
An insidious miscalculation: what mistakes occur during the construction of private houses. Typical mistakes in the construction of a private house Concrete screed on wooden floors

Water supply, options, device

When building a private house, most developers most often make the same mistakes. In this article, we have collected 9 of the most common construction mistakes, avoiding which you can build a cottage without any problems.

Start of construction without a competent project

Many developers prefer to skip this stage and immediately start construction without a quality project. But construction does not begin with laying the first brick, but with transferring the idea to paper. Only a high-quality project will make it possible to calculate the estimate, deadlines, and the number of specialists involved as close as possible to reality.

The choice of low-quality building materials

The second typical mistake that customers make is the choice of low-quality building materials. More precisely, even so. Take good cement, but use dirty sand. Buy a heater from a trusted company, but save on glue for it. Ultimately, this leads to double spending. And it’s good if the shortcomings have to be eliminated even when creating a house, and not during its operation.


In order not to spend more money at the stage of acquiring building materials, you need to complete the project estimate in advance. A competent specialist calculates everything down to the number of nails. And this will save money without sacrificing quality.

A competent builder will not make mistakes and will make sure that materials arrive gradually. This

  1. Will not force the construction site to stand idle without work.
  2. Will not allow the weather to degrade the quality of materials.
  3. It will give you the opportunity to perform all the work in stages.

Wrong timing to start construction

The fourth common mistake is to start building a private house in spring or even summer. In the warm season, concrete for the foundation will dry many times faster. But this does not mean that it will be better. It should be clearly understood: you can’t rush when building a house!


You can not build a house on a foundation that has not yet "settled". The concrete solution fills all the voids, spills over the allotted space. This takes time. The optimal time for the foundation to be ready is 1-2 months.

The larger the cottage, the stronger the foundation. One of the most common mistakes to avoid is to start building walls over a foundation that was poured less than a month ago. Experienced builders say that the foundation should be poured in a warm autumn. The natural drying of concrete will allow you to get the strongest foundation for the future home.

Construction without the use of reinforcement

Increasing the strength of a building material is possible only with the use of reinforcement. The house is being built for years. Precipitation, wind and operation reduce its wear resistance. And only reinforcement can slow down this process.


It is possible to reinforce an already operated building. But this is difficult and worsens the appearance of the house. Do not make a common mistake of illiterate builders. The best option is to produce reinforcement during construction.

Need to reinforce

  1. Foundation. Reinforcement can be transverse or longitudinal.
  2. Walls. Reinforcement will additionally fasten the walls of any material.
  3. Overlappings. The beams will increase their wear resistance and allow them to withstand additional loads if reinforcement is made during their installation.

The reinforcement process will not take much time and will not increase the cost of the project too much.

Construction without wall insulation

The house needs to be insulated. This is an unbreakable dogma. It is a mistake to rely on the heating system or mild winters. The best option is to insulate the walls outside the house. The installation of a heat-modernizing system can be started immediately after the walls have been erected.

If you plan to finish the exterior of the facade, then you can not adhere to the ideal evenness of the walls. This will save time. And the arrangement of the facade can be performed immediately after strengthening the insulation to the walls.

The use of low-quality double-glazed windows

Under thermal modernization, any specialist assumes wall insulation and installation of “correct” windows. Even the thickest insulation will not fully retain heat if it does not have good double-glazed windows. High-quality windows are a guarantee of heat preservation, as well as good sound insulation.

In order to avoid a common mistake, you need to consider how many shutters there will be in each double-glazed window. And also whether windows are needed that can be ventilated. You can install double-glazed windows as soon as the walls are erected, as well as after the “box” is ready.

Roof installation mistakes

Most modern roofing materials are of sufficient quality, however, a common mistake is not to pay due attention to the roof. All problems arise most often precisely because of installation errors. For example, some, when buying high-quality materials for the roof itself, install it on cheap fasteners, which in general makes such a roof short-lived. Or they use materials that are not suitable for the installation of a particular type of roof. That is why, when installing the roof, this process should be studied in detail in order to prevent annoying mistakes.

Incorrect interior arrangement

The house must be comfortable. A common mistake is the layout of rooms without taking into account the needs of residents. If there is not so much space, you can:

  • donate a guest room;
  • make a small dressing room;
  • do not make a big living room.

But there are things that even a small house should have. This

  1. Children need their own rooms. If it is not possible to make rooms for each child, zoning should be done in the common nursery.
  2. The kitchen should have a dining area where the whole family can fit.
  3. If the house has more than one floor and the bedrooms are, for example, on the second, there should be a bathroom.

