
How to keep Rosemary: Sunshit, frost, make tincture. How can I save rosemary fresh at home for the winter

Tracks and paving

step-by-step recipe with photos

Rosemary - evergreen shrub, young shoots, leaves and flowers of which are successfully used in cooking. In Russia, he is still minor, but in Southern Europe, no cooking fish, potatoes and meat dishes are no longer affected. Rosemary has a strong spicy aroma, published reminiscent of the smell of needles, and perfectly interrupts unpleasant fish fragrance.

Dried rosemary is added to the marinada, and mushrooms, and to soft cheeses. The main thing is that you like the taste of the cooked dishes, but to put rosemary - a simple matter!


  • couple of beams of young rosemary shoots

How to put rosemary

1. Slightly rinse Rosemary in beams under a weak jet of water so that it does not knock down the leaves. Gently disassemble the beams on the stems and lightly blocked the towel or a paper napkin - when drying you, you absolutely have no extra moisture. Stop the baking sheet with a bakery paper and lay out the stalks of the plant on it, trying to push them away from each other so that they are evenly dried. Place the baking sheet in the oven and the rosemary in it in it is about 30-40 minutes to a fragile state at 80-100s. If you have an oven without convection, then slightly boost her door for drying time.

2. Be prepared for the fact that the aroma of needles will swim around the house - you can simply close the door to the kitchen if you do not like it.

3. Dried stems free from the leaves, holding one hand to the beginning of the stem, and the second go down on it and exciting leaves on paper or in a plate. The stems do not need.

Rosemary is a shrub that is widely used in culinary and medical purposes. Young green twigs, flowers and leaves. The taste and aroma of this plant is spicy, resembling the aroma of coniferous trees.

In the cookery, rosemary is used to flavor dishes from meat and birds, fish and seafood. Essential oils that are rich in this plant are used in medicinal purposes. Also from the shoots of this shrub make a healing tincture and brew tea.

Since rosemary contains a large number of essential oils, it is necessary to dry it with great care. About all ways to properly dry rosemary will talk in this article.

The benefits and leaves and flowers of this plant have useful properties. But the most valuable is the determination.

It is necessary to collect green parts of the plant until the shrub began to bloom. It is during this period that it contains the largest amount of useful substances and aromatic oils. Rosemary sprigs are cut off with a length of 15 - 20 centimeters, trying to choose the most juicy and young shoots.

For brewing tea and cooking, rosemary flowers are collected. They are cut during the actively flowering of the plant. The collected inflorescences need to be sent as quickly as possible for drying so that they do not have time to be.

Rosemary Singing Methods

On air

The collected raw materials can be dried in a shaded and well ventilated room or on the street under the canopies. The main task to protect rosemary from the fall of sun rays, otherwise the greens will lose the color and most of the beneficial substances.

Green mass is laying out on the sheets of paper, and dried, turning over every day. You can dry rosemary with separate leaves, but the raw materials are much easier to dry.

You can also form small bundles, 5 - 7 twigs, and raise rosemary down foliage on the veranda or attic.

Flowers are decomposed on the lattices or on the sints of the ordinary layer, and dried in the shade, periodically Vorosha.

The natural way of drying occupies, approximately 2 weeks.

In the dryer for vegetables and fruits

If weather conditions do not allow to dry the greens quickly quickly, then you can use the electric dryer for vegetables and fruits.

Green rosemary sprigs cut by pieces of 5 - 6 centimeters and lay out into one layer on the grids of the dryer. To preserve the maximum number of essential oils, the heating temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.

Flowers are dried in a similar way, only time to dry the inflorescence is two times less, approximately 4 hours.

In the oven

Use this version of the rosemary billet is extremely not desirable, since the heating temperature of the oven is quite difficult to control. But if it is necessary to urgently dry the spice, and another way to do this, no, then the ovens must be installed on the minimum heating.

The oven door must be opened, and rosemary pallets should be located on the upper shelf. Singing time - 3 - 4 hours.

