
Children make vegetarians. Harm and benefit of vegetarianism for children: pediatrician opinion

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Many people in the modern world resort to a vegetarian diet. If the mother's family and dad do not eat meat, then the refusal of it from the side of the baby does not cause their excitement. Parents-Vegetarians believe that since he himself does not want to eat meat dishes, then it is for the better. But this is completely incorrect. Refusal of food use of animal origin can cause great harm to the health of the baby.

Useful substances contained in animal products

Meat products contain a number of useful substances that have a positive effect on the development of the kid. These substances give the child forces for the active knowledge of the world.

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), contained in meat products, is involved in the exchange of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. His deficiency in the body reduces the immune system of the kid. Of course, this vitamin is contained not only in meat, it is also present in leaf vegetables. But that the child gets the daily rate of B2, it should eat at least a semi-kilogram of salad, most likely such a number of kid will not master.

Another vitamin, B12, is responsible for the mental development of the child, contributes to improving the activity of mental work. This vitamin is involved in the formation of nerve fibers and in the process of blood formation. The most important thing is that this child needed for the body is only in products that have an animal origin.

The microelement is extremely necessary for the health of the child. It helps to cut off with blood oxygen. The disadvantage of this trace element leads to rapid fatigue, slowdown in growth, restless sleep and poor appetite. Iron contains in products of plant origin. But from vegetable food it is poorly absorbed by the body. To fill the lack of iron, the child should eat at least 50 apples per day.

The meat for the child is necessary!

Lending a child of animal products, parents expose his health great danger. Breasts can be accustomed to meat dishes from 7-8 months.

Together with animal products, the kid will receive many useful substances.

  • First, the protein is a building material for the body. Amino acids obtained by splitting protein in the body are necessary for the growth and development of the child.
  • Secondly, vitamins. Their benefits for the body are known to everyone. In meat products, contain: vitamin RR, group vitamins, all these vitamins are involved in many vital processes.
  • Thirdly, trace elements. In addition to the already mentioned iron, the meat contains such substances as copper, selenium, magnesium, zinc. All these trace elements are necessary for better assimilation of the beneficiaries contained in products, and for the normal development of the entire body.
  • Fourth, useful fats. In addition to quenching hunger, there are other functions for the body. Animal fats, for example, are necessary for the formation of cell membrane components.

Even if your karapuz does not want to eat meat, it cannot be removed from the children's menu. It is necessary that all the beneficial substances necessary for its growth come to the child's body, including those contained only in products that have an animal origin.

Over the past decade, the popularity of veganism and vegetarianism has grown noticeably. Kashmir Hader, The Independent correspondent, talked to parents who convey their way of life to children.

Vegetarianism passed from a niche subculture into a lifestyle, which will promote celebrities, including Beyonce and Jay. For the period from 2006, the number of people going to go to the vegetation diet increased by 350%. Among them and Elizabeth Tig, a 32-year-old artist and a mother of four children from Herefordshire, the creator of the ForkingFit site. She, like many followers of this power system, considers such a way of life more humane both to animals and the environment.

However, vegans and vegetarians are not particularly loved in some circles, because they consider them persistent and self-satisfied preachers. Moreover, Vegan-Parents also despise. Last year, Italian politician called on to introduce a law for Parents-Veganov, who instilled in their children "reckless and dangerous food behavior." In his opinion, people who feed their children only "plants" should be made six-year prison sentence.

Some Vegan's Parents admit that earlier they were also not jar fans of this style of food, until they tried it on themselves. And then they realized that they were little concerned that other people eat.

"Honestly, I always thought that Vegan was trying to impose their point of view," says Tig. - Yes, there are such, but in general I met so many peaceful people who, for various reasons, switched to the veganism. "

36-year-old Janet Kirney come from Ireland, leads the Vegan Pregrancy and Parenting page on Facebook and lives with her husband and children of Oliver and Amelia in a suburb of New York.