A good layout will make the inhabitants of the house feel comfortable. And the house itself will be cozy.

Selection of unqualified personnel for construction

And the last. It is impossible to build a good house if random people are involved in this process. A well-coordinated team must work. It needs a backbone of specialists, a good leader, who is also a person who controls every stage of the work.

Choosing builders is by far the most difficult aspect of building a home. The best option is one company does all the work. So there will be more responsibility for the performers. At the same time, an experienced company with a well-coordinated team can always give timely, competent, necessary recommendations.


You need to control all stages of construction yourself. It's best not to let the next step start without checking the previous one. Builders may well hide their mistakes. And those, unfortunately, can then be incorrigible.

In fact, advice on how to avoid mistakes during construction can be continued for a very long time. But the 9 listed are the most typical and difficult to correct. Therefore, it is better to know in advance what will help prevent them.

Problems in building a house

Risk: build without a project
the desired and reality do not match, there is no cost control, construction is carried out without observing technologies, building codes and regulations. And most importantly, the residents of such a house daily risk their lives and health. Who will answer for this?
Solution. Buy a ready-made (standard project) or order an individual one from an architect.

Risks during construction: it is wrong to assess your financial capabilities
Result: minimum - unfinished, maximum - constant emergency-unforeseen expenses during the construction process.
Solution. Realistically assess your financial capabilities: how much you are willing to invest in a house at the start, during construction and monthly - during operation. This will affect the project (its area, number of storeys), the choice of building materials and equipment. And, of course, make a budget. It should be remembered here: firstly, the estimate is usually made for a box, and during construction, the figure included in the estimate can increase by 20-40% (largely because prices for building materials are also rising). Secondly, in addition to the construction of the box, you will have to finish the interior, and here the price can be the same as the price of the box. The engineering equipment of the house and its connection to communications (electricity, water supply, sewerage, gas) will cost about the same amount. Thus, multiply the figure in the estimate by three, in the end you will get the approximate figure you need for the construction.

Construction risks: do not perform geological survey

Result: either overexpenditure of materials, or destruction of the foundation, cracks in the walls, or the above together.
Solution. A geological study will show the state of groundwater and will allow you to accurately calculate what kind of foundation you need to lay.

Construction risks: buy (order) a project without taking into account the dimensions of the site

Result: the project "does not sit down" because the site is either too small or too large. The project will have to be redone / bought another, and this is an extra waste. An error at this stage can lead, for example, to a change in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, or distort the entire process of further construction.
Solution. Measure the site, write down its dimensions, mark up, any construction should begin with it. Before starting work, it is necessary to carefully study the drawings of the project and find out which dimensions are indicated as the main ones.

Construction risks: insufficient attention to waterproofing from ground, melt and rain water

Result: flooding of the foundation, dampness of the walls, which contributes to their rapid destruction: wet brick crumbles when freezing, woodworm bugs multiply in a wet tree, the lower trim of the house quickly rots.
Solution. To protect the house from groundwater, waterproofing should be laid between the foundation and the plinth, as well as between the plinth and the wall. It is advisable to put gaskets under wooden walls (these can be trimmings of boards wrapped with roofing material).
Melt water, depending on the location of the house, can rise 10-25 cm above ground level. To protect against them, the lower layer of waterproofing (foundation - basement) should be located above this level.

Construction risks: do not consider ventilation

Result: musty air, dampness, fungi.
Solution. It is unacceptable to use materials that do not allow moisture to pass through (siding, plastic sheets, etc.) as external wall cladding, without foreseeing the possibility of wall ventilation. To reduce humidity inside the house, ventilation systems should be used.

Construction risks: use only mounting foam to seal openings and gaps

Result: after a few years, the places where the mounting foam was, become vulnerable to cold and water.
Solution. The service life of the mounting foam is much less than the life of the house, therefore, the structural elements of the house must ensure the reliability of the installation of window and door frames in the wall and protection against blowing. Mounting foam only makes it easier to insert windows and doors into the openings, and it serves only as additional seals for the openings.

Construction risks: forget about grounding and lightning protection

Result: the risk that the house will catch fire from a lightning strike.
Solution. Plan and install the ground loop and lightning protection system. The latter will provide effective protection against a direct lightning strike.
The system consists of three main parts: lightning rod, lightning rod and ground electrode.
Grounding is a device that provides electrical connection of the grounded parts of apparatuses, instruments and devices with the ground. The lower the resistance of the grounding device, the better, the more likely it is that during a breakdown of electricity to the case, the electricity will go not through a person who accidentally came into contact with the body of the device under voltage, but through the grounding conductor. The main part of the resistance falls on the transition from the grounding element to the ground. The electrical properties of the soil are determined by its resistance to current spreading - the lower the resistance, the more favorable the conditions for the grounding device. The worst options for installing a grounding device (ground loop) are stony and rocky soils, the best are peat, loamy and clay soils with a moisture content of 20-40%. It is desirable that the place for wiring the ground loop is located near the grounded electrical installation (for example, a power panel).

