
How to make runes at home. runes made of wood

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So, you have decided to make your own set of Runes with your own hands. What kind of wood are runes made of? Which tree is right for you? You will find the answer in this article.

If, after reading, you still have questions or doubts, we will be happy to help you decide on the choice of wood species.


Beech is a symbol of ancient knowledge, revealed in relics, ancient temples, spells and manuscripts. Beech is a conductor from the past to the future, transferring knowledge from generation to generation. He is able to accumulate information and keep it in himself for centuries. In the esoteric tradition of the North, the runes Nautiz and Perth are associated with beech.

From the master: Beech is a hard tree, but has a soft, enveloping energy. Beech dice are very pleasant to the touch, you will feel it as soon as you take them in your hands. It's a pleasure to work with him. It is not as difficult to carve and burn on beech as on ash and oak - beech is not fibrous and, despite its strength, is quite soft to work with. If you have never carved or burnt runes, but want to do it on hard wood, then beech is the perfect wood for you. My own Runes were carved by me on beech. Beech is suitable for any person, there are no restrictions on interaction with it, unlike, for example, elm and oak.


Ash symbolizes the divine nature of mankind. Helps a person to find his true purpose. Activates energy for clairvoyance. It enhances the ability to foresee those who sincerely want to see their future. This is a tree of rebirth, renewal. The bright Runes of the Elder Futhark - Gebo and Vunyo are associated with it. The ash tree also personifies the connection of two worlds - the world of gods and the world of people, the spiritual world and the material world, and therefore it is connected with the Runes Ansuz and Evaz. Ash is a tree suitable for all kinds of divination and magic.

From the master: Ash is a hardwood. The structure of the ash tree is fibrous. It will take strength and skill to carve Runes on it. If you have never carved Runes on an ash tree, then you will have to be patient. Be sure to get a few spare dice for the main set in case you can’t immediately cut out some of the Runes. Don't go to work when you're low on energy or haven't had enough sleep.
If you want to burn Runes on Ash, then this can be difficult for a beginner too. However, it is undoubtedly much easier than cutting. The tool must be well heated.
Applying Runes with paint is not difficult.


Elm in the esoteric tradition associated with the Gebo rune. Elm is an exclusively male tree, it gives preference to men. Elm supports and develops the spiritual qualities of a real man. This tree will help you develop any bold undertaking, support you in a new business, project. It gives strength to the persistent, stubborn and hardworking. Elm will also help you get rid of fuss, petty worries over trifles. One contact with elm will last you for many years. In the Middle Ages, knights made spears from elm, because it was believed that elm spears instill courage in a warrior and bring good luck in battle. In magic, the elm brings stability, support, and reliability to the spell.
It's important to know! Elm will not support someone who is not ready to take responsibility, is used to complaining and considers himself a loser. If you are not ready to fight, you are in a depressed state, if you do not have mental and physical strength, and you think that you are chronically unlucky, pay attention to another tree, for example, an apricot.

From the master: Elm is a medium-density wood species. Its structure is quite isotropic and even slightly porous. Carving runes on an elm is not a big deal.


Oak is a mighty tree, a symbol of longevity and great vitality. The esoteric teaching connects as many as six runes of the Elder Futhark with the oak - Turisaz, Evaz, Raido, Teyvaz, Yaro and Dagaz. Oak is used in spells aimed at protection, increasing physical strength, achieving stable success. This tree can seriously change a person's life for the better.
Oak is also a powerful energy donor. It will give you as much energy as you can take from it. Calms the soul, balances the work of the heart and nervous system, normalizes blood pressure.
It's important to know! Oak is a tough tree. His aura is very powerful, but it only perceives healthy people well. If a person has a serious chronic disease or is seriously ill, then it is better for him not to interact with this tree. If we are talking about infrequent and mild ailments, but in general a person is healthy, then oak, on the contrary, will help balance the flow of energies in the body and strengthen health.
Oak prefers wrestlers, strong and healthy people. He will heal wounds and share a piece of his longevity.

From the master: Oak wood is reliable and durable, has a fibrous structure. If you want to carve runes into an oak tree, you must be prepared for some pretty difficult work. However, the results will justify the effort. Oak firmly holds the energy of the sign, carved runes will last you a lifetime.


Apricot is a donor tree with nourishing energy. This tree personifies the Sun, gives vitality, joy and harmony. Apricot makes a person kinder, softens his character and smooths out sharp corners in relationships with loved ones. Apricot is used to attract love, build relationships, establish mutual understanding. Protects against infidelity and unnecessary stress in a love relationship. If something oppresses you, or you are in a depressive, apathetic state, then the apricot will share its positive energy with you and inspire you with hope and inspiration. The tree has no contraindications, suitable for everyone.

