
Why dream as if there is a daughter. Why is my daughter dreaming? Dream Interpretation Daughter

House and plot

Why, according to the dream book, is a little adult daughter dreaming? This is an indication of difficulties in relationships, troubles, loss of trust, the need to fill the gap that was previously made in her upbringing. But also this image in a dream promises a favorable period, a successful course of affairs, family well-being and a great vacation.

Be more involved with loved ones

Such a plot indicates: the dreamer does not pay enough attention to loved ones. They miss her care and love.

Seeing an adult daughter in a dream means that you communicate with her less and less, and this can lead to alienation, a break in relations. Show participation, interest in her affairs.

What is the dream of a teenage daughter in the form of a little girl? Now she is going through a difficult period, she needs your attention and advice more than before. But do it delicately, choose a time for tea gatherings and heart-to-heart talks.

Dream details

Remember what she did in her dream:

  • laughed - you will find out the good news;
  • cried - something will upset her, support will be needed;
  • capricious - she faces a choice, cannot decide;
  • demanded something - stop indulging her whims, carried out at your expense.

Ahead of well-being, happiness in love

According to the dream book, to see an adult daughter as a little one is a harbinger of the dreamer's feelings for her. But in the end, the worries will be in vain, the situation will be resolved successfully.

In a dream, kissed your baby, which in reality is already big? The vision promises well-being, family happiness, good relations with family.

Had a dream that you just gave birth to your baby? The dream book promises: happiness in love awaits you. If you are single now, you will find a new companion, and if you are in a relationship, your connection with your partner will be strengthened.

Trouble warning

What is the dream of an adult little daughter? This image symbolizes the sleeping woman's need to have patronage to protect herself from troubles.

A vision in a dream portends news from your girl. But this news will upset you, they will be associated with troubles or troubles.

Did she get sick in a night dream? Get ready to overcome difficulties, look for a way out of the difficulties that your daughter will have.

Support your daughter, talk heart to heart

Why is a completely independent girl dreaming of a baby? The dream interpretation indicates: now she is having a difficult period, she needs support and care in order to overcome fears and self-doubt.

Did you explain something to her in a dream, as in childhood? You need to talk heart to heart to help her from the height of your experience. But do it discreetly.

A pleasant surprise

The daughter has grown up, but in the dream the daughter is still a baby, but does not pay any attention to you? It's time to let her go free. Perhaps you will marry your daughter soon.

Dreamed of an adult little daughter - a newborn baby? The dream interpretation claims: an unexpected pleasant event will happen very soon.

Success in business, mutual understanding with loved ones

Why else dream of such a plot? In reality, great happiness awaits you: things will turn out well, and harmony and mutual understanding will reign between you and your loved ones.

Also, a daughter in infancy in a dream portends amazing and joyful events that will have a beneficial effect on your destiny.

Have a good time, implement your projects

If you already have grandchildren, and your daughter was seen as a child who had just been born? This is a hint: the time is right. It will be possible to implement your projects, which will give excellent results.

A great omen is a vision in a dream when a little daughter was playing in the water. The dream interpretation explains: a very successful stage in life will soon come.

Great change, earn the respect of friends

Had a dream that the baby was dressed in an elegant beautiful dress? This is a reason for joy: ahead of favorable changes and the admiration of others.

A dream that an adult daughter is small also promises, according to the dream book, strengthening material well-being and respect for others.

Get ready to overcome difficulties

Why dream about scolding your little girl? Wake up should prepare for difficulties. But do not be discouraged, because not everything in life goes smoothly, but there are difficulties and obstacles on the way to the goal.

Was she naughty in her sleep? The dream interpretation warns: the implementation of the plans is fraught with difficulties. Be patient and determined to see your projects through to the end.

A small child is a harbinger of problems

Did you dream that your already independent daughter again became a baby that you are taking to a kindergarten or school? The plot portends serious trials for her, the need to learn a life lesson already passed.

Seeing an adult daughter in a dream as a small child who runs away and you cannot catch up means problems with a partner. Perhaps you will lose the trust of a loved one or break up. Think about ways to build relationships.

We need to correct past mistakes, help find a way out

A dream about a baby daughter, when in reality she has already left this age, means: there was a gap in her upbringing that needs to be filled now, says the dream book.

If she cried in a dream, it means that her daughter is in trouble, but she is not going to share them. Try to talk delicately and tactfully in private, decide together what to do.

Luck, happy event

For a man to see his big daughter as a little one is a wonderful sign. The plot promises good luck to both of them. Even if there are difficulties now, they will be safely resolved.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

Seeing a daughter in a dream

  • The girl inside you.
  • May point to your real daughter.
  • Eternal youth.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

Seeing a daughter in a dream

  • A daughter can be a symbol of the girlish part of you. This sign can also refer to your daughter, note other accompanying signs.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Maya

Seeing a daughter in a dream

  • good value
    If the daughter dreamed of her father, then very soon she would meet her future husband. To make everything come true, give your daughter a golden ring.
  • bad value
    If the daughter dreamed of her mother, then the real daughter experiences emotional discomfort, cannot decide what to do, and does not know who to ask for advice. For the gods to help her, wear a golden ring near your heart all day, then hide it near your daughter's bed. Everything must be done quietly so that she does not know anything.

Dream Interpretation: Noble dream book of N. Grishina

Why is Daughter dreaming

  • Seeing your adult children - if it’s “good”: fortunately, “bad”: secretly worrying about them, suspecting something unkind, seeing a dying daughter - a big expense is ahead, seeing your “little” children big - help, hope.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Seeing a daughter in a dream

  • Daughter - for the father is a reward of fate, recognition of his merits, for the mother - hope, help. If the dreaming daughter asks for something or takes something from you - a warning that someone is using you and your funds for their own selfish purposes. A strained relationship with a daughter in a dream portends trouble.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

Why is Daughter dreaming

  • If you saw your daughter in a dream, some unpleasant events await you in reality, which will eventually open the way for you to pleasure and harmony.
  • I dreamed that my daughter was not caring enough towards you, expect trouble.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy dream book

Dream Interpretation Daughter

  • You will be very worried about the actions of some person, but all your worries will be in vain.

Dream Interpretation: Old French dream book

Seeing a daughter in a dream

  • Daughter - always dreams of honors, profits, good society. Marrying your daughter in a dream is a harbinger of frivolous love adventures.

Dream Interpretation: Chinese Dream Book of Zhou Gong

Why is Daughter dreaming

  • Hug your son or daughter. - portends a squabble.
  • Death of a son. - Talking about a verbal quarrel.
  • You see a newborn son or daughter. - portends great happiness.
  • You see the marriage ceremony or the worship of children to their parents. - portends misfortune.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Interpretation

Seeing a daughter in a dream

  • Seeing a daughter is a sign that some unpleasant events will eventually turn into joy. However, if in a dream the daughter does not justify your hopes, you will be overcome by discontent and irritation.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Daughter

  • Seeing your daughter in a dream means that some unpleasant events will open the way for you to pleasure and harmony.
  • If in a dream you feel her negligence towards yourself and a lack of care, then in reality you will be in trouble.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov

Dream Interpretation Daughter

  • for a father - a reward of fate, recognition, depending on the behavior of his daughter in a dream;
  • for the mother - hope.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric dream book

Seeing a daughter in a dream

  • There are problems in your relationship. We need to sort this out before they take on unpleasant forms.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Longo

Dream Interpretation Daughter

  • The daughter who appeared to you in a dream, in any case, symbolizes family ties and relationships. It doesn't matter who she dreamed of - her father or mother. If in real life you and your daughter are in a long separation (namely, this is the strongest motive for a dream) and you had a dream about your daughter, then the dream does not mean anything special. You miss, think about your daughter, worry about how she is there without you, which is why you had such a dream. Perhaps he promises an early meeting. If you dreamed of your daughter who lives with you and you have the opportunity to see her every day, the dream can warn of the danger that threatens your daughter.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Azar

Dream Interpretation Daughter

  • daughter - disappointment

Dream Interpretation: Danilova's Erotic Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Daughter

  • If you see a daughter in a dream, existing in reality or proposed by your imagination, this means that you clearly lack the attention and support from your partner. If a woman had such a dream, it means that she needs to feel close to her chosen one, as if behind a stone wall. For a man, such a dream symbolizes longing for unfulfilled desires.

