
Turkish carnation flowers. Turkish Carnation: Growing from Seeds

Building a bath

Beautiful and fragrant flowers always favorably decorate a personal plot. The more species and varieties collected in the garden, the more elegant it looks. One of the most favorite crops among flower growers is Turkish carnation - planting and caring for it in the open field is simple and affordable even for beginner gardeners. In landscape design, this flowering plant is often used to create colorful flower beds. Large dense inflorescences of carnations can create an attractive carpet both in single plantings and in complex decorative compositions.

Names of culture

Turkish carnation (Dianthus barbatus) has several names. Informally, it is sometimes called bearded. If you look closely, you can see that the flowers are surrounded by a large number of filiform bracts, which visually create a "beard" around the flower.

There is another name popular in Britain - Sweet William(in the English version - Sweet William). The history of the origin of the nickname associated with the name William includes several versions. Shakespeare is “guilty” on one, William the Conqueror on the other, and Saint William of York on the third. There is a fourth theory, according to which everything is much simpler. It's just that the word "william" sounds like the French word for carnation (oeillet).

plant description

With regard to Turkish cloves, the question often arises: is it perennial or not? In the conditions of central Russia, this culture has established itself as a typical biennial garden. Flowering in the first year is not observed, since at this time the plant increases its phytomass. In the second year, flower buds open and seeds ripen.

The biology of Turkish carnation is such that in nature, under favorable conditions, it can grow for three years. Southern Europe, the Middle East, northeastern China - it is there that a beautiful flower is found in the wild and manifests itself as an unpretentious perennial. With a certain care for the Turkish carnation, this can be achieved in the garden. How to do it is described at the end of the article in the video.

Turkish carnation grows to a height of 60 cm. The bush reaches such sizes only in the second summer. In the first year, the plant forms a rosette. Sheet plastics are 4 to 10 cm long and 1-2 cm wide. The color of the leaves is green or silver-green.

Carnation flowers are very fragrant and sweet in taste. The plant is one of the good honey plants. As for the color, in garden forms it is very diverse - from pure white to variegated with all transitional shades (red, pink, lilac, purple, lilac). Inflorescences can be simple, semi-double and terry.

Quite large inflorescences (up to 10 and even 15 cm) are formed by flowers 1-3 cm in diameter. Simple inflorescences are composed of five-petalled flowers, terry forms have many petals in the corolla. Flowering begins in June and ends in August. In autumn, the plant produces fruits of the "box" type with many black flattened seeds.

Turkish carnation - planting and care

You can grow bright and lush Dianthus barbatus on your site using different methods:

  1. Sowing seeds in open ground.
  2. From seed seedlings at home.
  3. Layers and cuttings from adult plants.

Turkish cloves - growing from seeds in the open field

When to sow seeds (spring or fall) is one of the first questions that beginner gardeners have. Given that the Turkish carnation is an absolutely unpretentious plant, its seeds can be sown in early spring in open ground. The most suitable time for the middle band is the end of April.

It is not forbidden to sow in the fall. Dianthus barbatus also reproduces well by self-sowing - the seeds spilled out of the bolls in autumn germinate safely the next year. But in this case, the emerging shoots will have to be thinned out. Sowing before winter slightly delays the flowering period, but does not affect the quality of the inflorescences.

So that the seedlings are not thick, the seeds are sown in furrows that are at a distance of 15-20 cm. In the rows, gaps between individual specimens of 15-20 cm are optimal. This is especially true for tall varieties. Seeds can be distributed even closer to each other - at a distance of only 5-7 cm. In this case, the extra young plants, when they reach a height of 8-10 cm, are dug up and transplanted into new flower beds. The depth of embedding of seed primordia is small - up to 1 cm.

No pre-treatment of seeds before sowing is carried out, so these flowers are distinguished by good and friendly germination. There is only one feature - they germinate for a long time. However, this fact does not affect the subsequent development of plants.

If, for some reason, annual shoots have released flower stalks, then it is advisable to cut them off immediately. Otherwise, the plants will weaken and in the second year of life they will not give the long-awaited abundant flowering.

Growing carnation seedlings at home

This is another way to grow Turkish cloves. To form seedlings, seeds are sown in boxes or pots in February. If this is done not at home, but in greenhouses, then it is important to focus not on the calendar month, but on the air temperature. It should not be below 13 degrees. Shoots will appear in 2-3 weeks. Seedlings are watered infrequently - once every 2-3 days. Pots with sprouting shoots should be on the sunny side.

To transplant seedlings of Turkish cloves without problems, it is recommended to feed them with nitrogen fertilizers. Very useful for seedlings and pre-hardening. To do this, containers with young plants are taken out into the open air for 2-3 hours daily. In this case, young plants adapt more easily to open ground in the garden.

