
How to cut a circular board evenly. How to cut straight with a circular saw? How to make an edged board from an unedged board


Almost every new project starts with unedged boards. This time I unraveled oak boards, which I got for free, but after lying on the street for many years they were not in the best condition. A couple of deep cracks, blackening and ingrained sand - these shortcomings had to be eliminated in the process of preparing the wood for further processing.

The first thing to do is to make sure that there are no sand, nails and other foreign objects in the material being processed. For example, a metal brush does a good job with sand. There are even special miniature metal detectors for finding hidden nails. But there is also a budget option - a magnet on a string (preferably a rare earth from a hard drive). We swing the magnet on a string above the surface of the wood and in places where the nails fall into the magnetic field, the magnet changes the frequency and trajectory of the oscillation. So we find hidden nails even with a broken head.

The next step will require creativity. The amount of waste and losses from the material depends on it. For optimal dissolution with a minimum of losses, it is necessary to determine the strategy of each individual board. The strategy depends on your needs and the board itself - the location and depth of the cracks, the wane, the curvature of the board itself. Having decided on the strategy, we draw the first cut. To do this, you can use a cord, tape measure, ruler, long rail.

Next, we make the first cut. You can dissolve the board with almost any tool that can cut wood, as long as the thickness of the cut is enough. You can dissolve with a hand-held circular saw or a hand-held electric jigsaw, on a saw machine, on a band saw and even with a chain saw. Without forgetting about safety. Here the rule is simple: the more accurately the cut, the less waste during further processing. I used a sawmill. A line is marked on the board along which the saw blade must pass.
You have to guide the board manually. It is necessary to guide the saw blade along the line as accurately as possible.

The board can be twisted with a screw and during wiring it can "walk" relative to the plane of the table. Because of this, the saw blade can wedge, burns occur. This is especially true when dissolving large blanks of heavy wood. Therefore, it is desirable that the drive to the disk be belt-driven, and not direct, and when wiring the board, you should not rush. When directing the board to the saw blade, we do not forget about safety precautions - use pushers when working near the blade, do not wear gloves, push, not pull the workpiece and other rules for safe work.

After completing the first cut, we put a longitudinal stop and dissolve the board into lamellas in the usual way.

We get material that is still not very suitable for work.

Therefore, the next important stage of work is jointing. The slats can have depressions and humps, be twisted with a screw. The angles between edges and facets may not be straight. To eliminate all these shortcomings, jointing is needed. Of course, it is best to have a specialized tool. But the reality is that the prices for a separate jointer bite, especially when it comes to an amateur hobby workshop. Therefore, craftsmen invent various devices to perform this operation: they joint small workpieces on a milling table, assemble special carriages for electric planers, insert electric planers into the table, and use manual jointers. There are craftsmen who joint on a circular saw. Some assemble homemade plywood jointers. There are many talented people in our country who post their products on the Internet and from whom you can learn a lot.
I've been lucky in this regard. I have a planer in my workshop. You can read about his choice here:
The idea of ​​​​working on a planer is simple - we take a workpiece, press it against the side stop, and draw it over the knife shaft. At the same time, we press the part of the workpiece that is on the receiving table to the table, and the one that is still on the feeder is pushed forward with the help of a pusher.

With each new wiring, layer by layer, we remove excess wood.

In this case, it is possible to observe how irregularities appear

At the same time, to reduce the effect of "waves" on the surface, you need to reduce the feed rate and try to make it uniform.

Usually, due to waste, the thickness of the resulting workpiece is 5-8 mm less than the original thickness of the unedged board. It depends on the tool used, the condition of the wood, the accuracy of the worker, and a thousand other factors.

Having finished with one layer, we joint the adjacent one, not forgetting to press the leveled layer against the side stop. As a result, on each workpiece we obtain two even layers with a right angle between them. We mark the processed faces and edges with a pencil.

On this, the problem of dissolving unedged boards can be considered solved. The resulting workpieces are suitable for further processing on a circular saw, on a milling table, on a thickness gauge and other machines and tools, where the workpieces are pressed against stops and tables now with even planes with right angles.


When cutting various materials and making blanks for building structures, an even cut is necessary. On an industrial scale, this is achieved using large professional machines. But how to achieve a smooth cut with a hand tool?

The most suitable tool for a smooth cut can be called a circular saw. Circular saws for precision cutting are equipped with special grooves, which are located on the soles of the saw. As a rule, these are two grooves (notches), one for cutting blanks at an angle of 90 degrees, and the second at an angle of 45 degrees.

