
Meaning of the knight of swords in tarot. Knight of Swords - meaning of the tarot card Knight of Swords combined

Where to begin

This card is called differently: Horseman or Warrior of Swords, Cavalier of the Sword, Knight of Swords. It depicts a horseman resolutely advancing on an invisible enemy. He is swift, hot, irreconcilable. Elements: Fire, Air. Astrological meaning: Mars/Mercury represent a sharp mind, Venus/Saturn - coldness in relationships.

Map of the day

Today does not bode well, another conflict is brewing. A cool head is your key to victory. Do not react aggressively to the attacks of your opponents, restrain emotional outbursts.

Card Knight of Swords


You need to be more patient with people. Conflict, selfishness, excessive self-confidence are your main enemies. Fight them.

Direct position

Astrological correspondence: Mars in Aries, Moon in Aries. Denotes a person obsessed with his work. He is strong-willed, energetic and stubborn. The Knight of Swords is stubbornly moving towards the goal, but he lacks flexibility, so often his desperate desire to prove his point of view turns into a serious scandal.

Despite the fact that he thought about world peace. But you should not perceive the Warrior as some kind of misunderstood saint, since his impulses are often selfish in nature. Answer to the question asked: Yes.

Psychological condition

The knight feels like a fairy-tale character, because in his world everything is possible and achievable. But since the goals set are often unattainable, the Warrior becomes embittered, becomes harsh and callous. The probable reason for the problems with the intersection of the desired and the actual is that the Knight of Swords lacks the depth of thinking, while strength and assertiveness overflow.

It is worth cooling down your ardor and look at the current problem from the other side. Perhaps the solution is very close.


Although this person is described as a leader, the most difficult task for our hero is maintaining relationships. Sometimes, unwittingly, with one awkward word, the Horseman can destroy everything.

If this card indicates the questioner, it is worth reconsidering your behavior and deciding whether the game is worth the candle. Perhaps the people with whom you so easily go into conflict are more precious than your illusory goals.


With the work of this lasso, too, not everything is going smoothly. Too superficially looks at his duties. He tries to embrace everything and therefore makes mistakes. The only plus of the Knight is the desire to achieve what he wants, no matter what. But this does not improve the situation either.

One piece of advice: do not slow down, you are a promising employee, but it is worth concentrating on one thing, just use your assertiveness to dig not along, but deep into.

Reversed position

Astrological Correspondence: Aries, Mars, Chiron.

If in the upright position we saw an aggressive, stubborn Warrior, but with a bit of prudence and a desire to achieve a specific goal, then in an inverted form he loses the remnants of the few good qualities and prudence.

Now he cuts indiscriminately. It can be briefly described as: deed for the sake of deed, aggression for the sake of aggression.

Arkan warns that the situation is explosive and luck will be lost through his own fault. Answer to the question asked: No.

Psychological condition

The knight is like a boiling cauldron. His nerves are on edge, close to a nervous breakdown. He is embittered, furious, intellectual abilities are practically at zero. Somewhere inside there is a desire to be pulled out of this state, but no one but the King of Swords and the Queen of Cups can do this. requires a way out, as a result, others suffer.


The inverted Prince of Swords denotes a strange relationship in which selfishness dominates, and partners do not restrain themselves in the manifestation of destructive emotions. Most likely, the union is close to breaking.

Maybe it's time to discuss the issues. Another interpretation: describes a situation in which one of the partners disappears, leaves for no apparent reason.


At work, the Warrior shows himself, to put it mildly, not in the best way. His indiscretion borders on stupidity. Attempts to bring colleagues and superiors to white heat are clearly not improving the situation. Carelessness, incompetence, cockiness, and with all this, frenzied persistence - this is a brief description of the Sword Rider in the workplace.

Tip: exhale, relax. Aggressive behavior will not lead to anything good.

General value in combination with other cards

The meaning of the Knight of Swords card in combination with the major arcana:

  • Mage- to declare a war;
  • High Priestess- secret war;
  • empress- premature birth, miscarriage;
  • - wage war from above by authorized persons;
  • Hierophant- conflict with the teacher, father;
  • lovers- problems, crisis in relations;
  • - through conflict and violence; recklessness on the road;
  • Strength- succumb to attacks of aggression, do not control your emotions;
  • Hermit- due to conflict, unforeseen circumstances, crisis;
  • Wheel of Fortune- unfavorable circumstances that caused changes in life, loss of luck through one's own fault;
  • - deserved punishment;
  • Hanged- drive yourself into a corner;
  • Death- lightning-fast global change in the situation;
  • Moderation- reducing the time of the adaptation process;
  • Devil- roll downhill, fall into extremes, drown in sins;
  • Tower- injury due to driving at high speed; divorce, due to a long-growing conflict;
  • Star- not far off, you can not stop;
  • moon- worsens; fever;
  • The sun- seek clarity;
  • - reduction of the recovery process;
  • - world crisis.

Meaning of the Rider of Swords Tarot in combination with Staves:

  • Ace- emotional emptiness from a large number of failed attempts;
  • deuce- receive a call;
  • Troika- exert psychological pressure;
  • Four- marriage cracked;
  • Five- tense atmosphere in the team;
  • Six- your plans are not destined to come true;
  • - keep the defense;
  • - violence;
  • Nine- life difficulties;
  • Ten- emotional exhaustion;
  • - bad news;
  • Knight- Rivalry, high competition;
  • Queen- problems at work, possible dismissal;
  • King- divergence of views, conflict situation with a man.

Combination of the Prince of Swords with Cups:

  • Ace- sensual impulse;
  • deuce- impetuous or business relations;
  • Troika- or an unforeseen solemn event;
  • Four- fatigue;
  • Five- reproach yourself for recklessness;
  • Six- once broken relationship;
  • Seven- run to your illusions;
  • Eight- covert flight from family, home, work;
  • Nine- quick achievement of the desired;
  • Ten- quick acquisition of a family;
  • - too much talk, it's time to act;
  • Knight- emotional instability, sudden impulses;
  • Queen- haste in relationships with a woman;
  • King- haste in a relationship with a man.

The caste of coins is not an easy group, this suit is responsible for energy, using the emotional state of euphoria, passion as a driving force. The Knight of Swords personifies a warrior who rushed into battle, not afraid of obstacles and difficulties. His sword is ready to fight with rivals and win in a difficult battle.

The Knight of Swords personifies a warrior who rushed into battle, not afraid of obstacles and difficulties.

Image on the map

The drawing depicts a young horseman, clearly striving for battle, he sits on a horse, in his hand he holds a sword high and already unsheathed. He is dressed in armor, a red cape develops behind his back. The decorations of the horse indicate that this is not a simple warrior, royal blood flows in him. The young man rushed at the invisible enemy with a cry and fury. He is opposed not only by a real enemy, but the wind is not on his side. In the sky, clouds change one after another at high speed, trees also cannot resist the force of nature. On some maps, trees are blazing in the background.

The depicted knight embodies a young man who is just at the start of a professional career, he seeks to prove and show everyone around him his skills and abilities. And also the rider personifies a man who does not know how to compromise, it is much easier for him to resolve issues in a conflict way, he is not able to endure a personal defeat and will never agree with this.

Quite often, the card falls out to a prudent person who loves to calculate all kinds of moves and actions in advance, to make strategic plans. The victory itself is nothing for him, it is important how he does it, how enchanting and unlike it will be won. The enemy may or may not be visible. They may even be someone from a close circle, and then the probability of being a winner may be shaken.

