
The meaning of wax figures in divination. Ancient divination on wax: the meaning of the figures


In Russia, divination on wax was especially popular. The significance of the figures and images resulting from the pouring of melted candle wax into water fascinated and intrigued. This fortune-telling was one of the most exciting activities for peasant girls and ordinary townswomen on Christmas Eve.

What is Seromancy?

Fortune telling on wax, the meaning of the figures and the correct interpretation of the resulting images - this is seromancy. Such simple rituals have been practiced since the Middle Ages. Seromancy involves pouring candle wax heated in a spoon into another container filled with cold water.

The problem of modernity

Today, the medieval ritual of divination on wax is gradually being replaced by modern methods, the most effective and simple:

  • people read cards
  • girls use mirrors and rings;
  • young people tell fortunes on coffee grounds, etc.

Do not forget, please, about divination on wax. The fact is that the prediction of one's near future through casting was and is one of the most accurate and truthful. If, of course, it is done correctly.

Fortune telling on wax, in which the meaning of the figures must still be able to be correctly determined, is one of the interpretations of numerous ancient divinatory practices of casting on water. Unfortunately, modern youth often deviate from some of the rules of this ritual and use paraffin for divination. This should not be done! If you don’t have real candle wax on hand, then there’s no point in doing seromancy.

Why Wax?

In the old days, it was believed that water in combination with this substance would definitely not lie. It is the quickly hardening candle wax, instantly poured into water, that will deliver its verdict, showing a person his immediate future. The meaning of the figures when divining on wax in this case will be the most truthful.

Principles of the methodology

From ancient times, this ritual was performed by young girls directly on Christmas Eve. To do this, the young ladies had to stock up on containers of water, wax (not paraffin!) Candles. The fortune-telling ritual was carried out mainly on the night of Christmas and on the Epiphany of the Lord. Its main goal is to find out what awaits you in the near future.

Peasant and city girls found out which of them would get married and when, how many children they would have, and what the nature of their relationship with her husband would be. The practice of divination with wax on the water was noted by experienced fortune tellers, it was in great demand among housewives, nannies, and elderly women. They told fortunes mainly on themselves, but sometimes on their children and friends.

How is fortune telling on wax?

The meaning of the figures resulting from casting candle wax on water will be most accurate if you follow the simple and understandable principles of seromancy. For this ritual, it is necessary to prepare a bowl with clean and cold water, a candle, a large spoon and, in fact, the wax itself.

Before divination, you need to tune in psychologically: you must really want to see the near future. Fortune telling on wax for the sake of sports interest is strictly prohibited!

  1. Seromancy ritual should take place in a calm environment, preferably alone. In principle, it is also possible to guess together or three together, but on the condition that the rest of those present do not hold any grudges against you and do not envy you in anything.
  2. So, you need to put a bowl of water in front of you, light a candle and think only about what you are going to get an answer to in the process of divination. Get the rest of your thoughts out of your head. Maintain composure and complete silence.
  3. Put a piece of candle wax on a spoon, then bring it to the candle flame. As soon as the wax melts, and this will happen in a matter of seconds, pour the liquid contents into the water. You need to pour out all the melted mass at once.
  4. Hot candle wax will harden in the water instantly, remaining floating on its surface. Everything! Now you just need to correctly interpret the resulting figure.

Divination on wax. Interpretation and meaning of figures

The outcome of your ritual can be unpredictable. Figures cast on water can take the most bizarre forms, so we simply cannot physically fit the interpretation of all kinds of images and their meaning into the format of our article. The interpretation of figures when divining on wax is a delicate matter, so we will simply break into logical categories the most common and well-known symbols of seromancy.

human images

Figures of this type can predict a fortuneteller an early acquaintance, a sexual relationship, and strong relationships with relatives. The most important thing here is to understand if there is any internal rejection or internal dislike for the resulting figure. If this is not the case, and you like the figure, then this is a good sign.