After we have drawn the cut line, we put the slot on the line and drive the saw along the marked line. In order to prevent sawdust from falling on the cut line, airflow from the fan of the electric motor is directed to the place of the slot, in many saws.

I must say that on some models of saws there are special lasers that do not interfere with sawdust, so the laser beam falls on the workpiece from above. In addition, circular saws are equipped with a special stop, on which there is a ruler, thanks to which you can set the width of the workpiece and, relying on the even edge of the board, make an accurate cut.

When sawing the board across, you can use special devices that can be adjusted to different angles. Some saws of the professional series are equipped with a special groove in the sole. This groove overlaps the guide bar. The saw slides over the bar and makes a straight cut.

For simpler models, circular saws, it is best to use a flat rail. The rail must be fixed to the board with two clamps. After that, leaning on the rail with the edge of the sole of the circular saw, you can make an accurate cut.

When making a homemade guide, you can use both improvised tools made on industrial machines and aluminum rules. In this case, you can make a special stand with three bearings or stops, which can then be fixed to the sole of a circular saw. Stops or bearings will slide exactly according to the rule and this will be a guide for making an even cut. Author RBT

Unedged board is a material that is obtained by processing wood. The main difference is uneven edges and unaesthetic appearance. Due to its low cost, unedged boards are most often used as the basis for designer sheathing or as a material for the manufacture of edged boards. When using special saws and other tools, this process can even be carried out independently. We will try to explain in detail how to make an edged board. This process is quite simple, but requires maximum attention, since some actions will need to be done “by eye”.

How to make an edged board from an unedged board

How to make an edged board from an unedged board at home? The process consists in trimming the wane. This is the uneven edge of the material on which the bark is present. Next, you should align the sides, relying on your vision. The tools used in this work should be available to any specialist:

  • circular stationary saw;
  • colored pencil and ruler (in some cases, a nylon thread is used);
  • eye, face and hand protection (goggles, respirator mask and gloves).

To carry out work on obtaining edged boards, you need to choose the appropriate place. It is best to do this on the street, just make sure that no one is near you. To get started, conveniently place the desktop on which to lay the board and start marking. Using a pencil or thread, draw even lines on both sides so that any irregularities can be easily trimmed. A clear marking is the key to success in obtaining a flat board, which will not bring you convenience during further operation.

Trimming must be done very carefully so that the cut is even. Of course, you can buy a ready-made edged board on the market, but in order to save money, the option of self-cutting is perfect. When working, you need to be extremely careful, follow safety rules to prevent negative consequences for your health.

Where is cutting board used?

Edged board is very popular due to the following qualities:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • reliability;
  • durability;
  • ease of processing.

The main area of ​​application of this lumber is, of course, construction. The board does an excellent job with finishing work, it also serves as an excellent basis for attaching other material. It is further used in the construction of wooden houses, windows, wooden doors, furniture, as well as various small ceiling elements. From the edged board, which is made with inaccuracies and has deviations from the standard, boxes and pallets are made.

A high-quality edged board will serve you for a very long time and will not bring problems after finishing. Timber of the 1st grade can be purchased right now on our website. We took care of their quality and guarantee that our edged board will not let you down in any kind of work with it.

It is distinguished by high hardness: it will certainly be possible to cut it with ordinary larch discs, but the process may take a little longer. Ordinary, familiar to us, wood does not have such indicators of hardness and resistance.

For successful cutting, WPC logs, trimming composite steps and other products, appropriate tool accessories are used.

It is worth noting that the wood-polymer composite is processed mechanically in much the same way as a tree familiar to us. It can be sawn (cut) to the desired length, drill holes in the board for mounting. Some even manage to cut out unusual figures from a full-bodied WPC board. But now it's not about the masters of their craft.

To work with a terrace board and composite lags, you will need:

  • Circular saw for cutting PVC or chipboard,
  • Saw blades with fine teeth,
  • carbide discs,
  • Drill,
  • Carbide drills,
  • screwdriver,
  • Screwdriver,
  • Level,
  • Hammer,
  • Roulette,
  • Pencil or construction chalk.

Almost everyone who has already built a country house and is now engaged in the improvement of his site has all the tools listed above. As mentioned above, the most important thing is to choose the right cutting discs and drills.

When starting the installation work, you, first of all, need to cut the logs for the supporting structure. If you use WPC logs, as the manufacturers recommend, all holes are pre-drilled. Mark the points on the log where you need to make a mounting hole, use a drill. It is better not to use a screwdriver for this purpose, even if it is very powerful: there is a risk of overheating the device or even breaking it.

