
What blocks can be used for the foundation of the gazebo. Do-it-yourself foundation for a gazebo: we make the foundation for a gazebo correctly

vegetable crops

The initial stage of the construction of the gazebo is the creation of a reliable foundation. Properly designed, it will guarantee the durability of the entire structure. Its quality depends on the selected materials, compliance with all recommendations, calculations made when drawing up the drawing. It is important to correctly determine the appropriate type of foundation for different types of soil, climatic conditions.

The article will help you understand all the intricacies of building a base for a gazebo and how to do it yourself.

Selection of materials for the base

The garden gazebo is a lightweight structure attached to the house or a separate room for seasonal recreation. In this case, it does not require pouring the capital base. If you create a closed structure with a barbecue, fireplace or barbecue for year-round use, you should worry about a reliable foundation that can withstand heavy loads.
As materials can be used:

  • brick;
  • rubble stone;
  • concrete;
  • metal or asbestos-cement pipes;
  • stone, concrete blocks;
  • car tires;
  • wood (in rare cases).

For the construction of any foundation, it is necessary to take into account the depth of groundwater and the type of soil.

Photo: foundation options. A - tape; B - monolithic, C - columnar; G - on screw piles.

The following types of grounds should be noted:

  • monolithic (slab);
  • tape;
  • columnar;
  • pile (divided into bored and screw).

Let's consider each of them in more detail.


It must be said right away that this type of foundation is rarely used for the construction of small gazebos in the country, since its creation takes a lot of time, and the cost of materials is significant. If the structure is massive, with a fireplace or a brazier inside, and the soil on the site easily freezes, sags, then this is the best option for the reliability and durability of the structure.

Photo: slab foundation device

A brief step-by-step instruction for its construction is as follows:

  1. The area is marked.
  2. A pit is dug up to a depth of 50 cm.
  3. A formwork is created from pieces of wood around the entire perimeter of the pit.
  4. A pillow of layers of sand and gravel is laid at the bottom, 15 cm each. It will become a protection against deformation of the base.
  5. A roofing material is laid on top, the ends of which are fixed inside the formwork. Fall asleep 5 cm of rubble.
  6. The frame is assembled from reinforcement. The diameter of the rods is not more than 10 mm. In finished form, a lattice will be obtained, the dimensions of the cells of which will be 20x20 cm.
  7. A concrete mortar or a mixture of cement and sand is poured into the pit.

It is worth considering that the height of the plate must be at least 40 cm higher than the ground level.

After complete solidification, the foundation will withstand the construction of any materials and any size.


Such a base is perfect for summer cottages, where shallow laying takes place in dry sandy soil. The difficult construction of the foundation will require additional money, time and labor, but in terms of strength it will cope well with brick, wooden arbors measuring 6x4 m and more.

Photo: 3D model of the column-strip base

3D model of installed screw piles

The process of installing piles in the second case consists of several stages:

  1. The site is cleared, the top layer of soil is removed.
  2. Holes for asbestos-cement pipes are drilled at the corners of the site.
  3. The bottom of the wells is filled with crushed stone, compacted.
  4. A concrete solution up to 15 cm thick is poured.
  5. Pipes are installed according to the level.
  6. Several bars of reinforcement are inserted inside them, and all the free space is filled with mortar. It is necessary to ensure that the ends of the pipes are well clogged, otherwise cracks and ruptures of the support can be provoked due to ingress of water and frost.
  7. The first crown is laid on the frozen piles, and the beams must be tied with clamps.

Photo: car tires as a base

An alternative would be a lightweight or wooden frame.

Building a foundation for a brazier or barbecue

A building with a heating and cooking device is equipped with two independent bases.

For or another stove, the best option would be to fill a strip foundation or a monolithic concrete slab. In the first case, the area under the stove must be tied to the main tape and immediately poured, not forgetting to mount a double horizontal belt of reinforcement.

On the barbecue area, the tape should be 20 cm above the floor level, or even more.

