
Hangar heating. Hangar heating calculation - heating system How to heat a large hangar room

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The use of traditional liquid fuel systems for heating hangars turns it into a rather difficult task. Due to the large volume of these rooms, the central systems simply cannot cope with their functions. The installation of electric heaters or the installation of an individual boiler room is a very costly undertaking that is not economically feasible.

How to ensure efficient hangar heating

For these purposes, it is best to use one of two options for systems - infrared or air.

1. Infrared heating systems.

IR radiation is used to heat the hangars. To regulate the temperature, the devices are equipped with a special thermostat. The main difference between infrared heaters and other types of heating equipment is that these devices do not heat the air, but the objects in the room. When using this mechanism, heat leakage through doorways and cracks is minimized.

You can install an infrared heater absolutely anywhere in the hangar - on the floor, stream, wall. This will effectively regulate the level of heating of individual zones. If necessary, in one part of the hangar, the temperature can be increased, and in the other, the heating can be reduced or completely turned off.


  • the ability to maintain a given temperature;
  • profitability;
  • safety;
  • ease of installation;
  • ease of operation.

2. Air heating systems.

This method of organizing space heating is no less popular than the previous one. The gas heating of the hangar works according to the following principle.

Air heaters are located around the perimeter of the room. After that, a gas source and a temperature-regulating thermostat are connected to them. If the room temperature drops below the set value, the control system receives a signal and the gas burner turns on. At the same time, the fan begins to work, bringing warm air into the system, which heats the hangar.

After the temperature rises to the required level, the system automatically turns off by means of a thermostat.

The main advantage is economy, since the gas flow is controlled by a thermostat.

The company "TC Group Energy" offers high-quality equipment for heating warehouses and retail premises, production workshops and hangars. We have affordable prices for you!

Warehouses and hangars, due to their specifics, require the organization of a special heating system, different from domestic versions. Maintaining a certain positive temperature during the cold season not only allows you to maintain comfortable working conditions for workers, if any, but also ensures the safety of the products inside.

In addition to the efficiency of heating devices for industrial facilities, the total cost of its operation and the cost of purchasing fuel, based on the volume of air that will have to be heated, play an important role in choosing a warehouse heating system.

Calculation of the cost of heating a hangar / warehouse

To ensure the most efficient heating of storage facilities, first of all, the correct calculation of the required thermal power of the heating equipment will help.

Calculation of thermal power by room volume

For an approximate calculation of the heat output required to heat a warehouse, you can use the method that is usually used by managers of companies advising clients.
The following formula applies:

  • V - internal volume of the room, presented in cubic meters
  • W is the total heat output per room, expressed in kilowatts (kW). It is equally valid for ALL types of boilers.

To determine the volume of the room, you must use another formula:

  • V - actually, the internal volume
  • S is the area expressed in square meters
  • h - ceiling height, expressed in meters

So, using the formulas, it can be determined that a warehouse with a ceiling height of 5 m and an area of, for example, 200 sq.m. for normal heating will require about 33 kW of thermal energy.

For a more accurate calculation of the warehouse heating, the so-called room thermal insulation coefficient or heat dissipation coefficient (K) must be taken into account, which corrects for heat dissipation:

  • 1.3 - for heating a warehouse with poor thermal insulation, or with a large glazing area,
  • 1 - for standard thermal insulation,
  • 0.8 - for heating well-insulated warehouses with small glazing.

Calculation of the required boiler power

To ensure the reliable functioning of the warehouse heating system, usually 25% is added to the final value of the heat output. In other words, the above formula would look like this:

Comparison of heating costs for each type of boilers among themselves

Warehouse heating can be organized using several types of boiler equipment. At the same time, both its availability and cost directly depend on the fuel used. Below are the estimated (average) prices for heating warehouses for each cubic meter of volume for 1 month:

  • Gas heating boilers- can work with main (natural) or liquefied gas. In the first case, the price tag is 5 rubles / month for 1 m 3 of the volume of the room. Heating with liquefied gas will require 25 rubles / month per 1 m 3 of room volume per square meter.
  • Solid fuel boilers can operate on wood (9 rubles / month per 1 m 3 * room volume), coal (10 rubles / month per 1 m 3 * room volume) and pellets (15 rubles / month per 1 m 3 * room volume ).
  • Diesel boilers - 30 rubles / month for 1 m 3 * room volume. Some models, when installing the appropriate nozzles, are able to work on mining.
  • Electric heating is considered the most expensive. So, according to the tariff, even 4 rubles / kW, the electricity consumption will significantly “hit your pocket” in the equivalent of 34 rubles / month per 1 m 3 * room volume.
Type of fuel Estimated amount for 1 month 1 m 3 * room volume, rub (with standard thermal insulation) Amount for 1 month 1 m 3 * room volume, rub (with large windows, poor insulation)
1 5 6,5
2 Firewood 9 11,7
3 Liquefied gas 25 32,5
4 Coal 10 13
5 Pellets 15 19,5
6 Diesel fuel 30 39
7 34 44,2
8 Heating with heat pump 8 10,4

