
Wall panel business. DIY sandwich panels: manufacturing technology

Before winter

Sandwich panels- This is a large three-layer product, which on the outside consists of a solid sheet material, between which there is a highly effective heat-insulating material. They are mainly used in the construction of prefabricated buildings, the installation of internal partitions, roofing slabs, and external enclosing structures.

This material is necessary for the construction of residential, industrial, administrative buildings, shops, trade pavilions, various refrigerators and freezers, warehouses and any service facilities. The production of sandwich panels has a low cost compared to concrete, wood and brick counterparts, so this is a very promising business. There are other promising ideas, read about it.

Product range

Sandwich panels can be wall and roofing. The sheeting is made of galvanized steel, drywall, various plastic sheets based on PVC and other polyurethane compounds, oriented strand board (OSB). The insulation material can be as follows: polyurethane foam, expanded polystyrene, fiberglass, mineral wool.

In this article, we will consider the idea of ​​organizing a workshop specializing in the manufacture of galvanized steel wall panels. Mineral wool is used as a heater. They are in the greatest demand in the construction market.

Sales channels

The main buyers of the manufactured products are organizations involved in the construction of low-rise industrial and residential buildings, trade pavilions and commercial premises. In addition, sandwich panels are used by private individuals. When drawing up contracts with large construction companies, you will never have problems with the sale of goods. Spend, develop sales strategies, but it's best to sell in bulk.

Required raw materials:

  • galvanized steel with a thickness of 0.5 to 0.7 mm. The outer side of the sheet must be painted, the inner side is primed. Such goods are supplied in rolls, the optimal width is 1250mm;
  • insulation based on basalt fiber (mineral wool). Most popular option: 1200mm*100mm*600mm;
  • one-component polyurethane adhesive.

Sandwich panel production technology

  1. On the machine for molding or cutting, the insulation is cut into lamellas of a certain width, length and thickness.
  2. On the milling machine, the lock of the insulation lamella is made.
  3. A roll of metal is installed on the unwinding drum.
  4. The sheet of metal moves through the device of the rolling machine, a protective film is applied and the sheet is profiled with the necessary pattern. In addition, a hidden lock of the future product is formed on the machine.
  5. Glue is applied on the assembly table in manual or automatic mode. To do this, the sheet is placed primed side up.
  6. Insulation lamellas are laid automatically or manually, then glue is applied and a pre-prepared profiled sheet is laid.
  7. The resulting workpiece enters the press. Under the influence of temperature and pressure, the sheets are glued with mineral insulation.
  8. The finished sandwich panel goes to the receiving table, from where it is transported to the finished product warehouse. If necessary, products are packaged.

To open your own production, you will need the following equipment:

  • work tool.

Capital investments:

  • purchase of the main line - 3 million rubles;
  • purchase of equipment for lifting goods - 1.172 million rubles;
  • delivery of equipment, commissioning and installation supervision - 0.5 million rubles;
  • purchase of raw materials for one month - 1 million rubles;
  • unforeseen expenses: 0.3 million rubles.

You will spend 5.9 million rubles on setting up production. Given that the average cost of 1 sq. m. sandwich panel is 1200 rubles, with 50% equipment load and work 22 days a month for 8 hours, the revenue will be 1,584,000 rubles, profit - 250,000 rubles. Production will pay off in 22-24 months. After the expiration of this period, you can count on big profits.

This idea is well implemented during the global crisis. Building materials, especially cheap ones, will be in demand on the market for many years to come. Check out other business options in the section.

Set a goal for yourself, be sure that you will succeed, allocate time correctly, do everything to achieve heights and. Good luck in your endeavors!

The construction industry is in constant development - fundamentally new technologies are being developed, high-tech materials are appearing. And the latter just include sandwich panels, which at one time literally revolutionized the building materials market. More and more consumers began to give preference to sandwich panels when building or insulating a residential structure. And this cannot but make the production of wall sandwich panels an attractive niche for profit. Sandwich panels are widely used in the construction and renovation of residential and office buildings, garages and warehouses.

Our business valuation:

Starting investments - from 1,000,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The complexity of starting a business is 6/10.