Construction risks: to carry out the engineering equipment of the house after the box of the house is built

Result: it is impossible or difficult to bring communications, extra cash spending.
Solution. The project of engineering systems should be carried out on the basis of the architectural, construction and technological parts of the house project. The project of engineering systems (“Internal engineering networks”) includes, in particular:

  • gas supply;
  • water supply and purification systems;
  • water disposal (sewerage, sewage treatment plant);
  • heating system (boilers, heated floors);
  • ventilation, air conditioning;
  • power supply;
  • security systems;
  • ACS (automation and "smart home" system);
  • watering and irrigation systems;
  • snow melting and anti-icing systems.

At the stage of design work, a list of equipment needed for the house is determined; technical characteristics, schemes of main routes; calculations are carried out with preliminary specifications, the cost of work is calculated.
Further, the development of design solutions for internal engineering equipment and systems is carried out. At the same stage, the project of engineering systems of the house is approved.
When constructing the foundation according to the design of the house, holes are provided for the entry of water pipes and the exit of the sewer.

Construction risks: do not calculate the required amount of electricity, do not complete the electrical diagram of the house

Result: during the operation of the house, the wiring regularly burns, the lights go out, it is impossible to connect additional computers, TVs, etc. Solution. When calculating with the specialists of the power supply network, take into account the necessary and consider the future: after all, in a couple of years you may have a couple more laptops, two or three plasmas and other office and household appliances that require additional power.
And before you hang, lay, connect anything in the house, you need to complete the electrical circuit of the house, according to which installation work will be carried out. Performed by professionals, it will also allow you to correctly calculate the necessary illumination of the premises, depending on their purpose, ergonomically arrange electrical sockets and switches, and provide the necessary protection against electric currents. In addition, in the future, the scheme will avoid accidental damage to cables.
Electrical work inside the premises should begin with the input-distribution device, the components of which are mounted in the electrical cabinet. The electrical panel is installed in a room suitable for this purpose, protected from possible flooding and high humidity. Here are the main consumption groups with automatic switches, residual current devices (RCD), bus bridges, fuses, etc., as well as electricity meters.

Construction risks: independently make changes to the project

Result: if you make changes to the project on a whim, move partitions without special calculations, change the layout, number of floors, etc., the loads on the foundation can increase and exceed the maximum allowable values, which in turn will lead to the destruction of the foundation.
Solution. Any changes to the project have the right to make only competent specialists, having previously performed all the necessary calculations.

Risk: save on the materials from which the foundation is built
the use of materials with lower than required characteristics leads to the fact that the foundation structure does not have the required strength. Under the load of the entire building, it can crack, sag, etc.
Solution. Do not change the positions laid down in the project. According to regulatory documents, concrete grade M 400 is used for the foundation. When building in the cold season, when the night air temperature drops to 0 ° C and below, concrete with special additives that increase its frost resistance is required.
The sand used for the foundation should not contain clay impurities. It is advisable to use cement immediately after purchase; it should not be kept on the construction site for a long time. Depending on environmental conditions, the loss of product activity is up to 15% per month. The activity of cement is the main parameter responsible for its grade and bonding properties.

Risk: do not insulate the foundation
Result: heat loss through an uninsulated foundation reaches 25% of the total heat loss of the house as a whole. In the basement, the basement of a house with an uninsulated foundation, condensation forms, dampness appears, mold and fungus develop.
Solution. For insulation, use materials with high thermal insulation characteristics, minimal water absorption, and sufficient density. The heat transfer resistance of the insulated structure must be at least 3.16 m2 °C/W.

Construction risks: leave erected walls without ceilings for the winter

Result: walls and columns built of bricks cannot be left unloaded for the winter (without ceilings). Especially when it comes to large surfaces. The fact is that such structures are unstable and can fall under the pressure of the wind. Due to significant temperature fluctuations in the external environment, structures experience movement, they can warp, deviate from the vertical. In addition, as a result of freezing and thawing of an unloaded wall, its deformation occurs.
Solution. After the walls are completed to the required height, they are loaded with floor beams.

