
Eight of crosses: meanings in divination on playing cards. Fortune-telling card meanings Each suit symbolizes a certain


personality description

The Eight of Hearts is the "power of love." This card, like all other Eights, must learn to use its power discriminatingly and feel responsible for its use. Eights of Hearts have an irresistible charm and magnetism, but if they themselves become dependent on their strength, they will begin to use it unwisely and at the expense of other people. Both Karmic Cards of the Hearts Eight are Sevens. This means that with the wrong application of force, karmic retribution will not be long in coming. But the same Sevens endow the Eight of Hearts with spiritual wisdom that can guide their actions along the right path. Acting in justice. Eights of Hearts can rise to true spiritual heights and generously share their love and healing power with other people. After all, the Hearts Eight is also a card of healers, people who selflessly give their spiritual strength to others.

The Life Set of the Eight of Hearts is one of the most favorable in the entire deck. Many people with this Birth Card become famous teachers, artists, statesmen. Among the cards of their Life Set are the Ten of Clubs, the Eight of Diamonds and the King of Spades, which make up the top, "crown" row of the main Life Set system. This is an indication of the huge potential for success and fame. Even at the lowest level, the Eight of Hearts can achieve recognition among their friends and family.

In the field of health, the Hearts Eight will face some problems if it is inattentive to its physical condition. Many Eights of Hearts become so immersed in work and family matters that they forget to take care of their own bodies. Their first Karmic Card - Seven of Spades - can bring them serious trouble for neglecting their health. With so much potential for success, Eights of Hearts seem to be able to relax and enjoy life in peace; however, they often choose such an intense rhythm of life that they simply do not have time to relax.

It is curious that Hearts Eights very often gather a circle of close people (friends or relatives), consisting of exactly eight people. Eight Hearts - "Hearts" - these are eight people to whom the Eight of Hearts gives its love. Situations are not ruled out when the Hearts Eight have eight children, eight wives, etc.

People with this Birth Card are very intelligent. They excel in the profession of a teacher and in general with any occupation that requires good mental abilities. To earn money, they have to work hard, but without work they will never be left. Many Eights of Hearts achieve some notoriety in their lives, especially after the age of 36. With such a huge reserve of energy at their disposal, they can achieve almost anything, unless they are hindered by their own fears and doubts.

relationships of the Eight of Hearts with other people

Just like the Sevens of Hearts, the Eights of Hearts are endowed with great power, which they must learn to wield wisely. The Eight of Hearts is the Don Juan of the deck. She is so charming and attractive that everything is in her power. She knows how to express her love for her partner and how to help him feel like a unique person. The Eight of Hearts itself does not need attention as much as many other cards, so in most situations it manages to maintain control over a partner. Therefore, she often breaks off love relationships herself and goes to another partner if the former one seemed to her unsatisfactory in some way.

In marriage, the Hearts Eight can behave aggressively. Women born under the influence of this card often even scare away suitors and suitors with their aggressiveness. Usually men prefer more meek lovers.

In the field of love life, the Eight of Hearts must always be aware of their actions. If she begins to act unfairly, karmic retribution will be very quick. The Eight of Hearts must keep their power under control and manage it maturely and wisely. Only in this way can she find happiness in love.

compatibility of the Eight of Hearts with other birth charts

Men-Clubs consider relationships with Hearts Eights (especially with women of this Birth Card) very difficult. But the male Tambourines have sympathy for the Eights of Hearts. Male Eights of Hearts are attracted to women of their own color and are usually well compatible with them, with the exception of the Jack of Hearts, which can play the role of "evil rock" in their lives.

Eight of Hearts - Don Juan card

To be born under the influence of the Eight of Hearts means to have great power in the emotional sphere. With such strength, the Eight of Hearts can easily get anything from the people around them. She is able to envelop any person with admiration and adoration. If she wishes, her partner will feel like the most beautiful and desirable person in the world. This is a powerful weapon, and the Eight of Hearts can use it as they see fit. Richard Gere and John F. Kennedy Jr. were born under the influence of this card. Both were heartthrobs.

At some level, all Eights must learn to distinguish between the right and the wrong application of their power. Of course, each Birth Card is associated with some kind of energy, but in the case of Eights, this innate energy manifests itself most clearly.

Eights of Hearts quickly discover the source of this power in themselves. They understand that they can use it to satisfy their emotional needs or achieve some other goal. Men with this Birth Card can become professional swindlers or seducers. But they can also make professional healers or advisors. It all depends on the worldview and value system of a particular person.

People who are not aware of the karmic law of cause and effect are more likely to abuse their power. But both Karmic Cards of the Eight of Hearts are Sevens: Seven of Spades and Seven of Hearts. Sevens are the most spiritual cards of the deck and they always give us problems if we act irresponsibly. In the case of the Hearts Eight, they testify that no abuse of power will go unpunished for it.