The production and sale of sandwich panels with a competent approach to business will bring the entrepreneur a decent profit, allowing him to recoup all the costs of launching the workshop in the shortest possible time. And this is explained by the properties of the material, which are so appreciated by modern consumers:

  • ease of installation,
  • excellent heat and sound insulating properties,
  • low price,
  • strength,
  • frost resistance,
  • fire resistance.

Starting your own production of sandwich panels in Russia from scratch will not be difficult even with a small start-up capital. And this is even better, since it will not be easy to spin up a large-scale enterprise - where can you find so many wholesale customers at once who will buy up all the products released? Therefore, the best option is a mini workshop for the production of sandwich panels. The advantages here are obvious - the equipment and premises will not require large investments, the technology is simplified to the maximum.

Some craftsmen organize their business of producing sandwich panels literally at home - in a garage or in a suburban area. Not a bad idea, but it will not bring much profit, since all operations here will be done manually, which means that it is impossible to get a large volume of finished products.

Having decided to start your own mini-shop, it would be a good idea to start by drawing up a detailed business plan for the production of sandwich panels. On the pages of the project, it is important to reflect all the necessary financial investments in the business, describe the technology and equipment, and calculate the possible profit.

What sandwich panels are more profitable to produce?

The configuration of the equipment that will later need to be installed in the workshop will depend on the specific type of sandwich panels. There are quite a few varieties of this material on the market today, designed for different applications.

Working through the range of products that can be offered to the consumer, you need to take into account how much the sandwich panels cost and how much they are in demand on the market.

Practice has shown that at the beginning of the operation of the workshop, it is better to focus on the production of no more than 2 types of products. Otherwise, there will be large expenses for additional equipment and an advertising campaign.

The following types of sandwich panels can be produced in the production workshop:

  • roofing,
  • wall.

The following classification is based on the outer sheet material used:

  • drywall,
  • Cink Steel,

As a heater, you can also use different options:

  • fiberglass,
  • mineral wool,
  • polyurethane foam,
  • expanded polystyrene.

And despite the fact that the production of roofing sandwich panels by technology differs little from the manufacture of wall products, it is the second type of material that is more in demand among buyers. Manufacturers usually choose sheets of galvanized steel as external plates, and mineral wool as an internal layer. Such panels are more in demand on the market due to their low cost and excellent technical characteristics. However, along with the indicated material, it is possible to launch the production of PVC sandwich panels - they, albeit a little more expensive than others, are slowly winning their niche in this segment.

Thinking about the assortment, it would be nice to conduct marketing research in order to understand what kind of products are lacking in a particular region.

Production technology of sandwich panels

The organization of a home business is possible due to the fact that the technology for the production of sandwich panels is very simple - everyone will master it. And in the presence of functional equipment and in general - manual labor is minimized.

Before thinking through the technology, it is important to decide on the raw materials that will soon be purchased from suppliers. And the components necessary for the production of products will depend on the assortment that is planned to be offered to customers.

If we are talking about the production of steel-based panels, then for the manufacture of products that meet all quality standards, the following components and materials will be required:

  • Sheets of steel with a thickness of 0.5-0.7 mm. As a rule, it is delivered to workshops in whole rolls 1250 mm wide.
  • Mineral wool. It can be supplied both in rolls and in sheets.
  • Polyurethane adhesive.

And the manufacture of PVC sandwich panels will require more expensive raw materials - sheets of special plastic and expanded polystyrene as a heater.

But no matter what products are planned for release, the technological scheme for the manufacture of sandwich panels looks like this:

  • Cutting, in accordance with the specified parameters, sheets of insulation and base material.
  • Formation of hidden locks on insulation sheets and external plates.
  • "Assembly" of the future panel - applying glue to the inside of the plate, laying insulation on it, applying glue to the insulation, laying a second plate on it.
  • Plate pressing.

If the technology is followed, then the output can be a high-quality product that meets all established standards.

The production of sandwich panels in a small workshop and in a large-scale production is no different from each other. It's all about the degree of process automation. Naturally, at a large plant it is possible to obtain much larger volumes of finished products.

What equipment to equip the mini-shop?

The next thing to deal with is to buy equipment for the production of sandwich panels. There should be no problems with this, since there are a lot of offers from suppliers on the market - from the simplest manual machines to high-tech lines.

