
Meaning of the king of wands tarot. King of wands tarot meaning in relationships What does the king of wands card mean in tarot

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The meaning of the King of Wands tarot in divination is generally favorable. The card gives answers to questions regarding success in a person's activities. Contains an image of a man seated on a throne and holding a rod (or staff, scepter, mace) in his hand.

The general meaning of the lasso King of Wands in the tarot

When divining for a person, the King of Wands speaks of a leader whose potential allows him to lead crowds of people. The appearance of the Lord of Scepters speaks of purposefulness, motivation to perform significant deeds. This is a card that describes an irrepressible desire to reach new heights, a readiness for difficulties, a struggle not only with people who stand in the way of the owner, but also with oneself.

One of its meanings is the determination to perform heroic deeds to achieve the goal. Arkan indicates the presence of great ambition and potential necessary to achieve the goal. The card indicates that the event that appears in the layout is possible to carry out. However, this will take a lot of effort.

The Mace King also speaks of a favorable environment for new achievements. There is a great possibility of unexpected help. Deception, meanness and weaving intrigues are not characteristic of the Tsar.

When divining for a man, the meaning of the tarot lasso is a faithful and devoted friend. If the alignment was made for a woman, then she will have a meeting with a rather wealthy relative.

The lasso also denotes the influence of an older or more experienced person on the existing situation. In other words, we are talking about a patron who is ready to help in the implementation of the plan. He is bold and wise in achieving the goals set for himself or the team. His wisdom and strength are sufficient for the King of Staves to respect the opinions of others without neglecting his own views. However, it is impossible to say unequivocally about his intentions, although in most cases they are disinterested. An ally will be able to help both with advice and with more tangible action. His appearance will solve a difficult situation, direct him on the right path.

King of Wands tarot - meaning when reversed

flipped card symbolizes opposite qualities, speaks of the negative aspects of the personality of the questioner. It does not describe the desire for achievement itself, but only its illusion. The inverted King of Staves is devoid of nobility, honesty, pure motives. His irrepressible stubbornness, desire for power can bring down and prevent him from achieving real results.

He chooses methods and means for the realization of his own ideas that are quite selfish, disregarding the opinions of others for his own sake. This King does not tolerate wrangling, selfish, angry. He doesn't care about the feelings of the people around him. On the way to achieve his selfish goals, he sees no obstacles. The immediate environment often suffers from such a disposition.

The Meaning of the King of Wands Tarot Card in Relationships

In a love scenario, the King of Staves indicates a person who values ​​\u200b\u200bloyalty, decency. He was literally created to build a family. If there is a choice between a career and a family, such a person, without hesitation, will accept the second option, and will not regret it.

This person can open his heart to a partner. His temperament is ardent, passion boils in his blood, the determination to win his object of love. As a partner, he is reliable, responsible, honest. You can rely on him in any situation. His insight and foresight helps to discern in his environment the right person, for whom it is worth going ahead.

The King of Wands approaches the choice of a companion consciously, he will not back down from the chosen person. For single people, this card describes the qualities of the desired partner. If the questioner is lonely, the Lord of Sceptres speaks of an imminent meeting with his soulmate, portends the beginning of a new romance, albeit with an unknown outcome.

The card describes a strong and sincere relationship. The people connected by them still feel sympathy for each other, which can be reinforced by common interests. The King of Wands inspires respect, pure affection, and, therefore, serves as a guarantor of a strong, lasting marriage.

King of Wands - the meaning of the reversed card

flipped card tarot King of Wands speaks of selfishness in relationships, which on an irrepressible scale can harm both the questioner and his chosen one. The card will denote a difficult person in a relationship. Such a person often considers himself the navel of the earth, around which others must revolve and mindlessly fulfill all his whims. His despotism morally destroys, and eternal nit-picking prevents a quiet life together. His wishes are in most cases the law and should not be discussed. Unbearable character does not allow a person to show all the positive aspects of personality. Trust in him may not meet expectations.

However, despite all the shortcomings, the inverted Lord of Scepters is objective, it is possible to find a common language with him, although it is very problematic to do so.

Interpretation in the situation and question

In the upright position, the King of Clubs shows the good luck that a person will attract with his actions. The Lord of Scepters says that one can calmly show creative ambitions - nothing will interfere with a person on his way. There is a time when you can get the better of your negative traits, learn to control your own emotions.

When asked about the situation in a relationship, the meaning of the lasso King of Wands in the tarot is a possible early conception.

With an inverted lasso The King of Staves should be more careful. A person may be too imprudent, his plans will collapse against his will. It is worth waiting for the time to conclude major deals, for them now is not the best time.

It is also worth restraining internal impulses, they can only aggravate the situation. It is worth reducing the negative consequences of the period by applying communication skills and using the ability to restrain emotions.

King of Wands tarot - meaning in work, affairs, finances

The King of Staffs has leadership qualities, professionalism, and a high level of motivation. Activity, passion for the activities performed will certainly achieve success. The card indicates the ability to make risky decisions for the sake of what is desired. Such a person is most often a driving force among his colleagues, he leads, fills those around him with determination.

However, it is necessary to remember the real state of affairs, not to fuss in vain, losing energy and confusing other participants in the implementation of activities. It can be difficult for the king to correctly estimate the time required to complete the work, so some projects become difficult or even impossible to implement. Accurate calculations will allow you to determine the timing and implement the planned projects without prejudice to yourself.

Reversed position

It symbolizes the unsuccessful course of affairs, failed business negotiations, communication with partners, which will not bring any financial benefit. However, the outcome of cases will depend entirely on the person himself. Self-control, precise knowledge of one's weaknesses can radically change the situation in favor of the King.

The meaning of the card in matters of health

If the upright position is rolled, the Mace King has excellent health and a large supply of energy. His indefatigable vitality not only allows you to fully devote yourself to any activity, but also motivates those around you for productive work.

Good health does not allow moping, therefore, the overall productivity of the actions carried out increases. Such people can disappear at work, completely giving themselves to it. However, there is a high probability that at one moment a person will literally “burn out” at work, depriving himself of breaks and rest.

His inattentive attitude towards his own body is not beneficial, it can cause complications and severe illnesses that have not been cured in time. In rare cases, the card may indicate problems with the cardiovascular system. In particular, the likelihood of a heart attack is high.

Reversed position

Inverted lasso says that the questioner can also easily catch the disease due to his own inattention. However, the reason will not be the desire to work in excess of the norm, but banal bragging. For such a person, it is very important to show oneself in front of others, to prove something, even if the subject of the dispute does not really matter. Risky, stupid actions can seriously harm health, cause complications.

Interpretation when characterizing a person

The King of Staves is honest and reliable. You can always rely on him, and his professionalism leaves no one a chance to doubt him. In family life, he is respected and loved. His qualities guarantee a strong relationship, albeit seasoned with some impulsiveness in actions.

Prefers monogamy, appreciates family happiness. Despite his leadership qualities and the ability to lead, he does not always choose the path of entrepreneurship as his profession. Can become a journalist, preacher or teacher. Often, the Tsar of the Staves feels a craving for working with the earth. He is interested in horticultural work, housekeeping.

Reversed position

The lasso symbolizes a person with base qualities. He is a liar or a swindler who withholds the truth for his own gain. Inverted King- stubborn, he does not want to hear anything but his own opinion. Other people mean little to him, he rarely takes them seriously. He is attracted to disputes in which he necessarily wants to remain right. Arkan can mean a preacher whose speeches are unlikely to contain the truth, but are aimed only at making profits and donations. Due to excessive self-confidence, he seeks to take everything under his control.

King of Wands tarot - meaning when combined with other cards

Major Arcana:

  • "Jester": infantile;
  • "Mage": dodger;
  • "Empress": success in the business sphere;
  • "Emperor": the opportunity to take a leadership position;
  • "High Priest": a noble person;
  • "Lovers": sincerity in relationships;
  • "Chariot": professionalism;
  • "Strength": withholding malice;
  • "The Hermit": rejection of someone else's opinion;
  • "Wheel of Fortune": increase;
  • "Justice": the fair attitude peculiar to the king;
  • "Death": adaptation to circumstances;
  • "Moderation": intermediate views;
  • "Devil": useless efforts;
  • "The Tower": shattered expectations;
  • "Sun": advancement in creativity;
  • "Judgment": the appearance of help;
  • "World": hardening.

Suit of Wands:

  • "Troika": success in business;
  • "Four": public congratulations;
  • "Ten": loss of position.

Suit of cups:

  • "Ace": sincerity;
  • "Five": loss;
  • "Seven": alcoholism;
  • "Nine": getting what you want.

Suit of swords:

  • "Four": measured life;
  • "Eight": narrow-mindedness;
  • "Queen": a cold attitude towards someone.

Suit of Pentacles:

  • "Five": low self-esteem;
  • "Ace": financial prospects;
  • "King": successful completion of the money project.

King of Wands in tarot - meaning as cards of the day

The King of Clubs symbolizes a day full of productive work. Financial affairs go uphill, and the general atmosphere becomes favorable. Difficulties that stand in the way are resolved and allow you to achieve what you want.