The deadline for transplanting seedlings of Turkish cloves in open ground is the end of April. But in the case of a cold, prolonged spring, it is better not to rush and plan a landing in May. When transplanting, maintain a distance of 25 cm between individual bushes.

When propagating Turkish carnation seeds, cross-pollination and loss of varietal qualities are possible.

Vegetative propagation

In order to preserve the purchased variety of Turkish cloves, it is better to use not the seed method of propagation, but the vegetative method - cuttings or layering. In the latter case, the stem of an adult plant is pressed against the surface of the soil, fixed with a hairpin and lightly sprinkled with moistened soil. If there is an inflorescence, then it is removed from the shoot.

The pinned place must be watered regularly so that the soil is always slightly moist. A month later, layering will give strong young roots. After rooting, the mother shoot can be cut off, and the new bush can be transplanted to a new place.

For propagation by cuttings, only strong, well-developed shoots of the second year of life are suitable. The length of the cutting below the large node should be 5-7 cm. All leaves are removed in this area. Carnation cuttings are placed in lung soil.

When to plant Turkish cloves with cuttings? It depends on full rooting. This process usually takes 3-4 weeks. The cutting itself can be carried out in the summer, even during flowering. In this case, after planting in open ground, the carnation will have time to prepare for winter.

Planting carnations according to the lunar calendar

According to the lunar calendar, it is recommended to plant a Turkish carnation (as well as many other flowers) with the growing moon, when it passes the signs of Libra, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces or Virgo.

In addition, you can take note of such a feature - planting a beautifully growing plant in the period from the first quarter of the moon to the full moon leads to an abundance of seeds. Therefore, if you want to get a lot of full-fledged carnation seed in the fall, plant it in the second lunar quarter.

Growing and caring for Turkish cloves

The experience of growing Dianthus barbatus in the garden shows that this flower culture is one of the most unpretentious. And yet, certain rules for care must be observed. First of all, they relate to lighting, watering, soil and preparation for winter.


Best of all, bearded carnation grows in sunny flower beds. It is not forbidden to plant it in slightly shaded areas. But in full shade under the canopy of trees or from the poorly lit side of the house, it is better not to plant these flowers. Inflorescence caps will be small and loose.


In terms of nutrients, the substrate can be anything. This is one of the factors that clove is not picky about. She feels good both on poor stony soils and on nutritious soils. The main thing is not to overdo it with nitrogen supplements. In this case, all the forces of the plant will be spent on building up phytomass, and not on flowering.

But what is important for a stranger from the East is the acidity of the soil. For this culture, a slightly alkaline pH is favorable - from 7 to 7.5. Therefore, on acidic soils, it is necessary to carry out liming before planting.


Turkish carnation does not need frequent watering. Even more - it can suffer from an excess of moisture. With constant waterlogging, the roots of plants rot and Fusarium wilt develops. The frequency of watering can be safely limited to two times in 7-8 days.

To avoid problems with the leaves, a stream of water is directed under the root of the bushes. If you water the plants from the "shower", then brown spots may appear on the leaves. Landings will lose their decorative appearance.

Preparing for winter

After flowering, if seeds are not needed, flower stalks are cut off. If there is a goal to get your own seed material, then the fruit boxes are stored until the seeds are fully ripe. But again - do not forget about pollinating different varieties in the garden.

In the southern and middle latitudes, annual carnation bushes can not be covered for the winter. The culture is characterized by moderate winter hardiness. But in the northern regions it is better to make an additional “blanket” of spruce branches or mulch.

In order for the care of Turkish cloves to be complete and summer labors not in vain, it is advisable to spread plants around the plantings of cloves that repel rodents before winter. Mice love to feast on its delicious stems, so in the spring the plot can meet you with an unsightly view. Suitable deterrents are:

  • garlic
  • black root
  • thuja sprigs
  • elder
  • Walnut

It makes gardening easier:

garden composter– convenient and compact container for compost production

country shower – portable compact shower for summer cottages and hiking

Popular varieties and varieties

To date, breeders have bred a tempting number of varieties of Turkish cloves. They differ from each other not only in color and size of inflorescences, but also in the height of the plant itself. The last parameter is used to conditionally divide all varieties into two groups: undersized (reach a maximum height of 35 cm) and tall (able to grow up to 60 cm).


