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In the play two parallel actions: the first - social and second - philosophical; Two plan: external and internal. External plan. In a night-time house owned by Mikhail Ivanovich Kostylev (51 years old) and his wife Vasilis Karpovna (26 years old) live, by definition of the author, " former people", I.e. people without solid social status, as well as working, but the poor. This is: satin and actor (both under 40 years old), Vaska ash, thief (28 years old), Andrei Mitrich Tick, locksmith (40 years old), his wife Anna (30 years old), Nastya, prostitute (24 years old), Bubnov (45 Years), Baron (33 years old), Aleshka (20 years), Tatar and Krivoy Zob, Hooks (Age is not named). A quasher appears in the house, trafficking dumplings (for 40 years) and Medvedev, Uncle Vasilisa, police officer (50 years old). There are very complex relationships between them, scandals are often tied.

Vasilisa is in love with Vaska and sentences him to kill his elderly husband to be a sole mistress (in the second half of the Piesen Vaska beats Kostyleva and accidentally kills him; Vaska is arrested). Vaska is in love with Natalia, sister Vasilisa (20 years old); Vasilisa from jealousy mercilessly hits his sister. Satin and actor (former actor of provincial theaters on the surname Cherchkov-Zavolzhsky) - completely lowered people, drunkards, gamblers, satin also Shuler. Baron is a former nobleman, who wondered all the state and now one of the most pitiful inhabitants of the night. The tick is trying to earn by its plumbing tool; His wife Anna falls and needs medicines; At the end of the play she dies, and the tick finally dropped "on the bottom."

In the midst of drunken and scandals at the night there is a wanderer of Luka, which spare people. He promises a lot of an uncomfortable bright future. Anna He predicts afterwarding happiness. The actor tells about the free medical hospital for alcoholics. Vaska and Natasha advises to leave the house, etc. But in the most stressful moment of Luke actually runs away, leaving indirect people. The actor does not bring suicide. In the final, the night cars sing a song, and when Satin hears about the death of the actor, he says straight and bitterly: "Eh ... spoiled a song ... Fool!"

Inner plan. Two philosophical "truths" are faced in the play: Luke and Satina. Overnight - a kind of symbol of mankind in a dead end, which is by the beginning of the XX century. I lost faith in God, but I have not yet gained faith in yourself. Hence the universal sense of hopelessness, no perspective. The world dilapidated, exhausted, goes to an end. Satin prefers to take this bitter truth and not lie any or people. I put it off to stop working.

If all people throw work, what will happen? "With hunger will die ..." - the tick is responsible, but it only reveals the meaningless essence of labor, which is directed only to the maintenance of life, and not to bring any meaning to it. Satin - a man who takes the absurdity of the universe in which "God died" (Nietzsche) and exposed emptiness, nothing.

There is a different look at the world. He believes that it is the terrible nonsense of life that should arouse a special pity for a person. If a person needs a lie to continue his life, it is necessary to lie to him, console him. Otherwise, a person will not stand the "truth" and will die. Luka tells the parable of the seeker of righteous land and scientist who on the map showed him that there is no righteous land. An offended person left and hanged himself (parallel with the future death of the actor). Luke is not just an ordinary wanderer, comforter, but also a philosopher. In his opinion, a person is obliged to live contrary to the nonsense of life, for he does not know his future, he is only a wanderer in the universe, and even our land is a wanderer in space.

Luke and satin argue. But satin in something receives the "truth" of Luke. In any case, it is the appearance of Luke provokes satin on his monologue about a person who he says, imitating his opponent's voice (a principled remark in a play). Satin wants not to regret and console a person, but, telling him the whole truth about the meaninglessness of life, to move him to self-esteem and the rebellion against the universe. Man, realizing the tragedy of his existence, should not despair, but, on the contrary, feel its value. The whole point of the universe is one. There is no other meaning (for example, Christian) - no. "Man - it sounds proud!" "Everything in man, everything for a person."