A person's belief that he cannot touch or feel, see or hear always shocks him, and sometimes causes denial. Fortune telling on Tarot cards has existed for thousands of years, but incredible rumors circulate around the secret magical ritual to this day. The forecast leaves no one indifferent, neither those who sincerely believe in the Tarot deck, nor the rest - inveterate skeptics.

The King of Wands has a prototype. This is a man who knows exactly what he wants from life.

With the help of a simple set of cards, the future opens up before the magician, and the entire forecast depends on the correct interpretation of each sign. The King of Wands of the Tarot, as a bright representative of the suit of Staves, points to a person who called on a magic deck, or an important friend, lover, relative of the questioner. How to correctly interpret the King from the suit of Wands and can the prediction be trusted unconditionally?

Common Meaning of the King of Wands Card in the Tarot Deck

The prototype of the King card is a leader, a person who knows exactly what he wants from life. Strong-willed, enterprising, strong in spirit - the personification of the suit of the Staves does not stop at difficulties, but overcomes obstacles. Such people make intelligent bosses and leaders who see the ultimate goal of the entire enterprise. New beginnings for a person who has drawn the King in a personal layout are a welcome challenge, with which he copes 100%.

What the King of the Wand Tarot Card Tells About

The King of Wands tarot card indicates a person who keeps his own word and fulfills all the promises made. Endurance and perseverance are two qualities of the questioner or his inner circle. Due to their strong character, such people rarely occupy lower positions or wait for the smiles of fate. They build their own happiness, no matter what areas of life it concerns.

Along with the knowledge of one's own nature, a deep, invaluable understanding of the behavior of another person comes to the prototype of the King. Other people's actions and words are acceptable, even if they do not coincide with the opinion of the questioner. Tolerance and patience - that's what a person can boast of, for whom the King of Wands is not a simple card in the Tarot deck.

King of the Wand as an image of a fortuneteller

The King of the Scepter in Tarot means not only an inspired person, but also valuable advice to help you deal with serious problems in the future. Meetings and acquaintances that will take place in the near future will open up new prospects for the questioner in work or personal life.

The prototype of the King will surely win in business disputes

In business disputes, the prototype of the King will win an undeniable victory and emerge victorious. The only caveat of the card is to avoid boring, uninteresting activities. Such a waste of time will only take away vitality that can be spent on more important things. A predominantly favorable symbol softens even negative cards of the alignment and allows you to see the future with the hope of happiness and success.

Reversed Scepter card and its general meaning

The reversed King of Wands brings a completely different meaning to the alignment for the future than the card in the upright position. The symbol of thoughtless, sometimes stupid acts that destroy the previous merits of a person should alert the questioner. Are all transactions and debt relationships justified?

The messenger of bad news The King of the suit of Staffs precedes negative changes in life. Grief and shame await the questioner in the near future, being a logical consequence of his own actions. Excessive lust for power and pride do not allow you to see the true picture of what is happening, and a distorted reality and a superficial attitude towards people is fraught with serious consequences.

Severity towards oneself and loved ones, as extreme measures, is marked by the King's card.

The desire to control absolutely everything that happens in life leads the questioner to a crisis. To moral and physical exhaustion. There is nothing wrong with authority, but any leadership role requires respect for subordinates. Without this, it is impossible to build a worthwhile business or personal relationship. Feelings of loved ones and loved ones are more important than their own ambitions and principles.

What is the characteristic given to the King of the Scepter

The common meaning of the King of Staves reversed is:

  • coldness in family relationships;
  • selfishness and pride;
  • overestimated forces and opportunities;
  • future disputes and protracted conflicts;
  • awkwardness in communication with colleagues;
  • confrontation with a strong personality;
  • a thirst for power that runs counter to reality;
  • ignorance;
  • probable fraud and dubious transactions;
  • the desire to make a quick profit, which leads to monetary losses.

King of Staves inverted - the desire for quick profit will lead to monetary losses

Consideration of the King to create an accurate forecast always begins with his position, and only then are the neighboring signs of the Tarot deck analyzed. A complex but informative card shows the consequences of excessive egocentrism and the desire to win, no matter what it takes.

Scepter as part of the human "I"

The meaning of the King of Wands card does not always affect certain events that will happen soon. Sometimes, in order to make an accurate alignment, landmark cards are needed to characterize a particular person who plays an important role in the coming changes. For a person whose soul chooses the King card from the suit of Staves, high intellectual abilities and ingenuity are characteristic.

The leaders, who enjoy great popularity and respect among the employees of the enterprise, are personified precisely by the symbol of the King. Hard work and striving for success turn simple ambitions into actionable plans for the future. Everything is easy for such people, such an impression is made by others, although real titanic work is hidden behind the lightness. Day after day, the prototype of the King, the man of today, overcomes difficulties on the way to success.

The suits in which the Scepter is presented indicate in the layout for the future, the main features of the human character, thanks to which the questioner will be able to achieve all his goals. Delay for such a person is unacceptable, almost sinful. Having achieved one goal, the questioner moves on to the next. The process of conquering new heights brings more pleasure than the benefits that follow success.

Zodiac Scepter

The signs of the zodiac that characterize a person with the identification card of the King, Leo or Aries, represent a principled personality, with stable moral principles and outlook on life. An enterprising and active person builds a brilliant career, quickly moves up the career ladder. Achievements inspire the questioner, give him strength for new achievements.

Scepter as the main character trait

A reliable professional and responsible leader, he inspires confidence in everyone who does business with him. Family values ​​play an important role in the life of the asker. He is a responsible family man. Assistant, teacher and mentor can be personified by the King card. Valuable help, moral and physical, will come at the right time. Creative professions are also available to the inquirer. The organization of the labor process will make it possible to achieve success on this path as well.

An inverted symbol in the layout of the personal qualities of the questioner indicates a deceitful, vile person. A charlatan, a deceiver, an untrustworthy individual will appear in a person's life and harm his business and personal life. Doing business with such people is not worth it under any circumstances. The help of an unreliable person will be temporary, and the result will not bring any pleasure.

The King of Wands warns a man - be more careful when choosing a business partner

For a man, the King of Wands signifies an opponent. A competitor or a hidden enemy can make cunning plans and intrigues behind the back of the questioner. Caution in choosing business partners, if you follow the traditional interpretation of the Tarot deck, will not hurt anyone.

Love plan for the future

A messenger of good relations between partners, the King card from the suit of Staves signals victory in love. Partnership will bring a lot of warmth and tenderness, and old relationships will get a second wind. The harmony that the questioner strives for will prevail in his personal life. Love, the only phenomenon in nature that defies logic, will take on a new meaning for a person who draws a King card in a layout for the future.

The scepter is a harbinger of generosity and a lot of patience

Generosity and forgiveness to a partner, to a husband and lover - will smooth out all the difficulties in the life of the asker. Pleasing your soulmate every day, a person will acquire his own happiness. In everyday life, at work and at home, nothing will overshadow the mood and high spirits.

For a lonely person, the King card promises a fateful meeting. The future chosen one will have all the qualities necessary for the questioner. A strong-willed and strong future lover will easily win the heart of a woman. For men, such a card promises a meeting with a freedom-loving and obstinate representative of the opposite sex.

A worthy union, which the questioner has dreamed of for so long, will develop only on the condition that every effort is made to create a strong relationship. The ancient symbol of the King does not recommend spending precious time on unreliable, irresponsible persons. The card warns against communication with a frivolous person.

Alliances of powerful Tarot cards with the Scepter

The combination of several strong cards at once opens up a new, incredible world to the questioner. Listening to card alliances is more important than interpreting each of them individually. Tandems in the Tarot deck that will help you recognize the likely events of the future:

  1. King and Wheel of Fortune. Heralds of career advancement and a chance that does not come up as often as you would like. For the layouts for the future of relations, this tandem is unfavorable and clouding even positive cards. The partner whom the questioner is counting on prefers to build a career and only then pays attention to his personal life. Is it worth putting up with such treatment?
  2. The Major Arcana of Judgment and the King of Staves. Symbols promising emergency help that will be in time at the right time. A positive union of two strong cards should instill hope and confidence in the future in a person.
  3. Seven of Wands and King. For the questioner, this union is a contradictory sign, predicting a struggle for one's own interests. A person will defend the right to be called a leader, the only question is at what cost?

The King of Wands Tarot is a unique symbol. The scepter allows you to create the most accurate forecast of upcoming events that will affect the life of the asker. Believe in the prediction or not?

For a person with despair in his heart and doubts about tomorrow, divination on a Tarot deck is a way out of this situation. Adversity at work, disappointments in personal life, the search for the inner "I", in all everyday and mental problems, ancient magical symbols will help to sort it out. It remains only to understand their meaning and understand for what purpose each of them appears in the scenario for the future.

Upright King of Wands Meaning

Courage, bravery, generosity, order. Creativity, initiative, strength. The card very often signifies a happy marriage. The time has come for action. This applies to all areas of human life: business, real estate, finance, career, personal life. Ahead of success, luck and recognition.

The King of Wands Tarot is a person of wealth and status. Groom. The love of a very worthy person.