  • heart attack. Inflorescences with a rich ruby ​​color. In the center of each Hart Attack flower there is a small white speck. This feature creates some variegation in a single planting in a flower bed.
  • Diabunda. Due to its short stature and abundant branching, the variety is often grown not only in open ground, but also at home in a pot. Diabunda can have different shades of flowers. The most popular are plants with cream, purple, bright and dark red caps.
  • Festival. The height of festival carnation plants rarely exceeds 25 cm. The color palette is very diverse, from pinks and creams to rich purples and violets. Of the other dwarf varieties, the Pinocchio carnation is also known.
  • Dash. This variety of Dianthus barbatus is distinguished by its ability to grow as a perennial. Among other attractive features, the diversity of inflorescences stands out. The rainbow of Dash colors includes pale pink, scarlet, red, purple, lilac.
  • Wee Willie. This is perhaps the most squat variety of Turkish cloves. The height of the bushes reaches only 15 cm. It is convenient to use plants for decorating mini-rockeries and alpine lawns. The flowers are painted in only two colors: white and pink.
  • Dynasty Orchid. The beauty of this carnation is due to the doubleness of the flowers. The Orchid Dynasty can be dyed red or more delicate tones of pink and cream.

Undersized Turkish carnation - varieties with photos and names

High and medium height

  • Messenger. The difference between the Messenger is the monochromaticity of the inflorescences. Within the variety, there are plants in which the flowers are completely red or completely white. Inclusions or drawing are completely excluded.
  • Nigrescens. Under this name, not one variety is hidden, but several at once. They are united by non-standard almost black coloring. The variety Sooty is most often found in gardens. In these medium-sized carnations (30-35 cm high), the inflorescences have a very dark color with a red-violet tint. Reviews on the forums say that these varieties are among the most desirable for flower beds in the garden.
  • Green Trick (G. Ball) . And this variety can be called the most unusual and original, since this carnation does not have real flowers. And the bright green cap is an overgrown perianth. Plant height is average - from 30 to 40 cm. Green Trick is rarely used in mono-bouquets, but it decorates floral arrangements very chic.

Turkish high carnation - varieties with photos and names

Often these flowers are sold under the name "Montpensier" - this is a mixture of seeds from which plants grow with different colors of inflorescences. It is in this motley form that the bearded carnation looks most spectacular.

To learn some more subtleties on planting and caring for Turkish cloves in the open field, watch a helpful video. From it you will learn how to save a beautiful carnation for the third year and thereby prolong its life and flowering.

Good luck growing Sweet William!

Summer flower beds, so decorating our garden plots, are pleasing to the eye, give aromas and good mood. Today we will talk about such a popular flower as the perennial Turkish carnation, which can give joy for a long time if you plant it in your garden at least once.

Carnation has been a favorite of many peoples of Europe for many centuries. There are many species, among which Turkish cloves can be distinguished, the inflorescences of which are simple or terry. Perennial Turkish garden carnation, planting and care, photo - today we'll talk about this in more detail.

In ancient Greece and Rome, the carnation was a symbol of victory, but in America it is customary to give it on Mother's Day, and in Russia during the Great Revolution, it was a symbol of the common people. Often in old films one could observe village boys who attached a carnation bud to their headdress.

See also how to make a bright sun in your garden: how to grow in a garden.

It attracts with its original inflorescence, color scheme, it can be two or three colors, with an intricate pattern and a border of unique beauty. Small flowers are collected in one bush. During flowering, an amazing aroma emanates from the flower, reminiscent of the smell of a clove tree. In all likelihood, this is where its name comes from. Its height is from 15 to 80 cm, dense inflorescences can have up to 30 flowers. The peculiarity of this species lies in the combination of different shades in one inflorescence. The colors are very diverse, from the most delicate white and pink prudes, to red and burgundy bright beauties. Turkish or bearded carnation is unpretentious, but still some knowledge of how to care for it is necessary.

Reproduction of perennial garden carnation

Turkish carnation can grow both in sunny areas and in partial shade. It grows on fertile land, but if fertilizers are applied to loamy soil, it will also grow beautifully and delight you with its beauty and aroma. It is also unique in that it can be planted at different times and by any means.

They plant it in even rows with an interval of 15 cm. As the carnation grows, it comes out of the ground, so weeding is carried out. The wells must be watered before sowing.

Reproduction by layering

A very popular and not complicated method of propagation by layering. To do this, one shoot is pressed to the ground, fixed (you can with a pin) and sprinkled with earth. The stem must be kept in a vertical position, for this they use a small wooden post driven in side by side, and fix it for it. After a couple of weeks, in the place where the layers were bent and sprinkled with earth, roots will appear, and later new shoots and leaves. In autumn, the baby is separated from the mother's bush and transplanted to another place.

Planting seeds in spring

Seeds of garden perennial cloves are planted directly in open ground at the end of May, beginning of June, having prepared the soil in advance. The earth is shallowly dug up, 20-25 cm is enough, leveled and watered. Then the beds or plot are covered with a cloth or plastic wrap for two weeks. Small grooves (1-1.5 cm) are made, which are placed after 20 cm. Sow the seeds, lightly slap the ground and cover, after spilling warm water. If the land is not fertile, then before planting the seeds, it is necessary to apply mineral fertilizers, compost or ash. The first year will give only juicy bright greens, but in the second year it will delight you with its flowers.