In a direct position, the card speaks of a person with high intelligence, which can be used both with good intentions and not so much. It promises positive and superiority in all directions.

In an inverted position, this same mind can play a cruel joke on its owner. The reverse side of the coin, when day turns into night, carries negative trials.

Falling out in the layout, the card indicates that you are rapidly moving towards the goal and the end results are already visible. It characterizes you as an energetic, spiritual character, your field of activity is specific, you do not draw castles in the air, unattainable goals. You make decisions without delay, decisively, without much thought, but sometimes you are unable to agree to something new, unfamiliar.

General characteristics of the map

We will consider the main designations of the knight of swords tarot card in more detail so that you can understand what to expect from it.

  • This lasso has several names: the Knight or the Horseman, some call him the Knight of Swords or simply the Warrior of Swords, and lovers of intricate nicknames call him the Lord of the violent wind.
  • The meaning of the lasso is consonant with astrological observations: the planets Saturn and Venus that lead it bring coldness and strictness into relationships, Mars and Mercury indicate the sparkling mind and cynicism of nature. Ruling zodiac signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
  • Refers to the element of Air.
  • The main terms of the lasso, characterizing the personality of the fortuneteller: frisky, bright, witty, observant. This is one hundred percent smart, prudent, impenetrable fighter, with one look he shows everyone who is the main, eternal winner, conflict, active person here. He does not have a sense of fear, he is always ready to attack first, fear and tears are alien to him.
  • Occurring events that the Knight may portend: an unexpected, unexpected trip related to work or study, or you will meet an interlocutor, comrade, future friend - the embodiment of the Warrior of swords himself.
  • Work, financial sphere: the rapid development of business relations, the growth of finances, personal business is going uphill, but there may be a loss of a job.
  • When the lasso represents someone walking nearby: it promises an acquaintance with a military man, a strong physique, a security guard, a researcher, an engineer, a media worker.
  • In health, the Knight usually indicates an aggravation of the disease.
  • In a relationship with a loved one - quarrels, family quarrels in a raised tone, a period of cooling of feelings.
  • What is worth listening to - the inevitability of a brewing conflict should not confuse you, try to maintain clarity of mind.

Arcanum refers to the element of Air

Personal qualities of a fortuneteller

Speaking of a person as a person, the Knight points to an intellectually developed, morally accomplished, resourceful, quick-witted person. Its potential can and should be used for good, not for destruction. A man with a perpetual motion machine, he can take on many responsibilities and cope with it with extraordinary ease in the shortest possible time.

In moments of fear, uncertainty, the fallen Rider of Swords works as a support, instills fearlessness and complete confidence in victory.

This world has never met a more skillful enemy. The fortuneteller, like a tank, rushes to the goal and no cataclysms can stop him. The interpretation of the appeared card knight of swords with close lasso of a favorable outcome, like a gift from above, doubles self-confidence and prophesies success.

The knight characterizes the fortuneteller as a strong, witty, merciless, strong-willed person. Cunning and courage allow him to get out of any conflict situations dry. It’s great to be friends with him, to be under protection, but it’s bad to be in contra. This is a very powerful and formidable opponent, with hints of despotism.

A leader who can lead, inspire faith in a common cause. It will not be good for the one who decided to compete with him in strength, any opponent does not even suspect the disgrace raging inside him.

The most frivolous Rider of all 4 in the tarot deck. It lights up too quickly and also subsides quickly. He should learn to be calm and patient. A successful and enterprising businessman, full of strength and energy, new ideas are generated in his head at the speed of light, he is not afraid to experiment, he is not stopped by minor failures.

Interpretation of the direct position of the lasso in the scenario

Like any other card, it has its own interpretation in the layout, and depends on those that fall before or after. Therefore, it is always necessary to pay attention to the neighbors. But, the rider always knows at what time to appear and without the need he does not do this. Heated circumstances act on him like a litmus test, and if they are accompanied by negativity, then the Horseman warns that the state of affairs smells of hopelessness:

  • falling out with Wands, it will indicate work;
  • with Cups - your relationship with your soulmate is in a stage of contention;
  • with Coins - turmoil will affect the financial sector.

Having fallen out in the layout, the lasso says that the fortuneteller will plunge into an atmosphere of stress, fall into the very maelstrom of scandal. These may be cases related to financial fraud, the turmoil around the upcoming important event, you will have to face law enforcement agencies.

The good thing that the Knight can boast of is a hint at the most fortune-telling person or the person close to him that he is completely absorbed in the embodiment of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ball life. He is completely devoted to the cause and unconditionally believes in its accomplishment. Realities do not always coincide with the world of illusions.

The rider talks about a person as a person who is confident in his rightness, he cannot be stopped and something else can be proved, like a wall - he is rushing towards the goal. Blind conviction always borders on anger, anger, discord. A hard-nosed person with his stubbornness will only achieve discord. Even the personal environment cannot withstand such pressure, people who fully supported and helped will simply turn away at one moment.

Air is a deceptive element, in the summer heat it saves, and in the icy frost it makes you feel all the anger and power from the slightest breath. The card makes you prepare for discussions in the workplace, for home showdowns, for the meanness of friends or associates. During this period, no one will be kind and mitigate insults, if there is a quarrel, then using the most unflattering words;

Sometimes the Horseman wants to show that the questioner has a great friend.

If you want peace, prepare for war! This is the slogan of this arcana. Very often, especially in times of war and destruction, the Warrior appearing in the layout foreshadowed nothing more than a battle, a battle, a probable death. In a more condescending case, this could mean that behind the back of the fortuneteller, decisions are being made regarding his “destruction”.

Sometimes the Horseman wants to show that the questioner has a great friend, always ready to help. And also a temporary companion will appear in his life, he will appear at the right moment and also suddenly disappear.

Interpretation of the inverted position of the lasso in the layout

The Knight of Swords inverted hints at a meeting with a person who can humiliate or insult you. This is a strong personality, in front of which you hide your head in the sand, like an ostrich. An insidious, conflicting, vile person who rubs himself into trust, he has already entered the circle of your acquaintances and is waiting for an opportune moment to set him up.

Falling out turned, the Knight means the upcoming contention, quarrel. Conflict at work, domestic disagreements, heated situation in public places. At every corner it is worth preparing for aggression, attacks from others.

For the fortune-telling female half of humanity, the inverted Horseman warns of the upcoming rivalry. This may be a lady who has her eye on your lover or a fawning employee who wants to take your place. Immersion in a state of imprudence, the inability to make reasonable and deliberate decisions. This moment of life will be lived only on emotional outbursts, without resorting to reason.

Wrong orientation speaks of danger, a suspicious and influential rival, an upcoming tense situation. The probability of damage to the body by diseases, the risk of getting into an accident increases, any natural activity can have an impressive harm to the human condition.

A period of fatigue, ridiculous mistakes. Uncontrolled errors may be made. Outbursts of anger at relatives due to negativity at work, rudeness towards children, animals. Bad work that does not bear fruit, shifting the same thing from place to place. Willingness to give up in order to get precious moments of rest.

An inverted suit confirms outbursts of rage, irritation, a desire to hurt others. Personal defeats will affect the aggressive attitude towards loved ones. The conclusions drawn or steps taken in a fit of anger will be in vain and erroneous. Bragging about personal success will harm and endanger others.

