
Reciting a mantra for good luck and success. Mantras for great luck: how to attract Mantras for success and good luck in business


In this article:

A mantra is a kind of analogue of a prayer, pronounced in one of the oldest languages ​​- Sanskrit. Mantras differ in direction and effect on a person, on his body, spirit, consciousness and life, there are also special prayers for good luck, recovery, purification, well-being and many others.

An important advantage of such techniques is their accessibility and simplicity, the performer does not require special training or experience, just one desire and focus on success is enough.

Mantras to attract good luck

There are many different methods for attracting good luck. Prayers are very different from each other in direction and degree of impact, despite the fact that they act in the same key and pursue the same goal. To get the maximum result, the number of readings of each mantra should be a multiple of three, for example: 3, 6, 9, 36, etc.

Mantra of the Goddess of Fortune

This prayer was used by the famous sage Risha Vasishtha to achieve prosperity. We can say that this is a kind of conspiracy that attracts good luck to the performer.

Goddess Lakshmi

The goddess of prosperity - Lakshmi is the wife of Vishnu, in addition to financial well-being, she can also bring a person good luck in any business.

Her name "Lakshmi" can be translated into Russian as "Goal" or "Goal in life." In other words, this Goddess is responsible for the goal and path of a person, which means that she can help in the passage of this path.

The worship of this Goddess can bring many positive effects, she can make any man successful and rich, and bring beauty and radiance to a woman.

In Indian villages, it is still customary to draw traces of the Goddess on the doorsteps of houses at night, so the locals invite Sri Lakshmi to visit them so that she comes, blesses the family, brings wealth and prosperity.

In India, wealth has a much wider meaning than just money.

Well-being here is financial wealth, as well as knowledge, strength, courage, the ability to win, solve problems, it is also beauty, intelligence, the dominance of the spirit over the body, grains, nature, thinking, ethics, morality and many other concepts, including , and longevity. Therefore, the mantras of this Goddess can bring much more than just good luck in business or business.

The methodology for achieving “wealth” is called Lakshmi Sadhana, it was compiled by the student of the sage Vasishkhti, based on the studies of his teacher. It is believed that if a person fully complies with all the prescribed rules in the methodology, he will not only receive wealth, fame and other fruits of life, but will also be able to achieve the most important thing - enlightenment.

Lakshmi Sadhana Method

You need to start using this technique on Friday. Sit next to the image of Goddess Lakshmi, facing east, concentrate on her image, relax, clear your mind of all extraneous thoughts and experiences, and say the words of the mantra (try to sing and listen to your own words): .

After singing, it is necessary to light 4 lamps or candles, which will symbolize Good Luck, Profit, Spiritual Forces and Wealth. Take a rosary in your hands and repeat the mantra 108 times on them: Om Khrim Kamal Vaasiniya Pratyaksham Khrim Phat.

Maximum relaxation and no distractions - the basis of correct work

Due to this technique, the sage Vasishtha never faced poverty, sadness and sorrows, his whole life passed in peace and tranquility. There were no worldly affairs that would offend him.

totem mantra

This is a very special prayer that can attract good luck and prosperity to a person, but he will receive exactly as much as he really needs. No surpluses, no diamond necklaces and many billions of dollars, she does not guarantee.

This mantra is also called a prayer for greed, it allows you not to think only about money, forget endless experiences and get rid of the greed.

Greed can turn a person into a beast who only wants to fill his pockets and stomach. To prevent this from happening, so that you always have the means, so as not to need and not think about wealth, this prayer will do: Pashiyami Dhaninam Klesham Lubdhanam Ajita Amtanam Bhayad Alabdha-Nidranam Sarwat Bhodvishankinam.

This magic formula can be repeated by anyone, without restrictions and special requirements for execution. She is not capable of harming in any way, her whole power lies in bringing a person what he needs, and clearing his mind of everything that bothers him, but, in reality, he does not need.

Powerful Ganesha Mantra

Every person in life can face a situation when problems simply overwhelm, when there is no strength left to fight endless unpleasant circumstances, and there comes a moment when hands simply drop. In this case, the most ancient prayer to God Ganesha can save you.


Ganesha is one of the most revered Gods in the Hindu pantheon, he is considered the God of wisdom and prosperity. In India, people believe that this God can easily eliminate any difficulties from a person’s life, with his help any, even the most difficult and unpleasant issues, are easily resolved, the main thing is that the asker has pure thoughts. One of the legends says that Ganesha appeared from the greatness of Shiva, when the Gods asked to create a God who could prevent the accomplishment of evil deeds. Ganesha is depicted with the head of an elephant on a human body. This image is explained by the fact that the head of an elephant is the only figure that forms the sacred word "OM". It is this mantra that embodies the worship of this Deity. Many brahmins are sure that without reading the Ganesha prayer, not a single thing can begin and be accomplished.

Ganesha Mantra

The mantra for God is: "Om Gam Ganapatae Namaha".

If on the way to your goal you constantly encounter some kind of difficulties, obstacles and troubles, perhaps you yourself are to blame. Often the cause of the difficulties in our lives is our obsession with something unimportant. We ourselves can create difficulties simply by wrong thoughts and programs in our heads.

If you get rid of these wrong programs, you will no longer face the constant troubles of life, many of which may even seem like small dirty tricks coming from higher powers. Have you ever thought that someone or something is just mocking you? It is likely that it is time for you to clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts and negative attitudes.