"I used to believe that being a vegetarian wrong. So it was until I watched the documentary "Earthlings," she says. - I wondered about the ability of Vegan to be a parent. We do not hear about thousands of people who raise the veganan children, we only know only cases when children scold and drown hunger. "

"Let's look at it," Janet continues. - We, like parents, we just want the best for our children. We want them to be happy and, above all, so healthy as far as they can. Parents-vegan, which I know, keep their children to eat healthy food, just like parents, nursing children with meat and eggs. But we consider the murder of animals cruel and wrong. That's why we bring up children in the same way. The biggest misconception is that Vegan's parents are supposedly hippies who want everyone to live on dry bread and walnuts. But it is very far from the truth. "

Is the vegetable diet safe for growing children? Mary Foodrell, a professor of the European society of pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition, warned that the wrong vegetarian food can cause "irreversible damage and, in the worst case, death."

However, nutritionists agree that the upbringing of a strict vegetarian can be healthy, if, as with any diet, the correct and necessary nutrients are used. And children require a greater number of vitamins, macro and microelements than adults. Vitamins A, C and D are needed, and since dairy products are an important source of calcium, Parents-Vegans should give children enriched with this mineral products. The riboflavin sources contained in fish and meat, iodine and vitamin B12 should also be included in the diet.

"The diet of a strict vegetarian requires careful planning to ensure consumption of various nutrients, since some of them are found only in animal products," says the representative of the British Dietary Association Susan Short.

Claire Thornton Wood, a specialist in child nutrition from Healthcare On Demand, adds breast milk to parents. There are no vegan children's mixtures on the market, since Vitamin D is obtained from sheep wool, and soybeans are not recommended for children under the age of six months.

Jenny Liddle, a 43-year-old resident of Somerset, where she rules the Agency for Public Relations, 18 years of Vegetarian, and her child vegetarian from birth. She says that when she was pregnant, a man growing inside her, forced her to think even more thoroughly about what she eats. Moreover, the level of calcium during pregnancy she was higher than that of an ordinary person, because she ate vegetable products enriched with calcium.

Nevertheless, Liddle argues that "we will never be able to reach 100% of the vegan lifestyle," and the health of her children is a big priority for her than any ideology.

"If I were not able to breastfeed, I could receive donor milk from Vegan. But if it were impossible, I would use the mixture, "she says. - I believe that prolonged breastfeeding is very important, even though the existing mixtures contain vitamin D3 from sheep. But you can appreciate their need if you have no breast milk, which is necessary for the development of the child. Sometimes there is no practical or possible alternative, but I am sure that the adoption of vital medicines does not mean that I am no longer vegan. And all Vegan Society recognizes it. "

Tig, Liddle and Kirney emphasize that they do not force their children to be Vegan. They only actively inform them about why the use of animal products can be harmful to their health and environmental.

"My children would never have thought that our favorite ducks, chickens or even cats are" food. " That would be upset. They are their best friends. People will never look at their dog and think about Sunday dinner, "says Kirney.

"We are very careful to explain the vegans to our children. I do not want them to be frightened or, so worse, thought their friends are terrible people, because they still eat animals, "Tig shares. - I just support my children and their choice. Even if they change their opinion about the veganism. Now they are very passionate about them. Imagine how a four-year person asks: "Why do you like one animal, and another kill?"

In modern society, various nutrition techniques are increasingly popular. There are many followers in separate nutrition, vegetarianism, raw foods and other all kinds of diets. It is believed that the special style will help maintain weight in the norm, the body improves and will allow for a long time to remain in the tone. However, not always different food styles are helpful and bringing the desired result. One of the most famous nutrition techniques is vegetarianism. Many young people who later wish to grow a vegetarian child are passionate about the system. Moms and dads of dies are involved in their crumbs only to plant food, considering that it will only benefit their health. But the doctors are not so unequivocal in their opinion and even beat the alarm due to possible negative consequences.

What does vegetarianism mean?

Vegetarianism as a culture - not at all a new-fashioned trend. As a special power system, it has been practiced for several centuries. However, in many cases, people gave not tribute to fashion or tried to correct health. The thing is that meat was considered luxury and sometimes available only to the rich segments of the population. Another had to be content with vegetable food, which can be grown on Earth. A vegetarian child in developing countries is a familiar phenomenon, because his parents can afford only food not animal origin.