The site’s dream book, the largest dream book on the Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: an oriental female dream book, a mirror dream book of psychological states, a dream book of Shereminskaya, a dream book of the Yellow Emperor, a fairy tale and mythological dream book, a dream book of Schiller-Schoolboy, a children's dream book, a modern dream book, a Chaldean dream book, a spiritual dream book, Loff's dream book, Hasse's dream book, old French dream book, psychotherapeutic dream book, catch phrase dream book, Freud's dream book, male dream book, Tarot symbols dream book, Jung's dream book, lucky signs dream book, Nostradamus' dream book, Tsvetkov's dream book, Solomon's dream book, Italian psychoanalytic dream book A. Roberti, and others.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian What is the dream of the Daughter from the dream book:

Seeing in a dream A dead daughter dreams (if she is alive) of a new stage in her relationship with her. Be ready for any turn of events on this basis.

A dead daughter in a dream can also mean that you are too worried about your children. But you should pay attention - what if they have problems that you do not know about? If you don’t have children, but your dead daughter is dreaming, it means that you are generally prone to strong anxiety, which has no real reason.

Dream Interpretation Tarot If you dream of a Daughter:

Daughter - Litigation in your favor

Autumn dream book What is the dream of the Daughter from the dream book:

Daughter - If in a dream your daughter is inattentive to you - in fact, she will present you with a very pleasant gift.

Summer dream book What is the dream of the Daughter from the dream book:

Daughter - Seeing a suffering daughter in a dream - to grief. If your daughter neglects you in a dream, this is a nuisance, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book What is the dream of the Daughter from the dream book:

Daughter - Seeing your daughter in a dream means that some unpleasant events will open the way for you to pleasure and harmony. If in a dream you feel her negligence towards yourself and a lack of care, then in reality you will be in trouble.

Small Velesov dream book Why does a daughter dream in a dream:

Daughter - Trouble, worries, grief; born - a surprise; dying - pay money.

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when a daughter dreams:

Interpretation of the dream book: Daughter, daughter - Seeing your own dying means forcing the court to pay all your debts; seeing a daughter born at home portends a loss and a state of disorder, as the dream book says about this dream.

Dream Interpretation for the Whole Family Why is the Daughter dreaming?

Dream Interpretation: to see a Daughter in a dream - If you saw your daughter in a dream, do not be afraid of future troubles. When completed, they will allow you to feel like an incredibly happy person and bring many pleasant surprises. If in a dream you do not have enough care and attention from your daughter, then in reality you will face bigger troubles. Why is my daughter dreaming - If your daughter does not pay any attention to you in a dream, you may soon marry her off.

Erotic dream book Why is the Daughter dreaming in a dream?

According to the dream book, see a Daughter - If you see a daughter in a dream that actually exists or is proposed by your imagination, this means that you clearly lack the attention and support from your partner. If a woman had such a dream, it means that she needs to feel close to her chosen one, as if behind a stone wall. For a man, such a dream symbolizes longing for unfulfilled desires.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkova Dream Interpretation: Daughter what does it mean

Daughter - For the father - a reward of fate, recognition, depending on the behavior of the daughter in a dream; for the mother - hope.

Spring dream book What is the dream of the Daughter from the dream book:

Daughter - Seeing your daughter cheerful - for arrival and peace; in tears - to experience; under the crown - to a short marriage. Seeing a daughter during childbirth is for profit.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Daughter - For the father - the image of a guardian angel, a pointer to the path: hope, new business, success or failure (depending on the type and behavior). For the mother - care, excitement, life's hardships, a missed opportunity, part of the negative emotions (envy, jealousy, discontent); relationship with another person. Positive aspect: own active life force, hope, dream; daughter for mother - she herself, in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

French dream book Seeing a daughter in a dream, why?

Interprets the dream book: Daughter - Daughter - always dreams of honors, profits, good society. Marrying your daughter in a dream is a harbinger of frivolous love adventures.

Big dream book Why is Daughter dreaming:

Daughter - Seeing the one born is a surprise; dying - to pay money.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea Daughter according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see a Daughter in a dream - A daughter can reflect a relationship with a real daughter. Symbolize a woman's need for patronage (to be a child). For a man - a symbol of his Soul (see Girl) Seeing a healthy beautiful daughter - to the fulfillment of hopes. The daughter is in danger - the disorder of life, debts, illnesses.

Dream interpretation of psychologist G. Miller What is the dream of Daughter:

Daughter - Seeing your daughter in a dream means that some unpleasant events will open the way for you to pleasure and harmony. If in a dream you feel her negligence towards yourself and a lack of care, then in reality you will be in trouble.

Biblical dream book of Azara Dream Interpretation: Daughter to see in a dream

What is the dream of Daughter - Chagrin

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Y. Longo Dream Interpretation: Daughter

Daughter - The daughter who appeared to you in a dream, in any case, symbolizes family ties and relationships. It doesn't matter who she dreamed of - her father or mother. If in real life you and your daughter are in a long separation (namely, this is the strongest motive for a dream) and you had a dream about your daughter, then the dream does not mean anything special. Why is my daughter dreaming - You miss, think about your daughter, worry about how she is there without you, which is why you had such a dream. Perhaps he promises an early meeting. If you dreamed of your daughter who lives with you and you have the opportunity to see her every day, the dream can warn of the danger that threatens your daughter.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Zealot Seeing a Daughter in a Dream

In a dream, why is the Daughter dreaming - Trouble, worries, grief

Esoteric dream book If you dream of a Daughter:

Daughter (your) - There are problems in your relationship. We need to sort this out before they take on unpleasant forms.

If you dream of a Daughter (who actually does not exist) - A sad, sick holiday of the soul may not take place. We must think that the soul also needs food. Why is the daughter dreaming - Cheerful, beautiful peace of mind, goodness, consciousness of the right thing to do. Get married to find new spiritual horizons.

Marrying your daughter or girlfriend - Native is a sign of the death of one of your close relatives; and giving out an outside girl portends the one who saw this dream the fulfillment of his desires and happy success in the enterprise.

Dream book daughter

If you saw your daughter in a dream, take this omen quite seriously. Dream Interpretation can warn about future events. To get the most complete picture of what the daughter is dreaming of, read carefully all the predictions.

give birth to a daughter

If in a dream a little girl was born to you, then soon at the most unexpected moment of your life you will meet a person who will become dear and beloved for many years. The modern dream book believes that the dreamed birth of a daughter portends the completion of a rather long and difficult project. Finally, you will be able to find time to relax. What is the dream of a newborn, Aesop explains. The predictor believes that if the child who was born is a girl, then you will get into serious trouble due to the unreasonable handling of money. In a dream, to see your little already adult daughter in reality - to the point of communicating with her. Probably, at the present time you rarely get to be alone and show your love. A crying newborn is a sign that hard times are ahead. But, Grishina's dream book is convinced that they will be able to successfully overcome them and even get some benefit for themselves.

She became a mother herself

She dreamed that she was pregnant - this is a good sign. Very good news awaits you in real life. This news will please not only you personally, but the whole family. Shereminskaya explains why her daughter's pregnancy is dreamed of by her father. Shereminskaya's dream book reports that the future young mother will be incredibly happy in reality. Everything will work out in her personal life in the best way. If a mother dreamed of a pregnant daughter, then there is no need to worry about her future. There will be a reliable and loving person nearby. If in a dream a daughter gives birth, then serious changes will occur in her fate. I dreamed that I gave birth to a girl - she would be happy, she gave birth to a boy - she would take part in a responsible and profitable business. This business will bring many benefits and benefits. Why dream that the daughter gave birth to a son, the Female Interpreter also explains. If in a dream she gave birth to a male child, then it will be possible to achieve the desired career heights, if she gave birth to a little baby, she will be happy in marriage.