Automatic Sandwich Panel Production Line

The standard sandwich panel production line includes the following machines and apparatuses:

  • Machine for cutting sheet materials - from 100,000 rubles.
  • Machine for milling grooves in sheets - from 50,000 rubles.
  • Dust collector for a milling machine - from 40,000 rubles.
  • Glue application machine - from 5000 rubles.
  • Press - from 70,000 rubles.

We have outlined the minimum set of equipment, without which it is impossible to establish the production of high-quality products. The final price of equipment for the production of sandwich panels, depending on the configuration, automation and capacity, will vary in a wide range, starting from 250,000 rubles. For example, the cost of the line will increase significantly if you purchase an automated machine for treating surfaces with glue (the price is from 250,000 rubles). Although it will significantly speed up the production process.

The production of sandwich panels as a business will require less cost if you purchase used equipment. But going to such transactions, it is worth carefully inspecting the machines and checking them for performance.

The price of a sandwich panel production line is relatively low, so if there is sufficient investment, it makes sense to think about purchasing additional equipment - a loader and a beam crane. These machines will greatly facilitate the process of moving fairly large sheets around the shop.

As practice shows, the organization of a mini-workshop does not require high-tech equipment - there will be sufficient capacity of 120 m 2 per shift. Over time, when the client base grows, it will be possible to plan further expansion of the enterprise.

What room to choose for the workshop?

A small plant for the production of sandwich panels will not require huge areas. A mini-workshop with an area of ​​​​60-80 m 2 will completely accommodate all the purchased equipment. But in addition to the area of ​​the main workshop, more rooms for staff and a warehouse will be required. And if we talk about a home business, here you can generally do without renting a separate room, but simply use your own empty garage or suburban area.

It is a common practice when, instead of a full-fledged warehouse, an ordinary open-air canopy was used.

The production of sandwich panels from polyurethane foam (PPU) is not too "dirty", but nevertheless it is important to provide good ventilation in the workshop. The fact is that when milling grooves on sheets, the smallest dust particles settle in the air.

What profit can the enterprise bring?

Do-it-yourself sandwich panels can be sold to both wholesale customers (construction companies and warehouses) and private traders. And only with well-established distribution channels, an entrepreneur will be able to reach the break-even point. Therefore, it is wholesale buyers that are considered priority.

If you buy an automatic line for the production of sandwich panels of medium power at a price of 500,000 rubles. and organize a full-fledged workshop, then the capital costs for starting a business will be at least 1,000,000 rubles. This will include spending on rent and preparation of premises, on providing a raw material base.

The cost of 1 m 2 of the finished product is ≈800 rubles, while its wholesale price is ≈1300 rubles. It turns out that the net profit can be up to 500 rubles. from 1 m 2 - and these are excellent indicators of profitability.

Sandwich panels are a versatile building material that is widely used in the construction of residential buildings, shopping centers, industrial buildings, and other facilities. Most of these products are three-layer.

They consist of a pair of facing sheets, between which a heater is placed. Sandwich panels are in great demand due to their unique characteristics - heat and noise insulation, resistance to mechanical stress, vapor tightness, ease of installation, the ability to operate in a wide temperature range, durability, affordability. The production of sandwich panels is quite an attractive idea for small businesses. That is why it is worth considering this option.


This material is the most common three-layer sandwich. However, instead of bread, additives and sausage, it has insulation and hard material. For strength, these layers are glued together.

From the purpose for which the panels are intended, they are divided into wall and roofing. Wall sandwich panels can have a smooth cladding, profiled or complex profiled. Profiling can be one-sided and two-sided. The top layers can also be varied.

The production of sandwich panels is becoming more and more popular, because the ease of installation significantly reduces the time spent on construction and finishing work. In addition, they are distinguished by their practicality and economy. All of the above made this material very popular in the construction of multi-storey buildings, warehouses and small trade stalls.

However, there are also disadvantages. First of all, we are talking about the high cost of components in comparison with fiberboard, chipboard, corrugated board and others, but the cost of finished products is quite low. Very simple and installation of finished panels.

Attractiveness for business

All of the above nuances make the production of sandwich panels profitable for small businesses. However, first you need to determine the type of products produced. At first, you should not take more than two. And when the company develops a little, you can master a larger assortment.

