
When to plant peas in April. Peas in Siberia and the Urals - planting and care


Pea is an unpretentious plant from the legume genus, after ripening it gives delicious sweet fruits. You don't need to be a professional gardener to grow peas in your own yard - all you need to know is when to plant peas outdoors and how to care for them. If everything is done correctly, closer to autumn you will be able to enjoy healthy grains containing protein, fiber and many vitamins.

When can you plant peas in the ground?

So that the plants do not die from too low temperatures in the Moscow region, it is important to know the timing of planting peas in open ground. As soon as all the snow cover melts and the weather becomes milder (in the second half of April), early varieties of peas can be planted in the garden. Light frosts, sometimes lasting until May, are not a hindrance to peas.

If early ripening species were chosen, planting can be postponed until July - by autumn it will be possible to harvest. Some gardeners prefer to sow peas several times from April to July, but at the same time, at least 10 days must pass between plantings of different varieties.

When to plant peas in open ground for conservation? If the harvest is needed in order to roll the peas into jars, sowing can be done in mid-May.

So that the peas do not suffer from pests, they are heated before sowing in a solution of boric acid heated to 40 degrees.

Selecting a landing site

Planting and caring for peas in the open field begins with preparing a site for growing this crop. The bed should not be located where strong winds blow - peas cannot stand drafts. Therefore, it is best to plant it in a well-lit and warm place, even a small hill will do.

Try not to overdo it with fertilizers. If the location of the beds is planned in advance, for next year, then top dressing can be applied in the fall. However, if you find out where peas will be planted only in spring, it doesn’t matter, you can fertilize the soil with mineral or mixtures a week before sowing.

In order for peas to grow better on loamy or sandy soils, add humus at the rate of 5 kg per 1 square meter before loosening the beds. For the same purpose, you can use pre-prepared compost.

How to choose and plant peas in the Leningrad region?

In temperate climates, you can grow almost any variety of pea, but it is best to choose one or more of the following:

  • Henry;
  • Sugar Brain;
  • May 13.

They are the most unpretentious and give a tasty harvest.

When to sow peas in the Leningrad region? To harvest faster, you can use pea seedlings - in mid-April, distribute the seeds in peat cups and plant them in the ground a month later.

There should be at least 10 cm between adjacent plants, and at least 25 cm between rows. This is necessary not only so that the pea seedlings have enough space, but also to simplify harvesting, otherwise many pods under the thickness of greenery may go unnoticed.

Landing Secrets

How to plant peas in open ground? Follow these guidelines to get the most harvest possible:

  1. It is better to break the beds on a hill.
  2. It is better to sow peas not in separate holes, but in deep (up to 9 cm) grooves. They are pre-filled with compost and, leaving a depth of 3 cm for the seeds themselves.
  3. There should be about 10 cm of free space between individual plants.
  4. So that the birds do not peck out the sown grains, you need to compact the grooves and water them abundantly.
  5. Before the seeds sprout, it is advisable to cover the bed with a film.

In the temperate continental climate of Ukraine, peas grow quickly, so you can choose any day from late spring to mid-summer for planting.

To save space on the plot, large gaps between rows of peas can be sown with radishes or lettuce.

Pea care

Planting pea seeds in open ground is a simple matter, it is much more important to save the garden until the crop appears. However, peas do not belong to the "capricious" crops, so even if you just sow them in the spring and water them in hot weather, the harvest will not be long in coming. However, if you want to have enough canned peas for the whole winter, it is better to take care of it more responsibly.

As soon as the first shoots come out of the ground, the birds will not mind eating them. Therefore, the bed must be covered with something. If there is no transparent film, a simple fishing net will do.

Although the pea is considered a light-loving plant, it does not tolerate heat very well. Therefore, on hot days, it is necessary to provide him with abundant water - at least 8 liters of water per square meter. So that the water does not leave immediately and soak the roots, immediately after watering, loosen the bed. It will not be superfluous to slightly spud the grown plants and make sure that the earth is loose even between the rows.

