
Gloxinia at home. Learning to care for gloxinia at home All about the gloxinia flower

DIY garden

The dormant period of gloxinia is January and early February. Therefore, the most the optimal time for planting or transplanting a plant is the end of February, at this time the tubers usually wake up. However, it is worth paying attention to some details if you are going to plant it during this period. Since he does not always wake up in February, sometimes this process can be delayed until May.

A distinctive sign of awakening is the buds that form on the tuber. Also, if the awakening process does not start for a long time, you can wake it up artificially.

It is important not to miss the beginning of the awakening, because if you do not plant the tuber on time, it will negatively affect the plant and may kill it.

Planting seeds is easier, as they can be planted at any time, but it is much more difficult to grow a strong plant from them. But, when growing seeds at home, you can create unusual hybrids or enjoy the view of rare varietal specimens.

While seeds can be planted at any time, the temperature, humidity, and lighting of the growing environment must be considered. That's why when landing in the autumn-winter time, you should think about additional lighting, since the light day of this plant is 12-14 hours, and the temperature is 20-24 ° C.

In order for your gloxinia to bloom all year round, you can arrange a rack or a warm shelf for them by organizing lighting for them for 14 hours a day. Why gloxinia does not bloom and how to make it release buds, you will learn from.

Preparation: soil and pot

Gloxinia is not very demanding on, so there should be no problems with the choice. It is worth giving preference to light soil with a sufficient amount of nutrients, which will pass moisture and air well. Ideal for peat-based substrates or the soil that is used for planting violets.

Also, you can prepare the soil yourself by mixing 1 part of the soil taken from under any tree (except oak), peat (with a low degree of acidity) and 0.5 parts of sand, you can add manure or humus. Before planting, the soil should be disinfected with boiling water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

If too dense soil is used, there is a risk of plant rotting., as this can provoke moisture retention in the soil and lack of air.

We offer you to watch a video about growing a flower with seeds:

How to care after a transplant?

For proper care after plant transplantation, the following recommendations should be considered:

  • Gloxinia is a plant with a long daylight hours, therefore, in order to obtain a strong, profusely flowering plant, it is necessary to provide good lighting in diffused light. But do not expose it to direct sunlight, the flower may overheat.
  • During the period of tuber germination, the air temperature should be slightly above 25 degrees to accelerate the growth of young shoots. But do not reach 28, as the plant stops developing.
  • Requires high humidity.
  • Watering should be done with warm water. Be sure to monitor the uniformity of watering so that all parts of the root receive their portion of moisture.
  • The room in which gloxinia grows must be regularly ventilated so that fungal diseases do not form. But strong drafts should not be allowed. About diseases and pests of gloxinia, as well as methods of dealing with them, read

Gloxinia, home care for which will not be difficult, is one of the most sought-after indoor flowers. Novice flower growers love him very much because he freely fits into any interior and gives flowers of breathtaking beauty that captivate people with their sophistication and showiness.

Description and varieties

Gloxinia (Gloxinia) is considered a member of the Gesneriaceae family. This plant was thus named after the Alsatian botanist and physician Benjamin Peter Gloksin. This flowering plant is represented by tropical herbaceous perennials and shrubs. This flower comes from South and Central America, where it used to grow on rocks in the lands of Mexico, in the deciduous forests of Brazil and Peru, on river banks and in the Andes.

Gloxinia is also called sinningia (Sinningia), so the flower was nicknamed in honor of Wilhelm Sinning, who was a gardener at Boston University, this man spent most of his life crossing and selecting gloxinia. The result of his labors was the emergence of domestic or hybrid gloxinia, which has a huge number of varieties and hybrids.

Indoor gloxinia is a tuberous perennial plant. Her shoots are small, and the juicy leaf plates are velvety and have a bright green color. Velvet bell-shaped flowers can be double or simple, they are colored in red, purple, pink and white, and also come across frilled, speckled and bicolor.

In diameter, these flowers reach 70 millimeters, and in length - 50 millimeters. Gloxinia has a huge number of seeds that are very small in size. Under natural conditions, there are 25 species of this plant, but breeders usually work only with royal gloxinia and beautiful gloxinia.