Alexander Maximov will tell about the beneficial properties of rosemary and recipes for medicinal preparation in his video

How to store dried rosemary

Qualitatively dried raw materials has a grayish-green color, spicy bitter taste and bright aroma of camphor.

Before placing in the storage tank, the twigs are free from the leaves. Dry leaves can be chopped by a blender to powder, but in cooking it is best to use whole needle leaflets.

Store Rosemary for 1 year in paper or fabric bags. The room where the spice is stored must be dry and cool.

Rosemary - a classic spicy plant with a pleasant coniferous smell and sharpness in taste. It is used to prepare dishes from vegetables and meat, confectionery. Some use green twigs for treatment and in cosmetology purposes. So that the greens remain the longer fresh, it is left in the cold. Keep rosemary for the winter can be in a dry form in room conditions or in the refrigerator after freezing.

In nature, there are several types of rosemary. But in gardening is divorced only 2 of them. Rosemary medicinal meets more often than others. Its straight stems are covered with dense narrow leaves. This species is grown as spices, use for treatment. Buckets are planted in the gardens and grow on the windowsill in flower pots.

Rosemary prostrate is a bouncing with a spreader, spherical crown. The shoots grow up to 70 cm in height and very branched. The leaves are thin, like a needle, change the shade from the light green to the blue.

The following varieties are suitable for storage at home:

  1. Corsican Blue - Medicinal Plant with a well-developed root system.

    He has opposite leaves of grayish green color. In the last days of April or at the beginning of May, small blue flowers forming blurred inflorescences are blooming on branches.
  2. The sort of Crimean is actively cultivated in the southern regions.

    In open beds, it grows in the form of a bush with a height of up to 1 m with leathery needle-leaf plates of gray-green color. The preparation of fragrant foliage and young shoots spend from the end of February.
  3. At the variety, the tenderness of the leaves in the form of thin needles up to 4 cm long.

    With the onset of autumn, their shade is changing from green on gray-blue. In the south, it is grown on open beds. In the northern regions - exclusively as a houseplant.
  4. Rosinka variety is a medicinal culture.

    Its low stems thick covered with dark green leaves of a linear lancing form. They have a large concentration of essential oils.
  5. The white variety has therapeutic properties.

    He has bright green needle leaves from which they make a toning tincture. The plant is distinguished by unusual white inflorescences.
  6. At the grade amply long, dried down shoots.

    They are thickly covered with narrow greenery color leaves. This variety is very sensitive to freezing. Therefore, it is planted only in pots.
  7. At the Biryus variety glossy leaves with curved edges.

    The plant blooms twice a year in March and September with small flowers in a blue-blue gamma. The variety is very sensitive to low temperatures. Therefore, it is planted in public.
  8. A variety of blue Winter has a blue-green needle-shaped leaf.

    The plant is well tolerating down the temperature to -17 ° C, but in the middle band it is grown at home.

Storage methods

Many hostesses grow spicy culture on window sills in boxes and ads. Greens need to be collected before the blooming of flowers when it contains nutrients in the greatest concentration. For the workpiece, young shoots are selected with a length of no more than 20 cm with the greatest amount of juice. Also harvested flowers. They are dried to preserve fragrance and useful properties. Then add in tincture and teas.

Fresh rosemary can be stored in the refrigerator or at room temperature. Wash greens only before eating. Otherwise, it quickly flies. The leaves and shoots wrap in the parchment and spray with water from the spray, while the packaging is completely intact. Then the greens are placed in a plastic bag and put in a vegetable box of the refrigerator.

At room temperature, the spice is retained in a can with cool water, collecting in a bundle. From above it is covered with polyethylene. If moisture is collected on the leaves, it is wiped with paper napkins. Every 2-3 days the water in the bank is changed.

To preserve freshness spices, high humidity and temperature up to + 5 ° C are needed. Greens are regularly visiting, removing spoiled leaves.


For winter, rosemary can freeze. He has resinous leaves, so this method provides long-term storage. The greens are washed and dried. Then the leaves are broken and decomposed on a plate in one layer. Frozen rosemary is placed in packages and release air from them. In this form, the workpiece is sent to the freezer.

