
Distribution of water supply pipes in a private house. Water supply to the house: external water supply of a private house Introduce water supply to a private house

Building a bath

As a result, self-assembly of the connection line to the water supply system not only results in savings on the services of the contractor, but also gives confidence that all work was carried out in full compliance with the technology. Today we will tell you how to organize water supply to a private house.

Solution of organizational issues

Before you get permission to connect to the water supply, you need to register a new consumer. This is largely the interest of the developer - the presence of the project in the general database will help shift the responsibility for damaging underground utilities to those who did it.

In addition, a potential consumer is given a set of documents that make up the technical conditions for the project. This includes the image of the pipeline route, its depth and distance from the main landmarks, the material and diameter of the pipe, other local conditions and notes. To receive this set, you need to write an application addressed to the head of the local branch of the water utility or the person replacing him on this issue.

The received technical conditions are the initial data of the project, on their basis a set of working documentation is compiled, including:

  • calculation of water consumption and volume of wastewater;
  • axonometric wiring diagrams;
  • floor plans of the water supply system and arrangement of bathrooms;
  • drawings and diagrams of metering units, distribution and water treatment;
  • land reclamation scheme and a list of irrigation equipment, if any.

An example of an axonometric diagram of a house water supply system

The consumer himself can study the requirements for the design of water supply systems and draw up a project on his own, but in this case, the compiler will have to indicate a certified specialist with SRO approval for designing this type, a copy of which must be attached to the project. The project serves as the basis for concluding an agreement between the water supplier and its consumer.

After payment, everything, as a rule, already depends on the performer. But you can also take the technical side of the issue into your hands, up to an independent insertion into the system. It is important that the work is carried out in strict accordance with regulatory requirements, otherwise your connection will not pass the inspection.

Earthworks: digging a trench under the track

According to the layout of the project, excavation is carried out with a strip of about 30 cm in diameter. Usually, the main pipe is laid along the shortest path, but 2 meters before the tie-in point, it turns to the municipal pipeline at a right angle. A section a meter from the main pipe is dug out with a widening of up to 50-60 cm, the pipeline itself is cleared of soil to a clearance of 250 mm on each side.

Problems arise when working on the roadway. To cross a paved road, it will be necessary to drive the casing pipe without cutting the canvas and opening the preparation embankment. Here you can not do without special equipment, a puncture under the road is a rather difficult engineering task.

Crossing a dirt road with a trench is much easier, but difficulties are also possible here. The fact is that when the work is carried out by contractors of the water utility, most of these projects are closed in one working day: the trench is dug out, the pipe is cut and laid to the technical well. Then the master signs the certificate of completion, the pipe is covered with backfill and signal tape, and the soil is backfilled.

If you do the work yourself, waiting for the inspection can take several days, so you need to make a flooring over the trench for the passage of vehicles. This is not so difficult: wooden beams or trimmings of logs 80-100 cm long are laid across the track. Small digs are made under them and a brick is laid at each point of support. Across the beams, that is, in the direction of the trench, the flooring is knocked down from boards 3-3.5 meters long. Do not forget to protect the work area with warning tapes with reflective stripes.

Insertion into the highway

The method of branching the main pipe depends on its material. For HDPE and plastic pipes, the tie-in is carried out by installing a tee fitting with a side branch of 25-32 mm. It is very important that this assembly has as few threaded connections as possible, so barrel adapters are not welcome.

Metal and cast iron pipes are branched with overhead clamps for tie-in. A part of the clamp with a branch is packed on a sealant paste, the most reliable will be a mastic for planting car windows. The area of ​​​​contact of the clamp with the pipe must be cleaned of dirt and rust, to ensure good adhesion of the sealant.

The clamp is a good way to cut into a line of any material under pressure. A ball valve is immediately packed to the outlet of the clamp, then a hole is drilled. The drill can be protected from water by the cut top of the bottle.

Exactly the same method can be used for steel pipes to which a threaded end is pre-welded. It is important to have time to pierce the pipe with a fly-out drill, quickly pull it out and close the tap. Therefore, the drill must be powerful, and you need to drill at high speeds and with a strong feed. A sufficient hole diameter is 14-18 mm, depending on the pipe passage.