Planting carnation seeds in autumn

Dry seeds can be sown in dry soil in autumn. This is a frost-resistant plant, but it is more reliable to mulch the soil, a small layer of humus is best. The seed will successfully overwinter the winter, in the spring it will give the first shoots and in the summer it will delight you with flowering.

seedling method

At the end of March, the seeds are sown in fertile soil, in special containers for seedlings. Seeds are stuck into the soil to a depth of one centimeter, at a distance of 2-3 cm. Watered with settled warm water and covered. After 10-12 days, the first shoots will appear, the temperature is maintained at 18-20 degrees, but before transplanting it is lowered to harden the seedlings. They are transplanted at the end of spring, the soil, both for planting seedlings and for sowing seeds, must be dry, water the soil after planting.

See also: - how to grow, how to save for the winter.

Watering Turkish cloves

Carnation does not like excessive moisture and is watered 2-3 times a week, with the exception of dry summer days. Try to water as low as possible to the roots, so as not to pour over the flowering plant. The plant does not tolerate stagnant water and waterlogging.

top dressing

The first dressing is usually carried out in the spring. The plant needs to be helped to get stronger, especially if the soil is not very fertile. During planting, mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil, boron or zinc is added. The second top dressing is carried out during flowering and subsequent after pruning of faded buds. Perfect for this "Agricola". Superphosphate and potassium sulfate are also used, diluted in five liters of water in half a tablespoon.

Winterizing Perennial Carnations

Carnation is a frost-resistant plant, but it is still necessary to take care of protection, especially when it comes to the northern regions. It is best to use peat, which covers the root system, you can also use a moisture-permeable cloth, cover with spruce branches. In the spring, there is no need to rush to immediately open the carnation, you need to wait until a stable temperature is established so that sharp night and day temperature drops do not destroy it.

Diseases and protection against them

  • Turkish cloves are exposed to diseases and pests. The most common enemy is aphids and spider mites. Many gardeners spray bushes with infusion of potato tops.
  • In the event of stagnant water, rotting of the roots and sockets may occur. Therefore, it is necessary to loosen the soil more often, remove damaged and diseased shoots.
  • During the inception of the bud, caterpillars can often attack the carnation. They usually appear in the evening, then they are collected by hand or sprayed on the plant.
  • To protect the clove bushes from diseases, it is recommended to water the soil with a solution of manganese two to three times a month.
  • Heavily damaged plants are best removed and burned to prevent the disease from spreading throughout the garden.
  • Mice also do not remain indifferent to our beauty, so it is necessary to arrange mousetraps or sprinkle poison near the bushes.
  • In winter, it is necessary to trample the ground around the bushes, especially during the thaw.
    Yellow spots-pads are formed on the leaves and shoots - this is rust, a fungal disease. To avoid this unpleasant disease, the soil is treated with lime.
  • The gorak elephant gnaws holes in the leaves, onion peel will help fight it. Two large handfuls of husks are steamed with boiling water and infused for several days.

Rules for the care of Turkish cloves

An ornamental plant with bright flowers, a sweetish aroma is a popular inhabitant of various types of flower beds. In addition, perennial carnation is suitable for container gardening of balconies, terraces, patios. With the help of seedlings of modern varieties, you can quickly create beautiful flower carpets in pink, bright red, white and yellow.

To avoid confusion, it is necessary to understand the botanical names. The garden carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus) is a separate species with a rich history. However, in everyday life, various carnations cultivated as ornamental plants are often called "garden" ones.

The most famous species and subspecies:

  • Carnation garden or Dutch - a perennial plant with a height of 20 to 70 cm.
  • G. Turkish - grown as a biennial.
  • G. lush is a perennial plant.
  • G. alpine - perennial.

Attention! Almost all carnations introduced into the culture are perennials. However, in central Russia, heat-loving species are grown as biennials or annuals.

Simple linear leaves of garden carnation, depending on the variety, may be green or grayish-blue from a wax coating. The diameter and color of the corollas vary greatly. Flowers solitary or collected in several pieces bloom from June to August and September.

Subspecies Carnation Shabo (Dianthus caryophyllus var. schabaud) - hybrid origin. The flowers are large, double or semi-double, of various colors: white, red, yellow, pink. Some varieties tolerate -10°C for a short time. It hibernates in the open ground in central Russia with shelter.

Landing in open ground

Abundant flowering of carnations in flower beds and containers depends on the right choice of soil and location. This provides the plant with an uninterrupted supply of nutrients, water, and the optimal amount of light.