From the master: working with apricot is easy and pleasant - its wood is pleasant to the touch, durable, not fibrous, and carving runes on it is not difficult.


Aspen- a tree that absorbs negative energy. This property of aspen is considered magical. Aspen helps fight evil spirits. Contact with this tree will protect your aura from harmful and dangerous influences. Communication with aspen helps with nervous conditions, obsessive thoughts, causeless anxiety, phobias. In magic, the aspen is considered a tree that averts death. It awakens the inner healing resources of a person, makes it possible to come into contact with one's true essence, to understand one's desires. It perfectly separates the superficial (masks of a person) from the real (the essence of a person). Absorbs pain, relieves negative emotions. If you attach a piece of wood to a sore spot, then it will draw out the disease.

From the master: Aspen has a rather soft wood, pleasant wood. Working with it will not be difficult even for a beginner.


Linden- symbolizes joy, warmth, tranquility, protection, harmony. Helps to get rid of depression, pessimistic thoughts, depressing memories. Protects relationships from quarrels, gives strength to resolve conflicts. Stabilizes the atmosphere in the house, cleanses the house of excess, unnecessary energy, takes all the negative "on itself".
Linden helps business people to negotiate, conclude successful deals and establish partnerships.
Linden will help a woman in childbirth, give the newborn health.

From the master: Linden - soft, light, pleasant to the touch tree. It is easy to cut on it even for those who have never tried to do it. However, if you are going to burn Runes, then be careful: the material is very soft, and you need to adjust the pressing force. Also, runes can be applied to the linden with paint.


Cedar has the most powerful energy. He is able to almost instantly help a person under stress: calm the nerves, give strength. Communication with cedar is also recommended for those who cannot cope with depression on their own: cedar will give mental strength, energy, restore the ability to feel joy and restore self-confidence. Cedar is an excellent protector from attacks by negative energy entities. It has cleansing properties, will help to recover from a long illness. Cedar was associated with immortality and fertility, because it was believed that its wood was not subject to destruction. Another property of cedar is help in improving the financial situation. A piece of cedar, placed in a pocket, purse or wallet, will be a kind of magnet for attracting money. The tree is suitable for everyone, has no contraindications.
From the master : cedar has a dense, strong and uniform structure, while being quite soft and comfortable to work with. Carving on cedar is relatively easy. This tree is also ideal for burning out.


Birch- a very gentle, soft, affectionate and compassionate tree. Despite this, she has a very strong influence, especially if you are in contact with her often or constantly. Birch protects from all misfortunes - physical and spiritual. This tree is used in healing. Birch is suitable for those who feel sick or weakened, it restores strength, relieves pain and suffering, helps to endure illness more easily, promotes recovery. Birch is especially good for women, young girls. It heals from female diseases, gives female strength, tenderness and attractiveness. Communication with a birch is useful for those who feel irritability, nervousness, as well as for those who are in apathy. Birch will relieve fatigue, give harmony, tranquility and balance. Birch is also known for its ability to protect against nightmares.
Birch has a good effect on newborns and babies: it protects them and cleans the "thin" space around the baby's crib. Pregnant women are also advised to keep in contact with this tree. A huge number of magical artifacts are made from birch. For example, amulets designed to protect against evil spirits.

From the master: birch has a fairly dense and uniform wood, pleasant to the touch. Working with this tree is not difficult, it is convenient to cut and burn it.


Pine- a tree of insight on the spiritual and intellectual levels. She supports in creative projects, plans. Relieves stress, treats nervous disorders, relieves feelings of guilt, irritation. This tree is cleansing - it cleans the energy space around a person, his aura, energy. For a person who really loves pine and for those who come to it for help with an open heart, it gives very powerful support. It slows down the flow of energies that cause aging. It is no coincidence that for many nations the pine is a symbol of immortality.
However, pine has contraindications: it can exacerbate angina pectoris, i.e. people who have severe heart failure should be more careful. However, this applies rather to long and close communication with a tree (for example, hourly walks through a pine forest).
From the master : As for working with this tree: the pine is not very tough, but fibrous. When working with it, special strength is not required, however, accuracy is required. It is very pleasant to work with this tree also because it has a pleasant coniferous smell.


Cherries its magical properties are similar to cherries. She is also a symbol of love and is used in magic to attract love feelings. In ancient times, various rituals and divination were associated with this tree. These were rites of attracting love, divination by the number of years of life, and in some magical rituals, cherry juice was used instead of sacrificial blood. In Slavic languages, there are two different names for these trees - cherry and sweet cherry, however, in the languages ​​​​of the Romano-Germanic group, one word is used to designate them, which means "cherry". And cherries are divided into sour and sweet (which the Slavs call cherries).

