
How to calculate how many cubes of concrete you need for a foundation calculator. Pile Concreting Mortar Calculator

Building a bath

The project is necessary for the construction of any house. It does not have to be professional, that is, performed by a specialist in a construction or design organization. These calculations can be performed independently, if only in order to accurately represent the amount of concrete in cubic meters required to pour the foundation. After all, this is the most important calculation, the correctness of which will allow you to avoid, for example, overspending of building material, and therefore save money.

The initial data that will be required to determine the amount of concrete required to pour the foundation will be as follows:

  • type of foundation, determined depending on such characteristics as the load on it (depends on the material of the walls: and have different weights) and the bearing capacity of the soil;
  • foundation configuration, i.e. its dimensions and geometry.

Calculation of concrete for a strip foundation

The strip foundation is an inextricable rigid structure laid under each load-bearing wall of the building and forming a closed loop. The method of calculating the foundation of this type is associated with these features.

Basic formulas for calculating the volume of concrete for the foundation

To calculate the amount of concrete, the following data will be required:

  1. The width and height of the foundation strip,
  2. The total length of the tape.

The value of the width of the foundation tape is determined based on what the latter should have a support area. Usually this value is 20-40 cm. The height of the tape is determined by the height of the above-ground part of the foundation, which is usually no more than 50 cm, as well as its depth, which can reach several meters.

This value is determined based on several factors, for example, how deep the groundwater passes under the building under construction, as well as the depth of soil freezing. For example, in sandy soil and in water-saturated soils, a laying depth of 2.5 m is considered the most justified. For small country houses, under normal conditions, the middle lane is enough for one and a half meters. Accordingly, to determine the height of the tape of such a foundation, 40 cm of the above-ground part will need to be added to 1500 cm of the laying depth.

The total length of the tape will be entirely determined by the configuration of the foundation. In most cases, the calculation of the total length does not cause difficulties - the internal load-bearing must be added to the total length of the external walls. And we get the volume of concrete by simply multiplying the length of the foundation by its height and width:

Vb = lhs, where l, h and s are the length, height and width of the foundation, respectively.

It should be borne in mind that the amount of concrete calculated using this formula does not take into account the inevitable losses during transportation, pouring, when compacting the mixture, its leakage through gaps, and also absorption into the wooden formwork elements. On the other hand, the design also contains metal reinforcement, which, by reducing the usable volume, somewhat compensates for the losses.

However, in practice, the latter are still much more significant, so the result obtained by the formula presented above needs to be corrected:

  • round up to a whole number,
  • increase the value by another 1.5-2%.

That is, the final formula for calculating the amount of concrete for a strip foundation will take the following form: V = Vb + 0.02Vb

The amount of concrete for the slab foundation

A tiled foundation is a regular monolithic reinforced concrete slab at the base of a building. Accordingly, in order to calculate the volume of concrete required to pour this type of foundation, you just need to multiply its length, width and height. The minimum height for this type of foundation is 10 cm. In accordance with this, approximate data on the consumption of concrete for a building with sides, for example, 8 x 8 m, can be given:

  • 10 cm plate - 3.6 m 3;
  • 20 cm plate - 7.2 m 3;
  • 30 cm slab - 10.8 m 3;

However, this type of construction also has some of its own features that directly affect the consumption of concrete. So that the slab is stiffer and more resistant to deformation, stiffeners are made along its edges, as well as in the longitudinal and transverse directions with a step of about 3 meters, dividing the foundation into squares.

They are usually performed on the lower surface due, firstly, to a simpler pouring technology, and secondly, so the upper part of the plate remains smooth. Accordingly, these stiffeners will also require concrete in an amount that can be calculated knowing their cross-sectional area and total length.

Ribs can be either rectangular or trapezoidal. The height of these structural elements of the slab foundation is usually taken equal to the thickness of the latter, and the width is approximately 80% of the height. Thus, the formula for calculating the amount of concrete for a slab foundation with rectangular stiffeners is quite simple:
Vb \u003d lhs + lr * sp * h, where the following values:

  • l, h and s are the length, height and width of the slab, respectively;
  • lр, sp are the total length of the stiffeners and their width, respectively.

If the latter are planned to be made with a cross-section in the form of a trapezoid, and not a rectangle, then the calculation of the volume of concrete mixture required to fill these ribs will be reduced to multiplying the cross-sectional area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis trapezoid by the total length of the ribs.

