
How Belarus allows people restricted to travel abroad to bypass the ban on foreign travel. Traveling abroad with debts - how to check for debts

DIY garden

As of May 2017, the debt of 2.3 million Russians exceeded 10 thousand rubles. This will most definitely cause them to be denied travel abroad if they decide to go there on business or to rest. According to experts, by the end of the year the number of Russian non-payers will increase to 2.6 million, although many of them have already found a way out of the situation - they go abroad through Belarus or Kazakhstan.

As Izvestia writes with reference to information received from the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP), over the year the number of Russians restricted to travel abroad has grown by 15%, and the figure is consistently increasing. If two years ago, as of May, there were only 782 thousand of them, then a year ago - already 2 million, and now - 2.3 million. According to the law in force since 2005, it is prohibited to travel abroad with outstanding debts.

The bailiffs each year increase the amount of penalties from those who are not allowed to leave the Russian Federation, considering the ban on leaving the Russian Federation as an effective measure. Due to the application of restrictions on leaving debtors, 9.3 billion rubles were collected in four months of 2017, which is 19.2% more than the amount collected in four months of 2016 (7.8 billion rubles), the press service noted. FSSP. For four months of 2015, more than 5.1 billion rubles were collected.

The increase in the number of Russian debtors banned from traveling to 2.3 million is quite serious and raises concerns about the excessive use of travel restrictions as a measure of influence on them, says Yekaterina Vashchilko, a lawyer at A2 Law Firm. Yes, she admits, indeed, the entry into the Federal Law "On the procedure for leaving Russian Federation... "the possibility of applying restrictive measures against citizens was intended to provide bailiffs and courts with sufficient tools to ensure high efficiency in recovering debts, be it tax payments, fines, loans or housing and communal services. However, it should be borne in mind that this is only one of the ways impact, but far from the only one.

Even taking into account the overall growth of the population's indebtedness, dictated solely by economic factors (high debt load and a long-term decline in real disposable income), it is possible to explain the fact that only since 2014 the number of debtors restricted to travel abroad has grown from 1.2 million to 2.3 million only that the measure is simply abused, Ekaterina Vashchilko is sure.

In general, this is an effective measure, the lawyer believes, except for the seizure of property, restrictions on leaving are one of the most effective instruments of legal pressure on debtors, but it is worth noting that the very fact of the possibility of introducing such a significant restriction on the rights of citizens to move freely both within the country and and beyond its borders, due to debts of 10 thousand rubles or more, today it does not meet the socio-economic realities that have undergone changes since 2005. 10 thousand rubles - these are two unpaid receipts for housing and communal services, an overdue payment on a consumer loan for a purchase household appliances or several fines for traffic violations. Unfortunately, there are no legislative mechanisms for automatic indexation of the previously established debt threshold, and the current norms are fully in the interests of both creditors and the Federal Tax Service, but violate the interests of the population and need to be revised.

If we talk about loopholes that allow debtors to violate the ban, then, of course, Ekaterina Vashchilko points out, it is worth mentioning the possibility of crossing transparent borders with union Belarus, from where you can fly or leave the EAEU, as well as the possibility of transit through Kazakhstan. However, only malicious violators and debtors resort to such loopholes. To become restricted to travel abroad, taking into account the current legislation, is too simple and without intent, the lawyer emphasizes.

The second big problem is the fact that the removal of restrictions occurs with a large time lag after making the necessary payments, 10 days. The current state of affairs is quite in the interests of creditors, the Federal Tax Service, the Criminal Code and the FSSP, since it provides good results: in only 4 months of 2017, travel restrictions made it possible to collect 9.3 billion rubles, which is almost 20% more than last year. Obviously, the expert concludes that no one is going to refuse such an effective measure, even if it violates the balance of interests in society.

The effectiveness of measures to combat debtors in the form of a ban on travel abroad has been greatly exaggerated today, objected Valentin Ostrovsky, director of strategic projects at CAF Group. The previously announced FSSP figure of growth in debt repayment of more than 30% since the introduction of the ban is really real, only the amount of debt is not significantly reduced, and in the corporate segment it is growing at all (in 2016, the growth was up to 12.1%).