  • a man of great charm, witty, charming, decent and honest
  • man with power, reflections, money income
  • decency, honesty, reliability, creativity
  • patronage, adventurism, happy marriage

The Tarot King of Wands in the correct orientation personifies a mature man with position and power, energetic, enterprising, very direct and honest. He is a good leader and an experienced judge, and in the latter capacity he can be involved in the life of the Client in order to resolve any dispute. The card also speaks of unexpected financial luck, probably in inheritance.

The King of Wands tarot card is a man of wealth and status, friendly to the Questioner and ready to help him with money or advice. He is honest, smart and conscientious. If this is a rival, then fair and generous. If a friend, then it is better to listen to his advice. If the King of Wands of the Tarot does not represent a certain person, then the situation itself is conducive to honesty: everything looks the way it is. There is also the possibility of unexpected good news regarding inheritance, career advancement, the success of an existing or planned (usually business or financial) enterprise. Unexpected help or advice will help you in your enterprise.

King of Wands Reversed Meaning

Quarrel, conflict, misunderstanding. Suspended state, lack of support under the feet.

An unbridled person, selfish, quick-tempered, stubborn, does not have enough life experience. Because of all these qualities, the card does not advise having a close relationship with him. Sooner or later, he can let you down, you should not rely on him. But there is no direct threat, no one will harm you purposefully. But no one will help either. In personal relationships, the card means a lack of sympathy, a neutral attitude. The desire to suppress, to use you.

  • a man of strict rules, domineering and proud
  • domineering personality, intolerance, quarrels
  • selfishness, arrogance, snobbery

In an inverted position, the King of Wands Tarot has such qualities as intolerance, imperious severity, unreliability. He imposes his views and assessments on others, considering them the best, and does not take into account a different point of view. The card indicates an upcoming quarrel and recommends that the Client move away from it at the first opportunity.

An inverted tarot card, the King of Wands, personifies a man with authority and wealth, harsh but fair. He will not deviate from his path to help you, but he will not unnecessarily hinder you and will approve of the efforts that you make to achieve your goal.

If this card does not represent a particular person, then you must work hard to achieve success, but circumstances are generally favorable for you. You may not get help, but nothing and no one will try to stop you.

inner meaning. Given to understand the direct position of the map

When the King of Wands tarot card appears in a reading, it should evoke the image of a person of wealth and status, prosperous in finance and business. This is a man of humble origins who achieved success either through luck or through his own mind and determination. This is probably a person whose position and achievements the Questioner admires. And he deserves this admiration: his word is firm, and his advice can be trusted.

If the Questioner is a man, then the King of Wands of the Tarot can personify a rival, but generous and honest.

If the prediction is made for a woman, then the King of Wands is either a relative or a close friend of the family, but always a good adviser.

If the King of Wands tarot card does not represent a specific person, then it indicates a favorable or at least fair situation for the Questioner, as well as the most opportune time to take action related to business or finance.

The King of Wands in Tarot cards is a symbol of a strong-willed personality with pronounced leadership qualities. Indicates a spiritually mature, wise, successful and noble person who deserves respect. They listen to his advice and try to imitate in everything. He is an authority and a strong leader. Often this person has a noble origin, a rich pedigree.

King of Wands in career

In a straight position, it symbolizes leadership, determination, self-confidence. This is an executive and responsible employee or a talented leader who is passionate about his work. In combination with the Empress means career success. With the Emperor - you will soon receive a leadership position. With Death - it will be easy for you to adapt to a new job.

In an inverted position, it speaks of isolation from the real world, illusions, overestimation of one's abilities. This person is too ambitious, conflicted and stubborn. It is difficult to communicate with him, and it is difficult to convince him that he is right. In combination with the Moon, it speaks of a wrong vision of the situation. With the Ace of Wands, an unreliable person is entrusted with a serious task that he cannot handle.

Meaning of the King of Wands with the Major Arcana Tarot

  1. Next to the Jester card, it indicates that you are dealing with a narrow-minded and immature person.
  2. With the Magician - he has his own vision of the situation and plans.
  3. With the High Priestess speaks of professionalism and great experience.
  4. With the Empress - about career achievements.
  5. With the Emperor symbolizes a leadership position.
  6. With the Hierophant he speaks of noble deeds.
  7. With the Lovers card, it indicates deep and strong feelings.
  8. With the Chariot - about professionalism.
  9. With the Force - you need to learn how to control your emotions.
  10. With the Hermit indicates selfishness, interest in one's inner world.
  11. The Wheel of Fortune predicts career growth for you.
  12. With Justice - it is necessary to show this quality.
  13. With the Hanged Man, he speaks of a loss of interest in life.
  14. With Death - you need to adapt to a changing world.
  15. With Moderation - restrain your impulses and emotions.
  16. With the Devil - the people around you are not worthy of you, you should not waste your strength on them.
  17. With the Tower - a state of isolation from the outside world, fears and unrest.
  18. With a Star means climbing the career ladder.
  19. With the Moon indicates that a person does not have all the information, is mistaken in many ways.
  20. With the card, the Sun speaks of success in creativity.
  21. Court - you will be helped.
  22. With Peace - you have to go through trials.

King of Wands combined with the Minor Arcana Tarot

  1. With a card, the Ace of Wands indicates that a person is a pioneer in his field of activity.
  2. With the Two of Wands, it speaks of the ability to foresee the situation.
  3. With the Three of Wands - about success in business.
  4. With the Four of Wands - about ambition.
  5. With the Five of Wands - about dissatisfaction.
  6. With the Six of Wands - a good combination of circumstances.
  7. With the Seven of Wands - someone wants to take your place.
  8. With the Eight of Wands - you will receive an instruction from the King.
  9. With the Nine of Wands - you are not approved in your environment.
  10. With the Ten of Wands, you may lose your position.
  11. With the Page of Wands card, your calculations turned out to be correct.
  12. With the Knight of Wands, he says that you have ceased to control the situation.
  13. With the Queen of Wands indicates balance, harmony and success.
  14. With the Ace of Cups portends a passion.
  15. With the Two of Cups - perhaps a profitable job offer, marriage.
  16. With the Three of Cups - career growth awaits you.
  17. With the Four of Cups - dissatisfaction with success in work.
  18. With the Five of Cups, it speaks of possible losses.
  19. With the Six of Cups - surging memories, news from the past.
  20. With the Seven of Cups - problems with bad habits are possible.
  21. With the Eight of Cups brings change, you can change jobs.
  22. With Nine - finally you will achieve your dreams.
  23. With the Ten of Cups, a successful partner will appear.
  24. With the Page of Cups card, you will be invited to a new position.
  25. With the Knight of Cups means a great offer.
  26. With the Queen of Cups, you won't be alone.
  27. With the King of Cups - important meetings are coming.
  28. With the Ace of Swords card, it means foresight and thoughtfulness of decisions.
  29. With the Two of Swords - an alliance with the enemy for the sake of mutual benefit.
  30. With the Three of Swords - injure a person who treats you with trust.
  31. With the Four of Swords - a temporary lull, a period of stagnation.
  32. With the Five of Swords indicates dishonesty, problems with the law.
  33. With the Six of Swords - an attempt to solve a difficult task.
  34. With the Seven of Swords speaks of the insincerity of the King.
  35. With the Eight indicates a narrow-minded and limited person.
  36. With the Nine of Swords - your conscience haunts you for some reason.
  37. With the Ten of Swords means failure and disappointment.
  38. With the Page of Swords card - someone does not want to leave you alone and interferes in your affairs.
  39. With the Knight of Swords, he speaks of opposing the existing order.
  40. With the Queen of Swords card, relationships have become cool and aloof.
  41. With the King of Swords - a person is biased in judgments.
  42. With the card, the Ace of Pentacles speaks of financial well-being.
  43. With the Two of Pentacles - about good leadership.
  44. With Troika, you have to cooperate with a successful partner.
  45. With the Four - a talented leader.
  46. With the Five of Pentacles, he speaks of self-doubt.
  47. With the Six of Pentacles card, an influential person will provide material support.
  48. With the Seven - do not hesitate and doubt.
  49. With the Eight - new ideas in the professional field.
  50. With the Nine of Pentacles - a significant material reward for your efforts.
  51. With the Ten of Pentacles, he speaks of the fullness of life, its positive assessment.
  52. With the Page of Pentacles card - new news.
  53. With the Knight of Pentacles - a sequence of actions.
  54. With the Queen of Pentacles - an alliance.
  55. With the King of Pentacles - new ideas will receive material support.

In this article, we looked at the main meanings of the King of Wands card, its impact on relationships and careers, as well as combination with other tarot cards.

We also offer you to watch an interesting video on this topic.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "One card" layout

General value

In his aspirations, a person tries to reach the top, the ideal. The card can also indicate a dark-haired man with a light eye tint, or a red-haired man with a dark eye tint.


In a couple, the leader is a man. The card also indicates passion and rapid development.


Health problems will not occur except for increased pressure. The sick card promises recovery.


The card promises success in law, in the political arena or in business.