The spice can be stored in winter, frozen in oil. For this, the greens are crushed and fold in ice forms. Creamy oil melt and cool slightly. Rosemary poured them and freeze in this form. Such a workpiece is used to prepare vegetable and meat dishes. In this form, the greens is stored up to 8 months.


The dried spice completely retains its smell and taste. Thanks to rigid fibers, even the texture of the leaves does not change. Rosemary can be dried in several ways:
  1. On the air, the tops of young shoots are washed and dried. Then they are binding to bundles and suspend in a well-ventilated room without access of sunlight.
  2. At home, you can dry rosemary in the oven. For this, the greens laid out on the baking sheet, undermining the bakery paper. Drying is carried out with minimal heating.
  3. In the Dehydrator, the greens leave for 48 hours. The device is included on the minimum mode. The solid leaves need more time to dry.

The plants dried by the proposed methods fully retain the taste, aroma and other properties. After drying, the greens are placed in a glass container and tightly closed. In this form, it is stored until six months.

Roommary tincture

An unusual alcoholic drink has a pleasant taste and has therapeutic effects. They are taken inside or used externally. To prepare a tincture, use alcohol. On 200 ml of liquid take 2-3 springs sprinkles. To impart an unusual taste, the citrus peel is added, for example, orange, lemon or grapefruit. The mixture is left in tanks from dark glass at room temperature for 3 weeks. Then filter and stored in the refrigerator. Such tinctures in use in small quantities improve the work of the heart, the kidneys and the bladder are heated. Outwardly used to grow joints during arthritis or arthritis.

With salt

Spice retain, mixing with salt. For this, leaflets are broken from the twigs. They are added to the blender together with the usual salt and mix thoroughly. The operation of the device is stopped when the mixture will acquire a uniform green color. Then it is shifted on a baking tray, fastened with a thin layer paper and smash. For 15 minutes, it is dried in the oven, heated to + 110 ° C. The finished aromatic salt is moved into the glass container and close carefully. It is used to prepare baking baking, vegetable salads or meat dishes.

In vacuum

For long-term storage of freshness, spice is packaged using a vacuum. To do this, you will need a special device that sucking the air from the dense pacts. They are placed washed and dried greens. In such packaging, rosemary does not necessarily freeze. It does not deteriorate for a long time and completely retains his own kind and properties of several months.

Pasta with rosemary

For the preparation of fragrant paste, leaves in the amount of 200 g are separated from the stems and fold into the blender. There is also a purified ginger, lemon zest and several garlic cloves. You can also add other spices to taste. Mass are mixed with olive oil, scroll into a blender until uniformity.

On a note!

The resulting paste contains many valuable substances. It is rich in vitamin ascorbic acid, vitamins of a group B, microelements.

The prepared product is shifted into small glass containers or plastic containers. Mass leave in the freezer. It is added to the already cooked dishes no more than 2 small spoons.

Billet spices for long-term storage is possible in different ways. The product is dried, frozen, made from it drinks and useful paste. With home billets, spice use all year round.

Rosemary is a classic spice. Nature gave him a sweet aroma, resembling a pine smell, and slightly sharp taste. Rosemary is perfectly combined with fish, eggs, vegetable and especially with meat dishes. It is appropriate in sauces, desserts, a variety of fillings. In a word, in the kitchen, the reserve of rosemary does not hurt. This also applies to fresh greenery, and prepared by the future.

How to Store Fresh Rosemary

Fresh rosemary pleases with elastic and soft leaves, which are tightly held on the stems. The grass is elastic and fragrant.

Rosemary is best used immediately after harvesting from bed or shopping. But if it is not used at once, it is reasonable to extend freshness.

Method first:

  • Wanted rosemary into parchment paper.
  • With the help of a pulverizer, coherently moisten the packaging with grass. Paper must be impregnated with water completely.
  • Put rosemary in polyethylene cun and send to the shelf of the refrigerator.