Speaking about the personal state and health, it is allowed to get into situations with traumatic outcomes. Infliction of pain, violence, limbs suffer the most. It is very important to react quickly and be always on the alert, not to relax in public places.

A knight in the wrong position promises injustice, deceit, unwillingness to accept help from outsiders. The fortuneteller himself will be in the role of a fraudster, or he will be a victim of unclean frauds. Stealing a wallet, fooling around at the checkout in a store, a ridiculous loss of finances.

Schedule for the day ahead

You can interpret the Knight of Swords tarot meaning for the present and upcoming day in several ways:

  • With regards to the weather, today we should expect a cold and strong wind, which is sure to blow in the face, preventing any movement.
  • The likelihood of a conflict in which it is worth taking part: the main thing is not to succumb to emotions, not to say too much, to maintain even breathing, sobriety of mind and composure of character. Win or lose - it doesn't matter, any outcome will be a science.

A knight in the wrong position promises injustice, deceit

love relationship

The value of the card in a direct position indicates a relationship that has already become obsolete, a divorce is ahead, a temporary stop in life together, a cooling of passion and romantic feelings. It is rather difficult to call a knight a sensual card; manifestations of affection, care and love are alien to him.

There is a possibility of creating a marriage of convenience, when everything is treated with a rational point of view, not making decisions with the heart, but thinking and making strategic plans using gray matter.

Fatigue in a relationship also comes out as a symbol of the Warrior. It's time to separate, hide in your own shell, create personal secrets.

Falling out in a scenario, the lasso speaks of the partner’s aggression, he is disrespectful to his soulmate, uses evil jokes, and is disrespectful. It all comes down to the fact that the relationship is collapsing, gradually leading to a complete break.

In an inverted position, the Knight indicates love of a non-standard nature. This may be a couple who loves a storm in a relationship, quarrels and daily conflicts, a loud showdown. Or outwardly inconsistent people are still complemented, like Yin and Yang.

The crisis that has brewed in the relationship of loving people, it's time to sit down and talk openly about all the claims. It is worth learning to talk, because truth is born in dialogue.

Card combination

There is no denying the direct influence of the cards preceding and following on the value of the target arcana. Therefore, we will give an interpretation of the Knight of Swords card in combination with other suits and arcana.

With Major Arcana.

  • Strength - symbolizes a person who is unbalanced, jealous, unable to control his emotions.
  • A chariot is a person who disregards social principles, he does not follow the rules of the road, which can lead to an emergency on the road.
  • Peace - prophesies a long stagnation, a sharp and turning point in the life of a fortuneteller. High chance of illness.
  • The tower is a divorce. The end of love, it's time for broken hearts.
  • Death - everything in love is drastically and will soon change. Loneliness will be replaced by long-awaited mutual love, long-term relationships will end in a wedding, dead-end relationships will fall apart.
  • Jester - financial turmoil, sudden spending, deception in business.
  • A star is an unexpected success in pressing matters, one more step on the way to the goal will be overcome.
  • Wheel of Fortune - luck has slipped away, and the fortuneteller himself is to blame.
  • Justice - punishment is inevitable, but everything is rewarded according to merit.

With the Minor Arcana.

  • Three of Wands - perseverance, stubbornness. In an inverted position, these qualities of character will not help you achieve what you want.
  • King of Wands - hints at a crisis, loss of a muse, for a woman - a quarrel with her husband.
  • The Three of Coins is not the time to mumble, the hour has come to persistently bring what has been started to the end.
  • Ten of Cups - creative flourishing, maturation of new romantic feelings.

With negative neighboring arcana, the Knight portends destruction.

Other names for this tarot card are the Prince of Swords or the Rider of Swords.

Key meanings of the Knight of Swords in the upright position:

  • self-confidence
  • haste
  • communication
  • determination
  • persistence
  • new ideas
  • courage
  • straightness

Key meanings of the lasso in an inverted position:

  • scattered thoughts
  • ignoring the consequences
  • hasty words or actions
  • quarreling
  • confrontation
  • pressure

The card depicts a young man in armor and a sword raised up. He is on horseback and rushing into battle, his visor up. Facial expression is gloomy or even angry. He is determined to defeat his enemy or die.

Knight of Swords - personality trait

Falling out in a layout, the Knight of Swords can indicate a young man or a man up to 45 years old. Such a person is quick-tempered and impulsive, but smart and intelligent. Talkative, self-confident, inventive. Likes to be the center of attention. Has an analytical mind, a generator of ideas.

However, he often lacks a sense of tact. He can hurt others with his actions or words.

Vengeful. If someone offended or hurt the Knight (Prince, Rider) of Swords, he will definitely “return the favor”. At the same time, even a little larger, so that the offender no longer has a desire to cross the border of what is permitted.

A person characterized by this card thinks, speaks and does everything quickly, has a habit of exceeding speed. Impatient, restless and constantly in a hurry.

Negative traits of the Knight of Swords - despite his charm, he can be cruel and selfish. For the sake of others, he will not change his character or behavior. He tends to make life difficult for himself and for others.

In situational terms, the appearance of this lasso indicates unpredictable destructive events that have burst into your life. Unexpected circumstances will disrupt carefully built plans. Events unfold quickly, like a whirlwind, but can have long-lasting consequences.

It can mean a flash of rage or anger.

Knight of Swords: meaning and interpretation in the upright position

This Arcana has many aspects, and therefore it is quite difficult to interpret. Depending on the topic of the layout, it can act in the meaning of rebellion, disagreement, opposition, or a desire to prove oneself. But whatever the meaning of this tarot card, the situations or processes that go through it are mostly selfish in nature.

Often, when a person is obsessed with an idea and strives to realize it, he is blinded by this desire. He does not see the difficulties he may face or the consequences of his actions. The Knight of Swords does not care about the risks, dangers, or inconvenience to others that his actions may cause. He moves forward with an unwavering determination to win. It can be anything - from the desire to prove one's case in the family to the implementation of a business plan. One of the meanings of this Tarot card is the belief in one's ideas, in one's rightness, even if this is not actually the case.

On the positive side, this is a card of ambition, determination, and the strength to succeed no matter what. The ability to get out of a difficult situation.

On the negative side - ignoring the risks and consequences of their actions. Disregarding the needs and feelings of others in order to achieve your goals.

The Knight of Swords is a powerful figure, full of energy, which must be balanced by the awareness of responsibility for one's actions.

It often appears in divination as an indication of the start of a new project. A surge of energy, thanks to which the case is rapidly moving forward. The strength to overcome any problem or obstacle that stands in the way.

This lasso suggests haste and pressure of deadlines, lack of time. You have taken on too many tasks and now you do not have time to complete what was planned. Or they put off things for later and have to work very quickly to bring them to the end. In this regard, there is nervousness, swearing, quarrels.

In addition, the Knight of Swords warns of a tendency to do everything quickly and cheaply, but at the expense of quality.

To succeed, you need to act with confidence and assertiveness. Still, it's worth understanding what you're talking about.

Like the other Knights in the Tarot deck, this Knight heralds a journey. At the same time, such a trip will be urgent and stressful.

Negative or conflict situations that unfold unexpectedly and rapidly. If the conflict already exists, it will only intensify on this card.