To prevent adult peas from creeping along the ground, you can build supports for it: at a distance of 1 m from each other, pegs with a metal mesh fixed to them are driven into the ground. The grid cells should be large enough, about 10 by 10 cm - so the plant will develop more freely. The support should be set immediately after the shoots have appeared.

You can harvest green peas as soon as the pods begin to swell, or you can wait until they are fully ripe to get seeds for the next year or two.

Let's summarize:

  1. Peas can be planted as seeds or seedlings. When to plant peas outdoors? You can stretch the landing for a rather long period: from mid-April to early July.
  2. For planting, a hill protected from the wind, but accessible to the sun, is well suited.
  3. The bed before planting is fertilized with compost and ash or a mixture of mineral fertilizers.
  4. After sowing, the area with peas is covered with a film or net to protect against birds.
  5. Growing plants will need support in the form of pegs with a metal mesh.

A simple and reliable way to plant peas - video

Peas are one of the few garden crops that require almost no special effort to grow. Even a child can plant and grow healthy and tasty green peas. This vegetable is completely undemanding to soil fertility. It not only practically does not take away nutrients, but on the contrary, it helps to improve its structure, ennobles the garden.

At the same time, peas are a very useful and tasty vegetable, a storehouse of vegetable protein, vitamins, micro and macro elements. The diversity of its varieties allows you to get an early or late harvest of sugar and peeling varieties. Bright green pods will treat the kids to a summer treat, allow adults to cook delicious dishes and prepare preparations for the winter.

When to plant peas in Siberia and the Urals

Green peas are an unpretentious crop, and if you choose the right (early) variety and planting time, you will grow a wonderful crop of this valuable vegetable. Peas tolerate low temperatures perfectly, so its seeds can be planted in the soil even when the daytime temperature outside is consistently above +10 ° C, but young seedlings can withstand night frosts down to -6 ° C without much damage.

Since the Siberian climate is often unpredictable, it is difficult to specify specific sowing dates. Sometimes already at the end of April it becomes quite warm. But often the first days of May upset with too low temperatures. When choosing the time for planting peas, you should be guided, first of all, by what kind of spring this year has turned out to be. But we can say with confidence that in the second decade of May, the earth and air have already warmed up enough to plant any legumes, including peas, without fear.

Keep in mind that sugar varieties like heat much more than shelling varieties, which are resistant to low temperatures. Thanks to this feature, some gardeners even sow peeling pea varieties before winter.

Planting in open ground with seeds

To properly plant peas, there are a few key points to keep in mind.

  • Peas, despite their unpretentiousness, are quite picky when it comes to predecessors and neighbors. Best of all, the vegetable develops in the garden, where nightshade or cruciferous (potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage) “lived” before it. He likes to grow next to carrots and head lettuce, radishes and cucumbers, turnips and parsley. And corn is generally a favorite neighbor, as it serves as an excellent support for creeping stems.
  • Slightly acidic or neutral loams or sandy loams are best suited for peas. Clay soils with high acidity will inhibit crop growth, so when preparing the site, they should be loosened with sand or peat, and alkalized with wood ash.
  • Like many other plants, peas love the sun, so they will be grateful for a well-lit garden bed. It is allowed to plant a plant in partial shade, as in this case the moisture-loving culture will lose less water.
  • If the soil is fertile enough, then when preparing the site, you can not make additional fertilizers. On poor soils, it will be useful to add organic matter (humus or compost) when digging, as well as wood ash as an additional source of mineral salts.
  • Before planting, most gardeners soak the peas in warm water. This is done 10-12 hours before sowing, and it is not recommended to exceed this time. But you can plant the seeds directly dry, and after planting just water abundantly. This method is especially recommended when planting is carried out in early spring in a still poorly warmed ground.
  • Peas are planted in rows with an interval of about 10 cm to a depth of 3-5 cm. The row spacing is recommended to be about 25 cm.
  • Plant care during growth requires the most minimal: regular watering, loosening and removal of weeds. You can feed twice a season with infusion of grass or manure. For better branching, the tops are pinched, and to reduce the amount of watering and reduce weeds, planting is recommended to be mulched.
  • Do not forget to prepare suitable supports about one and a half to two meters high for growing plants. It is most convenient to use a plastic or metal mesh, which is fixed on a wooden or metal frame between two rows of plantings.