Construction risks: Carelessly apply the solution, fill the seams incorrectly

Result: careless application of the solution (the formation of cakes, mounds) leads to the fragility of the entire building. Poor filling of joints with masonry mortar between bricks also leads to detrimental consequences for the structure. It is a mistake if too liquid mortar flows out of them, it is also wrong if an excessively hard mortar does not spread over the surface of the brick.
Do not apply mortar to the last row of bricks at the end of the working day. A thin layer of unprotected mortar quickly dries, cracks and flakes off the wall. When fresh mortar and a row of bricks are laid on this weakened layer the next day, the strength of the bond here will be insufficient.
Solution. Evenly distribute the mortar along the edge of the brick, follow the recipe for preparing the masonry mortar, strictly adhere to the manufacturer's technological recommendations for laying the material.

Construction risks: lay floors on foam blocks

Result: floor slabs cannot be laid directly on foam blocks, since this can create a point load that exceeds the tensile strength of foam concrete.
Solution. In order to distribute the load from the ceiling evenly, a monolithic concrete armored belt with a height of about 10-20 cm is cast over the wall of foam blocks. Since the concrete armored belt violates the thermal insulation of the wall (the thermal conductivity of concrete is higher), it is additionally insulated.

Construction risks: independently change the roofing material laid down in the project

Result: without strengthening the rafters, when replacing light roofing materials with heavy ones (slate, natural tiles, cement-sand tiles), the roof may sag. The use of a crate that is not adapted to a specific type of roofing material will lead to a violation of the geometry of the roof.
Solution. On your own, without consulting with specialists, you can replace the color proposed by the architect, the pattern of the roofing. Such changes do not have any impact on the load-bearing structural elements of the entire building, the roof structure (truss system, crate). In all other cases, consultation with an architect or designer is required. Replacement can be carried out only after analyzing the bearing capacity of the walls, foundation, taking into account the weight of the roofing material (for frame-panel houses, it is advisable to use only light roofing materials, such as shingles, metal tiles, ondulin).

Construction risks: when laying insulation, leave gaps between the plates

Result: if the plates of the heat-insulating material used to insulate the attic are not very tightly pressed against each other, then a "cold bridge" is formed between them, which leads to the formation of condensate.
Solution. Plates of thermal insulation material should be laid between the rafters by surprise, while not allowing them to deform. When cutting the insulation, it is necessary to leave 10-15 mm for width allowances, due to which the plates fit snugly to the rafters, preventing cold air from entering the room through the gaps. Insulation plates during laying are aligned along the lower edge of the rafters. In order to prevent crushing of the material during laying, the middle of the slab is inserted in the center of the span between the rafters, after which, in the direction from the center to the edges, the slab is driven into place with light pressure. When laying several layers of thermal insulation material, the joints of the plates should not coincide, but their location should be perpendicular.

Risk: not providing ventilation in the roofing pie
the absence of ventilated roof ridges, ventilation gaps, etc. elements can lead to moisture accumulation, formation of condensate on the rafters and substructure, and subsequently mold and fungus that destroy wooden elements. In addition, corrosion of metal structures may occur. Moisture leads to wetting of thermal insulation, which reduces its thermal resistance. In the summer, the lack of ventilation leads to overheating of the roofing material and the interior of the attic.
Solution. To increase the service life of the under-roof structure and to avoid the formation of condensate in the roof structure, it is necessary to provide air circulation (ventilation). Normal ventilation of a pitched roof is provided by three main elements: openings for the inflow of outside air, channels above the thermal insulation for its circulation, and exhaust openings in the upper part of the roof. When designing, it is taken into account that the total area of ​​supply and exhaust ventilation should be within 1/250-1/500 of the area of ​​insulation. The value of the ventilation gap on the eaves should be 0.2% of the slope area, but not less than 200 cm 2 / p. m.

Risk: uneven crate stuffing
if the lathing is uneven, the step of the lathing is increased, then the roof looks “sloppy”. For example, on a roof covered with metal tiles, with this approach, the sheets of roofing material do not fit together, which leads to leaks during heavy rainfall. The fastening of sheets to such a crate is weak. For ceramic tiles, the consequences are less detrimental, they do not affect the operational properties of the roof, but they are also unpleasant - if the step of the crate is not kept in the same size on the slope, it is visually very noticeable.
Solution. The installation of the lathing is carried out for a specific type of roofing material, in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. To create a crate for a metal tile, 50x50 mm bars are laid with a certain step; for bituminous tiles, rolled roofing materials, a solid flooring is mounted from waterproof plywood or thin boards. The crate for euroslate is carried out in increments of 45-61 cm (depending on the slope of the ramp). For slate, the crate is arranged from slats with a section of 40x60 mm. The distance between adjacent slats depends on the length of the tiles used - it should be somewhat less than half the length of the tile. And if the house has an attic, then the crate is made in the form of a continuous formwork made of boards 25 mm thick.