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✚ For the future

The card predicts a huge success in the near future. It will be a success associated solely with a long period of application of huge efforts. This is not a gift of fortune or fate, these are your personal efforts, which paid off after a long time. Your well-being will be so healthy and pleasant that you will forget about the sores that you used to worry about.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ Relationships

The King of Wands symbolizes relationships in which the main thing is respect and the coincidence of interests, partners are confidently building a dialogue. Most likely, we are not even talking about love relationships, but about respectful ones. It may not be worth waiting for a romantic development, but the memories and, in general, the perception of this period will remain extremely positive. If a person is lonely, then the King of Wands is a symbol that it is time to take matters into your own hands and not be afraid to take the initiative to win the object of sympathy. This is a rather passionate card that calls for independence, and not for waiting for a prince on a white horse at the castle window.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For today

High goals, huge potential. Hard-earned financial well-being, a promising future in a career, the implementation of plans and projects. Excellent well-being and health of the fortuneteller. Willingness to act in love terms, sincere passion for the second half. You are a determined and charismatic person, ready to work. and take responsibility. Learn to understand views that don't match yours!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

A card that personifies the patron, a worthy and strong person, open and reliable. He strives to achieve high goals, focused on the best result.

Tomorrow brings you a meeting with such a person. Often this card personifies the boss or father, a person who treats the questioner positively and wishes him well. This person is a materialist, prefers active actions and forces those around him to act.

In the professional field, it may indicate a boss or senior colleague with whom you will have to work closely.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think of me

A relationship that, with ease and confidence, can be called a game. A game played by two adults who are aware of their desires and shortcomings. Your partner is trying to make the relationship a territory of his power, in which he does everything possible to suppress the other person. This can be called an affair, which quickly and brightly ignited, but could not burn for a long time either. If you are not interested in a partner with an imperious character, then it makes no sense to save anything.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On desire

You are an authority for many. Leadership inclinations are present, but they will have to be sacrificed for the fulfillment of desire. In this case, this will be the best solution for a positive outcome. A good conversation with a strong and mature man will affect the situation. Be sure to heed his advice. Do not get into a routine, otherwise you will become too nervous and miss the chance to fulfill your desire. In general, the card gives positive results and hope for a quick and favorable outcome.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

Everything they could, everything was done thanks to the strength of the spirit. You make wise decisions. A favorable situation has come, which is characterized by the desire to do everything in order to achieve the goal.

You feel passion, energy, self-confidence, readiness to work towards the goal. Be careful not to be too authoritarian. Lack of organization can get in the way.

Great success awaits you, especially in situations where you need to show generosity, leadership and vision. Don't be afraid to ask for advice. Be willing to work hard and take responsibility for others.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

The King of Wands is a mixture of passion and judgment. If you can combine both of these qualities in a relationship, then the union will be truly happy. Such a couple will be a role model, people will admire you, but paradise in a hut with a loved one will be enough. The durability of this relationship will be undeniable, and the marriage union will only reinforce the promise of love. Prepare your ring finger, because this moment is already near!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

The desire to achieve what you want at any cost. Thrift and calculation.

The card indicates a powerful man, pragmatic, erudite, capable of achieving any goal. It personifies purposefulness, balance, inner peace.

You will achieve what you want, and it is not necessary to sacrifice comfort or well-being.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

This lasso in the correct position is auspicious, and can mean a successful marriage. Perhaps your partner is older than you in age and more mature morally and emotionally. Do not worry about the future, trust a reliable person who is next to you. Your strength in a relationship is your ability to respect your man's point of view. Try to show more wisdom and femininity, gentleness and calm behavior. This is not enough for your loved one.

A full description of the map is available at

When guessing for love, special attention is paid to the interpretation of the figures. There are many in Tarot. But the pictures have a wider meaning than just an indication of the person involved in the relationship. Let's take a look at the meaning of the Tarot King of Wands. Noticing him, the young lover believes that this is how the guy of interest falls to her. But this is not always the case. The King of Wands Tarot has a broader and deeper meaning. Arkan can tell about the qualities of a loved one, those who influence him, important events and directions for the development of the situation. If you're interested, let's slowly figure it all out.

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Description of the lasso

The King of Wands (Tarot) is considered the strongest card of this suit. This is the pinnacle of progress. The picture shows a man full of strength, holding a staff in his hands. If we compare it with the previous Knight and Page, we will see that the length of the wand is somewhat shorter. That is, they have not yet reached the pinnacle of development, which cannot be said about our King. Arcana is very strong and powerful. He gathered in himself all the positive suits. This is a time full of strength, when there are no effective obstacles to the realization of the plan. The King of Wands (Tarot) personifies a person who is confident in his limitless possibilities. He owns the world, subjugates those around him with wisdom, kindness, charm, energy. He knows no failures and obstacles. He is characterized by: the ability to receive and give money, increase wealth, skillfully use power, demonstrating greatness to the world. He transmits confidence to others, infects with it, entails. The generosity of this person is due not to compassion, but to an excess of self-respect. He has everything, therefore it is not a pity to endow the suffering with attention or material wealth. He is smart, to some extent cunning, prudent, well versed in people, knows how to use their strengths and weaknesses. However, this King is not a symbol of power. He's basically free. Responsibility burdens his nature. He goes through life easily, choosing the direction at his own discretion. This is especially important to consider when asking about personal Tarot cards. The King of Wands prefers an equal partnership. He does not love and does not know how to obey. The need to sacrifice his interests weighs and strains him, killing feelings.

Negative traits of the arcana

When deciphering the alignment, it is necessary to take into account the existence of negative traits in any card. The King of Wands Tarot can change its meaning diametrically if it falls upside down or in a negative environment. In this case, it symbolizes a tyrant and a despot. This is a weak personality with huge demands. Imagine that a person was taught that he is equal to God, but they forgot to provide “technical support” for performing miracles. He is sure that everything should happen according to his desires. Any objection causes a storm of negative emotions. In addition, such a person becomes envious and vindictive over the years. If the opportunity presents itself, he will definitely avenge a real or imaginary offense. It is quite difficult to build a relationship with a person who is symbolized in the King of Wands layout (inverted). Tarot meaning changes slightly depending on the surrounding arcana. That is, even the inverted King is not so bad if the World or the Empress, the Popess or the Hierophant are nearby. Major arcana soften negative traits, weaken them. The influence of the King may turn out to be temporary, not as critical as when surrounded by "bad" cards. However, this provision should be taken with caution.

King of Wands Tarot: Meaning in Relationships

Let's return to our topic. We have already mentioned that the King of Wands Tarot has a plural meaning in relationships. Its appearance is considered as a characteristic:

  • partner - men;
  • a third party that influences the couple;
  • development trends of the situation.

That is, the King of Wands (Tarot) in a relationship does not always symbolize a person. This should be well understood by those who are serious about working with cards. Often, decoding errors arise due to the fact that the fortuneteller connects our lasso only with personalities - participants in the relationship. In fact, the meaning of the cards is much deeper and more voluminous. First of all, you need to look at the position of the lasso. The direct effect is positive, the inverted one transmits negative traits to the alignment. But this is not enough. It is very important in which position the King fell out. Each in any scenario has its own meaning. Thus, Tarot cards - including the King of Wands - receive additional characteristics and features that help clarify the meaning of divination. We will consider the most popular positions. They are:

  • participant in the relationship;
  • next event;
  • prehistory (what was);
  • secret influence;
  • advice;
  • result (what will be).

There are more complex combinations, supplemented by other factors. Having learned to determine the meaning of the Tarot card King of Wands in our interpretation, a thoughtful researcher will independently master everything else. It is a matter of developing creativity and intuition.

King of Wands Tarot: description of a person

Let's consider the option when our lasso was in a position symbolizing a participant in the relationship - a man. Believe me, a fortuneteller is a lucky woman! Her chosen one is the very prince she dreamed of. This is a gentleman who stands firmly on his feet, hardened in the fight, and has considerable experience. He is able to appreciate her sincerity, protect and cherish her. This person will be loyal and passionate. He will not be attracted by the skillful intrigues of an adventurer who wants to steal someone else's happiness. This is what the tarot cards tell us. The King of Wands in this position (upright) portends a wonderful development of the situation. Even negative arcana cannot overcome its positive influence. For example, if the Tower stands in the end, in a different situation, a complete rupture could be predicted. But our situation is not like that. The king is more reliable than a stone block, kind as an angel. The fortuneteller is recommended to delegate responsibility for the situation to him. Simply put, you need to trust your loved one, he will solve all problems. Only the girl herself can spoil the optimism of such a situation if she does not heed the advice. But even in this case, the beloved will be patient and gentle. He will try to gain her trust with kindness. In addition, our lasso characterizes a partner as a free, self-confident person. This is a man who has achieved a lot, knowing where to go next. He will respect the opinion of his partner, try to smooth the corners, anticipate the sharp moments in the relationship. Life, with the right attitude to your beloved, will be a fairy tale!