The most popular is the production of sandwich panels from galvanized steel sheets, between which mineral wool is placed. They are used in the construction of buildings of various types (from small kiosks to large residential complexes). In addition, they are purchased by owners of cottages and private houses.

The production of sandwich panels is a very lucrative idea for a small business, especially if you take into account the reconstruction of old and the construction of new facilities. It is worth mentioning the main advantages of sandwich panels in comparison with traditional materials:

This is a very light material - the weight of one square meter of the panel is only 3-4 kilograms;

Sandwich panels have a high degree of strength and impact resistance;

They are made from a substance that is difficult to ignite;

This material is highly resistant to moisture and chemicals, resistant to ultraviolet, frost and heat resistant;

Sandwich panels are a kind of thermos that allows you to perfectly keep the heat inside the room, not letting the cold or heat out from the outside;

Each individual element is very easy to assemble into a single monolithic structure;

After installation, the building gets a very attractive appearance, which allows not to carry out any additional finishing work;

The presence of a wide range of colors and the possibility of choosing a specific surface design.

An important advantage of sandwich panels is their ease of use. Here we can talk about incredible savings on the associated costs associated with fitting and finishing walls, as well as other structures. In addition, their use allows you to reduce the costs associated with transportation and installation to a minimum, since loading, unloading and assembly is completely dispensed with without the use of lifting mechanisms and heavy equipment.

As an example, it can be said that one KamAZ with a semi-trailer will completely cope with the transportation of 8-9 change houses with a size of 2500 * 9000 * 3000 in a disassembled state at once. In just one working day, a turnkey house with a total area of ​​100 square meters can be assembled from this material.

Project Features

It is necessary to purchase special equipment for the production of sandwich panels. The process itself is not difficult: the insulation is cut and formed to a certain size, a protective film is applied to the metal sheets, and then a profiled pattern. At the same time, a lock is made for the future panel. The process ends on the assembly table, where all the elements are joined together. Then it's all sent under a hot press.

Equipment for the production of sandwich panels must be placed in a spacious room with high ceilings, for this you can even use a hangar, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich should be 600 square meters or more, with good lighting and ventilation.

Production Line

Everything is clear with the equipment, but a number of questions arise. For example, how to assemble sandwich panels? Typically, the production line for their production includes an unwinding drum, an input and cutting device, a loop control mechanism, lifting and receiving tables, a device that is designed to apply glue and a protective film, a hydraulic press, a rolling mill, a set of tools for each type of profile. At the initial stage, when the equipment has not yet reached its design capacity, it will be enough to hire four workers, and in the future, up to 12 people will be required.

Manufacturing process

The work of the line for the production of sandwich panels begins with the unwinding of steel coils. At the same time, the tracking and input device controls the position of the steel sheet vertically and horizontally, directing it to the profiling machine, where the main and interlock profiles are formed.

Profiling machines that exist at the moment are capable of being reconfigured for the production of various types of lining - roofing and wall. When the work of the profiling machine is completed, the lining is fed to the receiving table, and then to the lifting table. Glue is applied automatically at the exit of the sheet from the profiling machine.

The production of sandwich panels is completed by the pressing process. The required thermal conditions and high pressure ensure low adhesive consumption and the most durable bonding of parts. At the moment, wall sandwich panels are in the greatest demand, especially those that consist of a layer of thermal insulation and galvanized steel sheets. Additional polymer coating provides them with a long service life. Another variety is roofing sandwich panels, which have proven themselves excellently as a reliable material.


As with any production organization idea, a business plan is essential. Sandwich panels are made on special equipment. There is a special production line for this. The input material is an insulating material, i.e. mineral wool, as well as sheet metal with an appropriately treated surface, and glue.

The sandwich panel production line works as follows: at the start of the process, iron sheets are glued to an insulating pad, which makes it possible to obtain a non-final strip of panels that is cut into pieces by a saw to the required length.

Production Capabilities

Lines for the production of sandwich panels allow the production of roof and wall elements, where mineral wool serves as an insulating base. It must first be cut into lamellas, which must be turned ninety degrees before loading.