A distinct silhouette of a man can prophesy for girls an early union with a loved one or some kind of romantic interest. If a figure cast in wax on water reminds you of some kind of angel, elf, mystical character, and so on, don't worry - this is a quick fulfillment of certain desires.


Everything related to banknotes, expensive jewelry, currency portends you exclusively with business success, a promotion, a long-awaited vacation or a good deal.

Crosses, locks and incomprehensible plexuses

Do not be alarmed if the wax on the water shows you a cross, a keyhole/lock, or obscure weaves of fibers. Such figures just say that your wish will not come true soon. The execution of certain plans is delayed for some time. Dont be upset!


Buses, trams, cars, ships, boats and planes cast in wax on the water indicate that a long-awaited vacation, journey, road is ahead! Some fortune-tellers give these figures another meaning: ahead is the purchase of personal vehicles. If a fortuneteller initially thought about relationships, then such figures prophesy new acquaintances, for example, on board an airplane or on the deck of a cruise ship.


This is perhaps the most numerous category of symbols that appear when you use wax divination. The value of the figures in this case will be predominantly positive. For example, a dog means a new and faithful friend, and a cat means new love acquaintances. A chicken, a sheep, a goat or a cow cast in wax predicts profit on the farm, and fish - a great catch or a big win.

But, of course, the figurines of not all animals are endowed with a good meaning. For example, snakes, owls, crocodiles and roosters warn the fortuneteller of a possible danger. If one of these animals is turned over, that is, as if struck, killed, then difficulties are ahead. If you do not panic and immediately take the bull by the horns, then you will famously overcome all the troubles!

It is difficult to imagine such a person who would not want to know what awaits him in the future. One of the most popular and simple types of fortune telling is considered to be fortune telling on wax.

Why is it important to know the correct interpretation of the figures obtained during divination?

In order to correctly interpret the resulting figures, you need to know what each of them means. Otherwise, the result of fortune-telling may not be entirely correct, and the girl, in turn, will already give herself a moral attitude to a different result, which, under the influence of her thoughts, can still become a reality.

Of course, if the young lady, having misinterpreted the meaning of the figures, decided that something good would happen to her, there is nothing to worry about. But if the error in interpreting the figures fell on the fact that instead of a positive sign, the girl saw a solid negative, then later this could have a bad effect on her life.

By tuning in to negativity, in the future you can unconsciously “pull” it into your life. To avoid such a development of events, before starting fortune-telling on wax, it is necessary to study all its features, including the correct interpretation of the figures.

As soon as the wax begins to pour, you need to carefully monitor what shapes are formed from it. In the process of one divination, you can see several figures at once, which very quickly replace each other in a container where wax is poured.

It is important to have time to fix not only what kind of figures they were, but also in what sequence they went one after another. This can determine one hundred percent what awaits the girl in the future and what events she will need to prepare for.

Interpretation of the meanings of living wax figures


The dog is one of the most frequently seen figures in wax divination. Seeing this animal during fortune-telling means that soon a person will have close friends or associates who can help in solving any issue or problem that has arisen. Also, the resulting “dog” figure can also indicate that the fortuneteller is currently surrounded by people loyal to him, who, if necessary, will certainly not pass by his misfortune.


For single girls who do not have a loved one, seeing the figure of a man is a great success. The significance of this figure lies in the fact that soon the girl will have a new friend, who will later become her beloved person, and after which, perhaps, her husband.


At first glance, a cat is a rather harmless animal, from which many girls are simply crazy. However, in reality, it turns out that this purring creature cannot always be so cute and bring only pleasant emotions.

If during fortune telling a figure of a cat fell out on wax, betrayal from relatives and close friends should soon be expected. The fallen figure of a cat is a kind of sign for a girl that it would be high time to reconsider her social circle and get rid of people who do not inspire any confidence.


The figure of a hedgehog suggests that girls need to learn to be somewhat softer towards people around them. Excessive "pricklyness" can adversely affect the young lady's relationship with her loved one. Not every man is able to endure cold from his other half and constant nervousness for a long time. After some time, he will get tired of this state of affairs, and he will find himself another more good-natured chosen one.

