
Medicinal plant white drema. Sandman white, whitish, white dawn, white resin, meadow resin - Melandrium album (Mill.) Garcke White sandman: description of the plant and its features

Conifers in garden design

Sandman white(smolevka, cuckoo flower, adonis, forest cockle, nutcracker, borage) - a biennial herbaceous dioecious plant 45-100 cm high with a branched, rounded, knotty stem. The leaves are opposite, oval-lanceolate, pointed, slightly pubescent. Flowers with a swollen, fused tubular calyx, collected in an apical semi-umbrella, white petals. The fruit is a multi-seeded ovoid capsule, opening at the top with 10 teeth. Seeds are reniform-oval, ash-gray.

Flowering from May to August, fruiting until October. It grows along the edges of forests, shrubs, gardens, kitchen gardens, meadows, ditches in many regions of Russia. It is also known practically throughout Central and Eastern Europe.

Medicinal raw materials are the aerial part of the plant, leaves, flowers, less often roots and seeds, collected in the usual way. Grass is harvested during flowering.

In folk medicine, the plant is used for insomnia, to relieve mental stress in the form of baths and inside. Decoctions and infusions of leaves and flowers are used as sedatives, for epilepsy, uterine bleeding, mainly in the postpartum period, for the treatment of umbilical hernia inside and out in the form of poultices, compresses.

The plant has anti-inflammatory, emollient, analgesic, hemostatic, sedative and mild hypnotic effect.

Warm water infusion of herbs rinse your mouth with toothache. Crushed grass in the form of poultices is applied to "solid tumors" and tumors of the glands to soften them, and to hemorrhoidal cones - to relieve pain.

Decoctions and tincture of seeds are not unsuccessfully used for tumors, most often the intestines. In this regard, the plant is gaining popularity and is of great interest and value.

The roots are highly foaming and can be used to make soap. Valuable feed for livestock. Recommended for introduction into culture.

Poultices: fresh or dry drowsiness grass is scalded with boiling water, wrapped in gauze. Hot pads are applied to hard swellings and hemorrhoids.

To obtain an infusion, take 20 g of leaves and flowers, pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist on a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool for 45 minutes, filter. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day for various colic and 1/2 cup at night for insomnia.

A decoction is prepared from the seeds or roots. Why take 15 g of roots or seeds, or a mixture thereof, pour 180 ml of boiling water, insist on a water bath for 30 minutes, cool for 10 minutes, filter, bring to 180 ml. You should take 2 tbsp. spoons 2-3 times a day.

The white drema plant has several names. It is called tar, egg grass, cracker, tar, tooth-potion. There are several versions of the origin of the names. According to the first, the name is associated with the Greek word "sialon", which translates as "saliva". This is due to the stickiness of the stems of some varieties. According to the second, the plant is associated with the name of the Greek god, the companion of Bacchus: "Silenos" - constantly drunk. If you pick one inflorescence and slap it, you will hear a distinct pop. Hence another name for the plant - cracker.

Sandman white has been used since ancient times for the treatment of various pathologies. A decoction of the rhizomes of the plant bathed children who did not grow well. The infusion is an effective remedy for the bites of rabid animals.

Appreciated by plants and gardeners. It is used in landscape design. In addition, the sandman is used in Italian cuisine. People eat fresh leaves, as well as stew and steam them. Sandman leaves are added when preparing soups, closed pizzas, risotto. Residents of Northern Kira prepare vitamin salads from the plant. Old leaves are boiled or fried with garlic.

In addition, drema is an excellent honey plant. From dry, crushed roots of the plant, combined with water, a soap solution is made, which is used instead of detergent.


Sandman white is a herbaceous perennial that belongs to the Carnation family and reaches a height of sixty or more centimeters. It is equipped with bare erect stems, lanceolate or ovate bluish opposite leaves, white unisexual flowers. The fruits of the plant are ovoid fifteen-millimeter boxes. Sandman blooms, as a rule, at the beginning of the summer period, and the fruits ripen by July.

The homeland of a dream is considered Western and Northern Europe. Caucasus, Mongolia, Asia, Himalayas, Japan, America, Russia, Ukraine - habitat. Meadows, edges, clearings, wastelands, ditches, riverine meadows - places of growth.

