradually affect the entire crop. For this reason, at the first signs of the disease, the damaged plant should be removed, at the same time sprayed with a pesticide.


This fungal disease begins its development with damage to the lower part of the cabbage trunk. The stalk turns black, becomes covered with spots, becomes thinner and weaker. The whole head of cabbage does not receive the necessary nutrition, weakens and dies. The appearance of the disease is most often associated with stagnation of water at the roots in waterlogged soil.

May occur during seedling growth. Affected seedlings should not be planted - the disease cannot be treated and spreads to the entire garden.

What to do?

The diseased plant is removed and destroyed, and the rest of the planting is treated with potassium permanganate or special antifungal drugs.

Fusarium wilt

A fungal disease that overtakes plants of the cabbage family through the root system from the affected soil. The infection gets an increased development with a lack of moisture or low summer temperatures. The leaves turn yellow, die and fall off. The head of cabbage is not tied, leaving a bare trunk.

What to do?

The only treatment for the entire site is the removal of dead seedlings and the disinfection of the soil with a solution of copper sulfate or manganese potassium.

Penosporosis or downy mildew

Gray-yellow spots with powdery coating all over the cabbage leaf, withering and dying of the affected leaves - this is how this fungal disease manifests itself.

Penosporosis is a frequent guest of greenhouse seedlings, where its development is facilitated by high humidity and high temperature. When the plant is transferred to open ground, the development of the fungus is slightly slowed down, but soon resumes again.

What to do?

You can stop the fungus by spraying with Tiram or Planriz solutions.

White cabbage pests and their control

cruciferous fleas

One of the most dangerous pests of the entire cruciferous family. A few days after emerging from hibernation and mass reproduction, the bugs are able to destroy the entire crop of young plantings of cabbage. The initial method of struggle is a thorough cleaning of weeds, since it is on them, of the same family with cabbage, that the flea begins its spring development.

The following methods of control, effective in the fight against other pests:

  1. Spraying with a solution of wood ash, at least 3-4 times with an interval of 4-5 days.
  2. A decoction of tomato tops (4 kg of stepchildren or 2 kg of dry leaves per bucket of water). The boiled and filtered broth is diluted by half before use and 40 g of soap are added.
  3. Sprinkling with pepper powder, tobacco, dry mustard. Sprinkle plants and soil around them.
  4. Spraying with vinegar.
  5. Insecticide treatment is less environmentally friendly, but more effective and reliable.

Horseradish leaf beetles

Beautiful black bugs with a greenish tint, another name for which is babanukha. Winters in the soil, under the remains of vegetation or manure, comes to the surface in early June. Babanukha feeds on green leaves, and lays eggs on them.

cabbage whitefly

Withered cabbage leaves, darkened from the lower edge - such signs can determine the activity of the larvae laid by this fly. The whitefly is similar in appearance to the housefly, but is smaller in size.

cabbage flies

Another representative of small flower flies, the larvae of which feed on cabbage roots. Outwardly, it is distinguished by dark stripes on the belly. It is difficult to consider infection with larvae, so the fight must be started immediately, when the wilting of plants is noticed for no apparent reason.

Fight: hilling, sprinkling the soil around with tobacco dust, a mixture of peppers, watering with ammonia or infusion of laurel.

Gall nematodes

Nematodes are small worms 1-1.5 mm long, which damage, in addition to cabbage, many other vegetable crops, except for garlic. Planting garlic between cabbages is one of the preventive measures against nematodes. Worms settle in the roots of the plant, feed there, form galls.

It becomes difficult for a root affected by nematodes to transfer nutrients, which affects the development of the ground part of the plant. You can fight like with a cabbage fly, but it is possible to destroy the pest only by completely replacing the soil layer.


White beautiful butterflies over cabbage plantings are not pests in themselves, but caterpillars that emerge from laid eggs feed on cabbage leaves and in large numbers.

In addition to spraying with chemicals, you can protect a cabbage bed by planting it with beans, calendula, and marigolds. White butterflies also do not like the smell of wormwood, the taste of pepper, mustard.

Effective, albeit laborious, is also the fight by physically destroying the egg clutches on the leaves.

cabbage moth

Another type of butterfly, cabbage pests (photo), which grow caterpillars on leaves, are small brown representatives of the moth family. The methods of dealing with them are the same as with whites, fertilizing with potash fertilizers.

Prevention - cleaning the garden from tops and other residues.

cabbage scoop

Brown-gray butterfly with wavy stripes on the wings, with a wingspan of 5 cm. The caterpillars are green, with yellow stripes on the sides. In addition to the usual methods of fighting butterflies, the scoop can be caught by attracting them with light.

cabbage aphid


A large underground beetle is a pest that eats the roots of plants. The bear family is able to destroy a garden bed with seedlings in a couple of days. The traces of the beetle in the garden are clearly visible surface passages in the form of undermined convolutions.

To combat the bear, there are garden chemicals that are mixed with grain and laid out in holes in places where pests are seen. The second way is to equip traps: pits with compost, where beetles run.

Important. Frequent loosening and digging is a method to destroy the eggs of a dangerous pest.

cabbage fire

A light brown butterfly with transverse stripes, the wingspan of which is 3 cm. The caterpillars are yellow with black spots on the sides. Appears in June, and is not so terrible for seedlings planted early. Moth pupae overwinter in the ground, so digging up the soil is one of the pest control methods.

Long-legged harmful

This pest is often mistaken for a large mosquito. The larvae of the centipede grows not only on cabbage, but also on other vegetables and weeds. One of the methods of struggle is frequent weeding, the destruction of weeds and dried tops, treatment with cyanamide.


Any disease of cabbage is easier to prevent than to get rid of it. Preventive measures to save the crop from diseases and pests are as follows:

  1. Modern breeding has achieved excellent results in creating cabbage varieties for different regions, with different ripening periods and with enhanced resistance to major cruciferous diseases. Therefore, buying seeds of just such varieties will be cheaper and more reliable.
  2. Many garden plants are natural enemies of viruses that cabbage is susceptible to. The key to a good harvest is crop rotation.
  3. Proper implementation of agrotechnical measures: timely watering, weeding, loosening.
  4. Tillage before planting and thorough cleaning of remains after harvest.
  5. Timely pest control helps not only to get rid of their influence. Pests are frequent carriers of infections.
  6. Seed treatment before sowing and careful seedling care are the key to healthy plantings.
  7. Cleaning and disinfection of the storage room.