
What to plant next to tomatoes in a greenhouse. What can be planted in a greenhouse with what: joint plantings

Help for the hostess

The greenhouse has long been an indispensable attribute of any garden or suburban area. It reliably covers tender early seedlings of peppers, eggplants and tomatoes before planting in a permanent place. It is possible to grow several crops of greenery in a greenhouse, to protect remontant raspberries from early autumn frosts that destroy their crop. Any vegetable crop loved by the owners will take root in the greenhouse. But when deciding what to plant in a greenhouse along with tomatoes, it is worth considering the compatibility of crops. Not all of them get along.

Features of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

Greenhouse tomatoes grown in the neighborhood with other plants need their own microclimate. Good lighting is preferable for plants, but they also feel great in cloudy weather. The ambient temperature should be moderate, and the room should be ventilated frequently. They need to be constantly fed with fertilizers and watered under the root. Plants with similar requirements should be planted with tomatoes.

Tomatoes are vital for feeding, enriched with potassium and phosphorus. And an excessive nitrogen content leads to the fall of the ovaries and a decrease in the amount of the crop. Due to the frequent use of organic fertilizers, nitrates accumulate in the fruits. Tomato greenhouse neighbors should have similar requirements.

Sweet peppers in a greenhouse along with tomatoes

The right choice of neighboring crops will help not only save space on the site, but also save time and energy for caring for plants. They will not transmit the same pests and diseases, nor will they depress each other. In the garden, you can even arrange some kind of symbiosis if you choose the right companion plants. It is enough to figure out how to make a conveyor bed and what to plant next to the tomatoes in the greenhouse so that the plants are comfortable.

conveyor bed

The first step is to determine the maturation time of both the main culture and the neighboring one. It is best to plant some plants in place of others: after the radish, you can plant tomatoes, and replace the greens with white cabbage.

The tallest - in the center of the greenhouse

It is very important to pay attention to the height of the plants, they should not shade each other. To do this, three narrow beds are formed, low-growing crops are planted on the sides, and tall-growing crops are planted in the middle. In the same way, you need to plant different growth of the same type of plant.

Greenhouse - on cells

To grow many types of plants in one greenhouse, it can be divided into zones using film, polycarbonate sheets, plywood or slate.

Important! In addition to the doors at the beginning and end of the greenhouse, there must be at least 2 vents located in the center.

It is equally important to choose the right material for zoning. For example, to keep the greenhouse warm in the evening, you can use sheets of dark slate, plywood or metal, as they warm up well during the day. If you need enough light in the room, it is better to use a film or polycarbonate.

What crops can coexist with tomatoes in a greenhouse

You can grow a rich harvest by choosing the right plants that are compatible with each other. In small areas, vegetables are often planted close to each other. If you know perfectly how to properly organize the neighborhood of tomatoes and other vegetables, plants will not transmit pests and diseases to each other, which will save the crop from significant losses.

Neighborhood of tomatoes and other vegetables

It is worth considering the interests of not only tomatoes, but also their neighbors. For example, cabbage will be less susceptible to invasions of the typical cruciferous flea if its seedlings are planted next to tomatoes. Tomatoes protect turnips and onions from late blight. Experiments with the choice of varieties and planting time lead to very interesting results. Knowing the compatibility of tomatoes with other crops in the greenhouse, it is easy to choose neighbors for the plant.

Vegetables are well planted next to seedlings of sweet pepper and eggplant. Tomatoes can be "settled" next to:

  • cabbage (white, cauliflower, broccoli or kohlrabi),
  • corn,
  • sunflower,
  • beans,
  • sweet peas,
  • various types of spicy greens,
  • physalis.

Tomatoes coexist well with melons: watermelons and melons. Insect pests do not attack tomatoes if parsley (curly or common), anise, celery and mint are nearby. Marigold flowers can be planted next to the same target.

Advice! To save space, you can use the edges of the beds or the space between them to plant flowers and herbs.

The neighborhood of tomatoes and early ripening crops - onions and garlic on a feather, Chinese cabbage, radish - is an excellent solution. Vegetables do not have to fight among themselves for nutrients, because the formation of ovaries in tomatoes will begin after the early harvest. A tomato greenhouse will become a reliable shelter for any seedlings: both vegetable and flower. You can sow the material directly into the ground or in boxes placed on the floor or racks.

Endive lettuce, asparagus, celery, bush beans get along well next to tomatoes. Chives will help repel aphids. Therefore, all these plants can be safely planted next to tomatoes.

Neighborhood of basil and tomatoes

Basil is the best companion for tomatoes. Its proximity repels horned worms and positively affects the taste of the crop. Therefore, it is worth planting basil in a greenhouse with tomatoes. He also tolerates the neighborhood with tomatoes well. All he needs is enough light and food.

Tomatoes and basil

Mixed plantings with other herbs (thyme, sage, mint) are no less useful for tomatoes, they create protection from earthen pests for the garden.

Many gardeners do not know what else can be planted in a greenhouse with tomatoes. For example, to improve the quality of tomato juice and increase the shelf life of the crop, you can plant borage borage nearby. Among herbs, vegetables do not tolerate only the neighborhood with lemon balm.

What vegetables can not be planted with tomatoes in the same greenhouse

During the cultivation of tomatoes, it is necessary to control the temperature and humidity of the environment. That is why the right choice of crops adjacent to tomatoes is very difficult - most vegetables feel uncomfortable next to tomatoes:

  • for tomatoes, frequent watering and high humidity, which cucumbers love so much, are contraindicated;
  • dill during growth absorbs all the nutrients needed by tomatoes;
  • young seedlings of tomatoes will be crushed by fennel;
  • close proximity to peas is fraught with the fact that in the process of growth it creeps up to the tomatoes, twists around them, and deprives them of light, so it is better to plant peas away.

Neighborhood with some gourds, such as pumpkins, squash and zucchini, is also excluded. As they grow, they fill up all the free space.

Cucumbers and tomatoes in the same greenhouse

With a critical lack of space on the site, cucumbers and tomatoes can be planted side by side, but this will significantly affect the quality and quantity of the crop, not for the better.

Cucumbers and tomatoes are such popular vegetables that it is impossible to imagine a human diet without them. Summer residents grow them not only for fresh consumption, but also make stocks for the winter for the future, preserving them. Basically, these vegetables are grown in greenhouse conditions. If they are cultivated for sale in large quantities, you have to make a separate shelter for each. In the same room, cucumbers and tomatoes are often grown by amateur gardeners.

Important! This option is quite possible, provided that the microclimate of the greenhouse is adapted to each vegetable, because they have completely different requirements for the ventilation mode, temperature and humidity of the environment.

Cucumbers prefer a humid warm climate and do not tolerate direct sunlight on their surface. They need to be watered by sprinkling, which is categorically contraindicated for tomatoes.

On a note. It is necessary to organize the placement of these plants in such a way that they are at a sufficient distance from each other.

If the length of the greenhouse allows, it can be demarcated inside with polycarbonate, plywood or boards. In this case, you have to make exits from the greenhouse from two sides. Then airing the tomatoes in no way can harm the cucumbers. In turn, tomatoes will not suffer from excess moisture during watering cucumbers.

The list of vegetables given in the article is not complete. It contains the most popular and well-known vegetables that can be grown by both experienced gardeners and gardeners, as well as amateur beginners.

Many gardeners, every spring, are wondering how to most effectively use their 6 acres. And how to plant more varieties of vegetables in one greenhouse. After all, you can’t install many greenhouses in a small area. To start experiments, you need to figure out in what conditions each plant prefers to grow and bear fruit. Consider the main crops that they prefer to plant in a greenhouse.

nightshade plants

Despite the fact that peppers, eggplants and tomatoes belong to the same family and their agricultural practices are similar, each of these crops has its own growing nuances that must be taken into account.

Conditions for growing peppers

Pepper loves warmth and moisture both in the soil and in the air. The lack of moisture in the soil, the drying of its upper layer, especially during flowering and fruit set, are the main causes of crop loss. The optimal air humidity in the greenhouse is 65-75%, at higher pollen becomes unviable. The soil for pepper needs highly fertile, rich in organic matter, well-drained. When preparing the ridges, 7-10 kg of humus, 30-40 g of superphosphate, 25 g of potassium sulfate and 25 g of urea are added per 1 sq.m. The acidity of the soil should be at the level of 6.0-6.5. On acidic soils, it is necessary to deoxidize at the rate of 300-500 g of lime per 1 sq.m (when applied in the spring for all crops, lime is replaced with a double dose of ash or chalk). In order for the fruits to grow with high quality, you need top dressing with potassium and calcium. The optimum temperature for growth and development is in the range of 18-25°C, with the beginning of flowering it is better to raise it to 28-31°C.

Conditions for the growth of eggplant

Eggplant is even more thermophilic than pepper. The optimum temperature for growth and development is 25-30°C. At temperatures below 15-20°C, growth stops, and at 10-13°C it stops, the plants gradually turn yellow and die. And if pepper can put up with a little shading, then eggplant does not bear fruit when grown in shady areas.