The meaning of the inverted lasso in the position of "partner"

The person to whom you have given (or are only going to) your heart is not worthy of such an honor. This is a tyrant and a weakling. He is not able to appreciate the precious gift of love, to preserve the tenderness and trembling of souls that have opened up to each other. Surely the guardian angel told you to turn to the Tarot deck. The King of Wands for a girl has a twofold meaning in this situation. On the one hand, when you see the lasso in the described position, you should think about it. Will you be able to withstand the tantrums of a weakling who will continuously blame his own created problems on your fragile shoulders? Do you need such a partner? Not every beauty answers negatively. Indeed, on the other hand, the appearance of such a strange partner is a challenge. If you look deeper, this is a task from the Higher Forces, a life lesson that must be passed correctly. The Tarot deck tells you one thing for sure: the King of Wands (inverted) will not leave time for boredom. He will constantly keep emotions in suspense, will not allow you to think about something else, will suck out all the means and mental strength. That person considers himself the center of the universe, which he basically identifies with his loved ones. They must revolve around him, like planets around the Sun. Any change in the trajectory causes a violent explosion, comparable to the emergence of a supernova. He is capricious and unpredictable. In everyday life, demanding, touchy, suspicious, rude. Keep in mind that you will have to earn money for bread with caviar on your own, and he will carefully and meticulously check the expenses. It is not necessary to hope for such a gentleman. Can you take this lesson? Go ahead. Sometimes our lasso falls in the position of a fortune-telling blank. You should project onto yourself the given interpretation of the Tarot. The King of Wands is not necessarily a man. It can describe a woman with a tough temper or attitude.

Interpretation of the position "next event"

Let's move on to the next item in the schedule. What portends the appearance of our lasso in a position describing upcoming events? It must be remembered that the King of Wands (Tarot) has a triple meaning in love (see above). This is how its appearance should be interpreted, given the position of the card. Namely:

  • A certain man will influence the situation.
  • An event will occur that will either open hearts to meet (direct King), or cause a scandal (inverted).
  • Maybe both together.

If we are talking about the influence of an outsider, it should be sought among relatives and friends. This is probably a friend, father or brother who is trying to change the attitude of one of the partners towards the other. Direct King denotes support, the desire to help strengthen relations. Inverted - a brawler and gossip, an evil intriguer trying to quarrel lovers. Note to women: our King in such a position may well direct your thoughts towards the mother-in-law. An evil, envious and cunning woman is sometimes honored with a male card from the side of the deck to emphasize her harmfulness and danger.

Deciphering the position of "secret influence"

Here the interpretation is much simpler. But it must be paired with neighboring arcana. When our King is a hidden factor, one should be alert and alert. In a straight position, he promises unexpected support in a difficult situation. If you are in a quarrel with your loved one, a kind angel will help restore peace. They can be both a close friend and a completely unfamiliar citizen of any gender. The main thing is that this person looks with compassion at the discord of relations, he does not like the fact that holy and sincere love is overshadowed by suffering. In a situation where the inverted King has a secret influence on the alignment, it is not recommended to wait for a good one. The enemy has already come close to the walls of your love fortress. He prepares a battering ram to destroy the defenses. Attack, but wisely. Find out exactly who is preparing the attack and neutralize it with a tactical maneuver, discrediting it in the eyes of your loved one. In addition, our lasso warns of an event that affects the situation. For example, if it fell out straight, the partner may receive a promotion or bonus. The extra income will change his mood. A surprise is likely in the form of an invitation to a romantic trip. The king, in addition to positive circumstances, also symbolizes a certain nobility spilled in the atmosphere around your couple. Inverted, on the contrary, recommends waiting for negative changes. For example, you will learn that evil tongues influence the opinion of a loved one.

We perform layouts not only to look into the future. One of the most important goals of fortune-telling is to identify the possibility of influencing events in the right direction. For this, in almost every layout of the Tarot there is a position of "advice". She tells you exactly how to act in order to bring the good closer and push the bad away. If you have the King of Wands upright, try to cast aside doubts. This is a card of noble strength and openness. She pushes for trust: loved ones, friends and circumstances. In a deeper sense: you are on the right track, no obstacles are foreseen, all problems are resolved with almost no effort, mistakes will be forgiven, and support and sympathy will come in time. It must be remembered that the arcana in (especially the King of Wands Tarot) relations are multivariate. They describe the general picture of the world, the tendencies of personality development in it. That is, the position of "advice" is considered, as a rule, more carefully and thoroughly than others. This card shows the direction in which to think and act. If the King of Wands fell upside down, you will have to deal with negative trends. He predicts a complication of relations. At some point, you may encounter distrust and coldness of a partner caused by outside influence. No need to despair! Kindness and tenderness, coupled with openness and honesty, will help prevent trouble. It should be remembered: an inverted lasso symbolizes a lie caused by an overestimation of one's own capabilities. And it must be fought with the truth.

Deciphering the position "total"

It only remains for us to show how to draw a conclusion from the layout. If the final card turned out to be the explored lasso in a straight position, harmony and happiness are ahead. The fortuneteller got a handsome prince, who are actually few on the planet. But she was lucky. This person is kind, reliable, wealthy, noble, generous ... You can continue the list of virtues at your own discretion, you will not be mistaken. In addition, the King, having fallen out as a result, predicts a change in the client's social position for the better. Probably an increase in income, a new position, acquaintances and so on. You and your loved one will enter a different circle, which will increase the level of self-esteem. In an inverted position, the King has the most negative meaning. It portends a collapse of expectations, complete disappointment in a partner. Moreover, the gender of the fortuneteller does not matter. An inverted lasso suggests taking off rose-colored glasses. We need to look at the situation more soberly. Nearby there is an eccentric, unreliable person who influences events, or an outright enemy. What is most bitter to perceive, it will not work to defend against it. Events have already rushed along a destructive scenario. Take them philosophically, as a lesson. Then decide how to stop the problems. There is another interpretation. If a spread consisting of only positive arcana ends with an inverted King of Wands, an accident is possible. Someone destroying, breaking events will burst into your relationship. Wait for the test.

How to decipher tarot card combinations

We have only one question left to consider. It is important when deciphering layouts. How does the King of Wands mate with other arcana? The combination of Tarot, it should be remembered, gives rise to other meanings. They should be considered separately. That is, we saw a combination - consider the meaning of each lasso and their combination. That way you get a better picture of what's going on. It should be noted that often adjacent cards are considered a combination. This is not entirely true. You should look at the whole layout and see combinations of even those arcana that are shared by others. When interpreting, keep in mind that they have less influence on events, but they should not be brushed aside. Here is a transcript of the most striking combinations of the King of Wands:

  • with the Jester symbolizes a tyrant;
  • with the Magician - a prudent cunning;
  • with the Emperor - a huge force that allows you to achieve any result;
  • with the Wheel of Fortune - an increase in status in any field;
  • with the Tower - a deep and protracted conflict of interest;
  • with Death - reaching a new level;
  • with the Chariot - special leadership abilities;
  • with the Hierophant - the protection of Heaven;
  • with the three of Swords - a destroyer, a destructive person;
  • with the Empress - dreams of an heir.

Learning to interpret layouts is quite easy. The cards themselves, even by their appearance, push the imagination on the right path. You need to trust your subconscious, listen to your intuition. And if there is knowledge in the head, then experience will definitely come. However, it is not recommended to take the deck in hand in some cases. Listen to the advice of experts, do not guess in a state of hysteria, when problems are brought to a frenzy. You should calm down, distract yourself as much as you can, only then turn to the Tarot. The deck is sensitive to the mood of the fortuneteller. If you don't believe me, do the experiment yourself. The layouts will not only be different, they will be opposite in meaning. Therefore, you need to find your own approach to the deck, make friends with the cards in order to ensure mutual understanding and cooperation. Good luck!

Description: a man in a crown and with a staff in his hands sits on a throne. Symbols on clothes and on the throne: a lion and a salamander eating its own tail. In some interpretations, there is a live salamander on the floor next to the king.

The main meanings of the card in the upright position:

  • denotes a wise leader, father, reliable partner;
  • a person who does not stop there
  • activity, speed of reaction;
  • pride, ambition;
  • long-awaited news;
  • strong business card;
  • financial prosperity;
  • fussiness, inability to use one's time (in case of weakening the sense of reality);
  • warmth, generosity, sincere passion;
  • fame, recognition;
  • inheritance, promotion at work;

The main meanings of the card in an inverted position:

  • recklessness;
  • false ambition;
  • bad news;
  • severity and intolerance, imperiousness;
  • prejudice;
  • awkwardness in the implementation of transactions;
  • irascibility;
  • despotism;
  • misogyny.
  • charlatans should be avoided;
  • it is worth working hard to achieve success, but they will not put spokes in the wheels;

Otherwise Pharaoh, King of Staves or Lord of Sceptres.

A smart leader, a kind father of a family, a reliable partner. This is a person who has achieved a lot, who knows how to soberly assess his capabilities and knows exactly what one or another of his efforts will lead to. What he has achieved does not satisfy him, he wants more, because he is afraid that, not striving for more, he will lose what he has. When a battle ends in his life, he immediately starts a new one. This is also evidenced by the salamander biting its own tail, the image of which is engraved on the throne of the pharaoh: it symbolizes the “fire” that eats it.

In astrological terms, this is a person born under one of the fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). In the upright position - activity, speed of reaction, pride, ambition; maybe a welcome announcement.

In an inverted position - recklessness, false ambition, unfavorable news.

(E. Kolesov "ABC Tarot")

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DESCRIPTION: The King of Wands sits on a majestic throne and surveys his kingdom (possessions). Symbols of Fire - salamanders and lions - adorn the columns behind him, and one small salamander even sits at his feet. In his right hand he holds a rod (staff). Elements: Air, Fire.