The scope of the power of the Hearts Eight is limited by the power of personal relationships. Worms are the first suit of the deck in order, and they have no power over the other suits. But other suits have power over hearts. The strength of a person born under the influence of the Eight of Hearts can only affect the “inner child” hidden in our soul. By trying to manipulate other people, the Eight of Hearts can deprive a person of their attention, shame him or make him feel unworthy of love in general. Often Eights of Hearts like to work or communicate with children, since it is over children that they have the most power. The adults they manage to manipulate are usually either extremely insecure or dependent on the Eight of Hearts for the power of emotional attachment. If a person's "inner child" is well developed, the manipulations of the Hearts Eight will not have any effect on him. And if a person clearly adheres to his beliefs and knows what the truth is for him, he will easily cope with all the problems that the Eight of Hearts of a low level can create for him.

At a high level, Eights of Hearts can use their magical gift to help other people. If they are guided by wisdom, then they manage to create real miracles in their lives and in the destinies of all the people who come into contact with them.

In divination, each card has many different meanings. Its interpretation depends on its position, combinations with other cards and other points. What does the card of 8 worms mean, and what changes does it promise in the life of a person who is being guessed?

General meaning of the card

The Eight of Hearts is essentially like the Moon - it also has favorable and unfavorable cycles.

The main function of this card is to predict changes in life. Eight can talk about changes for the worse: it promises some kind of grief, disappointment, a period of passivity and stagnation.

Sometimes it heralds an interesting turn of events. It may turn out to be a pleasant trip, a vacation in a new place, or a move that will only benefit.

The inverted 8 of this suit is not interpreted very well. She promises bad changes in fate. A person has to go through a time of troubles and problems.

Please note that in a certain position (for example, under the King or Queen), the meaning of the 8 worms card changes dramatically: it promises that a calm, quiet and peaceful life awaits a person. In the near future, no troubles threaten him, only harmony - outside and inside.

If the eight of hearts during fortune-telling fell out in alliance with the nine of spades, then sad news will come soon. A lady of clubs lay down nearby - there is a chance of falling under the evil eye or damage.

Love and relationships

Being in a straight position, the eight of hearts is a harbinger of exciting and pleasant meetings, as well as communication with the opposite sex, which will bring joyful emotions. It is likely that the gentleman confesses his love or even makes a marriage proposal.

If fortune-telling takes place in order to solve some important problem, then the appearance of the 8 of hearts card promises support from a loved one or members of the family clan.

Traditionally, this suit predicts attention from a blond or blonde. Asking about the future, you can get an answer about the positive development of relations and their transition to a new level.

  • The eight of hearts lay down next to the jack of hearts - the fortuneteller will have a heart-to-heart talk with a loved one.
  • The seven of clubs lay nearby - the beloved man is preparing some kind of pleasant surprise.
  • The six of hearts next to the eight of the same suit means that the relationship between the two people turned out to be well-coordinated.

The inverted position of 8 of hearts usually has an unfavorable meaning. In the near future, the fortuneteller will experience sadness, some problems in relations with a loved one and indifference.

Most likely, surrounded by a person, someone envies him and tries to ruin his life by building intrigues and doing dirty tricks. If the king of clubs appeared with the eight, then there is a possibility of betrayal by the partner. The nine of hearts means that a loved one is too intrusive and jealous, and the jack of spades means that the fortuneteller suffers from inattention and indifference.

Business relationships and career

When divining for a career, 8 worms has the following meaning: it is a harbinger of an important business meeting at which serious projects will be discussed.

Asking about his future profession, this suit says that the fortuneteller is most suitable for work related to communication with other people: a journalist, teacher, psychologist, manager.

The Eight of Hearts is the "power of love." This card, like all other Eights, must learn to use its power discriminatingly and feel responsible for its use. Eights of Hearts have an irresistible charm and magnetism, but if they themselves become dependent on their strength, they will begin to use it unwisely and at the expense of other people. Both Karmic Cards of the Hearts Eight are Sevens. This means that with the wrong application of force, karmic retribution will not be long in coming. But the same Sevens endow the Eight of Hearts with spiritual wisdom that can guide their actions along the right path. Acting in justice. Eights of Hearts can rise to true spiritual heights and generously share their love and healing power with other people. After all, the Hearts Eight is also a card of healers, people who selflessly give their spiritual strength to others.
The Life Set of the Eight of Hearts is one of the most favorable in the entire deck. Many people with this Birth Card become famous teachers, artists, statesmen. Among the cards of their Life Set are the Ten of Clubs, the Eight of Diamonds and the King of Spades, which make up the top, “crown” row of the main Life Set system. This is an indication of the huge potential for success and fame. Even at the lowest level, the Eight of Hearts can achieve recognition among their friends and family. In the field of health, the Hearts Eight will face some problems if it is inattentive to its physical condition. Many Eights of Hearts become so immersed in work and family matters that they forget to take care of their own bodies. Their first Karmic Card - Seven of Spades - can bring them serious trouble for neglecting their health. With so much potential for success, Eights of Hearts seem to be able to relax and enjoy life in peace; however, they often choose such an intense rhythm of life that they simply do not have time to relax.