From the master : sweet cherry is a fairly dense wood, similar in density to beech, but not so uniform, with beautiful veins from light to brown. It is quite comfortable to work with cherries.


Cherry is a symbol of love, passion, fertility. If you plan to guess about feelings and relationships, or make yourself a talisman for love, then cherry will create a suitable atmosphere for this and enhance the necessary energies. Cherry will also charge you with positive emotions, attract good luck. Is a donor, i.e. energizes a person. It is considered a "feminine" tree.

From master: Cherry in its structure and density is very similar to cherries, it is also comfortable to work with due to the fact that its structure is more uniform than, for example, oak, ash or pine. On the cherry it is convenient to both burn and cut. The pattern of the cherry is similar to the cherry, with transitions from light beige to brown, but overall has a lighter color.


The apple tree symbolizes love, healing, immortality, rebirth. In Scandinavian myths, the goddess of spring and youth, Idun, had a basket with rejuvenating apples, which she willingly shared with the gods, helping them to maintain eternal youth. The apple tree is also known as a symbol of prosperity and wealth. The tree is a donor, gives the ability to enjoy life, awakens sensuality.

From master: The apple tree is one of my favorite breeds. On an apple tree it is convenient to burn out and cut Runes. Surprisingly warm tree, uniform in structure, with a beautiful pattern inherent in many fruit trees.

I hope this article will help you decide on the choice of tree. In our workshop, you can always look at and choose blanks for making runes from the tree species listed in the article.
Wish you luck!

When dividing a single piece of wood into separate plates, it is necessary to lay down the fact that these plates should be made in excess. For example, if you are cutting a classic futhark of 25 runes, make about thirty plates for this. Making runes is a very responsible process, and it is possible that some runes cannot be cut the first time. For this, you need a reserve.

From the point of view of magic, carving runes is a process of interaction between two elements - wood (ether) and metal (air). If the runes are not cut out, but burned out, then instead of metal we are dealing with the element of fire. Before you begin the process, make sure that your interaction with these elements is harmonious. The harmony of interaction with the element of wood (ether) is checked at the stage of selecting the source material. Harmonization with respect to metal or fire is achieved through meditation on the cutting edge of a blade or a burning candle. In the process of meditation, it is necessary to reach a state in which it is quite difficult for you to separate yourself from the blade or from the flame. At the same time, a certain degree of concentration is necessary, since the occurrence of accidental fires is not your task. The next necessary component for carving or burning runes is an entry into contact with the higher beings of the runic world. One of the gods of the runic egregore or one of the influential inhabitants of one of the runic worlds can act as such creatures. The classic approach is to get a rune-carving blessing from Odin, Thor, or Freya. From the point of view of ritual magic, it is necessary to dedicate the carved runes to one of these higher beings. The position of the rune cutter should be that we cut runes not for ourselves and not on our own whim, but for the sake of Odin and for his glory. It is necessary to receive feedback from the deity, which can be expressed in a change in our state or in any signs that appear to us through the material world. For example, at the moment of thinking about runes, a bird may fly past the window, thunder may sound outside the window, a loud sound may be heard, or another event that may attract our attention. Having dedicated our thoughts to Odin, it is necessary to feel whether this sign is a blessing or, on the contrary, warns us against actions that are undesirable at the moment. Those who have direct experience and skills in working with energy channels can take the state by attuning to the channel formed when contemplating the corresponding runic mandala. Adepts of bioenergetic practices - by turning on the Sun or Mars, they can receive a blessing to create runes from interaction with a channel laid to the Sun or Mars. Remember that a sign of the quality of the rune cutting process is your being in an altered state of consciousness. You can also increase interaction with the god whose blessing will extend to your work by dedicating food or drink to this deity, followed by the use of the dedicatee.

If you have a ritual blade, then perhaps this is the best fit as a carving tool. Do not forget to just make sure that the forces manifested in our world through this blade do not contradict the letter and spirit of the runic contract.

The plates on which the runes are carved can be lightly sanded, soaked in oil and varnished. These procedures are useful if you do not plan to feed this rune set with your own blood. Sanding, impregnation and varnishing are subject to the same laws as cutting or burning. Except that in this case we will deal with the elements earth and water. Harmonizing meditation on the element Earth is attunement to complex patterns of natural or artificial origin. A harmonizing attunement to the element of water is meditation on the surface of the water. It is desirable that the oil and varnish be consecrated. Consecration is possible through the dedication of a given substance to a deity. The bioenergetic practice of charging this substance from the channel of the deity, the Sun or Mars will also help. During the period of time until the oil has been absorbed and the varnish has not dried up, it is the most fertile for bioenergetic charging, since it is at this time that the matter of the processed plate retains a certain amorphousness, on which it is easy to impose an energy charging structure.