EXPLANATION: The king is a mature and respected sovereign. He is equally passionate and generous. This card is associated with strong business acumen, wise judgment and financial prosperity. Drawing this card shows that you definitely have leadership qualities. You deserve the success you have achieved in life.

REVERSED CARD MEANING: In your dealings with others, you tend to be strict and intolerant, as well as somewhat bossy. You are easily drawn into arguments, you let your prejudices show, and you may feel uncomfortable in your business dealings.

LESSON ON SELF DEVELOPMENT: It is important that you learn to analyze and understand views that are different from yours. Try to overcome any manifestations of prejudice and cynicism and learn from your mistakes. Stay open to the forces of spiritual inspiration that give you a natural sense of dynamism and passion.

(N. Drury "Tarot. A step-by-step guide to study")

JOB: Here, this card represents the ability to act decisively, confidently and convincingly, indicating energy and high motivation. She also points to organizational talent, the desire for leadership and sufficient qualifications for this. And, of course, for greater activity, dedication to their work and a constant willingness to take risks. The King of Wands is the driving force, the motor of the entire team. If his sense of reality is weakened, this, unfortunately, results in a hasty fuss, in a fruitless imitation of activity, about which the Bavarians say "all the steam goes into the scroll." The inability to calculate the time often turns out to be the weak point of the King of Wands: he allocates the shortest possible time for the implementation of his plans, which is why sometimes many of his good intentions remain only intentions.

CONSCIOUSNESS: This card signifies the maturation process associated with expanding our horizons in the process of seeking wisdom. Often this is expressed in strengthening willpower, moral principles and conviction in one's views. For the King of Wands, life is a field of activity in which we sow the seeds of our ideas and invest our will and strength so that they sprout and bear fruit. It often marks a period when our value system or religious beliefs develop so much that they begin to determine all our behavior, without losing that tinge of subjectivity that helps us win the sympathy of others.

PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS: This card expresses warmth, generosity and sincere passion. The King of Wands here is liveliness, the spirit of entrepreneurship, the desire to be generous, to bring joy to your partner, which makes the person himself rejoice. Thus, the card shows that we are basically proud of our partnerships - or are looking for a partner who would be a strong personality worthy of us.

Kings in Tarot

The Four Kings correspond to the four fixed signs of the Zodiac: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Kings can represent both real people in your life and different aspects of your personality. Kings are father figures and usually represent mature men, leaders or bosses. Compared to Pages and Knights, Kings are less about situations. In the case when the Kings are interpreted as aspects of a person's personality, they reflect his willpower, initiative, principled actions, and the ability to resolve problems. Kings also denote fame, public recognition, honor, awards and celebrations. Two or more Kings in a spread can sometimes symbolize the meeting of several men.

King of Wands upright

Key words and phrases: Responsibility. Wit. Charm. Strength. Inspiration. Motivation. Maturity. Paternity. Education. Ambition. Determination. Courage. liveliness. Enthusiasm. Desire to solve difficult problems. Craving for new experiences. Passion. Loyalty. Activity. dominant start. Charisma. Optimism. Generosity. promotion. Creation. Professionalism. Healthy competition. Impulsiveness. unexpected income. Reflections. Arbitration. Negotiation.

Situation and advice: You can get good advice from a strong, mature and generous man. In a relationship, you are able to respect your partner's point of view. There will be a chance to meet interesting people. You can successfully negotiate and state your point of view. However, if you are busy with routine tasks, little things can annoy you. If you've been asking about love relationships, get ready for a sexual adventure. In general, the King of Wands in the right position is an auspicious card and can mean a successful marriage.

People: Decisive leader. The person in charge. A devoted father or husband. A generous, loyal man of mature age who values ​​monogamous relationships and family life. Great interlocutor. A reliable if slightly impulsive business man who is married and takes care of his family. Reliable and honest professional. A person who can help you financially. Entrepreneur. An enterprising man who starts many projects and takes responsibility for them. Optimistic, cheerful, passionate, generous person who does not like to go into details and tends to rush things. Strong and brave lover. A person who is good at negotiating. Someone who inspires others to be creative. Intermediaries. Arbitrators. Inspirational speakers and evangelists. Journalists. Teachers. Preachers. Players. Merchants. People who are engaged in the promotion of goods on the market and marketing. Dark-haired men.

King of Wands Reversed

Key words and phrases: Authority. Confidence in one's own right. Ignorance. Deceit. Choice of detours. Dogmatism. Severity. Prejudice. Fanaticism. Inflexibility. Confrontation. Antagonism. Disagreement. Short temper. Inconsistency. Aggression. Intransigence. Ruthlessness. Despotism. Insensitivity. Tyranny. Hypocrisy. Selfishness. Selfishness. Suspicion. Excessive power. Misogyny. Resistance to female power. Envy of the female womb. Do what I say, not what I do.

Situation and advice: Perhaps an ignorant person, endowed with power, is intolerant and does not want to give in to you. You need to maintain your position, and not take actions that you know you should not take. You also need to consider whether you have been overly authoritarian and insensitive towards others. You should beware of charlatans and their get-rich-quick schemes. If it's all too good to be true, maybe it's not worth believing. The cards indicate advice to follow.

People: A person who lies or does not speak directly. Charlatan. Dogmatist. Overwhelming person. Overconfident, stubborn and controlling person. A prejudiced person who interferes with the implementation of your plans or tries to involve you in completely opposite projects. Someone who doesn't pay enough attention to other people's feelings. One whose main goal is his own advancement. Selfish people. Not too scrupulous television preachers. Some used car dealers. A person who likes to argue and does not choose the means to achieve the goal; he is stubborn as a bull, and cannot stand other people's instructions.

The meaning and inner meaning of the lasso King of Wands

Direct interpretation:

  • A village dweller, A kind and strict person, A well-intentioned person, An honest person.
  • Conscience, Integrity.
  • Farmer, Farmer, Gardener.

Other meanings of the King of Wands tarot upright:

  • a man of great charm, witty, charming, decent and honest
  • man with power, reflections, money income
  • decency, honesty, reliability, creativity
  • patronage, adventurism, happy marriage

The Tarot King of Wands in the correct orientation personifies a mature man with position and power, energetic, enterprising, very direct and honest. He is a good leader and an experienced judge, and in the latter capacity he can be involved in the life of the Client in order to resolve any dispute. The card also speaks of unexpected financial luck, probably in inheritance.

The King of Wands tarot card is a man of wealth and status, friendly to the Questioner and ready to help him with money or advice. He is honest, smart and conscientious. If this is a rival, then fair and generous. If a friend, then it is better to listen to his advice. If the King of Wands of the Tarot does not represent a certain person, then the situation itself is conducive to honesty: everything looks the way it is. There is also the possibility of unexpected good news regarding inheritance, career advancement, the success of an existing or planned (usually business or financial) enterprise. Unexpected help or advice will help you in your enterprise.

Reversed interpretation:

  • Kind but strict person.
  • Condescension, Severity, Tolerance, Compliance.

Other Tarot King of Wands Reversed Meanings:

  • a man of strict rules, domineering and proud
  • domineering personality, intolerance, quarrels
  • selfishness, arrogance, snobbery

In an inverted position, the King of Wands Tarot has such qualities as intolerance, imperious severity, unreliability. He imposes his views and assessments on others, considering them the best, and does not take into account a different point of view. The card indicates an upcoming quarrel and recommends that the Client move away from it at the first opportunity.

An inverted tarot card, the King of Wands, personifies a man with authority and wealth, harsh but fair. He will not deviate from his path to help you, but he will not unnecessarily hinder you and will approve of the efforts that you make to achieve your goal.

If this card does not represent a particular person, then you must work hard to achieve success, but circumstances are generally favorable for you. You may not get help, but nothing and no one will try to stop you.

inner meaning

When the King of Wands tarot card appears in a reading, it should evoke the image of a person of wealth and status, prosperous in finance and business. This is a man of humble origins who achieved success either through luck or through his own mind and determination. This is probably a person whose position and achievements the Questioner admires. And he deserves this admiration: his word is firm, and his advice can be trusted.

If the Questioner is a man, then the King of Wands of the Tarot can personify a rival, but generous and honest.

If the prediction is made for a woman, then the King of Wands is either a relative or a close friend of the family, but always a good adviser.
If the King of Wands tarot card does not represent a specific person, then it indicates a favorable or at least fair situation for the Questioner, as well as the most opportune time to take action related to business or finance.


  1. N. Drury “Tarot. Step by Step Study Guide »
  2. E. Kolesov "ABC Tarot"
  3. Unknown author "Introductory information for reading tarot cards"
  4. H. Banzhaf "Tarot Tutorial"
  5. Anthony Lewis "Tarot is simple and clear"

The King of Wands in Tarot cards is a symbol of a strong-willed personality with pronounced leadership qualities. Indicates a spiritually mature, wise, successful and noble person who deserves respect. They listen to his advice and try to imitate in everything. He is an authority and a strong leader. Often this person has a noble origin, a rich pedigree.

The value of the card in the upright position

As a rule, in the layouts it symbolizes a man born under a "fiery" sign, aged 40 to 45 years. This is a bright charismatic personality who strives for high spiritual values. He is successful with the opposite sex and is often a role model. His actions are distinguished by generosity, nobility and determination. He can achieve great success in business, sports, become a strong political leader or a great commander.

