
Device for removing dandelions from the lawn with your own hands. Choosing a device for easy removal of weeds with roots Manual devices for removing grass from advertising

Ponds in the garden

Gardeners and gardeners are well aware of how tedious weed control is in the area. Weeding them out with your own hands, you can not achieve a lasting effect. The remnants of the roots quickly give new shoots, and the recently removed weed again begins to run amok in the fertile soil. In such a situation, garden tools for weed removal come to the rescue, which pulls out weeds along with the root and does not damage the surrounding soil. There are several types of weeding tools worth considering.

Its second name is Sapa. This is the most common tool in the gardener's arsenal. In addition to the fact that the chopper allows you to quickly weed the beds, it also loosens the earth, spuds and breaks earthen clods. The working surface of the Sapa has 3 forms. She happens:

  • rectangular;
  • triangular;
  • trapezoidal.

According to gardeners and gardeners, the most convenient to work with is a trapezoidal chopper. It will help to pull out even the most powerful weeds, such as burdock, along with the root.

When choosing this tool for weeding, you need to look at what metal the working part is made of and how convenient the inventory fits in your hand. The length of the handle should not be too small or vice versa too long.

Rake against weeds

A weed rake is a special tool that can be used to weed out very long and deep rooted weeds. The working part of the device is steel with long teeth, which can enter the soil well and thereby weed out the roots. Further, it is enough just to pull the rake out of the ground, and the weed will remain between the teeth.

With the help of a rake, it is very easy to keep your lawn in order. Even a child can easily use them. There is nothing complicated in using the tool. The working part must be made of high-quality metal, otherwise it will quickly deform, bending under pressure during use.

Cultivator-root remover

With this rooted weed remover, you can easily clear your yard of weeds. It is convenient to use such a manual cultivator even in the presence of low, highly thickened shrubs that are prone to constant germination after the removal of the ground part. He will cope with strong rod-shaped roots.

The shape of the tool is thoughtful, and therefore, when using it, it is very easy to pull out the weed. Weeding will work even in difficult areas, such as areas around trees.

V-shaped root remover

Use a device for extracting weeds with a highly developed root system. Other inventory is not always able to perform such a difficult task. The only disadvantage is that the work takes a lot of time, since each weed must be removed individually. At the same time, all actions are easy to carry out, and you can cope with them even without proper experience and skill.

If weeding the garden is needed in a small area, then a fork is ideal. The curved shape of the tool when pressed helps to pull out the root of the plant with maximum force, so it is easy to remove it. The device is suitable for plants with branched roots. This garden tool simultaneously with weeding also loosens the soil. The compact size of the fork and its efficiency have made this weeding device especially popular.

Fokine flat cutter

A tool for weeding beds, which is able to qualitatively and easily remove all small weeds. It penetrates well into the soil to a depth of 5 cm and qualitatively pulls out all the weeds. Its use helps to avoid tedious manual weeding of the garden. The working part of the flat cutter is stretched in the ground in the same way as a scythe, and then all the weeds pulled out in this way are collected by hand. Despite the simplicity of the device, it proved to be highly effective.

Homemade weed remover

To make a tool for weeding the garden with your own hands, you need to take a strong, unnecessary shovel and, cutting off the metal on the sides, narrow the working canvas. The edges are sharpened. The root remover obtained in this way perfectly deepens into the soil and completely extracts even rod-shaped roots.

Using different equipment for weed control, you will be able to put things in order on your site much faster than with manual weeding. Also, devices will help to remove weeds completely, without leaving their roots, which will soon give new sprouts. All this indicates the need to acquire a weeding tool.

Dandelion is a well-known medicinal plant used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. However, it is also a weed, causing great inconvenience to gardeners and gardeners, because getting rid of this perennial plant is quite difficult. It is the question of how to get rid of dandelions on the site forever that the following material will be devoted to.

How to get rid of dandelions on the site forever: general information

Most summer residents often encountered such a problem as dandelion on their plots. In fact, this outwardly pleasant plant can cause a lot of trouble. The thing is that dandelion is a perennial plant, it spreads quite quickly and easily, because just a small breeze is enough - and the seeds are already spreading to other parts of the earth. And for it to germinate, just slightly moist soil is enough.