Got married

The daughter's dreamed wedding predicts happy changes and getting rid of the already annoying current troubles. Also, the marriage of an adult daughter can promise danger. A modern dream book advises to exercise maximum caution in reality in business at work, otherwise, you can get into serious trouble. To marry her in a white dress sewn from expensive luxurious fabric - fortunately and a rich life. If the daughter's dreaming fiance was poorly dressed and looked sick, then an unhappy marriage and many difficulties await her. To marry in a dirty and torn wedding dress - to sorrows and troubles. Especially if the daughter's boyfriend did not show signs of love for her. Dream Interpretation Hasse believes that the matchmaking of a daughter is a sign of the beginning of a new business. If in a dream a girl got married, then in reality you will accept some kind of advantageous offer.

passed away

If you dream of death, then in reality you will have to live happily and securely for many years. If the deceased spoke, it is worth recalling her words. It is possible that they are prophetic. The modern dream book believes that seeing a dead daughter in a coffin is a big financial outlay. If she was killed, then the expenses will be sudden, if she drowned, you should be more careful about your own expenses. Aesop's dream book believes that seeing a dead daughter is a nuisance. Especially if she died as a result of violent acts. Did you dream of your daughter's funeral? Wake up will be able to successfully cope with the difficulties that have arisen.

Conflict with daughter

In a dream, swearing with your daughter - to the emergence of misunderstanding in communication in reality. Scolding and beating your girl - to worries and troubles. If you dream that your daughter is crying because of your words, you should be more tactful in talking with her and reduce the pressure, even if it seems that you only want the good for your child.

lose a child

If you dreamed that the child was drowning, then you have too strong a desire to take care of someone. The modern dream book is convinced that losing a baby in a dream is a loss of life guidelines. Another interpretation of what dreams of losing a daughter is to missed opportunities. If she was stolen in night dreams, then misunderstandings and difficulties will arise in marriage.

More predictions

Did you dream that your own daughter took a lover and brought him to meet? The female dream book believes that such a plot is a sign that a child may have rather big secrets from you. But do not try to find out with the help of emotional pressure. Let her tell herself. Seeing a naked sleeping daughter - to the disclosure of existing secrets. The interpretation of dreams warns of a threat that looms over your reputation. If you do not want shame, carefully guard your secrets. In a dream, cutting your daughter's hair is a disease. To see your own daughter drunk in night visions means, in reality, to experience shame for not.

If a sick daughter is dreaming, then very soon she will need help. Looking for her in a dream is an attempt to improve relationships, which are now quite difficult. To dream that her own blood was raped - she will have big problems. Aesop's dream book advises in every possible way to help and patronize. This will help to overcome the "black bar" as easily as possible.

What is the dream of a daughter who does not exist: interpretation of the signs of the subconscious

Every mother dreams of a beautiful daughter. And if you look forward to it, it will appear. But it happens that she comes only in a dream. How to interpret a dream about a daughter who is not. What does it mean: good or bad? What to expect in the future from such a dream?

This dream book will tell you about this in detail. The daughter, who is not there, dreams of a general interpretation of court cases. But there are other designations. And, of course, everyone will choose the right one for themselves. If you dream of a daughter who in a dream does not care for her mother and does not pay attention to her, then in real life everything will be the other way around - the beloved child will love her parents and give them everything. Seeing in a dream your non-existent daughter is already an adult - will soon be disappointed in friends, get a knife in the back.

If the daughter is a newborn, then you should soon expect minor chores, and if the daughter is an adult, then the worries will be more important. If in a dream a woman sees a non-existent daughter on her deathbed, litigation will force the dreamer to pay for his violations of the law. The common family dream book says that to see an unborn girl is to soon find love happiness, which will end with the birth of a long-awaited baby.

In a dream, the daughter does not notice her mother - the dreamer will marry his child early. If, on the contrary, in a dream the daughter does not leave her parents, then in the future you need to be prepared for serious material expenses or losses. A sick non-existent daughter means trouble that will end in a positive outcome.

And in general, it is generally accepted that a girl in a dream can only lead to worries and troubles in real life, but everyone will think to the best of their interpretation and symbols, so when analyzing a dream, you should look at the small details and memories, they can also tell a lot. Usually it is in them that the whole essence of the dream lies.

In general, there are many dream books that analyze in different ways what the daughter, who does not yet exist, is dreaming of. Someone says that this will negatively affect personal love affairs, someone, on the contrary, that this is the birth of a new life. Psychologists think otherwise.

Psychologists say that if a girl has a dream where she sees a still non-existent daughter, this can only mean one thing - in a dream she sees her inner self. And the state of her soul depends on how she behaves in a dream. For example, if in a dream a girl is calm and gentle, then everything is smooth and harmonious in the dreamer's soul. And if in the subconscious there are disturbing signs that develop into a dream, then in real life the girl needs to urgently look for a way out of the situation that worries her.

At such moments, it is necessary to analyze all the elements of sleep very carefully, because the hint may be nearby, you just need to think of it, and everything will fall into place. If a young girl saw such a dream, in reality she should think about her behavior and character, her views on life are not entirely correct, maybe even childish. It's time to grow up and start living not in fairy tales. Is the girl capricious in a dream? So stop acting like a princess, in this world you can achieve something only with your own hands and mind. But if an adult woman sees such a dream, then the subconscious expresses her strongest desires in this way, namely, to have a child - a daughter.

And it takes a very long time to achieve this goal. If in reality it does not work out, then the answers must be sought in a dream. Each element of sleep can indicate errors that make it impossible. If the girl is calm - you need to go towards the goal with zeal, the girl, on the contrary, is too active in her sleep - you don’t need to kill yourself, it’s enough just to calmly wait. After all, everyone has their own body and their own perception of the world. Someone needs to grab onto everything in life, but for someone everything comes into their own hands. You just need to choose the right tactics.

Erotic and love dream books interpret the dream, why the daughter who is not there is dreaming with the help of their concepts. If in a dream an imaginary daughter asks for attention, then the girl does not have enough sexual attention from her lover. The accumulated energy comes out through the subconscious. But it also happens that men have such a dream. This may mean that his sexual fantasies are not realized, such an outcome of the situation makes him depressed, the man thinks that no one needs him, that he may be a pervert.

In general, thinks out a lot of thoughts. Such individuals need urgent sexual release. But that's about intimacy. If we talk about a family dream book, then he claims that a non-existent daughter is dreaming of an imminent move or change of job. If in reality there is no daughter, but in a dream they come not for the first time, this subconscious mind can show a model of relationships that needs to be built with a child, or which will be built automatically.

And already looking at the results, you can understand how to behave with your unborn child. Most often, after all, women have such a dream, but it happens that his unreal daughter bursts into the subconscious of men. In this case, his soul comes to him. A daughter is a symbol of a man's soul. After all, they are ready to protect their child from other men all their lives. And such a dream can be interpreted as the appearance of a guardian angel who will guide you on the right path, suggest the best solutions.

Also, such a daughter can mean vitality. What character the child has in a dream, such a life force is in a man. And the subconscious usually provides such information in difficult moments for a man.

Thus, we can say that a non-existent daughter in a dream can mean what is currently happening in the dreamer's life, regardless of his gender. This is a kind of symbol of future fate, hope for something better. If in a dream the daughter is affectionate and tender, then harmony is ensured.

Of course, any dream can be interpreted both positively and negatively. The main thing to remember is that the future depends on the mood of the dreamer himself. All people make their own destiny. And what a person wants to see in this dream, he will see. Self-analysis is a useful activity.

Dream Interpretation Little Daughter

What is the dream of a little daughter in a dream from a dream book?

Is a little daughter dreaming of her mother? If it is the same as in reality, expect events that will bring positive emotions. They won't cover your head, but that doesn't matter.

According to another interpretation, a dream indicates the possibility of problems. Getting rid of them, you will experience pleasure.

Have you seen your little daughter in a dream?

I dreamed of a little daughter who is not there

The interpretation of the dream, where a little daughter appeared before you, although she is not in reality, tells you that you will have to endure troubles, gradually overcoming them. Every day, problems will arise in different areas, but they do not carry a serious danger in themselves.

An adult daughter in the form of a little girl according to the dream book

Did an adult daughter appear in a dream as a little girl? Communication between you and the child is coming to naught. This can lead to a breakdown in relationships. You need to find time to sit, drink tea with her, talk alone.

Dream Interpretation Daughter's Death

Why dream of the death of the Daughter in a dream from a dream book?

The daughter died in a dream - a symbol meaning that the girl will have a long, happy and prosperous life. The obstacles encountered in everyday life will be successfully overcome.

Did the young lady go to the next world and come to life after a while in a dream? Old stereotypes and programs will evaporate from your head, they will be replaced by new values.

You need to do self-improvement so that the changes turn out to be only positive.

Who else died in a dream except his daughter?