The mantra to God Ganesha is a universal prayer that will help you cope with any troubles, make it possible to clear your mind and understand where mistakes were made.

This is a tool with which it will be quite easy to sort out any unpleasant situation. In addition, the mantra is able to attract good luck, happiness and prosperity to a person.

An important advantage of this prayer is that it does not require any special postures or surroundings to perform it, you can say it at any time, in any place, the main thing is that your thoughts be completely pure. The speed of the impact of the mantra, first of all, depends on the amount of "garbage" that the person's head is full of, you yourself will notice that as your mind is cleared of all that is superfluous, the life situation changes for the better.

A mantra is a special combination of sounds that, when pronounced, can help a person in any aspect of his life. The set of mantras, or, as they are also called the Vedas, are revelations of God and are used for the spiritual development of man. There are strong mantras to attract good luck, luck, money, happiness and prosperity.

In a powerful prosperity mantra, the main thing is the sound, which contains a certain energy. In this way, strong mantras for luck in business differ from prayer, the basis of which is meaning. It can be expressed in your own words and in any language. people should sound the same in the language in which it was written. All mantras are mainly written in the ancient language of Sanskrit, so it is very important to learn how to pronounce its sounds correctly. If it is mispronounced, it will not have the power that is inherent in it. Therefore, before practicing the best mantras for good luck, success, money and prosperity, you first need to listen to them on the Internet and memorize them.

Gayatri mantra for good luck

Gayatri mantra is considered the most powerful and most sacred, because it contains the entire essence of the Gods. It is believed that each mantra corresponds to some kind of deity. The Gayatri Mantra is addressed to the entire universe, which is why it is so powerful. The mantra is able to attract luck, health, material well-being, vitality and magical power into the life of every person. It eliminates the evil eye, damage and negative thoughts, gives a feeling of happiness to a person. Yogis say that the Gayatri mantra for luck is the strongest. She is able to cleanse the karma of a person, save him from sins. It protects from danger and promotes the development of the spiritual mind, develops intuition and gives wisdom.

Here is the real text of the Gayatri mantra for good luck:


This very powerful mantra must be repeated three times a day - morning, afternoon and evening, and always before meals, in absolutely any place. Recite the mantra three, nine, or eleven times, but the optimal number is 108 times.

Genesha mantra to attract good luck

Genesha is the god of wisdom and prosperity. It helps to overcome any difficulties, provided that a person turns to him with pure and bright intentions.

Here is the real text of Genesha's strong mantra for good luck:


You can repeat this miraculous mantra to attract success and good luck in life anytime and anywhere. Its effect will not be less if you just listen to the mantra in an audio recording while doing household chores.

The power of mantras is not in doubt among those who regularly practice their recitation. The Vedas contain a large number of mantras, whose action is aimed at improving various areas of life. Today we are interested in mantras for good luck.

How to pronounce mantras for good luck so that they “work”? Consider below

Rules for reading mantras

  1. Chant mantras regularly. Ideally, every day at the same time of day. The most suitable for this is the “hour of Brahma” (Brahma muhurthi) - an hour before and during the onset of dawn (approximately 4 am).
  2. When reciting a mantra, focus not on its translation and meaning, but on its sound. Direct your spiritual gaze inward, not outward.
  3. Do not take on several mantras at once - choose one mantra for yourself and practice reciting it. There should be no problem with the choice - going through the mantras, you will feel which one is “yours”.

  4. Before meditation, put your breath and body in order. Sit or stand up straight, take deep breaths in and out, breathe with your belly. Feel how your breathing becomes even and calm. Decide in advance for yourself how long you will meditate (at first, 5-15 minutes is enough), take a comfortable natural position.
  5. Start reciting the mantra slowly, synchronizing the sounds with your breath: part of the mantra on the inhale, part on the exhale. Say the mantra out loud (10 times), 10 times to yourself (while moving your lips), then proceed to mental reading without moving your lips.

At first, the thoughts in your head will make it difficult for you to focus on the mantra, this is quite natural for beginners. Switch your attention to the sounds of the mantra each time, and over time it will become much easier for you to concentrate on reading.

The strongest mantras for good luck and success

Let's start with Lakshmi mantras. This ancient Indian deity embodies prosperity, success, prosperity, beauty, wealth, generosity and peacefulness. Lakshmi protects from poverty and troubles, sympathizes with all life on Earth. The symbol of Goddess Lakshmi is the lotus, the flower of enlightenment and purity. The mantra goes like this:

Translated from Sanskrit: Hail to the great Lakshmi who grants prosperity!

Reciting this mantra will attract the energy of well-being into your life, help you succeed in business, reveal the nobility and wisdom inherent in you, and raise your consciousness to a higher level of awareness.

The next powerful mantra is great Shiva's mantra, or the five-syllable Aghora mantra (mantra of fearlessness). Shiva (literally: “merciful”, “good”) is one of the supreme gods of Hinduism. He personifies the destructive and at the same time the creative principle of the Universe. Shiva is called the creator of the sound "Om" and the sacred language - Sanskrit. The mantra looks like this:

Translated from Sanskrit: Worship the Good.

This mantra is one of the oldest and most important in Hinduism. It contains the entire universe in the form of five elements, designated by syllables: NA - earth, MA - water, SHI - fire, VA - air, YA - ether. Regular reading of the Shiva mantra can bring wealth into your life, reveal talents.

