
Instructions for the installation of a roof from a profiled sheet. Roofing from corrugated board: the nuances of choice and features of installation, photo and video


The material of this article was prepared by experts from the construction information portals site and Here we will try to give the most complete information about the types and properties of steel profiled flooring, as well as how to install a roof from corrugated board with your own hands.

Profiled steel decking is a material that is successfully used in construction for roofing, wall cladding, sandwich panels, fixed formwork for concrete foundations, walls and ceilings, as well as a material for fences and fences, and in many other structures.

Decking is made according to the requirements GOST 24045-2010 "Bent steel sheet profiles with trapezoidal corrugations for construction" from thin galvanized steel sheet, which is given a corrugated appearance during production for increased rigidity and strength.

Cross section of profiled sheet

B - mounting width of the profile; h - profile height; t - profile thickness;
S - corrugation pitch; a and b - the width of the profile shelves (maybe a = b);
a1 and a2 - the width of the extreme flanges of the profile corrugations (the difference between them must be at least 2 mm)

In order to provide additional protection against external influences and prevent corrosion, the galvanized profiled sheet is coated with special paints or polymer compositions of different colors, which also increase the aesthetic qualities of this material.

To increase rigidity and improve consumer properties, the profiled sheet can additionally be equipped with stampings of the following type:

Steel profiled sheet is divided into several types, indicated by marking:

  • C - which means "wall", is used for the manufacture of sandwich panels, wall cladding and fences;
  • H - "bearing", used as a fixed formwork when installing reinforced concrete floors and roofing;
  • NS - universal products suitable for the installation of both enclosing wall structures, and for floors and roofs.

In addition to the letter designation, the marking includes numbers that have their own meaning. For example, the brand H-60-0.7-845-6000 means that this is a bearing corrugated board with a corrugation height of 60 mm, a steel thickness of 0.7 mm, an assembly width of the product of 845 mm and a length of 6 m.

The total and mounting width of the profiled sheet

The installation width is less than the actual width of the product, since the sheets of corrugated board are laid with an overlap, and is equal to the size between the middle of the shelves located along the edges of the sheet. The height of the corrugations can be from 20 to 160 mm for corrugated board used as a carrier, and from 8 to 135 mm for products used as wall fencing.

Advantages of steel profiled sheet

Steel profiled sheet has the following advantages over other types of roofing in the case when the roof is made of corrugated board with your own hands:

  • high strength and resistance to any external influences: atmospheric factors - rain, snow and hail, ultraviolet solar radiation, mechanical influences;
  • low weight - up to 10 kg / m², which does not require the construction of a powerful roof truss system, such as for a roof made of natural or cement-sand tiles;
  • a wide range of types and colors - this allows you to choose the coating material in accordance with any architectural design of the facades of the building;
  • durability - the service life of a corrugated board coating reaches 50 years or more;
  • ease of installation, in which the roof can be covered with corrugated board with your own hands without much difficulty with the help of easy-to-use tools;
  • low cost compared to similar quality metal tiles and other metal materials with small differences in aesthetic qualities and performance characteristics.

Material selection

In order to make a roofing device from corrugated board with your own hands, you need to choose the right material that meets the following conditions:

  • profiled steel sheet must be grade H or HC, under certain conditions it is possible to use grade C corrugated board;
  • profiled sheet must be at least 0.5 mm thick;
  • the height of the corrugation is selected within 20-75 mm;
  • products must be with a drainage capillary groove along the edge.

Before starting work, during the production of which the roof of the roof is covered with a professional sheet with your own hands, it is necessary to correctly calculate the amount of material in order to prevent unnecessary overspending. It is easy to independently calculate the required amount of material only in the case of a gable roof. If the roof has a more complex shape - hip, tent, gable, etc., then such a task will be problematic.

Composite decking roof

Most corrugated board suppliers, when ordering, can calculate the required amount of material using special programs or calculators in the most rational way, optimizing consumption and taking into account the use of corrugated sheet trimmings as much as possible.

To do this, it is necessary to provide the supplier with a roofing scheme in several projections with the layout of all slopes and slopes, including the dimensions of the cornice overhangs, the configuration of ridges, valleys and various junctions. At the same time, the supplier must calculate the required amount of profiled sheet with additional elements that do-it-yourself corrugated roofing needs, including strips for covering ridges, valleys and cornice overhangs, gutters and pipes, snow retention devices.

Roofing technology with a profiled sheet

Do-it-yourself roofing with corrugated board consists in sequentially performing the following operations:

  • rafter system devices with a crate for supporting profiled sheets;
  • laying profiled steel sheets and fastening them with self-tapping screws to the crate;
  • junction devices on roof fractures - ridges and valleys, as well as cornices.

When performing work on the installation of roofing from corrugated board, you can use the technical document: "Typical technological map (TTK)" Arrangement of roofs from metal tiles ", which gives instructions for covering roofs made of metal tiles and profiled sheets.

To install a roof from a profiled sheet with your own hands, you will need the following set of tools and fasteners:

  • electric saw for metal and manual cutting shears for cutting sheets of corrugated board to the required size;
  • a screwdriver for fastening the profiled sheet to the crate of the truss system or a drill equipped with a reverse stroke and adjustable rotation speed;
  • tape measure and marker for marking;
  • roofing self-tapping screws with washers and sealing polymer gaskets supplied with corrugated board;
  • hammer, hand saw with fine teeth, screwdriver.

Rafter system and lathing for profiled sheeting

The roof rafter system is a load-bearing frame consisting of racks, girders, rafters and battens. A detailed analysis of the device of the truss system requires consideration in a separate article, so here we will limit ourselves to the information necessary for the correct installation of a corrugated roof.

1 - corrugated board coating;

2 - crate made of timber or boards;

3 - counter crate;

4 - waterproofing vapor-permeable membrane;

5 - vapor barrier film;

6 - sheathing with plasterboard sheets;

7 - load-bearing rafters;

8 - crate under the rafters for fastening the inner lining;

9 - heat-insulating mats;

10 - the second layer of thermal insulation if necessary.

As can be seen from the diagram, the corrugated board is attached to the crate, which can be made of a bar with a minimum section of 40x40 mm or a flat board of 32x100 mm. Of great importance is the installation of a waterproofing membrane and a counter-batten, which is a wooden beam with a section of 32x50 mm, fastened over and along the rafters and pressing the waterproofing membrane. This design creates an air gap between the bottom surface of the roof covering for ventilation and removal of condensate that forms on the corrugated board due to temperature differences. Moisture removal occurs due to air circulation and through the capillary grooves present on the edges of each profiled sheet.

From the inside, the truss system for the attic is sheathed with plasterboard sheets, detailed information on working with which you can get from our articles on the portal: “Working with drywall: step-by-step instructions for sheathing and leveling walls with drywall, installing partitions from plasterboard on a frame and without a frame ».