Eggplant needs more nitrogen than pepper. During planting, the same amount of organic matter is introduced into the soil as under pepper, and for the first dressings (until the first fruit grows), it is better to use mullein or herbal infusion. But since the eggplant has a powerful root system, so that the plant does not go into the tops, then potassium should prevail in top dressing. Eggplant often suffers from a lack of magnesium, therefore, when deoxidizing the soil, dolomite flour should be applied before planting (2-3 tablespoons per sq.m). When preparing the soil for planting, 60-80 g of superphosphate, 30-50 g of potassium, 30 g of urea are added per 1 sq.m of beds.

Eggplant can tolerate hot and dry air for some time, but needs abundant watering at the root. Without sufficient moisture, buds, flowers and ovaries fall off, the fruits grow bitter and lopsided. Relative humidity should not exceed 65-75%. At a higher level, diseases begin to develop.

Conditions for the growth and fruiting of tomatoes

Compared to peppers and eggplant, tomatoes are less demanding on the soil. They are not so sensitive to the reaction of the soil environment, but they develop better on neutral or slightly acidic soils. Tomatoes are responsive to mineral fertilizers. With the introduction of appropriate doses, not only the yield increases, but the quality of products improves and the precocity of plants increases. At the same time, the use of large doses of humus causes excessive growth of the tops, which significantly inhibits the ripening of fruits. Therefore, under tall varieties, it is better to apply well-rotted organic fertilizers (3-5 kg ​​per sq.m) in the fall for the main tillage. When preparing the soil for tomatoes, 50-60 g of superphosphate, 25-30 g of potassium sulfate, 6 g of urea should also be added per 1 sq. M (if humus was not added - 25 g). To reduce the acidity of the soil and as a potash fertilizer, 3 cups of ash are added.

Tomato plants have a well-developed, widely and deeply growing root system, so they tolerate a lack of moisture in the soil much easier. For successful fruit set, they definitely need dry air, since pollen sticks together from high humidity, which prevents good pollination. The optimal humidity during fruit ripening is 45-60%, during mass flowering - 60-70%. A lower one leads to the fact that the pollen that has fallen on the pistil does not germinate at all, therefore, the fruits do not set. At higher humidity levels (80-90%), the pollen on the flowers sticks together and stops falling out, and the main enemy of tomatoes, late blight, immediately appears. The best temperature for the normal development of tomato bushes is 22-25 ° C. Above 30°C sterilization of pollen occurs, which leads to abscission of flowers. That is, tomatoes will develop harmoniously and bear fruit well if they are provided with constantly moist soil (while the top layer of soil must remain dry) and a draft walking through the greenhouse.

Conditions for growing cucumbers

Of all the inhabitants of protected ground, cucumber is the most demanding vegetable for heat and moisture. Before fruiting, the temperature in the greenhouse should be maintained at 25-27°C, after which it is increased to 27-30°C.

Large cucumber leaves evaporate a lot of water, and if the air humidity is low, then the roots do not have time to absorb the necessary moisture from the soil and the plants wither. To prevent this from happening, in the initial period of growth of cucumbers, air humidity is maintained at a level of 75-80%, in the future it is increased to 90%. In hot weather, not only ridges are watered, but also paths. Cucumbers are ventilated only in calm weather or by opening the windows on one side, since its plants (especially seedlings) do not tolerate drafts, sharp fluctuations in temperature and air humidity.

High yields of cucumbers can only be obtained on well-fertilized soil. Manure, compost or humus per 1 sq.m contribute 10-15 kg; superphosphate -15 g, potassium sulfate -10 g, urea - 15 g (you can replace them with 50-60 g of complex fertilizer). On acidic soil, 200-250 g of lime is applied, on slightly acidic soil - 100-150 g.

What vegetables to plant together

Obviously, only vegetables with similar requirements can become “wonderful neighbors”. But even “incompatible” ones are capable of compromise, it is important to provide a middle ground in caring for them. At the same time, additional efforts will pay off with a harvest.

When planning joint plantings, you should consider how to arrange the crops in the greenhouse, as well as prepare the ridges for each in advance.

Cucumbers and peppers work well under one roof (you need to take the sunny side under them).

A good option is cucumbers, peppers and eggplants. At the same time, cucumbers are grown on a trellis, and eggplants are placed in the sunniest place. If you grow, for example, tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers together, then the latter can be separated from other crops with a film curtain to create high humidity. She will protect the cucumbers from the draft, which tomatoes love so much. Peppers can also be hidden under arcs, on which light non-woven material is thrown. It will protect leaves with fruits from burns, and provide air and soil moisture.

Mulching under the bushes of cucumbers, peppers and eggplants of the soil, as well as paths in the greenhouse with mowed grass, also helps to maintain the necessary microclimate in the greenhouse. Its layer should be at least 7-10 cm and constantly replenished.

Another option to keep the soil moist and reduce watering is to use a hydrogel. It is good to add it to the planting holes for cucumbers, peppers and eggplants. In the evening, the hydrogel is poured with water (10 g per 3 l of water) or a weak solution of complex fertilizer (2.5 g per 1 l of water). 100 ml of swollen hydrogel granules are added to the well. It is better if they are 0.2-0.8 cm in size.

According to the magazine "1000 tips for summer residents"

We will figure out how to properly use the entire soil of the greenhouse. In order to get a noble harvest, which will be ready for harvest earlier or will have time to ripen (refers to the northern regions), we plant in closed ground. Building a greenhouse takes a lot of effort, time and finances, so we want to plant it as much as possible, and we often plant different crops close to each other. Incorrectly selected vegetables for joint growth can cause large losses in yield, so you need to know what you can plant in a greenhouse with what. Most heat-loving vegetables such as peppers, tomatoes, and cucumbers are grown in greenhouses. If there is room, I would like to add something else. Many cultures are able to coexist peacefully, but there are also representatives who, by their presence, will hinder the growth and development of the main "settlers". We propose to consider which joint plantings of vegetables in a greenhouse are acceptable and which are not.

Why is planting in protected ground necessary?

Today, not a single suburban area is complete without a greenhouse or greenhouse. Experienced gardeners say that the crop that is obtained from the greenhouse cannot be compared with that obtained from crops planted in open ground.

Many grow in greenhouses not only tomatoes and cucumbers, but also root crops, herbs, ornamental flowering plants. Such plantings allow you to monitor soil moisture, regulate the temperature for better crop growth. Many novice gardeners do not know that they can be planted together in a greenhouse, and it happens that their harvest is much poorer than that of a neighbor behind a fence who grows vegetables in ordinary beds. What's the matter? It is simply necessary to use the place of closed ground wisely and not to shove everything that comes to hand into one territory. We offer you to figure out which vegetables can be planted in one greenhouse, and which are not recommended.

Cooking a greenhouse

In closed ground, everything will grow ideally. In the spring, when the snow still lies in places, it is already quite warm and good in the greenhouse, why will it stand idle just like that, if you can get the first crop of greenery in it? Moreover, many crops are ideal predecessors for planting. If you have plans to plant these particular vegetables, we suggest preparing the land, and at the same time feast on the very first vitamins of green crops from your own garden before anyone else!

So, before planting the main crops in the greenhouse, sprout leafy parsley, dill, Beijing leafy cabbage, salad mustard in its soil. After harvesting, dig up the soil again, remove the remains of grown plants and you can proceed to the main planting. The question of what can be planted together in a greenhouse is of interest to everyone, so you should think carefully before choosing vegetables.

For example, cucumbers and tomatoes will not grow very well together, as crops need different temperatures. Eggplants generally do not like thickening and the neighborhood of other crops. But it is still possible to grow all these vegetables together, you just have to choose the right varieties and act. By following our recommendations, you can achieve a high yield, even if your greenhouse is planted with different vegetables. What crops can be planted together? We suggest starting the selection of neighbors for tomatoes.

What can you plant tomatoes in a greenhouse with?

These vegetables like to grow in light fertile soils saturated with calcium. It is necessary to produce stable fertilizing with calcium nitrate to increase the yield. If the soil in the greenhouse is fertilized with organic matter, then additional top dressing will not be useful, on the contrary, it can be detrimental to the crop. "Overfed" tomatoes will gain green mass, and they will give few fruits, and they will be small. Tomatoes need airing, moderate air temperature, abundant watering, which are produced directly under the root. And with what can you plant tomatoes in a greenhouse? What cultures will they take root with?

Nearby you can plant white cabbage of an early variety. Express, Ultra-early Miracle, Nakhodka will do. "At the feet" of the ridge, head and leaf lettuces will grow perfectly. Also, sugar giant radish, parsley and onions will be good neighbors. Unfortunately, tomatoes will not be able to create a good alliance with fennel and dill, so give up such a neighborhood.

Many gardeners make a gross mistake by creating joint plantings of cucumbers and tomatoes in a greenhouse. If you do not have a separate space for cucumbers, then do not plant crops on one bed, plant them on different ones and, which will be ideal, separate the plantings from each other with a bed of pepper. Planting tomatoes and hot peppers in the same greenhouse is unacceptable only if you are not a gourmet and you are not embarrassed by the bitter-sharp taste of tomatoes, the bush of which can pollinate with a burning neighbor.

Before looking for neighbors for cucumbers, we suggest finding out when you can plant cucumbers in a greenhouse with seeds.