Unlike others, the five-syllable mantra gives a person the knowledge of what is eternal, allows you to comprehend the Absolute. The Aghora Mantra purifies the mind and spirit, which leads to an internal transformation: illusions, envy, anger, despair and greed disappear. In their place come bliss, peace, unity with the world and prosperity.

One of the most powerful mantras for good luck Ganesha mantra. An elephant-headed deity symbolizes prosperity and wisdom. Ganesha is one of the most revered gods in Hinduism. He is considered the patron saint of travelers and merchants. Ganesha is sensitive to the requests of all who turn to him with a pure heart. Reciting the Ganesha mantra removes obstacles in the path of a person. Here is the mantra itself:

Translated from Sanskrit: Hail to the Remover of Obstacles.

The second name of Ganesha is Ganapati, as he is called in this mantra. If you practice the regular recitation of this mantra, clarity of intentions will come to you, success in spiritual and worldly affairs. Ganesha helps to overcome obstacles on the path to well-being, endows with wisdom. The mantra should be read before the start of important matters in order to attract success.

Read about mantras to attract wealth and abundance in this article.

Practice reading mantras for good luck daily, and you yourself will feel how harmony and tranquility will come into your heart. We wish you good luck in everything!

Mantra - the embodiment of the wisdom of the world

If you constantly practice reading mantras, you can be cured of various diseases and ailments. You can attract the love of that person without whom you cannot imagine life. It is also possible to gain wealth and good luck, joy, happiness and harmony with your destiny. The mantra will help you in any life situation, lead you to the right decision, protect you from evil.

It should be remembered that historically, mantras were first practiced in India, so they are pronounced in Sanskrit. Mantra is essentially an ancient sacred formula. It charges both the body and the spirit in it with sacred energy through sound vibrations. Each sound of the mantra has a supernatural power, remember this and take them seriously.

The word "mantra" consists of two words from one of the oldest languages ​​- Sanskrit - "manas" (compare with English "mind"). That is, "thought", and "trai", which means "protect" or "save". Thus, the mantra is the salvation of the mind through its purification and concentration.

Mantras for good luck must be read constantly - at least 108 times. Usually, mantras are read for an odd number of days - 11 or 21. But there are also those that need to be read for two days or every day. This is necessary so that the vibrations that the mantra fills your body bring you into a state of complete harmony, peace and tranquility. It is in this state that a person achieves what he desires and sounds in unison with the Universal channels of abundance.

What are the mantras

Mantras were received by people long before you were born and have remained unchanged for many centuries and millennia. So do not take the liberty of changing something in them, adding from yourself and experimenting.

Traditionally, mantras are divided into three types:

  • Solar, otherwise they are called male
  • Lunar (another name is female)
  • Neutral (i.e. neuter mantras).

Remember that the endings "phat", "um" are the endings of male mantras. "Svaha", "tham" - the endings of female mantras. "Pamah", "namah" - the endings of neutral mantras.

Mantra repetition

Mantras for good luck must be repeated so that the number of repetitions can be divided by three. That is, three, six, nine, and so on up to one hundred and eight times. It is best, of course, to score 108 repetitions in a day - then the likelihood that you will achieve the desired result will be the highest.

The fact is that 108 repetitions were not chosen by chance. The number 108 is a sacred number.

  • The unit symbolizes the Divine,
  • Zero is the perfection of what the Divine Beginning has created
  • Eight is a symbol of the Infinity of Being.

You should not read the mantra and count which one you have today in the account. Buy yourself a rosary or make your own - it's not that difficult. One hundred and eight beads and a strong thread with a needle - that's all you need to create a rosary. The rosary not only helps to count how many mantras you have already read this time. They increase concentration, and while reading the mantras, they are energized and serve as a talisman all day long.

You should not focus on many mantras, just choose one or two that best suits your current needs. Choose something interconnected - health and peace, love and happiness, wealth and career. Then the mantras will complement and enhance each other's action.

How to read mantras

First of all, for this you must have a quiet and secluded place where you will be alone with yourself. Be sure to light incense or a scented candle
Close your eyes, focus, imagine that you are sitting in a column of bright light that penetrates you. You breathe it into yourself and feed on its energy.
Breathe this light for a while, reaching the desired concentration. Then tell the Universe about your problem or just about the current situation, about what you want to improve in it.

There are many ways to say mantras. You can say them alone or in groups, sitting, standing or lying down, in the house or in nature. Each practitioner of mantra reading finds the way that suits him best on his own. Just listen to yourself and you will understand everything.

Mantras are also not limited in time, despite the fact that different practitioners give different recommendations. Mantras can be read in the morning or on the growing moon, and so on. Recite the mantras whenever it suits you, even while washing the dishes. Listen to them while driving to and from work, or any other time that suits you.
The sounds of mantras perfectly cleanse the space of the house and office, infect the surrounding objects with light, creative energy.

A little advice! If one of your acquaintances is still fond of mantras, then it is best to conduct a session of joint reading of mantras. This practice will help you achieve your goals faster.