Knight of Swords: Meaning and Interpretation Reversed

The reversed Knight of Swords can be interpreted as an extremely impatient, impulsive subject. He has an ebullient energy, but insufficient self-control and self-control. Therefore, his thoughts and ideas are scattered.

It creates a lot of noise, but all high-profile projects remain chatter. Such a person is disorganized, frivolous and unpredictable. Self-confident, believes that he knows best of all, so he does not listen to advice. Doesn't know when to stop.

He has a tendency to get into conflicts or the affairs of other people without their consent. After that, the situation only gets worse. Without understanding all the circumstances, makes hasty and often wrong conclusions. Then acts on the basis of these conclusions, regardless of the feelings and opinions of other people involved in this situation.

As a rule, this is not his business, and such interference only confuses and worsens everything. But that doesn't stop the Knight of Swords.

Reckless behaviour. At the same time, it can be dangerous both for the Knight himself and for those around him. Action without a plan. Going to extremes.

Due to the lack of patience and discipline, the reversed Knight shows haste in all situations. He rushes headlong "into battle" or into a new business, before someone has time to stop him.

This card in an inverted position suggests the need to slow down, take a break, otherwise there is a risk of physical and moral exhaustion. It is impossible to "embrace the immensity" - to participate in everything at once and do many things at the same time. It is worth solving problems as they come up or focusing only on the main thing.

Another aspect of the Knight of Swords in reverse is hesitation, shyness, and avoidance of attention. Difficulty communicating or expressing your thoughts and feelings.

As advice - keep quiet, keep your opinion to yourself, refrain from active actions.

If a trip is planned, the appearance of an inverted Knight of Swords is an unfavorable sign. The map warns of difficult weather conditions. May indicate the danger of starting a trip without first checking the technical condition of the car. There is a risk of going astray and spending a lot of time looking for the right path.

It can also indicate a situation or a person who is out of control. The situation or problem has been left to chance for too long. Or it was not noticed for a long time, but developed and aggravated until you paid attention to it. Now it will be difficult to bring her back. Minor quarrels can develop into a full-fledged conflict.

Knight of Swords - love and relationships

The person described by this card is not a romantic at all. Such ways of showing feelings as walking under the moon, holding hands, tenderness, he finds stupid. But, on the other hand, he is eloquent, ardent and passionate.

As advice, the appearance of the Knight of Swords says: if you want to succeed in love, you should take active actions. Sitting back and expecting to be noticed by the object of your interest is a bad tactic in this case.

Since the chart reflects the arrivals and departures of both problems and people, the relationship chart may suggest that the partner is preparing to leave, has just left, or is thinking about it.

In relationships - cooling of feelings, hostility and confrontation, conflict, hostility or even hatred. Offensive words, remarks addressed to one of the partners. Relationships based on rationalism. In this regard, the lasso can mean a fictitious marriage or a marriage contract.

One of the meanings of the lasso is that in a relationship, one of the partners likes the period of active courtship and the process of conquest more than the result. Therefore, when the relationship moves into a more stable stage, such a person may become bored and lose interest.

Feelings can change quite quickly. At the beginning of a relationship, the Knight of Swords represents a partner who enters your life like a whirlwind. You will be drawn into the whirlpool of his activity, telephone conversations can continue until the morning.

However, this level of passion and energy cannot be sustained. The activity of the Knight of Swords subsides after the initial infatuation wears off. His behavior can change quite dramatically. Communication, which was previously in abundance, is reduced or stopped altogether. The Knight of Swords will not continue a relationship just because he is afraid of hurting his partner's feelings.

The Reversed Knight (Prince, Rider) of Swords may indicate that the person being asked about is currently not interested in a relationship in general or in you specifically.

Crisis in relationships. One of the partners strives to completely control the other.

If the problem of the direct Knight of Swords is to leave when the partner is bored. Then in an inverted position, he can take on the negative meaning of a relationship that cannot be got rid of.

Work and career

In the layout of the professional situation, the Knight of Swords indicates an ambitious and purposeful person who is concerned about building a career or business. He knows what he wants and how to get it.

The appearance of this card can also indicate a situation where there is high competition for a position or job. If you want to get it, you need to act quickly and get ahead of your rivals. This requires not only knowledge and possession of information, but also the ability to quickly navigate and respond, not to miss your chance.

Work that needs to be completed in a short time. However, the need to hurry can lead to ill-conceived decisions.

Change of duties, business trip, trip, change of work environment. Conflict situation at work.

In an inverted position, it acquires the meaning of imprudent behavior. Incompetence, but at the same time great zeal and useless activity. The desire to harm another is simply "out of harm" or revenge.

Like the value of any other card, the value of the Knight of Swords must be compared with the current circumstances and other cards of the layout. However, his appearance is rarely “passing” - he reacts extremely accurately to the occurrence of tense situations in the life of the questioner, and in combination with unfavorable cards indicates that the situation is desperate. The alignment will tell you what the matter concerns - difficulties at work (Wands), personal relationships (Cups), financial turmoil (Pentacles).

This Arkan notes rapidly developing stressful situations, vicissitudes of fate, getting into the center of some ups and downs. Its appearance in the layout means that the questioner (or one of the participants in the situation) is simply “burning” with his ideas and goals. We can say that he now has his own reality, in which he is absolutely convinced. It is not a fact that reality coincides with his ideas about it.

The Knight of Swords denotes a furious, indisputable confidence in one's own rightness, imperceptibly turning into righteous anger and a headlong offensive. It is always something cold, sharp, bringing discord and disputes, capable of poisoning even those areas of life that have until now served as a reliable, cozy refuge. The cold symbolized by him can, of course, disperse the fog and bring to the light of God everything that has seemed unclear so far, but most often in this card the element of air turns to us with its negative side. This means the coldness of alienation, sharp discussions, sharp expression of disagreement, angry language and caustic irony. Therefore, the Knight of Swords often portends a quarrel, a break in relations, a fierce controversy, and sometimes human meanness. Its ancient meaning is someone capable of harming, humiliating and insulting, an open dangerous enemy, a bully.

Often predicts that some unexpected conflict situation will be, as they say, out of the blue. If the situation about which the question is asked is initially heated as such, then the Knight of Swords predicts that things will go very far, up to destruction and complete collapse. From time immemorial, he has been in charge of dangerous situations, wars, fights, battles and even death (it is clear that the latter can be thought about with serious indications in the layout as a whole). A softer option is some kind of decision made not in favor of the questioner.

However, in the upright position, this card always indicates a high intellectual potential, which can also be used for "peaceful" purposes. Sometimes phenomenal resourcefulness, ingenuity and accomplishment of thousands of things per unit of time, completely unsuitable for this, appear on this card. The Knight of Swords is good when we need strength to resist someone or something, faith in our rightness and a fearless desire to defeat some kind of "monster". No one surpasses this Arcana in the art of duel, combat, battle. He rushes his way, regardless of the weather conditions depicted on the Arcana - opposition, cold and storm. Therefore, if “this is our last and decisive battle”, then the appearance of the Knight of Swords is by the way (especially if cards of a favorable outcome and rewards are nearby).

Like all other Knights, the Knight of Swords can portend a trip, usually urgent and stressful. The Knight of Swords speaks of events that happen quickly and unexpectedly.