Rules for planting cucumbers

When to plant seeds depends on the region where the crop is grown and on the greenhouse. If there is no artificial lighting and heating in it, then residents of the central and northern parts of Russia can start planting in the middle and end of May, when the outside air temperature is +15 degrees. If you live in the southern part, then you can plant cucumber seeds in a greenhouse in April. The same period is relevant for greenhouses with heating and lighting.

Two days before planting, the seeds must be prepared. To do this, place them in the refrigerator or any other cool place for 24 hours. After the time has passed, prepare gauze bags, place a seed in each, put in water for 12 hours. After that, take it out, leave the seed bags at room temperature, small sprouts will appear by the next day. If some seeds do not hatch, this will mean that they are empty and can be thrown away.

What can you plant cucumbers in a greenhouse with?

Planting of seeds should be done with a single-line or two-line method. At the same time, there should be trellises in the garden, to which it is necessary to tie plants for their good fruiting. Cucumbers need abundant watering, if the culture lacks moisture, then the fruits may have a bitter aftertaste. In addition, it is necessary to consistently produce organic and mineral supplements. Excellent cucumbers react to solutions of potassium sulfate, bird droppings and superphosphate. What can you plant cucumbers in a greenhouse with?

If cucumbers grow not just tied up, but there is a trellis, then they will not damage nearby growing crops with their antennae, which they can catch on to. If there is enough space between the bushes, then white cabbage can be planted. Also, dill, parsley, fennel, basil, head and leaf lettuces, early Siberian eggplant and Mushroom picker's Dream, radish will be excellent neighbors. Peppers and cucumbers can be planted together in a greenhouse, but the proximity of tomatoes is undesirable and is possible only if the ridge with them is fenced off by another crop. Corn grows well next to cucumbers, they can coexist both on different and on the same bed. The only thing is that additional processing of plants may be necessary for fruit set.

We plant pepper

Sweet pepper is grown by many gardeners. It is ideal for fresh consumption, endowed with a pleasant taste and aroma, it contains many vitamins, it will perfectly complement a salad of fresh vegetables. Peppers are also used for harvesting for the winter, there is nothing better than opening a fragrant jar of lecho prepared from peppers grown on your own plot on a frosty day.

This culture can be planted in a checkerboard pattern, it is quite calm about planting density and shade, so feel free to plant seven plants per square meter. The thicker the planting, the richer the harvest! Top dressing needs mineral and organic, stable ventilation of the greenhouse, good watering. So, with what can you plant peppers in a greenhouse?

Peppers pair well with eggplant, as both crops are nightshade. But too close location of plants from each other can cause a decrease in the yield of both. We said that you can plant tomatoes and peppers in a greenhouse, they grow well nearby. If you have a desire to put eggplant in the greenhouse, build the beds in this order: eggplant - tomatoes - peppers. Onions, lovage and basil will also not harm the peppers and will develop beautifully themselves. Joint planting of cucumbers in a greenhouse with peppers can be done quite calmly, these crops are friends.


Many vegetable growers grow eggplants. The best option for planting a crop is in a greenhouse. In protected ground, the plant will develop faster, more ovaries will appear, respectively, and fruits. Growing in a greenhouse, eggplants will give a greater yield than growing them in an open area. The plant loves moisture, the sun, high-quality top dressing. Fertilizers should be alternated. At the first stages of development, organic matter will be needed, at the stage of fruit set, mineral fertilizers, more calcium and potassium are needed. Do not plant plants too densely, the yield will be significantly reduced due to lack of sun, eggplants do not like crowding.

What can you plant eggplants in a greenhouse with if they are so capricious? Of course, co-growing is difficult, but still possible. We already wrote that the culture gets along well with peppers and tomatoes. If the peppers should be a little further away, fenced off by another ridge, then the tomatoes should also be planted according to plan. First, there should be space between the eggplant and tomato beds to allow as much additional light as possible. Secondly, when planting nearby, choose a low-growing variety. If the tomatoes are tall, they will shade the eggplants, and they will grow small, and the bushes will be weak.

Onions will grow well next to eggplants and will not harm their capricious neighbor. You can also plant a melon, it will also grow well in a greenhouse, it will not shade the eggplants, it will not interfere with their growth.

We propose to continue the review of what can be planted in a greenhouse with what. Let's move on to the greens that they love to grow indoors. The thing is that in this way you can have fresh, young lettuce, dill, onions (feathers) on the table all season long, because with proper planting, you can harvest several crops per year.


This crop needs soil saturated with organic fertilizers. It is recommended to plant in rows, the distance between which will be an average of twenty centimeters, this is necessary for the correct formation of bushes. If you plant seeds every two weeks, then the harvest will be stable and you will be able to have fresh lettuce until the end of the season. The culture is very fond of good moisture, loose soil, stable fertilization. What can be planted in the same greenhouse with lettuce?

If you have plans to have a greenhouse in which only greens will grow, you can plant dill, parsley, basil, onions and feathers, head and leaf lettuces - all this is in perfect harmony with each other. The only thing is that onions need to be planted on a separate bed if you need to get onions, because a lot of space is needed to form heads.

Cabbage, both leafy and cabbage, will grow well with lettuce. Lettuce can be planted between bushes of cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers. Eggplant will also be convenient to coexist with salad. By planting these crops together, you will get rid of unnecessary trouble. That is, by fertilizing and watering tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and eggplants, you will immediately carry out the necessary procedures for the salad. All these crops love moisture, loose soil, top dressing.

Unwanted co-cultivation

We wrote that it is possible to combine tomatoes and cucumbers in one greenhouse, but subject to certain rules. What can be planted in a greenhouse with what, and what crops cannot be combined, we have already told, but what if you have closed ground worth its weight in gold, and you want to plant both cucumbers and tomatoes? It is not recommended to grow them together, but you can still try. Use the following tips, and you will not lose your harvest.

The first thing every vegetable grower should remember is that cucumbers, unlike tomatoes, do not like airing, they are too prone to infections, these gentle creatures love warmth, the absence of drafts, and if you do not follow the rules, there will be many barren flowers, foliage will start to turn yellow.

Cucumbers require greenhouse conditions for high-quality growth, a lot of water. And tomatoes can't stand it. They need fresh air, too moist soil can cause rot in the roots, fungal diseases that not only adversely affect the crop, but can even kill the plants. Of course, planting on separate beds is acceptable, but what to do with ventilation?

You can plant tomatoes closer to the exit, and place cucumbers on distant beds. If they are planted at the end, then it will be possible to make a fence, this will require a film. Attach it to the ceiling to make a curtain, take a wooden stick and attach it to the bottom of the film, wrapping and fixing. Now you can lift this curtain to go to the cucumbers and perform all the necessary procedures, and they will be fenced off from tomatoes, and when airing the draft, the fence will not lift, as it is weighted with a stick. Cucumbers will quietly grow in their "greenhouse", without interfering with the tomatoes, without sharing their heat and moisture with them, and you will use the entire place of the greenhouse, plant all the necessary crops, and the harvest will be high, since all conditions have been created for tomatoes and cucumbers. good growth.

Hot peppers are by no means planted in the same greenhouse with other crops. You can not make a joint landing even with sweet pepper. With cross-pollination, which is sure to happen, the taste of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers will be sharp, there may even be a burning sensation characteristic of hot peppers. Thus, you simply spoil the taste of the entire crop of the greenhouse. For such a "hot" plant, create a small greenhouse in which it will be away from other crops.

It is worth remembering that planting green beans next to them will help increase the productivity of tomatoes, but peas are completely contraindicated for them. Cucumbers will not be able to coexist with sage, it depresses the plant and will cause low yields. Now we propose to move on to considering the question of what to do if you want to grow root crops or gourds.

A little more about joint landings

As mentioned earlier, so that the greenhouse does not stand idle in the spring, you can plant various greens in it, and after harvesting it, plant the main crops. We offer you another option. In April, early maturing varieties of beets can be planted in the greenhouse. When the time comes to plant tomatoes, the root crops will already grow well, calmly place seedlings between them. Together, these cultures will grow excellently, they will not interfere with each other. When the tomato seedlings have grown to the point of shading the beets, the root crops can be harvested and are ready to be harvested. Thus, you can get early beets, and the greenhouse area will be used as much as possible. After harvesting the root crops, again, you can "ennoble" the vacated areas by planting lettuce, dill and parsley, and you will again win.

Well, watermelons and melons will grow together with tomatoes in the greenhouse. Melons can be planted mixed with tomatoes, and on a separate bed. The second option is more acceptable, since melons and watermelons do not really like drafts, but they do not need the greenhouse effect, like cucumbers. Plant the crop simply in a remote garden bed or along the walls of the greenhouse behind bushes of tomatoes, watermelons and melons love a lot of sunlight. Planting gourds for tomatoes is useful in that they attract more bees for pollination with their smell, insects, arriving at a sweet aroma, will also take care of tomatoes. Watermelons do not ripen any faster than many varieties of tomatoes, harvesting takes an average of ninety days after planting the seedlings. Thus, the greenhouse will be fully utilized throughout the season.

We learned what can be planted in a greenhouse, and what combinations should be avoided. But for the quality of the crop, it is necessary to properly prepare the covered ground, it depends on how well all the crops planted in the greenhouse will grow.