On top of the rafters and the counter-battens, the main crate is stuffed, on which sheets of corrugated board are attached. In the table below, we indicate the pitch of the lathing, depending on the slope of the roof slopes and the brand of corrugated board for the three types of profiled sheet most commonly used for roofing.

Lathing step selection table for the most popular grades of profiled sheets

Profiled brand Thickness of corrugated board, mm Rafter step Lathing section, mm Lathing pitch, mm
Roof pitch 30° Roof pitch 45°
HC-200,55 600-900 mm50x50 or 32x100400 600
0,75 500 700
HC-350,55 1000 1000
0,75 1200 1300
C-440,55 900 1500
0,75 1100 1400

Installation of profiled sheets must begin from the lower left edge of the roof slope. The first sheet is laid taking into account the cornice protrusion and the overhang over the edge of the gable in the case of a gable roof, and is temporarily attached to the crate with one self-tapping screw in the upper part. Then the second, third and fourth sheets are laid with an overlap in one wave along the edge and each sheet is also temporarily fixed with one self-tapping screw. After that, all sheets are aligned along the edge of the cornice and along the end of the roof and are finally fastened with self-tapping screws to the crate.

If the length of the sheet is not enough to cover the slope, then the corrugated board is laid with a horizontal overlap of 150-300 mm. In the case when the roof slope is small - less than 15 degrees, horizontal and vertical joints must be additionally sealed with a special elastic roofing sealant.

If the slope has a triangular or trapezoidal shape, then the first sheet should be laid in the middle of the slope, and then continue installation in both directions.

Cutting the profiled sheet to size should only be done with an electric hacksaw, electric jigsaw or metal shears, after which the cut edges must be treated with an anti-corrosion primer, since this operation damages the protective coating, which can cause accelerated corrosion in the future. It is impossible to cut sheets with a “grinder”, when working with which significant damage is caused to the factory anti-corrosion protection of the edges.

To fasten metal profile sheets, special self-tapping screws are used complete with washers and gaskets made of neoprene rubber (elastomer), which vulcanizes when the screws are tightened, expanding and sealing the junction. Gaskets made of this material guarantee complete tightness, preventing moisture from passing under the coating. For fixing one sheet of corrugated board, 8-10 self-tapping screws are required with a step equal to the step of the crate. The heads of the self-tapping screws supplied with the base material are painted in different colors corresponding to the color of the profiled sheet.

At the request of the customer, profiled sheets can be laid using polyurethane foam sealing elements, also included in the scope of supply. You can learn more about polyurethane foam from the article " We reveal the secrets of polyurethane foam as a heat insulator for walls, we study its advantages and disadvantages". This solution reduces the noise of the roof when exposed to precipitation and increases its thermal insulation properties. The seal is a set of gaskets placed between the crate and the roofing. The cross section of the gaskets supplied with a certain type of material coincides with the transverse profile of the metal sheets.

Gaskets for profiled sheets

After installation of all corrugated roofing sheets, it is necessary to equip cornice overhangs, ridges and valleys, since these places are the most vulnerable to the penetration of atmospheric moisture under the roofing.

Arrangement schemes for adjoining and roof fractures

In places where the roof breaks - on ridges and valleys, junctions with walls - additional bars or battens are installed, and then additional elements that are supplied with the profiled sheet - adjoining strips and valleys, ventilated ridges.

On skates, a ventilation gap must be provided to ensure unhindered air circulation from the under-roof space. Bent ridge strips are fastened with self-tapping screws through the upper parts of the profiled sheets, which are mounted with a gap of about 50 mm between them. The ridge strip overlaps the joint of profiled sheets by about 100 mm in each direction.

The scheme of sealing the roof ridge from corrugated board

When arranging the ridge, a sealant is used, which fills the corrugations at the junction of the ridge bar by about 2/3 of the height, so that there is space for air circulation.

Another important element of the roof is the cornice overhang, which serves to discharge water; air also enters through it into the under-roof ventilation gap, which is removed through the ridge assembly.

1 - corrugated board; 2 - bent cornice element; 3 - frontal bar;4 - rafter; 5 - cornice plank; 6 - fastening elements of the skin.


  • GOST 24045-2010 "Bent steel sheet profiles with trapezoidal corrugations for construction";
  • SP 17.13330.2011 “Roofs. Updated version of SNiP II-26-76";
  • Typical technological map (TTK) "Arrangement of roofs from metal tiles";
  • SNiP 2.03.II-85 "Protection of building structures against corrosion";
  • SNiP 2.01.07-85* "Loads and impacts";
  • A range of cold-formed galvanized steel profiles for construction. M, NAPSGP, 2002;
  • "Guidelines for the use of profiled steel flooring in construction", TsNIIPSK them. Melnikov.

The modern construction industry provides a huge selection of reliable roofing materials. As a rule, they are easy to use and do not require special tools or skills to install them. The most popular roofing material is corrugated board. Knowing the basic principles and rules for the construction of roofs, it is easy to install a corrugated roof on your own without resorting to outside help. What do you need to know first?

In this article

The main rule is safety

Roofing, regardless of the method and materials used, is a high-risk job. There is always a chance to take a wrong step, you can fall yourself or drop the tool on the workers working below. To prevent this from happening, you should always use safety harnesses or climbing equipment. It is not necessary to buy such equipment, because it is an additional cost. It can be rented, which will be inexpensive, in any case it will cost less than the treatment of a broken limb.

To protect workers below, tie the entire tool to a belt or crate.

Raising sheets of corrugated board to the roof, you must use at least three people. Two will feed the sheets with the help of a lag, and the third will receive the sheets on the roof. Do not rush, trying to lift several sheets at a time. In a horizontal position, they usually fit snugly together, but when tilted at an angle, the top sheet can slip off and injure the feed workers.

To avoid falling from the roof or deflection of already laid sheets of corrugated board, move along the roof stepping on the places where the profile is attached to the crate. In these metas, the roofing material fits snugly to the roof, does not bend or deform. To avoid slipping, wear soft shoes with rubber soles.

Lathing device

The technology of corrugated roofing has its own characteristics. At the stage of installation of the rafters, it is completely identical to any other roof. But the crate itself is a little different. For a shed roof, the sheathing pitch is 25 cm, and for a gable roof - 50 cm. If the angle of inclination of the roof is small, it is necessary to carry out a continuous sheathing using plywood or boards. The device for joining the sheets of the crate should be such that the joints do not fall into the grooves.

Roof overhangs are always covered with a continuous sheathing. Also, a continuous crate is used when constructing a ridge.

After installing the crate, it is necessary to perform fire-fighting and antiseptic treatment of wooden structures. Do not think that now the roof is fireproof. This is not the case, because the purpose of fire treatment is not to turn wood into a non-combustible material, but to extend its resistance to burning. Thus, the time before the collapse of the roof during a fire will be longer, which makes it possible for people in the room to escape.