Risk: cutting metal tiles with a grinder
when cutting a metal tile with an angle grinder with an abrasive wheel (grinder), the protective polymer coating is damaged, which further leads to the occurrence of corrosion centers. When cutting directly on the roof, the resulting sparks burn through the coating of the already laid material, and metal filings are welded to the sheet. Very soon, rust will form in places of damage.
Solution. Cutting sheets of metal tiles should be carried out with a tool recommended by the manufacturer. So, for example, you can use hand shears for metal, electric nibblers, a hacksaw with fine teeth, a circular saw with carbide teeth or an electric jigsaw.
To touch up abrasions, scratches, cut lines, damage to the polymer coating that appeared during transportation, storage or installation, you must use a special paint recommended by the manufacturer. If the defect area on the surface of the sheet is quite extensive, or the damage is deep, then it is better to dismantle the entire sheet of material and install a new one.
Risk: not paying attention to connections
adjunctions - one of the vulnerable places of the roof, for which the quality of installation is especially important. If they are not performed correctly, the integrity of the roofing pie will be broken, and the roof will leak. So, poorly executed abutment of the roof to the walls and pipes leads to leakage and wetting of the walls. One of the most common mistakes in this area is gluing a special tape to the surface of the roofing material that has not been cleaned of dust and dirt. Due to poor adhesion, the material eventually moves away from the roof, so there are places for water to enter the under-roof space. Another kind of error is the use of abutment tape without a special clamping bar.
Solution. Perform connections in accordance with the recommendations prescribed in the installation instructions. As a rule, manufacturers prescribe in detail the features of the installation of roofing materials in valleys, near the exit of chimney ventilation pipes, etc.

Risk: careless movement on the roof during installation

If you walk on a roof with heavy shoes, you can damage the roofing material. So, for example, if you walked on a sheet of metal tiles in hard shoes, or stepped on a sheet of metal tiles in places where there is no crate, then scratches, scuffs, dents appear, the sheet can completely bend.
Solution. Walk on the roof in shoes with soft soles. Step on the metal tile only in those places where the crate passes. If you move along the sheet, then put your foot in the deflection of the wave, when moving across, carefully step on the crease of the profile.
When moving along the roof from euroslate, they step on the convex part of the wave across the slope. It should also be remembered that in cold weather the material is less plastic.
It is not recommended to walk on a bituminous roof in very hot weather.
But you can’t walk on a slate roof at all, since slate tiles are very fragile; special devices are used to move along it.

Many mistakes made during the construction of houses are typical and repeat from time to time, even if a professional team is building. What comes out of it? Often the house is ugly ... How to avoid this, read this article!

Having planned the construction, study all the cycles of work. Decide what you can do yourself, and at what stages you need to invite professionals. In the process, many additional questions may arise. If possible, consult with a person who has experience in this matter. Otherwise, in the future, you will face the cost of correcting errors, repairs or a radical restructuring.

It is more correct to learn from the mistakes of others, so we will consider the main mistakes made during construction.

Construction is better to start in the summer season. In winter it will be more expensive. All preparatory work must be carried out in advance (project order, estimate approval) and, with the onset of heat, dig for.

The main mistakes in building a house:

  • Topographic and geological analysis is not done. Based on the results of these works, the structure is bound, and the foundation is selected.
  • The choice of a typical project hastily. The future house will not live up to expectations, and it will be difficult to rebuild it.
  • There is no engineering project (supplying communications).
  • Appeal to unscrupulous builders, lack of control and interaction in the process. Problems are not solved by phone, it is necessary to meet, to discuss estimates.
  • Incorrect estimates. The estimate is calculated so that there is enough finance to complete each stage of construction.
  • Project inconsistency. For example, engineering communications are not in the specified place.
  • Haste in construction. Each technology needs a certain amount of time. , for example, you need to give a draft of 6 - 18 months.
  • Inconsistency of documentation during the construction of the foundation. Observe the dimensions given in the drawings.

Let's take a closer look at these and some other typical mistakes.

Country road

When moving out of town, you need to foresee all the little things. A country road is often off-road, ruts and potholes. Get ready for this, and then you can avoid disappointment.