Preparing the greenhouse for the season

Vegetables planted indoors, unlike those grown outdoors, practically do not receive nutrients from the external environment, so it is worth taking care of the condition and content of the soil in advance. In addition to regular fertilizing, cultivated plants need high-quality soil that will meet all the requirements - this is good breathability, absorbency, light composition.

If the site is stably used to install a greenhouse, then the soil is already quite depleted and cannot provide the plants with all the nutrients. The best option is to completely change the soil by removing the old one from the greenhouse and placing a new one. If this is not possible, then enrichment measures can be taken, for this, add organic matter and mineral fertilizers to the maximum two weeks before planting.

In addition to fertilizers, the land needs to be disinfected, because from last year's crops, pathogenic bacteria and spores of fungal diseases could remain in it.

If the greenhouse is being built on the site for the first time, it is worth dividing the zone into beds correctly. Any length is possible, but the width should not be more than 90 centimeters. They can be elevated (35-40 centimeters above the ground) or level with the ground. The soil must be mixed with peat, manure, a complex of minerals.

By learning how to properly use every centimeter of greenhouse soil, you will increase productivity, save the territory of the site.

Amateur gardeners often wonder: what can be planted with tomatoes in a greenhouse? Not all gardeners and summer residents have the opportunity to grow greenhouse cucumbers and tomatoes.

Those who put a greenhouse on their site need to decide how to correctly use every centimeter of usable area in order to get the maximum benefit. When planting vegetable crops, their compatibility with each other should be taken into account, which can be planted together.

Characteristics of culture

Tomatoes belong to the nightshade family. They were brought from the country of South America. They are found there as a wild plant. In our country, tomatoes are classified as the main crops. Water them rarely, but with plenty of water.

Humidity is detrimental to them. They are susceptible to various fungal diseases. Light for them is as important as a sufficient amount of fresh air. With insufficient lighting, the plants are strongly drawn out, the leaves wither and brighten. Consider what can be planted with tomatoes.

What can be planted with tomatoes in spring and summer

They can, under certain conditions, get along with cucumbers, sweet peppers and eggplant tomatoes in the same greenhouse. Plants compatible with tomatoes are: radishes, garlic and onions.

Onions with tomatoes are planted only one that will later be used as green. Garlic, with its phytoncidal properties, helps tomatoes in the fight against late blight, to which they are more susceptible than other nightshades. Some gardeners collect garlic arrows, insist them on alcohol and spray tomatoes.

Strawberries and strawberries take root well next to tomatoes. These plants, like tomatoes, love a lot of air and light, they are not afraid of drafts, on the contrary, ventilation is good for them, and besides, the process of natural pollination of both is underway. Strawberries, when planted together with tomatoes, are planted in a ratio of 60x45.

Lemon balm, celery, parsley, basil can also be considered excellent neighbors for tomatoes. When growing lemon balm and basil next to tomatoes, a significant improvement in the taste of tomatoes was noticed.

Any neighborhood of the listed vegetables will be useful if the tomato bushes are tied up so as not to interfere with the penetration of light.

Usually, when planting the main crops, the aisles and edges of the beds remain unoccupied. In this case, it is advisable to plant mustard, lettuce, rhubarb and radish along with tomatoes in a greenhouse. Moreover, they can be planted when the tomatoes just appeared from the ground, and harvested when the tomatoes grow so much that they occupy the entire area in the garden. And then only the main crops remain on the beds, for the sake of which plantings in the greenhouse were planned.

What is planted in frosts

Watermelon and melon, on the contrary, do not like drafts. This is the main reason why gourds are grown separately from other vegetables. In general, experienced gardeners do not allow the greenhouse to stand idle for a long time outside the season.

What can be grown in a greenhouse this time of year? On the recommendation of many amateur gardeners, vegetable seedlings can be planted in the greenhouse. With the onset of spring, it can be transferred to the ground. This procedure will favorably affect the yield of major crops.

As soon as the weather conditions become favorable, the seedlings can be sent to the beds, and the greenhouse makes room for the main horticultural crops. The soil has already been prepared, cultivated, which helps favors rapid plant growth and subsequently a good harvest is expected.

What can be planted with tomatoes in the fall

Greens are planted in the autumn period, and thus the greenhouse is not idle and is used all year round. So, what kind of neighbors are favorable for tomatoes? Plant asparagus beans along with tomatoes. In a greenhouse, it can produce a much larger yield than in the soil outdoors. Combining the planting of these two crops, you can get a much larger crop and tomatoes.

Moreover, beans and tomatoes help each other if planting is done by alternating in the beds. In a greenhouse with tomatoes, beets feel great. They benefit from such a neighborhood.

Beets do not interfere with tomatoes, but tomatoes can darken the beet planting sites a little, and therefore it is necessary to collect them earlier.

Recently, mixed plantings have become very popular: tomatoes, spinach, strawberries, watercress, savory and parsley. It is important to properly prepare the heifer. It is filled with organic soil in the fall, then in the spring it is additionally fertilized with manure, and finally, fertile soil is brought in. This composition is ideal for growing vegetables and herbs.

With this approach, it is important to determine which beds will host the main crops, and leave them empty or fill them with fast-growing plants, such as chinese cabbage in seedlings or turnips. You can use means for accelerated growth, then they will have time to ripen before planting tomatoes.

When planting seeds of lettuce leaves, Chinese cabbage and spinach in March, small containers are used in which sawdust is soaked in advance. At the same time, the seeds are sown not densely, because the growing plants will be in containers for more than a month. The containers are placed in bags, they must be opened so that there is access to oxygen.

After the seeds have germinated, they are sprinkled with a small layer of soil. Shoots are taken out of the packages and placed in an open place, you can on the windowsill. As soon as the weather conditions allow, you can plant the plants in the greenhouse.

Before planting, the seedlings are watered abundantly, which helps to carefully separate the bushes without damaging the roots. It is important not to overdo the seedlings in sawdust. Long stay in this soil deprives the plant of nitrogen. Garlic and bulbs before planting in the soil should be poured with a small amount of water in small containers. In the greenhouse, they should be located on one small bed close to each other. When the time comes to plant tomatoes, the greens should already be collected.

What plants are best not to plant

Tomatoes do not do well with other crops. Many gardeners never plant them with cucumbers. Neighborhood can adversely affect the yield of both crops. They need to create a different microclimate. Tomatoes need dry air with frequent ventilation, they need to be watered rarely, but plentifully.

Cucumbers, on the contrary, love moisture and frequent, but not plentiful watering. They can be planted in the same greenhouse, but in different places. When next to tomatoes, cucumbers begin to hurt, wither and rot.

The same thing happens when the greenhouse is often ventilated. In addition, the curly tendrils of cucumbers can braid the stems of tomatoes, thereby interfering with their growth. Tomatoes, on the other hand, from frequent watering and high humidity can become covered with a fungus.

Greenhouse fennel and peas interfere with the growth of tomatoes. But, at the same time, peas are compatible with cucumbers. It is impossible to grow tomatoes and potatoes together in a greenhouse. Compatibility can only be if potatoes are grown from seeds. Tomatoes and cabbage do not get along well. Especially its varieties such as kohlrabi and color.

Ways to place plants

If necessary, you can plant tomatoes along with other crops. Planting incompatible vegetables in a greenhouse or not is up to everyone, but there is a way out. Experienced gardeners offer to rationally use the entire area of ​​the greenhouse and apply the correct organization of planting. With a rational approach, you can not only not harm the growth of the crop, but also increase it by 30%.

There are several ways to accommodate incompatible plants in a greenhouse. Here the design of the greenhouse itself plays an important role. If she has two entrances and there is enough space for planting vegetables, then 3 beds are dug up first. Tomatoes are planted on the central bed, since this part is the most ventilated.

Cucumbers are located in the southern part of the greenhouse, eggplants are located on the northern side. Even with this approach, experts do not recommend planting cucumbers with tomatoes. This is due to the fact that care during their cultivation is completely different.

If the greenhouse has one door and a window, then the layout of the planting material is as follows: tomatoes are placed opposite the door, while separating them from other plants with a film. You can also use sheets of plywood or slate.

Most gardeners who use this planting method prefer film. Cucumbers are planted behind tomatoes, followed by eggplants. That is, in the center are the most thermophilic and draft-resistant vegetables. It is preferable to plant peppers under the window. This culture loves the cool.

It is possible to plant all these crops together in a greenhouse if there is a need for it, but in this case one must be prepared for the fact that the yield will still drop slightly, but still. Considering that the problem of the compatibility of various vegetable crops is known to many lovers of the garden, greenhouse manufacturers began to produce structures with various internal modifications.

When installing them on the site, internal partitions and ceilings are exposed. With the help of them, you can design separate "rooms" for planting plants at your discretion. At the same time, each separate room will have its own microclimate, which will enable many gardeners to grow different vegetable crops at the same time, combine the incompatible and get a full-fledged harvest. And then there will be no dilemma what to plant with tomatoes.

​Related Articles​

Own home garden is a great way to have constantly fresh and organic berries and vegetables on your table. Home grown foods are guaranteed to be free of unknown growth contaminants or nitrates found in store-bought products. In addition, growing vegetables in a greenhouse is an interesting and exciting activity, which will subsequently have a positive effect on the overall improvement of the body's well-being.​

If condensation appears on the surface of the greenhouse, the soil will become too wet and the fruit will taste sour.