Collection and preparation

For the manufacture of medicinal compositions, mainly the ground part of the slumber is used. It is recommended to collect raw materials during flowering. Next, the grass plants are thoroughly washed. Then each stalk of drowsiness is carefully laid out on a clean surface. The grass is dried, as a rule, in a room with sufficient ventilation.

Next, the raw materials are poured into paper bags, tied tightly and stored in a dry, dark place. It is necessary to store blanks in the dark. It happens that the fruits of drowsiness are used to prepare medicines. Harvest them in the middle of the autumn period. Then they are dried in dryers or a warm room and fall asleep in cardboard boxes or paper bags. Fruits should be stored in a dark room with good ventilation. The duration of storage and use of blanks is two years.

Composition and useful properties

The plant contains many useful and healing substances:

  • triterpene saponins;
  • saponins;
  • flavonoids;
  • resinous substances;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • vitexin;
  • synapic and ferulic acid;
  • alkaloids;
  • coumarin;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • carotene;
  • proteins;
  • phytoncides;
  • essential oils;
  • micro and macro elements.

The plant has emollient, diuretic, sedative, analgesic, tonic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, tonic and immunostimulating properties.

Sandman-based compositions contribute to:

  • normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • elimination of painful sensations;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • improvement of the work of the central nervous system;
  • therapy: dysentery, bronchitis, heartburn, gastritis, pathologies of the genitourinary system, toothache, tuberculosis, shortness of breath, hemorrhoids, hernia.

Folk remedies

Recipes for effective medicines are passed down from generation to generation. Medicines help in the treatment of various ailments. But you can use them only with the permission of the attending physician.

➡ Uterine bleeding, umbilical hernia, epilepsy: use of a healing infusion. Brew the crushed dried above-ground part of the nap in half a liter of freshly boiled water. Leave the product in a warm room for an hour. Take 50 ml filtered drink four times a day.

➡ Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract: infusion therapy. Brew fifteen grams of the dried crushed plant in two hundred milliliters of boiling water. Let the composition infuse. It is recommended to use 60 ml of the filtered composition three times a day.

➡ Jade, rheumatism: decoction treatment. Pour a spoonful of dried, finely chopped ground part of the plant with a glass of boiling water. Put the container on the stove, wait for the composition to boil, and then simmer the composition over low heat for fifteen minutes. Take ten grams of strained drug four times a day.

➡ Hemorrhoidal lumps: poultice therapy. Mix a handful of the dried, finely chopped, ground part of the plant with a little boiling water. Wait for her to steam up. Wrap the composition in gauze and apply to the sore spot.

➡ Gastritis, problems with the gastrointestinal tract: treatment with drowsiness seeds. Take the seeds of the plant in the amount of twenty grams and steam them with boiling water - 200 ml. Cool and take half a spoonful of strained drug three times a day.

➡ Preparing a soothing drink. Brew the flowers and leaves of the plant - twenty grams in three hundred milliliters of boiled water. Infuse the composition in a thermos for half an hour. It is recommended to take thirty milliliters of the drug twice a day.


You can not take drugs from the plant in question for people with individual intolerance, pregnant and breastfeeding women. Should not be used by people with constipation, colitis, gastritis. In no case do not give nap compositions to small children.

Botanical characteristics of white doze

Sandman white is an annual or biennial dioecious herbaceous plant of the clove family. It reaches a height of 45–100 cm and has a branched knotted stem. The leaves are elliptical, pointed at the ends, opposite. The flowers are white, unisexual, collected in an apical semi-umbrella in a fused tubular calyx. The plant blooms in June-July, after which the fruits ripen - oval multi-seeded boxes with 10 teeth at the top.

Dormouse grows in meadows, on the edges of forests, in bushes, near housing, it is distributed throughout almost the entire territory of Russia and the CIS, except for the Arctic regions. The plant propagates by seeds. Usually the flowers open in the late afternoon, emitting an amazing and delicate aroma, during the day the petals are closed. Before the rain, drowsiness flowers also bloom, and by this sign you can determine the weather.

Useful properties of naps

Sandman refers to medicinal plants and is widely used in folk medicine. For recreational purposes, the aerial part of the white nap is collected in June-July - during its flowering period. Less often, roots and seeds are used, which are collected in the fall. All parts of the plant contain flavonoids and saponins, although there are more vitamins, phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives in the leaves, fatty oil is included in the fruit. The plant is also rich in iron, manganese, magnesium, potassium and calcium salts.