Bed under the pipe, insulation

The input pipe should lie 15-25 cm below the depth of soil freezing. The bottom of the trench must be prepared with a bedding that quickly passes water, for example, sand or expanded clay. The height of the bed under the pipe is about 10 cm, another 5-6 cm are poured from above. With a shallow depth of penetration and on unstable soils, it is recommended to distribute the load with a layer of fine gravel of 3-4 cm or lay out a trench with bricks before backfilling with soil.

1 - sand bedding; 2 - water pipe; 3 - brick; 4 - soil

It often happens that the level of the trench is lower than the main pipe is laid. Being deceived by the principle “if it flows there, then it will not freeze here either”, you risk losing water in the winter. The fact is that pipes with constant circulation do not have time to form ice, but a liquid that has stagnated at the same depth will instantly clog the pipe.

Therefore, the highway is laid in freezing soil only when absolutely necessary, for example, at the entrance to the house or at the tie-in point. In these places, the input areas are considered vulnerable and need to be insulated or heated. If you do not use a composite pipe with insulation, the problem is solved by paving PSB boards or extruded polystyrene over a layer of sand, and the pipe is wrapped around the sides with them.

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Not all private households have running water. Sometimes there is no centralized water supply even along the street. So residents in such settlements use either common wells, or wells located in their yard. But we live in a time when running water and sewerage in the house is not a luxury, but a necessity. Thanks to the plumbing in the house, you no longer need to waste time getting water. It can be used for other equally important activities.

Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to conduct water to a private house and correctly dilute the water supply through it. Let's go through these questions step by step.

Action plan

  1. Determine the source of water intake (from where it will be necessary to supply water: a well, a well, a centralized water supply)
  2. Determine from what material the water supply will be entered into a private house and the distribution of water supply inside the house
  3. Determine the places of water consumers (washing machine, bathroom, toilet, and so on)
  4. Draw a diagram of the future conduit
  5. Determine your financial resources (it depends on who will do the work and what material the water supply will be wired from).

These actions will be enough to bring water into the house without complicating this process.

Source of water intake

The source of water can be centralized plumbing, well, well, lake or river. You can use several sources, for example, a well and a centralized water supply. But now we will discuss only the first three.

Centralized water supply

In order to introduce water into the house from a centralized water supply, it is first necessary to coordinate the tie-in issues with the authorities that are responsible for this water supply. Then we connect using a clamp of the appropriate diameter.

At the connection point, it is better to make a manhole. So it will be possible to inspect and revise the connection point. We mount in a clamp shut-off emergency valve, preferably with a collapsible connection, so that it can be easily replaced in case of failure. Well, then we lay the pipe and connect it to the emergency tap.

If the source of water is a well or well

In both cases, pumping equipment is needed. If the depth of the well is small, then a pumping station can be used. And if the depth exceeds the technical characteristics of pumping stations, then, as for a well, it is better to use submersible pumps.

The pumping station is usually equipped with an electric motor with a pump fixed to it, a hydraulic accumulator (aka a receiver), a pressure gauge, mechanical automatic switching on of the electric pump.

For submersible pumps, the accumulator, automation and pressure gauge must be installed independently.

Which material to choose for input

Exists multiple pipe options for the organization of water supply in the house, but it is the polypropylene pipe that has proven itself well. The service life is designed for fifty years, it does not oxidize, withstands pressure loads, and is easy to install.

In terms of technical characteristics, such a pipe is inferior only to a copper pipe, but the price smooths out this drawback.

It is important to pay attention to the diameter of the injection pipe. It depends on how comfortable you will be when using your water supply system.

For input it is better to use a pipe diameter 32 mm. It is slightly more expensive than a 25 mm pipe, but it will have a good margin of throughput, and this will play an important role in the future when there is a need to add consumption points. Also, it is better to mount a pipe that can withstand a pressure of 10 atmospheres.

How to make water input

First you need to determine the place where you will lead the pipe into the house. Then you dig a trench from the house to the place of the water source. The depth of the trench directly depends on the area in which you live. The more the soil freezes during winter frosts, the deeper the trench should be. Sometimes, to make the depth of the trench smaller, the pipe is insulated. Each layer of such insulation reduces the depth of the trench by 20 centimeters.

How to connect to the central water supply was described above. Well, how to conduct water to the house from the well? A pumping station, even the most powerful one, cannot always be enough. It all depends on the distance of the well from the house. So close to him make a caisson and a pumping station is installed in it.