So that moisture does not accumulate under the sheets of corrugated board and on the crate, it is important not to forget to perform steam / waterproofing of the roof. There are two options for how this can be implemented:

  1. The waterproofing material is laid directly on the boards of the crate. A vapor barrier material is laid under the boards of the crate.
  2. Creating a false crate. This method allows for forced ventilation between the waterproofing layer and the roofing material. Condensed moisture will naturally evaporate without accumulating and destroying the roof structure. A regular one is laid on top of the false crate.

Technology for fastening corrugated board

The device of a roof from a professional flooring allows to use the minimum quantity of joints, both horizontal, and vertical. This is achieved due to the fact that this roofing material can be up to 14 meters long and up to 12 meters wide. These dimensions are sufficient to avoid horizontal joints on most roof structures.

Due to fewer joints, the roof structure becomes more reliable and integral, and its service life is increased.

If the design of the roof does not allow covering it in length with one sheet, it is necessary to calculate the size of the sheets so that their joint falls on the batten board. The width of the overlap will depend on the angle of inclination of the slope. The principle is this: the smaller the angle of inclination, the greater the overlap should be. With a minimum angle of inclination of the roof, the transverse overlap should be 20 cm. In this case, regardless of the angle of inclination, the rule should be followed to lay adjacent sheets with an overlap in one wave.

Start laying sheets from one of the lower edges of the slope. Draw a diagram of the stacking of sheets, number all the sheets to make sure that you have not confused anything. Sheets with capillary grooves are best to be laid from left to right. Then each next sheet will overlap the capillary groove of the previous one.

To fasten the sheets, special self-tapping screws with a neoprene gasket are used. This design of the self-tapping screw allows you to tightly press the sheets to the crate and at the same time gives a little flexibility, designed for temperature differences. The sheet must be fixed in several places. When attaching sheets to a ramp, self-tapping screws are screwed into the lower corrugation of the corrugated board, and when installing a ridge, into the upper one.

Advice: if the thickness of the sheet is large, so that the self-tapping screw cannot pierce it, do not use punches, as they can break the metal. It is best to use a conventional drill with a small diameter drill bit.

Can corrugated board be used on a flat roof?

The device of a flat roof made of corrugated board is used mainly for industrial buildings. In this case, as a rule, a solid sheet of corrugated board is used so as not to create joints. If this cannot be avoided, the seams must be additionally treated with silicone-based waterproofing mixtures.

Mounting the skate

If the roof has more than one slope, the joints of the slopes must be formed with a ridge. Its installation is carried out at the very last stage. The ridge element must be ordered with an overlap of 100 mm. If the slope of the roof is small, it is recommended to use a sealant. It is also worth remembering that the purpose of the sealant is not to create an airtight joint, but to prevent moisture from entering at an angle. The skate is fastened with the same self-tapping screws into the upper corrugation.


Following these simple rules, you will be able to carry out the installation of a corrugated roof with high quality and reliability. The service life of such a roof can be up to 50 years. It can easily withstand heat and cold, rain and snow and even hail. Once you have completed this work with high quality, you can sleep peacefully, because you have a reliable roof!

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If thirty years ago the most common roofing material was asbestos-cement slate, today the construction market has a huge selection of different coatings. They differ in appearance, performance, cost and installation technology. Among all materials, the profiled sheet belongs to the category of the cheapest. The quality and durability of such coatings is appropriate, this should be remembered and not build long-term plans. In this regard, professional sheets are not recommended for use on residential buildings, especially prestigious cottages. Most often, this material is used in garages, outbuildings and various sheds.

Roofing from a profiled sheet - a great option for a gazebo

If there is a little practical experience in the production of construction work, then the installation of profiled sheets can be done without the involvement of expensive professional specialists. We strongly do not recommend working alone, it is much better to call an assistant. Why?

Prior to the installation of profiled sheets on the building, if necessary, preparatory work must be carried out.

Type of preparatory workShort description

If it is planned to build a residential attic (mansard) in the house, then the roof must be insulated. Before covering the roof with profiled sheets, steam and waterproofing should be made, insulation should be installed in place. True, the sequence of making a warm cake may vary, but in any case, the wind protection must be installed before the installation of profiled sheets.

If these elements of engineering systems are built and installed before the roof is covered, then the tightness of the roof is significantly increased, and the risks of leaks are minimized. You should know that making holes in the finished roof for chimneys or ventilation is a very thankless task. These elements can fall not only under the crate, but also under the rafter legs, it is necessary to apply special technical measures to maintain the integrity of the truss system.

These works are much easier to do before the installation of profiled sheets. In addition, in the case of a warm roof, only with such a sequence can you then correctly make drips to drain condensate.

Basics of the technology of mounting profiled sheets on a wooden crate

There are a few general rules that must be followed strictly.

Before starting work, you need determine the number of sheets, taking into account the angle of inclination of the slopes:

  • angle up to 14° - overlap 200 mm;
  • angle 15–30° - overlap 150–200 mm;
  • an angle of more than 30° - an overlap of 100-150 mm.

If the angle of inclination is less than 12 °, then the joints must be additionally sealed with bituminous mastics or other sealants.

Not so long ago, slate was the most popular roofing material. Today, it is increasingly being replaced by a profiled metal sheet, which has not only high performance characteristics, but also an aesthetic appearance. Therefore, corrugated board is used not only to cover outbuildings or country houses, but also for the roofs of large mansions. Such material is produced in a fairly wide range of colors, and in this regard, some owners, wanting to achieve the exclusivity of the appearance of the house, use even several models of corrugated board that are in harmony with each other to cover the roofs.

The device of a roof from a professional sheet on a wooden crate can well be made independently. It is clear that in addition to the roofing material itself, it is necessary to prepare some auxiliary elements of the roof structure, to have certain construction tools available. However, before acquiring and proceeding with the task, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the positive and negative qualities of this material, very carefully studying all stages of work, from delivery to installation of wind slats, gutters, spotlights and other final elements of the roof structure.

Advantages and disadvantages of a profiled metal roof

Information about the advantages and disadvantages of this roofing material must be familiarized not only in order to make the right choice, but also in order to imagine what can be expected from it during operation.

So, the positive qualities of corrugated board include the following:

  • The minimum service life of corrugated roofing, when it is installed in accordance with the requirements of the technology, is 13-15 years, which is consistent with the cost of the material.
  • The profiled roofing metal sheet does not have a large mass, which facilitates its transportation, carrying, lifting to a height, flooring, leveling and fixing on the rafter system.
  • The neat appearance of the material can transform any structure, and the variety of colors can give the roof the necessary individuality.
  • Qualitatively laid corrugated board perfectly copes with its main task - protecting the house from precipitation and wind. It is waterproof, and the wave profile contributes to excellent drainage of water from the roof. In addition, in some models of corrugated board, the manufacturer provides a capillary groove or a drain channel located along the edges of the sheet and designed for high-quality removal of precipitation and melt water that enters between adjacent sheets of roofing material. This type of corrugated board is especially suitable for roofs with a slight slope.
  • Decking is an environmentally friendly material, which is important for residential buildings.
  • Profiled sheets are produced in lengths up to 12 meters, which allows them to be ordered for roofs with slopes of almost any length, in order to be installed without horizontal joints.