It should be noted, the expert says, that some citizens do not even know that they are banned from leaving, just as they do not know about the very fact of debt, for example, on fines for traffic violations. Due to the high rates of informatization of the process of notifying citizens about fines, the situation is changing in better side, but there is still a very large number of citizens, and according to some estimates it can be up to 600 thousand drivers who have fined, who find out about their debts only after 60 days or later, and some - only at the airport.

It is necessary to understand, Ostrovsky warns, that the effectiveness of the measure is influenced by the number of citizens seeking to travel abroad. During the crisis recent years the number of such citizens has decreased significantly, which means that the significance of the restrictive measure has dropped. And only this year can we observe some recovery in the number of people leaving, but the ban will indeed lead to an adjustment in the number of people who crossed the border downward.

Given the economic situation today, one can only predict an increase in the number of travel bans, as the number of debtors continues to grow steadily, the expert expects. And if today prohibitive measures are already in place for 2.3 million Russians, then by the end of the year the number of them could actually exceed 3 million, and not, as previously assumed, 2.5-2.6 million. Optimistic estimates in growth are only 200-300 thousands are not justified due to a sharp increase in claims to the court for debt collection, which is now showing a multiple increase.

How to go abroad on vacation or for work, having debts to the bailiffs?

Given: enforcement proceedings have been initiated against you, and a very "evil" and "heartless" bailiff made you "not an exit" by his decision.
1.) Your plans are crumbling.
2.) Are hopes burning, and with them dreams?
At the same time, you do not have any opportunity to pay off your debts now ?! (well, as always, not on time)

Read this article, I will teach you how to get around the Fa without affecting your rest or work.

What kind of circumstances each of you has - this is an endless number of similar variations, from collecting a non-existent debt to the bank, to banal tax evasion or the like, including debts for housing and communal services
There are many options, not many solutions.
We look!
How to leave the Russian Federation if you are no longer “traveling”?

This is where international law comes to our rescue. Which says that crossing the Russian border implies control - checking by border guards and customs officers. Customs is keeping an eye on the transported goods and valuables, they do not care about your debts. The question of whether you are visiting or not is in the competence of the border service of the FSB of the Russian Federation. That's when the problem of debt can become a problem of travel outside the homeland.

Advice to absolutely everyone.
The first thing to do before planning to leave the country is to make sure that there are no debts before bailiffs. It was they who were given the right to make a resolution restricting travel outside the territory of Russia. Many, moreover, may not know that they have a "debt", and there are many similar examples.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the bailiff is obliged to hand over to the debtor a decree restricting departure against signature. Most often, such a letter comes through the mail as registered mail, and you, having signed the receipt, count the time automatically, you have 10 days, not counting the day of receipt of the correspondence.
Naturally, no verbal conversations, warnings, remarks, phone calls, etc. we do not consider, because it is impossible to confirm the authenticity of the bailiff, like you, by phone.
If this did not happen (notification by signature or receipt of a registered letter) and you were "deployed" at the border, feel free to file a claim with the court, with tickets and vouchers, for compensation for moral and material harm.

Now we will consider the option when the bailiff officially handed over the decree and you signed for the receipt. Everything is as it should be, according to the law.
But, you have to go, and the tickets are on hand. There is nothing terrible yet. Within 10 days, it is possible to appeal against the actions of the bailiff by filing an application with the court. Moreover, you will not have to pay the state duty. After filing a claim, bring a copy of it with a mark of acceptance by the court to the FSSP office, register it there and receive a mark in receipt there (on the second completely identical claim (statement) to the court). That's it, your part of the job is done.
You have won the main thing - time. From "reliable sources" I know that if the bailiff, before the court makes a decision on the complaint filed, sends your data to the "non-mobile" database, the consequences for him will be more than sad and a pale appearance is guaranteed to him.

So we come to the main question. How to travel abroad if there are already restrictions on travel and debts to bailiffs?

As they say, there is always a way out, you need to look for it. There are two, three, four ways (almost kidding):

1. Apply to your bailiff to cancel the decision to restrict travel, due to the fact that traveling abroad will help to quickly pay off the debt. In simple language, Your trips are connected with earnings. There are confirmed cases when the bailiffs went to meet the debtor and removed the restriction. However, here, a lot depends on the person. Unfortunately, in this system it is possible to find something human only with a telescope, so there is no need to wait for miracles and compassion.