Hello, friends!

In this master class, we will learn how to make runes from wood. I am often asked what tools are used to carve Runes, how the process itself takes place, what paint is better to paint symbols and how to process a ready-made set so that it lasts for many years. And in general - is it possible to make runes yourself and how difficult it is.

Therefore, I decided to answer all your questions in this master class.

Rune material

From what can make runes? I believe that wood is the ideal material for making runes, so if you don't want to buy a pre-made set of wooden runes, you can make the runes yourself. Technically, at home, this is quite possible, although such work requires attention and concentration.

What tree is better to carve runes from? You can choose the right type of wood by reading this one. Listen to your intuition and choose a tree for your tasks in runic practice.
If you want to make a universal runic set that will be your adviser in any situation, then it is better to choose a tree that is consonant with you, i.e. suitable for you in terms of energy and character.

What blanks to choose for making runes

In my opinion, the optimal size of the blanks is 2x3 cm. Firstly, this size is optimal for fortune telling, because it is convenient to hold such runes in your hands, secondly, the symbols of the rune are clearly visible, and thirdly, the bag with the set does not take up much space. In our workshop you can buy 2x3 pieces of wood and - to your taste.

However, we have blanks in other sizes - and (also rectangular and rounded). Blanks 1.5x2 cm are ideal for making a travel set of Runes, they do not take up much space. Blanks 3x4 cm are suitable for everyone who, for one reason or another, is more comfortable working with larger Runes.

Rune making is an energetic process

Before proceeding directly to the description of how to make runes yourself, I would like to say a few words about what Rune making is not only a technical process, but also an energy one.. Therefore, you should not start making them if you are sick, upset, or under stress. You need to wait until your health stabilizes.

For the runes to work, you need to do them in a state of calm and peace. In order to constantly maintain myself in a state of spiritual harmony, for example, I use various techniques: meditation with a focus on breathing, work with images (associative maps), breathing exercises and gymnastics, nature walks, aromatherapy and art therapy.

You can find and choose something that gives you strength and peace. It can even be an ordinary dream, which perfectly restores energy. If you are in a state of chronic fatigue, then I would recommend that you first go to rest, preferably in a place where there will be sun, water, clean air.

And another important point. In the manufacture of fortune-telling Runes, it is very important not to chase the result, but to immerse yourself in the process itself as much as possible. You can’t rush, because haste causes anxiety, fuss, anxiety. And this does not contribute to productive work, as I said above. In addition, extreme accuracy is important in this work, but in a nervous state it is very difficult to achieve it.

The environment is also very important.. While making runes, I usually listen to pleasant, calm music or recordings with the sounds of nature. Of course, in the room where the work takes place, there should be no other people and extraneous noise.

In this master class, I will deliberately not touch on the spiritual side of the issue, i.e. the issue of initiation and activation of the Runes. I am convinced that everyone has the right to decide for himself how exactly to interact with the Runes and how to build relationships with them.

You can learn a lot about the initiation rites of the Runes in books and on the Internet. As for me, I believe that the connection with the Runes is maintained primarily through constant interaction with them: you can often hold them in your hands, put them under your pillow at night, refer to them in various situations, and even talk to them. Thanks to this, contact is established at a subtle level and the energies merge.

The Scandinavian Runes that I make have a neutral calm energy, and the one who acquires them interacts with them and activates them later at their own discretion. It can be both a rite of initiation, and just communication, touch.

Each Rune carries its own special meaning and its own energy. It is important in the manufacturing process to reflect on this meaning, on each specific Rune. This will enhance its effect.

And most importantly: in We must like what you do. You should enjoy carving Runes, this process should give you pleasure! Otherwise, it is not worth taking on production. I hope that my recommendations will help you approach this difficult process consciously.

What tools do you need to make runes?

First of all, you need to understand the tools. To carve Runes with our own hands, we need: pencil, stencil, wood cutters and a pair of chisels.

I have a wood cutting kit, but it will be enough to get a couple of cutters, a couple of chisels of different widths and two collets (so that you do not have to change cutters during work).

I highly recommend also preparing a stencil for the workpiece (see photo): thick cardboard about 20 × 20 cm, in the center of which a hole is made exactly the size of a wooden plate. Such a stencil will greatly facilitate your work: holding a small workpiece with your hands and cutting at the same time (and even more so chiseling a symbol if the wood is hard) is extremely inconvenient, and sometimes impossible.

Of course, the cutters must be sharply sharpened. You can buy cutters in the online store, I recommend contacting online stores that are engaged in ship modeling. The cutter (or chisel) must be of sufficient thickness and must not bend easily. Too thin cutters are not suitable for working with hardwoods (ash, oak, beech).