Trapezoidal ribs have their own peculiarity - usually the ratio of the lengths of their bases is 1.5, that is, the larger base of the rib will be about one and a half times longer than its height, and the smaller one will be equal to the height or even be somewhat shorter - up to 80% of its value.

Recall the formula for calculating the area of ​​a trapezoid:
S = h(a+b)/2, where a and b are the bases, h is the height of the trapezoid.

Thus, the formula for calculating the volume of a slab foundation with trapezoidal stiffeners will look like:
Vb \u003d lhs + lr * h (0.8h + 1.5h) / 2

Method for calculating the volume of concrete for the arrangement of a columnar foundation

Even from the name it is clear that the columnar foundation is a set of concrete piles dug into the ground. They, as a rule, are located at the intersections of the walls of the house, but if necessary, they also dig in the spans. The head - the upper part of the pile, is usually located at a height of 40-50 cm, however, the total height is also determined by its lower part - the base.

One of the advantages of a columnar foundation is efficiency, that is, the consumption of concrete for pouring it is minimal. Calculating the amount of concrete should also not cause much difficulty. For round bars, when making calculations, you need to know the following initial data:

  • number of piles
  • cross section radius,
  • height.

It is easy to guess that the volume of one such column will be equal to the height multiplied by the cross-sectional area of ​​​​the pile. The latter is equal to the square of the radius multiplied by 3.14. Accordingly, the volume of concrete will be calculated by the formula:
V = 3.14R 2 nh, where R, n and h are the radius, the number of piles and their height, respectively.

If square columns are used, then the calculation becomes even simpler:
V = a*h*n, where a is the length of the pile side.

To accurately determine the time of concreting work and the amount of consumable material, calculations should be made, this will help the online calculator for calculating the volume of concrete.

The concrete volume calculator will independently calculate the required amount of mortar for you, providing the most accurate numbers. Consumption is taken into account in cubic meters.

Calculate the volume of concrete foundation slab or screed

Calculator below produces calculation of concrete on a slab foundation in accordance with building codes and regulations. To calculate the slab foundation, it is necessary to know the area and thickness of the slab, because The plate is an ordinary rectangular parallelepiped.

The slab foundation is a closed reinforced concrete solid monolithic slab, which is laid under the entire area of ​​the house, thereby distributing the load along the entire length.

Enter your data in the fields for calculation:

Correctly calculating the cubature of concrete in this case is much more difficult: we must multiply the length of the structure, which includes the perimeter from the outside and the length of all partitions between rooms, by its height and width (provided that the foundation tape has the same section along its entire length).

Be sure to take into account the depth of groundwater, landscape, soil and other factors when calculating the height of the foundation.

Calculation of the volume of concrete for foundation piles

Column and pile foundations use poles or piles as supports. This type of foundation is used for the construction of light buildings on intumescent soils or when the bearing layer is deep.

Or any other outbuilding, the reliability of the foundation is always given top priority. This is not surprising - the integrity of the entire building, its durability and, to a large extent, the safety of living or staying in it depend on the stability of the foundation. Many owners undertake the construction of foundations on their own, based on recommendations for making calculations and carrying out all stages of work.

It has become much easier for modern developers - in many cases they have the opportunity to order a ready-made concrete solution of the desired grade for pouring a foundation tape or slab. But it also happens that such a service is not available in the construction area, or, according to preliminary estimates, it is more profitable for the owner of the site to prepare the mortar on their own, right at the construction site. And for this you need to know what specific composition of concrete is needed for the foundation, the proportion of ingredients needed for mixing.

Calculators for fast and accurate calculation will be given below, brief explanations on the principle of their work will be given.

Prices for crushed stone

Calculators for calculating the weight and volume of concrete ingredients for pouring the foundation

CONCRETE M200 (strength class B15)

It may seem that concrete of this strength class will be rather weak for a foundation. But it is not so. It is quite suitable for the foundation for outbuildings, for the foundations of light frame structures, for one-story houses made of logs or timber. It is also widely used when pouring screeds or monolithic slabs for a garage, for arranging blind areas, paths, and platforms.

An online calculator will help you quickly find out how many cubes of concrete you need and calculate the volume. Thanks to a quick calculation, you will find out the number of cubes, you only need to enter the data and the thickness of the concrete slab and get the finished result. The calculator calculates concrete cubes for floor screed.