When to Harvest and How to Save

Harvesting should begin about a month after flowering. It's best to do this every couple of days to encourage the remaining shoulder blades to grow more actively. The entire collection period is quite long and lasts a month, or even a month and a half.

If you need to get not green, but ripe peas, then they cannot be collected from the bush until the lowest pods are ripe. Then the bush is cut and hung for ripening in a dry and well-ventilated place for one to two weeks.

Pea is an extremely useful plant. It contains many micronutrients that positively affect the condition of the body. This representative of legumes is very satisfying and tasty. That is why every gardener should have at least a small garden bed on his site for growing this crop. Planting peas in the spring in open ground is a simple event, the process and features of which will be discussed below.

Choice of pea variety

Before planting peas in the spring at his dacha, the gardener must decide on the choice of the variety of this crop. There are many excellent varieties of this plant, the most popular of which include the following:

  1. Alpha. This variety has an early ripening period. Approximately 7 tons of crops can be harvested from one hectare. It is resistant to diseases such as fusarium and ascochitosis.
  2. Sugar. The plant has an early maturity. From one hectare you can harvest about 8 tons of crops. This type of legume is immune to ascochitosis and powdery mildew.
  3. Ambrosia. The maturation period of this variety varies within 45-55 days. It has moderate disease resistance. The yield is high.
  4. Faith. This variety matures in a month and a half. Approximately 0.5 kg of crop can be harvested per 1 m 2.
  5. Oscar. This species brings bountiful harvests. On one hectare you can harvest about 7 tons of crops. It matures in about 70 days. The plant has an average resistance to diseases.

How to plant peas in open ground in spring

In order for peas to actively grow and develop in the open field, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules in the planting scheme in the spring. You should accurately determine the timing of planting and a suitable place for cultivating bushes. In addition, you need to know with which crops it is better to plant a plant.

When to plant peas outdoors

The time of planting peas in the spring in open ground can be calculated using the data below. The survival of the plant on the site depends on this factor. The date of sowing should be determined based on weather conditions. It is also necessary to take into account the territory on which the site is located.

Young sprouts are able to withstand frosts down to -6°C. In the Moscow region and other regions of the central zone of the Russian Federation, planting peas in open ground must be carried out from mid-spring to the beginning of May. In the southern regions, planting should begin in early spring.

Attention! In the spring, it is recommended to plant a plant once every two weeks in order to harvest for a long time.

Some summer residents begin planting plants before winter. Sugar crop varieties have little chance of surviving such a planting, as they need warmth. However, the peeling variety will be able to harden and come out by spring.

The most favorable dates for planting peas in spring in open ground are the following dates:

  • second half of March;
  • mid-April;
  • from 15 to 21 May;
  • mid June.

How to plant peas in one garden

When planting pea seeds in spring in open ground, it can be placed next to other vegetables. However, it should be borne in mind that this culture is quite selective towards plants that are located nearby.

Legumes are best planted next to tomatoes, cucumbers and carrots. Also good neighbors for this plant are corn, radishes, turnips and parsley.

The plant should not be placed near potatoes and cabbages. The taste of the crop can be affected by planting next to onions and garlic.

Where to plant peas

For planting pea seeds in open ground in spring, you need to choose a well-lit place. The site must be protected from gusts of wind. The soil must be fertile and have a low degree of oxidation. The plant develops well on both heavy and light soil. Groundwater must be deep.

Legumes do not grow well on poor soils and lands with an excess of nitrogen.

Soil preparation in the garden

For the successful cultivation of a representative of legumes, it is necessary to prepare the soil even in the autumn. The gardener must dig up the soil and add 20 g of potassium salt and 50 g of superphosphate to it per square meter. Acidic soil should be neutralized with wood ash (approximately 300 g per m2).