Which plant do you prefer?

Inexperienced vegetable growers often make the mistake of planting plants that do not get along well with each other in the same greenhouse. The reasons for this "dislike" may be different. Sometimes this is a negative effect of one crop on another, but more often the problem is that they require different growing conditions.​

The hatched seeds are sown along the edge of the beds or along the perimeter of the greenhouse at a distance of 7-8 cm from each other.

As it grows, the previous plants are gradually removed.

Council. If the beds are given to pepper, it is necessary to choose one variety of this plant for cultivation, since even the presence of only one bush of a bitter variety can change the taste of the entire crop, which occurs as a result of cross-pollination.

The use of temporarily free areas that are empty while the main crop grows and develops, after which the intermediate ones are removed from the beds; Plants that affect the illumination of heat-loving crops are immediately removed. Cucumbers easily tolerate the neighborhood with pepper and eggplant, but keep in mind that cucumber lashes can obscure plants planted nearby. Eggplants have the same properties. You can not combine sweet and bitter peppers, so as not to affect its pollination. You can plant corn next to cucumbers. Its growth is positively affected by tomato, lettuce and beans, while celery and table beet are negatively affected. Asparagus beans have a high yield when planted in a greenhouse. This plant accumulates nitrogen on the roots, which increases the fertility of the soil. Beans are best planted in beds among tomatoes or other vegetables.

Leaders in vegetable crops: tomatoes and cucumbers in one greenhouse

In order to start growing food, you need to decide what exactly to sow your beds. Of what can be grown in a greenhouse, the best results will come from foods that are typical for this climate zone. They will become the main filling of the greenhouse.

Leaders of vegetable crops: tomatoes and cucumbers in one greenhouse.

Watering is done every 4 days. It is best to provide the plant with 5 liters of water per 1 square meter of land. During flowering - 15 liters per 1 square meter. The temperature in the greenhouse should be at least 20 degrees.​

You already know that it is profitable to plant in a greenhouse in order to use its entire area for its intended purpose.

Favorable Neighborhood

This technique allows you not only to grow more greens, but also has a beneficial effect on the growth and health of vegetables.

You can plant several varieties nearby, only sweet or only bitter.

  • In the off-season, especially if it is a heated polycarbonate greenhouse, you can grow seedlings, flowers, you can even get a strawberry crop or grow only greens, some of which will go to your own table, and some can be sold.
  • Tomatoes are favorably affected by the neighborhood with radishes, radishes, lettuce, corn, cabbage, carrots, garlic and beets. Parsley and spinach are often planted around tomato beds. To improve the taste of tomatoes, you can plant basil, borage, mint and lemon balm nearby. If the size of the greenhouse allows, then melons and watermelons can separate the proximity to tomatoes. But these crops do not grow well after other vegetables, especially after pumpkin. 30 days before planting, sprouted seeds of watermelons and melons are sown in pots 10x10 cm in size. For these crops, the soil layer in the greenhouse should be at least 25 cm. Top dressing is carried out once a week, alternating mineral and organic fertilizers. Unlike tomatoes, watermelons and melons do not tolerate drafts. Therefore, they need to highlight the most protected corner of the greenhouse.

Plants that require the same cultivation conditions can grow in the same greenhouse.

For residents of the middle lane, such popular and common vegetables as tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, radishes, cabbage, onions are perfect for planting. Growing vegetables in a greenhouse does not require heavy effort, so almost all seedlings and seedlings available for planting are suitable.

The two most popular vegetables, without which the table is unthinkable, are cucumbers and tomatoes. During the summer season, gardeners try not only to grow them for fresh consumption, but also to stock up on canned fruits for the whole winter. These are usually the main greenhouse vegetables. If both vegetables are grown in large volumes for the purpose of sale, then it is better to allocate a separate greenhouse for each of them. But often amateur gardeners cannot decide which of them is more important, and place tomatoes and cucumbers in the same greenhouse.

a - a basket on a bracket; b - a pot on a hanging stand; c - wooden basket on cords

Features of growing vegetables in a greenhouse

Now let's talk about the antagonists.

The seeds of watercress and dill are simply scattered evenly over the area allotted for them and sprinkled with earth.

Compacting crops - the same mustard, radish and lettuce, which grow well in the aisles or along the edges of the beds. In addition to them, you can plant onions on greens or root crops with edible tops for salads and cold soups in free places. But they must be removed as the main crops grow, so as not to interfere with the development of the latter.

Efficient use of the entire greenhouse area can significantly reduce labor costs and time for processing beds, which is very important, especially if you do all the work yourself.

Winter plants are planted at the end of the season, when the main harvest is over:

In large farm greenhouses, a separate greenhouse is being built for each crop, often more than one. At the same time, in order to obtain a high yield, the technology of proper crop rotation is used, taking into account the occupancy with the main goal of achieving the maximum economic effect.​

Mixed planting of vegetables in a greenhouse

It is even more necessary to take into account the compatibility of plants in the greenhouse.

To date, a polycarbonate greenhouse has become the most popular and practical solution in terms of efficient crop growth. Such a greenhouse is simple and easy to install, it has high strength due to the special composition of the frame. The classic version of the greenhouse is a long structure with two or more outlets that allows light to pass through, but keeps the microclimate at the same level.​

Neighbor vegetables: mixed planting

In the cold regions of Russia, cucumbers can be grown in a greenhouse. In this case, compost or manure beds are used. These technologies make it possible to plant cucumbers early and ensure that the yield is high.​

Do not plant tomatoes and cucumbers together. The first requires dry air, frequent airing, plentiful, but rare watering. And the latter prefer high humidity, lack of drafts and frequent watering.

Spinach and Chinese cabbage grown on greens are sown in boxes in early spring and seedlings are grown on the windowsill. Before transplanting, it is watered abundantly so that when divided, it does not injure the root system.

It will also eliminate soil depletion caused by growing one species. Answers to additional questions can be seen in the video in this article.​

It is justified to plant parsnips, chicory, sorrel, and some other vegetables and herbs, including onions, garlic;

​In small private farms, for example, summer cottages, a greenhouse is often built to meet the needs of the family, although sometimes the production of vegetables and the cultivation of greenery can become a source of additional income. And what to plant in a greenhouse, in what time frame, how to grow different vegetables together, becomes the main problem for the owner.

A zucchini will get along with any neighbor, the microclimate of cucumbers is close to it, only it will need more space and airing more often. If pepper and eggplant are quite compatible, then eggplant should not be planted close to tomatoes. And it’s better not to plant it at all in the same greenhouse with tomatoes. But for peas, the substances coming from the tomato are very favorable, they accelerate its growth and development. After all, in a limited enclosed space, even if you manage to plant incompatible vegetables on different beds away from each other, they still conflict. The competition is not only for water and nutrients coming from the soil. Some plants have a detrimental effect on neighboring substances that they secrete.

Depending on the purpose, greenhouses can be installed both in summer and in winter. Based on this, you need to know exactly at what time the greenhouse will be used in order to correctly calculate the load that the environment gives. Snow, wind and rain are the main enemies of a polycarbonate greenhouse, so only a quality manufacturer can guarantee that his greenhouse will be able to withstand a large weight load. The anti-corrosion composition with which such structures are processed allows them to be used for many years.​

What to plant in a greenhouse so that everything grows well

In the cold regions of Russia, you can grow cucumbers in a greenhouse

Peas and fennel should not be planted with tomatoes.

Drawing up a plan for planting plants in a greenhouse

Onions and garlic on greens are soaked for 2-3 days before planting, after which they are planted in a greenhouse, pressing half the bulbs into the ground. To save space, the bulbs are planted close to each other.

Final crops are plants that are sown before winter after harvesting the main ones, and in the spring they give an early harvest. These include sorrel, parsnips, early ripening carrots.

If you have only one greenhouse, and even that one is quite modest in size, then every spring you probably puzzle over what to plant in it this time. After all, many plants do not tolerate each other's neighborhood well, and no one has canceled the crop rotation.

cultivation of ornamental plants, primarily flowers.