Slumber preparations have analgesic, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, sedative and mild hypnotic effects. Most often they are used in the form of decoctions, infusions, poultices.

Application of nap

An infusion of white doze is taken as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent for rheumatism, colitis, stomach pain, and kidney dysfunction. The infusion is also very calming and helps with insomnia. Decoctions of leaves and flowers are prescribed for epilepsy, for contraction of the uterus in the postpartum period, for umbilical hernia - in the latter case, the decoction is not only taken orally, but also compresses are made from it. Decoctions from the roots are used in homeopathy.

In the literature, there is information that the seeds of the white doze are used to treat tumor diseases, mainly neoplasms in the intestines. The seeds are used in tinctures and decoctions.

Herbal infusion: 20 g of crushed leaves and flowers are poured into a glass of boiling water and put on a “steam bath” for 15 minutes. After this, the remedy is insisted for 45 minutes and filtered. The recommended dosage is 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

Decoction of seeds and roots: take 15 g of a mixture of seeds and roots, pour 250 mg of boiling water and boil in a "steam bath" for about 30 minutes. The finished broth is cooled, filtered and diluted with hot boiled water to the previous volume. Take 2 tablespoons of decoction 2-3 times a day.

Poultices: dry or fresh drowsiness grass is poured with boiling water and wrapped in gauze in the form of small pads that are applied to hemorrhoidal bumps and swelling.

Sandman meadow

This meadow grass from the clove family has straight, branched stems up to 1 meter high. The flowers are solitary, large, at the end of the stem are collected in a dense inflorescence. Leaves elliptical, sessile, opposite. The plant blooms from June to August, propagated by seeds. The fruit is an ovoid capsule with ten teeth, which contains many seeds. From one plant, you can collect up to 10-12 thousand seeds. The length of each of them is 1.6 mm, the width is about 1 mm.

Meadow drema is ubiquitous, littering pastures, orchards and orchards, it also prefers wastelands, ravines and weedy places. The plant can be found throughout Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Central Asia and the Caucasus. In folk medicine, it is used as a medicine, being at the same time a valuable feed for livestock. Fresh leaves, stems and flowers of the plant are usually used as raw materials, less often roots and seeds.

Infusions and decoctions of meadow drowsiness are taken as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, choleretic and sedative drug. It helps with dental and epilepsy, increased heart rate, and nervous tension. The herb will soothe pain in the stomach and reduce pain in rheumatism, it will contract the uterus well after childbirth and will come to the rescue with colitis. Tinctures and decoctions of seeds are used for tumor diseases.

In addition, the roots can form foam, so they can be used to make soap.

Contraindications to the use of naps

Contraindications for this plant have not been particularly studied, since the dream is not used in official medicine. It is recommended that the exact dosage be observed. You can not use decoctions and infusions for gastritis with zero or low acidity, for colitis with, as well as for severe intestinal dysfunction.

Expert editor: Sokolova Nina Vladimirovna| Phytotherapeutist

Education: A diploma in the specialty "Medicine" and "Therapy" received at the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Phytotherapy at the Moscow University of Peoples' Friendship (2008).

Sandman white is an annual or biennial dioecious herbaceous plant of the clove family. It reaches a height of 45–100 cm and has a branched knotted stem. The leaves are elliptical, pointed at the ends, opposite. The flowers are white, unisexual, collected in an apical semi-umbrella in a fused tubular calyx. The plant blooms in June-July, after which the fruits ripen - oval multi-seeded boxes with 10 teeth at the top.

Dormouse grows in meadows, on the edges of forests, in bushes, near housing, it is distributed throughout almost the entire territory of Russia and the CIS, except for the Arctic regions. The plant propagates by seeds. Usually the flowers open in the late afternoon, emitting an amazing and delicate aroma, the petals are closed during the day. Before the rain, drowsiness flowers also bloom, and by this sign you can determine the weather.

Useful properties of naps

Sandman refers to medicinal plants and is widely used in folk medicine. For recreational purposes, the aerial part of the white nap is collected in June-July - during its flowering period. Less often, roots and seeds are used, which are collected in the fall. All parts of the plant contain flavonoids and saponins, although there are more vitamins, phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives in the leaves, fatty oil is included in the fruit. The plant is also rich in iron, manganese, magnesium, potassium and calcium salts.

