
Ondulin or corrugated board: which is cheaper than corrugated board, which is better for the roof. The choice of roofing ondulin or corrugated board, which is better? What is more expensive ondulin or corrugated roofing


Choosing a roof is one of the most important steps in building a house.

And since building materials manufacturers now offer us a huge amount of roofing materials, developers have to decide what material to use for roofing.

After all, all materials are different.

They differ in appearance, characteristics, installation principles and cost.

Here, as they say, whoever likes what.

However, in most cases, the developer chooses between ondulin and corrugated board.

The characteristics of both materials deserve respect.

And yes, they cost about the same.

However, there are differences that can affect the choice of roofing material.

Characteristics of ondulin

Ondulin (euro slate) is a building material that is intended for cladding and roofing.

For the manufacture of this material, a high-pressure pressing method of cardboard is used, which is enriched with bitumen.

After pressing, the cardboard is coated with resin and paint.

Therefore, ondulin is not only a very durable material.

He is still very handsome in appearance.

The material is produced in standard sheets with overall dimensions of 940 x 2000 mm. Sheet thickness 2.7 mm.

Ondulin unit weight 6 kg.

Ondulin, due to its characteristics, has become very popular in our country.

The plasticity and single-layer nature of this material make ondulin very resistant to various mechanical damage.

And the special resins that are used in the production of ondulin are a reliable protection of the roof from leakage.

After the fixing nail breaks through the ondulin sheet, a microscopic drop of bitumen is released in this place, which seals the gap between the material and the nail.

Ondulin is not subject to corrosion, because it does not contain metal elements.

It does not rot because it is impregnated with resin.

Ondulin is an environmentally friendly product.

The small thickness of the material makes it possible to cut it with a simple hacksaw to be used to cover any, even the most complex roofing elements.

Despite its small size, euroslate can easily withstand a snow cover 50 cm thick.

Advantages and disadvantages of ondulin

Yes, this wonderful material has a lot of advantages.

But, unfortunately, it also has disadvantages.

But first, let's look at the benefits:

  • excellent soundproofing. Ondulin does not let noise through. Therefore, when it rains, it absorbs the noise of falling drops, falling hail, water that flows down the roof. Euroslate is the most silent roofing material;
  • good weather resistance. Anyone. In the sun, ondulin practically does not heat up, unlike steel metal tiles or corrugated board;
  • ease of installation. Ondulin is a very plastic, flexible material. It is very easy to cut. It is very easy to fit on the old coating;
  • ecological purity. Ondulin does not contain asbestos, which is very harmful to the human body. Rainwater that flows down the roof can be used, for example, for irrigation without additional treatment;
  • resistance to corrosion, to decay, to the effects of fungi, microorganisms and bacteria;
  • durability. 50 years;
  • affordable cost. Many can afford ondulin on the roof today.

In addition to a lot of advantages, ondulin also has disadvantages.

And you should know about them:

  • low fire safety. Since ondulin is paper and bitumen (resin), the risk of a fire on the roof is very high, for example, when struck by lightning;
  • the choice of colors is small;
  • material is not resistant to ultraviolet radiation. That is, under the sun's rays, it just fades very quickly;
  • under certain conditions, ondulin is unstable to mechanical damage. It is not recommended to walk on it after rain. If the material is wet, then dents from the legs may remain on it after walking;
  • since the material is made in the form of sheets, a large number of joints are formed during installation. And if some inaccuracies were made during installation, leaks may occur.

It's time to deal with corrugated board. Also a very interesting building material.

Advantages and disadvantages of corrugated board

Profiled sheeting is called profiled steel sheet, which has good transverse rigidity.

For the manufacture of corrugated board, the cold stamping method is used.

The depth of the profile depends on the size of the stiffeners and the thickness of the metal.

The thicker the steel sheet, the deeper the stamping and the greater the strength of the product.

A sheet of corrugated board can have a thickness of 0.5 - 1.2 mm.

To protect the sheet from corrosion, it is coated with a polymer or a layer of zinc.

Or both at the same time.

Today, galvanized corrugated board with a polymeric decorative coating is in great demand.

Since steel in rolls is used for the manufacture of corrugated board sheets, its length can be any.

And the width of the sheet has limitations: 980 - 1850 mm.

Advantages of corrugated board:
  • high fire safety. After all, the basis of corrugated board is a metal sheet;
  • high resistance to natural and mechanical influences. The material does not lose its original appearance for almost its entire service life;
  • a large selection of colors and shapes;
  • simple installation. The mass of the corrugated sheet is small, and it is not difficult to fix it on the roof. With a certain skill, even an amateur can handle it;
  • during installation, the number of joints is minimal, which significantly reduces the likelihood of leakage;
  • despite the fact that the corrugated board is a metal product, the plastic coating reliably protects the sheet base from corrosion;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • durability. also 50 years old;
  • affordable cost.