"Canalya is insane." In NLP terms, this is the state in which the map replaces the territory for us. About a person in this state, you can say "he has his own reality." Gloomy malicious determination, a fierce attitude, audacity, desperation, pressure, the ability to "show teeth" ... and blatant shortsightedness.

When we are in the mode of the Knight of Swords, it seems to us that we know everything and can do everything ourselves, however, by rejecting the help of others, we incur losses and make absurd changes in life (other cards of the alignment, however, will help judge the results). This card indicates an increase in cruelty, aggressiveness and assertiveness. According to the Knight of Swords, we are seized by the expectation of the “enemy” and an irritated readiness for mobilization. This Arcana is in charge of logical, authoritarian, insensitive actions, "assaults" on others, uncompromising and aggressiveness, irritability and harshness, nothing Christian and readiness to fight with anyone. The ability to humiliate, insult, scare, bring to a nervous breakdown.

Historically, the Knight of Swords is a rude, cunning, wayward and treacherous barbarian, who hardly reincarnated as a duelist and a bully (but at least with some kind of code). This is a "crazy, but nice young man" - wild, unceremonious, impulsive, restless, unbalanced. If he has nowhere to put himself, then he violently rushes forward, without thinking, often for no particular reason, but with a great desire to do something. How about jumping on a motorcycle from this roof to the next one?! (A distinctive feature of the “airy” Knight of Swords is the craving for walking along the edge of the abyss, he is attracted by height, open space, but also by speed, speed). They say about this "reckless". By doing this, he often complicates life for himself and those around him. For example, this may be a person with great intellectual potential, who always starts nervous discussions, grabs projects without material resources, without caring about the feelings of those who work with him. His old attestation is an intelligent, but vulgar person, selfish, cruel, treacherous. He is cunning and active, does what he wants, tests his abilities, is less scrupulous and more cruel than the King. Relying on him as an ally is more expensive for yourself, as a result you can suffer greatly.

The Knight of Swords is a worthy offspring of his difficult symbolic parents, the King and Queen of Swords, who is no stranger to dreams of omnipotence. This is a stubborn and wayward know-it-all who does not take others into account and with great difficulty endures (more precisely, cannot endure at all) weaker partners in the game (they all seem to him “slowed down” and “not catching up”, in full accordance with the symbolism of this flying in the entire support of the Arcana). In a kind of individualistic frenzy, he isolates himself from everything else. It splashes with poison, irony and sarcasm, which sometimes fascinates his “followers”, but, in fact, there is no one and nowhere to follow them.

The Knight of Swords is not a team player. This is a lone hero, and "hero" is sometimes in quotation marks. He alone is able to make such a mess that even the regiment will not disentangle later. To cope with the consequences of his actions is usually under the power of only his symbolic parents and masters - the Queen and King of Swords. This is an energetic and dexterous person, deprived, however, of those qualities that would allow him to become a leader. He is sharp-witted, but his mind lacks the depth and breadth of the King of Swords. Often this is a "chess player", considering any situation only as an opportunity to outplay the opponent, or even better - to defeat him.

At best, this is a person simply "without a king in his head" - quick-tempered, impulsive and inclined to sacrifice excellent plans for the sake of a momentary mood. At worst, this is a type of bully, unbearable in civilian life or a person with criminal inclinations, living in his reality of permissiveness and impunity ... for the time being.

The Knight of Swords embodies the "air" aspect of Air (while the Queen is "water" and the King is "fire"). Doubling the influence of the leading element stimulates him to create purely mental concepts, divorced from reality. These are principles for the sake of principles, ideas for the sake of ideas, and if the facts suddenly contradict his theory, then so much the worse for the facts. Peremptory and militant philosophies (Nietzsche, Fichte, Schopenhauer ...) certainly correspond to this Arcana. Sometimes the Knight of Swords is his own enemy, because he does not deviate from that image of the world and that perception of the situation that he invented for himself. He believes that it is not worth bending under the changing world - and is ready to fly at him head-on with his brightest dreams or misanthropic sermons, sincerely confident that the world will turn away the first one. He fully, completely and totally believes in the victory of justice (as he understands it) and the triumph of the convictions he shares. In spirit, he is a real crusader, an implacable fanatic. Archetypally, this is a knight sworn to kill a dragon. His campaign may be noble, but at the highest level Arkan raises the question - are there righteous wars?

The Knight of Swords represents an extremely activated mental plane. His task is to break through with his sword through the web of obscurities and the fog of omissions and riddles. He is like a detective investigating a crime. While he is not able to do this by pure deduction, without leaving the house (or without getting up from the throne - this is already the level of the King of Swords), however, thanks to tirelessness and fearlessness, he gets to the bottom of the truth, along the way making himself a bunch of ill-wishers.

"Air of the Air" like no one obliges to remember that the map is not the territory. There are models of reality and reality itself, which they describe more or less successfully, but never in its entirety. The Knight of Swords is an exceptional master of creating mental models, concepts, ideas about reality (the people sometimes call them "cockroaches in the head"). At the same time, his highest task is to break through the old patterns of perception, destroy stereotypes and limitations, and gain a new clear vision. This Arcana teaches that we do not just accidentally find ourselves in some situations (especially complex and difficult ones, which he symbolizes), we create them around ourselves, based on our beliefs about reality. If we take a closer look at those aspects and qualities of ourselves that do not satisfy us, we will see that each uncomfortable and unprocessed situation serves to reflect our own incorrect concepts and perception patterns to us as in a mirror. Once we see them soberly as they are, we can discard them and move on with a free mind and spirit.

In a deep sense, the Knight of Swords is like a Tower. He is the storm. How much after it the air will be cleared and warmer, other cards of the layout will show. The Knight of Swords hatches the wildest dreams, realizes the most seemingly impossible ideas. They have the spirit of invention. Creative thinking requires unlimited freedom, so the Knight does not hesitate to cut off any connections and ideas that limit his progress or pull him back. In armor, with a raised sword, he rushes at an invisible enemy. Around him is a storm: pines are bending, fragments of clouds are flying, birds are rushing about in the stormy sky. Large trees bent under the pressure of the wind speak of the inevitability of sad events. A wild ride signifies the fierce determination with which the ego (the rider) pursues its goal. This is a fighter, a rebel, he does not know leniency, attacks first and is not afraid to die: his motto is to win or die. The white horse is a symbol of purity of heart - the Knight believes in what he fights for. The red cloak, the raging wind are evidence of passion and impulsiveness. The Knight of Swords, for all his intelligence, is reckless and lacks foresight. This is still an unordered power of thought, changeable, devoid of a main priority, a clear system (the status and capabilities of the King of Swords have yet to live up to). It is very difficult to keep this flow in a given direction - "Air of Air" is extremely unstable. One thought annihilates and nullifies the other in the absence of an ultimate goal to which they could be related in order to be evaluated. Instead of development and "growing up", they will collapse. The Arcana of the Knight of Swords embodies the principle of instant obsolescence of knowledge, the rapid "wear and tear" of any trends, and the momentary nature of innovation. “A thought uttered is a lie” - while you are expressing it, it manages to undergo a metamorphosis, become obsolete and collapse, ceasing to correspond to itself. Banzhaf and Akron write: “While preventing ossification and stagnation, it still embodies the negative aspect of the mind. A dry technocrat, a sassy know-it-all, a cynic and a brawler, he is in any case a victim of his destroyed emotional world. The history of his life is being written by our aggressive, exploitative technocratic time dressed as a clown.” "Air of Air" consists of pure mind games without any morality. He doesn't even argue with her, he just bypasses her. Typical sermon of the Knight of Swords: the end justifies the means, and the winners are not judged. At best, he is a strong-willed, fast, subtle and skillful warrior. True, in this case, he is equally brave and venal. You cannot rely on his principles, but on professionalism - yes. Unlike the King of Swords, he is not a strategist, but a tactician, since he is able to see only one target at a time, but he sees it simply through an optical sight.