Underestimating the forces of nature

If trees grow on your site, their roots can make their way under the foundation. The radius of the root system will be 1 m larger than the projection of the tree crown. Do not carry out construction work within these boundaries.

Savings in heating, when creating a wall of blocks 4 cm thicker than the standard one, will be 3 - 4%. It is more logical to invest in high-quality attic insulation and install a heat exchanger that returns part of the heat that leaves with ventilation. Thus, it is possible to save 20 - 30% of thermal energy.

Interroom floors from light porous blocks

Walls between rooms must be. This is their main task. The problem of light porous materials is increased audibility.

Insulation of brick houses with foam plastic

In Soviet times, the foundation and walls were often insulated with foam, and this is a mistake. For construction, you need to use materials that are equal in terms of service life. The foam gradually crumbles, and voids appear in the walls and foundation.

It is more competent to insulate the walls with mineral wool or foam glass. Non-environmental, wall-sealed and well-insulated, unable to harm you.

No heat channels in brick walls

When building brick walls, it is necessary to arrange channels that remove heat from external walls during a hot period. In the summer, under the sun, the house can get very hot. Heat ducts help circulate and expel hot air, relieving stress from walls and preventing them from cracking.

Typical mistakes in the construction of wooden and frame houses

Wood is an environmentally friendly, good building material. But the mistakes made in the construction of a house from a strongly affect the life of its operation.

Buying poor quality material

Failure to comply with the project during the construction of a wooden house

Be sure to supervise the construction process. Unprofessional work leads to many defects.

Errors in the construction of the roof and roof

The main mistakes in the construction of a frame house

  • Do not use poor quality timber.
  • Fastening the strapping bar without embedded parts leads to deformation of the box.
  • Don't work without.
  • Do not neglect the steam and waterproofing of the walls.
  • The absence of insulation clamps, its free location, in 5-7 years will lead to its subsidence, leading to the opening of the skin and repair.

Errors when installing floors

spring floor

Layer carefully. Expanded polystyrene, which is under the concrete layer, can be deformed from the load. A person of average weight may cause slight deformation of the styrofoam board. But if he starts jumping on it, then the deformation will already be noticeable.

Tie function- uniform load distribution. She will do it if she is thick enough and properly reinforced.

Concrete screed on wooden floors

Do not try to flood wooden floors, or make them "warm".

The tree during operation swells, absorbing moisture and, shrinking, dries. A screed made on a tree will lead to cracks or subsidence.

Expectation and accumulation error

If you have a plot and part of the amount for building a house, you need to start building. On the way to the accumulation of funds, emergency expenses always appear, prices rise, the professional situation changes. So time is working against you.

At the same time, real estate prices are unstable. Investing money in your home, even in small parts, is a more reliable financial solution than keeping it in the bank, because in the end you will get your own home.

The network has a lot of valuable advice on how to build a house from people who have already completed the construction (meaning a private house).

However, as a rule, these tips are dispersed across huge forum topics. Valuable information from developers is mixed there with huge volumes of sellers arguing about whose product is better. Therefore, in order to get to the bottom of it, you have to pass through a bunch of ... "less valuable information."

In order to simplify the transfer of experience from experienced developers to new ones, we have collected, edited and structured such tips into sections.

The tips are presented in the form of reflections on what mistakes the developer would not make again if he built a new house and what successful decisions he would repeat again.

What to understand

  • The recommendations presented are not the final truth. These are simply the subjective points of view of people on the inconveniences that have arisen for them or, conversely, on successful solutions;

  • All builders have different situations and individual preferences. Therefore, try on someone else's experience for yourself and draw your own conclusions;

  • opposing points of view are presented on some questions, which does not exclude their value.

The most important advice

In construction, one point is always relevant: to think, think and think again. Well, it's impossible to think of everything. Conclusion: it’s very good at the end of construction not to fixate on what is not thought out, but to enjoy life ...

By distance

  1. I wouldn’t buy a plot for building a house 50 km from the city - it’s still far away ... It’s better to look, albeit small, but closer.

By relief

  1. I would not buy a plot with a drop, on a hillside. You spend a lot of money on retaining walls and other nonsense. The layout of the site turns into complete darkness.

  2. Wouldn't build on a slope. It's too late, of course - I bought a plot and got into the construction site. But, if I knew what the design solutions for the foundation would cost me ... then, probably, I would have refused in favor of a flat area.

  3. I would know the level of groundwater before buying a plot for building a house.

According to the availability of communications

  1. When buying a plot, I would never again listen to a realtor that 10 meters to light and gas.

  2. It is advisable to buy a plot for the construction of a house with the communications available on it - it cost me a very decent amount to extend the light and gas.