The disadvantages of corrugated board include the following features:

  • The metal has a high thermal conductivity, and therefore, the thermal insulation qualities of such a roof can be safely assessed as "none". In the attic it will be cold in winter and incredible heat from direct sunlight in summer. All this means that in order to achieve a normal temperature balance, it is recommended to use in combination with a metal coating. This factor will inevitably increase the cost of arranging the roof of the house.
  • Metal, especially one that has a small thickness and is used for the manufacture of both corrugated board and metal tiles, at high wind speeds, reaching up to 15 m / s, can resonate and emit ultrasound, which negatively affects the psychological state of a person. Therefore, in areas with frequent windy weather, it is better not to use metal roofing, preferring heavier coatings that do not give such a reaction to the wind.
  • Any metal does not have the property of sound insulation, so the sound of raindrops beating on the roof, and even more so - hail, will be clearly heard in the house. But in the event that the roof is insulated, the thermal insulation material will simultaneously serve as an effective barrier against noise penetration into the premises.

When arranging the roof, do not forget about its insulation!

Laying a layer of thermal insulation directly under the roof slopes solves many problems at once, especially if the attic space is planned to be useful. How to conduct - read in a special publication of our portal.

To avoid the mentioned negative, sometimes special sandwich panels are used for roofing. They consist of two sheets of profiled metal, with a layer of thermal insulation material placed between them. High-density mineral basalt wool, polyurethane foam or expanded polystyrene can be used as insulation. However, such material requires a completely different technological approach during installation, and will not be considered within the framework of this publication.

Types of corrugated board used for roofing

In order for corrugated roofing to serve for a long time, for these purposes it is necessary to choose the right type of material intended for use in this particular area. Therefore, when purchasing roofing material, it is necessary to pay attention to its marking.

  • "C" - this is a wall corrugated board, designed mainly for wall cladding and installation of fences. Its bearing capacity is low, and for roofing, strength characteristics may not be enough, especially for a material with a low wave height.
  • "NS" - a universal type of profiled sheets, which can be used both for roofing and for mounting fences.
  • "H" is a load-bearing corrugated board made of thick material, with a high wave, used mainly for creating self-supporting building structures. In "small" construction for roofing, the use of such material does not look cost-effective.
  • "MP" - a universal series that is suitable for fencing and roofing. By the way, various types of profiles of this series are produced, and the material with the MP-R index will be optimal for covering the roof.

In addition to labeling for its intended purpose, profiled sheets may differ in other technical characteristics, which include parameters such as sheet thickness and corrugation height:

  • The height of the wave (corrugation) of the corrugated board, as well as the thickness of the metal from which it is made, determine the strength and rigidity of the material - the higher these parameters, the stronger the sheet.
  • Profiled sheets are produced with a wave height that can vary from 8 to 114 mm.

The range of manufactured corrugated board is very wide. For roofing work in home construction, models with a wave height of 18 to 50 mm and a metal sheet thickness of at least 0.45 mm are usually used.
  • The professional flooring is made from a steel sheet 0,4÷1,0 mm thick. For roofing, you should not save too much by choosing sheets that are too thin, since their reliability is much lower.

Professional sheet prices

profiled sheet

A few words about the external coating of corrugated board. High-quality profiled roofing sheet has the following coating structure:

As you can see from the presented diagram, the sheet must have a double-sided protective coating - only in this case, you can count on a long service life of the roof.

So, a profiled steel sheet is coated on both sides with a layer of zinc, on top of which there is a layer of anti-corrosion composition, after which a primer is applied to it. Further, the outer side of the sheet is covered with a protective and decorative polymer layer, which is often covered with a protective transparent film.

On the reverse side of the sheet, only a protective layer of paint is applied on top of the primer composition. If the inner side of the coating is not, such material can and will be inexpensive, but its service life will be short. Therefore, it is recommended not to get involved in saving on quality, otherwise the roofing will cost even more, if you take into account first its installation, then dismantling, the purchase of new material and its flooring on the truss system.

  • The professional flooring is made from a galvanized steel sheet with different types of a covering and without them. Profiled sheets without coating are more affordable and have the ability to reflect ultraviolet rays, which allows them to heat up less on hot summer days.

However, such inexpensive coatings are most often used for roofs of adjoining buildings, while for residential buildings, a material is usually used that has a protective outer layer, which is also intended to give the necessary decorative effect to the exterior of the building.

  • Profiled sheets can also have an aluminosilicon coating, which is no less resistant to external influences, has high strength properties, and a long service life.
  • Aluminum-zinc composition (aluzinc) is also used to cover sheets, but it has lower performance characteristics.
  • Polyester, applied to galvanized sheets, is not only a protective, but also a decorative coating. The layer of this material gives the roof aesthetics and individuality to the appearance of the building. However, it should be remembered that such a coating is not durable - there is a tendency to fade and even peel off from the base.
  • Polyvinyl difluoride can be called the highest quality coating, as it has high adhesion to metal, UV resistance, strength and enviable durability. However, the price of this material is much higher than the cost of corrugated board with a different coating. Nevertheless, these costs in terms of long-term operation of the roof without losing any protective and decorative qualities are justified.
  • Pural is another type of coating that is similar to polyvinyl difluoride, but has a more affordable price. The performance characteristics are very good, the durability is estimated at several decades, so zealous owners most often choose just such a corrugated board to cover the roof.

How to accurately determine the choice of corrugated roofing?

We will not dwell on this issue further in this article. Not at all because of the small significance of the problem - on the contrary, it is so serious that it requires separate consideration. - detailed in a special publication of our portal.

Some features of installation work

There are several points that must be taken into account when installing sheets on a truss system, as they will directly affect the reliability and durability of the roof being created.

How to fix corrugated board to a wooden crate?

It will not be enough to purchase high-quality material - it must be properly laid and fixed on a wooden crate of the truss system.

Basically, all types of profiled metal sheets, when mounted on a crate, are overlapped in one wave. If the sheets have a low corrugation, and the roof slope is small, then sometimes they are overlapped in two waves.

To fix the sheets aligned along the eaves overhang line on the crate, special roofing screws are used, equipped with a hexagonal head (8) and a press washer, from the bottom of which there is an elastic rubber gasket that ensures the tightness of the roof at the junction point. Self-tapping screws are considered to be of better quality, in which the sealing gasket is made of modified self-vulcanizing EPDM rubber, 2.8 mm thick.