When spring comes, about 10 g of saltpeter per square meter should be added to the ground (before planting).

If the soil was not prepared in the fall, this will have to be done in the spring before planting.

Attention! The soil cannot be fertilized with fresh manure. This culture reacts very poorly to such top dressing.

How deep to plant peas

The depth of planting peas can vary from 3 to 7 cm. If the seeds are planted at too shallow a depth, they can be pecked out by birds. To avoid trouble, you should cover the soil with crops with non-woven materials. The first shoots will appear after 7-10 days.

How to plant peas

The scheme for planting peas in the spring is not particularly complicated, as a rule, even beginners do not have difficulties. First of all, it is necessary to form holes in the territory that has been chosen for planting. The holes should be approximately 3-7 cm deep. Between the recesses should not be less than 0.5 m.

Often, gardeners plant legumes next to the fence. Then the distance between plants can be reduced to 0.2 m. This planting method involves placing peas in a checkerboard pattern.

If the soil was not fertilized in the autumn, this should be done in the spring before planting. Wood ash mixed with superphosphate must be added to the recesses. These substances should lie at a depth of approximately 2 cm. Fertilizers should be sprinkled with dry soil on top. Seeds should be sown to a depth of 4 cm from top dressing.

Approximately 16-18 peas should be sown per meter of bed. After that, they need to be watered and covered with soil.

You can learn more about planting peas in open ground in spring from the video:

In the spring, after planting, the bed should be covered with a film material that allows sunlight to pass through. After 7-10 days shoots will begin to appear. Between peas, it is recommended to plant a radish or other crop.

How to grow peas

Seeds begin to germinate at 3-7°C, but the ideal temperature for peas is 10°C. Growing a plant in hot weather is highly discouraged.

The main measures for the care of peas are timely watering in tandem with loosening and weeding the soil. The first time the soil should be loosened 14 days after germination. The procedure should be accompanied by hilling the bushes.

When the pea reaches 19-25 cm in length, it must be tied to a support along which it will climb up. To get a rich harvest, you need to pinch the top of the stem. Then he will start side shoots. After some time, they also need to be pinched. This event must be carried out on a clear morning, so that the wound dries up by evening.

Usually the plant should be watered once every 14 days, but during periods of drought and the formation of flowers, peas need especially strong moisture. In such situations, watering the bushes must be increased to once every 7 days. About 9 liters of water should go per square meter. After moistening the soil, it should be loosened and weeded.

Soil fertilizers can be carried out along with irrigation. Before moistening the peas, you need to dissolve 1 tbsp. l. nitroammophoski in 10 liters of liquid. This amount of solution should go per square meter of beds.

In addition to nitroammophoska, you can use a solution of mullein. Also in the spring it is necessary to use nitrogen fertilizers.

Since pea stalks are rather weak, they need to be tied to a support during the formation of the crop. There are many varieties of supports for legumes. You can either make them yourself or buy them in a special store.

When to plant peas in Siberia and the Urals

On the territory of Siberia and the Urals, planting peas must be carried out from mid-spring to the first week of May.

Pests and diseases

The main pests that often infect peas are leafworm, pea codling moth and cabbage scoops. Scoops and leafworms begin to lay eggs in the spring on the foliage. The larva of the leafworm wraps itself in a leaf, eating it. Codling moths lay their eggs on pods, foliage, and flowering crops. After 7 days, the pests begin to feed on them.

The main diseases that peas are exposed to are powdery mildew and mosaic.

When figuring out what the pea bush is sick with, you need to decide on a means for processing the plant. To combat the fungus, fungicides should be used (Topaz, Fundazol, Quadris, Topsin, Skor).

To get rid of insect pests, peas must be treated with insecticides.

Harvest and storage

Collect pea pods carefully, holding the stems of the plant so as not to damage the bushes. Any injury can slow down fruiting in the future.

  • good drying;
  • insect protection;
  • full ripening of grains.