Mantras for good luck and success

In addition to understanding our essence, achieving harmony and inner balance, mantras help us achieve other life goals. For example, there are mantras that attract success and prosperity into our lives.
Below we give a series of mantras that are aimed at bringing wealth into your life. You can read them both separately and together:


Mantra to Goddess Lakshmi

Goddess Lakshmi is the goddess of blessings, abundance, prosperity, wealth, good luck and happiness. She is the embodiment of grace, beauty and charm. It is believed that its adherents will be protected from all kinds of misfortune and poverty. She always listens to those who ask her to improve her material well-being, success in work and career.
Below is one of the invocations to this generous goddess:


You can listen to Goddess Lakshmi mantra for good luck and money in this video:

Mantras for business success

These mantras for good luck and success need to be repeated only 2 days, 108 times. Thus, they will ensure you success and good luck in your affairs. If you want to have constant success, then read these mantras every month for 2 days:


Here is an example of another mantra for good luck and success:


Mantra for business

This mantra contributes not only to achieving success and good luck in business, but also helps to prosper and improve your business.


Repeat this mantra up to 108 times a day. Only then will you be provided with not only inner peace, but also success in any business:


Wealth Mantra

One who practices this mantra will surely gain wealth:


prosperity mantra

This mantra was created for those who want to increase what they have. It will help you find new opportunities and find your way to prosperity and material well-being:


Mantra of development and self-knowledge

If you are looking not only for money and prosperity, but also spiritual riches, then you are on the right track. Everything in a person should be in harmony. The truly rich is not the one who has more money, but the one who does not know the need and has a vast inner world.

Earthly wealth is nothing compared to spiritual poverty. No amount of luck and luck will help you become happier if you cannot even appreciate what you have. This mantra will give the reader joy of the soul, harmony with the world and success in everything. For best results, it is recommended to read or listen to this mantra 108 times daily from mid-April to mid-November:


mantra names of god

This mantra is a listing of the names of the ancient Indian gods, who, as the ancients believed, bring wealth to a person. The names of these deities are repeated in the mantra, and it promises fabulous wealth to the one who repeats it. In order to read it correctly, try to make the room mostly dominated by green. To do this, buy incense from a mixture of oils that attract wealth and good luck. Tune in to the fact that your words will be sure to be heard, and begin the ritual:


Mantra for the soul

To read the next mantra, you need to dedicate a day to fasting and positive thoughts. Try to think about the good deeds that you will definitely do when you have wealth. When the day of fasting passes and the night of the full moon comes, you need to read this mantra, raising your hands above your head. Then repeat it once a week for 3 months:


Mantra amulet

In order for your success to be complete, and troubles to avoid, you need to know and practice protective mantras.

For example, this mantra amulet will help ensure that no one and nothing will harm your property:


Advice for those who are just starting to practice mantra recitation:

Be sure to find recordings of those mantras that you are going to read yourself, at first you can just listen to them - listening will replace reading at first. Pronunciation, melodies - all this you must remember in order to later reproduce the mantras yourself.

Universal mantra

There are also mantras for all occasions, that is, universal ones. They cleanse from diseases and prevent misfortune. They give harmony, love, self-confidence, success and prosperity. Here is one of those wonderful mantras:


Remember! When you recite mantras for good luck, you must be calm and focused! You should be filled with the light energy of creation, and then everything will work out for you! Happiness and prosperity to you!

Attracting good luck

A mantra is understood as an analogue of a prayer, which is read in the most ancient language - Sanskrit. These words can affect the brain, body, consciousness, life. In addition, there are those that affect certain areas of life, bringing the benefits that a person dreams of.

A distinctive feature of this method is accessibility. Anyone can read magic words, regardless of country of residence, age, gender.

The main condition is to believe in the result and be focused on it. If you do not believe in the effectiveness of the mantra for good luck, then all attempts to improve life using this method will be futile and will not bring any result. Therefore, use magic only if you are sure of its effectiveness.

Reading Rules

As you already understood, mantras affect various areas of life and can help solve various problems. However, there is one rule that should always be used - this is the number of repetitions of magic words. It is worth noting that the number of repetitions is often counted using a rosary. The quantity must be a multiple of three, for example, 3, 6, 9 times. However, the best number of repetitions is 108 times.

Indian technique Lakshmi

If you are seriously thinking about how to improve your life with the help of mantras, then this Indian technique will suit you. In India, Lakshmi is considered the goddess of prosperity and prosperity. Moreover, this applies not only to the financial sphere, but also to life in general. Therefore, using this method, you can attract good luck in everything that a person would not undertake.

In Russian, "Lakshmi" is translated as "goal." That is, if you decipher the designation, it turns out that the goddess is responsible for the life path and goals that each of us sets for ourselves, and for their achievement. Turning to Lakshmi will make any person successful, especially those who know exactly what they want. It is important that there are goals in a person’s life, and if they are, such a mantra for good luck will help to achieve them.

As for the Indians, they still paint the footprints of Lakshmi on the doorsteps, thereby attracting her into the house. And reading mantras contributes to the fastest effect.

You should start the technique on Friday - this is a prerequisite. By the way, note that the phase of the moon is not important here.

Turning to the east, the mantra is read:

"Om Mahalakshmi Vidmahe Vishnupriyate Mahi Tanno Lakshmi Sadhana!"

It is read 108 times. When the magic words are spoken, four candles should be lit. You can use any candles, it is important that they are not scented. Each of them will have its own meaning: Profit, Luck, Wealth and Spirituality.