The hedgehog figurine should make the girl think about whether she is behaving correctly in relation to other people, not only to the guy. Maybe it's about the parents.


A chicken is a pet symbolizing a calm family life. If the girl, who is guessing her fate on wax, has not yet become someone's wife, then in this case the figure of the chicken will be interpreted as the onset of a measured and calm life in general.


As a rule, many girls are afraid of spiders and, when they see him in the house, they try to get rid of him as soon as possible. And in divination, the spider is represented by that figure, a meeting with which the representative of the beautiful female should have avoided. The figure means a trick to beware.

If such a figure fell out during a fortune-telling on wax, a difficult fate awaits her in the future - she will have to limit her communication with one of her friends or relatives, since the trick will come from them.

a lion

The figure of a lion symbolizes confidence in the future, which many girls lack for complete happiness. Also, the figure of a lion means that the fortuneteller in the future expects strength and reliability.

Interpretation of the meanings of inanimate figures obtained from wax

During divination on wax in the vessel used in the process, you can see not only figures of wildlife, but also inanimate figures. What the most common figures mean, you can find out a little below:


If a girl saw the figure of a tower during fortune-telling, then it’s time to go to the bridal salon for a dress. After all, very soon she expects marriage. For those representatives of the beautiful female who have already managed to find their destiny and get married, the figure of the tower means that family affairs will only go up. Loving spouses expect a prosperous and happy family life.

A car

The interpretation of the figure of the machine is quite banal. The girl is going to travel soon. But what kind of trip it will be: a vacation or a working visit to another city, the young lady will already have to find out without the help of fortune-telling.


For many people, home is associated with stability. But if we are talking about divination on wax, then in this case the figure of the house can have a very extraordinary meaning. According to popular belief, the seen figure of the house means a possible move and change of residence not only within the city, but also within the country.

In addition, the figurine of the house is a change for the better. It is especially good to see such a figure when divining for girls who have problems in their personal lives. For them, the house will be a good sign. A lonely young lady, seeing such a figure in the process of divination, will soon find her destiny.


Seeing the figure of the cross in the process of divination, you should take precautions. In the near future, some kind of trouble will await the girl, while it is quite difficult to predict its source. The size of the trouble also cannot be known in advance. This will be an unpleasant surprise for the girl.


Flowers in divination symbolize the fulfillment of desires. If in the process of divination a girl saw the image of a rose or some other flower, it means that very soon her most cherished desire will finally come true in real life. It is even possible that several desires will become real at once.


Books in divination symbolize a new stage in a person's life. The girl is waiting for new places, ideas and new people, thanks to which very soon she will be able to discover a whole new world.

You should not get hung up on fortune-telling, acting according to the signs that the girl fell out in an attempt to find out what awaits her in the future. You can't escape fate anyway. What is destined for each person above will happen to him sooner or later, whether he wants it or not.

Wax divination or wax casting is a classic divination method known from ancient times. The method does not require special training and is available to everyone. For its execution, you will need a wax candle, matches, a steel tablespoon, a bowl or a wide container with cold water. We rub the bottom of the candle on a grater into a spoon, melt it to a liquid state on the fire of a lit wick and pour it sharply into water. We consider the resulting wax frozen in water and look for the meaning of the figures in the interpreter.