Death of a daughter and son in a dream

Why dream of the death of a daughter and son? Fear does not let you live, but there is no reason for its occurrence. You need to work on yourself in order to objectively assess reality. You should not be afraid of everything in a row, since there is no danger to health and well-being.

Why dream that your daughter is getting married?

Numerous symbols in dreams often replace each other, so quickly that a person does not have time to remember them. At the same time, a vivid dream that a daughter is getting married was remembered by a person for a reason, because it is of great importance for the future. It is important to find out exactly how to interpret such a dream and why.

The very sign that a person marries a daughter means that grief or illness awaits the family. In this case, the disease may not be associated specifically with the daughter, but with any other family member. In this case, misfortune can happen suddenly, which will cause a storm of emotions among all friends and acquaintances.

If a person sees that the daughter has already married and is happy in a dream, then it is almost impossible to prevent future problems. The best way to cope with their consequences is to mentally prepare for a future blow and try to survive it stoically.

It is important not to panic, because even this negative symbol is often interpreted in completely different ways. That is why it is so necessary to remember all the numerous ones that in the future will help prevent or delay the tragedy.

Why dream of marrying an unfamiliar girl, but very similar to a daughter? In fact, this is a very bright and joyful symbol, because it means joy and good luck in financial matters. At the same time, luck in financial matters will overtake not only the owner of the dream, but also all members of his family.

If in a dream a stranger, who looks like a daughter, strongly doubts before the wedding, but still gets married, the family will face minor difficulties before reaching wealth. However, the goal will certainly be achieved, and its results will please everyone without exception.

A lot can be said about the fact that a daughter is getting married in a dream. This symbol portends quite different aspects of life, if interpreted correctly. For example, if a person sees that a daughter is getting married in a red dress, it means that serious setbacks await her in the future. However, if a person sees a daughter with serious beatings and bruises, it means that he is worried about her, but in vain. At the moment, the girl is absolutely all right.

If a young daughter marries, then soon she will surprise her parents with sudden successes at school or in circles.

It is important that the dream is interpreted by a variety of dream books. The fact is that the same aspect of sleep, color or symbol can be interpreted in completely different ways. Using several dream books is the way to most accurately unravel the mysteries of the future.

Of course, sometimes the predictions associated with a dream do not come true. However, you should not despair, because the next dream can tell much more about the future. Thus, by paying attention to one's own dream fantasies, a person can prevent problems or serious mistakes.

crying daughter

Dream Interpretation Crying Daughter dreamed of why the Crying daughter dreams in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Crying daughter in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

A mother to see her daughter in a dream is a sign that she will soon receive news about her or from her, which will ultimately turn into grief or trouble for her. Accidentally meeting your daughter in a dream - to an unexpected turn of affairs in the family. To give birth to a daughter in a dream is a loss due to careless handling of money. Seeing your daughter dying in a dream means that soon you will have to pay the bills based on a court decision. The neglectful attitude of your daughter towards you in a dream is a nuisance. See interpretation: children.

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

The dream in which you see your daughter portends unpleasant events, which, however, will be followed by a streak of success. Seeing your newborn daughter in a dream - to an unexpected event, near death - you will have to part with a large amount of money.

If in a dream you feel her negligence and insufficient attention to you, it means that in reality you will be in trouble. So, for example, if you see in a dream that your daughter, without waiting for you to finish eating some dish, takes it away, in reality you will have to endure the insult inflicted by people you know, but do not respect.

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

The daughter may reflect the relationship with the real daughter.

Symbolize the woman's need for patronage.

Being a child For a man is a symbol of his soul.

Seeing a healthy beautiful daughter is a fulfillment of hopes.

The daughter is in danger - the disorder of life, debts, illnesses.

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

If the daughter dreamed of her father, then very soon she would meet her future husband. To make everything come true, give your daughter a golden ring.

If the daughter dreamed of her mother, then the real daughter experiences emotional discomfort, cannot decide what to do, and does not know who to ask for advice. For the gods to help her, wear a golden ring near your heart all day, then hide it near your daughter's bed. Everything must be done quietly so that she does not know anything.

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

If in a dream you saw your daughter, do not be afraid of future troubles. When completed, they will allow you to feel like an incredibly happy person and bring many pleasant surprises. If in a dream you do not have enough care and attention from your daughter, then in reality you will face bigger troubles. If your daughter does not pay any attention to you in a dream, you may soon marry her.

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

Seeing your daughter cheerful - for arrival and peace; in tears - to experience; under the crown - to a short marriage. Seeing a daughter during childbirth is for profit.

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

Seeing a suffering daughter in a dream is a grief. If your daughter neglects you in a dream, this is a nuisance.

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

Unpleasant events will interfere with the execution of the plan.

Imagine that this is not your daughter, but, for example, the daughter of neighbors. You just recognized.

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

If you saw your daughter in a dream, some unpleasant events await you in reality, which will eventually open the way for you to pleasure and harmony.

I dreamed that my daughter was not caring enough towards you, expect trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Daughter

In any case, it symbolizes family ties and relationships.

It doesn't matter who her father or mother dreamed of.

If in real life you and your daughter are in a long separation (namely, this is the strongest motive for a dream) and you had a dream about your daughter: the dream does not mean anything special.

You miss, think about your daughter, worry about how she is there without you, which is why you had such a dream.

Perhaps he promises an early meeting.

If you dreamed about your daughter who lives with you and every day you have the opportunity to see her: a dream can warn of the danger that threatens your daughter.



please tell me why I have such a dream - I was in some kind of barracks, but it was half empty and destroyed, all the windows in it were broken, but women lived next to my apartment or room and they were not going to move out of it, as it seemed to me, but at the same time it seemed to me that I was at home and in this room where I was my daughter, but for some reason I didn’t see her, it seemed to me that she was sleeping at that moment I wanted to call my sister so that she would pick us up and take us to her place, I left as it seemed to me a couple of minutes to call some woman, I called and my sister told me that you were left alone without a husband and mother and she doesn’t need me like that, I cried from grief, but after I ran to this barrack I met two little girls, I asked them where my daughter was Katya, they answered me, we don’t know, she left, I ran into that apartment, but it was empty and everything was broken and it was terribly cold, but when I ran out onto the stairs and I saw that my daughter was lying frozen and already dead, I cried a lot and immediately at that moment pros rushed with a roar what I dreamed of, I still don’t understand, it’s still scary for her


Hello, I dreamed about my adult little daughter, at first I saw her at the age of 3-4 years. Then the plot changed and I saw her at the age of about a year, tell me, please, what this dream means. By the way, my daughter is now in another city, thank you student


my daughter is 21 years old. I dreamed about her tonight as a little girl about five years old. we went to the supermarket with her and chose a dress for her. But suddenly she disappeared and I started looking for her. people who were there also looked for her but could not find her. there was panic. but then we found her strangled at the hands of a priest. he simply could not admit that he had found her, so that no one would think that he had stolen her, he decided to hide the traces of the crime and strangle her. then I thought about the need to do a funeral, but if I wake up, then none of this will happen (these thoughts visited me in a dream). I woke up.


Hello, I am also Tatyana. I am with my adult daughter in some city, in a shopping center. she is with suitcase and bag or packages. were in some kind of store, I don’t remember things or something, they tried them on, when they left they forgot their suitcase there. Depardieu was met on the second floor, my daughter noticed that she had forgotten her suitcase. I ran after him, I tried to communicate with Depardieu, I don’t know the language. but it was very interesting)) My daughter came with a suitcase, gave her test paper, where there was a free place for an autograph. For the control stood 4, striped sheets. while Deperdieu was conjuring with an autograph, a couple appeared with a stroller and 2 babies in the stroller, in order to give way to them, I had to move the suitcase, but instead of the suitcase I saw a stroller and a daughter in it about a year old. I was not surprised. but it seemed like she scolded her a little for such a transformation .. and depardieu gave me sheets and rolls of words ... ... ... .. like an autograph ...


my daughter is 27 years old .. in a dream I saw her as a little girl .. we slept on mattresses on the floor in an unfamiliar room, then I took her on a plane to Canada, stroked her back on the plane and asked when I would return, she says in a month ... .. I thought how she would be there alone, so small ... about 5 years old ....... For some reason, my children dream of me in childhood (I dreamed several times over the past years. Thank you


Hello!! my daughter is 19!! I see her in a dream for about 5 years, she lights a match and lights up, I quickly put it out in the bathroom, but after that neither she nor I have any anxiety, she smiles and says that everything is fine !!