So, we have everything you need for work - tools, wooden blanks - you can start making Runes. I will describe everything step by step.

Getting Started

We outline the contour lines of the rune on the die with a pencil. We pass along the entire length of the lines with a chisel, making indentations of 0.5-1 mm (depending on how deep you want to get future symbols). This operation is needed in order to get an even hole (this will be seen later in the photo).

Here's what we get:

Please note that serifs must be made at the ends of the lines, otherwise, when holes are made, chips will form at the ends of the symbol, and the Rune will have to be redone.

Holding the chisel at an angle, we cut along the line to its center, retreating some distance from the line itself. The farther you step back from the line, the bigger the symbols will be. I try to keep the chisel at an angle of 45°, then the hole is deep and beautiful.

Then we cut on the other side of the line, and this is what we get:

And here is the Rune blank completely carved with a chisel:

Due to the fact that initially we ran the chisel along the contours of the symbol, the center of the holes turned out to be even. So, we got a raw, preliminary symbol, which we finalize with a cutter, removing bumps, roughness, burrs, aligning the lines:

After that (if necessary), you can grind the rune and the workpiece itself with fine sandpaper.

For clarity, I will show the process of cutting out a few more Runes.

Same process. We make a notch of the Rune lines with a chisel:

Do not forget to make notches along the edges to avoid chips:

Holding a chisel or cutter at an angle, we make holes. We trim the workpiece with a cutter:

More examples of running the contours of Runes and notches:

And so we gradually cut out all the Futhark Runes.

You can stand on this. Runes are ready. However, I am often asked to color the Runes.

Coloring the Runes

I use acrylic paint for this.

Pay attention to the brush. It should be very thin, the smallest size you can find. The stage of staining Runes is quite complex and time-consuming. The paint must be diluted from time to time with a few drops of water, because. it dries quickly, and it becomes difficult to apply paint.

Apply paint consistently, in thin lines, make sure that the brush does not inadvertently go beyond the holes.

The acrylic paint dries quickly, stays on the wood, and an accidental brushstroke outside of the symbol will cause the Rune to have to be redone.

However, the results are worth it!

Rune processing with oil is an important step

So, the Runes are colored. The final step is to treat them with oil. This is done so that the runes do not shrink over time, in addition, the oil will protect them from pollution and make them more resistant to environmental influences. I use tung oil (you can also buy it from the online store):

After oil treatment, the wood slightly changes color: slightly darkens. And acquires a smell with a hint of tung oil. The oil is absorbed from several hours to a day (depending on the type of wood).

And here is an example of rounded Runes:

Now a few words about one more important thing - a house for Runes.

Rune Pouch

It is best to make from natural materials - tarpaulin, burlap, leather, cotton or linen. The dimensions of the bag should be such that a hand can freely pass into it and it can be prevented from sorting through the Runes inside.

Take the time to sew a solid bag, securely fasten the seams, pick up a strong drawstring - then it will serve you for a long and faithful service, and the Runes will feel comfortable in it.

After you have sewn the bag, you can consider that your own set of Runes is ready.

You can start working with Runes. I wish you success!

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Following ancient traditions will allow you to independently make runes for divination or witchcraft. Consider the basic rules on how to make runes with your own hands: what is better to make from, how to make from wood or stone, how to paint correctly.

In the article:

How to make runes with your own hands - general manufacturing rules

According to the Elder Edda and the Scandinavian-Germanic mythological tradition, runes are fundamental symbols, the action of which is axiomatically embedded in the universe. Practitioners compare their action and constancy with the laws of physics.

An example of runes made at home

The tool requires a sensitive understanding of how it works. Any mistake gives the opposite result: in divination, the symbols will begin to tell a lie, confuse, and in magic - lead to consequences.

To contact the symbols, they make runes with their own hands. One of the basic rules is not to allow other people to the manufacturing process and work.

Natural materials are chosen: sea pebbles, wood, bone, fruit seeds, clay, salt dough. The best options: stone, bone, wood - have high strength.

How to make runes at home from wood

Wood - one of the available materials, is easy to process. There are no requirements for the type of tree. By tradition, women make signs from birch or willow (typically female trees), men - from yew or oak.

Universal option - ash, which is considered the world tree Yggdrasil with a key meaning in Norse mythology.

Looking for the right fit. They do not purchase already processed boards, finished wood: the materials contain traces of someone else's energy. A branch of suitable size is cut from a living tree, having processed the cut. It is better if the tree is planted and grown independently. If you do not want to harm a living creature for the sake of symbols, they are looking for a suitable piece of wood with a minimum amount of someone else's processing, giving the tree a new life.