  1. An angel is a harbinger of good news.
  2. Stork - happiness in family relationships, many children. For creative people, a stork in wax is inspiration, the appearance of masterpieces.
  3. Arch - a change in some of the areas of life.
  4. The car - new opportunities, a new lover.
  5. Shark. “The enemy is preparing to annoy you,” warns fortune telling.
  6. Butterfly - happy and successful changes in life.
  7. Drum - wait for positive news.
  8. Banana - intrigues from colleagues or betrayal of a loved one. A bunch of bananas - problems and unexpected difficulties.
  9. A letter is good news, fuzzy letters are bad news. “Letters with dots - for money,” fortune-telling on wax promises.
  10. Boomerang - everything that you have done will return.
  11. Bow - you have to make peace with whom you quarreled. You may need his help.
  12. Bottle - observe moderation in all matters.
  13. Fan - the interpretation of such figures says that the field for flirting and coquetry is ready.
  14. Rope - difficulties in life, knotted rope - health problems, the meaning of a rope with loops - money problems.
  15. Libra - strive for balance, no need to be nervous.
  16. Scales with a sword, cast in wax, mean problems with the law.
  17. Fork - the presence of these figures means a traitor in a close environment.
  18. Grapes - your talent will bring profit.
  19. Balloon - its meaning is "temporary problems."
  20. Question - you have many doubts.
  21. Paddle. “You are on the right track, do not turn aside,” advises fortune telling.
  22. Dove - harmony in relationships.
  23. Pear - a new novel.
  24. Lips - passion, but not love.
  25. The door is a change in life stages.
  26. Home is happiness and peace in the home.
  27. An acorn in wax means a successful idea.
  28. The star is the fulfillment of desires.
  29. Castle - a new relationship will soon begin.
  30. A bunny is one of the figures denoting cowardice in front of someone or something.
  31. The snake warns of danger.
  32. Square - life stability.
  33. Dagger - betrayal of a friend.
  34. The key is to expect change.
  35. The ring - its interpretation - a celebration, perhaps a wedding.
  36. The ship is a journey.
  37. Crown - achievement of one's own goal, personal success.
  38. A cat is a deception of a close friend.
  39. The cross is the loss of a loved one.
  40. Ladder. “Life will change for the better,” fortune-telling promises.
  41. A face with a smile is happiness.
  42. The meaning of a sad face is a danger threatening from the enemy.
  43. Faces - a fun holiday is coming.
  44. Medusa - you are burdened by the secrets that you keep.
  45. Mask. “You are not confident in yourself, but this is unjustified,” says fortune-telling on wax.
  46. Handcuffs - problems with the law or dependence on something.
  47. Scissors - misunderstanding in a relationship.
  48. Points - a situation or a person will open up to you from a new perspective.
  49. Cloud - interpretation promises problems.
  50. Spider - wait for profit.
  51. Hourglass - finish important things without putting them off until later.
  52. Pyramid - fortune-telling says that some secret is bothering you.
  53. A gun in wax - a quarrel, danger.
  54. Horseshoe - happiness.
  55. Ghost - a meeting with the past, the search for old friends.
  56. The bird is one of the figures denoting positive news.
  57. The fetus in the womb is an early pregnancy or the beginning of a new important project.
  58. An airplane is a journey to distant countries.
  59. Heart - serious relationship, love.
  60. The sickle of the moon - fortune-telling warns of the beginning of a new period in life.
  61. The dog is your devoted friend.
  62. Spiral - beware of scammers.
  63. Arrow - a message with unpleasant sad news.
  64. Chair - career growth, promotion at work.
  65. Drying, bagel, caught in fortune-telling on wax, this is a waste of time for an unworthy person.
  66. Ax - quarrels, problems and misunderstandings with relatives and others.
  67. Shamrock - a great success in life.
  68. Snail - weigh the pros and cons before making an important decision.
  69. Ear - listen to your loved ones, they will not advise bad.
  70. Egg - pregnancy; another meaning is a successful start of new business.
  71. An apple is a forbidden fruit, a temptation.
  72. Anchor in wax - interference that blocks forward movement.

The best time for divination on wax are Christmas time (the days from Christmas to Epiphany) and the night of Ivan Kupala. If there is a change of stages in life, then you can also tell fortunes, but without abusing this way to find out the future.

To determine the fate and significant events in a person's life, fortune telling on wax with water has been used since ancient times. The methods of such divination differ only in details. The interpretation of the figures formed during the melting of wax was not only carried out by fortune-tellers. Any girl could do it on her own, interpreting the symbols mainly in her favor. Gradually, a large list of meanings was formed, which is still relevant today.