I am 78 years old and my daughter is 55 years old, my mother had a dream that my daughter was 3 years old and she ran away somewhere and then completely disappeared


I dreamed of a little adult daughter ... I went looking for her everywhere, and it always seemed that one evil surrounded, this was expressed in relation to others, and I needed to find her as quickly as possible ... but when I found her, the attitude towards me was cold ... as if said: why are you climbing to me !!!


My daughter is 30 years old. Today I dreamed about her as a little girl about five years old. She walked towards me and said something. I don’t remember anything else.


I dreamed of my little daughter. But in real life, she died before she was 2 years old due to illness, in February, on the 22nd of this year. So, a dream - I went to bathe my daughter in the bathroom, poured warm water on her, threw on toys for bathing and walked away with thoughts so as not to forget about her. Why I had these thoughts, I did not understand because I never left a child unattended and attention. When I remembered that my daughter was bathing in the bathroom, I quickly ran into the bath and saw that there was no water in the bathroom; my daughter was lying naked in the empty bath and my younger sister was crying over her when I asked why she didn’t pump out the baby? She screamed at me that I didn’t know where I was crawling and I didn’t give a damn about the child, so take it and pump it out. I grabbed the child in my arms and began to slap my daughter on the back so that she began to give at least some signs of life. The first time my daughter cried almost loudly and immediately stopped. The second time, the daughter showed signs of life.


The daughter is already an adult. I dreamed in a dream of a little girl, in a white dress. She climbed up the stairs. Someone tells her - you can fall. And I say - she definitely will not fall.


Good afternoon, Tatyana!
I dreamed of a daughter of five years old (now she is 24), she was walking along a long corridor towards me, perfectly combed, in a pink dress with a long train. Behind her was a very beautiful girl. I suggested that my daughter raise the train (after all, the floor is dusty), she did not agree, although she is very obedient in life, or rather, she is very wise and we do not have the slightest disagreement. I went further along the corridor (like how the hostels used to be long - the rooms are on both sides of the corridor), the daughter went further, in my opinion, they sat down with the girl on the floor to play. Both are unusually neat, combed, beautiful, with a deep sense of dignity. Thanks.


Hello Tatiana! In general, my wife and I have been divorced for two years - this is a reality, but it was as if in the evening, just before going to bed, a daughter appeared in the room, climbed into my bed with some cat and says to her mother who is on another bed, i.e. not even to mom, but to the cat chtoli says - Timosha will sleep with Uncle Dima today, not with dad, but with uncle, that's what? I had never dreamed of such a thing before, I did not think about it either. Explain please Tatiana, what would it mean. It was not very pleasant, I immediately woke up, and for a long time after that I could not sleep. Here.


I dreamed of a terrible wind, during which the roof was blown off in the hospital building. I held the hand of my daughter, who became small and hid in the ward. I saw the roof fall and people got hurt. I was very worried in a dream.


i dreamed about myself with my daughter at a real age in our apartment, through the glass door we saw a girl younger than 4-5 years old, I immediately recognized my child at a younger age. Then we left the room and all went into the hall, my mother was there and said in surprise, who is it ?, pointing to my little daughter. No one disappeared, we all stayed together. then I dreamed of one beetle, in the same dream, I was scared of him, and my mother tried to kill, but he flew, to be honest, she didn’t really try to kill him.

[email protected]:

I dream about her at the age of about five. In a dream, by and large, nothing happens, she just dreams about once every half a year. We just communicate. We don’t communicate. I think that she harbored a grudge against me, a childish insult. Her man told me that he would never forgive her. .


I dreamed today that I was in some bright, beautiful institution with many halls, sunshine everywhere, along with my daughter, but in a dream my daughter was small, she was 7-9 years old, actually 17. My daughter went for a walk through the halls alone, it was completely safe, I didn’t worry at all, instead, in one of the halls I met my first teenage great love, we talked, laughed, lying in bed in a dream, but there was no sex, as well as in childhood. Then I had to leave, I began to dial my daughter's phone number to call her, but I constantly made the wrong number, then he (this very first love) decided to help me and dialed my daughter's number himself, the beep went off, which actually turned out to be an alarm clock, well, I woke up. :)


Hello! Today I dreamed of my 18-year-old daughter as a little five-year-old girl. She was very sick (in a dream), she vomited, she had a fever. I washed her stomach, with another bout of vomiting, I removed a string of some beads from her mouth. My deceased mother scolded me for my inattention to her daughter. This dream scares me a lot.


I dreamed about my adult little daughter and I was constantly looking for her to dress, she was naked and crap and I find her and again I lose it all happened in a large room and there were still small children and in the end I found my daughter.


I dreamed that I was holding a little girl in my arms .. in a dream she was my daughter (I have no children). I was very kind to her in a dream and constantly tried to wrap her up warmer ..


I dreamed of a street and my parents' house .. Near the house, which is opposite the parents' house, our friends with children gathered, my daughter was also there. Now she is 26 years old, and in a dream she was 5 years old. We played some games, the children played with us, and I kept looking for my daughter with my eyes, so that she would not get lost.


I dreamed of an adult daughter as a little girl, as if I had returned at a time when she was little. I played with her.


I saw in a dream that I have a daughter, I look at him, she is sleeping soundly so sweetly. And she looks exactly like my niece, and the age is the same 3 years old somewhere. And I wonder how I don’t have children, from where, I look at my chest, but there is no milk, it doesn’t come out. I think how it is, I press, I press with surprise. but in the end there was milk.


Hello !!! I dream in the morning that my little daughter is being knocked to death, but at the same time she died 3 years ago


She dreamed that her father was playing with her, throwing her into the air, Her age was up to a year. She was having fun, and then he dropped her on the bed and she hit, and I got a feeling of anxiety.


as if she is crying on the phone, I run to her and together we walk along a difficult road, either snow or mud, we are in a hurry.


My relatives daughter is already an adult, she is 18 years old, she dreamed of a small neat hat in a beautiful dress with white socks. From Saturday to Sunday. What does this mean?


An adult daughter (she is 21 years old) dreamed of a little one. In the dream, she is 4-5 years old. I dreamed in an unfamiliar kindergarten, where I took her for a trial one day. Didn't like kindergarten. Not cozy. And the staff didn't like it. And they take a lot of money per month for such bad conditions. 10000 rub. When I came for my daughter, I told her - let's leave, we can't pull that amount. We'd better go to the base together for the whole summer. She agreed. And she added - come on, you will teach me so that I can be an excellent student. And also, when I came (came with the current common-law husband) we went into the bathroom and there the pipe flew out of the wall and water poured - my husband fixed it. We are currently renovating our bathroom.


My daughter is 20 years old. In this dream, 6 years old. On a strange stove (multi-tiered structure), I watched what was being cooked in saucepans. Moreover, there were cats (small sizes) under the saucepans. My daughter came up and said that my grandmother (my stepmother, died 6 years old back) took 50 rubles. and left.


I dreamed that I was nursing my little daughter in my arms? I walk with her with a stroller !!! (I’m not married, and I don’t have children either? But I really want to, I’m 22 years old)


Hello, I dreamed that I was babysitting my little daughter, walking with her with a stroller. (I'm 22 years old, I'm not married, I don't have children yet, but I really want to)


I don't have kids but I really want to! yesterday I dreamed that I was holding a little daughter in my hands and I was so glad ... that I have her ... and I had guests


I saw an adult daughter as a baby, she bit me on the finger and I saw that her teeth were erupted, by the way, and root, white, very beautiful, which surprised me very much


i dreamed of a little daughter in an unfamiliar house, it was cold and there was snow. I tried to clear her bed of snow and cover her, but there was not her mother in the house, but a girl with whom I now have a serious relationship.


I was waiting for my daughter from a trip with other parents. She is now 21, and in a dream she is 8 years old, as if. and asked her where my daughter is, don’t you know? and she says They were driving in a German car, he had a fracture of the spine, and she was sitting next to me, I’m very sorry .. and I screamed and woke up


i dreamed that my father (me) and my little daughter were driving a car not driving and suddenly my daughter started talking (6 months) I don’t remember what she said


my mother saw in a dream of my baby a beautiful girl, she had big eyes, she took her in her arms and pressed her breasts to her, she was in a canopy, well, there was also my stepfather’s deceased grandmother, they just set the table at home


Hello! The fact is that I dreamed of a little daughter from the last person whom I loved, even in a dream I felt some kind of anxiety, betrayal to the current guy !!!