The head of the screw and the press washer are usually selected to match the color of the roofing sheets.

Prices for roofing screws

roofing screws

Ensuring tightness at the attachment point allows you to install self-tapping screws along the bottom of the corrugated board wave, that is, in the areas where the sheet adheres to the details of the crate. This is also very convenient from the point of view that the wave will not become deformed from accidental excessive force when screwing in the self-tapping screw.

Roofing screws have a drill tip at the end, which eliminates the need for pre-drilling the metal sheet. The self-tapping screw itself will make a hole of the desired diameter - for this, the torque of a conventional screwdriver is quite enough.

True, when choosing screws, one nuance must be taken into account.

In our publication we are talking about a wooden crate under the roof. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase self-tapping screws of the "metal-wood" type. With all the outward resemblance to the metal-to-metal type, they have a distinctive feature - the diameter of the drill is significantly less than the diameter of the threads of the self-tapping screw itself. The pitch of the turns is also different - it is designed to securely hold the fastener in the wood. If you install metal-to-metal screws on a wooden crate, the fastening will be absolutely unreliable.

Standard dimensions of metal-wood roofing screws: diameter 4.8 mm, length from 29 to 80 mm. Fasteners with a length of 29, 35 and 39 mm are usually used specifically for fixing sheets along the batten guides (depending on the thickness of the timber or board used). Longer ones will be required for attaching additional parts - so that it is possible to “sew” the profile element through the corrugated board to the details of the crate.

The installation of roofing screws along the top of the wave is mainly practiced only in the area of ​​sheet overlap. Such a connection is made through the crest of the wave every 500 mm, starting from the cornice line to the ridge.

When two sheets are mutually twisted along the top of the wave, as well as when installing additional profile elements, pre-drilling holes with a drill with a diameter of 3.5 mm can be practiced.

When mounting sheets with a polymer coating, it is recommended, after screwing in the screws, to remove the formed metal chips from the surface, as it can damage the protective coating of the roofing sheets. Chips are removed with a soft brush.

It should also be remembered that fixing the corrugated board to the crate with rivets or nails is not allowed, since these fasteners are not able to hold the roofing when exposed to strong winds.

cutting board prices

edged board

Slope angle

The second thing that needs to be said is the steepness of the roof slopes. This parameter will determine which crate should be made for the roofing material, as well as the amount of overlap of adjacent sheets in the longitudinal and transverse directions. The waterproofing qualities of the roof will depend on how these rules are observed, which means the reliability and durability of the entire truss system as a whole.

  • For a roof whose slopes have a steepness of 5 ÷ 10 degrees, the crate must be made continuous. In this case, boards are used for it, and they are fixed on the bars of the counter-lattice at a distance of 3 ÷ 7 mm from each other. In this design, the corrugated board is overlapped in two waves of one sheet on the other. If short sheets of material are used for covering, and they are planned to be laid in two rows, then the upper row should be 300 mm on the lower one. At the same time, it is also recommended that the edges of the sheets be treated with a sealant to eliminate the risk of water getting between them.
  • If the slopes are located at an angle of 10 ÷ 15 degrees, then the boards or bars of the crate can be fixed in increments of 300 ÷ 450 mm, and the overlap of the sheets laid next to each other is carried out in one wave. When mounting sheets in two rows, the upper row is superimposed on the lower one by 220÷250 mm.
  • When the roof slopes have a steepness exceeding 15 degrees, the elements of the crate can be arranged in increments of 550 ÷ 600 mm, and the overlap of the top row on the bottom can be reduced to 170 ÷ 200 mm.

For the convenience of marking the location of the batten guides, you can use a home-made template - a piece of timber or slats of such a length that corresponds to the selected installation step.

These were, so to speak, general rules, and the table below also contains recommendations, taking into account the height of the corrugated board wave - there the overlaps and the crate step are given more accurately.

Type of corrugated board and wave heightThe steepness of the roof slopes, degreesRecommended sheet thickness, mmThe step of the created crate
S-8 Minimum 15º0.5 Solid crate
S-10 Up to 15º0.5 Solid crate
Over 15º0.5 no more than 300 mm
S-18 Up to 15º0.5÷0.7Solid crate
Over 15º0.5÷0.7no more than 450 mm
S-21, MP-20R Up to 15º0.5÷0.7no more than 300 mm
Over 15º0.5÷0.7no more than 600 mm
NS-35 Up to 15º0.5÷0.7no more than 500 mm
Over 15º0.5÷0.7up to 1000 mm
H-60 Minimum 8º0.7÷0.9up to 3000 mm
H-75 Minimum 8º0.7÷0.9up to 4000 mm
For roofing work, it is not recommended to use S-8 and S-10 corrugated board

Sheet stacking rules

When installing profiled sheets on the crate, it is important to follow the sequence of laying the sheets, especially in cases where the material is mounted in two (or more) rows.

  • Double-row installation of profiled sheet is made from the cornice line. The edge sheet must be very carefully set in the direction of the slope and along the edge of the cornice overhang, as it will later be a kind of guide for other canvases. All sheets of the first row are aligned along the cornice overhang of the slope with the same outlet of 35 ÷ 40 mm, otherwise the cornice edge will turn out to be sloppy.
  • The second row is overlapped on the first (lower), and the size of the overlap will depend on the slope of the roof. Installation of the second row begins on the same side of the slope as the first.

  • However, the best option for solving this problem would still be the purchase of corrugated sheets, which will have a length corresponding to the length of the slope, for any roof slope. Such an approach will greatly facilitate and speed up installation, as well as increase the waterproofing characteristics of the roof being created.

General installation sequence

Before proceeding to a detailed step-by-step examination of the installation of corrugated board on the roof truss system, it is worthwhile to outline the general sequence of such work.

  • The first step is to install a strapping from a bar or only on which the rafters will be fixed on the walls.
  • Next, the marking and installation of rafters is carried out.
  • The formed slopes are tightened with waterproofing material.
  • On top of the waterproofing, the slats of the counter-lattice are fixed to the rafters.
  • Then along the end edges of the rails of the counter-lattice along the eaves, it is recommended to fix the mosquito net.
  • After that, holders for the gutter are fixed along the eaves, on the rails of the counter-lattice.
  • On top of them, a strapping beam is fixed, which will become the initial for the formation of the crate and will serve as the basis for fixing the drip profile on it.
  • Guide battens are fixed perpendicular to the rails and parallel to the cornice and ridge line with the selected pitch.
  • Next, the gutter and cornice strip are mounted.
  • After that, gable bars are nailed along the slopes, and end boards are fixed.
  • Now, one sheet per slope, sheets of corrugated board are raised and fixed.
  • After the material is laid on the slopes, the ridge elements of the roof are mounted.
  • A wind corner is mounted on the gable sides of the roof.
  • Roof eaves are being sheathed.