Types of gloxinia

Gloxinia contains approximately 20 species, as well as many different varieties. The most common types include:

  • The most popular variety is perennial or speckled. The peculiarity of the species is that the leaves below are painted in a reddish color scheme. The flowers are bell-shaped. Flowering begins in autumn. The height of the flower does not exceed 70 centimeters;
  • royal synningia- one of the brightest representatives of the genus. The height of the species does not exceed 10 centimeters. The leaves are broad and dark. They are clearly visible streaks of silver color. Flowering occurs in summer. The axillary flowers are large and deep purple; The most unusual type of gloxinia is considered undersized, with flowers 2-3 centimeters in size.
  • beautiful- a variety that looks like a royal. But the leaves have a lighter color. The flowers of the plant are purple and violet;
  • Gloxinia tiny- This is the smallest species. Its height is about 2.5 centimeters. One tiny velvet flower is located on one peduncle. Flowering occurs in summer.

Planting and propagation of gloxinia

Gloxinia is easy to propagate in different ways. The choice depends on the type of plant. When buying a flower, be interested in this in order to understand which method is suitable for propagating the flower you like.

Tuber planting

In January - February, gloxinia tubers (competently synningia) are rearranged to a warmer place and begin to be watered regularly.

When sprouts are formed, gloxinia bulbs are transplanted into a fresh earthen mixture consisting of peat and sand leafy soil (3: 1.5: 1). If the tuber is large enough and has a large number of stems, it is more reasonable to divide it into several parts so that each individual part includes at least one or preferably two sprouts.

When planting, it is not necessary to completely bury the tuber: it is either lightly sprinkled with a layer of earth (no more than 0.5 - 1 centimeter), or the top is not covered at all. Otherwise, with a deeper landing, at best, only one shoot can grow, and the rest will not break through.

leaf reproduction

This method is the most common, because it is considered the simplest. First you need to take a good, strong leaf with a stem up to 4 centimeters.

A torn leaf can be installed directly into the water, or you can immediately into the ground. The rooting process is almost the same. The difference is that a leaf attached to water first has roots, and then it is transplanted into a glass.

However, in both cases, after the plant is placed in the ground, it is necessary to cover it with oilcloth, which is removed when the first leaves form.

Reproduction by seeds

So, you need to prepare a small and not very deep container, as well as nutrient soil. Everything must be thoroughly disinfected. You can use purchased soil for violets, or you can make a mixture yourself.

You need to take two parts of soddy land and peat, add one part of sand and mix all the components well. The substrate should be light and loose.

Seeds are placed on the surface of the soil, and since. they are very small, it is desirable to mix them with a small amount of sand. This way they will be distributed more evenly. Sowing gloxinia seeds is shallow - this means that they are not covered with soil. Then spraying is carried out from the sprayer and covered with glass. You can install a container with crops in a plastic bag and attach it to a warm and bright place. The required temperature level for germination is 23-25C.

Reproduction by tubers

Gloxinia tubers are very rarely propagated, this is due to the fact that this is a painful process for a flower. The tuber should be chosen strong. If there is rot, it is cut off. The tubers are separated with a sharp, disinfected knife. Sections are processed with crushed coal.

Each piece should have at least one process of at least 2 centimeters. the fragments are planted in pots, and in order for them to take root, the earth must always be well moist, but not excessively, so that the tubers do not rot.

Reproduction by peduncles

At the end of flowering, the peduncle is carefully cut off with a sharp knife and placed in water for rooting. Next, you should proceed in the same way as when propagating with a leaf.

Reproduction by stepchildren

In the spring or at the end of flowering, a mass of shoots appears on the tubers. Of these, 2-3 of the strongest are stored, and the rest are removed. The shoots are arranged in water for rooting, and then planted in pots.

Reproduction by cuttings

This is the easiest way to propagate gloxinia. The petiole, which is taken at the stage of budding, should not be longer than 3-4 centimeters. If the leaf is sluggish, then it should be lowered into the water. He will swim a little and restore turgor. The stalk quickly gives roots in boiled water at a temperature level of 20–25 degrees.

Then it is placed in loose and nutritious soil. Growth will be especially active in saturated sunlight. A month after rooting, tubers will begin to appear.