At the same time, this plant is quite tenacious, and it is almost impossible to get rid of it with an ordinary hoe, because if even a small piece of the root is left in the ground, much more yellow “guests” will appear in your garden next year.

Also, dandelions adapt quite easily to any weather conditions. For example, they are absolutely not afraid of frost, because they are able to germinate even in a compost heap, if they are not very deeply buried.

Therefore, most gardeners have long come to terms with this yellow "invasion" on their site, and are no longer even trying to somehow prevent this. The only thing is that some from time to time break through the bushes that have arisen, trying to exterminate them before flowering. However, in most cases, part of the root remains in the ground as usual, and next year new flowers sprout around this place.

It is at the root that the "invulnerability" of this seemingly harmless flower lies, it is rather fragile and long, so it is almost impossible to get it all or tear it. How to be and what to do with this misfortune to summer residents? Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

How to get dandelions out, how to deal with dandelions: troubleshooting methods

Today, there are three ways to deal with dandelions:




Mechanical methods

Let's start with the simplest - a mechanical effect on the weed. If you decide to act without "chemistry" or other folk methods, then you will need a shovel and a lot of patience. Don't forget, the dandelion root is long, but very fragile, so you need to be careful. Therefore, you need to dig out a weed completely and carefully so that there is not a trace of it left in the ground, otherwise all your work will be in vain.

Often these flowers sprout in the seams of tiles or small asphalt cracks. In this case, you should simply cut the plant lower and cover the cut with table salt, this will help not only stop its growth, but also completely destroy the dandelion.

In addition to a shovel, you can also use a special tool for fighting dandelions, which is shaped like the English letter V from blades. This device is very effective in the fight against these plants. The principle of its operation is as follows: we place the tool in the ground in the place where the weed grows, press the handle and the plant is already on the surface.

Another option on how to get dandelions out, how to deal with dandelions is to cut them on the lawn. However, this method will not help you completely get rid of the weed, but will only stop its spread.

You can also limit the access of this plant to sunlight. To do this, you will need to cover the flowers with pieces of cardboard or plastic bags, and due to lack of sun, dandelions will begin to die in a few days.

Chemical methods

If mechanical methods have not had the desired effect, the plant can also be dealt with chemically, in particular, the use of herbicides. And here, even opponents of "chemistry" are forced to admit that they often use them, since often after a mechanical impact on a weed, its root breaks, which leads to the emergence of new growth.

Herbicides in this case can serve as drugs purchased in special stores, as well as food vinegar. The latter contains acid, which is the herbicide. However, for maximum effect, it is still recommended to use an acid with a higher concentration level.

An important point: to increase the productivity of the fight against dandelions, try to get rid of them in the autumn.

The thing is that it is in the fall that this weed accumulates various nutrients in its roots, while the leaves die off before the winter period. So, if the herbicides are applied to the leaves in the fall, the product will reach the roots much faster, killing them. In addition, it is not recommended to mow the lawn before processing, so that the maximum number of leaves comes under the influence of herbicides.

Folk methods

Many summer residents do not accept the use of chemistry on the site and prefer folk, proven by more than one generation, methods. Moreover, each of the options listed below, with the right approach, can give a result no worse than after a “chemical attack”.

So, the list of proven folk remedies for combating dandelions is as follows:

Boiling water. To eliminate the weed from the site, you need to systematically water it 2-3 times a day with boiling water, this will quickly lead to its death;

Alcohol. This method is not so popular, but is no less effective than the previous one. It is necessary to dilute vodka in a ratio of 1 to 10 and pour each dandelion pointwise. The solution will burn the root system of the plant, and it will quickly die;

Salt. We need 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, which we will sprinkle with yellow weeds. But be careful not to let salt get on plants growing nearby, otherwise they will also begin to die;

Blowtorch. This option sounds very strange, but many summer residents are used quite productively. Each dandelion must be heated with a lamp for several seconds;

Mulching. A very safe and effective way. Vegetables are grown on dark film, and since there is no light, weeds and other crops do not grow;

Gluten corn flour. She can sprinkle the area, but until the moment when dandelions appear, within 5-6 weeks. Since this method is productive only during the flouring period, the procedure should be repeated several times during the growing season;

Table vinegar. It is necessary to systematically lubricate each weed with vinegar, which will soon lead to its death;

Hydrochloric acid. You can buy it at any hardware store. For these purposes, one liter will be enough, it costs, by the way, quite inexpensively. Be sure to wear latex gloves before handling. Use a kitchen syringe to apply. Try not to inhale acid fumes, they are harmful to the body. Some time after treatment, the weeds turn brown and die.