A suction pipe is lowered into the well at the level of the trench. Then the pipe is laid horizontally to the caisson, and there it is connected to the pumping station. After laying the pipe to the house.

Unlike a well, water intake from a well does not require the manufacture of a caisson, since the well can be located both under housing construction and outside it. But in any case, the accumulator and everything else can be mounted either in the basement or near the water inlet. A water supply pipe from a well can be carried out in the same way as water is drawn from a well.

In all cases, a polypropylene pipe, before being covered with soil excavated from a trench, should be covered with a small layer of sand. This will prevent damage to the pipe when backfilled with soil.

At the beginning of work, you need to make a layout of your communications across the territory.

After we figured it out how to bring water into the house, let's talk about the possibilities of distributing water supply around the house.

Regardless of where your water is supplied from, either from a well or a well, or from a central water supply, there must be an emergency stopcock at the inlet. After it, a water meter is installed, if you are connected to a centralized water supply.

Then the input from the well or well is connected, if you have a combined water connection. This is followed by the release of cold water for irrigation or for household needs. Next, the filter block is mounted. What and how many of them will be determined depending on water quality.

After the filter block, a hydraulic accumulator and automatic switching on of the well pump are mounted. Here is such a primary circuit, mounted immediately after the introduction of water. Now it's time to choose one scheme from several options for wiring plumbing in a private house.

A private house, unlike an apartment, has a greater range of possibilities regarding the water supply inside it. Here you can apply a serial connection of water consumers. It is also called tee. Or you can use a collector connection scheme for consumers. Let's look at these two schemes.

Serial connection

This scheme includes serial connection of consumers. The washstand, shower, toilet, and everything in the kitchen is connected in series, one after the other. The advantage is that a small amount of pipe is needed. But there is also disadvantage of this system.

In the case of simultaneous use of consumers, the pressure drops at distant points of consumption. This is especially felt when the shower is running: it is very difficult to adjust the temperature of the water. This is the inconvenience of this scheme. Such a system is more suitable for a family with a small number of people.

Collector connection

This consumer connection scheme requires more pipes, which means that it increases the cost of the water supply project. The essence of this system lies in the fact that after the primary circuit, collectors for cold and hot water are mounted at the inlet, and pipes are already laid from them to each individual consumer.

Such a system allows you to simultaneously use water in different places of consumption: in the kitchen, in the shower, and so on. It follows from this that such a scheme is better for comfortable use and suitable for any family.

Sometimes, in order to reduce the cost of the project, but at the same time, to get maximum comfort, these two systems are combined. This works well too.

Pipe for internal water supply

There are several options: copper, polypropylene, metal-plastic and steel. Consider the main characteristics.

The pipe must be selected depending on your financial capabilities, as well as on the technical parameters of the circuits that you use at home. Especially important use quality materials in responsible places of distribution of water supply.

Already at the construction stage, it is necessary to carry water to the house as the first necessary engineering system, along with electricity. Without water supply, it is impossible to start the construction of a residential or industrial building, since the bulk of the work requires the direct or indirect participation of the liquid. Moreover, this resource is necessary during the operation of housing.

Usually, different projects are built for these two periods. First, a specially dug well or a temporary tie-in into the central system is used. You can also ask your nearest neighbor to supply you with the right amount of water. On a permanent basis, another water supply will be required, since it is not difficult to conduct water supply to a private house, you can draw up a diagram with your own hands. In this article we will describe the features of the design and installation of this engineering system.

The task of the device is to supply the premises with water

Regardless of what type of tie-in or individual service the user chooses, it is necessary to achieve the main goal of the design - to supply all water intake points with a resource - water. These are the following nodes:

    kitchen sink;

    dishwasher and washing machine;


    all toilets and wash basins;

    site irrigation system;

    swimming pool, sauna or other facilities that require the supply of moisture.

Before bringing water into the house, from the water supply system, when designing, it is necessary to achieve the following main goals:

    ensure an unhindered supply of fluid to all nodes at any time of the day;

    make access to the system for repair work and preventive maintenance;

    install devices that are responsible for automating processes;

    mark all tie-in points on the plan;

    provide the engineering system with devices for cleaning and filtration;

    provide hot water supply, that is, on one master plan, mark the connection between the water supply and the heating system;

    select materials and devices to be used in construction.