Features of flower care

The soil

We have already talked about the composition of the earth in the “transplant” section. The best acidity level for synningia is 6 or 7. As we have already said, the soil for growing tuberous perennials should be prepared independently or purchased ready-made in a special flower shop. In order to have practically no problems with growing gloxinia in the future, the highest demands should be placed on the land.

Soil requirements for growing perennials:

  • The soil should not be heavy. If the earth retains moisture, this will lead to the decomposition of the root system of the plant.
  • The nutrients contained in various top dressings should penetrate into the soil without any problems and be easily absorbed.
  • The earth must necessarily be breathable. This will allow the root system of the plant to breathe, and unnecessary water not to stagnate in the ground.
  • If you use soil that you prepared at home, it must be sterilized. For this, a weak composition of potassium permanganate is perfect. Some gardeners simply cultivate the land with boiling water. This is a great option when there is nothing else at hand, and the timing of picking a houseplant is running out.

Important! Of course, do not forget about drainage. Such a traditional option as expanded clay will perfectly cope with this problem.


Gloxinia is a photophilous plant. In this case, the key is the length of daylight hours. It is best to place pots with this flower in a place where the sun's rays are scattered.

It is allowed to find these flowerpots in partial shade, but in this case the plant may stretch out, which will make it not look so attractive. In general, according to gloxinia it is quite easy to understand whether there is enough lighting for it.

With too much light, the leaves may begin to fade and curl. In this case, the stem is significantly shortened, and the flowering period is seriously reduced. If the plant seems to have begun to hug the pot with leaves, it means that it is advisable to rearrange the flowerpot to a less lit place or at least shade it a little. This problem is especially burning in summer, when the sun shines up to 14 hours a day.

With a lack of lighting, gloxinia begins to stretch and lift the leaves up.

Under normal lighting, the stem of the plant will be short. The leaves are in a horizontal direction and have a juicy dark green color.


When the process of rapid growth and flowering occurs, it becomes necessary to maintain high humidity. The reaction to dry air will be quick, the leaves will begin to curl, the buds will wither without opening.

You can use all available means to humidify the air, including moving the pot into a tray with wet expanded clay. The only thing that is not desirable to do is to spray the plant itself. It is necessary to treat with a sprayer only the nearest area, without entering the foliage.

Active watering is needed for the plant only during the period of growth, flowering.

At the end of summer, watering is slowly reduced, due to the approach of the dormant period. This period comes after wilting in the fall. In order to understand how to water gloxinia when switching to a dormant state, keep an eye on the exterior and avoid overflow. Such a mistake at this time is the most dangerous.

Try not only to create high humidity when establishing a microclimate, but also to ventilate the room. Stale humid air increases the risk of fungal diseases.

Watering must be done very evenly, you can not fill the center of the tuber, avoid getting moisture on the leaves, buds.


An important step in caring for gloxinia is the proper fertilization of the plant. Two months after the planting and rooting of the tuber, the first fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is performed. Then gloxinia is fed every two weeks, using alternately mineral and organic fertilizers.

At the initial stage, nitrogen fertilizers are chosen to enhance leaf growth, their use is not recommended when buds and flowering appear. When flowering, potash and phosphorus fertilizers are suitable.

Care must be taken to control the concentration of any of these substances, since excessive nitrogen can lead to tuber rot, and excessive amounts of potash and phosphorus fertilizers can cause leaf chlorosis, leaf spots and a decrease in the brightness of flowers. Trace elements and organic fertilizers are responsible for the number and size of flowers.


Another fundamental condition for the cultivation of this plant is the observance of the temperature regime. This is due to the fact that the plant has periods of functional growth and periods of rest. The best temperature regime during the period of active growth is from 20 to 23 ° C.

If the temperature in the room with gloxinia is below 18 ° C for a long time, then this will affect the growth and formation of the plant.

For the dormant period, a slightly different temperature regime is required; at this time, the plant must be kept at a temperature of 10 to 14 ° C.

It must be remembered that drafts and sudden changes in temperature are very harmful to the plant, otherwise you will not wait for abundant and prolonged flowering.

Diseases and pests

Powdery mildew and blackleg are also possible. When buying a plant in a store and brought from friends, for reliable prevention, rinse the tubers with potassium permanganate or a fungicide.