Annual plan for planting plants by date

  1. For additional protection, the greenhouse can be covered with a protective film, it also allows you to control the light radiation that falls on the grown vegetables.
    • If there is such an opportunity, it is better to plant cucumbers in a bed fertilized with manure. How to prepare a garden bed? Lay down the manure. Then it is worth putting fertile soil - the layer should reach 25 cm. Next, make abundant watering.
  2. Cucumbers do not like the neighborhood of sage.
    • What and when can be planted in a greenhouse, we figured it out. But with mixed plantings, which allow you to get more vegetables from each square meter, you need to consider plant compatibility.
    • ​The answer to this question depends on the design of the shelter, your preferences for growing edible crops, and how early you are willing to open the season.​
    • Photo of mixed landings.
    • Even if the plants are properly combined in the greenhouse and the compatibility of vegetables is taken into account, it is important to pay attention to the frequency of planting. Thickening is highly undesirable. If in open ground it is possible to form a standard tomato bush in 3-4 branches, then in a greenhouse it is desirable not more than 2, and tall varieties - only in one. Planting pepper is allowed quite densely, in a checkerboard pattern, but eggplants love space. So that, while growing, one plant does not obscure another, a lot of time must be devoted to the timely tying of plants.
    • The use of a greenhouse in a summer cottage or personal plot has long justified itself. It is a reliable protection for early sowing seeds, a hotbed for tomatoes, peppers and eggplants, which will later find a place in the open field. Having a greenhouse, you can get more than one crop of greenery, save the crop of remontant raspberries, which are not allowed to ripen by the autumn frosts that have begun. You can grow any vegetables in it, it all depends on the preferences of the owners.
    • Cucumbers are demanding vegetables, although if you distribute the load correctly, getting a bountiful harvest will not be a hassle. In order to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse, you need to make sure that the room maintains a constant high humidity - on average, 22 oC. Dry air has a detrimental effect on these vegetables, causing their leaves and fruits to shrink and wrinkle.
  3. If a decision is made to use a greenhouse for tomatoes, then you can first plant all the seedlings in the 20th of May in the greenhouse as a nursery, and then leave some of the roots under cover. These can be early varieties for a quick harvest or, on the contrary, late tall varieties to increase the duration of fruiting. Everyone decides for himself. And cucumbers will feel comfortable separately - in the garden under a film cover.
    • If there is no manure, compost beds can be made in vparniki. For this, various food waste, foliage, tops, sawdust are used. The bed is made almost like manure. First, compost is laid, and then 20 cm of soil. It is recommended to plant already germinated cucumber seeds.
    • Like eggplant, potatoes (for example, when propagating varietal tubers) are also best grown separately from other crops, as they can become a source of various diseases.

Mixed planting of vegetable crops

When to plant cucumbers, tomatoes or another main crop in a greenhouse depends on how ready both the seedlings and the shelter are for such an “emigration”. It must maintain a certain temperature and there is no threat of hypothermia. Most often this happens at the end of spring, and in some regions - at the beginning of summer.​

On the one hand, with this use of the sown area, one-sided depletion of the soil does not occur, since each crop takes from it what it needs. A favorable neighborhood often improves the taste of grown fruits.

In greenhouses in small summer cottages or house adjoining areas, one of the most rational ways to grow vegetables is to use the mixed planting method. Depending on the season, they can be classified as summer or spring options.

  • Before the start of the season, it is recommended to draw up a plan for the placement of plants, taking into account the schedule for their planting on the beds, the possibility of compaction with secondary crops and the timing of replacing some with others. Naturally, a type of greenhouse construction is needed, designed for year-round or seasonal cultivation.​

Compaction as an option for the joint cultivation of vegetables and herbs on the same bed

Since cucumbers themselves are the most watery type of vegetables that quench their thirst, growing cucumbers is impossible without regular dense watering. It can be produced by both automatic sprinklers and manual watering. The jet of water should be evenly distributed over the leaves, while most of it should be directed to the roots hidden in the ground.

Favorable neighborhood.

If there is such an opportunity, it is better to plant cucumbers in a bed fertilized with manure

​If you watch the video in this article illustrating all of the above, it will be easier for you to understand the intricacies of greenhouse farming. In fact, it is enough to experiment with your favorite plants for a couple of years to understand when and how it is better to plant them, what company to provide them with. But the advice of experienced gardeners will not be superfluous.

What plants do not get along together in the same garden

By this time, the beds should be freed from tall greenery, leaving those plants around the edges that will not shade the seedlings or interfere with their care. Watering can be the main problem, as tomatoes, cucumbers and some other vegetables do not like water on the leaves.

Our country is too huge to be able to name specific dates for planting certain plants in greenhouses or open ground. The difference between the northern and southern regions can be a month or even more. If we talk specifically about when to plant in a greenhouse, then we must also take into account its design, coating material, the presence or absence of a heating system in it.

Spinach, radish, lettuce, Chinese cabbage - all these are the plants that can be planted in a greenhouse in early spring and get a crop within a month or two before planting seedlings of the main plants.

When drawing up a plan, it is important to take into account the orientation of the greenhouse to the cardinal points. On the south, more sunny and warm, a place should be allocated for pepper, not far from which tomatoes can be planted. And in the northern part, cucumbers will give a good harvest. (see also the article How to put a greenhouse on the cardinal points - installation features)​

The second most popular vegetable on the table is the tomato. Few gardeners manage to fully comprehend the art of growing tomatoes.


Since it is necessary to grow tomatoes at low air humidity, planting cucumbers next to them is undesirable. Cucumbers suffer from a lack of moisture and will die if the required moisture is not provided.

We plant vegetables and herbs in the greenhouse

From an economic point of view, it is best to place in the greenhouse those crops that do not grow well in open ground. These are cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers. Of course, you can plant them on the street, but the result is unlikely to please you.​

As the main and compacting crops grow, you need to carefully monitor so that they do not interfere with each other and, if necessary, remove overgrown greenery.

Pay attention. Mixed plantings seriously reduce the labor costs of vegetable growers and save on energy, water and lighting.​

Types of vegetable crops by planting dates

​Therefore, keep in mind that all the dates below are oriented towards the middle lane and adjust them according to your climatic norms.​

As a rule:

Tentative dates

Council. During the growth and development of the main crops, you can plant early-ripening vegetables and herbs, which, however, can be grown along the main beds all season, putting a storehouse of vitamins on the table.

  • ​​

Having acquired basic skills, you can try to grow 2-3 types of vegetables at the same time in a greenhouse

  • In order to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse, you need to prepare and fertilize the soil in advance. The land ready for planting should be loose and contain a large amount of oxygen for the vegetables to breathe. Humidity should also be kept high, but watering should remain moderate. When pouring, tomatoes very often rot on the vine and become unsuitable for further growth.

This is why it is best not to place cucumbers with tomatoes. It is recommended to separate the presented cultures. Eggplants and peppers have similar features. "Pepper" and "borage" should be humid and stuffy, "tomato" - well ventilated and not too hot and humid.

What to plant when

There are greenhouses in which you can grow crops all year round. In this case, you can plant what you need, even strawberries or flowers. You can place seedlings in a greenhouse, and then place the grown plants in the ground. For early planting, it is recommended to use radishes, onions, dill, zucchini, cucumbers. Especially if you live in a region with a rather harsh climate, where many cultures do not have time to keep up in the open air. Therefore, before planting vegetables in a greenhouse, think about what you can plant next to them without harming them, using our tips.​

But some plants cannot be planted side by side. For different reasons. For example, sweet and bitter peppers are cross-pollinated in close proximity, their fruits lose their varietal qualities. And crops such as tomatoes and cucumbers require too different growing conditions.

  • ​If you want to start the season as early as possible by planting cold-resistant crops first, then stick to the following dates:​

Spring mixed plantings are designed to produce early vegetables and herbs;

. If the area of ​​​​the site allows, then gardeners install several greenhouses. However, on a plot of 6 acres, when 2 of them are already occupied by a house, a front garden and outbuildings, this option is hardly possible.
Seedlings for tomatoes are taken sixty days old, they are planted at a distance of half a meter from each other. In the future, as the tomatoes grow, they must be tied up to three times in order to direct their growth in the right direction.

  • - tomatoes, peppers, greens, melons, beans, peas;

All gardeners strive to ensure that the greenhouse produces crops all year round.

  • ​You can learn how to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse.​

Principles and rules of mixed landings

For example, the most popular greenhouse crop - tomato - gets along well with the following neighbors:

Therefore, you need to know exactly what can be planted in one greenhouse, and what is absolutely impossible.

If the greenhouse is equipped with a heating or soil heating system, you can start using it from the end of February;

Summer mixed plantings allow you to simultaneously grow and harvest several types.

For a greenhouse to be profitable, it is important to make the most of every centimeter of its usable area throughout the season. Be sure to follow the instructions for the placement of plant bushes in the garden. (See also the article What can be grown in a greenhouse with your own hands)​

In the conditions of a small suburban area, it is not possible to put 2-3 greenhouses in order to grow each crop separately, as professionals do. In such cases, amateur gardeners often use combined planting. This results in an earlier and higher yield of a wide variety of greens and vegetables. In this case, the sowing space is used most rationally, and caring for seedlings in a greenhouse is much easier and more efficient than in open beds.​

Spring plantings

The option of planting cucumbers and tomatoes in the same greenhouse is due to the lack of a seat, but does not give an impressive harvest.

A good neighbor for cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse will be pepper. This moisture-loving vegetable requires approximately the same conditions, which means that caring for it will not require additional effort.

- cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, cabbage, zucchini, beans;

  • a - plank rack; b - a rack with a mesh top on a metal frame; in - a rack with pallets installed on it with gravel; g - brick racks

Peppers are planted in greenhouses from March to April. Its germination is 2 weeks, at a temperature of 18 degrees.

  • Asparagus beans. For personal use, only a few bushes will be enough, since the yield of this plant is very high. And its presence in a tomato greenhouse, due to the accumulation of nitrogen in the roots, will also increase the quality of the tomato.
  • In order to start sowing in the greenhouse as soon as possible, the soil in it must be prepared in the fall. And in the spring, it is desirable to place fresh manure under the fertile layer, which will rot for about a month and a half, releasing heat and warming the shelter and soil.

Planting seedlings of cucumbers and tomatoes is carried out, as a rule, in May. And green onions, dill, lettuce, radishes are the types that can be planted in a greenhouse in March on still free beds and get a full harvest before planting tomatoes or cucumbers.