The actor is one of the inhabitants of the night. The present name of the hero is unknown; In one of the scenes, he crushes that "lost the name". Scenic pseudonym A. In the past - Svilzhkov-Zavolzhsky. A. - drunkard, constantly remembering the acting past and quoting various literary works. Luke A. who appeared at the night, is trying to read poems, but cannot remember them and says that "drank the soul." A. Believes Luke's story about the allegedly existing free hospital for alcoholics. He recalls and declares an excerpt from Beranta poem, which has a direct attitude to the problem of "comforting lies". A. Trying to refrain from drunkenness, begins to work and save money on the road to cure and start life again. After the disappearance of Luke A. Understands that there are no real hopes for salvation, and the life of suicide is striking. Fate A. It is clearly associated with the fate of the hero "Proverbs of Righteous Earth", which tells the Ostnikoms of Luka.

Bubnov - Cartus, one of the inhabitants of the night, where he lives. About my past tells that it was once the owner of a beautiful workshop, but his wife agreed with the master, and B. to stay alive, preferred to leave. The metaphor sounding in his speech is the current position of the characters of the play - "former" people who have deprived of any social role. For Luke B. declares that people lie from the desire to "tinkering the soul", and it should be truth without constraining. For B. Characterized and somewhat cynical fatalism. He does not recognize moral responsibility, stating that he has no conscience, because he is "not rich."

Luke is an elderly wanderer, for a while appearing at the night. L. Reminds a member of the religious sect. The name of the character is associated with the evangelist; L. Says: "Christ regretted everyone and told us so much," but there is a direct question, whether God is responsible: "If you believe - there is, you don't believe it - no ... what you believe, then there is ...". L. Carses behind the dying Anna, regrets her, consoles the fact that on the light, in paradise, there will be no torment and should not be clinging for the "earthly" life. The Actor L. speaks of an allegedly existing free hospital for alcoholics. L. believes the dream: "A person - everything can ... If only I wanted ..." - and tries to donate the dream of every person. Warma Vaska ash he advises to go to Siberia and start new life rebel. When the owner's owner's wife Vasilisa persuades Vaska to "free her from her husband," Luke, wanting to help the ashes, hides on the stove and erupts the conversation, and then prevents the ashes of the ashes with Kostylev. A prostitute Nastya, over the book fantasies of which everyone laughs, L. comforts: "If you believe, you had real love ... So she was." Reinforcing an example of his words about the benefits of pity, L. tells how once he himself regretted the robbers than they saved them, for otherwise they would kill him and killed themselves at Katorga. L. also tells the parable of the "righteous land" - about the poor man who believed in the existence of such a land, but, disappointed that the scientist had nothing to be on the map. When the ashes calls Natasha to leave with him, L. advises her more often to resemble ashes that he " good man" For the words of Kostyleva, that man is not needed by any truth, L. is responsible to the peripheral of the Evangelsk Proverbs: "There is an earth, uncomfortable for sowing ... and there is a yield land ... that neither we will eat - give birth." During the knocked fight, when the ashes kill Kostyleva and almost kills Vasilis, L. in the turmoil disappears. In the last action, the nightnits remember him, expressing a different attitude towards the "comforting" lies.

Satin Constantine is one of the inhabitants of the night, a former telegraphist. According to his own words, in his youth, he played on stage, danced well and was a fun man; But, killing a man who deceived his sister, he went to jail and completely changed. C. - Card Shuler and drunk, whose speech sometimes the remains of the former "intelligence", albeit in grotesque form. Actor S. says that Luka "Pavrala" about the free hospital. Introduction, Anna's husband, who sold all the tools to bury his wife, S. advises the "do nothing" and "just burden the land": "Think - you will not work, I will not become ... more hundreds ... thousands ... all! - Do you understand? Everyone is thrown to work! " S. Jokoku advises ashes to kill Kostyleva and marry Vasilis. When the murder really takes place, C. Soothes ashes, causing to be a witness to protection. Despite the ironic attitude to Luke, after its disappearance, S. says that he was not charlatan: "Man is true! He understood it, he lied ... But - it's out of pity for you. " Although S. states that "the lie is the religion of slaves and owners," but, according to him, Luke has worked for him, "like an acid on an old dirty coin"; S. Pronounces an abstract-"revolutionary" monologue about a person as a higher value: "Everything is in man, everything for a person. There is only a person, yet the rest is the case of his hands and his brain! Human! It's great! It sounds ... proud! Human! We must respect a person! Do not regret, not to humiliate his pity ... A person is above a satiety! " S. belongs the last replica in the play; On the words of Bubnov that the actor hanged himself, he replies: "I spoiled the song ... Fool!"

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Summary of the play M. Gorky "at the bottom."