Well, about the shortcomings, of course:

  • sound insulation of corrugated board is very poor. And when it's raining or hail outside, all the blows on the roof are very audible. But this disadvantage is leveled by a sound protection device under the corrugated board;
  • condensation often forms under the sheets. But this problem is also easily solved: they arrange a ventilated space under the corrugated board;
  • the difficulty of using on roofs of complex construction. The size of a standard sheet of corrugated board is large, and you have to cut it. And it's not easy. Sheets are laid on the roof with an overlap. Which reduces the actual width of the sheet by 50 cm.

Which is cheaper: ondulin or corrugated board

One of the most important issues when choosing a roofing material is the cost.

You should be aware that in addition to the material itself, it is necessary to purchase components.

Despite the fact that more components for corrugated board are required, the cost of components for ondulin is higher.

As a result, ondulin turns out to be 5% more expensive for the same roof area than corrugated board.

Well, for example, at an enterprise that manufactures corrugated board, it is loaded on pallets.

But they have loading equipment.

And you will have to hire a forklift for an additional fee, or unload the material one sheet at a time.

Believe me, it's very difficult.

Delivery will require a heavy vehicle.

With ondulin, everything is much simpler.

Since its dimensions are smaller than corrugated board.

If desired, it can also be transported by car.

Or in a small minibus.

Now for the installation.

Since ondulin is laid on a solid corrugated board, its installation can be easily performed by one person.

The installation technology is very simple, and the owner of the house will do everything quickly and efficiently.

With corrugated board, everything is more complicated.

Even the manufacturers of this material indicate that at least 2 people should work with corrugated board.

Both during unloading and during installation.

And how can one lay a sheet that has 2 meters in length?

It's a sail!

At best, he will fly away and injure someone below.

In the worst case, he will fly away with the installer.

That is, you will have to hire a team of professional roofers.

And these are additional costs.

Which is better: ondulin or corrugated board

As you can see, both ondulin and corrugated board have many advantages and disadvantages.

The fire safety of corrugated board is high.

It is a little cheaper, and will certainly justify itself if the roof area is large.

Since the length of corrugated sheets can reach 6 meters, the number of joints will be minimal.

This means that the likelihood of leaks is minimized.

But the sound insulation of the corrugated board is zero.

Ondulin has excellent sound insulation.

However, its fire safety is very low.

Installation of ondulin should be done very carefully.

Because there will be a large number of joints, and if the sheet is placed unevenly somewhere, a leak may occur.

At the price of corrugated board and ondulin, they practically do not differ from each other.

The service life of the material is about the same.

During installation, in principle, there should be no problems.

The technology is very simple.

However, if the roof has a complex structure with a large number of bends and valleys, then ondulin is easier to lay.

It is flexible and cuts well.

Decking does not differ in flexibility.

Yes, and there is a big difference in the crate: under the ondulin it should be solid, and under the corrugated board you can put boards with some step.

Material savings!

Despite the fact that corrugated board has a lot of advantages, it is still better to use it for sheathing and making fences.

And on the roof of the house it would be better to lay all the same ondulin.

In any case, the developer decides everything.

620 09/18/2019 5 min.

Roofing material must be reliable, moisture-repellent and have a beautiful appearance. It is desirable that it can be easily laid, and if necessary, it is possible to replace only one deformed section, and not the entire roof.

Such requirements are met by modern roofing materials, such as ondulin and corrugated board. Often the question arises which one is better to choose, without getting acquainted with their advantages and disadvantages it is difficult to figure it out. We facilitate the choice, we give an exhaustive answer to this question.

Pros and cons of corrugated board

It is a sheet of metal that has increased rigidity. It is based on sheets of galvanized steel, the wavy profile of which is performed on rolling equipment. Its sheets are covered with a protective anti-corrosion compound, then comes a primer layer. Lacquer is applied to the outer side of the material, and polymer is applied to the inner side.

The rigidity of the corrugated board is provided by trapezoidal ribs. The material is used not only for roofs, but also for arranging fences and walls of buildings.

He found such a wide scope due to his positive aspects:

  • Light weight, facilitating the ongoing installation work.
  • Affordable cost.
  • durability. If during the stay on the roof its protective layer remains intact, then the material can last half a century.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • A small number of material joints ensures high tightness of the entire roof.
  • Wide range of colors.
  • High fire safety. The corrugated board is not combustible and does not support fire.
  • Protection against rot and corrosion.
  • Versatility. The professional flooring can be mounted on a roof of any complexity and a slope. It is used for buildings for various purposes.
  • Beautiful appearance.

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The disadvantages of corrugated board include:

  • Formation of condensation on the surface of the material.
  • Low degree of sound insulation, which threatens the presence of noise during precipitation.
  • Roofs with curves and complex corners can be problematic.