Slumber preparations have analgesic, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, sedative and mild hypnotic effects. Most often they are used in the form of decoctions, infusions, poultices.

Application of nap

An infusion of white doze is taken as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent for rheumatism, colitis, stomach pain, and kidney dysfunction. The infusion is also very calming and helps with insomnia. Decoctions of leaves and flowers are prescribed for epilepsy, for contraction of the uterus in the postpartum period, for umbilical hernia - in the latter case, the decoction is not only taken orally, but also compresses are made from it. Decoctions from the roots are used in homeopathy.

In the literature, there is information that the seeds of the white doze are used to treat tumor diseases, mainly neoplasms in the intestines. The seeds are used in tinctures and decoctions.

Herbal infusion: 20 g of crushed leaves and flowers are poured with a glass of boiling water and put on a “steam bath” for 15 minutes. After this, the remedy is insisted for 45 minutes and filtered. The recommended dosage is 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

Decoction of seeds and roots: take 15 g of a mixture of seeds and roots, pour 250 mg of boiling water and boil in a "steam bath" for about 30 minutes. The finished broth is cooled, filtered and diluted with hot boiled water to the previous volume. Take 2 tablespoons of decoction 2-3 times a day.

Poultices: dry or fresh drowsiness grass is poured with boiling water and wrapped in gauze in the form of small pads that are applied to hemorrhoidal bumps and swelling.

Sandman meadow

This meadow grass from the clove family has straight, branched stems up to 1 meter high. The flowers are solitary, large, at the end of the stem are collected in a dense inflorescence. Leaves elliptical, sessile, opposite. The plant blooms from June to August, propagated by seeds. The fruit is an ovoid capsule with ten teeth, which contains many seeds. From one plant, you can collect up to 10-12 thousand seeds. The length of each of them is 1.6 mm, the width is about 1 mm.

Meadow sandman is ubiquitous, littering pastures, orchards and orchards, she also prefers wastelands, ravines and weedy places. The plant can be found throughout Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Central Asia and the Caucasus. In folk medicine, it is used as a medicine, being at the same time a valuable feed for livestock. Fresh leaves, stems and flowers of the plant are usually used as raw materials, less often roots and seeds.

Infusions and decoctions of meadow drowsiness are taken as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, choleretic and sedative drug. It helps with toothache and headache, epilepsy, increased heart rate, insomnia, nervous tension. The herb will soothe pain in the stomach and reduce pain in rheumatism, it will contract the uterus well after childbirth and will come to the rescue with colitis. Tinctures and decoctions of seeds are used for tumor diseases.

In addition, the roots can form foam, so they can be used to make soap.

Contraindications to the use of naps

Contraindications for this plant have not been particularly studied, since the dream is not used in official medicine. It is recommended that the exact dosage be observed. You can not use decoctions and infusions for gastritis with zero or low acidity, for colitis with constipation, as well as for severe intestinal dysfunction.

This dioecious herbaceous plant is annual or biennial. It can grow up to one meter in length. The grass has a deep and fleshy root. In some cases, it is strewn with rhizomatous sharpening buds. A distinctive feature of the plant is an upright branched knotted stem. It is covered with thin glandular hairs, so it feels sticky to the touch.

The leaves are opposite. They have an elliptical shape, their ends are slightly pointed. The lower leaves are petiolate, inverted-lanceolate, and the upper ones are slightly hairy, sessile, lanceolate. Single-sex semi-umbrellas collected in apical ones look very attractive. The corolla is white, with a small crown, the petals are distinguished by a bend. The fruit is a single-celled capsule. When ripe, it swells and becomes ovoid.


With the onset of darkness, the white doze flower opens and emits a delicious aroma. During the day, the petals of the plant are closed. But if it's going to rain, they open up. Knowing this feature, you can guess the weather. The flowering period of white drowsiness falls on June-July. After that, in August, oval boxes with a large number of seeds ripen. There are other popular names for white drowsiness: tooth grass, lock grass, nutcracker, borage, forest cockle.

Places of growth

Favorite places of white slumber are forest edges, meadows. It also grows in shrubs and near human habitation. Can litter crops of grain crops. Found in gardens and orchards. Likes loose, moist, nitrogen-rich soils. Does not grow in saline soil. Sandman white - a plant that is common in Russia and the CIS countries. Propagated by seeds, vegetative-root layers, pollinated by insects.