The play contains in itself two parallel actions. The first is socio-domestic and second - philosophical. Both actions develop in parallel, not intertwining. The play there are as if two plans: external and internal.

External plan. In a night-country house owned by Michael Ivanovich Kostylev (54 years old) and his wife Vasilis Karpovna (26 years old), live by the author, "former people", that is, people without solid social status, as well as working, but the poor.

This is: satin and actor (both under 40 years old), Vaska ash, thief (28 years old), Andrei Mitrich tick, locksmith (40 years old), his wife Anna (30 years old), Nastya, prostitute (24 years old), Bubnov (45 Years), Baron (33 years), Aleshka (20 years), Tatar and Krivoy Zob, Hooks (Age is not named). A quasher appears in the house, trafficking dumplings (for 40 years) and Medvedev, Uncle Vasilisa, police officer (50 years old). There are very complex relationships between them, scandals are often tied. Vasilisa is in love with Vaska and sentences him to kill his elderly husband to be a sole mistress (in the second half of the play Vaska beats Kostyleva and accidentally kills him; Vaska is arrested). Vaska in love with Natalia, Sister Vasilisa (20 years); Vasilisa from jealousy mercilessly hits his sister. Satin and actor (former actor of provincial theaters on the surname Cherchkov-Zavolzhsky) - completely lowered people, drunkards, cards, satin also Shuler. Baron is a former nobleman who wondered all the state and now one of the most pitiful people's people. The tick is trying to earn by its plumbing tool; His wife Anna falls and needs medicines; At the end of the play, Anna dies, and the tick finally dropped "on the bottom."

In the midst of drunken and scandals at the night there is a wanderer of Luka, which spare people. He promises a lot of an uncomfortable bright future. Anna He predicts afterwarding happiness. The actor talks about the free heretic for alcoholics. Vaska and Natasha advises to leave the house, etc. But in the most stressful moment of Luke actually runs away, leaving the hazardous people. The actor it brings to suicide. In the finals, the nightnits sing a song, and when satin hears about the death of the actor, it says straight and bitterly: "Eh ... spoiled a song ... Fool!" Inner plan. Two philosophical "truths" are faced in the play: Luke and Satina. Overnight - a kind of symbol of mankind in a dead end, which is by the beginning of the XX century. I lost faith in God, but I didn't get faith in myself. Hence the universal feeling of hopelessness, the lack of perspective, which, in particular, express the actor and tambourines (reson - pessimist) in words: "And what's next" and "And the threads are rotten ..." The world dilapidated, exhausted, goes to an end . Satin prefers to take this bitter truth and not lie any or people. I put it off to stop working. If all people throw work, what will happen? "With hunger will die ..." - the tick is responsible, but it only reveals the meaningless essence of the work, which is directed only to the maintenance of life, and not for the introduction of any meaning. Satin is a kind of radical-existentialist, a person who takes the absurdity of the universe, in which "God died" (Nietzsche) and the emptiness was exposed, nothing. There is a different look at the world. He believes that it is the terrible nonsense of life that should arouse a special pity for a person. If a person needs a lie to continue his life, it is necessary to lie to him, console him. Otherwise, a person will not stand the "truth" and will die. So Luka tells the parable of the seeker of righteous land and scientist who on the map showed him that there is no righteous land. The offended person went and hanged himself (parallel with the future death of the actor). Luke is not just an ordinary wanderer, comforter, but also a philosopher. In his opinion, a person is obliged to live contrary to the nonsense of life, for he does not know his future, he is only a wanderer in the universe, and even our land is a wanderer in space. Luke and satin argue. But satin in something receives the "truth" of Luke. In any case, it is the appearance of Luke provokes satin on his monologue about a person who he says, imitating his opponent's voice (a principled remark in a play). Satin wants not to regret and console a person, but, telling him the whole truth about the meaninglessness of life, to move him to self-esteem and the rebellion against the universe. Man, realizing the tragedy of his existence, should not despair, but, on the contrary, feel its value. The whole point of the universe is one. There is no other meaning (for example, Christian) - no. "Man - it sounds proud!" "Everything in man, everything for a person."

Two parallel contexts are revealed in the play "On the bottom": socio-household and philosophical. These two plans: internal and external - not intertwined in the text of the play.