How water supply technology works

The whole system consists of several sequentially involved elements. The hydraulic accumulator is used to maintain a stable pressure and partially automate processes. It consists of tanks, one of which is filled with water (tank), and the second - with air. When the first vessel is completely filled, the air space is compressed - a thin sensitive membrane acts on it.

Such a change in pressure leads to a stop in the operation of pumping equipment - it stops pumping liquid, filling the tank. When the resource is used up, the pump automatically resumes operation. The electric relay is responsible for this. Such a scheme of constant replenishment of the tank is responsible for uninterrupted pressure. The following problems are also solved:

    automation of the container filling process;

    resource reserve for some time;

    increase the life of pumping equipment, since it does not work every time the user turns on or off the tap.

How to make water supply in your home - choose the source of water intake

There are several options for connecting housing to a water resource:

    central system;

    private well;

    individual well;

    use of capturing chambers at the spring.

If you have a private cottage, then it is best to choose an individual supply system, but this option is often more expensive. Consider the most common type of plumbing connection.

The main advantages of this method are the following:

    There are no costs for geodetic surveys, drilling wells, arranging a well, as well as constantly maintaining the pit in proper condition - cleaning, preventing collapses, deepening if necessary, etc. You will need to pay some amount for the use of a central water carrier, but it will be much less than when working independently.

    If the company supplying the resource works efficiently, then the supplied water has good sanitary characteristics.

    There is no need to conduct laboratory analyzes of fluid from wells.

Steps on how to properly make plumbing in a private house, if the tie-in method from a centralized system is used:

    Apply for connection to the nearest water supply company. Most often, permission is given without problems, but company representatives may ask for documentation, including a plot diagram, its distance from the line, as well as estimated data on the planned volume of resource supplies.

    In the same organization, you can ask for a pipeline plan to determine the optimal tie-in location.

    When you recognize it, determine if there are other lines of engineering systems on the way from it to your home. This may be a telephony network, a laid Internet cable, an underground gas pipeline, a sewerage system, and so on. In order not to stumble upon someone else's line at the time of installation of the system, it is worth obtaining the consent of the owners for the work, clarifying the location of the traces, and making a plan how to bypass them. The software product "" from ZVSOFT offers a convenient tool for working with intersecting communications. With it, you can design the optimal distances from one system to another both on your site and beyond.

    Workers of the water utility must propose and agree with you on the connection project. They do the cutting themselves, you can't do it on your own.

    Trenches are dug that lead from the central water supply to your site.

    The pipeline is laid in compliance with the cladding standards - a gasket made of heat-saving materials will prevent possible icing and protect against mechanical influences.

    Insertion and connection takes place.

Since it is possible to carry out water supply in a private house only with the permission of representatives of the water utility, bureaucratic difficulties may arise.

Important installation tips:

    It is necessary to dig trenches and lay pipes at the level of soil freezing so that they do not freeze in winter. If it was not possible to obtain such information from the supplying organization, then it is worth making geodetic surveys.

    If the soil is soft (sand or black earth, not clay or loam), then you can do earthwork with your own hands without special equipment. To do this, it is worth digging several holes, and then putting on a strong pressure of water so that it will wash out the deepening for the pipeline.

    If you do not have a basement or basement, then the connection will be at ground level, which is bad for the condition of the pipes. In this place, strong insulation will be required so that the liquid does not freeze in winter.

    To drain groundwater from the trench, fill the ditch along the entire length with a cushion of crushed stone and sand. This will protect the system.

    When laying a water pipe in a private house with your own hands, it is necessary to dig a manhole near the tie-in point. This will help block the pressure when repairs are required.

Individual source of water intake, varieties and features

Of all the varieties of private systems, choose the one that corresponds to the characteristics of the site. For this, geological surveys are carried out, it is necessary to find out:

    groundwater level - GWL;

    soil quality - sand, clay, loam, earth, the presence of stones;

    state of moisture - the presence of impurities;

    close proximity of production, which can spoil the water resource on the site.

Such survey work can be carried out using the program. This is a specialized software for conducting surveys. It automates the process of issuing drawings, it is easy to work with the terrain, to mark the features of the relief. Then it will be possible to unload the scheme and use it in the future when designing a water supply system.

It is also important to determine the purpose of moisture - for home use, for the irrigation system.

This information will help you choose the best option for your terrain and terrain.