The production of sandwich panels is carried out using an automatic cutting machine designed for mineral wool, which itself cuts the lamellas, turns, and then lays them in a row on the input conveyor. The wall panel can be produced with microtrapezoid or low trapezoid profiles. The roof panel necessarily has a profiling in the form of a deep trapezoid. The production capacity is 1,000 linear meters per eight-hour working day.

Part of the equipment

The production line includes the following equipment:

roll forming machine;

The working platform on which the insulation is loaded;

Input isolation conveyors;

Equipment for unwinding sheet iron;

laminating machine;

Saw for cutting panels of the desired length;

At the exit, special diverting tables;

Trolleys designed for handling panels;

Special bending machine;

Power tools and hand tools for the production of the panels themselves, tin parts and the work of the assembly team.

Mineral wool cutting automation

The mineral wool cutting line must be fully automated. On the input driven conveyor, the attendant places a pallet with material plates. The conveyor transports it to the destacker, where the slabs will be taken one by one to the cutting machine.

The cutting unit can be reinstalled to accommodate different lamella widths. Next, the cut lamellas are redirected by means of strip and roller conveyors to the overturning equipment, where they are turned over by 90 degrees. After that, the lamellas are sent to the separating equipment, where they will be stacked in a row, and then redirected to the input conveyor of the laminating machine.

bending machine

This unit is made in the form of a steel welded structure of racks, on which the straps are welded - lower and upper. Between them is a bent sheet of iron. A bending die is fixed on the lower bar (by means of a kinematic lever mechanism), which allows you to bend the sheets.

Business Development Opportunities

The production of sandwich panels can currently be deployed anywhere in the country in just thirty working days. Raw materials for these tasks are supplied by several manufacturers-suppliers.

The issue of product licensing can be solved very simply and quickly. The cost of sandwich panels, more precisely, one square meter of finished products, is approximately 500 Russian rubles, and the selling price starts at 1,000 rubles.

Practice shows that a well-written business plan for the production of sandwich panels allows you to create a company, the opening of which will pay off in fourteen months, and this is a good indicator for the construction industry.

Sandwich panel is a three-layer large-sized product consisting of a solid sheet material on the outside and a high-performance thermal insulation material between them, which is mainly used in the construction of prefabricated buildings.


They are also used as internal partitions, external enclosing structures or roofing slabs.

Construction technology using this material is used in the construction of administrative, residential, industrial buildings, as well as trade pavilions and shops, various freezing and refrigerating chambers, warehouses and various service facilities. Due to the low cost for the consumer (in comparison with brick, concrete and wooden counterparts), the production of sandwich panels is a promising business.

Product range

Sandwich panels are divided

By appointment:

  • wall;
  • roofing.

By type of outer sheeting:

  • Cink Steel;
  • drywall;
  • various plastic sheets based on PVC or other polyurethane compounds;
  • oriented strand board (OSB).

Insulation material:

  • polyurethane foam;
  • fiberglass;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • mineral wool (based on basalt fiber).

In this material, we will consider the organization of a workshop that will produce wall sandwich panels from galvanized steel using basalt insulation (mineral wool). The choice is due to high demand in the market.


Target audience and sales channels

The main buyers of the manufactured products will be organizations engaged in low-rise construction of residential or industrial buildings, commercial premises and various pavilions. As well as individuals using sandwich panels in individual construction.

Required Raw Material

  • Galvanized steel 0.5-0.7 mm thick. The outer part of the sheet is painted, the inner is primed. Supplied in rolls 1250mm wide.
  • Insulation based on basalt fiber. Common dimensions are 1200mm*600mm*100mm.
  • Single component polyurethane based adhesive.

Production technology and required equipment

On most lines for the production of sandwich panels from galvanized profiled sheet, the technological process is as follows:

Technological process:

  1. On a cutting or forming machine, the insulation is cut into lamellas of the desired length, width, thickness.
  2. On the milling machine (slot selection device), the lock of the insulation lamella is formed.
  3. The roll of metal is installed on the unwinding drum.
  4. The sheet of metal passes through the inlet of the rolling mill, where, if necessary, a protective film is applied and the sheet is profiled with the required pattern. A hidden lock of the future panel is also formed on it.
  5. On the assembly table, on the sheet placed with the primed side up, glue is applied in automatic or manual mode.
  6. Lamellas of a heater keep within automatically or manually. Glue is applied and a pre-prepared profiled sheet is laid on top.
  7. The resulting workpiece enters the press. Under the influence of pressure and temperature, sheets are glued with insulation.
  8. After the press, the sandwich panel enters the receiving table and is transported to the warehouse, if necessary, passing through a manual or automatic packaging device.