2. The second method is more reliable, and as the saying goes “for sure”. Traveling across the border is also possible with debts, moreover, legally and without much fuss. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the Belarusian border saves, or rather its absence. Customs Union, my friends! There is no border control at all! Border guards, the Belarusian and Ukrainian side, the debts of the Russians are NOT INTERESTED, they are checked for the absence of an international wanted list and according to their internal affairs which, in turn, are not interesting to us. Further, at least to Europe, at least to America. However, there are many more options, Kazakhstan for example. It has its own characteristics, but you can consider it as an option.

To you, dear friends, I would like to wish you a happy journey and a wonderful rest! Let nothing spoil your well-deserved vacation or work, your luck and your money will take care of the rest.

And remember, nothing is impossible! If people with imagination and knowledge help you. Although usually enough imagination and intelligence)

Most often, citizens of Ukraine, in connection with the availability of a loan, are interested in what debts are not allowed abroad, namely to Poland, as the country most closely located and convenient for living and working.

Using this state as an example, we will consider possible options for traveling abroad with a loan in Ukraine, but it should be borne in mind that the problems with other EU countries are largely similar.

Also it is necessary to understand that we can talk not only about loans, but also other financial debts, for example, debts to individuals and legal entities, Utilities, unpaid alimony, etc.

So, the main thing that needs to be realized when wondering whether they are released abroad with unpaid loans:

  1. The presence of a loan in itself is not a reason for refusing to leave! The prohibition to travel abroad for debts arises only in cases of untimely payments (overdue loan) on the debt.
  2. Restrictions on traveling abroad for debts cannot be imposed by the creditor- this is exclusively in the competence of the court!
  3. A ban on leaving does not mean a ban on entering Poland- the customs of the Republic of Poland is not notified of the presence of a debt of a citizen of Ukraine in other countries, if there is no injunction.

As a result, let us summarize who is not allowed abroad for debt. Refusal to leave the country may arise in the only case - if there is an appropriate court decision... In all other options, if there is an unpaid loan, they will be released abroad, and no one can forbid a citizen to leave the state, despite the presence of a debt.

Based on this, everything further will be considered from the standpoint of the presence of an official ban.

Having found out whether they are allowed to go abroad with unpaid loans, let's move on to the migration process itself.

How to go abroad with debts?

Official decision

By and large, there is only one official way to go to Poland with loans - to pay off the debt. It's good if you have the means to pay off your debts before going abroad. You just need to come to the creditor, pay the debt, interest, penalties, fines, and be free.

Another question, if there is no money ... But here, too, there are ways to solve the problem:

  1. Refinance a loan... Agree with the lender about other methods and terms of repayment. In some cases, banks go to meet debtors. As a result, the loan will remain, but it will cease to be overdue, which means that the grounds for the ban on leaving will disappear.
  2. Take a loan from another bank and go to live abroad or work. This will allow you to pay off the original debt on loans, and, therefore, take the original loan out of the category of overdue. There are several ways to get a new loan - we will look at them in more detail below.

It takes a certain amount of time to cancel a court order, but even after the decision is made, the customs will not be notified immediately - on average, this process takes about 15 days.

Informal methods

This section will provide examples practical implementation which took place to be. However, it should be understood that we are talking about illegal actions!

We cannot recommend doing the same and guarantee a positive outcome. We also do not accept any responsibility for possible legal consequences that may arise if these methods are used.

There were cases when Ukrainian citizens managed to leave the country already having a court order prohibiting departure. In all cases, those leaving had a previously open visa.

  1. 10 days... It is precisely this period, in most cases, required by the customs to enter the debtor into the database of persons restricted to travel abroad. There were cases, there was an unpaid loan debt, going abroad during this period is quite legal.
  2. Go abroad with a loan through Kaliningrad... You can officially get to this Russian city without a visa. However, a Lithuanian visa or a "Schengen" visa will be required, so the further is considered only if one of them is available. From the territory of Ukraine, people calmly entered Russia (customs does not check debts), from where they purchased a ticket to Kaliningrad and ... left transport on the territory of the EU. Entry documents are normal, European customs officers have no data on debt - a person in Europe.

    There were cases of direct trips from Ukraine to Kaliningrad. Many routes, for example, Kiev - Kaliningrad, have a change in Warsaw. It is convenient, but the chance of checking the debt on such a trip is much higher.