It should be remembered that in such buildings, according to the requirements of SNiP, it is imperative to provide for the possibility of a fire engine entrance.

In addition, part of the pipe leading to the roof is well insulated so as not to provoke a fire in the roofing material.

Budget option for creating a base with your own hands

The simplest and most affordable solution is. The order of work is as follows:

  1. Along the perimeter of the structure, pits are dug under the pillars. Their number and depth depend on the type of soil. For a small gazebo, subject to stable soil, it will be enough to make 4 pits in the corners with a depth of 50 cm each.
  2. At the bottom of the pits, 5 cm of sand and rubble are poured, tamped, roofing material spreads.
  3. The poles are level. 3 rebars are inserted inside.
  4. The support cavity is filled with concrete.

If metal pipes are used, then there is no need to fill them with a solution. You just need to weld two shelves to the ends of the pipes to enhance the strength of the structure, and do not forget about the waterproofing of metal parts with bitumen or roofing material.

Installation prices

The exact cost of this type of construction services depends on many parameters. Separately, it is necessary to highlight:

  • base type;
  • design dimensions;
  • the amount of materials used;
  • the need to attract special equipment;
  • type of soil;
  • remoteness of the region;
  • terms of creation;
  • complexity and ease of use.

So, in Moscow, the cost of laying a pile foundation made of asbestos-cement pipes will cost 420 rubles / piece, and the total price of a 3x6 m foundation will be 18.5 thousand rubles. A tape type of the same size will cost from 45 thousand rubles, installation of blocks for the base - 590 rubles / block.

A linear meter of installation of metal pipes for the foundation will be from 600 rubles and more.

Therefore, if the summer cottage is located on stable ground, you have the desire and time for construction, you can try your hand and make a solid foundation for the gazebo yourself, saving money from the family budget.

Foundation options for building a gazebo: a detailed description with a photo.

When building a garden gazebo, the first thing to consider is the foundation on which the future building will be installed. Wooden and metal arbors belong to light buildings, and a shallow foundation will be quite enough for such buildings, arbors made of brick or stone already require a stronger foundation, but in any case, in order for the arbor to last as long as possible, the foundation must be done correctly.

Foundation selection

For the construction of gazebos, you can use the following types of foundation - slab, tape, columnar.

Before deciding on the choice of foundation, you need to determine what type of soil is on your site, as well as the depth of soil freezing and the level of groundwater.

Sandy and rocky soils are the most favorable for construction; any type of foundation can be used on such soils, but a columnar or strip foundation type will be most practical.

If the site is located on clay, subsidence soils, the so-called quicksand, then it is better to use a slab foundation for the gazebo.

It is very important to know the depth of soil freezing, the moisture in the soil during freezing causes swelling of the upper layers of the soil, and if the depth of the foundation is not lower than the freezing level, then deformation of the foundation and the entire building is possible.

slab foundation

Slab foundation - is a reinforced concrete slab on which the building is installed.

The slab foundation is also called floating; during seasonal swelling of the soil, the slab moves along with the soil, while maintaining solidity due to the reinforcement of the slab.

The slab foundation is laid on a sand or gravel pillow with a thickness of 0.3 - 0.5 m, so for such a foundation you will need to dig a foundation pit around the entire perimeter of the future building.

A formwork 30 cm high is mounted on the filled and compacted layer of sand, and waterproofing is laid, reinforced and poured with a concrete solution (3 parts of crushed stone, 1 part of sand, 1 part of cement).

This type of foundation is used for heaving and subsidence soils and is more costly in terms of economy, therefore it is usually used for brickwork arbors.

Strip foundation

For the construction of the gazebo, you can use a strip foundation, usually this type of foundation is used for brick and masonry.

The place for the gazebo is marked with pegs and cords.

According to the markup, you need to dig a trench 30 cm wide (or the width of the brickwork), 40 cm deep.

The bottom of the trench is covered with a layer of sand 10 cm, the sand is poured with water and compacted with a manual rammer, then a layer of crushed stone 10 cm is filled and compacted.