Dandelion control, preventive measures

Preventive measures should be carried out regularly, otherwise dandelions will spread very quickly throughout the site, and it will be much more difficult to get rid of them. The best prevention is regular monitoring of the condition of the territory and proper care of it.

To avoid clogging the site with dandelions, it is recommended to follow simple preventive rules:

1) try to remove the grass from the site after cutting to prevent the spread of weeds;

2) keep track of the presence of "bald spots" on the ground, because emptiness is the best place for the germination of these flowers. When empty places appear, it is recommended to re-sow them with grass in the fall;

3) the height of the cut grass should be approximately 8 cm. This will allow it to give the soil the necessary protection.

That's all the ways and recommendations that will help you get rid of such a problem on the site as dandelions. Remember that this plant, despite its external beauty and harmlessness, is a malicious weed, and all measures must be taken in time to remove it from the site in order to avoid aggravating the situation in the future.

Weed control in the garden

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Weed removers

For this operation, gardeners often use a hoe. If a rectangular hole is cut in the metal part, the earth will pass through it during operation without sticking to the tool. This is especially useful when cultivating wet soil.​

An old garden fork can be converted into a handy device for loosening the soil. The teeth should be straightened, cut so that their length is approximately 10 cm, and sharpened with a file. The long handle of the tool allows you to process aisles without bending down.​


During the growing season of horticultural crops, it is necessary to regularly weed the aisles. Most often, this work is done manually, taking a lot of time.​

Weeding device

Much easier to get rid of grass after rain when the ground becomes loose


Hand weeding is a very labor intensive process. That is why we have collected some important recommendations from experts that will make the job easier.​

Weeding tool

A root remover suitable for extracting the long roots possessed by plantain, dandelion, thistle. True, when using this tool, you should remember that you can only remove the upper part of the root system.​

Weed remover

Lightweight Hoe

Film for beds from weeds

Manual cultivator

​GARDENA offers gardening tools for all areas of your garden: for cultivating, planting, loosening, sweeping, digging, clearing snow, etc. A big plus of the GARDENA combisystem tools is their easy attachment to the handle, which ensures comfortable and flexible work in the garden . Follow the link below for more information on grip selection. Or use the search filter to find the right garden tool for your garden.​

Durable and flexible combination tools for every garden job

​The GARDENA combisystem is a smart system that allows you to combine different handles with numerous tools and thus cover a wide range of gardening tasks.​

Durable gardening tools made from high quality materials and guaranteed for 25 years*

A hand cultivator is necessary for weeding and loosening the soil. For its manufacture, 4 strips 15 cm long and 3 cm wide are cut out of a sheet of durable metal, sharpened and bent at an angle of 90 °. After that, they are welded to a metal bar, a wooden handle is attached to the back side.

To control weeds, use a device made from a spade. The metal sheet is cut at an angle of 45 ° to the handle and the edge is sharpened. With such a tool it is easy to chop the rhizomes located in the ground.

Flexible system with many combinations

​Simple tools, made by yourself from available materials or old garden tools, significantly reduce the time and effort spent on weed control.​

Strong and ergonomic grip

For a comfortable working positionThe combisystem tool can be easily extended using the handle

Strong connection

Adhering to them in the process of processing the garden, you will quickly achieve results.

Rust protection

A crevice cleaner is used to remove grass and weeds from crevices between tiles. And it will come in handy if you want the garden paths on the site to look neat and clean.