Read a very detailed and thorough material on the production technology of sandwich panels with metal lining.


To organize production, it is necessary to purchase the following set of equipment for the manufacture of sandwich panels:

  • Sandwich panel production line;
  • Cathead;
  • Loader;
  • Work tool.

There are several suppliers of prefabricated sandwich panel production lines in the equipment market. Consider the following:

  • Company "Industrial Technologies". Supplies "economy", "standard" and "business" lines
  • The TekhKom group of companies supplies equipment for the production of sandwich panels of the LP-7M and LPN-1200 lines.

Industrial Technologies offers the following equipment:

Line name Maximum length of sandwich panel Price
Economy 120 m2 9 m 3,000,000 rubles
Standard 300 m2 9 m RUB 4,000,000
Business 500 m2 12 m RUB 6,200,000

When looking for a line supplier, you can take a closer look at the offer of TechCom:

Line name Productivity per shift, panel length up to 6 meters Maximum length of sandwich panel Price
LP-7M 500 m2 7.5 m RUB 7,250,000
LPN-1200 1200 m2 unlimited RUB 14,000,000

As can be seen from the presented analogues, the cost of equipment directly depends on the degree of performance. Before buying this or that line, you need to predict how many products you can sell in 6 months, 1 year, 2 years and, based on the analysis of the resulting figures, choose equipment.

In practice, when organizing activities from scratch, equipment with a capacity of no more than 120 sq.m. is quite enough. in shift. The purchase of a more powerful line is required to expand production, when there is an accumulated customer base and the performance of the installed equipment is not enough to cover demand.

Additionally, the workshop for loading and unloading operations, transportation of raw materials and finished products inside the workshop will require the purchase of the following equipment:

Feasibility study of the project

The calculation will be carried out using the equipment of the company "Industrial Technologies", equipment "economy".

Capital investments:

  • Purchase of basic equipment: 3 million rubles.
  • purchase of lifting equipment: 1.172 million rubles.
  • delivery of equipment, installation supervision, commissioning: 0.5 million rubles.
  • purchase of a monthly supply of raw materials): 1 million rubles.
  • other expenses: 0.3 million rubles
  • Total: 5.9 million rubles

Revenue calculation *

* Based on the average cost of 1 m2 of a sandwich panel, then 1200 rubles and the condition of 50% equipment load and a 22-day working month (shift duration is 8 hours).

Reference Information:

The cost of 1 m2 of a 100 mm thick sandwich panel is based on the use of raw materials.

The production of sandwich panels is a great opportunity to start your own business in the construction industry. Moreover, this material is rightfully one of the most high-tech. Many use it for housing construction or insulation of residential premises. The use of sandwich panels is also relevant in offices, warehouses, even garages.

Advantages of sandwich panels

A business in the production of sandwich panels will allow an entrepreneur to get quite a large profit in a short time. The relevance of the idea is explained by the demand for the material. It, in turn, has a number of very important advantages:

  • ease of use;
  • high strength;
  • low cost;
  • sound and heat insulation;
  • resistance to low temperatures;
  • fire resistance.

This idea also attracts Russian entrepreneurs because of the opportunity to open a business with a relatively small start-up capital. Even a small workshop will have high profitability and tangible profits. Moreover, such an enterprise will not require serious investments in expensive equipment, and it will be possible to simplify the production technology as much as possible.

Finished product range

In order to choose the right equipment for the production of sandwich panels, you must first decide what varieties of these building materials to produce. At the same time, it is necessary to assess the demand for each type, to study the manufacturing features. It is better for novice entrepreneurs to choose 1 or 2 varieties and engage in their production. There are the following types of sandwich panels according to the purpose of the finished product:

  1. roofing;
  2. wall.

The production of wall sandwich panels is also popular because of the demand for the material not only from construction, but also from repair teams.