In order for construction work to proceed efficiently and without delay, it is necessary to provide the necessary amount of building material. When carrying out a floor screed, you need to know how much concrete is needed to complete this work.

How to calculate the number of cubes of concrete correctly in order to avoid unnecessary costs and the presence of low-quality material? Calculations can be made very simply using the online concrete cubic capacity calculator.

How to calculate the volume of concrete for laying the floor?

Using the concrete volume calculator, you can make the most accurate calculation of the necessary materials for construction in a few minutes. To do this, you need to enter in the prepared table geometric the dimensions of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, using the formula we find out the area m 2 and enter this value. We measure the average thickness of the screed and enter this value in the table.

C is the height of the slab

In this way, the calculation of the cubic capacity of concrete with a calculator is performed in a matter of minutes, now you will find out how much concrete mix you need to purchase. Please note that the concrete thickness in the calculator table in meters is indicated by default!

Features of using a floor screed solution

So that the final result of calculating the volume of concrete for construction work on floor screed does not change radically, several factors must be taken into account in such work:

  • the area of ​​the room where the repair is planned;
  • the initial amount of the floor; the thickness of the concrete pouring layer will depend on such an indicator;
  • brand of cement and quality of sand.

How to calculate the required amount of concrete manually?

If you want to compare the data obtained with the calculation of the cubature of concrete with an online calculator, then for this you need to take the data on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room for floor screed and multiply by the desired layer thickness.

Area formula

But in fact, not everything is so simple, a complicating circumstance in such a case will be the determination of the required thickness of the screed, but for different types of buildings it will be different.

The features are in the expected load on the floor, for example, in residential premises these figures are up to 5 cm, for the strength of the coating, and in non-residential premises - half as much.

Thus, if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is 20 m 2, then with a thickness of 5 cm, the final figures will be as follows: 20 m 2 * 0.05 m = 1 m 3, that's how much mixture is needed for floor screed.

What composition is best to take for floor screed

Before making a calculation of the amount of concrete for the screed, you need to decide which brand of mortar to choose. The best option would be a mortar marked M 150 or M 200, such a mixture can be obtained from M400 cement if mixed with sand in a ratio of 1: 3, or in two parts.

  • room 29 m 2;
  • screed thickness - 5 cm;
  • required volume - 1m 3;
  • cement will be 0.24 m 3 (total 4 parts);
  • sand - 0.75 m 3.

Considering the weight of one cube of each component unit separately, we obtain the following data: if we take the average figures - 1300 kg for cement and 1625 for sand, then we get 325 and 1220 kg of each component, respectively.
When preparing materials, shrinkage of the solution must be taken into account, which often gives a result less than expected by 10%. It is necessary to make an appropriate reserve, so that later you do not separately make a new batch.

When calculating the volume of concrete with a calculator or manually, you need to carefully double-check the data, and only after making the final purchase of building materials. And in this situation, it's not even about money, but about the quality of the work done, how reliable and durable the floor will be.

If you use a calculator to calculate the floor screed, you must first decide which brand to make the screed, how to strengthen it, how economically you want to approach this matter.

To save concrete on half the floor, you can add a large fraction, for example, gravel or slag.

If we talk about the mass of the screed, then it can be done independently, we use the following proportion: we put two parts of sand and three parts of crushed stone, or screenings, on one part of cement. It is also possible to make the composition only from sand and cement, each master has his own methods, taking into account the characteristics of the initial state of the place for laying the floor. More quickly calculate the right amount of sand and cement.

In order to strengthen the screed, a reinforcing mesh, fiber is used, such material is attached to the base, and the fiber interferes with the concrete for the screed.

What tools are used for the screed device

  • for a large amount of mixing, you will need a concrete mixer, and when using shovels, this process will be long and laborious;
  • beacons to ensure an even screed;
  • laser and conventional level, the more accurately the top point of the floor is determined, the better and more economically the work will be done;
  • and you will also need trowels, shovels, construction cars, buckets, etc.

When laying the cement mixture, the substrate must be dry and clean, and best of all with special penetrating compounds that will ensure a good bonding function with the laying mixture.

There is a more economical and faster option. This method is very suitable for apartments and houses where repairs are required as soon as possible.