Next to the Magician indicates far-sightedness and deliberation of actions. In combination with Justice, it speaks of a developed sense of duty and responsibility for one's actions.

In an inverted position, it characterizes an interesting and enterprising person who does not know how to bring his ideas to life. He lacks organization, consistency and deliberation of actions. Often such a person is very selfish and ambitious, not feeling pity for others. He does not keep other people's secrets and does not keep his promises.

In combination with Strength indicates intemperance in anger, and next to Moderation - informal views, extremism.

King of Wands in Relationships

In a straight position, it symbolizes a partner you could only dream of. This is the ideal of a man: sincere and straightforward, loyal and caring. Every woman would be glad to live with him a life full of harmony, joy and happiness. This union will be stable and durable, based on equality and respect.

Next to the Queen of Coins may mean that the relationship will soon be legalized. With the Queen of Swords - your disagreements will soon be in the past. With the Wheel of Fortune - you are extremely lucky, because you have found your soul mate.

The card is upside down. If this person is in your close circle, you will not be envied. After all, as a rule, this is a tyrant who does not allow his relatives to live in peace. He is despotic, rude, picky, not accustomed to reckon with the opinions of others. He is completely lacking in pity and compassion.

Next to the Seven of Cups means that the relationship with the partner is ruined due to his bad temper. With the Ten of Swords, they indicate that a person can sacrifice everything for material gain or his own whims. May indicate the presence of manias and fears that reach fanaticism.

King of Wands in career

In a straight position, it symbolizes leadership, determination, self-confidence. This is an executive and responsible employee, and a talented leader who is passionate about his work. In combination with the Empress means career success. With the Emperor - you will soon receive a leadership position. With Death - it will be easy for you to adapt to a new job.

In an inverted position, it speaks of isolation from the real world, illusions, overestimation of one's abilities. This person is too ambitious, conflicted and stubborn. It is difficult to communicate with him and it is difficult to convince him that he is right. In combination with the Moon, it speaks of a wrong vision of the situation. With the Ace of Wands, an unreliable person is entrusted with a serious task that he cannot handle.

Meaning of the King of Wands with the Major Arcana Tarot

  1. Next to the Jester card, it indicates that you are dealing with a narrow-minded and immature person.
  2. With the Magician - he has his own vision of the situation and plans.
  3. With the High Priestess speaks of professionalism and great experience.
  4. With the Empress - about career achievements.
  5. With the Emperor symbolizes a leadership position.
  6. With the Hierophant he speaks of noble deeds.
  7. With the Lovers card, it indicates deep and strong feelings.
  8. With the Chariot - about professionalism.
  9. With the Force - you need to learn how to control your emotions.
  10. With the Hermit indicates selfishness, interest in one's inner world.
  11. The Wheel of Fortune predicts career growth for you.
  12. With Justice - it is necessary to show this quality.
  13. With the Hanged Man, he speaks of a loss of interest in life.
  14. With Death - you need to adapt to a changing world.
  15. With Moderation - restrain your impulses and emotions.
  16. With the Devil - the people around you are not worthy of you, you should not waste your strength on them.
  17. With Basha - a state of isolation from the outside world, fears and unrest.
  18. With a Star means climbing the career ladder.
  19. With the Moon indicates that a person does not have all the information, is mistaken in many ways.
  20. With the card, the Sun speaks of success in creativity.
  21. Court - you will be helped.
  22. With Peace - you have to go through trials.

King of Wands combined with the Minor Arcana Tarot

  1. With a card, the Ace of Wands indicates that a person is a pioneer in his field of activity.
  2. With the Two of Wands, it speaks of the ability to foresee the situation.
  3. With the Three of Wands - about success in business.
  4. With the Four of Wands - about ambition.
  5. With the Five of Wands - about dissatisfaction.
  6. With the Six of Wands - a good combination of circumstances.
  7. With the Seven of Wands - someone wants to take your place.
  8. With the Eight of Wands - you will receive an instruction from the King.
  9. With the Nine of Wands - you are not approved in your environment.
  10. With the Ten of Wands, you may lose your position.
  11. With the Page of Wands card, your calculations turned out to be correct.
  12. With the Knight of Wands, he says that you have ceased to control the situation.
  13. With the Queen of Wands indicates balance, harmony and success.
  14. With the Ace of Cups portends a passion.
  15. With the Two of Cups - perhaps a profitable job offer, marriage.
  16. With the Three of Cups - career growth awaits you.
  17. With the Four of Cups - dissatisfaction with success in work.
  18. With the Five of Cups, it speaks of possible losses.
  19. With the Six of Cups - surging memories, news from the past.
  20. With the Seven of Cups - problems with bad habits are possible.
  21. With the Eight of Cups brings change, you can change jobs.
  22. With Nine - finally you will achieve your dreams.
  23. With the Ten of Cups, a successful partner will appear.
  24. With the Page of Cups card, you will be invited to a new position.
  25. With the Knight of Cups means a great offer.
  26. With the Queen of Cups, you won't be alone.
  27. With the King of Cups - important meetings are coming.
  28. With the Ace of Swords card, it means foresight and thoughtfulness of decisions.
  29. With the Two of Swords - an alliance with the enemy for the sake of mutual benefit.
  30. With the Three of Swords - injure a person who treats you with trust.
  31. With the Four of Swords - a temporary lull, a period of stagnation.
  32. With the Five of Swords indicates dishonesty, problems with the law.
  33. With the Six of Swords - an attempt to solve a difficult task.
  34. With the Seven of Swords speaks of the insincerity of the King.
  35. With the Eight indicates a narrow-minded and limited person.
  36. With the Nine of Swords - your conscience haunts you for some reason.
  37. With the Ten of Swords means failure and disappointment.
  38. With the Page of Swords card - someone does not want to leave you alone and interferes in your affairs.
  39. With the Knight of Swords, he speaks of opposing the existing order.
  40. With the Queen of Swords card, relationships have become cool and aloof.
  41. With the King of Swords - a person is biased in judgments.
  42. With the card, the Ace of Pentacles speaks of financial well-being.
  43. With the Two of Pentacles - about good leadership.
  44. With Troika, you have to cooperate with a successful partner.
  45. With the Four - a talented leader.
  46. With the Five of Pentacles, he speaks of self-doubt.
  47. With the Six of Pentacles card, an influential person will provide material support.
  48. With the Seven - do not hesitate and doubt.
  49. With the Eight - new ideas in the professional field.
  50. With the Nine of Pentacles - a significant material reward for your efforts.
  51. With the Ten of Pentacles, he speaks of the fullness of life, its positive assessment.
  52. With the Page of Pentacles card - new news.
  53. With the Knight of Pentacles - a sequence of actions.
  54. With the Queen of Pentacles - an alliance.
  55. With the King of Pentacles - new ideas will receive material support.

In this article, we looked at the main meanings of the King of Wands card, its impact on relationships and careers, as well as combination with other tarot cards.

We also offer you to watch an interesting video on this topic.

Tarot cards can tell a lot. They portend the future, help solve difficult situations and get answers to difficult questions. Each of the arcana has its own special meaning, which depends on what other cards are present in the layout. Quite a strong symbol is the King of Wands tarot. This is the image of a powerful man who controls the element of fire and has great power. He has unusual abilities that manifest as a king. Here there is boundless faith in oneself, love for life and joy from its manifestations.

King of Wands - strong card

He has everything: greatness, power, wealth. Despite the excess of business and personal qualities, he has a lot of selfishness. The king is not self-satisfied and in no way self-serving. He has a great soul that shares his blessings with people. The card symbolizes a strong will, confidence in one's actions, as well as the desire for development, both material and spiritual. The main goals of the king are the realization and knowledge of his inner "I". The card can in some situations also speak of vanity, arrogance and excessive self-love. Also, the meaning of the lasso depends on the adjacent cards.

General characteristic in straight position

The King of Wands tarot characterizes personal achievements and the efforts that lead to them. The appearance of a card in the layout can talk about business projects that have a future, career advancement, as well as many opportunities in the professional field. The main meaning of the card is power and the achievement of goals. The King of Wands promises a high level in society, great opportunities, popularity and recognition. These may be good events that will occur in business activities.

This lasso is a symbol of order, generosity and courage. Very often he speaks of a successful marriage, creative possibilities, strength and courage. When the King of Wands appears, you can start active actions in all directions, including business, personal relationships, career, finances, etc. A person is waiting ahead of success in all matters. Arcane meanings include:

  • a decent and honest man with charm and wit;
  • a person with a good financial position and power;
  • reliability and honesty;
  • worthy person;
  • happy marriage;
  • creativity and contemplation.

If the card comes up in an upright position, this is a good sign. She symbolizes a man who has power and a good position. He is energetic, adventurous, direct and honest. He is a born leader and a skilled judge who is able to resolve a difficult dispute. Also, the lasso speaks of financial success and a possible inheritance.

The meaning of the King of Wands card represents a man who has status and wealth. He is friendly and always helps those in need, both with advice and money. He is honest, has a good mind and is generous. In competition, he shows justice and generosity. If he is a friend, then his advice should be taken with special attention, as they are very correct and wise.