On the video - which is better: ondulin or corrugated board:

Pros and cons of ondulin

This material is also called euroslate, it quickly won its admirers, many prefer it because of its aesthetic appearance. The roof covered with it looks attractive, its wavy sheets, imitating classic slate, add harmony. It was invented more than 50 years ago for residential buildings; sheds, gazebos, and private cottages are covered with it. With him, any building looks solid.

In its production, cellulose fibers are used, which are pressed and then impregnated with bitumen. After the manufactured sheets are given a wavy shape. From above they are covered with paint and resin.

Due to the small thickness of the sheet, this material is relatively light, which facilitates its transportation and lifting to the roof of a building. In addition, due to this, ondulin can be cut with an ordinary hacksaw, it bends perfectly, so it can be used for roofing surfaces of any complexity.

Due to its positive properties, ondulin can compete even with tiles, its strengths include:

Like any other material, ondulin has its negative sides:

What's better?

Each of the considered materials is good for a roof, even with its drawbacks. The choice of one of them is primarily based on the preferences of the owner of the house. But the fate of a few nuances of these materials is worth it, if you compare them according to certain characteristics.

Ondulin can only be used for roofs, while corrugated board has a more diverse application. It will be very interesting to look at one section of the roof and the fence, made of it in their native color. But what is better ondulin or metal tile, is described in detail in this But what is better to cover the roof with corrugated board or metal tile, the information will help to understand

On the video, which is cheaper ondulin or corrugated board:

Ondulin differs from corrugated board in greater plasticity, so it is better to prefer it for complex roof structures, it is perfectly fastened in various hard-to-reach places. Under it, you do not need to make a continuous crate, as is the case with corrugated board, it has higher heat and noise insulation properties. On the other hand, galvanized material is not subject to combustion and ultraviolet radiation, it is more airtight, but it is susceptible to corrosion at the attachment points.

The cost and service life of ondulin and corrugated board are the same, the weight of their sheets is practically the same.

Choosing between these two roofing materials, the main thing is to take into account the features of the structure being built, the degree of complexity of its roof, the presence of an attic floor in the house and the structures located near it. Durability and performance properties are guaranteed only by high-quality materials, so when buying them, you need to check for a certificate.

Any building or structure has a roof. The roof provides warmth, comfort, protection of the premises from natural phenomena.

The roof construction technology provides for it, including flooring with roofing materials.

Pros and cons of corrugated board

Roofing from corrugated board is quite strong and reliable, it has properties that can be decisive when choosing a roof.

Color palette coating has a wide range, which allows you to give the building an original design.

Ease of installation. Possibility of laying without the help of special devices, lightness of sheets of material.

Positive traits

  • refractoriness;
  • good water resistance;
  • resistance to atmospheric influences;
  • good anti-corrosion properties;
  • affordable price.

Negative qualities

  • the influence of atmospheric influences (rain, hail) on the level of sound insulation;
  • damage to the roof can contribute to corrosion of the material;
  • the ability to critically heat up when exposed to high temperatures;
  • condensation.

When installing the corrugated board, it is necessary to properly lay the sheets in order to avoid the water permeability of the roof of the building.

Ondulin or corrugated board - which is better for the roof of a private house?

Comparing two roofings, you can see that they have many positive qualities:

  • affordable price;
  • ease of installation;
  • availability in construction markets ( popularity);
  • sustainability to weather phenomena, precipitation;
  • the ability to choose a color solution;
  • enough long service life.

What is cheaper, ondulin or corrugated board? Ondulin costs only 5% more, but its transportation is cheaper than the transportation of sheets of corrugated board. As a result, the price of the final product is approximately the same.

Considering the features of each of the materials, it is more important to decide which roof of which particular structure needs to be covered, it is important to take into account its intended purpose. Ondulin is more often used to cover residential buildings: it is convenient to lay it on complex and hard-to-reach places of the roof due to the good flexibility of the material. To correctly calculate the number of sheets of ondulin for the roof, use.

Decking is more often used for warehouses, grocery stores, tents, stalls. It is more convenient to cover large areas of the roof with corrugated board, given the large width of the sheet. Ondulin is easy to lay on pitched roofs.

Decking and ondulin are very popular, and the decision to use one or another coating is made based on personal preferences.

What is better ondulin or professional sheet? It turns out that corrugated board and euroslate do not have significant differences, but some factors can influence the decision on the choice of material, for example, sound insulation of corrugated board or ondulin heat resistance.