Thus, in a year or season, you can get a crop from different crops, which can be divided into several classes.

  • Planting is done so that the greenhouse area does not remain empty. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the ripening period for each crop.
  • The two most popular vegetables, without which the table is unthinkable, are cucumbers and tomatoes. During the summer season, gardeners try not only to grow them for fresh consumption, but also to stock up on canned fruits for the whole winter. These are usually the main greenhouse vegetables. If both vegetables are grown in large volumes for the purpose of sale, then it is better to allocate a separate greenhouse for each of them. But often amateur gardeners cannot decide which of them is more important, and place tomatoes and cucumbers in the same greenhouse.

See also: Growing grapes in the country: tips for beginners

  • - tomatoes, early cabbage, herbs and greens.
  • All gardeners strive to ensure that the greenhouse produces crops all year round. In order to ensure a stable harvest,
  • Peppers are planted in greenhouses from March to April. Its germination is 2 weeks, at a temperature of 18 degrees.

summer landings

Having finished this work, you need to decide what is best to plant in a greenhouse from the main crops. Each plant has its own requirements for placement, the type of beds, the availability of free space around.

If the greenhouse is without heating, but capital - with a foundation and high-quality heat-insulating coating, the deadlines are shifted to mid-March;

What can be planted with


  • This is also possible, but you need to adapt the microclimate of the greenhouse for each vegetable, since their requirements for moisture, heat and ventilation are completely different. Cucumbers prefer a humid, warm climate, but avoid direct sunlight. They love this method of watering, like sprinkling, which tomatoes do not tolerate at all. In order for them to get along in the same greenhouse, they should be planted so that the plants do not touch each other at all.

Before planting in the ground, the seeds are treated for thirty minutes in a solution with potassium permanganate, after which they are planted in separate pots, where they grow until the sprouts are tied, which will be fastened at the tips of the leaves with a seed coat. After that, you can grow peppers in a greenhouse. Seedlings are transplanted into the ground, subjected to abundant watering. It is sufficient moisture that provides the crop with juiciness and rich taste.

  • However, the concept of greenery requires clarification. Onions get along well with many vegetables, but do not accept beans and peas. Beans, in turn, will not tolerate onions. Although friendly to most plants.

You need to use different cultures:

Fruit shape and color may vary. The most fragrant variety is “tomato-shaped” pepper.

​Early beets grown for their leaves and young, juicy roots used in summer green dishes. Swollen beet seeds are planted along the tomato beds in mid-April, and by mid or late May, when it is time to plant tomatoes, it will already be suitable for consumption. But you should not remove it until the tomatoes begin to cover the light for root crops.

Having decided what and where will grow all summer, you can plan early spring plantings, observing the following conditions:
In light shelters and greenhouses, the first seeds are sown no earlier than the end of March - the beginning of April.

Summer cohabitation of plants has some fundamental differences from the spring version. At this time, active plant growth continues, the formation and ripening of fruits.

First of all, these are early ripening vegetables resistant to cold and low temperatures: radishes, carrots, Beijing cabbage, spinach and others;

Mixed planting in the greenhouse is used both in spring and summer. The use of this method eliminates the unilateral depletion of the soil. Plants in protected greenhouses suffer less from pests, less often need watering and loosening, from which their palatability increases. For example, radishes planted among bush beans and leaf lettuce have a particularly delicate taste. It is bred alongside parsley, chard, garlic, peas and vegetables such as cabbage and tomatoes. In the spring, young greens can be grown in the greenhouse, and in the summer, the same area can be used for heat-loving vegetables.​

Incompatible plants

If the greenhouse is long enough, then you can make a fence inside from polycarbonate, plywood or boards. But for this option, it is important that there are also two entrances. When the greenhouse is ventilated from the side of the tomatoes, this will not harm the cucumbers in any way. And when cucumbers are watered, tomato bushes will not suffer from water.

Eggplant is a vegetable imported from other regions, so growing it is not an easy task for a gardener. Growing eggplant requires abundant watering and regular ventilation of the greenhouse. This moisture-loving vegetable is not able to independently receive the nutrition necessary for the full development of the fruit, so top dressing and watering are two key points in its cultivation.

Often, greenhouses are adapted for a multi-level berry garden from various varieties of strawberries and strawberries. In this case, you need to consider that the berry will feel good surrounded by greens: onions, garlic, cucumbers. Cabbage is also favorable for these crops, but it does not tolerate berries.

  • Many experienced summer residents are well versed in the compatibility of vegetables and use this knowledge when planting to achieve a bountiful harvest.
  • There are many varieties of pepper:
  • Other popular greenhouse vegetables are cucumbers. Can grow under the same roof with sweet peppers. But not mixed up and not side by side, as long cucumber lashes tied to supports can obscure a less tall pepper.
  • Preceding crops, which may not reach technical maturity until the seedlings are planted, are sown along the perimeter of the greenhouse, along the edges of the beds and between the rows;


Again, this guide is not a guide to action. Look at the weather, which in different years can bring surprises and adjust our plans.​

What crops can be grown in one greenhouse: what to plant in a greenhouse, plant types, compatibility

Rational approach to the choice of culture

Therefore, it makes sense to apply the so-called compaction, which consists in the fact that along the perimeter of the beds occupied by the main crops, greens, tuberous vegetables such as carrots, beets, and possibly even melons and corn are grown at the same time.

Early parsley, dill, green onions, the price of which is traditionally high in early spring.

Mixed growing is ideal for those whose garden does not allow for a separate bed for each crop.

Hot and sweet pepper

Many gardeners note that when tomatoes and cucumbers are planted together, tomatoes suffer more. Their harvest is significantly reduced. Therefore, the best option would be their separate existence.

Not every vegetable can withstand such conditions, so eggplants can only coexist with tomatoes. However, this requires the correct location of the beds, because eggplants should receive a large amount of sunlight.

A zucchini will get along with any neighbor, the microclimate of cucumbers is close to it, only it will need more space and airing more often. If pepper and eggplant are quite compatible, then eggplant should not be planted close to tomatoes. And it’s better not to plant it at all in the same greenhouse with tomatoes. But for peas, the substances coming from the tomato are very favorable, they accelerate its growth and development.

Plants that require the same cultivation conditions can grow in the same greenhouse.

  • thick-walled - for salads and stuffing;
  • You can speed up the process by sowing not seeds in the greenhouse, but already grown seedlings

To get as many vegetables and herbs as possible from a limited area, you need to consider not only the placement of different crops on it, but also their alternation in terms of ripening and harvesting

Greenhouse cultivation of tomatoes

Various types of greens planted earlier should not be immediately removed from the beds for tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, but should be done gradually, as crops grow and, accordingly, increase the area under them.


The site for the greenhouse should be flat or with a slight slope to the south, located close to a water source and protected from cold winds. Irrigation water in a protected ground structure is used at the same temperature as the soil, so as not to cause temperature shock in plants. If mineral fertilizers are dissolved in water, care must be taken that it does not fall on the stems and leaves, which can lead to burns. To increase the resistance of vegetables to pathogens of bacterial and fungal diseases, it is recommended to use special biological products that are sprayed with seeds and plant roots immediately before planting in the ground. Since autumn, the soil in the greenhouse has been filled with organic matter, and in the spring they are only supplemented with manure and sprinkled with a layer of fertile soil.

If a decision is made to use a greenhouse for tomatoes, then you can first plant all the seedlings in the 20th of May in the greenhouse as a nursery, and then leave some of the roots under cover. These can be early varieties for a quick harvest or, on the contrary, late tall varieties to increase the duration of fruiting. Everyone decides for himself. And cucumbers will feel comfortable separately - in the garden under a film cover.

A polycarbonate greenhouse will be a good place to get a regular supply of greens on the table. Growing onions is an inexpensive undertaking, because this extremely frost-resistant vegetable gives good shoots in favorable conditions. Growing herbs and onions will require good warming and constant lighting, which becomes especially necessary in winter. Regular watering and top dressing make it possible to grow the first crop in winter already a month after planting the bulbs.

Types of hanging baskets and fixtures

Features of growing vegetables in a greenhouse.

Cucumbers in a greenhouse

It is even more necessary to take into account the compatibility of plants in the greenhouse. Indeed, in conditions of a limited enclosed space, even if it is possible to plant incompatible vegetables on different beds at a distance from each other, they still conflict. The competition is not only for water and nutrients coming from the soil. Some plants have a detrimental effect on neighboring substances that they secrete.

spicy - pepperoni;

Cucumbers on a dung bed

What is often planted in a greenhouse with cucumbers is corn. Tall, strong plants standing in one row along a cucumber bed can become natural supports for lashes.

Cucumbers on a compost bed

Early maturing plants, as well as those that improve the composition of the soil, can be planted directly on the beds. These primarily include leaf mustard, leaf turnip, dill for greens. Before planting seedlings of the main crops in the greenhouse, they can only be partially removed, continuing to gradually harvest as the vegetables grow;

How to grow super peppers in a greenhouse (video)

Why you can not plant cucumbers and tomatoes in the same greenhouse

Their range is determined by the owner, but the most popular and common are:

Planting is carried out so that their proximity does not interfere with the growth of other vegetables. The beds intended for the main crops cannot be completely occupied. Therefore, it is better to plant dill, watercress, Chinese cabbage, garlic, mustard leaf in a greenhouse. Greens will yield a crop even before heat-loving plants begin to develop. Onions tolerate low light and temperature fluctuations well. It is grown as the first crop in January-February. Garlic and onions are soaked for 2-3 days and planted in a greenhouse close to each other.