Gloxinia (photo above) is not considered a "quiet" among indoor plants. She is capricious and requires increased attention to herself. But there is nothing impossible in caring for her. Follow all the conditions and rules so that this exotic beauty does not get sick and delights you with her breathtaking flowering.

Gloxinia home care is quite simple, so these flowers are found on almost every windowsill. They are very beautiful, the inflorescence resembles a bell. Up to 50 flowers are observed on one bush per season. Competent care of the plant is contained in proper watering, lighting, observance of periods of rest and flowering. Top dressing depends on the time of year and the stage of development of the bush. Experienced and not-so-experienced florists can independently obtain a plant shoot using one of four common methods.

History and description of gloxinia

An amazingly beautiful flower was noticed by the German scientist Benjamin Peter Gloksin in Brazil back in 1785. There it grew on the rocky banks of small rivers, shaped like a bell. The size of the plant varied from small shrubs to semi-shrub.

The scientist gave the name to the plant "gloxinia" from his own name. In addition, in translation from German "Glock" means "bell". This name is the best fit for the flower and is used in our time.

At the beginning of the 19th century, another German botanist, Wilhelm Sinning, noticed an amazing bell. He devoted a lot of time to its study and cultivation of hybrids. Having named the flower "sinningia", he did not know that it had previously been called gloxinia. The new name is reflected in the Latin name of tuberous flowers - synningia is beautiful.

According to the shape of the tuber, the flower is of two types:

  • a long rhizome resembling a carrot;
  • root in the form of tubers.

The first species is considered gloxinia, the second - synningia.

Outwardly, the flower is low, with thick fleshy leaves. The flowers are large, resemble a bell, have a variety of shades - from white to deep purple. A mix of shades in one plant is quite common.

Gloxinia growing on the windowsills of flower growers can be varied in appearance of flowers. White, pink, purple, with a polka dot pattern or a border around the edges - the flowers amaze with varietal differences.

According to the size of the plant, gloxinia happens:

  1. Miniature form, not exceeding 20 cm.
  2. Medium, reaching 30 cm in height.

If the growing conditions are not observed, the sizes may be average or exceed the declared ones.

Corollas of flowers are single, simple or double, when the petals are arranged in several rows.

From the type of coloring, gloxinia is divided into:

  • monophonic type. It has a uniform color, lighter in depth;
  • calico type, painted with uniform spots or interspersed;
  • tigrins are distinguished by a border framing the edges of the flower.

The saturation of color and coloration depends on many factors, including growing conditions.

The most common are synningia of the following types:

  1. Royal, has purple flowers.
  2. Avante with white petals.
  3. Tigrina Red has a bright red color.
  4. Kaiser Wilhelm with a purple to black flower with a white border.
  5. Anfisa with white spots on pink petals.

In total, up to 40 species of plants are distinguished, diverse and beautiful. Some of them can be found in the wild, but many are bred by selection.

Gloxinia are undemanding in special care. They should receive enough solar heat and light. Do not expose to drafts. To get a longer flowering period, you should follow some flower care rules.

Soil and pot requirements

Domestic gloxinia have roots in the form of a tuber. For them, a special soil is selected.

He can be:

  • purchased from specialized stores. You should take the ground for flowering indoor plants or special for violets;
  • cooked at home.

Choosing any option, you must try to keep the soil loose and nutritious.

For self-mixing of the soil, you should prepare soddy soil, leaf humus, ordinary soil and sand in equal proportions. If the resulting mass is not crumbly, light, sawdust should be added. The drainage layer of small pebbles is up to 25% of the bottom of the tank or 2-3 cm.

When choosing a pot, one should take into account the requirement that the tuber should be separated from the walls of the vessel, but not be 5 cm larger in diameter. In this case, they will have room to grow. In addition, the capacity is selected low and wide. With an ideal selection, the pot should contain 3 cm of drainage, then the tuber, completely covered with earth. The diameter of the pot is larger than the diameter of the tuber by no more than 5 cm.

Watering, feeding and fertilizing

Plant care is aimed at increasing the flowering period with more pronounced and beautiful flowers.