The card symbolizes, as a rule, a young man who is at the beginning of his career: he wants to show himself and others what he is capable of. He has both competence and skill, but they have not yet reached the highest level of development symbolized by the King. He is not an expert. However, he is a master of falling into a professional rage, and will unrestrictedly "have" everyone to the point of complete amazement and "take out the whole brain" of the lazier and slower people around him so that what needs to be done is done. In a professional sense, he is more like an assistant to an experienced police inspector - he acts on the principle of "foot in hand", he did not notice half of the subtleties at all, with regards to the other half he overdid it, put forward one hundred and five wrong versions, but ... he is still a specialist, he knows what he is doing and learning fast.

The thinking of the Knight of Swords is swift and often ahead of the situation. The plans, reforms, and innovations proposed by him may be too ambitious, cardinal and bold, which is why their implementation has so far met with resistance and been postponed. Plans and projects are subject to severe criticism. At the defense of the diploma, the applicant is leveled with the ground and one has to defend himself almost with the help of improvised furnishings. The Knight of Swords reports that it is still too early to judge the results of the undertaking - time will tell. This is only the middle of the road to the goal.

The Knight of Swords may portend a change in duties or work environment. This is a map of competition and confrontation. As a leader, the Knight of Swords has all the powers of persuasion and coercion, but followers get no more benefit than enemies.

This Arcana can describe a broker, an analyst, a chemist, an information technology specialist, a bailiff, an investigator, a sharp-tongued blogger, or a stuntman. The Knight of Swords "loves" professions associated with business trips, traveling, the need to quickly process and transmit information, and in general "rush to the British flag." He is in charge of all sorts of professional feats from the do or die series, doing the impossible, doing what was necessary yesterday.

The Knight of Swords often describes explosive and hasty intellectual activity. Evariste Galois comes to mind - forever the twenty-year-old father of modern higher algebra, sprinkling the most intricate of his works on the night before the duel. The phrase "brainstorming" describes the spirit of the Knight of Swords with extraordinary accuracy. According to the Knight of Swords, we are often faced with the need to quickly deal with matters, but haste deprives us of a sober assessment of the situation and forces us to take rash steps, look for momentary solutions.

Isstari - the significator of the military. It could be a mathematician who wants to prove something at all costs, or a lawyer obsessed with winning cases.

Advice: decisiveness and purposefulness of action is the key to success. Do not succumb to pressure, bravely take risks, do not be afraid of confrontation.

A warning: less fearless galloping and more diplomacy. Curb too sharp tongue. Card Trap: Blind Lust for Destruction.

Sharp jumps in income. The need for serious and urgent adjustment of financial plans. The old meaning is wasteful extravagance.

Among the traditional meanings of the Arcana: war, ruin. Therefore, it can still be an indicator of robbery, burglary, assault, racketeering, embezzlement.

The Knight of Swords is definitely unfavorable for any kind of relationship. A hot head and a cold heart make for the wrong atmospheric combination. An explosive situation of hostility and confrontation, conflict; the presence of hatred, hostility, enjoyment of skirmishes and nurturing vengeful plans. In an unfavorable scenario, it warns of violence, and sometimes of mortal danger. This card says that the hatchet has been dug up in the relationship at this time. Will it be a vicious pick for five minutes or a war to defeat, other cards will tell.

The Knight of Swords is still a "fruit" in general, and in close relationships in particular. It’s not that you can’t cook porridge with him - rather, there is something to disentangle. One of its few advantages is that it is usually visible at a glance, because it does not hide emotions and thoughts. He says what he thinks, and sometimes what he did not think. The Knight of Swords is definitely a master of blurting out something (in terms of careless criticism), which leaves scars in the soul of a partner, while he himself easily ignores the fact that he offended. He does not try to pretend to be a harmless darling, so in this case we can be firmly convinced from the very beginning that we are warming a snake on our chest. And then, as they say, our business is to run around the house, shouting “oh, bitten!”, curse fate, bite back or humbly keep an antidote in the locker (the main thing is that it does not turn out to be strong alcohol).

On a personal level, this may be a person who does not know how to adapt and prefers to aggravate relations. He is not afraid of conflicts and loves to win at any cost, believing that all means are good. Since his own emotional world is destroyed, he does not hesitate to destroy someone else's. Enmity is his natural state, and the desire to show off is one of the strongest feelings in his arsenal. Therefore, before deciding to enter into a closer relationship with this person, it would not be a sin to think about this: it will not be possible to remake the Knight of Swords. Such people, as a rule, are very pleased with themselves and are not at all eager to change for the sake of others. Regrets and remorse are not their genre at all. Only very few can endure the Knight of Swords next to them all the time. The partner is unpleasant and callous, he is not interested in someone else's opinion, it is difficult to insist on his own with him, and the risk of physical and sexual violence must be taken into account as “we write six, two in the mind”, just in case.

The Knight of Swords is proud, but not gallant. Women's (as well as men's, children's, senile) tears do not excite him, and the word "tact" is unknown to him. In the case of unwise insistence, he will explain in detail and exhaustively why he does not love, what are the cardinal advantages of the other (other), or - even worse - why and for what he loves ... for now. He does not know unconditional love. He always loves something and for something, and, in general, objects are interchangeable for him. With a similar set of specifications, what's the difference, Manechka or Varenka? Knight of Swords - unequivocally "muchachio little" (bad boy). And like all “bad boys”, there is something attractive about him, so for all his unbearability, he often turns out to be not alone.

Intimacy with the Knight of Swords is a nerve-wracking and watershed event. This is also a fight. "And on you, as in a war." He oppresses the one he got, like the wind a tree, generally loves thunderstorm and stormy nights, darkness and pain, and sex after chasing each other, spontaneous flights and throwing around train stations and airports, after previous quarrels and partings. On such extreme nights, he can be at an extraordinary height and out of competition, bestowing such a piercing sensual combination of rage and fragility that it forever sticks in memory like a shard. This is the same reckless and rapid rush into intimacy, as well as into everything else in his life. He remains hard and impenetrable, and yet in his recklessness one can see a desperation that speaks louder than love. In ordinary everyday circumstances, he is a so-so lover: nervous, impatient, insensitive (at worst, rude), selfish and pretentious, in which, in addition, the partner is always to blame for everything. He does not accept rejections. Drama stuck to him more than everyday life, however, speaking of dramas - in relations with the Knight of Swords it is still better not to find out to what extent he is able to reach when there is nothing more to lose. In his cold indifferent mode, he is much more pleasant than in the state when he is not indifferent (that is, he is jealous, offended, his pride is hurt, he feels bitterness and anger). All sorts of Sicilian manners and blood feuds up to the seventh generation begin. This combination of cunning cold-blooded calculation and absolute frantic deeds is his trademark. No one will ever compare with him in cruelty and ruthlessness. He really stops at nothing. Before anything. You see, he is completely incapable of doing anything with his own suffering - in no way comprehend it, use it for growth, drown it, switching over, in other matters (as the Wands and Pentacles will do), or digest it, pass it through the heart (for this, the masters Chalices, but not Swords). The only thing he can do with it is to objectify it, to see it outside, as the suffering of another (the one who is guilty), as something alien, extraneous, "outside of himself." And instinctively, he knows that until he sees a fresco on the wall, written in the blood of an enemy, his own pain will not subside.