  3. Gasification “…next year…” turned into gasification in 10 years.

  4. I would not choose a site for building “just in the field” - electricity, gas, water, security - this is all that I had to do myself and for my own money. Still ahead is road cleaning in winter, garbage removal, and repairing problems. I come to the conclusion that the site in the cottage village removes most of the problems voiced.

  5. I would check ALL documents for the house: it turned out that there was no contract for electricity supply, and I ran for 2 years with registration because of the allowed 3.5 kW.

  6. In addition to electricity and gas, before buying, I would clarify at what depth the water lies. It turned out that the well should be drilled for at least 95 m = 8 thousand c.u.

  7. Make sure that there is adequate access for the mixer, long lengths and the like.

By neighbors

  1. I would never build next to friends or relatives again.

  2. Before buying a house in the village, I would go to the village council and talk to the district police officer, and this, in addition, to get around all the neighbors for a quarter.

  3. Problems with neighbors can be attributed to any place. Dacha, cottage town, apartment, village. There are enough inappropriate people everywhere. There is no guarantee that your neighbor in the cottage town will not suit you with a "fun" life. When I read tips on choosing an apartment and not only, I was somehow surprised by the item "get to know your neighbors, ask the residents about the opinion of those living near your potential apartment." I always thought: well, what nonsense, but now I think that we need to start choosing an apartment on the plot, etc. from getting to know the neighbors.

  4. Wouldn't put off a fixed breakdown of land boundaries…for every see war and nerves.


  1. They would not take a plot for building a house with an unfinished foundation - additional costs for strengthening / strengthening / bringing it to perfection, in addition, this significantly limited the choice of project for the house.

  2. And I would never buy a plot in winter or early spring. Only when the snow melts, and everything that he hid will be visible.

  3. I wouldn’t have bought a house without talking with the neighbors about local features: when they bought it, it turned out that there were a lot of snakes and you walk around the site like in a minefield.

Making a decision to build

  1. I would never rebuild an old, Soviet-built house, but would order a bulldozer and build a new one - faster and cheaper. Or, as an option, I would sell the old one and buy a bare plot for this money!

  2. Do not build a solid beautiful "palace" among the slums, you can't sell it later, and admire the surrounding poverty from the second floor - not ice.

  3. Expect that you will only live in this house yourself, and your children, and even more so your grandchildren, do not need it - they have their own life.

  4. Would not buy a house that was built for sale.

One of the signs of a house for sale:

  • with the help of a simple calculation of the number of outlets in the total in the house, you can cunningly calculate the “house for sale”: there is 1 outlet in each room and this is already after finishing;

  • That's for sure! Since it is an expensive pleasure to put a lot of sockets (you can’t put cheap ones for yourself - a big risk), but in a house for sale, why raise the cost of construction !?

By prior education

  1. I am not a builder myself, but I read a lot, including the forum, I immediately see the mistakes of the builders and the moments of divorces.

  2. I would study the materiel for each type of work.

  3. I will not start construction without working through other people's mistakes.


  1. One of the most important tips - do not build a long-term construction - if there is no money, then build an economical frame of 80 meters for a family of 4 people, and not a brick palace of 240 squares - you have to live, not build! Save money - build yourself a palace!

  2. I would not start construction without having 200-250% of the initial estimate in my pocket ...

  3. On the topic - I would give advice to everyone who is going to be built - however, it has already sounded a hundred times - adequately assess the cost of finishing and engineering even at the foundation stage. Because the box, the foundation, the roof are child's play compared to the budget for finishing and engineering.

Site planning

  1. Wouldn't start anything before leveling the terrain with a grader and thinking through water disposal / drainage, retaining walls and others like them.

  2. I would allocate several places for construction waste, and would carefully monitor that not a single infection would throw garbage wherever it hit. Now, when preparing the lawn, from time to time in the most unexpected places I pick out broken bricks, trimmings of plastic pipes, etc.

  3. I would prepare one or two places for rubble and, perhaps, I would make sides and a bottom so that the rubble does not crumble and does not go into the ground.

  4. Before starting any work, we would fence all the trees that are valuable to us on the site!

By search

  1. Wouldn't hire workers without seeing their work or having recommendations from people I know.

  2. How to find good builders? If you see a nice house that you like, ask the owners who built it. Bad ones are not recommended!

  3. I chose a team at neighboring houses, you can immediately see what they are doing and how. During downtime, they go to a neighboring construction site and vice versa. And I didn’t buy a change house - also savings.