Of the tools, they are limited to a simple knife, saw, sandpaper. It is not necessary to remove the bark from the tree. With a knife, cut out the inscriptions on the finished dies for lack of incisors, with which the work is easier. To extend the life of the dice, wood is treated, the product is varnished.

How to make runes from stone

How to make dice of stone

Sea pebbles require minimal processing. It is enough to walk along the seashore, collecting pebbles of suitable size. Even the search process will help the future connection with the dice: they select only the stones they like.

They also buy ready-made cabochons: stones are not as sensitive to other people's hands and processing as other materials. They are kept under running water for cleaning. Another way to cleanse is to place it in moonlight on a full moon.

Carving symbols on stone is more difficult than on wood - it will be difficult without tools. If you work with pebbles, a strong screwdriver, a hammer will suffice. In the process, you can split several pebbles - they are collected with a margin. Engraving equipment is not prohibited, which, if they have the skills, work with any stones.

How to make runes from bone, clay and other materials

If wood and stone are not suitable, choose any other material. One of the most ancient and widespread is bone. They take it at the meat market, boil it for several hours to clear it of meat. The bone is sawn with a hacksaw or jigsaw. Cut along the bone with incisors or a sharp knife. Bone is more difficult to process, mistakes happen.

Working with fruit pits is simple. They are not prepared for work, but symbols are cut out with an ordinary knife. Material disadvantages:

  • insufficient aesthetic value;
  • throwing discomfort;
  • the bone grows;
  • without varnishing will not last longer than a few months.

The advantage of clay is the ease of applying symbols in the process of molding dies. To work with clay, proper firing is required. The strength of the material is low: over time, the dies will break.

A popular material is salt dough. There are many cooking recipes, with proper care and coating with protective compounds, the product retains its appearance for a long time.

Do-it-yourself rune making - important nuances

When making runes with their own hands, they follow the canons of the mark, the rules for their use. After creating the dies, the symbols are cut out: the products need embossed ones. After cutting, they are painted. The procedure is reported Elder Edda:

Runes you will find
and see the signs
strongest signs,
strongest marks,
Hroft painted them,
and the gods created
and Odin cut them out,
Aces have one
and Dain with the elves,
Dwalin at the dwarfs,
among the Jotuns Asvid,
and I cut them myself.
Can you cut?
Are you able to guess?
Can you color?

You can not start work without knowing its symbols.

Multicolored runes

Coloring is done with red paint, for example, ocher. Following the ancient Scandinavian traditions, the product is stained with blood. From the point of view of cruel tradition, one drop of blood is enough in a vessel with red paint: the principle is important, not the amount of liquid.

You need a place to store: a box or a simple bag. Pouches are considered traditional accessories. The storage place for the magic instrument is made independently, but this is not critical.

Having created signs, they are used for divination and magical rituals. To cope with the case, one symbol is chosen as an amulet. The stones are constantly in direct physical contact. Symbols will be helpers in meditation, especially. In order to keep attuned to the stones, they look at them several times a week, sort them out in their hands.

In self-production, they listen to themselves. If you like the created plates, whether the signs are beautiful or not, it does not matter. If you don’t like seemingly ideal pebbles, symbols will not work.

Having considered how to make runes for divination and what is best to make them from, anyone can easily cope with the task. You don't need to buy expensive tools. Self-made pebbles are cheaper than store-bought ones, not to mention effective.

In contact with

People who are far from the topic of self-development, esotericism, or at least history rarely ask themselves how to make runes at home. In fact, runes are a special alphabet. But it is also a magical tool. The Scandinavian ancestors believed that all these mysterious symbols are the basic key to the universe itself. Be that as it may, runes are used in various energy practices even now.

What is it and where did they come from?

This is now a story about a set of runes, and even made with one's own hand, is a common story. But these signs have a very long history of existence. Previously, entire nations believed in their strength and special purpose. Using them, they established a direct connection with natural forces. At the same time, runes were made from natural raw materials: wood, stone, clay. Of course, few had the ability to write and read then. These abilities were considered an attribute of the elite - doctors and various magicians.

Information about the origin of the runes dwindled and evaporated over time. This is because it was strictly forbidden to fix this knowledge. Information was considered sacred and could only be transmitted orally.

However, the meaning of the word is known for sure. "Rune" (Old Germanic runa) stands for "mystery". But the same-root words from related languages ​​​​(German raunen, Finnish runo) - "whisper", "conjure".

It is also clear that the runes were both signs of the alphabet in ancient Germanic settlements, and magical attributes. And they were used not only in some rituals. More badges were carved above the entrance to the house, on wagons and boats, on tools of labor and combat. Special castes (healers and magicians) treated diseases with the help of runes, they brought success and victories.

Nowadays, they are used far less actively. Nevertheless, even ordinary people make runes. If you also want to become the owner of your own set of magical signs, then you will receive answers to all your questions.