Installation of corrugated roofing - step by step

IllustrationBrief description of the operation to be performed
To consider each of the steps of arranging a roof covered with corrugated board in more detail, it is worth starting with the truss system.
As rafter legs in the construction of private houses of small size, a board with a section of 150 × 50 mm is most often used. However, if the slopes of the house are long, then boards or beams of greater thickness can be used.
The rafters are installed according to the markings applied to the Mauerlat, with a calculated step corresponding to their cross section and the calculated load on the roof. In the upper ridge part, the rafters can be fastened together with metal plates or nailed to the ridge run.
This diagram shows a hanging rafter system, that is, without emphasis on the internal capital partition of the house. More information about truss systems is described in special publications of our portal.
A metal drop bar is fixed to the lower edge of the aligned rafter legs.
If it consists of several elements, then they are mounted overlapping the thickness of the rafter.
The plank is fixed with nails or screws.
Another option is that a strapping board (pos. 1) is first installed along the edges of the rafter legs.
It is cut into the rafters so that it is flush with their upper end.
Then, along it, the installation of a profile - a dropper (pos. 2) is carried out.
The next stage of work is the flooring on the slopes of the rolled waterproofing material, with its fixing on the rafters.
The rolling of the waterproofing starts from the line of the eaves horizontally, and each subsequent sheet is overlapped on the lower one by 100÷150 mm.
Some manufacturers consider it necessary to apply an overlap line on the waterproofing sheets. There is less chance of making a mistake.
Thus, the material is laid down to the very ridge.
The canvas is laid so that it covers the upper part of both slopes. But the canvases on the ridge should not be joined - a ventilation gap is left.
On top of the waterproofing material, slats (bars) of the counter-lattice are fixed to the rafters.
Pay attention to the stepped configuration of the rails of the counter-lattice in the region of the ridge. Such a step is either cut out (if a beam of 50 × 50 mm is used), or two slats 25 mm thick are used for the counter-lattice, and the upper one should not reach the ridge line by 150 mm, since inserts will be used in this area , which will fix a separate waterproofing sheet covering the ridge.
Further, pieces of timber 200 mm long are nailed along the ridge with a step between them also of 200 mm - this distance will become a ventilation gap for the under-roof space.
After the bars are fixed to the entire ridge line, the ridge is covered with a strip of waterproofing material along with them, which is laid on the same step of the counter-lattice.
From above, the waterproofing is pressed against the lower rails with short segments-inserts. As a result, they should form a flat section of the counter-lattice.
The next step is to fix a metal mosquito net on the ends of the rails of the counter-lattice so that insects cannot penetrate into the under-roof space and arrange their nests there.
For example, wasps are very big lovers of such “shelters”, and hardly anyone will like such a dangerous neighborhood.
Further, on the rails along the entire cornice line, hook-holders for the drainage gutter are attached with nails or self-tapping screws.
Each of the brackets is rigidly fixed with two fasteners - for this, the manufacturer usually provides the necessary holes in them.
On top of the attachment points of the drain brackets, the initial strapping beam of the crate is laid and nailed.
It should be set perfectly evenly, since it is with a reference to it that the location of the remaining guides of the crate will be marked.
Start installing the rest of the batten guides, with a calculated step.
There is one caveat - the second timber from the eaves is mounted with a step reduced by about a third. So, for example, if a step of 350 mm is selected, a clearance of 250 ÷ 280 mm is made between the first and second timber, since a greater load always falls on the edge of the slope than on its middle part.
In order for the marking to be done correctly, the counter-lattices are laid aside on the first rail and the required distances are marked. After that, nails are driven in along the marks, on which the tinted cord is fixed in turn, stretched to the extreme rail located on the opposite side of the slope. Then, with the help of it, parallel lines are beaten off perpendicular to the counter-lattice.
Further, along the marking lines, all the bars of the crate are fixed.
They can be fixed with nails, which is what most craftsmen do, but self-tapping screws can also be used for this purpose.
In finished form, roof slopes prepared for corrugated board may look like this picture. However, quite often, not a bar is used for the crate, but a board 120 ÷ 150 mm wide and 20 ÷ 25 mm thick, but this option will make the roof heavier.
Further, a beam is stuffed along the ridge, having a cross-sectional height equal to the wave height of the selected profiled sheet, and a width of 40 mm.
You can fill a solid beam or make it from two rows, as shown in the illustration.
The next step, on the mounted brackets, fixed along the cornice, the gutter is laid.
The overlapping of individual parts of the gutter is made on hooks. As a rule, the manufacturer provides special recesses for this.
Having installed the gutter, a cornice strip is fixed on the edge beam or board of the crate, which will serve as additional protection for the wooden elements of the crate from moisture.
The plank is fixed with nails hammered in increments of 150÷170 mm.
Now you need to work on the gable side of the truss system.
To do this, a beam is fixed along the gable edges of future slopes, equal in height to the ridge beam or the height of the corrugated board wave. These elements are also fixed with nails.
Further, a wind board is mounted on the extreme rafter and the gable beam.
It is designed not only to give a finished appearance to the truss system, but also to close the edges of the roofing material, preventing gusts of wind from penetrating under it.
When completed, ready for the decking of profiled roofing sheets, the sheathed truss system will look something like this.
Next, a few words need to be said about how to lift entire long sheets of corrugated board onto roof slopes, since for many this process is a very difficult task.
The fact is that profiled sheets have a small thickness, usually in the region of 0.5 ÷ 0.6 mm, therefore, if they are handled incorrectly, the relief of the sheet may be deformed. It will not be easy to combine a “broken” sheet with others, and sometimes it is completely impossible, that is, the material will be rejected.
They lift the roofing material manually in three ways - this is by fixing two beams along the entire length of the sheet, or by placing one or two canvases horizontally and securing them with loops of strong ropes closer to the edges. In the latter case, there should be two people at a height who will lift the corrugated board onto the slope.
The third method, which is also often used to lift corrugated board, is to pull the sheet along two guides from boards or beams installed almost to the width of the sheet. To carry out the lifting in this way, it is necessary to involve at least three assistants in the work.
The flooring of whole sheets is made from the edge of the slope on the leeward side of the building, so that the wind currents prevailing in the area are not able to penetrate into the joints between the sheets.
The corrugated board is mounted overlapping on one wave or two waves (depending on the steepness of the slope), and the sheets must fit snugly against each other without gaps.
It should be noted that, despite the difficulty of lifting long sheets that will cover the entire length of the slope, it is better to choose this particular roof covering option, since there will be no transverse joints in the roof, which will significantly increase the waterproofing capabilities of the coating.
If it is necessary to facilitate part of the work associated with lifting oversized sheets of corrugated board (for example, due to the lack of the required number of assistants), then the second roof installation option is selected, which uses two rows of shorter sheets.
In this case, the first step is to lay the bottom row of sheets, located along the cornice line. They also begin to lay downwind with an overlap of one or two waves.
Having completed the installation of the first row, it is necessary to return to its beginning, and begin to fix the second row on the same side of the slope as the bottom one.
The second row is mounted with an overlap on the first - the amount of overlap was discussed above.
Fixing the roofing to the beams of the crate is carried out with special self-tapping screws.
They have already been discussed above in the text.
Self-tapping screws are screwed into the bottom of the wave.
At the same time, along the ridge and cornice lines, as well as along the overlaps of the upper row of sheets on the lower one, they are screwed into each wave cavity. In the rest of the space of the slope, the fastening of the corrugated board to the crate is carried out not in each cavity, but through one, in compliance with the "chess order".
Care must be taken in the process of screwing screws.
Firstly, the axis of the self-tapping screw must be strictly perpendicular to the plane of the coating.
Secondly, it is very important to correctly adjust the “ratchet” of the screwdriver in order to ensure the optimal tightening torque of the self-tapping screw.
Equally unacceptable are weak tightening (the hole is not sealed), and excessive tightening, when the gasket is squeezed out from under the press washer.
In addition, excessive force when screwing in can lead to the fact that the self-tapping screw “gnaws” a channel in the wood, there will be nothing for the spiral turns to hold on to, and the attachment point will be hopelessly ruined.
After all the roofing material is fixed on the slopes, fixed on the batten guides, you can proceed to the arrangement of the ridge area, which is important both for waterproofing and for ventilation of the roof system.
The latter is especially important if the roof is planned to be insulated.
To decorate the ridge, special elements are produced that completely cover the gap formed between the sheets of corrugated board in the upper part of the roof.
In places where the ridge is attached to the slopes, a special universal sealant is glued onto the sheets of corrugated board, which will close the gaps formed in the deepening of the waves.
The ridge is fixed to the upper element of the crate through the sealant and sheets of corrugated board with the same self-tapping screws, screwed in with a step of 150 mm
The next step in covering the roof with corrugated board is the installation of the end corner, which is fixed to the wind gable board and to the crate through the outer sheet of corrugated board.
Fastening is carried out in increments of 180 ÷ 200 mm.
Next, you can move on to filing overhangs. This process is not too complicated, since the design of these elements is quite clear.
To do this, a special profile or corner is fixed on the wall according to the marking, into which one side of the spotlights will be installed. The same profile is mounted parallel to the wall corner, on the inside of the eaves.
Then, on the shelves obtained from the corners, the parts of the spotlights cut to size are laid and screwed.
Instead of corners, so-called starting profiles can be used, which have grooves into which the spotlights are pushed. In this case, they are used as plastic panels, equipped with perforations to ensure air circulation.
If it is decided to use a processed wooden board for spotlights, then it is fastened to a beam fixed on the wall and on the inside of the eaves.
It is recommended to provide holes or gaps in home-made spotlights for free ventilation of the under-roof space.