Divination on wax candles uses a variety of interpretations of the meaning of figures

When divining, two energy-intensive materials are used: beeswax and water. The values ​​\u200b\u200bof the figures when divining on beeswax will be the most accurate. Paraffin and stearin are not suitable for this, although they are used for lack of natural material.

In some rituals, special manipulations are performed before casting. This happens when removing the evil eye, damage, fright in a child. The resulting wax figures can tell a lot:

  • what or who scared the child;
  • what events will happen in the near future;
  • what is the cause of the disease;
  • show the presence of the evil eye or damage.

Figures made of beeswax have the most accurate meaning when divining

In practice, divination on wax and water can answer any questions asked. The imagination of the fortuneteller plays a significant role in this. The human subconscious itself interprets the formed figures and very rarely makes mistakes.

Symbols on wax in simple divination can be single or multiple. The fortuneteller will read them with ease, but independent interpretation can cause difficulties. In this case, there are special reference books that explain the essence of a particular symbol.

The meaning of the figures when divining on wax depends on what the fortuneteller wants. If it is necessary to find out what the child was afraid of, and the image of a dog appears on the wax, then it is interpreted in its direct meaning, and if this is fortune-telling for love, then this animal can have a completely different interpretation and meaning.

The meaning of wax figures depends on the purpose of divination

Preparation for the ritual

Fortune telling on beeswax or pouring is a process associated with space. Particularly ardent fans of this method claim (and this is true) that anyone can receive an answer from the information field of the earth. There are many ways to do this, and casting is one of them. The brain receives a signal, passes it through the subconscious, and the hands that perform the ceremony are just a tool that makes the answer visible. Then intuition and imagination come into play - they help to see the image that has appeared and interpret it correctly. Fortune telling on wax does not tolerate fuss and requires concentration.

In order to tune in to the desired wave during an independent ceremony, a woman or a man needs to prepare:

  1. Choose the right time. During the day, the active energy of the sun will interfere, so it is better to choose the evening. Moonlight serves as a conductor of signals - it is an assistant.
  2. Prepare everything you need in advance.
  3. Curtain all windows, except for one - where you can see the moon.
  4. Let your hair down (for a woman). They will serve as a kind of antenna.
  5. Wear loose-fitting clothing that will not restrict movement or distract you from the process.
  6. Stay alone if you need to guess for yourself.

Fortune telling on wax and water requires a calm and concentrated state

This attitude is very important for accurate divination. The ceremony is carried out slowly, in a calm atmosphere, focusing on the process.

Independent fortune-telling

Deciphering of images begins from the moment of casting. To perform the ceremony correctly, you must use:

  • beeswax or wax candles;
  • wide basin or bowl;
  • spring or well water;
  • ordinary candles and utensils for melting.

To tell fortunes on wax, some prefer to melt it in a water bath using a kitchen stove, but this approach has nothing to do with real sacrament and magic.

It is not allowed to melt divination wax on a stove

The ritual is best done by candlelight, not including electric lighting. You also need to heat the wax on the fire of a candle, holding a ladle (or other utensils) in your hand, or using a stand. While it is melting, it is necessary to focus on the topic of divination - to clearly and clearly articulate your desire. There is a very interesting way to send a question to the information field: you need to imagine it in the form of a white triangular envelope, and then mentally send it to the sky. Particularly sensitive people can get an answer immediately, without resorting to the help of the rite.

The molten mass is carefully and slowly poured into the center of the container with water. You can put a mirror at the bottom to immediately see the images that appear. Experienced fortune-tellers begin decoding literally from the first seconds - images appear and change, making up a whole story. Not everyone will be able to do this, but it is necessary to strive to see the changing figures. With experience you will get better and better.