I had a dream where I saw a girl of 8-10 years old who called me in English "Daddy! Daddy!" after which I woke up. The dream was disturbing. I woke up from a wild pain in my heart.


I, my mother, and my daughters (in a dream they are 5-6 years old, and now they are 28-30 years old) are sailing on a boat. I see. that the older one is standing overboard on a ledge. I grabbed her by the arm and gently placed her next to me.


Good evening! I dreamed that I have a little daughter, she was 9-10 months old in a dream, I was happy. I really want children myself. There is a civil husband.


my mother and daughter are alive, and the husband died a long time ago in a dream, the husband is alive in the same room and we are three in an arc and my mother calls my husband to us and she goes to another room, the husband came into our room but did not come close, but I was standing near the bed where the little girl was lying, my daughter


I saw my daughter as a little girl, as if a man wanted to take blood from her finger, but she resisted, took blood from her index finger, and she seemed to have turned to stone.


my mother dreamed of an adult daughter, but like a little one. she and dad dressed her in a red dress and on her head was a big white bow. daughter was crying and her parents were kissing her on the cheeks


my adult daughter dreamed, but she was a little girl, she looks at me with empty eyes and does not react to my words, her spine was opened straight to the meat.


i dreamed that I had a little 5-month-old daughter, but none of my relatives, including myself, remember how I was pregnant. Yes, and childbirth, I also don’t remember, only how they are being taken to the hospital. And no one knows who the father is. She mostly dreams of how I walk with her, feed her, how we are looking for a good apartment with her friend and the whole dream feels like I love her


I now have an adult daughter, married. I often dream about her as a little girl. Dreams are always good. Why I can’t understand


in a dream I saw my ex-husband very drunk, he was lying all dirty and then he came to visit me and talked to me and with my daughter, I saw a little daughter and he came along with his mother-in-law and we fought with her




I dreamed that I was swimming against the current along the river, the river was big. But, I got out of the water safely, it all happens against the backdrop of nature.


Good afternoon, Tatyana. I had such a dream: I see my daughter (who is 36 years old) in childhood, but she has the voice of her granddaughter (her daughter) and she plays with her cat, who is 8 years old (and in a dream he is like a kitten). They play a lot of fun, and take off a python or a boa constrictor of a light beige shade, it is so big, long and thick and kind. And I woke up and did not realize at first that it was just a dream. Thanks, I'll wait for an answer.


Every day I dream of the sea, sand, palm trees, the sun, a colored dream, my adult daughter is small in a dream, I don’t see my husband in a dream, then a storm begins


Hello! I sleep with my daughter, she is a little 5 years old, on her left leg, closer to the buttocks, she groped for pimples. She took it in her arms and wanted to look, she growled like a needle from him. removed. Everything is calm.
Somewhere in an unfamiliar area: like a station, a village. A handsome young man approached me and we took off on the sofa with a bare torso, the wallpaper kissed and caressed each other (with kisses and hands) It was very nice and beautiful


my daughter is 22 years old. Now she is traveling in India. eldest daughter is 31 years old. she is a flight attendant flying around the world. I dreamed of both daughters. The older one says something about the younger one. I go to another room and the youngest in a dream is three years old. she has lush brown hair in her sleep. heavily curled. although in life they are direct. she is cute and silent in a blue summer suit [email protected]


I dreamed that 2 girls and some kind of guy came to my house May mother-in-law was at home and ana kagbuto knew her husband was not at home and ana said that she was her friends but I don’t know them for a while, and one of them went into the room to our little daughter and was very evil hatela to beat her but h didn’t give and a fight started, I didn’t let her fall to her daughter and then I don’t remember


I dreamed that I hit my four-year-old daughter very hard on the pope and on the back, because she does not want to put on shoes, but she still does not obey, and I hit her again, and then I have a tantrum.


I don't have kids, I really want kids. I had a dream that I have a little daughter, she is so beautiful, why this dream?


I saw my 33-year-old daughter at the age of 5 in a dark jacket (light) and long black hair. As if we were going to the hairdresser to get a haircut. She jumped and had fun


Hello. This is not the first time I dream that I have a little daughter, her name is Polina. I have no children, I am not married. I dream of Polina in different situations. And I dreamed of one of them today when I fell asleep in the evening. The fact was that I was in college and made hot sandwiches for my group. And I told my sister, “We need to pick her up, she is my daughter.” to return her. All my sleep, I made these sandwiches in the dining room and thought about Polina. And my last words were that I said to my sister "You have Danya, and I have a daughter, my daughter, I will take her" my sister. Looking forward to your reply. Thanks in advance.


in a dream, I was preoccupied with feeding, she ate food that was too early for her age to eat. I know that she is not 4 months old, and she eats porridge. At the same time, she looks older and I assume that this food is still suitable.


I have an adult daughter. She dreamed of me as a little girl. In a dream, I ate food that was not suitable for her age. I know that she is less than 4 months old, but she eats porridge. I look closely at her, and she looks older than 6.7 months. And I reassure myself - she can eat it. The dream is not disturbing. Concerned about mother-in-law's reaction to granddaughter's sleep as a small child


I came to my ex-wife a long time after the divorce. I was joyfully greeted by my daughter, whom I had not seen for so long, because she was hidden from me. We talked with my wife and at the same time I played with my daughter. Then my wife and I got closer. She tried to get closer to me as husband and wife. Her parents came, but for some reason they were not particularly surprised. They sat together at the table, then they left. We were alone again, my daughter fell asleep. And then the alarm clock woke me up.


i dreamed of my adult daughter, but in a dream she was small ... and she climbed into an ice bath with clean and clear water ....


the dead daughter is dreaming, I call her on the phone and ask her to return home, she says that she does not want to return .... this is not the first dream ...


Me, my husband and daughter were standing near the sea. Then the water left and our shoes were left in the mud. My husband and I began to pull our shoes out of the mud. I began to look for my daughter's shoes and looked at her. She was a little girl about 5 years old (now she is 12) and her shoes were on her and clean.


My daughter is now 15 years old. But I have been dreaming about her for 2 or 3 times in two weeks, as she was about 2-3 years old. I called her, and she came out from behind the sandbox, but she was like me tying two ponytails to her, and then I took her by the handle and we went, and there was some man nearby, I don’t know him, but he is so gentle to me he smiled as if we were a family. It's just that my daughter constantly wants me to meet someone, in terms of a man, she worries that I'm not alone. I just tell her, I don't need anyone, but she doesn't, I want to see you happy. But something like that. Thanks for listening.


dreamed of an adult little daughter, at first she had blood on her hands, and then she and I had an eye on her hand


Today I dreamed of my adult daughter, as if she were small in my arms. I hold her gently and I'm afraid to let her go, because it seems to me that if I let her go, something bad might happen to her. I often have this dream, because when she was at that age, she ran away from the playground and got lost .., since then I have been tormented by fears and this dream.




The dream is as if my wife and I want to sell or give away our little daughter somewhere, we are collecting her and she asks if you won’t give me back, I say no and woke up


dreamed of a beautiful girl
like she's mine, grown up. I only have boys in my life. We walk around the village, the nature around is beautiful and the daughter is beautiful. Next to my husband.


i dreamed of my adult daughter, a little 3-4 years old, she comes up to dad, dad lies and calls her, she comes up and sits on him, he hugs


I dreamed of a little girl and my daughter, two guys tried to take them away from me, I drove them away. Then they returned again, I called my husband and he talked to them on the phone. And then it turned out that they were imprisoned


A little daughter jumped off the window sill of an apartment from 3-4 floors in front of my eyes, I was afraid to look down. I cry a lot. But suddenly it turns out that she did not break and I see her in a beautiful puffy light dress, closer to white. But I still have some disbelief. After all, I saw that she jumped out of the window and cannot stay alive.


i dreamed of my father and mother who were dead and my father gave me some kind of bundle and disappeared somewhere, but I stayed in our house, my mother and my daughter are grown up, but she is small to put her to sleep, I look at the window, like a film hung with a film, but there is a hole I I say it is necessary to hide well and I woke up to my father and mother often very removed. When my mother was alive, my father never dreamed. and now take off often. and dreams all happen in our parental home. which had long since been sold after the death of his father.