Vegetarianism, if we consider it as a power style, implies a complete refusal to eat meat products. At the same time, it is forbidden to eat not only meat, but also eggs and milk. As a result, a vegetarian child suffers a lot of useful substances that are only contained in animal food.

Among the allowed products in vegetarians are:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • cereal;
  • berries;
  • nuts.

Of course, there are people who feed in this way due to the reasons that are not dependent on them. But according to statistics, about 2% of the people of the globe consume such food consciously. But how many children are among them, it is definitely not known.

Vegan and vegetarianism: what's the difference?

Vegetarianism is a wide concept that means the refusal of animal protein. But among this system, there are subspecies, where Vegan is the most stringent for the choice of permitted products. If not strict adherents allow themselves to eat milk, eggs and honey, because they do not contain the blood of the killed animal, then the vegans even have dishes on them under the ban.

However, many adherents acquire veganism and vegetarianism. What is the difference between styles? In the latter case, a person can use bread, cheese, yogurts. Vegan to afford this can not, because the same bakery products are made on the basis of eggs and milk, cheese - based on cream.

Vegetarianism and children

Many adherents of healthy nutrition believe that a vegetarian child will grow absolutely healthy. However, most doctors adhere to the opposite opinion. But on their arguments about the dangers of only vegetable food are a hundred facts that refute this opinion. So where is the truth and whose statements need to rely on the choice of nutrition for children?

  • First, the diet of a vegetarian child consists entirely of vegetables and fruits. As you know, they are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. In addition, there are a lot of trace elements and fiber, which contributes to normal digestion.
  • Secondly, planting food can provide a growing organism with nutrients and saturate energy. However, the portions will be somewhat more. But at the same time, the kid will not feel hunger and experience a shortage in useful trace elements.
  • Thirdly, all vegetable food has a beneficial effect on the health of crumbs. Usually, a vegetarian child does not experience problems with digestion, he does not have constipation. In addition, strict adherents of such a system are carefully monitored by the presence of harmful additives in food and try to avoid them. Therefore, only useful products comes to the body of the kid.

Recently, due to the growing popularity of fast food, an increasing number of children suffer from obesity. Children's vegetarians from such almost fully insured.

Negative consequences of vegetarianism

From the above pluses, we can conclude that a vegetarian child may be completely healthy. The consequences of such a power system are still quite significant. Pediatricians and many nutritionists agree that the human body needs meat and, in particular, animal protein. Therefore, for the full growth and development of the baby, vegetarianism is not suitable.

If we consider the main harm from vegetarianism for children, then in the first place are affected by vitamins. In the food of plant origin, there is practically no such important vitamin as B12. It is particularly necessary in the period of active growth and maturation. If it is lacking, then they can develop:

  • anemia;
  • psyche disorders;
  • blood coagulation disorders.

In addition, in fruits and vegetables, very little calcium, zinc and iron. Their main source is dairy and meat products that vegetarians do not eat.

Animal strictly under the ban. But the main construction element is precisely it, and its plant replacement does not always lead to significant results. Of course, legumes are rich in the content of vegetable protein, but many children's nutrition specialists are confident that this is not enough for the rapid development and growth of children. As a result, the body is forced to use internal reserves, and therefore work on wear. As practice shows, the growth of such children is slowed down, and fatigue indicators are somewhat higher.

Difficulties in making a menu

In order for vegetable food to provide a growing organism with everything necessary, it must be diverse and balanced. Protein for vegetarians is provided by bean, vitamins - raw fruits and vegetables, and nutrients can be obtained from porridge. So that the child does not need any substances and grew up healthy, the menu should consist of:

  • raw and baked vegetables, fruits;
  • hot and cold soups;
  • casserole;
  • salads, etc.

But constantly monitor the variety in the conditions of employment, trips, hiking, visits to the kindergarten and schools are very difficult.

Vegetarianism from birth

Is it possible to be a vegetarian to be a vegetarian - only his parents decide. Disputes on this not calm, so it is important to ensure the baby with all the necessary nutrients, if a choice is made in favor of the plant menu. Such food is able to provide a child with everything necessary at all stages of its growth, only the diet will haveragingly and competently.