Next, you should lay and fix the logs, after checking the slope with a building level. Do not forget that the terrace board, especially in open areas, must be laid with a slight slope - 1-2 °. Excess moisture will drain from the terrace, and puddles will not form on the board.

Mounting a WPC terrace board is not difficult thanks to special fasteners - clips. You will need a screwdriver to secure the clip with a self-tapping screw in the log. Remember that the self-tapping screw is not screwed in all the way: too tight fastening can adversely affect the “behavior” of the clip and board during thermal expansion. But the mount should not hang out, otherwise the boards will swing.

Sometimes a full-bodied decking board made of WPC, bamboo or ipe is mounted directly to the logs with self-tapping screws. In order to facilitate this process, professional installers make holes in the boards and joists in advance. There is one little trick here: the holes should be made slightly smaller in diameter than the diameter of the self-tapping screw. So the density of fastening is not violated, and the installation process is faster.

For carpenters, boards and beams are the most common blanks, from which the production of handicrafts and wood products is carried out. And the first thing that the material is exposed to is sawing into pieces of the required length. At the same time, you should know how to saw off the board evenly, because the incorrect execution of this operation can ruin the workpiece or significantly affect the appearance, and not for the better.

At large enterprises, the problem of how to saw off a timber or a board evenly does not arise. Any serious production has high-precision equipment that performs this type of work. At home, you have to make do with what you have at hand. At the same time, you still need to be able to use the tool or equipment correctly in order to saw off the board correctly, and the cut turned out without flaws.

Note that many enterprises that sell boards and timber provide cutting services. And for this they use all the same specialized equipment, so the purchased material will be cut with high quality. But it is not always possible to use such a service, and it often happens that you need to cut only one workpiece.

cutting boards at home

You can cut the board at home with tools and equipment such as:

  • a circular saw;
  • hand saw;
  • angle grinder ("Bulgarian").

Each of these options has its own specifics, which is important to consider before starting work, that is, you need to know how to cut a beam or board with one tool or another so that the cut quality is acceptable.

Circular saw - high performance and ease of use

A circular saw is the best option for the job. It has excellent performance and allows you to cut a considerable number of workpieces in a relatively short time, and with high quality. In addition, such a saw allows you to perform a longitudinal cut of the material, but you need to know how to cut the board along exactly.

One of the most important criteria when choosing a circular saw is the maximum depth of cut. There are devices on the market that cut materials with a thickness of 30 to 130 mm. That is, you can choose a machine for cutting only thin boards, and for sawing bars.

It is also worth paying attention to the cutting tool itself. Discs with a large number of teeth will provide a neat, high-quality cut, while cutting speed will be low. But discs with a small number of teeth will provide high performance, but the cut quality will be worse.

Now about how to cut smoothly with a circular saw. One of the conditions for high-quality work is reliable fixation of the workpiece. If the material is weakly fixed, then when cutting, the board may “ride”, and the cut will be uneven.

If the circular saw is manual, then all work should be done on a workbench equipped with stops and guides for workpieces. Such a device can be made independently, taking any table as a basis.

Before starting sawing, it is important to set the correct depth of cut. Some hand saws have an adjustable side rail that can be used to rip through material. If there is no such device, then use the same workbench.

More convenient in terms of work is a desktop circular, which is already equipped with everything you need - guides, clamps. Often, such equipment allows you to cut blanks at an angle.

In the process of sawing, it is important not to exceed the force on the tool, otherwise the quality of the cut will be low, the increased load on the saw will lead to a rapid blunting of the cutting disc.

Do not forget about safety when using such equipment. Work should be performed only after checking the serviceability of the saw and the correct fixing of the workpiece. Also, do not neglect protective equipment - masks, glasses.

Hacksaw - simplicity and safety

A hacksaw is a simple tool that is quite suitable for work. And although the cutting speed is low, and considerable physical effort is required, but for home conditions such a saw is the most acceptable option.

It is not difficult to cut wood correctly with a hacksaw. The main condition for a high-quality cut of the material is to make it right washed down. To simplify the task, you can use a regular flat bar, which is used as a guide.

Often the question arises of how to evenly saw off a board with a hacksaw at an angle. For this, a special carpentry device is used - a miter box. Moreover, it will help not only to cut at the right angle, but also allow any beginner to cut the board evenly.

You can also saw off the timber with a hacksaw. The only problem with working with such a workpiece is that you have to make a lot of effort.

The last option is to use an angle grinder with an installed circle with teeth for work. But since the "grinder" is not intended for cutting wood, you can use this method only as a last resort: attempts to cut the board can result in serious consequences. It's better to use a hacksaw - it's time consuming, but safe.