Hello, I dreamed of a little girl and as it turned out she was my daughter, very small, a baby, I walked with her, held her in my arms, fed her.


Today I had a dream consisting of several episodes: at first I saw myself with a large bald spot in the center of my head, the rest of my hair was black, although in real life I was blonde, my face was completely without makeup. say cheerful.
Then she saw her daughter in her arms, almost a baby, but with a long beautiful braid, just like I braid her in the morning, she was wrapped in my red openwork tippet. She smiled looking at me, and I covered her face. in sandals small clean, transparent streams.
With all this, for some reason I remembered my ex-husband.


Hello! My name is Nurlan, 33 years old. The day before yesterday I dreamed that I had a daughter whom I did not have. I went for a walk with her holding her in my arms ... She turned into a snake 20-25 centimeters long ... She tried to cling to my neck and reached for her neck wrapped around her forearm ... and I tried to keep her away with the same right hand ...


I saw my daughter in a dream with my dead mother. The daughter is generally an adult, but in a dream she is small. The front door was open when I came in and there was light from there. I was very surprised. Daughter and grandmother disassemble toys. Whole ones are piled into the wall, and the broken ones are taken out to the pantry.


Hello!! I dreamed of a daughter who is now 9 years old, but saw her at a young age, somewhere around 1.5-2 years old. She slept well, talked. But I lost it and can't find it


My adult daughter is constantly dreaming of a small, chest. I wear it and I'm very worried about it, tk. she is very weak. Once I dreamed that she was getting smaller and smaller and fit in the palm of her hand ...


I dreamed of a little girl 4-5 years old with long blond hair and blue eyes. Very sweet. We walked with her in the autumn park (or forest, I find it difficult to answer). The girl was dressed in a pink jacket and jeans. I know for sure that it was my daughter. She has no children herself. Husband too.


The daughter was naked, she stood on the back of the sofa and tried to graft the curtains. I was very scared that she would fall, so I jumped up and helped her get off.




I often dream lately of my daughter in infancy. Today she cried in her sleep, I kissed her very hard and cried myself. You know, it's nice to see her little, you miss small children


an adult daughter dreamed of a 3-year-old on a bed, and she registered herself, but did not cry


Mom dreamed that my fiancé and I were holding a baby in our arms, he was lisping with him and examining him. Mom says the boy was a child. Why such dreams?


i dreamed of my daughter (she was 14) one year old, I combed her hair. washed her. put her to bed.


I dreamed of a 5-year-old daughter, naked in the bathroom in dirty boots. And with boots he soils his pussy (vagina). I (mother) wash her and scold her a little: “they say, what are you doing?” I washed everything cleanly and carried it out into the room in my arms. Is this something bad?


Naked 5-year-old daughter in the bathroom in dirty boots. And this dirt stains her pussy (vagina) and I (mother) mine. Mine and scold a little: "they say, what are you doing?"


Hello Tatiana! today I saw my youngest daughter in a dream, she is already an adult, but I saw her as a little girl 4-5 years old, we chose one dress for her, tried on one - small and the other big and both beautiful in bright colors but did not buy,


My little daughter and I drove into a hostel where there were no windows or doors. And I say how we will live here with our daughter, to which we were told that we should curtain all the openings with blankets. I insisted on another dormitory and they gave us a room in another dormitory, it was clean and there was one single bed, and for my daughter they said they would bring a cot and I was thinking where to put it, either next to the bed, or against another wall. (At the moment, the daughter is an adult, and in a dream I saw her as a little year old 2)

[email protected]:

I was looking for my daughter, still a child, I caught up, I asked everyone and saw in the distance, but I could not catch up and woke up in a fright. the dream was in color. In fact, my daughter is already an adult.


I went out with my little daughter for a walk and just at one moment she was not around, I was frightened, I looked for it, but I didn’t find it further, I don’t remember how my husband still dreamed, I also looked for him, I remember how I saw him, but he was not nearby, I still dreamed of a church


Hello. My adult daughter was a 5-year-old girl who ran outside for a walk and then stood with her girlfriend on the edge of the roof of the house. I was worried that she might fall.


Dreamed of a 23-year-old daughter dreamed of a little one, left and returned home joyful, mother kissed her little daughter


good afternoon, I dreamed as if I was walking by the hand of a girl of about 5 years old to my daughter, and I ask what we called her when we baptized him, he answers that he doesn’t remember then I asked her, what is your name and ask Alexander’s question? she says no, I asked her again, she said that Nastenka


Outside the window, a combat aircraft is falling. Soon there should be an explosion, I scream for everyone to lie down and cover their daughter with themselves ... Then already calming her. In general, everyone is alive.
In essence: the daughter is already an adult, I am divorced. Recently met. Studying abroad. Maybe just anxiety? Thanks!


Hello Tatiana! I dreamed of a daughter of a little girl 4-5 years old, she asked to go for a walk with a small pink toy stroller and I let her go and my son is also small next to her and now they are 23 daughters and 19 son would like to know what the dream is for thank you


i dreamed that there was an explosion haaa and the house burned down, and my daughter ran to the house and fell under this explosion, but remained alive, but got a little burned. I cried a lot. And my deceased husband and daughter's father were also present here.


An adult daughter is dreaming that she is sitting in a trough, a little one, and I am bathing her.


I saw in a dream how my 2-year-old daughter drowned in the river and after a while someone pulled her out and she came to life


I dreamed of a great-niece with her daughter drowned, the niece's mother, having learned about this, began to throw everything away from their 4th floor, mostly dishes, and it all shattered. My adult daughter seems to be small, 5-6 years old, and she tries to tell her niece's mother how her daughter and granddaughter drowned, and I cry and don't let them tell how they drowned, And then I stand and smoke with such pleasure (although I'm a non-smoker )


In a dream I saw a daughter, I came after her, and the kindergarten, we hugged her and she cried


The second night I have a dream that I am looking for a house and moving somewhere. As a rule, this is a dorm room. Today I wanted to bathe my daughter. She wore it in her arms. Somewhere around a year old. Dressed up, fun. I was the same all in business, but satisfied


hello, we walked with a girl of about 8 or 10 years old and then she turned out to be my daughter, she played, rode a carousel, laughed and I met an interesting man in a dream and the three of us talked then we met acquaintances of this man women and they work together and he is with them the boss and they looked at me like that with some kind of envy, and I saw that he really liked me and in a dream he was a very interesting and imposing man and younger than me, he invited us to visit and went to him then I woke up this dream was in the morning from Saturday On March 12, on Sunday, March 13, I also saw myself in a dream in felt boots and I stood in some kind of dirty puddle, then suddenly it was summer, but it was somehow gloomy but warm, we were all undressed and walked together in three, I was my little daughter and the man who was with us met.


In a dream I see two daughters, the eldest, who is no longer alive and the youngest, who is already an adult. We are discussing their trip to America, without me, and I’m worried if the eldest, who at that time is 20-21, will be able to look after the youngest, whom at that time 10-11 years old. But in a dream. The eldest assures me that she can and really wants me to let them go together, but I doubt it. Allegedly, I should buy them tickets. But I don’t do this in a dream. Then I look at my youngest daughter with surprise, take her by the face, kiss her on the cheeks and say: why are you so small with me? She looks at me and smiles.


Hello. My daughters are 30 and 29 years old. But I dreamed they were small, 4x5 years old. They ran, played, and I watched them with pleasure and took part somewhere.


Hello, I was at my parents' house and there was a very pleasant green circle there. as it climbed up the mountain. Then again I am at home with my parents. And I hold my daughter in my arms and caress her. but my daughter was a baby (she was 3 years old) and my mood was very good, I had my favorite people around


Hello, my name is Alena and I am 16 years old. 26 to 27 at night I had a dream in which I had a daughter and I was with her all the time, I was happy with her, she was so small, did he have this dream?


The dream was very long. At the beginning I was pregnant, then a daughter appeared, my husband and I raised her, played, everything was as it should be. But the child was special, the girl was a very small baby, but at the same time, as if talking to us in a childish language, we understood what she was saying to us, and she understood us.


I dreamed of an adult daughter as a little girl .. what is it for?


the girl who gave birth to this girl disappeared the guy died. the girl is very small and I wanted to adopt her.