It is important to clearly understand what to feed the child of a vegetarian so that he does not experience the needs for protein, vitamins, trace elements and nutrients. The vegetable diet may well provide it, because it is enough of the calorie and contains everything you need. In addition, it is in vegetables, fruits and cereals that has fiber, phytochemical substances and vitamins-antioxidants.

Food Children up to the year

The best nutrition of the vegetarian child up to the year is Mother Milk. In this case, experts agree that to maintain natural immunity and harmonious development, the kid should receive only breast milk. It is possible to replace it with an adapted mixture if the crumb is on artificial feeding.

In the middle of the first year of life, you can enter the discounts in the form of silent porridge. Also recommended vegetables cooked or in water, which are then converted into a puree.

At the age of 8-9 months, a vegetarian child can get into the food chopped walnut, which is added to a vegetable or fruit puree. The product is rich in an easily dismantled protein, which is able to replace the animal. At this age, you can offer the kid with a lentil to the lentil, in which it is necessary to add a little vegetable. Such a dish is also able to replace meat. At the age of about a year, the child can already enjoy avocado. As for other vegetables and fruits, the recommendations are the same as concerning children who consume meat and fish puree. You can offer:

  • zucchini;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • apple;
  • pear;
  • broccoli.

If parents decided to instill in the child vegetarian habits, then pediatricians advise, as long as possible not to stop breastfeeding.

What products are required for children of vegetarians?

An adult man can be quite easy to make a diet, including all the necessary products in the menu and adding vitamins to them. But the kids are more difficult with the kids, because a little chance can simply refuse beans with spinach, which were to provide him with a squirrel and fiber. In addition, the volume of eaten food can be significantly less recommended to get all the necessary elements.

All the same nutritional urge not to force children, it is necessary to focus on their own threshold of satiety. Moreover, vegetarianism involves learning children to feel an individual limit when food is no longer needed.

But the obesity of vegetative food adherents usually does not threaten. Such a menu is usually low-calorie, so it is necessary to add vegetable oil into a dish to the child's dish, slices of avocado, walnuts. You can diversify the taste of dishes and replace sunflower oil:

  • olive;
  • linen;
  • hemp;
  • from pumpkin seeds.

Yet parents whose children are vegetarians, should be especially attentive to their diet. Next, consider particularly important elements and products from which they can be obtained.

Protein - Building Material

For the development and growth of baby, and an adult, a protein is an important element. To ensure admission to the body of this substance, the diet must be rich in legumes. It is equally important a variety so that the crumb will receive all the necessary amino acids. What should have a child:

  • beans;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • almond;
  • tofu cheese;
  • buckwheat.

It is known that the wonderful source of vegetable protein are chia seeds. But to purchase them, you need to visit the Vegetarian Store. They are more common in large cities, residents of small settlements have to look for products in Internet purchases.

Calcium - for bone health

Without calcium, it is impossible to build a skeleton and normal growth. It has been proven that almost half of the percent of bone mass is already being formed by younger school age. In subsequent years, another half is formed. But the main source of calcium is dairy products that have vegans under strict ban. If the baby lives in the family where strict looks are held, and even dairy-based products are prohibited, then it is necessary to provide him with an alternative.

What do vegetarians eat? List of calcium products:

  • tofu;
  • green leafy vegetables (keyl, broccoli);
  • legumes;
  • almond;
  • spinach;
  • oranges.

It is important to control the condition of the kid and undergo regular examinations from the pediatrician. If the doctor prescribes additionally calcium preparations, then you should not refuse.

Iron - for blood formation

For the formation of red blood cells, it is extremely necessary to enter iron into the body. Typically, the element comes with beef, but the meat of vegetarians do not eat. It should be understood that the lack of iron directly affects brain activity, and the cognitive activity of the baby may suffer. Nutritionists believe that the crumb that is fed only vegetable food must get iron in double quantities. This is due to the fact that the element derived from plants is much worse away.

What do vegetarians eat? List of products containing iron:

  • green onions;
  • prunes;
  • dried apricots;
  • dates;
  • broccoli;
  • legumes;
  • whole cereals.

It is worth considering that the vegetable iron is much better learned if you use it to be bought with vitamin C. Thus, it will be much more useful to the broccoli salad with the addition of kuragi and lemon juice.