Gloxinia is fed every two weeks. For this, prepared fertilizers for indoor flowers are selected. They should be enriched with potassium and phosphorus. An excess of the latter leads to abundant, but short flowering. The fertilizing period is until mid-August, since later the plant should prepare to hibernate.

Do not feed newly transplanted bushes or weakened for any reason.

Watering is carried out using warm water. In the absence of drainage, overwatering will lead to:

  • root rot;
  • emergence and reproduction of pests;
  • death of roots with simultaneous shedding of leaves and death of buds.

To avoid these phenomena, it is worth watering often, but not abundantly.

Temperature, humidity, lighting

The flower prefers bright places, but without exposure to direct sunlight. It is good to use any window, except facing north. With directed rays of the sun, the plant should be shaded with a thin tulle, a net on the window. Rotate the pot once a week. So the plant will develop evenly. Excess light leads to burns on the leaves.

The humidity of the surrounding air is of great importance for the plant. Its excess leads to rotting of the root system, and its deficiency leads to death. Moss can be planted in large pots to maintain moisture levels. The sprayer is used carefully. If water gets on the leaves or buds, they can be damaged.

The temperature in the room with gloxinia should not fall below 22 ° C. In spring, for the onset of conditions for active germination of tubers, it should be maintained at a level of 25 ° C.

Pruning and transplant

Prune the plant in the fall after the end of the flowering period.

There are two ways to crop:

  1. Radical. All processes are removed for the purpose of more plentiful pinching.
  2. Sparing. A small stump remains, which continues to feed on the vital activity of the roots in order to prevent their decay.

Which way to choose, everyone decides for himself.

Transplantation occurs annually in the spring immediately after the appearance of the first stepchildren. A pot is selected according to the volume of the root. Prepared drainage and soil. The tuber is washed under water, cleaned, rotten places are cut out. After that, landing takes place.

What to do after flowering

The plant continues to bloom throughout the summer. It can take place in two stages, or it can give flowers without ceasing. In the first case, after the buds wither (usually in June), it follows:

  • cut the stem, leaving no more than 4 leaves;
  • after pecking the stems, choose 1-2 of the strongest;
  • feed the plant with a growth stimulator;

A month later, new buds are tied, which will be weaker than the previous ones.

Sinningia has several stages of development, which are repeated annually. These include the time of rest, awakening and an active set of leaves with flowering.

First cycle: rest period

After active flowering in autumn, gloxinia go into hibernation. This is evidenced by the yellowing and drying of the leaves, the death of the buds.

To help the plant you need:

  1. Cut off the leaves and buds, leaving a small stem of 2-3 cm.
  2. Store the tubers in a pot covered with a film, or place in a container with wet sand. The ambient temperature should not exceed 15 degrees.
  3. Once a month, the tubers should be moistened to avoid drying out. Excessive watering leads to rotting of the root system.

If during storage the root has released a stalk, it must be cut off. The left shoot will be elongated, have an unsightly appearance.

Second cycle: planting tubers

In the spring, around April, gloxinia pots are taken out of a dark place. Tubers wintered in their own pots can be:

  • put on the windowsill and start watering without transplanting;
  • transplant into a new pot.

The decision is made based on the age of the bush, the size of its tubers and the pot.

The roots selected for transplantation are carefully examined. Subject to detection:

  • dried roots;
  • rotten areas that need to be cut off, treat the cut point with crushed coal;

For prevention, the roots are kept in a solution of potassium permanganate.

If it is not possible to recognize whether the tuber is alive or spoiled, a small part must be cut off. The place of the cut of white or yellow shades indicates a living root. In the presence of black and gray flowers, the tuber is thrown away.

Third cycle: flowering

Gloxinia blooms from May to October. It passes in two waves or the bush gives off buds throughout the summer (the second option is less common).

By pruning the stem after the bud wilts, by fertilizing with a bud formation stimulator, it is possible to ensure that the second flowering will be as close as possible in intensity to the first. Usually the flowers appearing in August-September are smaller in size and have less saturated shades.

Reproduction features

There are four ways to reproduce synningia when growing a plant at home. Each of them has its own characteristics and difficulties in care.

Reproduction of gloxinia leaf

When choosing a method to propagate gloxinia with a leaf, you should choose the right time. It is always early spring when the first leaves appear on the plant. In this case, young greens will form a tuber faster.