Soil requirements, site selection

Garden carnation prefers light, humus-rich, neutral and slightly alkaline soils. If the substrate is acidic, then add lime, ash. Heavy clay soils are improved by adding peat and sand. Peat and perlite are added to the soil for container culture.

For planting carnations, choose a well-lit area with light partial shade after 14 hours. Then the flowering will be long enough. A shady place is not suitable: leaf growth is inhibited, flowers most often do not develop. Plants in hanging pots, flowerpots and containers should be protected from direct sunlight that dries out the soil.

When and how to plant?

Perennial garden cloves are grown in seedlings. Seeds are sown at the end of February or in March, after soaking for a day. Prepare seedling boxes or other suitable containers with loose loamy soil.

Seeds are laid out on the surface of moist soil, sprinkled with a small amount of sand on top. The boxes are covered with glass or transparent film, left in a dark place at a temperature of 17–20°C. Shoots appear after 4-7 days. Containers with seedlings put on the windowsill, well lit by the sun. Sprayed with water from a spray bottle. After 3-4 weeks, young plants dive into the soil of the greenhouse. Then the dived seedlings are pinched to stimulate stem branching and root growth.

How to plant a garden carnation in a permanent place:

  • Dig holes at a distance of 15-30 cm and a depth greater than the root ball.
  • Add compost and sand to a layer of 3 cm to improve the permeability of the soil.
  • Lower the seedlings into the hole, sprinkle with soil and compact around the roots.
  • Watering seedlings.
  • Mulch the soil.

Attention! Drainage is necessary to divert excess water during irrigation. Carnation does not tolerate waterlogging at any age. Young plants are especially susceptible to waterlogging.

Direct sowing into the ground is carried out in mid-May. Seeds are deepened into the soil by 1 cm, covered with a film on top to accelerate germination and protect against cold. As soon as shoots appear, the shelter is removed.

Carnation garden perennial: care

The seedlings are thinned out so that at least 30 cm remain between the plants. Plantings are watered, weeds are destroyed. When the stems and leaves form a dense turf, weeding is stopped.

Watering the plant

Perennial carnations cope better with a temporary lack of moisture than with its excess. Water the plants moderately, only after drying the top layer of soil. Direct a jet of water at the soil around the root, and not at the leaves. Each time after watering, it is necessary to loosen the substrate so that a crust does not form.

Top dressing and fertilizer

Well-rotted organics are added when planting and transplanting adult plants. A complete mineral fertilizer is applied as a liquid top dressing in the spring before flowering and after pruning. Plants in containers are fed more often - every 4 weeks.

Care after flowering

If you pinch wilted stems and inflorescences, then more new buds appear. Immediately after flowering, the stems are cut at a height of about 10 cm above the soil surface to maintain compactness.


Carnation propagation

Even a novice florist can use any method of propagating perennial carnations: sowing seeds in the soil, dividing the bush and cuttings. If the gardener wants to get a multi-colored carpet, then ready-made varietal mixtures are best suited.

A large mother bush in spring or after flowering is cut into pieces with a sharp knife or shovel. It is necessary that each division has kidneys. Parts are planted in a new place, watered. Valuable varieties are propagated by cuttings. Cut shoots are rooted in containers filled with peat and sand. The substrate must be evenly moist, but without stagnant water. Roots grow back within 8 weeks.

Plant diseases and pests

Garden carnation is not very susceptible to diseases, however, high humidity, fluctuations in air temperature, and excess nitrogen contribute to the development of infection. If weeds are not removed, they become sources of fungal spores, viral infections, and bacterial rot. Signs of a fungal disease: the appearance on the leaves at first light, later - brown spots with a red border. Plants are treated with fungicides Fundazol or Topaz.

Carnation pests - spider mites - cover the lower part of the leaves with a thin mesh. Thrips infestation appears as silvery-white spots on leaves and flower buds. Aphids suck juice from the most tender parts of plants; they become pale green, often covered with mucus. From pests they are treated with biological insecticides: Fitoverm, Vertimek. It can be sprayed with solutions of Aktara and Aktellik preparations.

Types and varieties of perennial cloves

Flower growers try to choose ornamental plants for the garden that remain fresh for a long time and do not require complex care. The Dutch large-flowered carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus var. semperflorens) ideally meets these conditions. This is a perennial, remontant plant (re-blooming). The hybrids that are combined into a group are obtained by crossing several types and forms of cloves. The flowers are large, terry, the petals have a fringe along the edge.

The dwarf carnation garden "Lillipot" is gaining great popularity among gardeners. This is a group of hybrids: "Yellow F1", "Orange F1", "Scarlet F1" with red petals, "White F1", "Light Purple F1". Plants up to 25 cm high bloom profusely all summer, remain compact without pinching, can be used for planting in open ground, containers and flowerpots.