It is believed that with the help of this technique, you can forget forever what poverty is. Naturally, becoming a millionaire will not work, but living in abundance and prosperity is a completely feasible task.

Ganesha Mantra

Another deity that symbolizes wisdom and prosperity is Ganesha. This deity is one of the most revered and powerful. Hindus believe that it is Ganesha who can easily deprive a person of any problems in any area. It represents a man with the head of an elephant.

This mantra will help you if, on the way to achieving any goal, you encounter problems that you cannot always cope with on your own. Reading it, you can quickly get rid of the negative programs laid down by the person himself or others.

The Ganesha mantra is universal, it helps in any idea and in the fight against any problem.

"Om Ganesha Om Ganapatae Om Namaha!"

You need to read the magic words in the morning and in the evening every day for at least one month. Then you can read several times a week. In addition, it is recommended to read it when you plan to start something new or complete something old that has become obsolete. So, the goddess will help you make the right decision and direct you in the right direction.

Mantras are considered a universal method for achieving almost any goal. To read them, you do not need any specific devices, they are read in any convenient position and almost at any time. An important requirement is pure thoughts and focus on desire. It is not necessary to understand the meaning of the spoken words, it is important to know them by heart. In addition, it is important to believe in the effectiveness of using the chosen technique.

Basic rules for practicing mantras for good luck

Reading all sacred texts without exception requires a serious approach and reflection. You can not take up work with mantras without preparation. In order for the spells to work, follow important rules.

  1. You need to read mantras for good luck an even number of times.
  2. Practice every day. Do not be lazy, offer prayers to the Universe regularly.
  3. Try to work with texts at the same time. The pre-dawn time is suitable for the full disclosure of the potential of the mantra: 4 o'clock in the morning.
  4. Perform the rite alone. Conversation with the gods does not tolerate the presence of prying ears and prying eyes.
  5. Don't tell anyone about your intentions. This is one of the main conditions. It concerns not only the development of the mantra for good luck, but also other activities for self-improvement or attracting wealth and prosperity to life.
  6. Pronounce syllables correctly. Incorrect pronunciation distorts the meaning of the mantra, it loses its sacred power.
  7. Before reading the text in Sanskrit on your own, listen to it performed by famous masters. Some singers practice the classical version of the sound, while others profess new approaches to reading mantras.
  8. Remember and learn syllables. At the beginning of working with good luck mantras, write them down on a piece of paper to refer to.
  9. Having mastered the rhythm and correct pronunciation, proceed to independent reading.
  10. Do not try to work with several texts at the same time.
  11. Don't rush things. Changes in life will not come immediately, do not quit the practice you have begun if it does not seem to work. Mantras do not give instant results: they help to accumulate and multiply energy.

Mantras for good luck work when a person sincerely believes in their power. One cannot mechanically repeat the sacred text and not hope for success. The Universe subtly feels falseness and does not help those who doubt its capabilities.

The strongest mantras for good luck and success

In the Hindu tradition, it is customary to turn to the god Ganesha and the goddess Lakshmi for help in business. According to legend, these creatures help people in all endeavors, protect them from wrong steps and guide them to the true path.

The video contains a powerful mantra that will help you succeed at work and in any endeavors.

Lakshmi mantras

The symbol of this deity is the Lotus flower. Lakshmi is depicted as a woman with four hands: in one pair there are flowers, in the other - coins.

Hindus revere Lakshmi as the goddess of wisdom, fertility, success and luck. She personifies generosity, philanthropy, beauty and good luck.

Lakshmi's powerful mantra for good luck sounds like this:


It is believed that turning to the goddess will allow you to reveal your inner potential, develop abilities in the sciences, and attract the energy of well-being to life. The mantra raises consciousness to a new level, helps in working on shortcomings, develops positive qualities: wisdom, patience and diligence.

Shiva mantra

The five-syllable mantra is dedicated to the deity Shiva. This is an ambiguous hero of Hindu mythology. On the one hand, it is called the Destroyer, on the other hand, it personifies creation and change.

The text of the mantra in Sanskrit is as follows:


The mantra is considered one of the oldest and most important in the religion of the Hindus. Regular reading of this text helps to bring wealth and prosperity to life.

The five-syllable mantra of good luck helps to find spiritual harmony, to correctly prioritize in life. The Aghora Mantra gives relief from illusions and delusions caused by a misconception about the world, helps to find a place in the Universe.

It eradicates such vices as anger, despair and greed.

Ganesha mantras

The cheerful and good-natured deity of the Hindu pantheon Ganesh is one of the most revered. A well-fed man with an elephant's head dancing or sitting on a throne of flowers is a symbol of prosperity, fertility and success. Joyful Ganesha gladly accepts gifts in the form of sweets and ripe fruits. If you want to earn the favor of this cute creature, do not skimp on gifts and read the appropriate mantra.


Reading the mantra of good luck and luck will give confidence and help in all endeavors. The deity helps those who are resolutely moving towards the goal, earthly well-being and wealth.

Mantras to remove obstacles

Obstacles on the way to the chosen goal lie in wait at every step. And it's not just about wealth or luck. A person is weak, and he needs to enlist the support of the Higher powers when he intends to change his life. How often did you plan to start running on Monday mornings or look for a new job. Every time something interferes, including laziness. With the help of mantras that remove obstacles, you can clear the way to your goals and achieve success.