Brief description of the meaning of the card:

  • charisma
  • the ability to influence the mood of people
  • work with the audience
  • healing abilities
  • responsibility
  • strong desire to please others
  • consumer attitude towards people
  • arrogance

It is curious that Hearts Eights very often gather a circle of close people (friends or relatives), consisting of exactly eight people. Eight Hearts - "Hearts" - these are eight people to whom the Eight of Hearts gives its love. Situations are not ruled out when the Hearts Eight have eight children, eight wives, etc. People with this Birth Card are very intelligent. They excel in the profession of a teacher and in general with any occupation that requires good mental abilities. To earn money, they have to work hard, but without work they will never be left.

Eight of hearts (hearts) - Map of people born:
August 31 September 29 October 27 November 25 December 23

Many Eights of Hearts achieve some notoriety in their lives, especially after the age of 36. With such a huge supply of energy at their disposal, they can achieve almost anything, unless they are hindered by their own fears and doubts.

Relationships with other people

Just like the Sevens of Hearts, the Eights of Hearts are endowed with great power, which they must learn to wield wisely. The Eight of Hearts is the Don Juan of the deck. She is so charming and attractive that everything is in her power. She knows how to express her love for her partner and how to help him feel like a unique person. The Eight of Hearts itself does not need attention as much as many other cards, so in most situations it manages to maintain control over a partner. Therefore, she often breaks off love relationships herself and goes to another partner if the former one seemed to her unsatisfactory in some way.

In marriage, the Hearts Eight can behave aggressively. Women born under the influence of this card often even scare away suitors and suitors with their aggressiveness. Usually men prefer more meek lovers.

In the field of love life, the Eight of Hearts must always be aware of their actions. If she begins to act unfairly, karmic retribution will be very quick. The Eight of Hearts must keep their power under control and manage it maturely and wisely. Only in this way can she find happiness in love.

Compatibility with other birth cards

Men-Clubs consider relationships with Hearts Eights (especially with women of this Birth Card) very difficult. But the male Tambourines have sympathy for the Eights of Hearts. Male Eights of Hearts are drawn to women of their own color and are usually well compatible with them, with the exception of the Jack of Hearts, which can play the role of "evil rock" in their lives.

Eight of Hearts - Don Juan map

To be born under the influence of the Eight of Hearts means to have great power in the emotional sphere. With such strength, the Eight of Hearts can easily get anything from the people around them. She is able to envelop any person with admiration and adoration. If she wishes, her partner will feel like the most beautiful and desirable person in the world. This is a powerful weapon, and the Eight of Hearts can use it as they see fit. Richard Gere and John F. Kennedy Jr. were born under the influence of this card. Both were heartthrobs.

At some level, all Eights must learn to distinguish between the right and the wrong application of their power. Of course, each Birth Card is associated with some kind of energy, but in the case of Eights, this innate energy manifests itself most clearly.

Eights of Hearts quickly discover the source of this power in themselves. They understand that they can use it to satisfy their emotional needs or achieve some other goal. Men with this Birth Card can become professional swindlers or seducers. But they can also make professional healers or advisors. It all depends on the worldview and value system of a particular person.

People who are not aware of the karmic law of cause and effect are more likely to abuse their power. But both Karmic Cards of the Eight of Hearts are Sevens: Seven of Spades and Seven of Hearts. Sevens are the most spiritual cards of the deck and they always give us problems if we act irresponsibly. In the case of the Hearts Eight, they testify that no abuse of power will go unpunished for it.

The scope of the power of the Hearts Eight is limited by the power of personal relationships. Worms are the first suit of the deck in order, and they have no power over the other suits. But other suits have power over hearts. The strength of a person born under the influence of the Eight of Hearts can only affect the “inner child” hidden in our soul. By trying to manipulate other people, the Eight of Hearts can deprive a person of their attention, shame him or make him feel unworthy of love in general. Often Eights of Hearts like to work or communicate with children, since it is over children that they have the most power. The adults they manage to manipulate are usually either extremely insecure or dependent on the Eight of Hearts for the power of emotional attachment. If a person's "inner child" is well developed, the manipulations of the Eight of Hearts will not have any effect on him. And if a person clearly adheres to his beliefs and knows what the truth is for him, he will easily cope with all the problems that the Eight of Hearts of a low level can create for him.

At a high level, Eights of Hearts can use their magical gift to help other people. If they are guided by wisdom, then they manage to create real miracles in their lives and in the destinies of all the people who come into contact with them.

The number of the card "Eight of hearts (hearts)": 8

Birth card - Eight of hearts (hearts)