I was in the room. And around me were like. I vaguely remember the children.
We all lay on the floor asleep. someone constantly pestered me, I don’t understand whether it was an adult or a small child. And someone came out from the same doors. And somehow I go out of these doors and look at the girl standing, I found out how her daughter she has already grown up a little about 9 years old (currently she is 8) in a raincoat with long hair. And someone is coming up to her. An adult man. I told Santanka how did you get here and woke up at the end


left his little daughter under the supervision of classmates, and when he returned, it turned out that she was missing. I started looking for her, calling my classmates and it seems that she should be found somewhere.


I dreamed of my little adult daughter, 5-6 years old, as if I was holding her in my arms, she registered herself, then I washed her in the shower. And we also ran away from her second husband to relatives, he did not catch up with us.


I had a dream that I was rolling my daughter in a stroller, I came home and changed her clothes


I had a dream that I married my friend, and then ran away from him to the village where I have a daughter of 6 years old with long blond hair! If I'm married and I don't have children!


I dreamed of my adult daughter as a little girl, bleeding. What could this mean?


I dreamed about my adult daughter in the form of a little girl. At first she was ill, and then blood began to flow from her in huge quantities. I started screaming and woke up. What could this dream mean?


I periodically see my daughter (she is 24 years old) as a little girl aged 3 to 5 years. The dreams are very colorful, thank God nothing happens to her in a dream, I kiss her all the time, we walk, but she is so small and defenseless that all the time I wake up with a feeling of anxiety. Since this is a dream quite often, it began to strain me.


from Sunday to Monday at 6 o’clock. I heard a loud cry from a 5-year-old daughter, she screamed twice dad dad and I woke up and jumped but my daughter was not there, she lives with her mother, we got divorced. Why this dream?


2.5 year old daughter bathes in the sea on a circle. She just turned around and she wasn't there. I was terrified. I am in grief.

Related: daughter, daughter, daughter, daughter, heiress, Station, stepdaughter, hawthorn, daughter, daughter, princess, daughter old lady rich

Daughter in Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita:

Daughter - chores, worries, grief

Interpretation in Esoteric dream book sleep daughter:

  • There are problems in your relationship. We need to sort this out before they take on unpleasant forms.
  • Why is Daughter dreaming Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo?

  • The daughter who appeared to you in a dream, in any case, symbolizes family ties and relationships. It doesn't matter who she dreamed of - her father or mother. If in real life you and your daughter are in a long separation (namely, this is the strongest motive for a dream) and you had a dream about your daughter, then the dream does not mean anything special. You miss, think about your daughter, worry about how she is there without you, which is why you had such a dream. Perhaps he promises an early meeting. If you dreamed of your daughter who lives with you and you have the opportunity to see her every day, the dream can warn of the danger that threatens your daughter.
  • IN Miller's dream book if Daughter is dreaming:

  • Seeing your daughter in a dream means that some unpleasant events will open the way for you to pleasure and harmony.
  • If in a dream you feel her negligence towards yourself and a lack of care, then in reality you will be in trouble.
  • If you dream of a daughter? IN Dream Interpretation of Azar:

  • daughter - disappointment
  • Interpretation of sleep Daughter The latest dream book:

  • If you have it - to spending; if not, goodbye.
  • Seeing Daughter in a dream Family dream book:

  • I dreamed that my daughter was not caring enough towards you, expect trouble.
  • If you saw your daughter in a dream, some unpleasant events await you in reality, which will eventually open the way for you to pleasure and harmony.
  • What does it mean to see a daughter in a dream Eastern dream book?

  • Seeing a daughter is a sign that some unpleasant events will eventually turn into joy. However, if in a dream the daughter does not justify your hopes, you will be overcome by discontent and irritation.
  • What does daughter mean in a dream Dream Interpretation Tsvetkova?

  • for a father - a reward of fate, recognition, depending on the behavior of his daughter in a dream;
  • for the mother - hope.
  • Daughter in a dream Noble dream book:

  • Seeing your adult children - if it’s “good”: fortunately, “bad”: secretly worrying about them, suspecting something unkind, seeing a dying daughter - a big expense is ahead, seeing your “little” children big - help, hope.
  • In a dream, see a daughter. IN Gypsy dream book:

  • You will be very worried about the actions of some person, but all your worries will be in vain.
  • What does daughter mean Schiller's dream book:

  • worries, worries and sorrows.
  • Seeing a daughter in a dream IN Male dream book:

  • If in a dream you saw your daughter, do not be afraid of future troubles. When completed, they will allow you to feel like an incredibly happy person and bring many pleasant surprises. If in a dream you do not have enough care and attention from your daughter, then in reality you will face bigger troubles. If your daughter does not pay any attention to you in a dream, you may soon marry her off.
  • What does daughter mean Dream Interpretation Maya:

    What does daughter mean in a dream French dream book?

  • Daughter - always dreams of honors, profits, good society. Marrying your daughter in a dream is a harbinger of frivolous love adventures.
  • The meaning of sleep Daughter in Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong:

  • Hug your son or daughter. - portends a squabble.
  • You see a newborn son or daughter. - portends great happiness.
  • Death of a son. - Talking about a verbal quarrel.
  • You see the marriage ceremony or the worship of children to their parents. - portends misfortune.
  • The dream interpretation offers interesting predictions for men and women, what the daughter is dreaming of. Based on the plot seen in a dream, one can draw conclusions about the coming material well-being or get to know oneself better, since the symbol personifies the subconscious "I".


    If a woman dreamed about her future daughter, which she carries under her heart, the dream book says that in reality there will be many worries. The status of the dreamer also matters in interpretation. A girl who is afraid of getting pregnant will have to fight the temptation. A married lady fears that her husband has a mistress. For pregnant women, this is a sign that a boy will be born.

    A newborn girl identifies the real state of searching for a lonely dreamer who hopes to meet her soul mate. Explaining what a newborn baby is dreaming of, Miller's dream book advises to make more efforts, and they will certainly be crowned with success.

    It is curious to know why it is a dream that an adult daughter is small again, as if she had just been born. The symbol means that now, more than ever, she needs moral support and warmth.


    If you dreamed of a daughter in a wedding dress, the Esoteric dream book believes that this is not good. In the family, loss or separation is possible, which will not directly affect the dreamer and his daughter.

    If a childless man dreamed that he had an heiress, who, moreover, was getting married, an incredible spiritual and financial upsurge awaited him. Good luck will accompany you in business and in romantic relationships.


    The sorceress Medea quite positively explains what the dead daughter is dreaming of. In reality, she will be freed from physical or mental suffering, which now prevent her from enjoying life.

    If, on the eve of the wedding, the mother dreamed that the bride had died, it is highly likely that the marriage will be unsuccessful and will not last long. This is not the only explanation why the death of a daughter is dreamed of. The dream interpretation thus warns of a threat to the health and safety of property.

    Oddly enough, when I dreamed that my daughter drowned, a long period of well-being and prosperity awaits the sleeper.

    Everyday situations

    When a daughter cries in a dream, the interpretation considers the image a good sign. In reality, the daughter had a joyful event, she is happy. A long-standing desire of the dreamer himself will also come true.

    A drunk daughter in a dream reminds her that in reality she has a lot of trouble due to a misunderstanding of simple truths.

    If an adult daughter described herself in a dream, the dream portends troubles. If she is a little girl, life will be easier for you.

    When a pregnant heiress appears in a dream, the interpretation depends on her age and marital status. If she is not married and too young to become a mother, beware of incidents and gossip. Married, but not actually pregnant, the symbol portends success.

    Father's daughter

    If a man dreamed of a future daughter that his life partner was waiting for, the dream book takes into account the emotions of the sleeping person. Joy in a dream promises cheerfulness and enthusiasm in reality. Negative feelings are harbingers of quarrels.

    If in a father’s dream the adult daughter is again a little girl, the dream book portends good luck to both of them.

    When a man happens to see a newborn princess sleeping, the dream represents defenselessness in the face of circumstances. It is advisable to avoid acute situations and postpone the resolution of important issues.

    If the appearance of grandchildren is not yet expected, a pregnant daughter portends the fulfillment of desires. If she is really in a position, the dream book says that it is time to start preparing for the appearance of the crumbs in the house - there is very little time left.

    If a father dreamed that a granddaughter was born, in reality he can be proud of his daughter. If the baby was born in front of the dreamer, it will be possible to fulfill the most cherished dream.