Formwork from boards or panels is installed in the trench.

Under the future foundation, a frame of reinforcement is assembled and knitted, the reinforcement should move away from the edges of the formwork by 5 cm.

A concrete solution of crushed stone, sand and cement (3: 1: 1) is mixed, poured into the formwork in portions and rammed.

A strip foundation also requires excavation and formwork, but is less expensive than a slab foundation.

Column Foundation

The most economical and practical option for a gazebo is a columnar foundation - a minimum of excavation, low consumption of materials, and minimal costs. The construction of a columnar foundation will cost about two times cheaper than a strip one.

The columnar foundation is of several types:

  • Buried (1m below the level of soil freezing).
  • Shallow (0.5 m below the level of soil freezing).
  • Unburied (depth up to 0.5 m).

For gazebos, shallow and shallow columnar foundations are used.

The columnar foundation consists of a certain number of pillars, which are installed at the corners of the building and at the most loaded points along the perimeter of the building at a distance of 1.2m to 2.5m between the pillars.

Tools and materials for the construction of a columnar foundation:

  • Drill manual.
  • Shovel.
  • Pegs, tape measure and rope for marking.
  • Rammer.
  • Asbestos or plastic pipes with a diameter of about 30 cm.
  • Fittings and knitting wire for reinforcement.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Waterproofing material (roofing material).
  • Sand, crushed stone, cement, water.
  • Container for mixing solution.

We mark the site for the future foundation and determine the installation locations for the support pillars.

Under the pillars you need to dig wells, you can use a hand drill. The depth of the wells should be at least 0.5 m greater than the freezing level of the soil.

At the bottom of each well, a layer of sand about 15 cm should be covered, filled with water and compacted. Then the second layer of a mixture of sand and gravel 10 cm thick is poured, the mixture is also compacted.

For pouring concrete, boards, pieces of sheet steel can be used as formwork, but asbestos or plastic pipes would be the best option. In this case, the pipes will be fixed formwork. Pipes are cut into uniform pieces of the desired length.

Pipes are installed in the wells, and leveled strictly vertically using the building level. The space between the pipes and the walls of the well is covered with sand and compacted.

Inside the pipe, a metal frame should be placed from reinforcement rods connected by knitting wire or welding.

A concrete solution is mixed (3 parts of crushed stone, 1 part of sand, 1 part of cement) and poured into pipes with installed fittings.

Each portion of the solution must be rammed with a pin so that the solution evenly fills the space inside the pipe. In the solution, you can install a metal mount for future strapping under the gazebo.

The columnar foundation can also be made of concrete blocks.

The blocks are laid in pits on a sand cushion and fixed to each other with concrete mortar.

The solution gains its final strength within a month, after which waterproofing is laid on the concrete and a horizontal harness for the gazebo is mounted.

When building any type of foundation, without experience in construction, it is quite difficult to determine the required depth of the future foundation, if you are not sure of your calculations, then it is better to play it safe and make a foundation with a margin.

The gazebo is one of the most popular places for outdoor recreation, when unity with nature is achieved without a long trip to the forest. An open gazebo in a summer cottage or even just in the courtyard of a private house has long been the de facto standard for modern landscape design. This is the closest alternative to nature trips, the main disadvantage of which is the almost complete lack of comfort.

Column foundation - photo

Arbors have a lightweight structure and belong to secondary buildings, and therefore, the process of their construction is not particularly difficult, which makes it possible to carry it out independently. Even without professional building skills, you can create a real work of art. To do this, you only need detailed installation instructions, accuracy and a sense of style.

Despite the fact that the design has a frame base and a fairly low weight, the presence of a foundation is a prerequisite for the construction of a gazebo. A reliable base is a guarantee of durability and stability of the gazebo, and also makes it possible to protect the frame from moisture.

Some home-made analogues are installed on concrete blocks, which are laid out directly on the ground, which further leads to a roll and uneven shrinkage of the structure.