Gardening should be relaxing and hassle-free

Mulching is a fairly new, but not losing its effectiveness method. The use of mulching materials (black film, spruce branches, old leaves) will block the access of light to crops, which will lead to their early death. You just have to remove the root system.​

​Mechanical works that are also characterized by long-term efficiency. The main goal is the regular removal of the above-ground part of the weeds. Their methodical cutting will eventually lead to the death of the root system of plants.

Germinating from seeds and perennial weeds make life difficult for all summer residents. How to get rid of dandelions on the site, forever facilitating the work on the beds and the development of cultivated plants?

There are several ways to deal with intruders, including:

  • folk remedies;
  • chemicals that inhibit or completely stop the growth of the weed;
  • regular digging and weeding of the garden and flower beds;
  • use of special root removers for dandelions.

Growing on roadsides, on city lawns and wastelands, that is, everywhere, dandelion is a rhizomatous perennial with a powerful underground part and a basal rosette of green lanceolate leaves, which are among the first to appear from under the snow and disappear only with the advent of winter.

The danger of dandelion as a weed lies in its easy spreading and rapid capture of the territory.

The first flowering occurs in mid-spring, then the plant can bloom up to 2-3 times, scattering hundreds of seeds around the area on light flying umbrellas. Dandelions are very tenacious, they sprout well, take root in the most unfavorable conditions. But it is not easy to remove the plant because of its branched strong rhizome.

How to deal with dandelions in the garden, in garden beds and? The choice of method depends on where the weeds settled, and how many of them there are.

Fighting dandelions in the garden

For weeds, there is no difference between a wasteland and a bed planted with tomatoes, squash, or garden strawberries. The best time to assess the situation is early spring, when the foliage of dandelions is just gaining strength and the buds have not yet opened.

If there are few dandelions, a lot can be done in the simplest ways. Compliance with agricultural technology is one of the surest ways to deal with dandelions:

  1. The beds that are to be sown or planted with cultivated plants must be dug deep, simultaneously choosing weeds down to small fragments of rhizomes.
  2. The emerging shoots are weeded out, the soil is regularly loosened so that the seeds that fall into the ground cannot hatch and take root.

Clean land in garden beds runs the risk of being covered with a carpet of dandelions again if you ignore the aisles and garden paths. Due to the density of the soil, it is difficult to weed weeds on them, but it is quite possible to loosen them with a hoe, chopper, or it is quite possible. If you treat risk areas without waiting for flowering, dandelions do not multiply, and existing plants quickly weaken.

In autumn, the beds are dug up again. They do the same with tree trunks under fruit trees and shrubs, perennial ornamental crops, as well as flower beds, on which annuals smelled fragrant in summer.

How to deal with dandelions on the lawn with folk remedies

Perennial turf on a lawn or in a garden cannot be dug up; manual weeding is also ineffective here.

An attempt to manually remove a weed will inevitably lead to a breakage of the rhizome, which will soon begin to recover, or damage to cultivated plants in the neighborhood.

How to permanently get rid of dandelions on the site if the shovel and chopper are out of work? There are several simple folk ways. To remove dandelions use:

  • table salt;
  • boiling water;
  • vinegar essence.

Aggressive compounds that have fallen on the base of the rhizome kill the growth point, lead to inhibition of the weed and its death. Salt is used in dry form or in the form of a concentrated solution. In all cases, the means of struggle:

  • act directly on the selected instance;
  • do not affect vegetation nearby;
  • do not change soil fertility.

In addition to the positive aspects, the use of folk methods of struggle also has disadvantages. On large specimens, the root system of which can reach 20–30 cm in length, household products do not act too strongly.

Dealing with dandelions with a root remover

It is much more difficult than in the garden to deal with dandelions:

  • on lawns;
  • if in the flower beds almost the entire area is occupied by overgrown perennials;
  • the land in the garden is under turfing.

Here, a spot device for removing dandelions is useful, which allows you to not cause serious damage to the grass cover, or directional herbicides or folk remedies.

On lawns and other areas with perennial turf, root removers of various designs are a real help.

The pointed edge of the tool easily penetrates even through the turf layer, cuts the soil around the rhizome and easily removes the plant along with the underground part. The holes left on the lawn after the dandelion remedy are small and quickly overgrow, especially if they are covered and the area is watered abundantly.