Frozen wax figures with a positive prediction are stored in a secluded place

When the wax mass is completely frozen, it is taken out of the water and the reverse side is examined - the one that was in the water. By drawings determine the meaning of the message, using your imagination. Intuition or a reference book of meanings will help to interpret it correctly. If the result is good and promises prosperity and health, love and marriage, then after use the wax is stored in a secluded place, with a negative prognosis, it is buried in the ground. Both a woman and a man can guess, but representatives of the strong half of humanity do this much less often.

Interpretation of images and symbols

Fortune telling on wax requires attention. Not everyone can see all the figures and not always. Some symbols have a free interpretation, depending on the circumstances and personal qualities of the fortuneteller, but there are also those that mean a specific thing - money, difficulties, the road, etc.

Many interpretations of the meanings of divination have a free interpretation and depend on the circumstances of the fortuneteller.

Letters, numbers and geometric shapes

Abstract drawings are more common than all the others. They are easier to decipher because they have simple meanings:

  • Dots. They mean money and unexpected profits. The more such symbols, the better the financial situation will be.
  • Straight line. This is an open road, the beginning of some business, the absence of obstacles to success.
  • Crossed line. The road is closed, a failed business, an obstacle to an important undertaking, etc.
  • Two parallel lines. They mean that there is a competitor in business, an important choice has to be made, the help of a loved one.
  • Letters and numbers. Mean the date, name, amount of time for a particular event and everything related to specifics.
  • Circles. Hopelessness, marking time, a ring (marriage), a round date.
  • Crosses. Depending on the type, they can mean both God's blessing and death.
  • Arc. Development, a new stage in life.
  • Star. Good luck at work, career growth.

Wax circles predict marriage (marriage)

The meaning of these symbols is interpreted together with the figures located nearby.

People, animals and mythical creatures

It has already been said that divination on wax requires a good imagination. Trust him to see images similar to living beings: the faces of saints, figurines of people and animals, angels and demons. Interpretation of some figures:

  • Angels, archangels and holy faces. They mean help from above, love and marriage, they recommend going to the temple.
  • Caterpillars and worms. Frivolity, wrong way of life, lack of concern for others.
  • The Dragon. The willpower required to accomplish what was intended.
  • Porcupine or hedgehog. The figurines indicate that excessive temper and inability to put up with people are harmful. You need to learn how to hide the "needles" in time, to be kinder and more tolerant of other people's shortcomings.
  • Female. Razluchnitsa, adviser, girlfriend - depending on other signs.
  • Man. Groom, patron, husband, brother, boss, etc.
  • All representatives of the cat, except for the lion. Treason, betrayal, deceit.
  • A lion. Strength, confidence and reliability, a noble patron or philanthropist.
  • Chicken or peacock. Prosperity and well-being in family life, household chores.
  • Spider. Trap, deceit, cunning and meanness.
  • Infant or small child. Starting, new things, good projects, the birth of a child.
  • Fish and sea animals. Comfortable existence, laziness and relaxation, the ability to adapt to any conditions.
  • Duck, goose and other waterfowl. Luck and luck.
  • Owl. Wisdom, difficulties and failures, illness.
  • Dog. Loyalty, friend, colleague, devoted person.

The image of a fish symbolizes a comfortable existence

Fortune telling on wax involves a huge number of different figures, so the list can be continued indefinitely.

Things and objects

Such drawings and figures can be interpreted in different ways. You should listen to your feelings and connect your intuition. The most common meaning of items:

  • Tower and high-rise building. Fast wedding.
  • Fan. Job loss, divorce.
  • Eye. An unkind person, evil eye or damage, deceit.
  • Mushroom. Surprise, sometimes unpleasant.
  • House. Quick move, life changes.
  • Ladder. Career growth, promotion.
  • Cars, trains and planes. Trip, vacation.
  • Horseshoe. Good luck and success in all future endeavors.
  • Flower. Fulfillment of desire.

This is just a short list of possible images. When they appear, you should pay attention to your own associations, perhaps they will be more true.

The ability to assemble individual pictures into a single whole, the ability to decipher them is a real talent. Only experience will help to develop it, and only practice is needed to acquire it.