Old varieties of Shabo carnations are grown mainly for cutting. Garden carnation undersized from the group of hybrids F1 Dwarf mixture and remontant variety "Child of Nice" are suitable for flower decoration of borders, mixborders, loggias and balconies, growing in containers. Compact bushes are abundantly covered with double flowers. You can sow seeds in the ground or grow seedlings.

Even a novice florist, summer resident will be able to grow a perennial garden carnation on a plot or in a container. It is important to remember the needs and characteristics of the plant, follow the recommendations for growing seedlings and care. The carnation will thank for the care with abundant flowering and bright greenery.

Turkish carnation is loved by many flower growers - it is unpretentious, beautiful and exudes a delightful aroma. It is grown as a biennial - in the first year a lush rosette of basal leaves is formed, in the second it blooms, it lasts a month or more (June-July). Being a short-lived perennial, already in the third year the bushes lose their decorative effect or even die. But every summer you can admire a charming plant called Turkish carnation. Growing from seeds is the main way of its reproduction, it will help to fulfill the desire.


Turkish carnation (Dianthus barbatus) is one of the species of the genus Carnation. Less commonly referred to as bearded carnation, for the English this species is better known as Sweet William - the flowers are really sweet and edible. Growing in the mountainous south of Europe and partly in Asia, the plant was cultivated by man many centuries ago. It gained its greatest popularity in Europe in the 16th century. Turkish carnation has long spread to many countries of the world in both hemispheres as a garden plant, and in some of them settled in the wild. Its habitat is a temperate climate zone. Cultivars and garden forms are superior to wild-growing relatives in decorativeness and diversity.

The herbaceous plant consists of a knotted stem, blue-green or green linear-lanceolate leaves and many flowers collected in corymbose / cap-shaped inflorescences, the diameter of which is about 10 cm. The flowers themselves consist of five petals, fragrant, small - 1.5-3 cm in diameter, but at the same time they can bloom up to 30 pieces! On one plant, you can observe several inflorescences at once, such a carnation looks like a small bush.

Pleases not only the variety of colors of this species, but also the different shape of the flowers - they can be simple and terry. There are monochromatic inflorescences and varieties with variegated flowers, when the core is painted in one color, and the edges of the flower have a different shade. It can be burgundy, white, pink, dark red or another color. Modern varieties are sometimes painted in wine-black or purple, there are delicate lilac shades. On the surface of the petals, multi-colored strokes, spots, patterns in the form of eyes, borders are often applied. Probably, the bright color and painting of the petals, which evokes associations with Turkish ornaments and carpets, served as the reason that this type of carnation was called Turkish. In some of its varieties, the leaves also have a burgundy color.

According to the height of the stems, the Turkish carnation is divided into low and tall. In the first group, plants are from 15 to 35 cm, in the second - up to 90 cm.


Growing from seeds begins with choosing the variety you like. Often they are combined in series with similar characteristics of plants, differing from each other in the color of the flowers.

Macarena F1- a popular mixture of Turkish cloves. Terry flowers have pink, fuchsia, burgundy, white color and velvety petals. On flowers collected in dense inflorescences, contrasting core and border. Strong stems up to 70 cm high allow the use of plants not only in flower beds and containers, but also for cutting.

Little Willie- undersized Turkish carnation 20 cm high. Forms multiple inflorescences with a diameter of 10 - 12 cm. There are varieties with red, burgundy, pink and white flowers. They seem to be painted with borders, strokes and dots, or trimmed with skirts. Plants are used as a ground cover or balcony, as well as in rock gardens and for small fragrant bouquets.

Dynasty F1- Terry flowers are collected in spherical inflorescences. The series contains white, pink, pink with a border, scarlet, purple, burgundy color of inflorescences. Low-growing bushes up to 40 cm tall have well-branched strong stems. Very winter hardy. When grown from seeds in early spring, it blooms in the year of sowing.

Nowerna F1- spherical inflorescences of flowers of the original form of the brightest and most unusual colors. Height 50 cm, inflorescence diameter up to 11 cm.

Egyptian- the color of very fragrant inflorescences is catchy, dark burgundy, the flowers are trimmed with a white border and rise on 60-centimeter peduncles. Flowering lasts for 2 months. Narrow burgundy leaves also serve as decoration. The variety can be used for commercial cultivation.

Undine- an unusual purple color of flowers with a white core and a white border.

Duplex- variegated inflorescences of flowers of delicate white-pink color.

Nigrikans- dark burgundy, almost black carnation with a barely visible edging of the core. The leaves change color from green to burgundy.

purple mountain- inflorescences of a rare purple color

Noverna Clown F1- in each inflorescence of this Turkish carnation, flowers of different colors of light and pure tones are collected: white, scarlet, fuchsia, pink. They seem to radiate light and joy, give a positive mood. The bushes are compact, with many inflorescences, good for pots and balcony boxes, flower beds and rock gardens.