How to find materials for making runes?

The first step to answering the question of how to make runes at home is to find the right material for them.

According to all the rules, you need to search slowly. It is foolish to show your disdain for stones or branches from which you want to make a set of helper runes. Walk around, listen to your feelings. Don't pocket every visually relevant stone. You need to hold it in your hands and understand what feeling it causes in you. You can even formulate within yourself a mental message to the objects of your search.

As for the ideal parameters, for example, rune stones, look for small (2-4 cm radius) and flat specimens. When you have selected 24 smooth stones that will give off a feeling of warmth, go home. Selected blanks must be washed. They store future runes, oddly enough, in a place with bright lighting.

Practice writing runes before work

It is not only the material on which you will write the runes that matters, but also how you will do it. It is important to do this without a single mistake. It is not for nothing that skill was not intended earlier for ordinary amateurs. Only in the correct position the runes will produce the desired effect. Compare this: the Fehu rune in the upright position means acquisition, prosperity, wealth. Do you understand what the opposite would be? Loss, failure, poverty. So it's not worth the risk.

This special symbolism of the Scandinavian kind can be used even for simple spelling of words, sentences, names. But in special cases, the runes are not so simple. If you portray them correctly, prosperity, profit, happiness, health, and problem solving will await you.

You can hone your skills before creating your own runes on a simple piece of paper. Practice repeatedly until you get the hang of it. You can also sign names and to remember what these symbols mean.

How to choose material for making runes?

First of all, you must choose the right material for this. There are no strict rules. It is important to choose the raw material that will resonate with your soul and that will be easy to work with. Of course, the first place is unconditionally occupied by natural materials. Like it or not, runes are natural signs. And synthetics are unlikely to be a good conductor for such energy. Natural raw materials include bones, clay, even leather. Metal is also suitable, but it will not be easy to create such a set on your own.

Like the material itself, it is you who choose its characteristics and origin. Although there are still beliefs that determine the relationship of each specific runic sign and the type of wood, type of stone or other material. You can find them and implement the ground rules. But this, believe me, should still be adjusted in accordance with your inner convictions.

For runes that are used in Russian-speaking countries, they mainly use tree species that grow in the European part of the state. Exotic varieties are not a priority. Even in words it sounds strange: ancient Germanic baobab runes for use in accordance with northern traditions.

You can think about specific technical issues. For example, a pine tree will be divided into layers, and this is inconvenient for work. Cutting small characters will not be so easy. But a set of rowan wood darkens quite quickly and even turns black.

We emphasize once again: you need to choose the material, listening to your inner feelings.

How to make runes from wood?

Goes to practical guide. As mentioned, magic runes, rune blanks are usually made from natural materials. In this list, the leader, without a doubt, remains a tree. It is wooden runes that are most often mentioned in ancient legends.

How are these symbols cut from simple branches? Runes made of wood are made according to the following algorithm:

  1. Walk through the selected area - a forest or a park. Your task is to find a tree with which you feel oneness. When this feeling comes, you will be near the desired plant.
  2. Decide which branch you need. You don't need to cut it right away. Designate a certain date when you will come again. For example, you can focus on the lunar calendar. If you remember, the new moon is ideal for undertakings.
  3. When you get back here, stand under the tree and say a prayer. There is no set text - the words must come from the heart. Salute the gods and ask permission to make such a sacrifice. If you are worried that you will not be able to find the words on the spot, think over and even write them down in advance.
  4. To cut a tree branch, you must leave something in return. A beer that you pour into the roots will do. Exchange it for permission to cut the branch. Do it quickly with a sharp knife. It is customary to rub the place of the cut with earth taken from under the tree. Say "thank you" to the plant, pour the rest of the drink into the roots and leave.

We return to the technical side of the issue. How to carve runes for a person who holds a file in his hands for the first time in his life?

  • No one expects mathematical precision from you. Draw a blank template for yourself: 3-4 cm in diameter, 50 mm thick. Try to cut out 24 approximately such circles from the branch.
  • To determine that the set is the perfect size for you, you can do this: cup your hands while holding the set in them. Nothing comes out? So the proportions are correct.
  • You don’t have to own special carpenter’s tools - a thin nail file or a jigsaw is enough.
  • The cut branch is clamped (preferably in a vise) and cut into bars. Don't rush anywhere. So the energy mood will be correct, and the fingers will remain intact.
  • After cutting off the excess, you should sand the pieces with sandpaper. Polish all 24 circles.
  • On blanks, you can cut out the necessary characters with both a figured chisel and a simple penknife. Before you start, draw them with a pencil.
  • The signs should be cut carefully, forming indentations. Subsequently, they are filled with paint so that the rune is distinct and legible.
  • After applying the symbols, the surface of the circle is covered with a thin layer of varnish. This will protect the wood from browning and dirt.