Procurement rules

Medicinal properties are possessed by the root of slumber and its aerial part. Raw materials are harvested in August. The roots of the plant are dug up with a shovel. After that, they are washed with running water, put on a towel to dry. Large specimens should be cut lengthwise and across. And then put in a car dryer or spread out in the shade under a canopy. Dried roots are placed in cloth bags. They are stored in dry, well-ventilated areas. Subject to all the rules for harvesting, the root of a slumber for treatment is suitable for two years. At the end of the term, it loses its healing properties.

Application in everyday life

The drowsy white is fed to livestock. In addition, it forms a good foam, so it is used to make soap. Sandman white, the photo of which you see in the article, not only has healing properties, it is very attractive in appearance. The plant can be used to decorate decorative flower beds.

Chemical composition

Grass, white sandman, has a rich composition of chemical elements. The roots of the plant contain tannins, essential oils, saponins, flavonoids, phytoncides. They contain manganese, iron, mineral salts. Sandman leaves are rich in carotene and ascorbic acid.

Medicinal properties of the herb

Sandman white is used not only in folk medicine, but in traditional medicine. Among its main properties are anti-inflammatory, analgesic, emollient, blood-purifying, diuretic, and sedative. It is used as a mild sleeping pill. The herb is used internally as infusions and decoctions and externally as poultices. With insomnia, neurasthenia, gastritis, an aqueous infusion of white slumber will help. It is effective for headaches. If the tooth is worried, it is enough to rinse your mouth with infusion of nap.

As an anesthetic, it can be used in the form of poultices for hemorrhoids and tumors of the glands. A compress with medicinal herbs should be used for boils. A decoction of miraculous herbs is recommended for rheumatism and kidney disease. It will also help with heart palpitations. In clinical studies, the green parts of the plant have been found to have a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland. Therefore, the grass can be used for diseases of the endocrine system.

Sandman white has a vasoconstrictive effect. It has similarities with the action of thyroidin. This grass is loved by young mothers. Sandman white is effective during postpartum hemorrhage. It will also help to cope with edema, as it has a diuretic effect. This herb is used to treat umbilical hernia. In addition, the plant is used in dermatology in the treatment of skin diseases. Thanks to her, you can get rid of lichen, scrofula, various abscesses. Experts recommend using it when washing and taking baths. By applying a compress to the corn, you can soften it. It also helps with epilepsy, intestinal tumors


Not all people can take white drowsiness. It is contraindicated in patients with intestinal disorders, colitis, constipation. You can not use it with low acidity of the stomach. Particular attention should be paid to the dosage of medicinal herbs. It is taken strictly according to the prescription. It is possible that the substances that make up the plant can cause individual intolerance. People suffering from allergic diseases should take white sandman very carefully. Caution should be for those who suffer from bradycardia.

In any case, before proceeding with the treatment of white drowsiness, it is worth consulting with a doctor. In order not to harm yourself, you should not self-medicate. It is very dangerous. Only the attending physician can choose the right therapy, taking into account the course of the disease and concomitant ailments.

cooking recipes

To prepare a healing infusion, you need to take a tablespoon of medicinal herbs. It must first be dried and crushed. Sandman powder is placed in a glass or enameled container, poured with a glass of boiling water and covered with a lid so that the product is well infused. In an hour, the infusion will be ready. Before use, it must be filtered. For pain in the stomach, take a tablespoon of decoction three times a day. If you are worried about insomnia, you need to drink 100 ml of the drug in the evening.

Ready infusion should be put in the refrigerator. Its maximum shelf life is three days. After its expiration, the infusion will lose its healing properties. Better to replace it with a new one. To prepare a decoction of drowsiness roots, you need to take 30 grams of dry raw materials. It is poured with a glass of boiling water, and then left on fire for 7-9 minutes. After that insist for an hour. Strain before use. Use a teaspoon three times a day.

To prepare a decoction, take the same amount of chopped grass, but pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Then boil for 4 minutes, cool and filter. Apply a tablespoon 2-3 times a day. To make a compress, dry grass is scalded with boiling water, wrapped in gauze.

Remember, you can't do it yourself. Whatever the healing properties of the white dream, the description of which you read in the article, it can do harm. Be sure to consult your doctor!