The most practical solution is a columnar foundation for a gazebo, which requires a minimum amount of material and physical effort. Unlike its monolithic counterpart, this type of warp requires much less time to form. In this article, you will be provided with detailed instructions on how to build a columnar foundation for a gazebo with your own hands.

Foundation construction


Before starting the installation of the foundation, it is necessary to carefully align and mark the intended figure so that you can place the supporting elements in the right places. The markup should be as accurate as possible, since the base will lie directly on the grillage, and the uniform distribution of the weight of the structure will entirely depend on the correct location of the bearing parts.

The figure should not be skewed, have the correct maximum uniform structure. The construction of such figures as a rectangle and a hexagon must be carried out using geometric formulas, since only with their help you can achieve the correct proportions. The simplest construction of a hexagon is carried out according to the Euclid formula, and the uniform ratio of the sides of a rectangle is checked by comparing the lengths of the diagonals.

The bearing pillars for the gazebo are necessarily located at the corners of the selected figure; in the case of a rectangle, it is also necessary to place intermediate elements at an equal distance from each other. The maximum distance between piles should not exceed 2m. If the gap is of greater importance, it is better to install additional elements, since an increase in the intermediate distance is unacceptable.

Note! The need to place additional load-bearing elements is determined not so much by the form as by common sense and depends on the total area of ​​the future structure. In some cases, it may even be necessary to strengthen the central part of the gazebo.

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Before proceeding with the formation of the foundation, it is necessary to carry out the planning of the area - cut off the mounds, fill in the pits. After the site is fully planned, it is necessary to drill boreholes for supporting columns, the minimum diameter of which should be at least 25 cm. If the columns are formed from concrete blocks, then the diameter of the borehole must allow for laying.

The depth of the wells in most cases should be at least one and a half meters - it is at this depth that the soil freezes through during severe frosts. Deepening below the freezing level of the soil is a prerequisite for installing a columnar foundation. If the pillars are not deep enough, then under the influence of frost heaving they will be displaced and, as a result, collapse.

Note! In some cases, the foundation may have less depth - this factor entirely depends on the level of soil freezing.

Installation of load-bearing columns

  • First of all, a backfill of sand or fine gravel is formed - in this way, you will save material and create a reliable foundation for load-bearing columns. The backfill level can reach up to half the depth of the well, but not more than half a meter. The formation of the pillow should be carried out in layers, constantly moistening and ramming the sand;
  • As a formwork, you can use an asbestos pipe of the appropriate diameter, which is installed vertically evenly in the well. When fixing the pipes, it is necessary to ensure that the upper part of the pipes is at the same level and forms one horizontal plane, since the grillage will be laid on them in the future. The height of the pillars is determined by the chosen design;
  • To form the formwork, you can also use metal sheets that are folded into a pipe and laid in a well, or by means of burnt bricks, with which the walls of the future pipe are laid out. Brick for this purpose must be chosen well-burnt, as it will withstand increased moisture from the ground;

  • Reinforcement is laid in the pipe or cavity, which consists of three or four reinforcement welded together with a diameter of 12 mm. The reinforcing frame must be placed exactly in the middle of the form. Then the form is filled with concrete mortar, which is prepared from cement, sand and fine gravel in a ratio of 1:1:2;
  • If the columns will have a prefabricated structure, then for their formation it is desirable to use concrete blocks, which are laid out four in a row on the cement mortar, forming a regular rectangle. Laying must be carried out in a run - this condition is mandatory, since the intersection of the seams greatly weakens the structure;
  • After the pillars are completely seized, a wooden frame is installed, which in this case plays the role of a grillage, or a concrete seismic belt is poured, depending on the design;


A gazebo on a columnar foundation is one of the most reliable and at the same time economical structures. The price of a columnar structure is several times lower than the cost of a monolithic concrete slab, while its reliability is practically in no way inferior to a solid counterpart. You can get more information on the topic discussed by watching the video in this article.