Profile sheet device

Ondulin sheet device

Roofing cake for ondulin. A pie for corrugated board is built by analogy

Alternative roofing

With a wide choice of roofing materials, it is not always possible to stop at ondulin or corrugated board. Quite on the market many alternative roofing materials that can be used for roofing:

  • . Sufficiently durable material, but has a too low level of sound insulation;
  • slate. Differs in low price, durability, but because of the content of asbestos cannot be environmentally friendly;
  • ceramic tiles. Quite heavy and expensive material, but it has a beautiful design and a large assortment;
  • steel seam roof. Cold, poor noise insulation, but quite flexible and fireproof;
  • soft roof. Durability, beautiful design, but very combustible and fragile in the cold.

These and other types of coatings can be used when equipping the roof of a building. Each of them has its own styling features, functional properties, price level, durability and undesirable qualities. Given these indicators, you can choose the right roofing that will last for many years and protect the building from external influences.

Useful video

We suggest you familiarize yourself with the video on a comparative analysis of the qualities of these roofing materials:


Whatever variety of roofing materials is presented on the market, ondulin and corrugated board are the most common covering decks that are used today. Their popularity is due to good performance, price and attractiveness.

In contact with

Ondulin and corrugated board are modern and very popular roofing materials. Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss below.

After reading this article, you will have a fairly clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthem, and it will be easier for you to make a choice than to cover the roof.

The device of a roof and installation of roofing material is the final stage of construction. Not only comfort in the house will depend on the quality of the roof, but also a number of other important factors that non-specialists may not even be aware of. Let's take a closer look at the features of these two materials - ondulin and corrugated board.

What is ondulin

Ondulin is produced on the basis of cellulose and bitumen with the addition of mineral fillers. Its other names are euroslate, wavy, as well as bituminous slate. Although ondulin is produced by one company, it has a wide range of colors, good technical parameters and a decent price / quality ratio.

What is corrugated roofing

Decking is made from galvanized steel sheets, which are given a wave-like profile on rolling equipment for greater rigidity. Sheets of corrugated board are coated with an anti-corrosion compound, then with a primer, after which a polymer is applied to the inside, and varnish is applied to the outside.

Which is better - ondulin or corrugated board?

Compared to corrugated board, ondulin has greater plasticity, so it is easy to lay it in hard-to-reach places and fix it on the crate. In addition, under ondulin, you do not need to make a continuous crate, and the roof from it has better thermal insulation properties and does not “rattle” in the rain. It does not lend itself to ondulin and corrosion, in particular rust, it is environmentally friendly and safe for humans.

The disadvantages of ondulin include its low strength, especially at high and low temperatures, a limited choice of colors and the fact that under the influence of sunlight, ondulin burns out, and the color of the roof fades after a few years.

The corrugated board also has a number of disadvantages: poor sound insulation - during rain, the roof will “rattle”; roofs of complex configuration are difficult to cover, since corrugated sheets are large, and it is more difficult to cut them than ondulin. In addition, in the heat, the roof heats up quickly, and in winter the snow cover freezes to it.

As for the cost and service life of these two materials, there is no significant difference between them, they are light in weight, and it is quite simple to carry out roofing work with them. By the way, when buying ondulin, you should choose original material with certificates, as there are low-quality fakes on the market.

We will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each of the materials in more detail.

Pros and cons of ondulin

Benefits of ondulin:

  • low cost;
  • ease;
  • ease of installation regardless of the season. Ondulin sheets are fastened to a wooden crate with special nails;
  • the possibility of mounting ondulin on the old coating;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • the thinness and relative softness of the material ensures ease of sawing and fitting to the desired size;
  • high resistance to aggressive chemicals and fungi.

Disadvantages of ondulin:

  • fast fading of color in the sun - during the first years of operation, the color changes noticeably;
  • since in the process of laying ondulin quite a lot of joints are obtained, any defect can lead to a leaking roof;
  • roughness, due to which snow can linger on the roof;
  • softening on heating and brittleness at low temperatures. Due to these features, any work on the roof during the hot and cold seasons can damage the ondulin sheets;
  • a small selection of colors;
  • combustibility at high temperatures;
  • the guaranteed service life is not so high - 15 years. True, this does not mean that ondulin sheets will last only this period.

Pros of corrugated board:

  • relative cheapness;
  • high service life. In the absence of damage to the protective layer, the corrugated board will last up to 50 years;
  • versatility - corrugated board can be used for various types of roofing on buildings for various purposes;
  • ease of installation. There is no need for highly qualified installers and special equipment;
  • environmental Safety;
  • a small number of joints during installation;
  • good protection against corrosion and high tightness;
  • a wide range of colors, aesthetics;
  • incombustibility.

Cons of corrugated board:

  • insufficiently good sound insulation, increased noise during precipitation;
  • the possibility of condensation;
  • on a complex roof, there may be problems covering rounds and corners.

When choosing between corrugated board and ondulin, one should take into account the advantages and disadvantages of these materials, as well as the specific features of the house under construction. In addition, it is important to purchase a high-quality coating, and not a fake - only in this case it will last the period declared by the manufacturer.