  4. I would not hire a team that knows how to "do everything."

  5. Ordering a large amount of turnkey work is stupid, expensive and nervous. Only in small volumes - turnkey box, turnkey roof, turnkey plastering, turnkey electrics, etc. Then the percentage of plunder is minimized, done-received.

  6. Any construction work will be divided into unrelated stages. To make it easier to change "bad" builders.

  7. Wouldn't hire roofers who don't know how or don't want to install a gutter system.

By organizing relationships

  1. What we don’t do now is we don’t order doors, windows, any work without signing a contract with deadlines and penalties. And after the work is completed, we sign acts of work performed indicating the terms of the guarantee. For the most part, offices that are not used to working this way, if they do not have their own sample, agree to ours.

  2. I would be more insistent in contracts with contractors - terms, amount when completed, a penalty for delay. And it turns out that tails remain from each, and the next to remake them broke.

  3. You need to try to prescribe all the services for the work in advance - otherwise then it pops up “but this column is not taken into account, and this is not taken into account” and cheap work is only at the initial stages, and the rest will be to the maximum.

  4. I would oblige builders to adhere to a predetermined and fixed estimate.

  5. Getting acquainted with a specific contractor, I will check a photocopy of his passport with the original (a copy for myself, I return the passport to the owner).

  6. The main thing is not the contract, but the terms of payment:

The contract that the performers offer is up to zh..s. For the time spent on the courts and, possibly, the compensation derived from this is unlikely to cover at least a third of the efforts spent in financial terms. And on ... I have half of their work, if I then searched for new performers for a month, bought new materials, and paid more to persuade them to finish?!?!?!

But then with those whom I persuaded and agreed to any of their conditions under the guarantee of performance and quality, the conditions with them were different: I pay in the amount of 100% without bargaining on my part - i.e. how many are called, but I accept and pay only for the finished work. As a result, all the participants (I and the performer were satisfied), which I wish everyone.

By trust

  1. I would not trust anyone - all engineers, architects, craftsmen, workers left many of their "traces", some were redone, and some will have to live on.

  2. You must immediately crush, in the very bud, in yourself, such a feeling as pity. (How can I kick them out, they are so hungry and unhappy ... well, they messed up here, they messed up there, I’ll talk to them, I’ll explain, they will improve).

  3. I would build 2-3 months faster if I immediately parted with foremen, builders or suppliers who do not arrive at the appointed time and / or do not bring materials on time. At the same time, the phone does not answer - the phone was “forgotten” at home, “the money ran out”, the mother-in-law in America “fell ill” - he went to bring medicines, there was a traffic jam from Zhytomyr to Bortnichi, etc.

  4. I will not trust the builders without checking the facts.

For quality control

  1. I would not spare money for a good laser level at the very beginning of construction. Before the start of construction, reluctantly, I bought such a laser machine, then I never regretted it. And the main thing is not that in the presence of a laser machine, the workers whispered “yes, you can’t do this ...”, but that everything turns out smoothly. It has only one minus, on the street you need to shoot late at night, during the day the beam is not visible. Now my friends lend me a laser printer, they are also very satisfied.

  2. I would check at all stages the diagonals of the rooms, the evenness and verticality of the walls.

  3. I would never start building a house without the involvement of a technical supervision service (if you don’t mind a couple of percent of the total estimate). They save 15-20 percent, plus you get a house that serves you well. And do not puzzle over how to avoid mistakes.

  4. Well, of course, more meticulously need to seek out jambs.

  5. I would not pay the full amount for the installation of a gutter system until it rains, at least one, even if it is six months later.

  6. I will never again accept work in a hurry, with the comments of the "guides" in the face of the builders. Otherwise, the teeth will talk, switch attention to minor details, and as a result, you can miss important jambs. According to anyone, you first need to carefully examine everything without builders and foremen, write down all suspicious moments and only then talk with the builders - then let them show and tell.

  7. From the very first day of construction, I would have kept a detailed photo archive. After, at any time you can see where the pipes were laid in the floors, and the wires in the walls, and the workers, if they have a photo with their marriage, can download the rights.

  8. Personally be present when the mixers are unloaded into the foundation and floors (when the basement was poured, they invited me to look at the film, expanded clay, reinforcement, and at the next site (without a customer) they poured the mixer onto the sand!

  9. I would not accept cement without weighing selectively at least 3-5 bags.

  10. I would not throw away checks from the construction supermarket right away. In general, I would dump all checks in one box on demand (and so as not to burn out, I would immediately make a photocopy of them)