The most famous and widespread prediction is wax divination. It has come to us since ancient times and is still in great demand. There is an opinion that for accuracy and truthfulness it is necessary to take exactly and not paraffin. These manipulations can be performed not only at Christmas time, but also on any other day.

What does it mean This exciting activity is interesting because it does not bring negativity. There is a classic way to predict. It is necessary to be able to correctly interpret wax figures during divination. How to do this, read our article.

on wax?

Today, there are many different predictions in order to find out your future and destiny. One of them is divination on wax. Many magicians claim that wax with water is a strong positive combination for every person. That is why there is an opinion that it is not scary to carry out rituals with these materials, since nothing bad will happen. Fortune telling on wax allows you to look into the future without negative consequences.

Before starting fortune-telling, you need to find natural wax. Usually paraffin candles are sold in stores. You can, of course, guess at them, only, according to the magicians, the result is likely to be untrue. Wax prediction shows a person various figures that determine the future or present. They need to be able to decipher, because for each fate the meaning of the same figure can vary. For example, for one person, fish is a good sign, for another it is a bad sign.

It is important to know the interpretation of wax figures when divining. Only then can you understand what exactly the prediction promises. Not only girls, but also mature women, serious men and windy guys are fond of this exciting activity, because everyone is interested in what lies ahead for them. Next, we describe the classic method of divination on wax. A transcript of some of the figures will be provided. Everything else depends solely on your ability to fantasize.

Classic on wax

To date, there are two options for obtaining such a prediction.

1. Take a bowl and pour water into it, but not from the tap, but consecrated or melted water. Take a real wax candle, crumble it into a deep spoon so that the wick does not get there. When you're done, turn on the gas or electric burner. Hold a spoon over it until the wax melts. As soon as one liquid remains, pour it sharply and quickly into the center of the bowl. In just a few seconds, you will notice that the wax turns into a figure that you have to decipher.

2. is called "Brownie". For him, you need to pour a glass of milk into a small deep bowl and put it on the threshold of the dwelling. Now melt the wax in the same way as described in the first method, only you need to pour it into a bowl of milk while saying the following: “Brownie, I invite you to the doorstep to taste milk and wax.” A wax figure will appear, and you will only have to decipher it.

Fortune telling on wax is very interesting and fascinating. The transcript may shock you, because it tells the truth. Read the interpretation of the most common symbols.

Embryo wax figure

It can be of two types when divination is performed on wax - an embryo with and without an umbilical cord. These are two different predictions. The first symbol indicates that you or your close friend will soon become pregnant. But this is optional. Starting new ideas, changing jobs, finding new friends is allowed. The umbilical cord itself means that everything new will be given to you with an obstacle.

How to explain if divination on wax brought an embryo without an umbilical cord? This is also for pregnancy. However, this symbol may also mean new beginnings in the near future. The only good thing about an embryo without an umbilical cord is that you will go through any business without obstacles. And if pregnancy occurs, it will pass very easily.


There are several migratory species that appear in wax. For example, if the figure looks like a crow or a magpie, then you are waiting for the loss of a friend or his betrayal. What else will fortune-telling on wax tell? The bird can be interpreted in different ways.

Dove - receive pleasant unexpected news. Probably, it will be possible to get an answer to a very important question. This information will help you in the future, even decide your fate.

If you have a bird that is in flight, good news is on the threshold.

Did you see a small bird that looks like a sparrow, a tit or a bullfinch? This means that it is necessary to implement the plan in the near future. For example, if you have long wanted to quit your job, do not be afraid. Your luck will return. They couldn’t decide on a divorce or separation, but do you understand that your relationship has come to naught? It's time to decide!

So, what does such fortune-telling on wax promise? The bird will certainly bring happiness.