Now you know how to calculate the cubic capacity of concrete with a calculator online or do it manually using simple mathematical calculations. Fast and high-quality repairs to you, be careful and follow the safety rules when working with cement mortar!

The construction of a building begins with the construction of a reliable foundation, when choosing which it is important to take into account certain factors. The mistakes made will then be reflected in the quality of the building, the correction of which will be a difficult and expensive procedure. A necessary question at this stage is to calculate how much concrete is required for the foundation in order to meet all regulatory requirements and not spend extra money.

Foundation types

The main feature by which the classification of foundations is carried out is the type of construction:

  1. Tape - a strip passing under all load-bearing walls;
  2. Slab - a shallow reinforced slab under the entire area of ​​the building;
  3. Columnar - a system of point supports that distribute the weight of the structure to the ground.

The upper plane of the structure is called the edge - this is the basis for the walls, which perceives the load from them. The bottom plane is called the sole, it distributes the weight on the ground.

Factors to consider when choosing the type of foundation:

  • the complexity of the project, the presence of a basement;
  • materials used;
  • ground water level;
  • soil type.

How much concrete is needed for the foundation

The prepared structure is poured with concrete mixture, and its quantity is determined in cubic meters.

To perform the calculation of the volume of concrete for the construction of the foundation, it is first checked for the possibility of carrying the design load, taking into account the characteristics of the soil at the construction site. To bring the designed base in line with the specified parameters and to comply with the standards, its geometric dimensions (depth, width) and the reinforcement scheme are changed. The resulting dimensions are substituted into the calculation formulas and calculate how many cubes of concrete are needed.


When calculating concrete for a strip foundation, the following parameters are required: the length of the strip, its width and height. The height is taken as the distance from the sole to the edge. Usually the edge is located 50-60 cm above the ground.

With a depth of the sole (the part located underground) of 160 cm and the size of its part above the ground of 60 cm, the total will be 220 cm. The depth of the monolithic strip base is determined depending on the properties of the soil and on the brand of concrete.

It is important that the sole of the foundation is at least 15 cm below the freezing level of the soil.

The width of the tape depends on the weight of the building, the thickness of the walls and the soil. In accordance with the load, the required number of rods of longitudinal reinforcement of the desired diameter is installed in the design of the tape, the pitch and diameter of the clamps are determined.

The length of the tape is the sum of the lengths of all the external and internal load-bearing walls of the house. For a cottage measuring 8x10 m with an internal load-bearing wall 10 m long, it will be 46 meters:

(10 m + 10 m + 8 m + 8 m = 36 m) + (10 m) = 46 meters.

Concrete consumption for the foundation of such a house with a tape width of 0.5 m and a height of 2.2 m:

46 (L) x 0.5 (W) x 2.2 (H) = 50.6 cubic meters.


The area of ​​the cottage 8x10 meters is 80 sq.m. For example, the thickness of the plate is 25 cm. Thus, the consumption of the mixture will be:

(80 sq.m) x (thickness: 0.25 m) = 20 cubic meters.

When calculating, it is important to take into account the weight of the building. With a heavy load, you need to either increase the thickness of the plate, or add stiffeners. They are made along load-bearing walls (including internal ones), or they form square cells ranging in size from 1.5 m to 2 m - this depends on the operating conditions. In the second case, the plate has increased rigidity and strength.

The fill of the stiffener structure will be an additional value that is added to the total flow and is determined as follows:

(cross-sectional area of ​​the stiffener) x (total length of the stiffeners).


Represents pillars located with a certain step under the reference points. To calculate concrete for such a foundation, determine the values ​​\u200b\u200bfor one support and multiply by their number.

The volume of one column, since it is, in fact, a cylinder, corresponds to the product of the cross-sectional area and the length.

Let the diameter of the column be taken as 40 cm. S = ¼πd² = ¼ x 3.14 x 0.4² = 0.13 sq.m. With a height of 2.2 m, the desired value: 0.29 m³.

For the final determination of the consumption of concrete mixture for a columnar base, multiply the obtained value by the number of columns.

The results obtained, despite the simplicity of the formulas, are quite accurate. This will help to avoid unnecessary costs and order or prepare the optimal amount of concrete for pouring the foundation. However, during preparatory earthworks, transportation and unloading, soil shrinkage, etc., an additional increase in the final figure by 3-10% is possible.