The foreground reveals the life of the main characters at a bed, which belongs to the 54-year-old Mikhail Ivanovich Kostylev and his wife, 26-year-old Vasilis Karpovna. They live at the Outdoor House "Former People", as the author calls them, are people who do not have a firm social status or who have a job, but the poor.

These tenants are: 40-year-old Satin and actor, 28-year-old thief of Vaska Satiel, 40-year-old locksmith Andrei Mitrich Tick, his 30-year-old wife Anna, 24-year-old prostitute Nastya, 45-year-old Bubnov, 33-year-old Baron, 20 -Enish Aleshka, Hooks Tatar and Krivoy Goz. The 40-year-old shopper dumplings Kvashnya and Uncle Vasilisa Karpovna are appearing in the house - 50-year-old policeman Medvedev. Relations between tenants are very complex, scandals often happen. Vasilisa, the hostess at home, in love with Vaska Vaska and persuades him to kill her husband, wanting to become the sole owner of the night. Later, in the second part of the play Vaska Spel beats Kostyleva and kills him by chance; Vaska is taken under arrest. Vaska, in turn, is in love with the sister Vasilisa 20-year-old Natalia.

Knowing it and jealous, Vasilisa is mercilessly beating his sister. Fully lowered people, the gamblers and droves are satin - moreover, also Shuler - and the actor who has once in fact was the actor of provincial theaters, then it was also called cricket-Zavolzhsky surname.

The former nobleman Baron wondered all his state and is now one of the most pitiful tenants of the night. Perhaps one tick is still trying to earn something with the help of its locksmith tool, but his wife Anna is sick, and she needs medicines. At the end of the play, when Anna dies, the tick descends "on the bottom" finally.

The usual business at the night are boys and scandals. And once in the midst of one of the scandals in the house there is a wanderer of Luka, who is experiencing pity for people. To many, he promises an uncomfortable bright future. Anna, according to him, will receive diploma happiness. The actor will learn from Luke about the free hospital for alcoholics. Get out of the house, he advises Vaska and Natasha. Having encouraging people, Luke runs down at the most busy moment. This brings the actor to suicide. In the final of the play, tenants sing a song. Having heard about the death of the actor, satin with bitterness and annoyance throws: "Eh ... spoiled a song ... Fool!"

The inner plan shows the collision of the two philosophical "truth": Luke and Satina. The night house is a kind of symbol of mankind that has fallen into a dead end. By the beginning of the 20th century, it lost faith in God, and faith in itself has not yet gained. The consequence of this was an universal sense of hopelessness, the absence of a perspective expressed by actor and a bubnov (pessimist resonant). This is evidenced by the words of heroes: "And the threads are rotten ...", "And what's next". He dilapidated the world, exhausted and approaches the end. Satin takes this bitter truth and does not want to deceive himself or people. He offers the messenger to leave work. What will happen if all people stop working? Tick \u200b\u200bresponse: "With hunger will die ...", - indicates the meaninglessness of labor, directed only to the maintenance of life, and not to endow it with any meaning. Satin is a kind of radical-existentialist who takes the absurdity of the universe, in which there is no God, and there is only emptiness. Luka sticks to another look at the world. In his opinion, the terrifying nonsense of life is of particular pity for man. To continue this life, a person needs a lie, so it must be comforted, he needs to lie. Otherwise, a person may not withstand this truth and die. Luke tells the residents of the attendant to the parable of the unfortunate fiction of the righteous land and an indifferent scientist who showed on the map that there is no righteous land. The seeker hanged himself. There is a parallel with the future death of the actor. Luke in the play is not simply presented as a regular wanderer and comforter of human souls, but also as a philosopher. He believes that a person should have the strength to live, despite the nonsense of life, since he is unknown to his future, in the universe he is just a wanderer, and even our land itself is a wanderer in the universe. A dispute arises between Luka and Satin. In something satin agrees with the "truth" Luke. After all, it is the appearance of a wanderer encourages Satina to pronounce a monologue about man. At the same time, he imites the voice of Luke, which is talking about in the play as a fundamental remark. According to Satina, a person must not regret and comfort, but must tell him the truth about the meaninglessness of life, to teach him to respect him and induce to the Bunta against the universe. Understanding the tragedy of its existence, a person should not despair, he must feel his value. Only in it, there is the whole point of the universe. And there is no other meaning, including Christian. "Everything in man, everything for a person," "Man - It sounds proud!"