It is difficult to imagine a personal plot without a convenient, comfortable and functional outdoor recreation area. What it will be depends on many factors. But in order for the building to be strong, reliable and last for a long time, it is important to properly organize the foundation for the gazebo.

In this article, we will talk about the features of designing and building foundations for a small architectural form, and pay special attention to the question of how to properly make a foundation for a gazebo with a barbecue or barbecue.


A gazebo is a small architectural form, the dimensions of which directly depend on the area of ​​​​the site, the functionality and everyday needs of the owners. It can be a mini-structure, and sometimes these are grandiose combined buildings of 2 floors.

Types, shapes and sizes

And besides, gazebos can be open - awnings, rotundas, classic-looking or closed - pavilions, grill houses according to Finnish standards or summer kitchens. Any shape of the building can also be chosen: round, rectangular, multifaceted, curvilinear, combining several rooms of different geometry at once.


The main materials for construction are: wood of various species, metal, including forging and welded structures, stone - marble, granite, rubble and artificial, brick, concrete with tiles or sculpted, natural materials - bamboo, reeds, wicker, straw. And recently there has been a tendency to build from improvised household materials, such as plastic or glass bottles.

Optimal solution

To reinforce the slab, only ribbed reinforcement is used in the cross section of 8-12 mm, the foundation thickness is 100-400 mm

For medium and large buildings, especially if they are closed, a strip foundation is suitable, it is also the most optimal for building gazebos with barbecue and barbecue. Mainly, a strip foundation is poured for a gazebo made of brick, concrete, stone, large buildings made of timber or logs.

But not everything is so simple, the foundation tape or slab does not fit under the gazebo, if the site has a difficult terrain with slopes, in such conditions a gazebo is built on piles. The base on driven or screw piles is simply indispensable for construction in swampy areas, on reservoirs, but it is completely unsuitable if there is rock on the site.

Gazebo on driven reinforced concrete piles

A gazebo on screw piles is built extremely rarely, since this requires financial costs and the involvement of special equipment, but such a foundation can be arranged even in winter without loss of quality, it eliminates labor-intensive land work.

A complex foundation of screw piles, suitable for cases where the construction of a gazebo on a site with a very uneven terrain

Good to know: For loose soils, sandy, a slab foundation is shown, remember the Egyptian pyramids. And if you turn to the construction of St. Petersburg, all the old buildings in it are built on a rubble slab foundation, although the area is swampy. Therefore, the choice of foundation depends not only on the geodetic conditions on the site, but also on individual calculations and recommendations of specialists.

Of course, there are other options for how to make a foundation for a gazebo, for example, on tires, or just a platform paved with paving slabs or covered with rubble. Such foundations are suitable for suburban areas, if you do not plan to build a solid, large gazebo.

Tire foundation for a small gazebo

How to pour the foundation under the gazebo with your own hands

So, we have already figured out how to choose the right foundation, depending on the type of building and the geodetic features of the site. Base for a gazebo with barbecue: tape, on poles, or on piles.

Foundation rules:

  1. Pillars and piles should be placed at a distance of no more than 2-2.5 m from each other.
  2. The width of the strip base cannot be greater than its height. The optimal width of the tape is 300-400 mm.
  3. A non-buried strip foundation is suitable for regions with a mild climate, only a soft fertile layer of soil is removed for the device, a depth of 300-500 mm.
  4. To fill a shallow strip foundation under the gazebo, a trench 700 mm deep is required.
  5. If load-bearing elements are provided in the gazebo - pillars, then it is better to fill in a columnar or pile foundation below the level of soil freezing, with an unburied cast-in-situ tape grillage.
  6. Piles are always arranged below the freezing level of the soil by 200-300 mm. Rates vary by region.

Basic rules that will help you choose the right foundation for the gazebo

The beginning of time

Before laying the foundation for the gazebo with your own hands, you should clear the site for construction, make markings, hammering stakes in the corners and pulling a rope between them.