An example of calculating the cost of heating per month for a warehouse / hangar with an area of ​​​​300 m 2, a ceiling height of 4 m (a room volume of 1.200 m 3):

Type of fuel 300 sq.m. ceiling height 4m (1.200 m 3 room volume)
Estimated amount for 1 month, rub (with standard thermal insulation) Estimated amount for 1 month, rub, rub (with large windows, poor insulation)
1 Natural gas (main) per cubic meter 6000 7800
2 Firewood 10800 14040
3 Liquefied gas 30000 39000
4 Coal 12000 15600
5 Pellets 18000 23400
6 Diesel fuel 36000 46800
7 Electricity at a rate of 4 r per kW 40800 53040
8 Heating with heat pump 9600 12480

To calculate, we take the volume of the room (multiplying the area by the height of the ceilings) and multiply by the value from the desired column (based on the degree of insulation of your room).

The gas heating of the hangar has an advantage over other methods - the low cost of the energy carrier. In addition, mains gas is available in many regions. If interruptions in its supply are expected, with minimal modifications to the gas heating equipment of the warehouse, the boiler can be converted to liquefied fuel.

Which heating system to use is determined by the warehouse owner, based on the price and availability of fuel, as well as how much it will cost to connect one or another equipment.

Scheme for the implementation of a heating system with various types of boilers

The heating of a large hangar is organized according to a different principle than the heating of ordinary residential premises. To warm up a cold warehouse, water heating is used, but instead of an ordinary radiator, a radiator with a fan is installed.

For heating warehouses with air, a variety of boiler options are used. The whole system ends with fan heaters, which are powered from the boiler through pumps.

The number of fan heaters is determined by the calculator of the required heating power divided by the power of one fan heater, which depends on the model and water temperature.

Heating in the hangar can be automated by connecting temperature controllers paired with remote or built-in temperature sensors.

Warehouse heating methods determine the need for additional equipment in the system. So, for example, for heating a warehouse with a solid fuel boiler, a water accumulator is included in the circuit. At the same time, an electric, diesel or gas boiler does not need to install a storage tank.

Important! In a large warehouse with industrial heating equipment, the issue of cold air penetration from the outside is solved by installing air-heated curtains with water heating. The model is selected according to the geometry of the doorway - if 4 meters, then we put two curtains of 2 meters each with the required long jet.

Recommended boiler output according to hangar/warehouse area for Volcano

Heating hangars of large and small areas requires an accurate calculation of the power of boiler equipment, which depends on the heat loss of the building. Below are ready-made calculations of the recommended boiler power to heat a warehouse of a specific area with a ceiling height of 6 m. Recommended power, boiler power, number of fan heaters, by hangar/warehouse area:

hangar area Ceiling height, m Room volume, m 3 Required heating power, kW (equally valid for ALL types of boilers) Recommended boiler power, kW Fan heater model Quantity, pcs.
100 sq.m. Large windows, poor insulation 4 400 19 24 VOLCANO VR1 1
100 sq.m. insulated building 4 400 14 18 VOLCANO mini 1
100 sq.m. Reinforced thermal insulation 4 400 11 14 VOLCANO mini 1
200 sq.m. Large windows, poor insulation 4 800 35 45 VOLCANO VR1 2
200 sq.m. insulated building 4 800 27 34 VOLCANO VR2 1
200 sq.m. Reinforced thermal insulation 4 800 22 28 VOLCANO mini 2
300 sq.m. Large windows, poor insulation 5 1500 65 82 VOLCANO VR1 4
300 sq.m. insulated building 5 1500 50 63 VOLCANO VR2 2
300 sq.m. Reinforced thermal insulation 5 1500 40 50 VOLCANO VR3 1
400 sq.m. Large windows, poor insulation 5 2000 87 109 VOLCANO VR1 5
400 sq.m. insulated building 5 2000 67 84 VOLCANO VR1 4
400 sq.m. Reinforced thermal insulation 5 2000 54 68 VOLCANO VR2 2
500 sq.m. Large windows, poor insulation 6 3000 130 162,5 VOLCANO VR2 5
500 sq.m. insulated building 6 3000 100 125 VOLCANO VR2 4
500 sq.m. Reinforced thermal insulation 6 3000 80 100 VOLCANO VR3 2
600 sq.m. Large windows, poor insulation 6 3600 156 195 VOLCANO VR3 5
600 sq.m. insulated building 6 3600 120 150 VOLCANO VR2 5
600 sq.m. Reinforced thermal insulation 6 3600 96 120 VOLCANO VR2 4
700 sq.m. Large windows, poor insulation 6 4200 182 227,5 VOLCANO VR3 5
700 sq.m. insulated building 6 4200 140 175 VOLCANO VR2 5
700 sq.m. Reinforced thermal insulation 6 4200 112 140 VOLCANO VR2 4
800 sq.m. Large windows, poor insulation 6 4800 208 260