Black- in a series of plants with wine-burgundy-black flowers, the leaves can also be burgundy. Blooms in the year of sowing! With direct sowing in the ground in April-May - flowering from July, when grown from seedlings, sowing is carried out in March-April, then the flowering of this Turkish carnation begins in June. Plants 50-90 cm high.

Diabunda F1- undersized hybrid of Chinese and Turkish cloves. There are six different colors in the series. Flowering is very early, abundant and long. Often used for growing seedlings for sale.

On the domestic seed market, there are also wonderful varieties Summer Fantasy, Indian Carpet, Beauty of the East, Color Pattern, White Queen, Scarlet Beauty, Turkish Carnation Mirage, Bayerr and others.



Turkish carnation loves light sandy and loamy soil of neutral or slightly alkaline acidity, well drained. It is preferable to place it in a sunny place or in partial shade. It is in such conditions that a distribution bed should be formed, and later a permanent place of growth should be chosen.

Seeds are sown from early June to late July. At this time, the main sowing work has already ended in the garden, and there is time to do flowers. For planting, you can use the place where early greenery grew before, and at the end of the summer season or in spring, plant seedlings in the place of future flowering.

Seeds are placed in moist grooves, the depth of which is 0.5-1 cm, and sprinkled with a thin layer of soil. The distance between rows is 15 cm. Crops are watered from a watering can. To improve the quality of seed germination, it is better to cover this area with a non-woven covering material.

On the eighth - tenth day shoots will appear. Then the shelter must be removed or thrown over the arcs so as not to damage the seedlings. In such conditions, moisture is better retained in the soil. Growing Turkish cloves from seed without shelter will require more frequent watering. So that there is no earthen crust on top of the grooves, you can pour a little peat.

After about 20-30 days, the extra plants are weeded out, and a distance of 5-10 cm is kept between the remaining ones, depending on the height of the variety. After some time, the grown seedlings are again pulled apart at a distance of up to 20 cm. About once every 14 days, the seedlings are watered with a soluble complex fertilizer for flowers or a weak solution of nitrophoska (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water).


For 1.5 - 2 months after sowing the seeds, the plants have time to form well, and in August it is possible to plant Turkish carnations in a permanent place according to the scheme 20x30-35. Then, until frost, the plants take root well. The transplant is carried out with a clod of earth, after which it is well watered, in sunny hot weather it is temporarily shaded. The place for planting Turkish cloves is first dug up, compost or humus, ash or mineral fertilizer is added to the soil according to the instructions.

In the photo: Why is the Turkish bearded carnation

Since August, Turkish cloves have not been fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. You can use an infusion of ash or mineral fertilizers by putting 1 tbsp in a 10-liter bucket of water. l. potassium sulfate and crushed double superphosphate. Such a solution contributes to a better wintering. The first top dressing can be carried out a week after transplantation. Planting a Turkish carnation in a permanent place is possible in the spring. If you have cold and little snowy winters or a non-frost-resistant variety, insulate the root system with peat and cover the plant with spruce branches. In the regions of the middle lane and to the south, Turkish carnation usually tolerates winter well without shelters.


Growing from seeds makes it possible to see Turkish cloves in all their glory only in the second year. This plant will require little maintenance. Of course, these are periodic evening waterings in hot weather, although the plant is considered drought-resistant. After them, the soil is loosened in the morning, weeds are removed. The top dressing that the Turkish carnation loves has a beneficial effect.

Plant care also consists in the prevention and control of diseases, the most common of which is Fusarium wilt. To protect yourself from trouble, do not allow water to stagnate at the roots, this can lead to rotting of them and the outlet. If infection occurs, remove diseased plants to prevent damage to others. Preventive treatment with fungicides, such as Fitosporin, will help prevent the spread of fungal infections.

Removing faded buds will help keep the planting longer with Turkish ornamental carnation and prolong flowering. You can leave the inflorescences for the seeds to ripen in order to re-sow the carnation, but you should not do this with hybrids - the seeds will not transfer the properties of the mother plant. Hybrids are best propagated by cuttings or purchased seeds.


Cuttings are cut from biennial plants in June, planted slightly obliquely in loose, moist soil in the shade. Can be planted in a greenhouse and shaded. When, after about 3 weeks, the carnation starts to grow, we can assume that rooting has been successful. Planting cuttings of Turkish cloves in a permanent place is carried out in August, flowering occurs the following summer.

You can propagate Turkish cloves and layering. In this case, the characteristics of the mother plant are also preserved. To do this, the stems of 2-year-old carnations in mid-June need to be spread around the bush, if necessary, fix and sprinkle with moist soil. The top of the stem should be upright. To do this, the tips of the shoots must be tied to a support. After 1 - 1.5 months, rooting will occur. Then the layers need to be planted in a permanent place.