The method of the second:

  • Water a waffle towel, squeeze water so that it does not eat.
  • Dispatch rosemary twigs and wrap.
  • Towel with fresh greenery to invest in a plastic bag.
  • Watch the towel does not dry. Periodically make it water.

Third method:

  • Cut with a knife or scissors tips (like colors).
  • Put a beam into a glass or a jar with cool water.
  • Place a plastic bag from above.
  • Check the condition of water. Once a few days you need to pour fresh.
  • With rosemary leaves, moisture should be periodically removed. This is done with a paper towel very carefully.

Rosemary is best placed in the part of the refrigerator, which is the least cold. The perfect place is on the door.

When the leaves darken, mold will appear on the stems - the spice is no longer used.

How to save rosemary for winter

Rosemary to prepare for the winter is easy. Standard methods are used:

  • freezing;
  • drying.

To preserve a large number of rosemary, it is reasonable to use freezing:

  • Rosemary wash and dry.
  • Capture leaves and decompose on the dish, fighting, board.
  • Send to the freezer for several hours.
  • Frozen rosemary is packaged into sealed packages and stored in the freezer.

The rosemary stored in this way loses the external freshness, but the aroma and the taste of spices remain unchangedly excellent.

Herbal plant frozen in oil:

  • Pure rosemary leaves are cut and laid into the mold for ice.
  • Butter is melted on the stove, and after cooling, poured on the grass.
  • The shape is cleaned into the freezing chamber.

Recipe on the occasion::

The more add oil, the more saturated the taste of rosemary. In winter, they can be seasoned vegetables, baked potatoes, chicken. Fragrant cubes are successfully used when preparing favorite dishes.

Rosemary in frozen form is preserved up to eight months.

Dry rosemary is also easy. It is enough to divide it into small bundles, tie the stems and hang for a few days in a warm place.

Dry rosemary sprigs need to put in the package, tie or close and rub it between the palms. With this movement, leaves will be disconnected from the stems. The latter must be removed. Rosemary in dried form is stored in a hermetic capacity for at least six months.

Storage in sea salt

Many lovers of Italian and Mediterranean cuisine are familiar with the spicy taste of rosemary. Rosmarius is translated from Latin as "naval dew", this grass is one of the main in the kitchens of all without exception of the Mediterranean countries, especially in Italian.

If you confront between the palms of a couple of fresh leaflets of rosemary, then the aroma can be caught, similar to the combination of lemon and needles, with a slightly musky notch. Italian hostesses grow it directly in the vases on the windowsill, it is an evergreen tree with beams of fragrant stems serves here the main seasoning to many dishes. The range of use is its widest - meat and bird, fish and seafood, vegetables, sauces, marinades.

How many rosemary is stored

    Fresh - for 1 month.

    In vacuum packaging - up to 3 months.

    Frozen form - up to 12 months.

How to choose good rosemary

This spice is on sale in such versions:

  • dried leaves;
  • dried branches;
  • fresh twigs.

If you have the opportunity to choose it in a fresh form, then pay attention to such conventions:

  • the leaves must be well held on the branches and do not fall, have a light bluish raid, this indicates that they were torn recently;
  • if the slice of the branches were safe, it is better to give up the purchase;
  • if there are yellow leaves on the branches, it is better not to buy them;
  • the presence of black spots on the stem and leaves also indicates that this is a spoiled product.
  • it is better to choose a package parked in the factory conditions;
  • buying for a swim, take to chew 1-2 leaves to feel the taste inherent in them, if not, refuse to buy;
  • look at the expiration date of the spice, the best is the one that is packaged in the summer during the growth of the plant;
  • it is better to give preference to a more expensive, but famous and proven brand brand with a world name, preferably - MADE IN ITALY;
  • shelf life must be up to 6 months;
  • the composition must be 100% of the leaves without salt, additives and preservatives.

How to save rosemary fresh

Cut branches of the plant can sufficiently retain their taste and aroma, as well as the shape and not to crumble. To do this, they need to be placed in a glass with water, and put in the refrigerator to the bottom shelf, putting the polyethylene package for greens. Daily changing water, in this form you can withstand rosemary up to 2 weeks.