Marking the area for the gazebo

Next, you need to check the geometry of the perimeter: with a square or measure the diagonals, which should be equal. For a more accurate check, use the Pythagorean theorem: the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs. Then remove the fertile soil layer on the site.

For the installation of a strip, slab or column foundation, pits, a pit or a trench of the appropriate depth are dug under the gazebo, the bottom is carefully leveled and rammed, it is better to line it with geotextiles to avoid silting.

Important: For the construction of a stove, barbecue, barbecue in the gazebo, you should provide your own, independent foundation, not tied to the main one. Usually it is a monolithic concrete slab. If the strip foundation for the gazebo is poured with your own hands and immediately the base for the stove, then in some cases the foundation platform for the stove is tied to the tape and poured at the same time, but it is recommended to make a double horizontal reinforcing belt in the slab.

The optimal thickness of the slab for the furnace is at least 400 mm

Formwork and reinforcement

When the sand and gravel cushion is prepared, a layer of roofing material is laid on it, it will serve as the lower horizontal waterproofing. Further, a crate is installed in the trench, usually it is knocked down from a board 50 mm thick or from plywood with special impregnation. The crate is reinforced with struts, and pulled together with bars from above in order to maintain the geometry of the foundation when pouring concrete.

The scheme of how to make a crate for the foundation

A reinforcing cage is mounted in the crate. For a shallow strip foundation, it consists of 2 horizontal layers, in one layer 2-3 corrugated rods with a cross section of 8-12 mm, vertical, supporting, racks can be made of smooth reinforcement. It is better to fasten the frame with knitting wire or plastic clamps; the structure weakens from welding.

How to make a frame from reinforcement for a strip foundation

Before installing the frame, stones or supports should be placed on the bottom of the trench so that a gap of 50 mm is formed from below. The fact is that the reinforcement must be deepened into concrete from all sides, not less than 50 mm. The solution can be poured into the prepared base.

In the photo, formwork with a reinforcing frame installed

Fresh concrete is bayoneted or processed with a submersible vibrator so that no bubbles remain inside, voids can subsequently lead to the destruction of the foundation.

Scheme of how to equip the strip foundation in the gazebo

On the 7th day, the formwork can be removed, the sides of the tape should be pasted over with roofing material or treated with coating-type waterproofing. If necessary, the foundation can be insulated. A month later, when the concrete has completely risen, backfilling is done with soil, and the base can be loaded with the walls of the gazebo.

It is difficult to imagine a vacation in the country without a gazebo. Household men learned how to build this object on their own and made sure that the most important stage in this matter is the choice of foundation.

The subtleties of choosing a foundation for a gazebo

The foundation is an obligatory part of the design of the gazebo. They do without it only in exceptional cases, for example, when they create a building made of thin wood with a light roof.

The foundation is needed for the gazebo, as it makes it stable and durable

To dwell on any one version of the base for the gazebo, you need to pay attention to such points as:

  • the material from which it is planned to create a building;
  • the time of use of the gazebo (only in summer or all year round);
  • groundwater level;
  • the degree of humidity of the construction site;
  • affordable cost of the foundation.

Photo gallery: what are gazebos on

The role of pillars in the base can be performed by blocks of concrete. Often, bricks are used as pillars. To strengthen the foundation, pillars of blocks are poured with concrete.
A pile structure is considered a good basis for a gazebo. For a large gazebo, it is reasonable to make a concrete foundation. It is preferable to place a spacious wooden gazebo on a strip base.
On a strip foundation, you can place a gazebo with a complex design. A gazebo with significant weight is placed on a concrete foundation.

Types of foundation suitable for gazebos

Thinking on what basis to put a gazebo, you have to choose not only between a strip and column foundation. The task is greatly complicated by the existence of such structures as the base of the barrels, plastic pipes and even tires. The choice of both traditional and unusual foundation must be approached wisely.