In the inverted state, the Knight of Swords loses the remnants of prudence (which he already has more than enough) and usually all the same competence characteristic of him. This is a man of incompetence, incapable of what he encroaches on. The reversed Knight of Swords is like a failed assassination: the knife is covered in blood, but the stab has failed.

Traditional meanings are recklessness, imprudence, extravagance, funny situation, irrational arguments, delusional statements. Empty chores (like the Knight of Wands). Stupidity, stupidity, misunderstanding, erroneous train of thought, nonsense. Excessive rivalry and envy of those who have followers (or more).

The inverted Knight of Swords is a person who cannot decide in any way on whose side he is and with whom he is. This is also a kind of noble hooligan-robber who passionately (in the depths of his soul, of course) dreams of being re-educated (either the King of Swords or the Queen of Cups usually act as educators). It can also be a weak, indecisive person, often paired with the Queen of Swords, which makes him even weaker and more indecisive. If in the upright position we have a reckless grunt ("what should I think, do!"), then inverted indecisive "dared man": "What if I get something for this?" or a wounded soldier who only wants to crawl away from the front line. These are “setups” and “showdowns” from scratch, the game is not by the rules.

Tybalt Capulet

"Wind, wind in the whole wide world!"

"Rebel Without a Cause"

Masses of hymns (in fact and in essence), such as the Marseillaise and the Internationale.

Type of crazy inventor: Nikola Tesla, Alan Turing and others and others. Behind him stands the archetype of the young genius, the "child of God."

Not brilliant, but exactly in the spirit of the Arcana song "about close relationships":

Don't worry, I'm not your enemy
I just don't care

What is in full face, what is in profile,
I read you between the lines.

I don't quit and I don't slow down

I just don't care
Are you a pro at this?


The Knight of Swords in the layout radically changes the interpretation of the cards that have fallen in the neighborhood. His presence testifies to upcoming disputes with relatives and friends, deceit from acquaintances and difficulties at work. But, despite the negative manifestations, the symbol allows you to reveal the truth. In addition, the card helps to figure out who exactly commits meanness and sets everyone up against the fortuneteller.

Map Description

In Waite's most popular tarot deck, the Knight of Swords is depicted as a rider riding into battle on a white horse. The horse is wearing a harness decorated with images of butterflies and birds. On a warrior armor, in his hands he holds a sword. This person rushes to the goal, fearing nothing and wanting to destroy all obstacles on the way. The posture of a knight indicates hostility and readiness to attack. The rider knows no pity, attacks first and is not afraid to die.

The background depicts the height of the battle and active movement. The environment is tense and emotional, which can be seen in the ragged curly clouds and bending pine trees.

The Warrior of Swords is a fighter and a rebel, leading to dramatic changes. The main elements of the symbol are Fire and Air.

Meaning of the Knight of Swords

Most often, the presence of Arcana indicates such nuances:

  • the occurrence of a situation requiring an immediate decision;
  • major quarrels with relatives and friends;
  • unreasonable self-righteousness;
  • quarreling;
  • upcoming unwanted trip;
  • approaching unwanted events.

The meaning of the Knight of Swords in the layout is almost always negative, but it can change depending on the cards lying next to it.

Direct position

The main meanings of the correct position of the Knight of Swords card:

  • developed intelligence, extraordinary thinking;
  • perseverance, striving for a goal;
  • self-confidence;
  • unpleasant conversations;
  • anger, rage, aggression;
  • rupture of relations, termination of cooperation;
  • collapse of hopes;
  • heartlessness, selfishness, lack of pity;
  • meeting new people, an important meeting;
  • black streak in life;
  • destruction, death.

Most often, the presence of a card indicates a complex, rapidly developing situation that will require a quick decision. If the Warrior of Swords came to the fortuneteller, he will not have time to think and reflect, since he will have to respond immediately.

Since all the Arcana of the suit of Swords speak of an extraordinary mind, the possibility of making the right decision cannot be ruled out, which will lead to a favorable outcome. The chance of a successful ending is estimated by the surrounding cards.

Reversed position

If the Arkan fell out in an inverted position, the meaning of the Knight of Swords in the layout will be as follows:

  • bad sign;
  • the end of the quiet period;
  • secrecy, around - a lie;
  • impulsiveness, hasty actions;
  • selfishness, ignoring the wishes of others;
  • the desire to take everything under their own control;
  • bad advice;
  • lack of understanding with friends and relatives;
  • occurrence of serious health problems.

Reversed Knight of Swords in Tarot cards- this is someone who is going to rush into battle, but at the last minute realizes that he can do the wrong thing, leading to a disastrous result. He pushes those around him to attack, but he himself stands in indecision, letting the others go ahead.

Another possible Meaning of the Rider of Swords in Reversed Position- loss of sanity, the risk of entering into an unfair game that will end in defeat. The person to whom the card has fallen cannot make a choice and doubts which side it is better for him to stand on and for whom to fight. Also, Arkan often points to unfair rivalry, when a person wants to get what rightfully never was his.

It's important to know! Other names of the Knight of Swords: Rider of Blades (Daggers, Sabers), Cavalier of Swords, Lord of Winds and Breezes.

The card of the day is a simple and accurate divination that is performed by two cards symbolizing today and tomorrow.

Choose 1st card


In Tarot Waite, Crowley, Thoth, the Prince of Swords is never perceived as a "passing" card, since Arkan indicates specific circumstances in the fortuneteller's life. It is considered especially bad if the Saber Rider is combined with other unfavorable symbols, as this indicates that the situation is getting out of control. What sphere of life the difficulty touches can be understood by the suits that have fallen out. If many Wands are present along with the Warrior of Swords, then the fortuneteller will face difficulties in his career. Cups indicate problems in your personal life, and Pentacles indicate financial difficulties.

In relationship

Significance in relationships and love of the Knight of Swords often speaks of an unfavorable period. The appearance of the Horseman indicates quarrels with the soulmate, hostility and misunderstanding, a general atmosphere of hostility. The presence of the card indicates the onset of a difficult period for the couple, which may end in a break.

The Knight of Swords characterizes a person who always says what comes to mind and is not afraid to offend anyone. It is very difficult to live with him, because he is ruthless and behaves extremely cruelly.

If the card is light in reverse position, the interpretation of the layout practically does not change. The only difference is that a person is able to stop in time, but this happens only after expressing most of the grievances and claims. If the Knight of Swords fell out in an inverted position, this indicates the commission of stupid and senseless acts in relation to a partner and the resumption of previously resolved conflicts. For example, a person may recall old grievances or blame his wife for a long-standing betrayal. The likelihood of a favorable outcome is practically non-existent.

In matters of health

If the alignment was carried out to identify the physiological state, then the loss of the card indicates the likelihood of mental disorders, schizophrenia and insanity. Appearance of the Knight of Swords may portend the development of dependence on one's thoughts, when a person lives in a fictional world and moves away from reality. When a card falls out, the fortuneteller needs to behave with extreme caution, since it indicates the risk of injury due to inattention or speeding.