Making runes with your own hands from stone

Another suitable option from natural materials is stone runes. They look more impressive, solid. But it will be more difficult to apply symbols on them. To make it easier for yourself, use it with little to no handling.

How to make runes at home from stone? Consider the main features:

  • Immediately look for the stones of the right size - it is difficult to change the shape of this material.
  • At the same time, look for a response to the found stone inside: if it is not there, the material is not suitable.
  • The easiest option is to purchase ready-made stones of the desired shape (cabochons); you don’t have to worry that you didn’t choose and process them. To "zero" and purify such raw materials, it is enough to put the stones in flowing water for a couple of minutes.
  • The second option, how to clean the pebbles that you buy from someone else's hands, is to leave them in a container on which the light of the moon will fall. Manipulation is carried out during the full moon.
  • Finding pebbles of the right shape is half the battle. Putting an inscription on them will be much more difficult. How to make a rune with your own hands from stone? It is enough to have a screwdriver and a strong hammer.
  • If you have engraving equipment in stock, you're in luck. With it, you can not limit yourself to only pebbles.
  • It should be understood that, despite their strength, the collected stones can be split in the process of applying symbols. Stock up on them.

Is it possible to create a set of runes from other materials?

As already mentioned, a person can create his own set not only from wood or stone. You can even use plasticine. Although it is obvious that this option can only be temporary.

Whatever raw material you choose to prepare the runes for use, apply the influence of four elements:

  1. Splashing drops of water.
  2. They let the wind blow on the runes.
  3. Pour the earth on the signs.
  4. Gently douse them with fire.

The main thing is to perform each action diligently, without haste and ridicule. The respectful attitude of the runes will be felt and will serve faithfully.

What color do the inscriptions on the runes?

Many (especially beginners) are wondering if it really matters what color the signs on the runes will be. In fact, the main thing is the correctness of the characters. However, coupled with a well-chosen color, the signs work even more effectively.

If you firmly decide to apply a color coating of a certain shade, choose natural dyes. Although, of course, acrylic paint is now more often used: it looks beautiful, gives a wide color range. Also, this coating lasts a long time.

When there is nothing of the above at hand, you can simply use markers, felt-tip pens, or not apply dye at all (the carved pattern on the tree looks beautiful anyway).

So, what do the colors mean in the manufacture of runes:

  • Runes of green color will attract healing, healing, physical and financial wealth. Here, for example, the rune "cross" is used to eliminate certain diseases. Drawing the symbol in green will enhance this effect.
  • Yellow signs are used quite rarely. First, the dye itself is not very common. Secondly, a very narrow-profile meaning: establishing contacts, solving legal problems.
  • Red symbols indicate passion, love, sexuality, passionate feelings.
  • The orange hue is a magnet for popularity and good luck.
  • We tend to think that black is an unlucky color. However, on the runes, it is used as a barrier to the harmful effects of strangers.
  • Blue color attracts balance, a sense of peace and tranquility. It is also believed to help cure ailments.
  • Brown is used just as often as black. It looks more natural on wooden runes. In addition, it gives protection to the wearer.
  • White shade is the usual color of freedom, freshness, youth and innocence. However, it also has a protective property.
  • Purple runes enhance intuition, and also have a beneficial effect on health.

The only symbol for which you do not have to choose a color is the rune of fate. Why? Yes, because it represents emptiness, the absence of any sign. This is where the second name comes from - “empty rune”.

How are runes used?

Runes are a tool that allows you to receive and direct energy. Each has its own specific "specialization". For instance:

  • Rune Fehu. It embodies financial protection, a talisman, a talisman at the conclusion of important transactions.
  • Symbolizes movement. She patronizes those who are looking for a path, who need a portion of purposefulness.
  • Rune Uruz. Gives the owner a sense of confidence, and also patronizes marriage, love unions.

How can runes be used? There are two main ways:

  1. Informational. You ask a question, the runes give you an answer.
  2. Energy. It lies in the fact that you are using a specific energy flow to which this symbol is “attached”. Such use allows you to heal, attract good luck, restore energy gaps.

Now you know how to make runes at home. Finally, remember a few more tips:

  • to store your set, it is important to adapt a bag made of any natural material;
  • try to make runes completely on your own - this will help you find “one wave” with them;
  • for the same reason, do not let anyone touch your runes, let alone play with them;
  • inner feeling is very important, but it is equally important to seek and absorb knowledge about the designations and history of the origin of runes;
  • use the runes consciously and remember that this is still an energy and magical tool that should not be abused.

We hope that our tips on making runes and their use will help you.