Here is the text of the universal mantra for all occasions. Reading these syllables will help you concentrate on the main thing and not be distracted by trifles.


Yogis say that these words help to avoid bad influence.

Listen to the inner smile mantra from this video and immerse yourself in your inner world:

Another text helps to overcome difficulties and bring good luck, wealth and prosperity to life.


Read the mantra as much as you like, there are no restrictions on its practice. The more often you offer a magical prayer to heaven, the better.

If you want to open new horizons, realize your creative potential, get a raise or an increase in salary, read the following text.


A prerequisite for practice: this mantra for good luck is pronounced in the morning, before dawn, on an empty stomach. You can’t tell anyone about your plans to transform life with the help of this text, even your best friends and close relatives.

Universal Indian spells for good luck and for all occasions

Europeans turn to the saints for support, and the Hindus call for help from their many gods.

Here is the text of a popular mantra, which is customary to say in Hindu temples on major holidays. It is also read before the start of any important business. Hindus believe that if you sing the mantra for three months, it will help business development and bring good luck.


A person invents many problems himself, unconsciously driving the mind into frames. The following sacred text will help to get rid of complexes and illusions.


Yoga masters say that this mantra helps to gain self-confidence. It is sung without reference to any event or holiday. Chant sacred words when you feel the need.


The video contains a powerful mantra that helps get rid of problems:

Start a new day with a mantra and see how soon life will change. This text is recommended for reading to create a good mood.


You need to make an important decision, but you doubt the correctness of the choice. Read the following words, and fate will tell you which way to go.


Another mantra will help build a career and avoid conflicts with colleagues and superiors. Say it at least 30 times a day.


Lost a thing or looking for a treasure - say special words, and the loss will instantly catch your eye.


A special affirmation in Sanskrit will help you tune in to success.


It doesn't matter what religion a person professes, if he sincerely believes in the power of the uttered mantras, the sky responds to his requests. Deities are essentially universal. In the Universe there is no division of people according to national and linguistic principles.

Briefly about what a mantra is. A mantra is a syllable, word or verse that has the ability to influence a person's consciousness and brings spiritual perfection if they are repeated, listened to or meditated on. The root "man" in the Sanskrit word mantra comes from the first syllable of the word "mana" - to think, mind, and "tra" means to protect or liberate.

Thus, the mantra is that which frees the mind from ignorance, obscuration and bad attachments. The sacred Indian scripture Pingala Tantra says: “It is called a mantra because it reveals complete knowledge of the Universe, frees from defilement and brings success in self-improvement.”

A mantra is a signal, where an infinite amount of information is encoded in a compressed form. The syllables of the mantra are charged with an energy that cannot be perceived by the senses, but which acts regardless of whether we are aware of the meaning of the mantra or not. The influence of the mantra has an objective effect. Of course, if we understand the meaning of the mantra, then it will act much more effectively.

Mantric words will gradually and gently cleanse the mind of exhausting internal dialogue, of mental chewing gum, anxiety and give peace, tranquility, concentration. The greatest fruit of mantra meditation is the awakening of universal love in the human heart. Love for all things and the source of all transcends all other goals. There are mantras that heal, protect, bewitch, help to acquire wealth, change the influence of the planets.

Prolonged meditation and repetition of the mantra shorten the duration of sleep due to the fact that they give a large boost of energy to the human body. After all, a mantra is an energy concentrated in a sound vibration.
When you are talking with someone, reading a newspaper, watching TV, try to repeat the mantra to yourself, and it will become a filter that filters out all the negative, destructive dark influences. The duration of mantra meditation at the beginning is advised - 15-20 minutes.

prosperity mantra





“Give me long life, give me abundance, give me knowledge.

O Maheshwari, give me whatever I desire, O Parameshwari.

Wealth mantras

1. OM Hrim Klim Shrim Namah

2. OM Hrim Kshim Shrim


If this mantra is repeated daily on the rosary, the practitioner will quickly gain

wealth in a righteous way.


If this mantra is repeated in a secluded place, during a sacred ceremony, then you can

find treasure either underground, or in a cave, or in a cache.

Mantra of good luck and prosperity.

OM SHrim Hrim Shrim




The deity of this mantra is MAHALAKSHMI, the goddess of good luck and prosperity.

every day. This mantra bestows wealth and happiness,

eliminates anxiety and sadness.


This is a simple but very effective mantra for gaining good luck and prosperity.

Mantra for success in any activity



Repeat this mantra a thousand times daily and you will achieve success in any work.

To be happy - or to be rich?

The meaning of the short word "mantra" is quite voluminous, in translation from Sanskrit it means "thoughts that can protect." It remains to understand from whom or from what protection is required. But the worst enemy of any man is himself. Wrong actions, feelings, reactions to certain irritants spoil karma, as a result, the harmony of internal vibrations is replaced by a natural cacophony. The mantra for good luck and success in everything helps to turn the tide - it makes the strings of the soul sound right.

Happiness and wealth are not synonyms. And yet, an ordinary person wants to get both at once. The mantra for good luck affects all spheres of life. It improves relationships with superiors and colleagues, helps to avoid domestic and financial disasters, improves well-being and proves one's right to leadership.