  3. Traveling abroad with debts through Belarus... Similarly to the previous point, debtors entered Belarus (there is no quality control of debt), and from there to the EU countries - neither Belarusian nor European customs officers have databases on overdue Ukrainian loans.

Let's take a closer look at how to go abroad with debts, namely, how to get new loans to pay off the previous ones.

Of course, a lot depends on the amount owed. Based on this, you can go in two ways:

  • take a loan from the bank and go abroad;
  • take advantage of online loans.

Also in some employment agencies there is a service "Work in Poland on credit".

In this case, the employer pays for the visa and the ticket to the RP. After employment, he deducts the amount spent from wages.

We take a credit card from the bank

In this way, you can get the maximum possible amount, however, banks carefully check their potential borrowers and hard-core defaulters or people with a bad credit history may be refused.

For example, several eminent banks and their conditions:

You can get a loan online more quickly, easier and with fewer checks. There are many similar services currently available. Of course, we could not check all of them, and opted for.

The preference for this service was given by chance, but we did not regret what happened - we managed to get a loan quickly (about 7 minutes). It took a minimum of documents, the check took little time.

The main thing to understand: Online loans are good when it comes to small amounts for a relatively short period.

In our case, we managed to get a loan for 30 days, the amount of UAH 3,000. Well, we can recommend this service to you!

For completeness, we will provide the addresses of several similar sites:

Service Maximum amount (UAH) Term (days) 10 000 30

Rest abroad during the holidays is not a rare choice for Russian citizens. Knowing the reasons for a possible travel ban will help you to travel without any unexpected obstacles. The inability to visit a foreign country can affect both a high-ranking official and an ordinary citizen.

Who is usually prohibited from traveling abroad

There are those who are aware of the existing personal restrictions on traveling abroad, but there are also those citizens who find out about the ban unexpectedly and at the most inopportune moment, for example, at the airport when crossing the border.

Such restrictions apply to certain categories of citizens and for specific reasons.


Persons under the age of 18 are not allowed to travel without adults. Accompanying persons can be: parents, guardians, trustees. If a child travels abroad with another adult (teacher, coach, relative), then the legal parents or those who replace them, issue a written official permission for the child to travel, certified by a notary. Children are prohibited from leaving without such paper.

Civil servants

All the indignation after the law banning civil servants from traveling abroad subsided when, upon closer inspection, it became clear that not all civil servants were involved. Moreover, the alleged prohibition applies only to certain categories of citizens:

  1. Employees of government agencies who are familiar with information related to the group "top secret" and "special importance". It should be clarified that possession of information classified as "secret" does not impede departure;
  2. Persons who are serving in the army or in alternative civilian service. An exception is contract employees - they are not prohibited from leaving;
  3. Employees of the structure of the Federal Security Service of Russia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

As a rule, employees are aware of the existing restrictions. If the need arises, nevertheless, to go abroad, they write an official statement addressed to the management. After careful checks, a final decision is made on the approval of the submitted petition.


Citizens convicted of a crime, released on parole or serving a sentence on parole, are not allowed to travel abroad. This opportunity appears after the cancellation of the criminal record.


Russians with unpaid debts may also be banned from traveling abroad. The types of debts for which this can happen are different:

  • credit;
  • non-payment of taxes of any type;
  • alimony;
  • debt to utilities;
  • fines imposed by the State Security Inspectorate road traffic(Traffic police).

Since October 2017, the amount of outstanding debt, for which a decision may be made to ban travel abroad, has been increased to 30,000 rubles.

Note! Debts for non-payment of alimony, property damage or harm to health remained at the same level. In this case, the debtors are prohibited from leaving if the amount of non-payment is 10,000 rubles.

However, the adopted provision does not correspond to an apparent pattern: a debt arose - a ban was imposed on leaving. There must be good reasons for this to happen.

Banning procedure

A number of circumstances precede the adoption of a decision:

  1. For unpaid debt amounts, the relevant organization must sue the defaulter;
  2. After a court decision on debt collection has been made, the case is sent to the FSSP (Federal Bailiff Service);
  3. The authorized bailiff informs the citizen about the financial debt in writing. It takes 5 days to pay;
  4. Within 5 days, if the debtor does not take positive action to resolve the issue, then the bailiff has the right to apply for a ban on such a citizen from leaving Russia.