The presence of the card Knight of Swords in an inverted position talks about possible problems in the intimate sphere. A person who is patronized by this Arcana cannot lead a full sexual life due to mental problems.

In work and finance

Minor Arcana Tarot Card Drop says that a person seeks to show his skills and abilities, but all attempts are in vain. Efforts to show oneself from the best side are accompanied by excessive activity and obsession, which leads to a completely different result. Often, such aspirations become the cause of open conflicts, clashes and rivalry between employees.

Reversed Knight of Swords Career Meaning indicates uncertainty and indecision. For example, a person can work on an idea for a long time, but as soon as it comes to its implementation, he retreats. Also, the card can talk about untimely activity and indicate that a person begins to take the initiative too late, when "the train has already left." The presence of the Knight of Swords in the layout almost always portends financial expenses due to one's own stupidity or incorrectly chosen tactics of behavior.

Important! The activities of people who are patronized by the Rider of Blades are most often associated with extreme sports and risk. They make excellent stuntmen, climbers, the military, as well as specialists whose work involves long-distance business trips.

Combination with Major Arcana

The Knight of Swords is one of the few cards that is very much affected by symbols dropped in the neighborhood. Correctly deciphering the layout and seeing all the clues is quite problematic, since this requires a lot of practice. Trying to carry out the interpretation, it is worth considering not only the meaning of the symbol, but also listening to your own intuition.

Depending on the combination with other cards, the drop of the Knight of Swords says the following:

  • Jester - an increased likelihood of committing a stupid and senseless act;
  • Magician - a competitor can declare war on a fortuneteller;
  • High Priestess - a person is surrounded by lies and secrets;
  • Empress - unsuccessful attempts at conception, risk of miscarriage;
  • Emperor - quarrels and conflicts with the leadership;
  • Hierophant - Knight of Swords in tandem with this card indicates discord with parents or mentor;
  • Lovers - the onset of a "black streak" in relations with a partner, which can cause a break;
  • Chariot - the fortuneteller will achieve the desired goal, but only with the help of aggression, deceit and blackmail;
  • Strength - uncontrollable outbursts of anger, mental instability;
  • Hermit - due to integrity and unwillingness to listen to others, a person can be left alone;
  • Wheel of Fortune - in combination with this card, the Knight of Swords indicates the onset of a crisis;
  • Justice - a person will be punished for previous actions;
  • Hanged Man - lack of a way out of a difficult situation;
  • Death is a significant change;
  • Moderation - quick adaptation to new conditions;
  • Devil - the development of dependence, the fall of a person in all areas of life;
  • Tower - increased likelihood of injury;
  • Star - a slow but sure progress towards the goal;
  • Moon - serious health problems;
  • The sun is the disclosure of secrets;
  • Court - there is an opportunity to quickly regain your status;
  • The world is in crisis.

To increase the likelihood of a favorable outcome, the fortuneteller needs to listen to the cards, try to pacify his ambitions and ego, and also take into account the opinions of others.

Combination with the suit of Wands

If Staves fell near the Knight of Swords, the meaning of the layout will be as follows:

  • Ace - futility, lack of result;
  • Two - a break in relations;
  • Three - pressure, blackmail to achieve what you want;
  • Four - high probability of divorce;
  • Five - frequent quarrels with a partner and in a team;
  • Six - humility and failure;
  • Seven - prolonged resistance;
  • Eight - the use of force in relation to the fortuneteller;
  • Nine - the lapel of Fortune;
  • Ten - loss of one's own opinion;
  • Page - negative incidents;
  • Knight - upcoming rivalry;
  • with the Queen - a conflict with a woman;
  • King - discord with a powerful person, a crisis situation.

More often, in combination with the Wands, the Knight of Swords indicates pressure on the fortuneteller, which cannot be prevented.

Combination with the suit of Cups

Tarot bowls almost always speak of upcoming difficulties in personal life. The appearance of these symbols may indicate the following:

  • Ace - strong love, the beginning of a new romance;
  • Two - the rapid development of personal or business relationships;
  • Three - the probability of marriage;
  • Four - the Knight of Swords testifies to futile attempts to improve relations with the second half;
  • Five - regret about the deeds;
  • Six - an opportunity to improve your opinion of yourself;
  • Seven - the fortuneteller is surrounded by deception and solid illusions;
  • Eight - the desire to escape from reality and start life from scratch;
  • Nine - the rapid achievement of the goal;
  • Ten is a favorable ending;
  • Page - a person promises a lot of things, but his words never come true;
  • Knight - sudden mood swings;
  • Queen - failures in communicating with women;
  • King - unnecessary haste in the development of relations.

In combination with Cups, Cavalier of Daggers often has a positive meaning.

Combination with the suit of Swords

In tandem with his own suit, the Knight of Swords says the following:

  • Ace - the emergence of a new idea;
  • Two - the fortuneteller needs to be more careful with others;
  • Troika - a person can hurt and offend a relative with his statements;
  • Four - a temporary lull, a rest from what is happening;
  • Five - defeat in battle;
  • Six - fear of failure, running away from difficulties;
  • Seven - in order to achieve their own goals, a person is ready to deceive;
  • Eight - the inability to bring ideas to life;
  • Nine - it is recommended to reconsider the relationship with your friends;
  • Ten - making the wrong decision can cause serious problems;
  • Page - the fortuneteller faces a strong risk;
  • Queen - patronage from the outside;
  • King - gaining power through deception and blackmail.

The Knight of Swords in combination with its own suit indicates that a person is surrounded by ill-wishers pretending to be friends. To avoid difficulties, you need to be very careful and not talk about your secrets.

Combination with the suit of Pentacles

The tandem with the Denarii speaks of futile attempts to gain power and money. Depending on the card drawn, the value of the layout will be as follows:

  • Ace - a rapid rise up the career ladder, success in various areas of life;
  • Two - a person knows how to skillfully get out of any situation;
  • Three - the combination of the Knight of Swords with this card indicates excessive boasting;
  • Four - greed, unwillingness to help relatives with money;
  • Five - monetary losses due to hasty decisions;
  • Six - unexpected help;
  • Seven - vain attempts to get what you want;
  • Eight - poor performance of work duties;
  • Nine - the desire to gain financial well-being;
  • Ten - reciprocity, finding new business partners;
  • Page - disclosure of secrets;
  • Knight - the desire to lead others;
  • Queen - receiving money dishonestly;
  • King - income from outside.

With the loss of Denarii next to the Knight of Swords, the probability of a favorable outcome is quite high. But the fortuneteller needs to be careful and carefully consider each act.

Interesting! If Rider of Blades is drawn as a card of the day, it indicates an impending conflict. The fortuneteller needs to keep a "cold head", carefully think over tactics, control behavior and emotions.

The frequent presence of the Knight of Swords in the layouts indicates the need to put your thoughts and feelings in order, and only after that make any decision. For a favorable outcome, any business you start must be brought to the end and not stop when the first difficulties appear. The card warns that the thirst for destruction and revenge can break not only someone else's, but also a fortuneteller's life.

The presence of the Knight of Swords in the layout is most often perceived as a negative sign, indicating a struggle. The interpretation is especially unfavorable if negative cards lie next to it, since this may indicate serious problems that will radically change life.