If we are not talking about a person, then the card symbolizes a favorable situation. This may indicate good news in the field of career, real estate. There will be a person who will help improve things.

The difference between the King of Wands and the King of Pentacles is that the former needs to maximize his potential. He will put in a lot of effort and grow to be the first, succeed and have the right to make important decisions. Here in the foreground is success in personal development, and not for obtaining financial independence. The victory of the king is compared to the conquest of the highest mountain, it is unlike the others. All achievements are well-deserved.

The King of Wands seeks to realize the potential

General characteristics in an inverted position

If the King of Wands in the layout has an inverted position, its interpretation will be completely different. The card may portend quarrels, conflicts and misunderstandings. It can also symbolize a person who has a pronounced selfishness, stubbornness, and lack of life experience. The card advises to stay away from such a person. He can fail in any of the situations, especially when you do not expect. It cannot be relied upon, but purposefully does no harm. Help from such a person is not worth waiting for. He can easily take advantage of people's kindness. The main meanings of the inverted card include:

  • excessive pride;
  • manifestation of power;
  • a man of strict rules;
  • lack of patience and quarrels;
  • pronounced selfishness and arrogance.

The inverted meaning speaks of intolerance, unreliability and excessive severity. The king imposes his opinion and considers it the best. The point of view of others does not interest him. And also the lasso can warn of a quarrel and advises not to sort things out. The symbol of the card is a man with authority, financially secure and quite strict. He will never give up his goals in order to help someone, but without need, he will not interfere with others. He will even approve the plans you want to achieve. In cases where the card does not symbolize a specific person, but a situation, you need to work hard to achieve your goals. In general, the situation is quite encouraging and positive. Even if there is no outside help, but success will still be achieved on its own.

The King of Wands in the tarot, whose meaning in an inverted position is not the best, speaks of a man who has a restrained behavior, dogmatism and perseverance in the implementation of his plans. His actions are often based on personal stubbornness. He expressed arrogance, pride, excessive ambition and power. Arkan says that leadership positions may be lost.

It is caused by excessive despotism and misused power. And also when a card appears in the layout, you need to wait when making important decisions. It is not worth taking serious steps yet.

Arkan also speaks of pretensions to the role of leader, an ostentatious manifestation of feelings that are caused by hidden self-doubt. There is rudeness and complete submission, as well as a lack of compromise. The king has no nobility, only excessive pressure.

The inverted King promises quarrels

The value of the internal state

The King of Wands tarot card has a different meaning at each level. When it appears in the layout, we can talk about a person who has wealth and high status. He has reached great heights in the financial sector and succeeds in business. As a rule, such a man achieved everything himself, since he has a simple origin. Most often, luck or great perseverance helps him in life. Many admire and respect him, as he deserves it. His advice is very practical, and his words are firm, so they trust him. If we are not talking about a specific person, but a situation, then it's time to take important steps and make a decision in the field of finance.

The lasso symbolizes leadership abilities, strong-willed character and passion. Such a man is independent and responsible. He has a firm position, which he adheres to under any conditions. There is a manifestation of strength and dignity here.

The image of the card is presented in the form of a courageous man who is capable of strong deeds. He created himself and is independent of others. He is responsible for all his actions and has the ability to fully control the situation, as he is smart and wise enough. He is persistent and consciously moving forward. He can be in the form of a leader, businessman, politician, manager, any person who holds a high position and controls the activities of many.

  1. He is pleased with the position he occupies, and he easily copes with it.
  2. He inspires others, inspiring his plans and grandiose ideas.
  3. Arkan speaks of a man who is a strategist with a capital letter.
  4. He does not act on dry calculation, but as a spiritually strong and creative person.
  5. He has a well-developed flair and intuitions that help him achieve his goals and lead people.
  6. This man has achieved a lot and knows how to use his mind.
  7. He knows exactly what these or other decisions will lead to.

The King of Wands, whose value in the upright position is very good, has high efficiency and energy. His position is firm and unshakable. His strength is not supported by outside help, he himself creates a fire that does not die out.

King of Wands in the layout - a firm, unshakable position

Meaning in love and relationships

The king's scepter is a symbol of power. He has it to the fullest. In love relationships, he is a passionate partner. He has a well-defined charisma, an inherent desire to rush things and dramatize them. It stands out from the background of others and is remembered for a long time. He also strives to be irreplaceable, achieves recognition and becomes the center of attention. Such qualities as modesty and constraint are not inherent in him at all. In love, he is as confident as in any other matters. He will not hide his feelings for years and wait for the right occasion.

Love for him is the same area as the rest, where he will succeed. He immediately opens his heart, and act on the basis of the situation. The king will easily win over any person and a woman is no exception. Even if the passion fades away, he will respect his chosen one for the rest of his life.

The appearance in the life of such a king is a real gift of fate. He can make life happy and give a lot, both materially and spiritually. The only thing you should not do is try to keep the king. He will never be tied to one place and person. It is necessary to give him free rein, as he will always help many people. By virtue of his nature, he cannot give everything to one person, he must make many happy. In relationships, he is attentive and caring. His feelings are sincere and real. Often the lasso speaks of a mature relationship and a strong marriage. People who are passionate about each other do not lose interest, which is often caused by common activities. The card symbolizes a strong and long marriage. In some situations, the card speaks of a person with a direct character. It has strong energy, health and strength. In love, he is a sexy, temperamental and passionate lover. He has hot blood and an ardent charm, making it possible to win over any lady. Despite such pronounced features, the king remains a reliable partner who is responsible for the object of his adoration. He is quite generous and determined. His actions are direct and honest.

Such a man is able to resist temptation. He chooses his own woman. He cannot be seduced, subjugated and kept, if he has made a decision, he cannot be changed. If he is sufficiently inspired, a strategy is built in his mind on how to achieve the object of adoration. If he understands the importance of a person in his life, he will never back down so easily and will definitely achieve his goal.

A card in a direct position speaks of a dynamically developing relationship. There is equality and compromise here. Both partners are ready to solve emerging problems. There are warm and sincere feelings. The King of Wands portends a long-term and strong relationship. If the lasso is upside down, its meaning is not so rosy. There will be excessive despotism here, which spoils the life of others. It is very difficult to live in conditions where there is always strictness and captiousness. also, the lasso can talk about strong quarrels in a relationship that can end in their break.

The King of Wands symbolizes a dynamic relationship

Significance in career and finance

The card in a straight position speaks of a leader who is able to achieve the goal. The lasso symbolizes determination and dedication to one's work. Now is the time to grow your business and take important steps. Arkan judges a reliable partnership, good prospects and success. And also the king symbolizes purposefulness, maturity of actions and consistency in actions.

The card also speaks of the distribution of responsibility and power, as well as holding leadership positions. The king symbolizes a passion for work, which may be expressed not so much in professional qualities as in devotion to one's work. The king knows how to manage serious and large-scale projects. His ideas are always supported from the outside. Arkan can talk about the peak of managerial activity and great achievements.

Thanks to your entrepreneurial spirit and consistent resolution of issues, you can improve your financial situation. Arkan can talk about the emergence of a reliable partner or patron who will provide financial support.

As a rule, a person achieves everything himself. They are proud of their merits and achievements. They appreciate their work and enjoy the results achieved. The card can also indicate new decorations, cars, or another item to show off.

An inverted lasso may indicate that a person is too arrogant, which prevents him from achieving his goals. He is impatient and conflicted, and also does not know how to use his powers sensibly.

The King of Wands is inverted - the card can also talk about scams. There is an excessive pride and a fanatical attitude towards different areas of life.

Inverted King can warn of scams

Combination with other cards

The card can be interpreted in different ways, depending on which arcana are located nearby.

  1. The combination of the King of Wands with the wheel of fortune indicates the appearance of wealth. It can be obtained both as a result of one's own efforts, and as an unexpected inheritance.
  2. The Two of Cups portends a happy marriage and love. There is mutual understanding and respect in relationships. The appearance of Lovers, who symbolize a sincere relationship, will be positive in the alignment.
  3. The appearance of the Jester in the layout speaks of an immature person who shows whims and does not know what he really wants. The appearance of the Hermit, which symbolizes high egocentrism, is considered a negative phenomenon.
  4. When the King of Wands falls with a Priestess, it means that professional knowledge will be obtained that will help in further achieving the goal.
  5. The chariot in the layout suggests that a professional approach is needed. With regards to creative achievements, they are possible when the sun appears in the layout. The star symbolizes promotion and career advancement.
  6. The Emperor in combination with the King is interpreted as the head of the organization. If the Hierophant appears in the alignment, we can talk about the nobility of deeds.
  7. If during the decomposition of the cards the Hanged Man comes across, this may indicate a loss of interest. This interpretation can apply to both the love and professional spheres.
  8. The Death card suggests that you will have to adapt to new rules and adapt to new conditions. Towers is not a very good value. She says that a person is dissatisfied with the results obtained or for some reason cannot achieve his goals. Personality at such a moment is in a state of frustration. The world in combination with the King suggests that it is necessary to gain life experience.

Having learned what the King of Wands in tarot can mean, you can look into your future and draw the right conclusions in order to prevent life mistakes.