Thick bushes of Turkish cloves successfully reproduce by division.

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In the beginning, cultivation from Turkish carnation seeds can be carried out in seedling containers. This is justified if there are not so many seeds for propagation. Using a good substrate, you will avoid weeds and save every seed - it will grow into a beautiful fragrant flower. Plant seedlings with 2-3 leaves in cups or on a seed bed. Further care for Turkish cloves will be simple (see above).

Turkish cloves are hardy. Therefore, it is possible to plant with dry seeds before winter in October in frozen grooves. Crops are sprinkled with loose unfrozen soil and mulched with peat. Remove the mulch in the spring. Seedlings appear in moist, warm soil.

If you start growing from Turkish carnation seeds in an apartment or greenhouse in March-April, then the plants will bloom in the year of sowing in June-August. For germination, seeds will need a temperature of + 18-22 ° C, and for seedlings, so as not to stretch and bush, the best temperature will be + 17-18 ° C.

By cutting off the faded plants, you can wait for the re-blooming of the Turkish carnation in August-September, although not as spectacular as in early summer.

Don't be discouraged if you don't have time to renew your plantings every year. In the far corner of the garden, the Turkish carnation will self-seed, and its few inflorescences in this case will delight you.

Planting a Turkish carnation does not have to be carried out in a flower bed. Low-growing varieties will fit well into a rock garden or rockery, as a groundcover they will decorate an inconspicuous area in the garden, planted in flowerpots or boxes will fill your balcony, terrace or patio with fragrance and colors. Tall Turkish carnations are beautiful in borders, borders, planted in a group against a lawn or among shrubs. Both of them fit well into natural style gardens. The aroma and color of flowers attracts butterflies, bumblebees, and some birds.

Cut a few plants for a bouquet - wonderful flowers last up to two weeks in the cut. This property is often used by florists.

Here she is - a Turkish carnation, planting and caring for which even novice flower growers can do. In response to care, she will give you juicy colors and amazing fragrance!

Turkish carnation flower is a longtime favorite of gardeners. It is cold-resistant, picky, grows well in the shade and is easy to care for. With all this, the main advantage of this flower is its inflorescences of a wide variety of shades.

Turkish carnation blooms early. But here it all depends only on the grower: whether he carried out the cultivation of Turkish carnations from seeds on his own or will plant ready-made seedlings.

Turkish carnation flower: outdoor cultivation

Seeds in open ground are sown already in late May or early autumn. First you need to prepare the soil for planting.

There are several rules, the observance of which guarantees successful seedlings:

  • We choose a sunny or semi-shady area with good fertile soil rich in minerals.
  • For two weeks, we dig the soil, loosen it and cover it with a film.
  • Seeding is best done in cool weather.
  • We make grooves for future seedlings. If there are several, try to leave a gap of 15 cm between them.
  • We sow the seeds in the prepared furrows and lightly sprinkle with earth, so that the wind and birds cannot reach them.
  • When planting, it is important to observe the distance between the seeds - 2-3 cm, depth - 1 cm.
  • Moisten the ground slightly with a spray gun and cover with non-woven material.

When planting in the autumn, make sure that both the seeds and the planting furrows are dry, otherwise the Turkish beauty will die during the first frosts.

The first shoots will appear on the tenth day after planting. And after another 10-15 days, young flowers can dive to a new place. Do not forget to cover the seedlings until they gain strength.

Turkish carnation seedlings acquire their final place of residence in August. It was then that the already grown young growth is transplanted to a permanent site, where they will grow.

Turkish carnation: growing from seedlings

Seedlings should be started in March. This is the only way you will have time to plant it in open ground in time.

For planting, you can use ready-made soil mixture for seedlings, but it is better to cook it yourself. To do this, it will be necessary to mix peat, river sand and sod land in a ratio of 2: 1: 2.

  • We steam the soil, prepare high-quality drainage, take care of the holes at the bottom of the planting tank.
  • Having slightly moistened the soil, we begin to sow the seeds, which we then sprinkle with a small amount of sand.
  • We cover the planted material with a film and grow it at a temperature of 18 degrees.
  • Watering the seeds should be as moderate as possible.

With proper planting, the first shoots will not be long in coming.

As soon as the seeds sprout, it is necessary to move them to a place with a cooler climate. So that the temperature was about 12 degrees. If possible, provide the seedlings with an additional source of light until the end of March.

As soon as the first leaves appear, you can dive the young growth one by one into separate pots.

Seedlings are planted in open ground at the end of May.

Video: Turkish carnation flower, growing from seeds. When to plant?

Grow flowers with love. Already in the summer they will answer you in return.