Types of shelving for a greenhouse

For pepper and eggplant, light and well-seasoned soils are most suitable.

Cycle of crops in a greenhouse

Growing vegetables in a greenhouse is a convenient and proven way to get a bountiful harvest with little effort. A maintained microclimate allows the plants to get used to the conditions, which generally reduces the constant control required by the gardener. Even if the plants are correctly combined in the greenhouse and the compatibility of vegetables is taken into account, it is important to pay attention to the frequency of planting. Thickening is highly undesirable. If in open ground it is possible to form a standard bush of tomatoes in 3-4 branches, then in a greenhouse it is desirable not more than 2, and tall varieties - only in one. Planting pepper is allowed quite densely, in a checkerboard pattern, but eggplants love space. So that, while growing, one plant does not obscure another, a lot of time must be devoted to the timely tying of plants.

Compatibility of vegetables in the greenhouse - the key to a rich harvest

Which plant to give preference.

Tomato - for salting.
Council. It is desirable to artificially pollinate corn grown in closed ground, transferring pollen manually from male to female flowers.

To speed up the growth of greenery, use all the techniques available to you - heating, lighting, top dressing, etc.
All plants can be divided into groups:

The list of everything that can be planted in one greenhouse is quite wide, but there are also completely incompatible crops, the simultaneous cultivation of which is either impossible or will lead to a significant reduction in yield.


In mid-April, a thin layer of wet sawdust is poured into containers. After 3 days, watercress and radish are sown, and after another 4 days, dill. Radishes should be sown sparingly and not covered with sawdust. Watercress and dill must be covered with a thin layer of sawdust. Containers are placed in ajar plastic bags. After the radish seeds have given roots, they are planted in a greenhouse at a distance of 8 cm from each other as close to the light as possible. Sawdust with sprouted seeds of watercress and dill is evenly scattered on the allotted beds. Then all the seeds are sprinkled with a thin layer of soil. Spinach, lettuce, Beijing and Chinese cabbage, chard are sown in mid-March.

Nevertheless, tomatoes get along well with herbs in the form of dill, parsley, onions. If you sow radishes, lettuce, green onions in April to get a feather, then in May you can successfully place tomatoes after them, leaving some greenery. Asparagus beans have a beneficial effect on tomatoes, melons and watermelons will not interfere. But you should place them away from the draft, in the depths of the greenhouse.

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If this condition is not observed, then pests often start in the greenhouse, and it is not easy to get rid of them. It is necessary to maintain the level of humidity, the excess of which can seriously harm the tomatoes. Yes, and the soil must be carefully prepared, since there is no access to nutrients from the outside. There is also no access for insects that take care of timely pollination. Therefore, you should buy seeds designed specifically for greenhouses. Tomatoes, peppers and eggplants are self-pollinating. But not all varieties of cucumbers are like that.

The use of a greenhouse in a summer cottage or personal plot has long justified itself. It is a reliable protection for early sowing seeds, a hotbed for tomatoes, peppers and eggplants, which will later find a place in the open field. Having a greenhouse, you can get more than one crop of greenery, save the crop of remontant raspberries, which are not allowed to ripen by the autumn frosts that have begun. You can grow any vegetables in it, it all depends on the preferences of the owners.

You can plant peppers both on a separate bed and between tomatoes. In this case, special attention should be paid to the soil. It should be rich in nutrients, loose and moist. In dry weather, the pepper drops the fruit. It is also important to apply fertilizer in a timely manner. First, organic fertilizer is applied - 100 grams per 1 square meter. Then, after 6 weeks, the plants are fed with another 50 grams of fertilizer per 1 square meter. Ropes and pegs are suitable as a support for the plant.

But this is a simple and not time-consuming procedure.

Council. Since the grown greens have to be harvested immediately in large batches, they can be dried and / or frozen for the winter.

The predecessor crops are cold-resistant, fast-growing and ripening crops that can be grown before planting the main heat-loving vegetables in the greenhouse. These include greens: dill, mustard, spinach, lettuce; as well as vegetables: radish, Beijing cabbage, early carrots.
It is very difficult to grow cucumbers and tomatoes in the same greenhouse, as they need different temperature and humidity conditions. But sometimes, subject to certain rules and conditions, you can get a crop of one or another crop.


Peppers and eggplant will do well with both cucumbers and tomatoes. Therefore, the following options are possible:
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​In regions with unpredictable weather in May and early June, it would be good to take care of emergency heating. In case the seedlings have already been planted, and the sun is not enough and there is a threat of frost.

It is reasonable to sow radishes, dill and annual onions on greens in the spring, and after harvesting early greens, place tomatoes, eggplants and peppers there or occupy an area for cucumbers. Lovers of southern crops will certainly find a place in the greenhouse for melons and watermelons or plant grapes in it. Considering the compatibility of crops, even corn can be grown, with which legumes coexist well. But few manage to care for it due to the complex technology of pollination. Florists, most likely, will allocate the greenhouse area for ornamental flowering plants.​

How to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse? After planting, they are not watered for two weeks. Then it is recommended to tie the plants to the trellis.

Another useful neighbor for cucumbers is dill. Its smell repels pests that are dangerous for this vegetable.
Or put it on the market, in a cafe, restaurant - at this time of the year, the price of green vitamins is consistently high.

It is necessary, while growing cucumbers and tomatoes, to create a suitable microclimate for each plant. For example, to provide a higher level of moisture for cucumbers, they can be separated with a polyethylene screen from tomatoes and peppers, which need drier conditions.​


It happens that the proximity of certain types of vegetables adversely affects their development. For example, you can not plant tomatoes and cucumbers next to each other, since they have different agricultural practices. Heat and high humidity in the greenhouse have a positive effect on the growth of cucumbers, but destroy tomatoes. It is contraindicated to plant sage next to cucumbers, and fennel and peas with tomatoes. It is strictly forbidden to plant potatoes next to tomatoes and cucumbers. Beans have a beneficial effect on cucumbers. It is recommended to grow celery, beets, lettuce, cabbage, garlic and onions next to cucumbers. Before you combine certain plants in a greenhouse, you need to make sure that they are compatible.

Growing vegetables in a greenhouse

tomatoes, peppers, herbs, melons, beans, peas;

Growing grapes in the country: tips for beginners

How to install a suitable polycarbonate greenhouse

Experts recommend not rushing to create an assortment of vegetables in the greenhouse, it is better to start the experiment with any one plant, since the technology of growing in open and closed ground is somewhat different. Vegetable crops planted in a greenhouse require much more attention and care. You must first make sure that this idea is within your power.

Be sure to carry out ventilation in the greenhouse. At the same time, even the upper windows can be opened.

But as for eggplants, these capricious plants love loneliness. Therefore, it is better to grow them in a separate tunnel greenhouse, made by hand from metal arcs and a greenhouse film coating.

How to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse

How to plant greens and early root crops in a polycarbonate greenhouse, read below.

The main crops - cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, eggplants - are heat-loving plants with a long growing season and rather late ripening. They are planted in shelter seedlings with the onset of warm days without the threat of return frosts.

Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

Unwanted neighbors of tomatoes are peas, fennel. Regarding dill, the opinions of experts differ: initially unsuitable vegetables get along quite peacefully, in addition, the presence of dill on tomato rows can protect them from the development of certain diseases and the appearance of pests.

Intermediate crops:

Cucumber seeds are sown in early February or 25-30 days before planting seedlings in a permanent place. If planting cucumbers is planned after seedlings of early cabbage, then cucumbers should be sown on March 5-10. To plant cucumbers after eggplant, peppers, tomatoes or other vegetables, they need to be sown on April 5-10. Pepper, tomato and eggplant can also be grown as a second crop. To do this, sowing pepper and eggplant is carried out in early March. For tomatoes, the optimal age of seedlings is 50-60 days, so the seeds are sown in the first half of February.

Growing peppers in a greenhouse

cucumbers, peppers, eggplant, cabbage, zucchini, beans;

Features of growing potatoes in the country: how to get an excellent harvest

Compatibility of vegetable crops, well-chosen plants will contribute to better growth of each other and fruiting. As practice shows, productivity increases by 20-25% when there is a favorable neighborhood.​

Growing eggplant in a greenhouse

Having acquired basic skills, you can try to grow 2-3 types of vegetables at the same time in a greenhouse. If the area of ​​​​the site allows, then gardeners install several greenhouses. However, on a plot of 6 acres, when 2 of them are already occupied by a house, a front garden and outbuildings, this option is hardly possible.

How to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse? After planting, they are not watered for two weeks. Then the plants are recommended to be tied to the trellis

Growing herbs and onions

It is advisable to soak the seeds of radish, dill and watercress 3 days before sowing.

Council. Seedlings of the main crops can be planted directly on the previous ones, freeing only planting holes for it.

  • For example, sage should not be planted with cucumbers, but peas will get along well with it.
  • growing them between rows of basic vegetables constantly throughout the season;