They can also impose a ban without a trial, on the basis of other documents (decisions of labor commissions, an agreement on the payment of alimony, judicial acts on administrative cases), provided that the organization files a lawsuit with the requirement to do so.

Debts are the most common reason imposing a ban, so it is advisable to make sure that they are absent.

As of September 1, 2018, the bailiffs were collecting from Russians 4.5 million debts to credit institutions in the amount of 1.7 trillion rubles.

“Every third debtor is limited in the right to travel outside the Russian Federation,” the FSSP told TASS.

How long is the travel restriction valid?

The bailiff has the right to prohibit a Russian citizen from leaving his homeland for a maximum of six months. If during this period the debtor did not take any action to resolve the arisen debt issue, then the authorized employee of the FSSP extends the ban for a similar period.

If a defaulter is detained at the border, border guards seize his travel document and hand him over to the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs).

When applying for a passport by a person who has a travel ban, registration will be refused.

When is the ban lifted after all debts have been paid?

After you find out about the overdue debt, for the collection of which enforcement proceedings have been opened and the case has come to the imposition of a ban on leaving Russia, pay it, inform the authorized bailiff, then he will start the procedure for lifting the ban.

The period during which the restrictions will be lifted is 7-14 days.

After receiving notification of payment of the debt, the bailiff immediately lifts the existing travel restriction. But this information must also go to the border service and the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and this will take time. Therefore there is a certain period waiting for the ban to be lifted. Providing a receipt for payment to border guards does not make sense, as they are not authorized to make such decisions.

It should be noted that with the introduction of electronic document management, the authorities promise to lift the ban within 24 hours by means of a faster transfer of information to control points and to the migration service. But so far, there is no official confirmation of the guaranteed lifting of the ban within 24 hours. Therefore, it is recommended to take care of putting all documents in order, paying debts, and notifying the bailiff about this in advance.

Is it possible to leave the Russian Federation without paying debts

Such an opportunity exists when extremely valid reasons arise that prompted the Russian to urgently go abroad. These include:

  • the need for urgent medical intervention, without which there will be a serious threat to human life;
  • severe illness of a close relative;
  • the need to urgently go to the funeral of a loved one;
  • urgent business matters.

In this case, an emergency decision is made to lift the ban.

Checking documents at the airport

There is another theoretically realistic way to leave the country, having unsettled financial affairs. This means leaving through another country. For example, first go to Belarus or Ukraine, where there is no strict border control (the existence of a ban on the departure of citizens is practically not checked). And from there go to another desired foreign country.

Thus, upon returning home (and this cannot be avoided), verification is quite possible, then the ingenuity of such a person will become known and the debt will still have to be paid.

It is safer, safer and safer to take care of the absence of overdue financial obligations in advance and to make the desired tour unhindered.

There is a misconception that if there is a debt on the loan, then the exit from Russia is closed. But delays in and of themselves do not mean that it will be impossible to go abroad. When exactly does an outstanding loan become the reason for the ban on traveling abroad? And what if you are denied permission to cross the Russian border?

Is it possible to go abroad if there is a loan

The answer is unequivocal - yes. The presence of one or even several completed loan agreements in no way imposes restrictions on travel abroad.

If you have loans, you can go abroad both on vacation and permanent residence... Moreover, they are released abroad without any problems even if there is a loan debt.

In the event of delays, the bank's security service or that they will be restricted from leaving Russia. But in most cases, this is just intimidation - certain circumstances must come into effect for the travel ban to take effect.

When they may not be allowed to go abroad due to a loan

The main thing to understand is that only a court can limit the possibility of a citizen leaving the territory of another state. Neither the bank, nor the collectors, nor even the bailiffs themselves have such powers.

According to Law No. 114 “On the Procedure for Leaving the Russian Federation ...”, in order to limit the possibility of leaving the territory of the country, the bailiff must apply to the court with such a request. If the arguments presented are convincing, an appropriate decision will be made. And only after its entry into force, a citizen will not be able to leave Russia.

Important! It is possible to impose travel restrictions only if the debt exceeds 10 thousand rubles. Amendments to the law are now being considered - it was proposed to increase this figure to 30 thousand rubles. But the final decision has not yet been made.