Planting peas in the spring in open ground is a simple event that even novice gardeners can handle. By following certain principles for planting and caring for a plant in the spring, it will bring a bountiful harvest with excellent taste.

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Peas are one of the first vegetable crops that can be sown at the earliest possible time, almost from the moment the snow melts. I start planting peas in open ground from the second decade of April. I usually do 3 crops, with a difference of 10 days.

The first sowing of peas can be carried out with dry seeds, since the soil is still quite moist and dry peas swell remarkably in it. But I always prefer to soak the peas before planting - just fill it with water and leave it overnight. In the morning, the peas are already swollen. I try to plant it right away, otherwise it sprouts pretty quickly, and planting peas with seedlings is already more difficult, fragile roots can be damaged.

Pea weevil - get rid of chemistry

I also soak peas because we grow plants without any chemicals, and sometimes it happens that peas are affected by a pea weevil. When dry, damaged peas can not be seen, and when they swell, then the pests become better visible, sometimes they themselves get out of the peas.

Peas damaged by a pea weevil can be recognized by a neat, even circle-cap, which usually differs slightly in color from the rest of the pea. If you open this cap, you can see a gray pea weevil beetle inside the pea. Closer to spring, the beetles themselves squeeze out the caps and crawl out of the peas. From swollen peas, the pea weevil beetle usually gets out quickly on its own! Damaged peas are clearly visible.

In store seeds, I did not have to meet peas damaged by pests, and this is understandable! But I prefer to plant peas with my own seeds, and buy new varieties from private garden collectors who do not treat pea plantings with any chemicals. Therefore, sometimes there are, of course, damaged seeds. In order not to accidentally bring a pea weevil along with peas to the beds (and she is just waiting for this!), I soak the peas. And then I remove the damaged peas (but not in the compost! We take them to the neighbor's chickens), and I already sow the healthy ones.

By the way, I noticed that with early sowing of peas, the first wave of the crop is completely free of pests. And if you plant it later, then white worms already come across in the pods. So the sooner the better! Moreover, peas germinate already at a soil temperature of +4-6 degrees, and seedlings tolerate frosts down to -6 degrees Celsius (I cover early pea crops with white non-woven material if possible). In order for peas to be less damaged by pests, I use crop rotation. Now I’ve learned that it’s possible from a pea weevil. I'll try!

Sowing peas in egg cells

I recently read on the Internet that for growing carrots and radishes, it is proposed to use cardboard egg cells. In the recesses for the eggs, circles are cut, why the cell is placed on the prepared soil, seeds are planted in the cut holes and covered with earth from above. The cells are great mulch and keep weeds out, and the spacing between the holes is just right for growing these vegetables.
Since we go to the city about once a month, we always buy eggs a month in advance and in large cells. So we have accumulated a lot of them, why not try this landing method?

Only here, in my opinion, there is no point in planting radishes like that, because it grows quite quickly, drowns out all the weeds itself, and then we quickly eat it.

With carrots, I tried to imagine how I would lay out small seeds one by one into the cut holes. Imagined, horrified, decided not to even try.

But planting peas like this is the very thing! Weeding peas is always so difficult, but he clings to the weeds with his antennae, look at the peas along with the weeds. So, joyful weeds usually stand in my pea bed, it’s good if they are harmless - quinoa or yarrow. But when the nettle does not let children go to the peas, then I start to grumble. I have been thinking for a long time how to prevent weeds from reaching peas, and just read about the method with cardboard cells. Hooray! Let's try!

Making holes in the cells from under the eggs

Technical subtleties of this method of sowing peas

I broke my head a little over how to cut holes (for some reason, such trifles are not explained in such tips): I tried to cut off the tops with scissors, it turned out long, ugly and uncomfortable. I tried other options, settled on this one: I fold tightly 5-6 cells, squeeze the bottoms out with closed scissors. Not hard and fast!

Holes in cells

I did not squeeze out all the bottoms, but taking into account the fact that I will have a pea net fixed in the middle, and I will plant peas in 2 rows on each side of the net.