Do the same in the garden. The root remover saves on densely growing flower beds.

The use of herbicides: how to deal with dandelions in the country

Before dealing with dandelions on the lawn and in the garden with herbicides, you need to make sure that cultivated plants and lawn cereals do not suffer from chemicals.

Manual weeding or the use of mechanical devices is laborious and time consuming. Another thing is the use of modern chemical compounds that inhibit weeds. Herbicides are indispensable if dandelions have flooded the site, and it is simply impossible to deal with them manually.

The range of available preparations suitable for controlling dandelions in the garden includes preparations:

  • killing all types of green plants that get sprayed liquid;
  • selective action, destroying only cereals or rhizomatous weeds.

Means of wide action, for example, Roundup, Tornado, Agrokiller and other preparations, will save the garden not only from dandelions, but also from couch grass, thistle thistle and other annoying plants, which can be extremely problematic to remove in other ways. However, the effect of such herbicides does not end immediately after spraying. For a few more weeks, the composition oppresses everything that grows in the neighborhood. This applies to seedlings and seedlings planted in the beds. Therefore, large-scale chemical weeding is carried out:

  • pre-covering cultural plantations and the soil under them;
  • in early spring, long before planting vegetables, flowers or other useful plants;
  • in the fall, when everything useful is removed from the beds.

Broad-spectrum herbicides that destroy all vegetation are used on wastelands, for example, after the purchase of a new site.

Specialized compositions act selectively. But when purchasing this or that remedy, you need to remember that the wheatgrass chemical does not necessarily help get rid of dandelions, but it can kill.

Before you permanently get rid of dandelions on the site, you need to choose the most useful drug, read the instructions and follow it, without exceeding the permitted dosages.

To destroy dandelions in beds with potatoes, garden strawberries or on the front lawn, you can use the herbicide Lontrel-300D, which also suppresses the growth of sow thistle, perennial sorrel and other weeds. Especially for lawns, formulations have been developed that do not affect the growth of cereals, but suppress the development of dandelions, meadow chamomile, plantain, and thistle thistle in a few hours.

When using chemicals, use personal protective equipment and, until the solution dries, protect the treated areas from visits by pets and family members.

Herbicides kill the aerial part of the dandelion and its rhizomes, but cannot affect the seeds. Therefore, it is important to carry out all treatments before the weed blooms and flying seeds ripen on the heads. Plants pulled out of the ground are put into compost, sprinkled with soil, since the seeds can ripen here too.

How to deal with dandelions in the country, if it was not possible to prevent the resettlement of dandelions? In this case, you will have to remember about regular weeding. The spitting of dandelion seeds begins as soon as the soil warms up to 10-15 degrees. As long as the seedlings are small and the roots are weak, removing dandelions by hand is not difficult. In the future, loosening the beds will help.

Mulching or the use of a film covering the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ridges, except for the places where tomatoes, zucchini or other useful crops are planted, helps to significantly reduce the population of weeds. This solution will be especially useful when growing strawberries.

Working on the land takes a lot of time and effort. To make their life easier, summer residents use various tools that simplify the implementation of many tasks on the ground. A device for removing all weeds with roots can be made independently or you can buy a ready-made tool. All of them are quite easy to use and help to facilitate the work. Let's talk about the most common.

Its second name is Sapa. This is something between a shovel and a pickaxe. Sapa - the main tool of gardeners - is the most beloved, most common and versatile. Choppers loosen row-spacings, spud potato rows, clear virgin areas of weeds, and break up large clods of earth. Chopper will help plant seedlings, plant various seeds. The working part of the chopper must be made of high quality steel. This part is in the form of a triangle, rectangle or trapezoid (the latter is the most convenient to work with).

The handle for the chopper should be comfortable in height and thickness and made of wood.

Sapa (hoe) combined

This weed remover consists of two tools - glanders and a rake. It has the appearance of a rectangular blade made of steel. One side has a sharp edge (sometimes blunt), the other side has several teeth. The tool must be placed on a wooden holder of a convenient length. With this tool it is possible to successfully remove and collect weeds between rows of closely spaced plants at the same time. In addition, it can be used to clear and level the ground the day before planting. It will help to make grooves, spud plants, loosen the ground.