You can do without a refrigerator, just withstanding them in the kitchen at room temperature. Please note that they often begin to start roots. Sprouted shoots need to be separated, to withstand separately in a glass with water, while the roots do not get a length of about 1.5-2 centimeters and planted into the ground for seedlings. By the way, this is a great way to maintain rosemary fresh for several years. This is an evergreen plant, with good care, can grow up to the sizes of a small tree.

There are also other ways to leave a spice of fresh for a long period. For this cut sprigs wash, dry and wrap in a wet napkin or parchment paper. Fold into the plastic bag and store on the refrigerator door up to 1 month, from time to time moisturizing and removing the blackened leaves.

You can wash the fresh stalks in the tray and cover the lid, put on the upper shelf and store up to 1 month.

The main storage conditions of fresh branches of the plant are high humidity and temperature not higher than 5 ° C, which is observed in the refrigerator. Periodically checking the presence of blackened leaves, and timely removing them, you can store cut rosemary to 1 month.

Also collected branches can be packaged by packaging zip-lok. At a temperature not higher than 5 ° C, it will remain fresh up to 1 month:

  • on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator;
  • in the cellar;
  • in the basement;
  • on an uncrowded balcony.

Provided that the relative humidity will be not lower than 70% (the premises should be sufficiently wet in sensations) the greens will remain fresh, it only needs to be checked for the presence of blackened branches. With a lower humidity, rosemary can dry, it is not scary - in this form it will be stored even longer.

If the summer is fresh greens to bring to the balcony, in the cellar or to another room, then it can become a dry faster. In this case, use for storage by the tips described below.

You can also decompose fresh shoots according to vacuum packages, in this form, at a temperature not higher than 5 ° C, they will be stored for up to 3 months.

Remember that when mold appears it is strictly forbidden to use in food all the stock, it must be thrown out.

How to save rosemary for winter

In the freezer

You can decompose shoots on hermetic packages and freeze, the shelf life will be up to 6 months at a temperature not higher than -15 °. This method of storage will not spoil the taste of spices, but it loses the appearance, so it is suitable in sauces, soups and marinades.

Discovered shoots can be decomposed on the molds for ice, pour olive oil and freeze. Then cubes are pissed into a sealed package. Use for soups, sauces, gravy, salads, vegetable and other dishes. The shelf life of such a workpiece is up to 6 months.


Tie twigs in bundles, wrap in gauze, so as not to feel, and hang out in a dry, well-ventilated warm place (on the balcony, on the loggia, in the kitchen or in the room) in the distance from direct sunlight.

After 3-5 days, the bundles take off, be lost between your fingers and separate the leaves. In this form, the spice can be stored for a long period. At the same time, taste and aroma do not disappear, but are best revealed during heat treatment.

You can also make rosemary branches of spices for first dishes and used during cooking, adding 30 minutes before the end of cooking.

How to keep dried rosemary

There are two options, as it is longer to leave in the dried form this spice fragrant:

  • leaves separate from branches;
  • whole twigs.

An important condition for storage is the temperature not higher than 20 ° C and the absence of direct sunlight.

It is easy to make in such ways:

  • package on vacuum packages or paper packages;
  • squeeze in dry glass jars with a dense lid.

Store better in the storeroom or in the kitchen in the locker.

Under vacuum, he will remain suitable for up to 1 year, in a tightly closed container - up to 6 months.

There is also a popular Italian way to make an aromatic seasoning. For this:

  • take 15-20 dry stems;
  • 150-200 grams of marine food (!) Salt;
  • blender-shredder.

Mix all the ingredients and withstand until the salt acquires a greenish tint. Purchase the contents on a parchment-beyond parchment and at a temperature of 110 ° C to warm up for 15-20 minutes.

Cooled spice to pack on dry glass jars.

Store in a dry dark place at room temperature up to 1 year.

It can be used as seasoning to soups, sauces, letters and as marinade for various types of meat, fish and seafood.

Rosemary storage is not as hard as it seems. A little effort, and you will always have dishes with the unique aroma of this Mediterranean spice on the table.