So, it is obvious that when carrying out the arrangement of the roof using corrugated board, it will be very difficult to do without a few reliable and, preferably, experienced assistants. In addition, to eliminate the possibility of downtime, it is best to stock up on excess fasteners. Considering that the work is carried out at height, and the material that has sharp cutting edges is to be dealt with, safety issues, adherence to safety rules, use of protective equipment and insurance should be given paramount attention.

And at the end of this publication, we bring to the attention of readers a video story in which the master shares his secrets for installing corrugated roofing:

Video: Features of corrugated roof installation

Comfortable and cozy living can be provided only by high-quality roofing material, which will protect the roof from leaks, and the entire structure from destruction.

In terms of strength and durability, steel is the leader among roofing materials, but this material has a significant weight. Under the influence of a heavy coating, the truss system can weaken and deform. The method of corrugating steel sheets helped to solve the problem. As a result, even sheets of large size began to have a small weight. At the same time, the strength characteristics and stiffness of the material remained unchanged due to the formation of a trapezoidal profile. Such material became known as corrugated board.

Practicality in use, as well as minimal harm to the environment in a short time, has made corrugated board a very popular material.

The main characteristics of corrugated board

Profiled sheets are obtained by cold rolling hot-dip galvanized steel. During the manufacturing process, the material is treated with protective agents in several layers, thereby increasing the strength and durability of finished products. First, an anti-corrosion phosphate is applied to the steel sheet, then the surface is primed. After that, a polymer mixture is applied to the front part, and the lower part of the sheet is covered with a special varnish.

The result of the actions performed is a high quality material with a long service life. High-quality corrugated board has a large number of advantages, but it also has negative aspects.

Among the positive characteristics of this coating, the following can be distinguished:

  • Long operating period.
  • A price that beats most competitors.
  • Minor weight.
  • Easy assembly and dismantling in a short period of time.
  • Resistant to sudden temperature changes.

The disadvantages of the profiled sheet include poor noise absorption, which to some extent worsens the sound insulation.

Material classification

Decking is widely used not only as a roofing material.

Before installing corrugated board on the roof, you should familiarize yourself with its classification:

  • H is the best roofing material for covering surfaces and ceilings. Can be used as fixed formwork. The strength and reliability of the material is ensured by additional stiffeners, a special thickness and height of the profile.
  • C - material used mainly for the construction of fences. The cost of such a coating is slightly cheaper, but the quality characteristics are in many ways inferior.
  • HC - is considered a combined material that can be used as a roofing, but with extreme caution. First, the roof should not be subjected to significant loads. Secondly, the slope must have a good slope. Only in this case can fatal consequences be avoided during operation.

Determining the angle of the roof

In order to correctly install the corrugated board on the roof, it is necessary to determine the angle of inclination of the roof. The value of the overlap on the adjacent sheet depends on its value:

  • Laying sheets on a roof with a slope of 12 to 15 degrees is carried out with an overlap of 20 cm.
  • With a slope of 15 to 30 degrees, the overlap should be 15-20 cm.
  • Increasing the angle of inclination to 30 degrees reduces the overlap of sheets to 10-15 cm.

The laying of corrugated board on a roof with a slope of less than 12 degrees should be accompanied by additional sealing of the joints with silicone sealant.

Installation of corrugated roofing

To perform a high-quality installation of a profiled sheet on the roof, instructions from experienced builders help.

Material transport

It is necessary to transport corrugated board on a flat surface in order to prevent strong kinks.

When unloading mechanically, soft slings should be used, manual unloading involves the presence of one worker for every 2 meters of length.

The rise to the roof is carried out by means of a log.

Preparatory stage

The installation of a profiled sheet on the roof begins only after the calculation of the material and the determination of its type. Managers of a company engaged in the production and sale of corrugated board can competently perform such actions. In addition, you need to prepare a set of tools for work, consisting of a tape measure, a hammer, a hacksaw for cutting metal, a drill and a cord.