Weed Rake

This device helps to carefully pull out a weed plant with a long root from the ground with the help of sharp steel teeth. The teeth are deeply stuck into the ground, clasping the root. You can do this without much effort. Removing the root comes down to a few movements:

  • we insert the tool into the ground where the weed grows;
  • we capture it;
  • pull out;
  • remove weeds in a trash can.

The procedure is clear, focused and very effective. This maintains cleanliness. This tool is convenient to use in flower beds and lawns to destroy weeds with deep roots (, dandelions).

Cultivator-root remover

This garden puller will help get rid of the long, rod-shaped roots that plantain, sorrel, and dandelion have. In addition, with its help, you can also get rid of the roots of old thickened shrubs, which can be equated to weeds. The tool looks like a two-pronged fork with flat wide teeth and a gap between them.

The special arrangement and shape of the root remover teeth help to do this job quickly and easily. In addition, the device helps to process the near-stem circle of fruit trees without harming the roots. The cultivator is easy to handle: it is easy to assemble and operate. Instructions for use will tell you how to assemble it.

V-shaped root remover

This is another version of the root remover. It has a V-shaped blade mounted on a long handle. It helps to easily get rid of weeds with well-branched fibrous roots. It happens quite simply. You pick the V-shaped part of the tool at the very base of the plant and remove it from the ground. Long tap roots cannot be completely removed, but the main part of the root will pull out. Usually the root remover is made of high-quality steel.


Without this tool, your weed control, anywhere, will not do. The tool has the appearance of a curved metal nozzle, which significantly increases the strength of the handle. And this, in turn, allows you to easily cope with weeds that have deep and well-developed roots. Forks with 45-degree tines can do shallow loosening while removing loose weeds in the ground.

It should be added that the tool is easy to use, has great reliability, does not take up much space. In addition, it is easy to use on small patches of land and where weeds are difficult to reach.

Fokine flat cutter

This device is convenient to use against small weeds. The flat cutter can be deepened into the ground by 2-3 cm. It can be used to avoid the tedious plucking of small weeds. When working, it, like a scythe, is pulled underground parallel to its surface.

You can make a weed removal tool yourself, for this you can adapt old unusable inventory, as well as other improvised and easily accessible materials. Easy-to-use devices will greatly facilitate the fight against weeds.


It can be made from a board about 30 cm long and up to 10 cm wide. The board should be processed with a plane, the corners should be rounded and sanded. Then a few nails must be hammered into the board. Determine the quantity yourself. These will be the weeder teeth. The thickness of the handle should be made in such a way that it is comfortable to hold in your hands, and its length allows you not to bend over. The handle must be firmly fixed.

It is good to use a weeder for the destruction of weeds that have not yet risen.


It can be made from old pitchforks. The teeth should be cut, leaving a length of 10 cm, straighten them and sharpen. Then you need to insert a long handle so that it is convenient to work without bending over.


It will always come in handy: both after rain and after watering. It loosens the soil, while cutting the weeds. To work with wet ground, a lightweight hoe is more convenient. To do this, in the plane of the old hoe, you need to cut a hole in the shape of a rectangle. The earth will pass through the hole, which means less sticking to the work plane.

Manual cultivator

It is made from a durable sheet of metal. For manufacturing, cut out 4 strips 15 cm long and 3 cm wide, as well as a base bar (arbitrary size). Then bend them at a right angle and weld to the bar. On the reverse side, a holder should be fixed. The metal working part of the cultivator must be sharpened. You will get a lightweight cultivator that can loosen the ground and remove weeds.

Root remover

A root weeder can be made from a spade. His canvas must be cut on both sides, starting from the top, and narrowing to the bottom. This tool is very handy for deep cutting roots of bushes.

Success in the fight against weeds can be achieved only by applying comprehensive measures to destroy it. This is where special equipment can be of great help. Each device fulfills its purpose, so they should be selected individually, in accordance with the circumstances that have developed in your garden.