Trimming steps followed:

  • an adult bush with large leaves is selected;
  • the petiole is cut so that its length is at least 5 cm;
  • its tip is cut in half, using a clean sharp blade;
  • the tip is disinfected;
  • place in a glass of water until roots appear.

The resulting sprout is planted in a plastic cup, deepening into the ground at an angle of 45 degrees. Contact of the sheet with the ground or the edges of the container is not allowed. From above, the pot is closed with a bag and installed in a bright place without direct sunlight. Soil temperature should be around 16°C.

The package is removed immediately after the appearance of the first process. The plant is transplanted into the ground in a separate pot. After 1.5-2 months, the leaves will get stronger, the bush will give the first buds. By this time it will have 3-4 pairs of good leaves.

seed propagation

Obtaining seedlings from plant seeds is a complex and time-consuming process. Given all the difficulties, this is the method chosen to obtain new plant varieties.

The first step will be the collection of seed material. For this purpose, pollination of the flower is carried out by transferring pollen from the pistils of each existing bush to each other. The seed box will become noticeable after the bud wilts. Within a week, the boxes open, after which they are cut off and poured into a container.

The cultivation of seed material occurs according to the scheme:

  • a plastic container with a translucent lid is filled with 1 cm expanded clay;
  • soil is poured from above. It should be loose and breathable, preferably peaty;
  • using a spray gun, the soil is moistened;
  • seeds are scattered on top in an even layer;
  • seed material is slightly deepened into the ground with the help of watering;
  • the container is closed with a lid, a film is stretched from above.

In a warm place, sprouts will appear a week after the procedure. Seedlings should be planted in separate containers a month after germination, again covered with foil. Picking is carried out 4 times during the growth of gloxinia.

Tuber division

This method is used infrequently, as the new plant will be prone to disease.

It is carried out in stages:

  1. Among the available material, a tuber is selected, the diameter of which exceeds 8 cm.
  2. The tuber is inspected to identify damaged or rotted areas that are removed.
  3. The material is divided into several parts. It is important to leave on each sprout.
  4. The resulting parts are dried, then processed with garden pitch.
  5. Planting is carried out in prepared containers with soil.
  6. Watering is carried out regularly.

Transplanting into a new pot is possible only when the tuber of the original capacity is completely occupied.

If you choose a transparent plastic cup as the first container, it will become easy to determine the degree of tuber growth.

stem cuttings

The stem cutting should be cut from an adult healthy plant. A segment with 3-4 pairs of leaves is selected. The distance from the bottom sheet to the end of the handle should not exceed 3 cm.

Loose soil is poured into the prepared container, which is watered with slightly warm water. In advance, drainage is poured into a container with a diameter of 9 cm to 1/3 of the height. It is better to use chopped small foam. A depression is made in the center with a depth of 2 cm, into which the prepared cutting is planted.

After closing the container with polyethylene, put it in a bright, warm place. The film is removed for an hour every 3-4 days, gradually increasing the time. After 30 days, the polyethylene is removed completely. The finished plant will be healthy and strong.

Pests, diseases and treatment

Difficulties in caring for gloxinia bushes are associated with its susceptibility to various diseases.

They most often include:

  • bud or tuber rot, which is treated by transplanting the tuber and treating it with a fungicide;
  • fungal diseases, for example, anthracnose, manifested by brown spots on the leaves, ascochitosis, the spots of which also have a rim around the edge, are treated with copper sulphate;
  • phyllostictosis is detected after the appearance of round brown spots and is treated with drugs with the addition of copper;
  • septoria with its rust-like spots causes the leaves to fall off and the stems to dry out. Treatment is carried out by spraying with copper-containing agents.

For timely detection of the disease, plants are examined in saturated sunlight once a week.

Gloxinia is a beautiful domestic flower, common throughout the world. It is shaped like bells. It has a variety of colors, it is monophonic and interspersed. Species diversity allows everyone to find something to their liking. The plant is unpretentious for growing at home, subject to certain conditions.

plant care guide

Every year, in the spring During flowering and vegetation 18-28, during dormancy - not less than 15 When the topsoil becomes dry, reduce in winter In summer, near the flower, so that water does not fall on the leaves East and West window sills


In nature, gloxinia grows under the cover of sparse forests, therefore, it needs sufficiently bright lighting.