Strengthening "luckiness" with the help of patron planets

Mantras of wealth and success can be long and complex - or very short, consisting of literally a few sounds. Such "keys" are called binja mantras. It is believed that they are more universal - they tune the vibrations of a person in such a way that he begins to merge in harmony with his divine patron. It is clear that this will benefit in all areas of life. " Ram", for example, perfectly calms spiritual storms," Aum leads to the desired goal.

Before choosing binja mantras for luck and money, find out which planet (star) has the most significant positive effect on you. Those born under the auspices of Venus are advised to repeat " Noise", and" the people of the moon "is more suitable" catfish". It is very useful to use incense in moments of meditation - many aromas in themselves attract success and wealth.

Examples of mantras for good luck and success

Consider the most effective mantras that will allow you to fill your life with luck, success and prosperity.

Ganesha Mantra

Ganesha is a deity in the Hindu tradition, acting as a symbol of wisdom and prosperity. Hindus revere Ganesha very much, because this god has great power and can save a person from absolutely any problems and troubles in the shortest possible time.

In appearance, Ganesha is a human body with the head of an elephant.

Mantra-appeal to Ganesha will help you easily achieve your goal if you are not able to solve the situation on your own. Its regular pronunciation allows you to eliminate negative mental images from the subconscious, which were laid directly by the person himself or his environment.

The Ganesha mantra belongs to the category of universal, it will help you solve any problem.

Her text is as follows:

"Om Ganesha Om Ganapatae Om Namaha!"

Say the magic words daily in the morning and evening for 30 days. Then it is allowed to reduce the number of repetitions and reduce them to several times a week.

The mantra will also be relevant for all new beginnings or, conversely, the successful completion of old, obsolete cases. Ganesha will help you to correctly orient yourself in a life situation, prompt the right decision and direct you on the right path.

Listen to the mantra for good luck and success in everything online:

Mantra Lakshmi

If you need an effective luck mantra, pay attention to this technique. Hindus revere Lakshmi as the goddess of prosperity and prosperity. Well-being in this context refers not only to the financial sphere, but also to life in general. By applying this method, you will attract good luck in all areas of your life.

Translated from Hindi into Russian, the word "Lakshmi" is translated as "goal".

Goddess Lakshmi helps a person find his right path in life, and is also responsible for the goals that we set for ourselves and contributes to their achievement.

By turning to Lakshmi for help, you can become successful, but it is important to clearly know what you are counting on. It is necessary to set specific goals for yourself, and if they exist, the mantra will certainly contribute to the implementation of the plan.

Hindus, on the other hand, firmly believe in the power of Lakshmi and even today put her traces on the thresholds of their houses (thus, they attract the deity to their home). And the pronunciation of a special mantra further enhances the effect.

Start the reading process on Friday - this condition is mandatory. But you can ignore the phase of the moon, because in this case it does not play a significant role.

Turn your face to the east and say the following sacred words:

"Om Mahalakshmi Vidmahe Vishnupriyate Mahi Tanno Lakshmi Sadhana!"

Each candle has its own meaning, symbolizes Profit, Luck, Wealth and Spirituality.

Hindus believe that using this technique, you can once and for all forget about what a lack of finance is. You may not become a millionaire, but you will be able to secure a successful and prosperous life for yourself.

The mantra-appeal to the goddess Lakshmi is divinely beautiful, make sure of this by watching the following video:

Mantras are a universal tool with which you can achieve almost any goal you set. To address the deities with the help of mantras, there is no need to use any devices, it is important to read them in any position that is comfortable for you and at any time of the day or night.

What effect do mantras have on the human body?

A mantra is a sacred song in which a particular deity is addressed. It is filled with a huge amount of positive energy and has a very positive effect, first of all, on the state of the central nervous system of the person who practices it.

Mantras to attract good luck and finance are recommended to listen to or sing many times. Thanks to this, you will be able to tune your body to the desired wave and begin to attract only positive into your life, you will be able to cleanse your body and mind of negative vibrations.

Also, in the process of reading mantras, the correct pronunciation of sound vibrations will play a huge role. Only by adhering to all these rules, you can achieve the desired success.

What enhances the effect of mantras for good luck and luck in everything

In most cases, if a person regularly recites mantras for fourteen days, his voice begins to change - it becomes softer, reminiscent of the rustling of tree leaves. This indicates that you were able to get the desired result.

Many people believe that it is more effective to pronounce mantras not out loud, but to yourself - supposedly in this case its effect is even more enhanced.

Do not be lazy to systematically read mantras for a large number of repetitions in one approach. In this case, one should concentrate as much as possible on the sacred text. Renounce the surrounding reality, throw aside all the problems that worry you, get rid of bad thoughts.

The reading of mantras should be performed only in a positive mood. It is also important to achieve complete calmness and inner peace and be completely alone during this sacred action.

The most important requirement will be the presence of pure thoughts and maximum concentration on your desires. Also, the effect of sacred songs will be greatly enhanced if you read them from memory, and not from a piece of paper. And, of course, faith in 100% results is very important.

Rules for reading mantras.
Chant mantras regularly. Ideally, every day at the same time of day. The most suitable for this is the "hour of Brahma" (Brahma muhurthi) - an hour before and during the onset of dawn (approximately 4 o'clock in the morning).