Column Foundation

A columnar base is a structure of supporting pillars placed in the areas where the walls of the building intersect. Supports are stone or brick. And sometimes their task is performed by durable asbestos-cement pipes.

The base of the pillars seems to be created for a wooden gazebo. It will withstand the weight of the summer building, if the supports stand at a distance of even 2.5 meters from each other. But the step of one and a half meters is considered optimal for the pillars of the foundation of the gazebo.

Pillars of blocks, pipes and bricks are installed differently

The installation of columnar foundation supports is performed as follows:

  1. Holes are drilled in the soil with a depth of 30 cm.

    To create holes, you should use a shovel and a hand drill.

  2. The ends of the base pillars are hidden in the pits. The supports are created so that they are above ground level by a height of two bricks.
  3. The placed pillars are sprinkled with soil, which must be pressed with their feet.
  4. Manufactured pillars are covered with a film of polyvinyl chloride. The material will become a reliable protection against freezing of lumps of earth to the supports.

    It is customary to lay wood on roofing material to protect it from decay.

  5. If a wooden gazebo is built on a columnar foundation, then the upper part of the pillars is covered with pieces of roofing material. As a result, it will be possible to protect the lower crown of the building from excess moisture, because dampness is the real enemy of wood and the main reason for its damage.

Strip foundation

Strip base - these are strips of concrete that are stretched along the perimeter of the building and under its internal walls.

The strip foundation cannot be replaced with anything else if it is planned to build a brick gazebo, the weight of which is quite significant.

The base, called tape, is built in several stages:

  1. The site is marked and leveled, clearing debris and removing the fertile soil layer.

    For the foundation of the gazebo, it is better to dig a trench 30 cm wide

  2. Along the perimeter of the building, they dig a trench 40 cm deep from the soil surface. The width of the created pit should reach the width of the brickwork (30 cm).
  3. Sand is poured at the bottom of the trench in such an amount that a layer 15 cm thick is formed. In order to strengthen the layer, the sand is sprinkled with water.
  4. The sand cushion is covered with a layer of crushed stone 10 cm thick.
  5. Liquid concrete is prepared from crushed stone, cement and sand in a ratio of 3: 1: 1.
  6. Inside the trench put formwork, hammered together from the boards.

    The formwork is built from long boards

  7. The previously made cement mortar is poured into the formwork.
  8. After 28–30 days, the formwork is dismantled and the production of the gazebo is started.

Screw pile foundation

Many developers are interested in creating a screw foundation, because it is much lighter and more aesthetically pleasing than a concrete structure. Piles with screws at the end can be safely used as a base for both a house and an arbor, because they are easily installed even in uneven ground.

Pergolas, which are considered light buildings, it is more expedient to put on a foundation of screw piles with the designation SVS-57, SVS-76 or SVS-89. The numbers indicated in the marking are the diameter of the pipe with propeller blades welded to its walls, allowing the barrel to be immersed deep into the ground.

A gazebo on a pile-screw foundation can stand without problems even on uneven ground

To create a pile-screw foundation, perform the following tasks:

  1. The perimeter of the building is marked on the site, and the places for piling are marked by driving pegs into the ground.
  2. The upper fertile layer of the earth is removed from the site so that vegetation does not appear under the gazebo.
  3. With the help of levers, screw piles are immersed in the ground. The supports are screwed in until they are securely in the ground.
  4. The site with installed piles is sprinkled with sand with a layer of 7 cm, watered and pressed.
  5. A layer of crushed stone 7 cm thick is laid out on the sand. A mound of stones will become an obstacle to the growth of weeds and, acting as a drainage, will protect the pillars from moisture damage.
  6. Check the horizontalness of the structure created from piles. Elements that are higher than they should be trimmed. And the pillars, which turned out to be short, build up.
  7. From sheet metal with a thickness of 5 mm, square segments are made, which will become the soles of the pillars. Holes are drilled in them, through which fasteners will need to be passed, providing connections between the base and the bottom strapping.