A fish

What does it mean if you had to see a waterfowl? What does such divination on wax imply? Fish will bring only good and good news. Most often they are associated with water. Even if you don’t know what we are talking about right now, you will definitely understand after a while. For example, a girl might meet an overseas prince, and an older woman might make a trip to where there is plenty of water. It can be the sea, the ocean or just a river. What else does such fortune-telling on wax carry in itself? Fish speaks of an early pregnancy and easy childbirth. Listen to your family and friends. They definitely don't wish you well.


What does divination on wax mean? A dog, as we all know, is a man's best friend. It's the same in divination. If you saw a dog in the water, it symbolizes the faithful and whom you have. This image suggests that you are ready in difficult times to help someone who really needs it.

What else is hidden in such fortune-telling on wax? Is the dog running? This means that a friend is in a hurry to help you, he really wants to be there in a difficult situation. If a comrade is a man, most likely he will be able to help you with his strength. A woman will give wise advice that can change your life for the better.

A dog is the most good-natured and wise omen. It will teach you a lot. If, for example, you have problems, and there is no one to help, most likely, fortune-telling indicates that a reliable person will soon appear in your life who will help you succeed.


It is very important to consider the meaning of symbols when predicting. What else can be divination on wax? The tree has several meanings. If you saw him with branches that are located upwards, success, joy and dreams come true in the near future are guaranteed. There is an opportunity to climb the career ladder. Therefore, if you have made an interesting offer, accept it, do not be afraid of anything. This is a great opportunity.

Sometimes it happens that the branches of a tree are lowered. This means longing, boredom. However, if the branch is raised on the right side, then everything is not so bad, and you have the opportunity to overcome your problems.


This symbol has several meanings. If you have spent fortune-telling on wax, the embryo means that you are close to new business and victories. It is at this moment that you can start a new business, and everything will definitely work out. You just need to try to overcome your fears, weakness and confidently move forward. Only then will the long-awaited result appear.

If fortune-telling is carried out on wax, the embryo also means that a baby will appear in your family soon. But not necessarily yours. There is a chance that a child will appear with a sister, mother or close friend. However, doctors cannot be avoided, as the fetus warns of a difficult pregnancy.


This symbol is inextricably linked with the family. The interpretation of wax figures during divination can shed light on many things. Do you feel what is going on in the family? If so, then it will be easy to understand what the image of the house promises. He is a very good symbol. It is believed that your family will finally change for the better. Perhaps you are renting an apartment, waiting for changes. If you have long wanted to move, but could not, this means that now is just the right time.

Feel free to start changing your life for the better. For this, a sign from above is given. Now is the time to fear nothing and act.

A heart

This sign speaks of love. If you saw a whole and smooth heart, a big and bright feeling that will never fade away will not keep you waiting.

If the heart is broken, this means that your love has begun to crumble, but it can still be saved. You need to be patient, and everything will certainly work out. Relationships almost always depend on the woman, so try and fight for your love.

If you saw a broken heart, this is a sign that you are in search of your love, or nothing will save your feelings. Therefore, you can part with your partner without hesitation.

Before you start fortune telling, read the recommendations of magicians who adhere to certain rules.

1. Water for divination must be clean - melted, filtered or consecrated. It carries special information and energy, so you should not take it from the tap.

2. In classical divination, a mirror helps a lot. The prediction will be more true if you put a mirror at the bottom of the bowl, and only then pour water into it.

3. It is better to use real wax. A paraffin candle is not an option for divination, it is unlikely to tell you the truth. Many magicians think so. But fortune-telling girls claim that paraffin has no less power than wax, and shows only the truth.

4. You can’t break a candle, as you can damage a loved one. It is better to carefully cut the required amount of wax with a knife.

6. If you are unable to buy wax from beekeepers, then purchase candles from the church.

7. If you cannot independently interpret wax figures during divination, then it is better to look into special literature.

All interpretations described in the article above are general. Remember that each person has their own decoding. When you learn to understand the meanings of the symbols, then it will be much more interesting to do wax divination.

If you follow all the above rules, proceed. Don't be afraid of anything. There is an opinion that this is the most harmless fortune-telling.