) is selected at the design stage depending on:

    the nature and complexity of the work performed in the hangar by people. The temperature and humidity regime of the microclimate in the working areas of the hangar depends on the category of work performed according to SanPiN -96 “Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises” (see more about the categories of work), and the need for temperature zoning of the hangar premises depends on the regulations and nature of the work of employees (see this material);

    the level of thermal protection of the enclosing structures of the hangar. In a well-insulated hangar with a vestibule entrance and a rare opening of the gate, the hangar heating can be based on panel, panel-radiator or radiator systems that form a relatively uniform temperature distribution throughout the hangar space. If there are local areas or places in the enclosing structures and / or frequent use of gates, direct exits to the street, panel or radiator heating will be inefficient and it is better to use a directional supply of warm air to the working areas by automatic air heaters for heating the hangar;

    the balance sheet of the hangar and / or the nature of its use (temporary or permanent). If the hangar is leased (sublease) or the need to heat the hangar is temporary, then it makes no sense to equip stationary panel or radiator heating systems, which are expensive in terms of financial investment in the installation of heat exchangers, connecting pipelines, control / stop valves and are difficult to dismantle when the company ceases to operate in this room ;

    the necessary regulations for heating the hangar (around the clock, during working hours in one/two shifts, with/without weekends and holidays, etc.), as well as the requirements for the rate of temperature rise in the working areas or the hangar space after turning off the heating or operating the system in economical mode (for hangars operated by people during working hours, weekends, holidays, etc.). Here it is necessary to take into account the fact that panel, panel-radiator and radiator heating systems have a large thermal inertia and the temperature increase in the room after working in economy mode at the minimum power of the heat generator or turning off the heat generator at night, on weekends, holidays will occur slowly. In hangars periodically used for human activities, it is better to use systems with localized supply of warm air to work areas, which allow in a short period of time to raise the temperature in the work area to a level that is comfortable / acceptable for people to work.

Hangar heating by automatic air heaters.

At the moment, automatic heaters for natural gas, diesel fuel, used oils and multi-fuel ones (diesel, heating oil, kerosene, used oils, including vegetable origin, fuel oils, etc., can be used for heating the hangar. See more details) in depending on the type of burners used (more on fuel burners in this material). The most economical types of automatic air heaters in terms of the cost of energy used today include natural gas and waste oil air heaters (see exhaust heating in this material).

At the same time, the high cost of a gas heating project and the complicated procedure for coordinating gas heating in the relevant authorities often makes it unprofitable to heat a hangar or other industrial premises using natural gas air heaters. Therefore, in the vast majority of cases, the hangar is heated using automatic waste oil heaters, stationary or mobile, with air intake from the room or from the street, equipped with compressor-type mono-fuel or multi-fuel burners.

Rice. Kroll automatic air heaters for air intake from the street or floor-type premises.

Important: Hangar heating with heat guns of various capacities is not practiced either abroad or in Russia due to fire danger and a rapid increase in the concentrations of carbon dioxide, unburned methane and carbon monoxide CO in the air.

Hangars of large areas can be heated both by standard automatic air heaters and by Econo Heat Inc. OMNI OWC waste oil absorption chillers operating in air heater mode, as well as by heating modules in block containers that heat and blow air into large areas.

Rice. OMNI OWC waste oil absorption chillers from Econo Heat Inc. (left) and a Kroll heating module in a block container (right).

Mobile and portable floor automatic air heaters are usually used for local heating of the working areas of the hangar space.

Stationary automatic air heaters can be used for heating one, two or more working areas, as well as for sufficiently uniform heating of the hangar through air duct systems.

Rice. The stationary automatic air heater installed in the hangar on waste oils, where

1 - fuel tank;
2 - transport of fuel through the fuel line;
3 and 4 - fuel filter and fuel pump;
5 and 6 - fuel burner with a torch, respectively;
7 - heat exchanger;
8 - exhaust pipe deflector.