    Metal plates are welded to the upper end of the piles

  8. The soles made are welded to the poles and covered with pieces of roofing material in several layers.

Video: screw pile installation option

Foundation made of plastic pipes

The base made of plastic pipes is a rapidly erected columnar structure. Its construction costs 3 times cheaper than the construction of a monolithic strip foundation. Fittings for plastic pipes do not require treatment with anti-corrosion agents, since they are already protected from moisture.

A gazebo on plastic supports, raised 30 cm above ground level, will be reliably protected from spring floods and autumn showers.

To create a foundation of plastic pipes, you need to do the following work:

Video: pouring pipes with concrete

Tires as a foundation

The base of the tires is suitable for those who do not resist new non-standard technologies.

A gazebo on a foundation of car tires is created without difficulty. Tires significantly reduce the pressure on the base, because they are made of elastic rubber.

Tires raise the building above the ground to the required distance

If you liked the option of the foundation of tires, then you need to do the following:

  1. Clear the construction site of debris and remove the fertile soil layer 30 cm thick.
  2. Mark the perimeter of the building and lay tires at its corners.
  3. Lay pieces of roofing material on the bottom of the tires.
  4. Fill the bottom of the tires with several compacted and moistened layers of crushed stone, leaving only 5 cm of free space.
  5. Lay reinforcing bars inside the tires, pour and level the concrete.

Base made of barrels filled with concrete

Wanting to speed up the construction process, they resort to creating a foundation from barrels filled with concrete. They become point supports for the construction and are installed either in pits half a meter deep, or on the surface of the earth.

The base of the barrels as a construction without formwork is suitable for a gazebo made of any material. This is due to the fact that the walls of non-traditional supports are metal, which means they are reliable, and their filler is concrete, the strength of which can be no doubt.

For the construction of the foundation it is worth taking volumetric barrels

To create a foundation for a gazebo, you need to prepare metal barrels with a capacity of 200 liters, a height of 85 cm and a diameter of 60 cm. The recommended wall thickness of such supports is 1 mm. To turn barrels into cylindrical casings, they need to cut out the lids and bottoms.

The base of the barrels is constructed as follows:

  1. First, the barrels are placed where the corners of the building will be located. Then, additional ones are placed between the already installed main supports.
  2. Under the barrels they dig holes half a meter deep.

    Concrete is laid to the very edges of the barrel

  3. A grillage is mounted on the structure of the barrels.

The foundation of metal barrels with concrete inside is able to withstand the weight of even a winter gazebo.

concrete block foundation

It is reasonable to build a concrete block foundation only on solid soil with a low level of groundwater, because such a foundation is very heavy.

On concrete blocks measuring 20x20x40 cm, which you can install yourself without any hassle, you can only put a gazebo assembled from lightweight materials. And buildings made of timber or logs should be mounted on reinforced concrete products with parameters of 30x40x40 cm.

Blocks are covered with waterproofing material

It is preferable to put the gazebo on a columnar rather than a strip foundation of blocks. So it will turn out and create a reliable foundation, and avoid high costs. The columnar foundation is a structure of supporting pedestals located deep in the ground.

A strip foundation, consisting of blocks glued together, should be done only for a gazebo with brick walls. Such a foundation is constructed by analogy with a columnar one, but a pillow of crushed stone and sand is created in a trench.

The columnar foundation of the blocks is organized in several actions:

The installation of the blocks must be carried out without errors, making sure that their height is the same, using a stretched rope. The slightest error will lead to irreversible consequences. After concreting the pedestals, it will not be possible to change their position.

brick foundation

If you choose a base for a gazebo, then it is better to consider a columnar foundation made of bricks as one of the possible options.

For the construction of a gazebo, six foundation pillars may be enough

This type of foundation can be made independently without using sophisticated equipment and expensive materials.

The base of brick pillars is built in stages:

The foundation for the building where picnics are held is easy to install. From the many options for bases, you can choose the one you like without painful thought - easy to install, durable and economical.