Ventilation and waterproofing

One of the stages in solving the problem of how to properly mount corrugated roofing is to perform work on effective vapor barrier, thermal insulation and ventilation. This prevents the accumulation of moisture in the under-roof space, which causes the destruction of many materials.

Waterproofing materials are laid on the crate directly under the sheets of corrugated board. Waterproofing is carried out according to special rules: the material must hang down by about 2 cm, the strips must overlap up to 15 cm, the joints are sealed with adhesive tape.

Maximum air circulation is achieved by creating ventilation holes between the ridge strip and the roofing material. To create additional channels for air movement, wooden slats are placed on top of the waterproofing.

Installation of rafters and battens

On top of the waterproofing layer, rafters or steel girders are fastened (with a profile height of 4 cm). A crate is hammered onto these elements, which has a longitudinal direction. The step of the lathing is selected depending on the type of roofing material.

The crate can be made from a bar with a section of 5 * 5 cm, boards 3 * 1 cm or moisture-resistant plywood 1 cm thick.

The crate can be continuous and thinned out. The use of the first type will be more effective on the ribs, along the ridge and around the chimney. In other cases, it is allowed to pin the elements in increments of 5 cm, and the distance should be the same over the entire area.

Before mounting the profiled sheet on the roof, wood elements must be treated with antiseptics and flame retardants without fail.

To prevent the formation of condensate, you can use a diffusion gasket, which is attached with small nails directly to the crate.

The device of the crate is a very crucial moment, on which the strength and reliability of the roof and the entire structure depend.

Formation of the cornice overhang

The cornice overhang is formed during the laying of the bottom row of corrugated board, but you must first install the cornice strip, which is located below the waterproofing. This design directs condensate and wastewater into a gutter and then into a downpipe. Neglecting this rule will lead to the fact that water will fall on the walls of the house. The consequences of this are known to all.

How to mount corrugated board - technology

Proper installation of corrugated roofing is possible only if certain instructions are followed. The time-tested technology of installing a roof from a profiled sheet will allow you to build a reliable roof.

Sheet cutting

Cutting corrugated board significantly increases the consumption of material and its quality characteristics, so you should buy a coating in accordance with the dimensions of the slope. However, this ideal situation is not always obtained, therefore, it is necessary to know the rules for cutting metal sheets, as well as the tools for performing these actions.

Before you install the corrugated board on the roof, you need to measure it on a flat and even surface, for example, laying it on the ground.

They cut the material with a variety of tools, but a more efficient and high-quality result is obtained when using an electric drill equipped with a disk nozzle. From hand tools, scissors for cutting metal or a hacksaw with fine teeth are suitable.

It is not recommended to use a grinder or other devices with abrasive cutting discs for this purpose. The operation of such tools is accompanied by the release of a large amount of thermal energy, which can cause a decrease in the performance of the material.

The cut edge is subject to mandatory treatment with protective agents, the simplest way is ordinary paint, matched to the color of the corrugated board.

Transporting sheets to the roof

Some sheets of corrugated board are quite large, which makes it difficult to lift them to the installation site. In addition, in this situation there is a risk of damage or deformation of products.

To make the transportation of sheets to the roof more comfortable, it is necessary to use logs. These devices rest against the ground at one end, and against the eaves of the slope with the other. The distance between the lags should not exceed the width of the sheet of roofing material. Such a device allows two builders to lift overall sheets onto the roof.

Fixing sheets on the crate

The technology of fastening corrugated board on the roof implies the following rules:

  • As fasteners, it is best to use hexagonal self-tapping screws having a length of 8 cm and equipped with a sealing gasket. When tightening the self-tapping screws, one should not exert great efforts, since as a result of this the gasket may become more dense, which negatively affects the waterproofing layer.
  • During normal installation, fasteners are placed in the lower wave of the profiled sheet, but at the ridge or at the junction of the sheets it is better to fix the material in the upper wave.
  • The laying of the first sheet starts from the end of the slope, the second and subsequent sheets are laid with a side overlap up to half a wave. If the roof has a gentle slope, then the overlap should be 1.5 waves.
  • Additional sealing is recommended at the joints. For this purpose, you can use bituminous mastic or self-adhesive tape.

Making a gable cut

Great importance in solving the problem of how to properly install corrugated roofing is given to the installation of wind battens and strips that will protect the roof and corrugated board from moisture and wind. It is these factors that can cause the destruction of the entire structure.

If the corrugated board was laid in the frontal part with an allowance of up to 5-7 cm, then a wind rail can be used for protection. This element has a size of 2.5 * 8 cm, and its fastening is carried out using self-tapping screws. Laying sheets without allowance from the side of the gable should additionally be accompanied by the installation of a wind bar. These elements overlap up to 15 cm and are fixed with self-tapping screws every 20-30 cm.

If the slope has a longitudinal or transverse interface with the wall, then use the corner strips. Such parts are also installed with an overlap, which can be more than 10 cm. Fasteners are placed at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other.

Mounting the ridge and snow guards

It is recommended to arrange the ridge part of the roof from the edge on which wind loads have less effect. The profile of the ridge is selected depending on the preferences and taste of the developer, simple, figured or tiled. Self-tapping screws are used to fasten the ridge, placing them at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other. In addition, be sure to use a sealing gasket and leave a ventilation gap.

Snow retainers are necessary so that during a heavy snowfall or thaw, snow avalanches do not roll off the metal roof. At the same time, the installation of snow retainers on the roof of corrugated board must be carried out according to certain rules. These elements are installed at the bottom of the slope perpendicular to its direction. For fastening, you must first mount the bars.

Thermal insulation of the roof from the profiled sheet

In order for the question of how to properly mount the corrugated board to have a complete solution, the structure must be insulated. Mineral wool and a vapor barrier are used as insulation for corrugated roofs, these materials are considered the most effective.

Thermal insulation material can be taken in rolls or mats, the quality and performance characteristics do not change from this. The gaps between the rafters are filled with insulation, using screws, adhesive or a thick thread for fastening. The process of fixing the thermal insulation material should be controlled to avoid strong compression. After all, the main function is performed not by cotton wool, but by the air located inside the material.

Thermal insulation must be covered with a vapor barrier, it will protect the insulation from the penetration of moisture, which rises along with warm air. Getting inside the heat-insulating material, moisture reduces its performance.

When insulating the roof, it is worth taking care of ventilation. To do this, the triangle at the top of the roof is left without insulation. It is in this place that conditions are created for free air circulation.

In some situations, you can do the following: lay the flooring from the profiled sheet on the old roof. This helps to improve the thermal insulation characteristics of the roof, but on condition that the performance properties of the old layer meet all the requirements.

Sheet roof maintenance

The corrugated board does not require special care, but care must be taken during the installation process so as not to harm the material. In addition, it is necessary to store the profiled sheets in a straight position until the laying. It is best to make a lining of boards spaced in half a meter increments.

If damage to the protective layer could not be avoided, then the damage site can be covered with paint to match the material.