The basis for going to court can only be the debtor's failure to comply with a previously made decision on the compulsory collection of funds in favor of the bank. In other words, enforcement proceedings should already be opened against him.


Ivan is at VTB Bank, but after six months he stopped making payments. After unsuccessful attempts to settle the issue amicably, the creditor went to court. Based on the results of the consideration of the case, the decision was made in favor of VTB - to collect 450 thousand rubles from Ivan. But the debtor refused to voluntarily execute the order. To influence Ivan, the bailiff decided to go to court with a request to restrict the borrower's departure from Russia.

That is, if you have overdue obligations, but the case did not come to trial and a decision, then you cannot be banned from traveling abroad because of an unpaid loan.

How to find out if they will be allowed to cross the border

In order not to find out about the restrictions on leaving Russia at the customs, check this information in advance. It is recommended to do this not only if you have a loan - sometimes errors happen and incorrect information gets into the database.

The surest way to find out about the presence of restrictions on crossing the border is to look for yourself in the database of enforcement proceedings. This requires:

  • go to the official website of the Bailiff Service;
  • click on the "Services" section;
  • go to the “Databank of enforcement proceedings”.

Important! The presence of open enforcement proceedings does not mean that the ban on traveling abroad is already in effect. It depends on whether the bailiff went to court for the imposition of such a restriction.

If you see on the site an enforcement proceeding open against you by a court decision, which you really do not comply with, then contact the bailiff at the place of your registration to obtain accurate information.

What to do to fly out of Russia if there is a restriction

If it turned out that the ban on traveling abroad has already been imposed, then it will not work to leave the country. By law, the restriction is lifted either by agreement of the parties, or in the event of full performance of overdue obligations. In practice, it is almost impossible to implement the option to agree with the creditor - since the case has already reached the court, it means that the possibility of a peaceful settlement could not be used.

Important! The information in the bailiffs database is updated within 14 days. If you are going on vacation, a business trip, or even want to go to live abroad, then it is necessary to resolve the issue with the removal of the restriction in advance.

If the ban on leaving due to loan debts was imposed by mistake, then you need to contact the bailiff service personally. Usually this is enough to correct the information in the database, after 2 weeks the data will be displayed correctly.

In cases where the debtor does not really comply with the instructions of the court decision and does not pay off the debt on the loan, the restrictions can be lifted only after the obligations are fulfilled.

You can notify the bailiff about the fact of payment of the debt in several ways:

  • without visiting - you can send the original (or a certified copy) of the receipt or payment order through the Russian Post, fax or e-mail;
  • in person - you should go to your bailiff during the reception hours with the original documents confirming the repayment of the debt.

If the trip is planned in the near future, then the best option- go to the bailiff yourself. So you can be sure that the document is accepted for work. This means that the travel restrictions will be lifted in due time.

What to do if there is no money to pay off the debt

When the court decides to collect the debt in favor of the bank, the bailiff has the right to:

  • seize the property of the borrower for subsequent sale in favor of the lender;
  • write off funds from the debtor's accounts;
  • apply to the employer to forcibly withhold money from the salary.

But if the debtor does not have work, property and money, then there will be nothing to pay off the debt. In this case, the money for settlements with the lender can only be re-borrowed to remove the restriction on traveling abroad.

Unfortunately, banks almost never approve new loans to debtors - negative credit history... But there are several tips that you can apply to increase the likelihood of getting the required amount:

  • contact a bank with which you have already had a successful experience of cooperation - financial organizations are more loyal to “their” clients;
  • provide confirmation of your positive financial position;
  • offer as security.

The table below contains brief information about the credit programs of banks, which you can contact - they are ready to provide a loan under two documents.

Bank's nameBidTermSum
from 11.3% to 24%from 2 to 5 yearsfrom 30 thousand to 700 thousand rubles
from 12% to 24.9% with the possibility of reduction in case of conscientious fulfillment of obligationsfrom 3 to 36 monthsfrom 50 thousand to 1 million rubles
12% from 13 to 36 monthsfrom 25 thousand to 500 thousand rubles
from 12.5% ​​to 24.7%from 1 to 5 yearsfrom 30 thousand to 500 thousand rubles
from 18.9% to 22.9%from 1 to 5 yearsfrom 200 thousand to 1 million rubles