BiComs Holding specializes in the supply of used oil heat generators to Russia, including automatic air heaters from the world's leading manufacturers. Automatic exhaust air heaters can be successfully used for cost-effective and efficient heating of hangars, industrial premises, warehouses, car services, car washes, etc. If necessary, the company's specialists will develop an optimal hangar heating project and select automatic waste oil-based air heaters required in terms of power.

Hangar heating is often associated with a certain difficulty - the remoteness of centralized heating or its high cost. The optimal solution to this problem is autonomous heating, the type of which is selected depending on the tasks, the volume of the hangar room and the owner's capabilities.

Types of heating for hangars and warehouses

Several types of systems are used as autonomous heating for a hangar, workshops or warehouses: steam, water and air. Each of these options complies with fire safety standards and has good power. However, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The steam system is used only in hangars and warehouses where the release of flammable vapors or gas is not provided, and has the following advantages:

  • lack of high pressure in the radiator network;
  • short warm-up period of the thermal route;
  • minimum possible losses in heat exchangers.

The disadvantages of the steam system include the susceptibility of pipelines to corrosion, and the need to maintain the carrier temperature at a level of at least 100 ° C.

Water heating of a hangar or warehouse will be the best solution for an object with an area of ​​about 250 m², as it has a number of advantages:

  • uniform heating of the room;
  • maintaining a constant air temperature;
  • the possibility of organizing hot water supply in the production.

Often, for heating in a hangar or warehouse, water heaters are used - heating radiators with a fan. But, this method also has negative sides, which are the slow heating of the batteries and the bulkiness of the heating equipment, which requires expensive installation.

Air heating of a hangar/warehouse is one of the most efficient and safe solutions, which involves heating the air in a special chamber and distributing it through a duct system to all work areas. Hangar heating with air has become very popular due to the following advantages:

  • lack of heat loss, allowing to achieve efficiency - 95%;
  • the possibility of admixture of supply air from the street into the heating circuit;
  • temperature variability.

The negative aspects of using an air heating system include the need to combine a heating radiator with a hangar fan, as well as the installation and frequent replacement of filters.

Calculation of heating of the hangar and warehouse

In order to effectively calculate the heating of the hangar, it is necessary to take into account a number of parameters:

  • the nature and complexity of the work performed indoors;
  • level of thermal protection of hangar/warehouse wall panels;
  • the presence of direct exits to the street and the frequency of opening the gate;
  • whether the use is permanent or temporary;
  • regulation (mode) of heating the building.

Also, specific requirements should be taken into account, such as the speed of warming up the hangar / warehouse after the heating system has been operating in economy mode, and so on.

Pallada's offer

If you need to choose the best option for heating, make its accurate calculation and installation, then contact the specialists of the Pallada company. Taking into account all the requirements of the customer, we find the most cost-effective solution and implement the project in a short time and at an affordable cost.

Large spaces typical of warehouse and industrial hangars require heating systems. But, none of them will be effective if the hangar is not properly insulated. In one of the articles, we have already considered possible options for warming, today we’ll talk about how heating can be organized, which method is the least expensive and time-consuming.

Before proceeding with the purchase and installation of a heating system, it is necessary to clarify a number of key points.

  1. Desired indoor air temperature. It can vary greatly, and depends on the purpose of the hangar. So, a warehouse (a very small room is required for staff), and a production hangar (in which people are constantly) require a completely different approach to the issue of heating.
  2. The area of ​​​​the room and the quality of the insulation produced. Here an important role is played by the absence of "cold bridges", cracks. No heating system will work effectively, for example, with the gate constantly open.

Today, there are many ways to heat hangars, including both classic (water, steam, air) and less traditional (infrared heating, underfloor heating).

The most commonly used fuel is electricity, as the most reliable in terms of fire safety, and available everywhere. The next most popular source is gas.

Heat guns and all kinds of curtains allow you to quickly heat large areas and keep the heat inside the room. Gas-powered guns are the most economical and have a high efficiency, but they may not be used everywhere, due to fire safety requirements and the need for forced ventilation and oxygen supply.

The water system is a very complex and expensive structure of pipelines, risers and temperature control devices.

Nowadays, underfloor heating and cable heating systems are gaining popularity, as they are technologically more advanced and less energy-intensive. They can be incorporated into the design of the hangar both at the time of design and installation, and at the stage of its operation.

The heat from the floors is evenly distributed over the entire area, maintaining the required temperature directly where people are, and not under the stream, which is what guns do.

Heating systems based on heating cables are predicted to have a great future. They are universal, and are already used for heating both internal and external objects (roofs, sidewalks). Heating cables are self-regulating and do not require constant monitoring. As the ambient temperature changes, the cable resistance and heating power decrease.

There are many more different heating options, we have considered the most popular and common ones.