Basic requirements for water intake at the site:

    the location of the system must be at least 20 m away from a sewer drain, outdoor toilet, drain and other potential source of contamination;

    flood waters and street drains, for example, a storm drain on the site, should not leak to the well (well);

    the blind area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building must have a diameter of at least 2 meters, consist of solid material - a concrete ring or stone laying;

    the depth of the device must be at least a meter, and rise above the ground by 0.5 - 0.8 m;

    the system must be made of high-quality building materials that will not pollute the resource, the same applies to the pipeline.

Consider the main options and their features.

How to properly conduct water to a private house using a well

Such a deepening is used when the GWL is deeper than 20 meters underground. They can be:

    Artesian - from 100 m and more, have a good clean resource, but their device has a high price. There is also a risk of running into a high level of minerals.

    Abyssinian - for ordinary use. Over time, they can be flooded, a reservoir is needed to remove excess.

Three-stage device:

    The mouth, which is located in the caisson - a dense ring that protects against external threats.

    The barrel, it is reinforced with walls made of plastic or steel.

    Water inlet equipped with a filtration system.

Wells - structural features

They are made of concrete rings, less often - from wooden beams. Several filter layers of sand and gravel should be laid on the bottom. If moisture is supplied from the sides, then the design provides for "windows" in the walls.

The ground part must be equipped with water intake equipment, as well as a pump. Such a system is usually arranged for watering the site, less often for supplying water to a house with little need.

How to make a water supply installation with automatic water supply in a private house with your own hands

With any type of connection, the following equipment will be required to automate the process:

    pumping devices;

    internal and external filters of different levels of purification;

    storage tank;

    external and internal water supply - pipes;

    mixers and other devices that will provide the supply of the resource to the points of use.

The pump is selected according to the following factors: the amount of daily moisture consumed, the desired pressure, the conditions for the depth of groundwater. The main difference between devices is power and energy consumption.

Purification occurs depending on the results of laboratory analysis. In some cases, a simple filter system will do, in others a more advanced water treatment plant.

A water storage tank is necessary to save energy and facilitate the operation of the pump. It also provides high pressure.

Do-it-yourself steps for installing a water supply system in a private house

The following order should be followed:

    arrangement of a well, well or establishment of a tie-in point in a central water utility;

    summing up the external pipeline;

    piping inside the house for all sources of consumption;

    installation of pumping and other equipment for process automation;

    installation of a filtration system;

    design and installation of a water heater or connection to a heating line.

Design and installation of internal pipeline

You need to create a plumbing scheme. It will depend on the configuration of the premises, the areas where the resource is used, the number of floors, and the type of plumbing. At the preliminary stage, it is worth making a detailed floor-by-floor drawing, on which all the operated items will be indicated in order to determine the required power, as well as the cross-sections of the pipes supplied, the location of the central pipeline.

It will also be effective to apply these lines to an already prepared plan with other communications - sewerage, electrification. This will help prevent unwanted intersections, close proximity, so that, for example, there are no short circuits due to pipe leaks.

All this will help make the software . The software is installed on the basis of CAD ZWCAD. Module feature:

    automation of drawing up a plan of engineering systems;

    a summary of all lines with a mark of intersections;

    detailing wells and tie-in points;

    visual 3d model of connections with drawing of stop valves;

    preparation of project documentation.

The project can also be carried out in the basic software - . Its advantages:

    Maintain drawings in 2D and 3D.


    Work with most used text and graphic formats.

    Clear Russian-language interface.

When you are done with the design, you can proceed to the installation. A few recommendations:

    do everything strictly according to the scheme;

    fix the pipes with brackets;

    connect the elements with press fittings or by welding;

    when approaching the house from the street, install a ball valve;

    mount the collector, after which the wiring to the output points will occur.

You can watch a video on how to make plumbing in a private house with your own hands.

Laying a pipeline for water supply is a task no less significant than choosing and connecting pumping equipment, arranging a water source. Incorrectly conducted plumbing in a private house can lead to pressure surges, disruption of the system.

To avoid problems, you need to carefully study all the subtleties of the work. We will help you by providing complete information to study the specifics of the system design and assembly rules. The information proposed for consideration is based on regulatory requirements.

The detailed description of the schemes, options and nuances of the wiring of the water supply circuit that we have presented for review is supplemented with visual illustrations and video materials.