Special vitamins

All vitamins are important for the development and full growth of the child's body. But in a special place there are vitamins D and B12.

For better assimilation of calcium and, consequently, Vitamin D, healthy teeth and strong bones, Vitamin D. If the child does not get butter and other animals products, then it is extremely important to get sunny baths every day. To provide a daily dose, there is enough about 20 minutes in the sun. However, in the winter season, this will not be enough, and from plant food it is difficult to obtain an element. Therefore, pediatricians advise to offer children a food additive containing this vitamin.

A special role is given to Vitamin B12. It affects the development of the brain and the nervous system, is responsible for the formation of erythrocytes, participates in multiple processes occurring in the body. The main sources of the element are traditionally considered:

  • eggs;
  • meat;
  • mollusks;
  • milk products.

Vegetarians of all of the above are not consumed. Therefore, nutritionists advise them to use a food additive containing vitamin B12. However, there are products that will help to fill the lack of this item:

  • dietary yeast;
  • seaweed.

Food yeast are produced in the form of flakes. This is a natural product that is grown from microorganisms. It has a specific cheese taste, so children can eat it with pleasure. It is also recommended to add flakes in vegetable dishes, which makes them the taste even more rich and adds benefit.


The substance is part of Omega-3. It is not synthesized by a human body, therefore, it is possible to get it only with food. The element is indispensable in the formation of the brain and the nervous system of the kid. To ensure its entry into the body, you need to eat shrimps, fish. Vegetarians can fill the lack of acid if they eat cannabis seeds, walnuts and linen seeds.

However, in plant components, it is clearly not enough of this element, and it is simply necessary for children. Specialized vegetarian stores come to the rescue of parents, where you can buy nutritional supplements, in the required quantity containing polyunsaturated fatty acid.


Vegetarianism for children can be safe and even benefit if parents can ensure a full-fledged diet. It is important that the menus fully satisfy the growing organism in nutrients, mineral components and vitamins. In addition, doctors and nutritionists believe that plant products in any case should be present on the table always, no matter what glances the family adheres to food.

All children in the first period after birth - vegetarians, lacto vegetarians, if more precisely, nature did not provide a special choice here. How long will the vegetarian period of their lives decide, as a rule, parents, based on the concerns about the health and development of the child and their own gastronomic preferences. Vegetarianism is quite popular, but most people in our society traditionally do not think their menu without meat products. And if with the vegetarianism of adults, everyone was somehow reconciled, and about half of the respondents express the approval of the position of vegetarians, then the children of vegetarians cause many disputes.

Than feeding a child

If there are children in the family, parents constantly have to some extent to seek the answer to this question (along with questions as and how much), regardless of whether they adhere to vegetarianism or not. The basic recommendations on the children's diet are somewhat different in the ages, but are reduced to the fact that it should be attended by:

  • Protein; It is a building material for tissues and cells. Contained in sufficient quantities in dairy products, legumes, nuts, seeds, other products;
  • Carbohydrates; Supply the body energy. The optimal choice is slow carbohydrates, which are contained in raw vegetables and fruits, whole grain products;
  • Fat.; An indispensable fatty acids, the source of fat-soluble vitamins A, E and D, are responsible for the growth of the child and immunity. It is contained in fish, cream, butter cream and vegetable oil.
  • Cellulose: actively participates in the process of digestion. Source - raw vegetables and fruits, bran, oat groats;
  • Calcium: It affects the growth of bones, forms a dental enamel, normalizes the heart rate, provides blood clotting. Calcium are rich in dairy products, fish, eggs, legumes, as well as enriched foods, for example, in dry breakfasts, soy products, broccoli, sunflower seeds and others;
  • Iron: Plays an important role in blood formation, affects mental development. Contained in large quantities in seafood. Other sources of iron: spinach, legumes, green leaf vegetables, beets, dried fruits, walnuts and hazelnuts, grenades and others.

In some of these subparagraphs, meat is also present, as one of the sources, but without it, as can be seen, the list is quite extensive. That is, with properly organized nutrition, the children of vegetarians are not losing anything.