From the outside, such panels can be sheathed with galvanized steel, PVC, OSB or drywall. As a heater, you can use mineral wool, fiberglass, polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam.

Most often, novice entrepreneurs stop at the production of wall sandwich panels with mineral wool as a heater and with galvanized steel as an outer sheet. This option is of high quality and relatively inexpensive cost.

Before dwelling on a specific type of sandwich panels, it is necessary to conduct a thorough marketing research - to find out about the preferences of customers, competitors and the range of products they offer. Moreover, these indicators can differ significantly even in neighboring regions.

The production of sandwich panels as a business is also attractive because the manufacturing technology is very simple and accessible to any entrepreneur. Even a beginner in the construction industry will be able to master it and apply it at home. And if you also take care of the availability of functional equipment, then the process will turn out to be automated, not requiring the use of manual labor.

Having decided on the assortment, the entrepreneur will clearly know what raw materials he will need for production. Some of the features of the manufacture of products will also depend on this. For example, if a novice entrepreneur decides to use sheet steel and mineral wool, then he will need the following components:

  • sheets of galvanized steel (thickness can vary from 0.5 to 0.7 mm, and the width usually depends on the volume of the roll - it is in this form that this raw material is provided by suppliers);
  • mineral wool (in sheets or rolls);
  • polyurethane adhesive.

The production technology itself will look like this:

  1. Galvanized steel (or other base material) and mineral wool (or other insulation) are cut into sheets of the desired size.
  2. Hidden locks are formed on blanks.
  3. Panel assembly. At this stage, first, glue is applied to the inside of the galvanized sheet, a heater is seated on it, again coated with glue and covered with another sheet of the plate on top.
  4. The plate is pressed and the output is a finished sandwich panel.

Necessary equipment

Even a small shop will not be able to work without specialized equipment. Fortunately, there are a lot of suppliers today - an entrepreneur will be able to choose the most advantageous offer for himself. These can be ordinary manual machines or very technological lines. The latter will cost more, but the performance level will be much higher. The most common sandwich panel production line should include the following equipment:

  • cutting machine (necessary for cutting sheets) - approximately 100,000 rubles;
  • milling machine (for making grooves) - about 60,000 rubles;
  • vacuum cleaner (specialized, attached to a milling machine) - at least 40,000 rubles;
  • a special machine for applying glue to sheets and insulation - from 5,000 rubles;
  • press - about 80,000 rubles.

It turns out that the equipment will cost no less than 285,000 rubles. In fact, the costs may be higher. For example, if an entrepreneur refuses to manually apply glue in favor of a special automated machine, then he will have to pay another 250,000 rubles for it. But such a piece of equipment will increase the volume of production and the speed of manufacturing finished products.

You can try to cut costs by finding used equipment instead of new. But in this case, it is necessary to carefully check all the documents and the condition of the machines. This will also increase the likelihood of equipment failure.

If the initial investment allows, then it makes sense to purchase a beam crane and a loader for the enterprise. They allow you to quickly transport sheets inside the workshop.

It is necessary to purchase equipment on the basis that the average workshop should produce about 120 m 2 of sandwich panels per day. An increase in volumes will be appropriate only if there is an extensive customer base.

Features of the selection of premises

For work, a production workshop is required. A room with an area of ​​​​60 to 80 m 2 will be enough. Additionally, storage facilities will need to be equipped. A very small workshop can be opened in your own garage.

Be sure to ensure that the production facilities have a good ventilation system. This need is associated with the settling of fine dust on the sheets and in the air during the milling of grooves.

Fire safety requirements will need to be followed. Otherwise, verification may be difficult.

Financial results

The sandwich panel manufacturing business will only be profitable if it has a good customer base. To open a workshop, expenses in the amount of at least 500,000 rubles will be required. But for a full-fledged workshop, you need twice as much.

It is better to work with wholesalers, even if they buy products at a lower price. From the sale of 1 m 2 of the product, you can earn 1,300 rubles. About 800 rubles - the cost (including rent and wages, the purchase of raw materials, taxes and other expenses). It turns out that the profit from 1 m 2 will be 500 rubles. With a productivity of 120 m 2 per day per month, it will be possible to earn about 180,000 rubles of net profit. This means that investments can pay off in just 6 months after the start.