We fix the cells on the prepared bed

Having prepared the cells, she took up the bed: she walked with a flat cutter, added ash, mixed it with the ground, watered it a little. At first I decided to slightly compact the soil, but the cells did not want to stand on it tightly. Therefore, I loosened everything again and gently pressed the cells to the ground. I fixed them in the center with iron staples (the first thing that came to hand). On another bed, the husband helped to immediately install the grid, and she pressed the cells to the ground, so that she did not fix them additionally.

How to plant peas?

Sow peas in egg cartons

I put a swollen pea in each hole. When making the first bed, which is in the photo, I did not like that I first watered the ground, and then began to fix the cells on it. Therefore, on the second similar bed, I decided to first fix the cells, and only then pour water over the cells from the watering can. I did not have to water much, because the soil itself was quite wet.

We fill the cells with peas with earth

I filled all the cells with earth.

That's it, now I'm waiting for the results! I'll see if the harvest will justify my efforts? I'll be sure to write about the results in the summer.

While I was writing the article and preparing it for publication, I already had the first pea sprouts! And my husband brought another batch of eggs from the city, and the cardboard cells from under them turned out to be already with neat holes! Planting peas in open ground with the help of such cells is a pleasure. Once again I was amazed at how quickly wishes come true in the Ark: when I made holes in the previous cells, I muttered to myself: “How long does it take to make these holes! It would be great if the cells immediately had holes!”. The space of the Ark responded immediately! I still can't get used to this! Some kind of magic!

Cells with ready-made neat holes! The first sprouts of peas sown in cells from under the eggs.

There is no doubt about the benefits of green. However, not everyone knows how to provide their table with this useful culture from spring to frost. There are several factors to consider when growing peas, including planting dates and cultivars.

This crop is not planted with seedlings, so you need to correctly determine the timing of planting peas. First of all, you need to focus on the varieties, since they differ in the timing of the ripening of the pods.

Sowing of peas in the ground in terms of time is carried out in two versions: from April to May and from June to the first decade of July. About everything in more detail.

Spring sowing of peas

Since spring comes to each region at different times, plantings should be guided by soil temperature. When the earth warms up to + 2-3 ° C, these are optimal conditions for pea sprouts. Even if there are return frosts, shoots will be able to transfer them. However, the root system of peas develops only in warm soil and with sufficient moisture. Pea seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of +2-3°C.

The early dates for planting peas are related to the fact that there is enough moisture in the soil or you will have to water the ridge daily. It should be borne in mind that pea seedlings appear on the 7-10th day and throughout this time it is necessary to provide the soil with a sufficient amount of moisture.

If you look at the landing date, then they are held around the third decade of April. After sowing the seeds, the ridge is covered with any covering material to retain moisture and prevent birds from pecking at the seeds.

Many summer residents determine the timing of planting peas according to the lunar calendar. In any case, sowing is carried out on the growing moon, when the seeds have more strength for active growth.

All about summer sowing of peas

Peas do not tolerate heat and high temperatures, therefore, from May to the end of June, even with timely watering, such seedlings will not give a good harvest. It is much easier to sow late-ripening pea varieties in the spring to get fresh pods throughout the summer.

In July, the area is freed from garlic and the question arises of what to plant in this place. If the weather is right (no extreme heat and fairly humid), peas can be sown. Depending on the variety, green pods are harvested from August to September. Agrotechnics of cultivation during this period does not differ from spring. The only thing is, if the heat returns, you will have to lightly shade the pea crops with any light material, for example, spandbond, and water more often.

When to sow peas: signs

Previously, the day of sowing peas was also determined by the state of the moon, but there were other signs.

  1. Peas will be born if they are sown on the same day on which the first snow fell in the fall.
  2. On the day of sowing, they watched the wind. With a north wind, plant - the peas will be liquid. If a southwest or west wind blows, the pods will be small and wormy.
  3. The bird cherry blossomed its leaves, the aspen blossomed, the cuckoo began to cuckoo, the swallows flew in, the leaves of the oak blossomed, the wild rose blossomed - it's time to plant peas.