Old wisdom says: "Do not make a problem from food." The theme of children is very emotionally saturated, but let's remember that vegetarianism is different and consider baby food from this angle. When a child begins to eat "adult" food, no one begins to feed it mainly with meat, on the contrary, it is recommended to include enough cerestrals, vegetables, fruits in the diet. Meat in baby food is always present in limited quantities. In adults it is now called Flexitarianism. It is also recommended to give children meat with soft fibers and limited fat. Polytarian food has these advantages. No one, as a rule, does not object to the fact that fish and other seafood can become a source of animal protein. Recall that on the "vegetarian jargon" it is called Peparisianism.

Lacto Vegetarianism implies the use of eggs and dairy products, which are considered optimal for baby food. Strict vegetarianism, or veganism, eliminates any animal products. And, of course, it creates certain difficulties in organizing baby food, for example, how to ensure the desired amount of calories and the required amount of protein.

Most complaints about vegetarian in childhood have this basis: the lack of protein or calories. But this is a reason to pay more attention to how to make food children of vegans more calories, for example, due to nuts, dried fruits or other high-calorie products; A vegetable protein is even more useful than animal.

And, by the way, more often, the problem of protein consumption is that it is given to children too much. In children who are fed in a traditional way, that is, there are many meat and saturated fats, already the signs of cardiovascular diseases are found to the first class. And more than 90% of food poisoning cases are caused by the use of meat and dairy products. That is, baby food at any diet requires constant attention, and problems begin there, where settling in essence of the ideological postulates of type "it is necessary to eat ..." or "don't have it" any product exhibits over a more flexible approach to proper nutrition.

Features of the full development and background of a slim figure

The history of vegetarianism convincingly shows the possibility of full-fledged development in nutrition predominantly vegetable food. The number of Indian programmers in Silicon Valley is a sufficient testimony against the thesis on reducing the level of mental activity due to the abandonment of meat in childhood.

In the UK, there are vegetarian (vegan) families in the fourth-fifth generation, children in which are not inferior to peers in their development. This can be considered an answer to the "climatic" objections against vegetarianism. If the parents of vegetarians, then the children grow perfectly without animal food.

A low amount of fats, characteristic of vegetarianism, can serve and good service. Fat cells that make up the "fat" are formulated mainly in the first years of life. In the future, their number practically does not increase, only growth occurs, an increase in the sizes of existing cells. Therefore, the figure of an adult largely depends on the fact that it was fed in childhood.

About the dangers of violence

A more difficult situation occurs when the parents of vegetarians, and the child has a need for animal food. Or vice versa, in the family, meat enters the permanent menu, they try to feed them and the child, and he refuses it. More harm here will bring attempts to make a child there is something that he does not want; than "wrong" food or hypothetical disadvantage of nutrients.

In children, there are more optimally functioning regulatory mechanisms that control the arrival and energy consumption. (Optimal regulation holds to about 15-17 years. In the future, it remains at a good level only with a healthy lifestyle.) For example, children are much more active than adults use cholesterol: it is part of cell membranes, and a lot of new cells are formed.

Other situation associated with violence - when children just do not want to eat. It must be remembered that, in contrast to adults, they will almost never eat it. Food without a feeling of hunger and without pleasure, and for children especially, the benefits will not bring. It is easier to wait for a child's natural feeling of hunger. By the way, in children-vegetarians this happens faster, vegetable food has a less long period of assimilation.

What "Children's" vegetarianism differs from "adult"

Children's body and an adult organism function in different ways. At least because there are different tasks in front of them. One of the main tasks of the children's body is to grow and develop. That imposes its own features for food, including vegetarian. And since the children of the creatures are under-million and eat "what they give", then it is adults that you need these features to take into account when compiling a childish diet. For example:

  1. The main advantage of vegetable products is in a large number of vital vitamins, especially in fresh vegetables and fruits, but they have low energy density; Since children cannot eat much immediate - the size of the stomach does not allow, feed children need more often than adults;
  2. It is worth avoiding sharp and strong seasonings, for children it is too strong load, including perception, and subsequently can lead to addiction to unhealthy food with pronounced taste;
  3. Fruits can be given without restrictions, they are very helpful and make themselves to children who do not even have to "eat" negative emotions, is almost impossible; But you need to monitor the occurrence of allergic reactions.
  4. Milk, as well as yogurt, kefir, Prostokvash - Excellent food for children, but undesirable to mix them with starch; After one year, you should not cook porridge on milk, although children digest them better than adults;
  5. Vegetarian food is not always able to provide the body with the right amount of protein, so nuts and seeds for children are not only a delicacy, but also the necessary product;
  6. After natural fertilizers have ceased to apply, Vitamin B12 has been practically disappeared from plant products; But it appeared in the composition of enriched mixtures, cereal flakes and dry breakfasts, as well as special food additives.

Pretty many people adheres to the principles of vegetarian food. But what if there are children in the vegetarians family? Is it possible to eat like parents, or still a children's body is not adapted to use exclusively vegetable food? Let's try to figure out.


First you need to understand what kind of vegetarianism is we talking about. The most stringent in this respect can be called veganoshydrogenation, involving a complete refusal not only from food of animal origin, but also from thermal processing of products.

Vegans do not use meat, fish, milk and eggs, only occasionally allow themselves honey. Adherents of ovo-vegetarianism can also be consumed honey, and eggs, but it is impossible milk, meat and fish. Laktovogetarians eat honey and milk, but refuse meat and eggs. Finally, lacto-ovo-vegetarianism is in this respect to the most gentle, because it eliminates meat, fish and seafood from the diet, but allows milk, eggs and honey.

Benefits of vegetarian food style

It is impossible to disagree with vegetarians in the fact that from meat grown by an industrial way, for a person not so much benefit. The share of animal husbandry accounts for the order of half all the antibiotics issued in the world. They are used preventive - to prevent diseases. In addition, in animal husbandry, growth stimulants are actively used, including hormonal preparations. This is no longer a secret for anyone.

Alone to grow animals and birds or at least buy them in proven farms, of course, not all in a state. As for fish, its environmental friendliness is doubtful - even oceanic and sea fish can accumulate toxins and other harmful substances.

Vegetarian adherents believe that people eat ten times more protein than they really need. Vegetables and fruits contain a huge amount of vitamins, trace elements and fiber, which completely covers the needs of a person.

It is not interesting that the children-vegetarians almost never suffer obesity, while this problem is becoming increasingly relevant to their peers who use ordinary food.

Natural and useful products improve the digestion of the baby and strengthen his immunity. It is believed that the children-vegetarians are less likely to suffer with colds and cases of food allergies they have extremely rare. All these advantages of the vegetarian power scheme definitely deserve enough closest studies.

Very often, small children simply do not want to eat meat - most parents face with such a problem. The kid refuses chicken, meatball or meat, but always ready to eat porridge, yogurt and fruit. Does this mean that all children are originally vegetarians, and parents only instill their food habits?

Pretty tempting to go on the baby, providing him with a healthy vegetarian diet, and forget about colic, unborn and allergies. But doctors argue: everything is not as simple as it seems.

Vegetarianism is a deficiency of protein, iron and vitamins

And here with science it is difficult to argue. It is proteins that are "bricks" for the construction of the child's body. Vegetarian adherents are trying to compensate for the lack of animal protein floral, in particular, bean cultures, but it is quite difficult. A growing body must be very much protein, for example, the baby aged from a year to three years old should be obtained daily from eating 4-4.5 g of protein per 1 kg of weight.

It is animal proteins that have the highest digestibility - up to 90%. Thus, if a specific variety of vegetarianism prohibits the use of not only meat, but also dairy products, eggs, it is fraught with very negative consequences for the child. Parents fully deprive his source of animal protein.

The second problem with which you can face towards a healthy lifestyle of the child is the deficiency of iron, the main source of which is not berries and fruits at all, but all the same meat. Quite often, there is an insufficient level of hemoglobin in children-vegetarians.

The third problem is a shortage of vitamin B12, which is indispensable for the normal functioning of the nervous and blood systems of the child's body. In the vegetable products B12 is practically absent.

Finally, there will be a lot of plant food to compensate for calcium and zinc deficiency - in meat, fish and dairy products there are much more than in fruits and vegetables.