  • When reciting a mantra, focus not on its translation and meaning, but on its sound. Direct your spiritual gaze inward, not outward.
  • Do not take on several mantras at once - choose one mantra for yourself and practice reading it. There should be no problem with the choice - going through the mantras, you will feel which one is “yours”.
  • Before meditation, put your breath and body in order. Sit or stand up straight, take deep breaths in and out, breathe with your belly. Feel how your breathing becomes even and calm. Decide in advance for yourself how long you will meditate (at first, 5-15 minutes is enough), take a comfortable natural position.
  • Start reciting the mantra slowly, synchronizing the sounds with your breath: part of the mantra on the inhale, part on the exhale. Say the mantra out loud (10 times), 10 times to yourself (while moving your lips), then proceed to mental reading without moving your lips.

At first, the thoughts in your head will make it difficult for you to focus on the mantra, this is quite natural for beginners. Switch your attention to the sounds of the mantra each time, and over time it will become much easier for you to concentrate on reading.

1. Mantra Lakshmi

Let's start with the Lakshmi mantra. This ancient Indian deity embodies prosperity, success, prosperity, beauty, wealth, generosity and peacefulness. Lakshmi protects from poverty and troubles, sympathizes with all life on Earth. The symbol of the goddess Lakshmi is the lotus, the flower of enlightenment and purity.

The mantra goes like this:

Translated from Sanskrit:
Hail to the great Lakshmi who grants prosperity!

Reciting this mantra will attract the energy of well-being into your life, help you succeed in business, reveal the nobility and wisdom inherent in you, and raise your consciousness to a higher level of awareness.

2. Great mantra of Shiva

The next powerful mantra is the great mantra of Shiva, or the five-syllable Aghora mantra (mantra of fearlessness). Shiva (literally: “merciful”, “good”) is one of the supreme gods of Hinduism. He personifies the destructive and at the same time the creative principle of the Universe. Shiva is called the creator of the sound "Om" and the sacred language - Sanskrit.

The mantra looks like this:

Translated from Sanskrit:
Worship the Good.

This mantra is one of the oldest and most important in Hinduism. It contains the entire universe in the form of five elements, designated by syllables: NA - earth, MA - water, SHI - fire, VA - air, YA - ether. Regular reading of the Shiva mantra can bring wealth into your life, reveal talents.

Unlike others, the five-syllable mantra gives a person the knowledge of what is eternal, allows you to comprehend the Absolute. The Aghora Mantra purifies the mind and spirit, which leads to an internal transformation: illusions, envy, anger, despair and greed disappear. In their place come bliss, peace, unity with the world and prosperity.

3. Mantra Ganesha

One of the most powerful mantras for good luck is the Ganesha mantra. An elephant-headed deity symbolizes prosperity and wisdom. Ganesha is one of the most revered gods in Hinduism. He is considered the patron saint of travelers and merchants. Ganesha is sensitive to the requests of all who turn to him with a pure heart. Reciting the Ganesha mantra removes obstacles in the path of a person.

Here is the mantra itself:

Translated from Sanskrit:
Greetings to the remover of obstacles.

The second name of Ganesha is Ganapati, as he is called in this mantra. If you practice the regular recitation of this mantra, clarity of intentions will come to you, success in spiritual and worldly affairs. Ganesha helps to overcome obstacles on the path to well-being, endows with wisdom. The mantra should be read before the start of important matters in order to attract success.

Absolutely all people strive to achieve success. For some, success is luck, for some it is a good promising job, and for some it is a happy, full-fledged and healthy family. Far from always we can achieve success using only our own personal strength, we often have to resort to the help of various magical rites. Recently, the popularity of oriental prayers has increased, and many people are interested in a universal mantra for good luck and success in everything.

Consider the most effective mantras that will allow you to fill your life with luck, success and prosperity.

Ganesha Mantra

Ganesha is a deity in the Hindu tradition, acting as a symbol of wisdom and prosperity. Hindus revere Ganesha very much, because this god has great power and can save a person from absolutely any problems and troubles in the shortest possible time.

In appearance, Ganesha is a human body with the head of an elephant.

Mantra-appeal to Ganesha will help you easily achieve your goal if you are not able to solve the situation on your own. Its regular pronunciation allows you to eliminate negative mental images from the subconscious, which were laid directly by the person himself or his environment.

The Ganesha mantra belongs to the category of universal, it will help you solve any problem.

Her text is as follows:

"Om Ganesha Om Ganapatae Om Namaha!"

Say the magic words daily in the morning and evening for 30 days. Then it is allowed to reduce the number of repetitions and reduce them to several times a week.

The mantra will also be relevant for all new beginnings or, conversely, the successful completion of old, obsolete cases. Ganesha will help you to correctly orient yourself in a life situation, prompt the right decision and direct you on the right path.

Listen to the mantra for good luck and success in everything online:

Mantra Lakshmi

If you need an effective luck mantra, pay attention to this technique. Hindus revere Lakshmi as the goddess of prosperity and prosperity. Well-being in this context refers not only to the financial sphere, but also to life in general. By applying this method, you will attract good luck in all areas of your life.

Translated from Hindi into Russian, the word "Lakshmi" is translated as "goal".

The reading of mantras should be performed only in a positive mood. It is also important to achieve complete calmness and inner peace and be completely alone during this sacred action.

The most important requirement will be the presence of pure thoughts and maximum concentration on your desires. Also, the effect of sacred songs will be greatly enhanced if you read them from memory, and not from a piece of paper. And, of course, faith in 100% results is very important.