Plumbing can be carried out in two ways - with serial and parallel connection. depends on the number of residents, periodic or permanent stay in the house or on the intensity of use of tap water.

There is also a mixed type of wiring, in which the faucets are connected to the plumbing system through a manifold, and the rest of the plumbing points and household appliances are connected using the serial connection method.

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In order for the water supply system to be able to provide maximum comfort to residents, it is necessary to take into account many nuances, correctly calculate all operating parameters and engineering units. It is highly desirable to start development at the stage of an architectural project.

Bringing ideas to life and equipping the water supply of a private house with your own hands should, if not a professional, then a person who has delved into all the subtleties.

We will help you understand the principles of operation of an autonomous system, designate the device of various sources of water intake and provide recommendations on the choice of equipment. Step-by-step instructions for arranging water supply are supplemented with visual images and video clips.

The water supply system is one of the most important elements in home improvement. The essence of its work lies in the automated supply of the required volume of water, for which the user now only needs to start the equipment, and then simply control it periodically.

An autonomous network independent of the central water supply must be correctly designed and calculated in order for the house to be fully supplied with water according to the needs of the owners. It is necessary to organize the system so that water flows freely to all water intake points.

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Arrangement of capturing chambers when using a spring

The device of a protective structure above the spring differs little from the design of the well. In them, water can also flow through the bottom or walls, which are equipped with filters. In rocks, filtration is not required.

If suspended particles are present in the water, then the chamber is divided in half by a partition, one compartment is used for settling and cleaning from sediment, the other for water intake.

To exit excess water at the highest debit of the source, an overflow pipe is provided in the chamber wall. At its end, a valve is installed that allows water to pass through, but prevents debris and rodents from entering the spring.

Equipment for automatic water supply

The choice of a method for arranging and installing a water supply system for a country house begins with an assessment of the type of water intake structure, its depth and other characteristics.

The automated system includes:

  • pump or finished pumping station;
  • filtration system for water purification;
  • storage and control capacity;
  • external and internal pipeline;
  • devices for automatic control.

When installing tanks and pumps, the requirements of the equipment manufacturers must be strictly observed.

Regulating and storage tanks for water

Water storage tanks are distinguished according to the principle of operation:

  • Non-pressure leaky tank. It is made mainly from polymeric materials. Helps create pressure by placing it at the highest point of the system. The higher the storage tank is installed, the greater the water pressure will be in the system. Raising the container for each meter increases the pressure by 0.1 atmosphere.
  • hydropneumatic tank. Inside it is divided into two compartments by a membrane. It creates pressure thanks to compressed air in one compartment, which through a rubber membrane exerts pressure on water in an adjacent compartment.

A non-pressure tank is installed in a lighted ventilated room, the temperature of which does not drop to negative values. Under the tank, pallets are installed to protect against small leaks. The tank is provided with a removable lid and equipped with shutoff valves.

One of the characteristics of the operation of pumping equipment is the frequency of switching on the system per unit of time. This indicator is fundamental in choosing a hydraulic accumulator. For submersible pumps, the allowable interval between switching on is longer than for surface pumps. They are supposed to turn on less often, which means that the hydraulic tank should be larger.

To work in tandem with surface pumps, membrane tanks with a capacity of 12 to 24 liters are most often bought. If there are power outages in the settlement, it is recommended to install a hydraulic accumulator of 250 liters or more so that you can pump in and store a reserve supply of water for some time.

Hydraulic accumulators are placed in chambers underground, in basements, utility rooms, in which the temperature does not drop below zero.

In a system with a non-pressure storage tank, the water supply process is automated using a float valve and an on and off sensor

Purification of tap water from impurities

When choosing water-lifting equipment, consider:

  • Source flow rate. It should exceed the water consumption in the house.
  • Type of intake structure and depth of the aquifer. For pumping out from sources up to 8 m deep, surface centrifugal pumps are used. They are placed in the basement or separate rooms of private houses, in underground chambers or mine wells. Pumping water from great depths is carried out by means of powerful submersible pumps.
  • Required pressure in the system. The head of the pumping unit is determined by summing up the values ​​​​(in meters): the height of the rise from the (dynamic) water level in the well to the highest located plumbing fixture, the pressure loss when reaching the highest point, the required pressure at this point.
  • Estimated water consumption. Calculated based on the number of plumbing points and the number of residents. This indicator influences the choice of equipment performance.