However Gloxinia does not tolerate direct sunlight therefore, when keeping a flower on the southern windows, it must be shaded.

The best place for a flower will be an east or west window.

The lack of lighting can be determined by the following signs: the leaves reach for the light and lose their decorative appearance, the internodes are drawn out, the buds cease to form, the color of the flowers and leaves becomes noticeably paler.

In order for gloxinia to feel comfortable and develop correctly, it needs daylight hours, lasting 12-14 hours. Therefore, the plant is recommended to be artificially illuminated with fluorescent or phytolamps in the evening.


Normal room temperature is ideal for gloxinia.

During the growing season and flowering, you need to maintain the temperature in the room at least 18 ° C. Normal room temperature is fine for this plant.

But in the summer, when the temperature rises to 28 ° C and above, the flower can overheat and begin to fade. Therefore, in summer it is better to keep it in a shaded place.

During the dormant period, the temperature should be slightly reduced, however, it should not fall below 15 ° C, so as not to provoke the development of fungal diseases.


Watering the flower should be very dosed. Do not water until the top layer of soil in the pot is dry.

It is difficult to say in advance how long the next soil moistening should be carried out, it depends on the temperature in the room.

In summer, you need to water more often, in spring and autumn - less often.. In winter, when the plant is sleeping, watering is greatly reduced, the pots are cleaned in a cool, shady place. Gloxinia will spend 2-3 months here.

In no case should the plant be flooded. This can lead to the development of a fungal infection. Water should be used only warm and soft with a neutral reaction. Tap water must be defended for several days before watering.

The soil

Gloxinia requires light, permeable and at the same time nutritious soil.

The following soil composition for gloxinia will be most optimal: leaf humus, black soil, peat and coarse sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 1: 1.

Before use, it is good not only to rinse the sand, but also to ignite it in the oven.

Purchased soil for the plant is better, as stores sell sterile, pest-free soil mixtures.

Suitable universal mixture for flowering plants with the addition of peat.


Feed the plant during the period of active growth and flowering, which begins in mid-April and ends at the end of August. At this time, fertilizers must be applied to the soil once a week.

The best for gloxinia are liquid complex fertilizers designed for flowering plants.

You can not feed the plant with fertilizers for decorative and deciduous species., since excess nitrogen can cause a strong increase in leaf mass and adversely affect flowering.

Fertilizers are diluted with water in accordance with the instructions and applied to moist soil 1-2 hours after watering. In autumn and winter, top dressing is not carried out.


The plant responds well to an increase in air humidity, but only during the period of growth and flowering. If the air in the room is too dry, the leaves of the plant may curl and the buds fall off. That's why it is recommended to humidify the air near the plant. In winter, when keeping gloxinia, the air should be dry.

Spray the plant in the summer so that water does not fall on the leaves. Water is sprayed near the flower. You can refuse this procedure and put the pot in a tray full of wet sand or expanded clay.


The room where gloxinia is grown should be regularly ventilated so that moist air does not stagnate and does not contribute to the development of fungal infections. But the flower itself should not be in a draft, because this can lead to dropping buds.

In good conditions, gloxinia can bloom 2 times a season. The first flowering begins after the end of the dormant period and the growth of new leaves.

Gloxinia blooms for the first time in early June. After that, you can cut off its upper part, leaving no more than 4 lower sheets. This will stimulate the plant to release new shoots. Of these, you need to leave 1 or 2 of the strongest.

A month after the first flowering, shoots will give buds and gloxinia will bloom a second time.

In the middle or towards the end of autumn, gloxinia leaves begin to turn yellow and dry out.. When the plant completely loses its foliage, the dry remains must be cut off, and the tuber pot should be placed in a dark and cool place with a temperature of about 15ºС. To prevent the soil from drying out completely, it is better to cover the pot with polyethylene. Water the tubers during the dormant period in small portions once a month.

Trimming / Support / Garter

Gloxinia should not be trimmed. Only to maintain the appearance, it is sometimes necessary to cut off fading flower stalks and leaves. When the plant has a dormant period and the leaves dry up, they should be carefully cut or cut off without damaging the tuber.

Gloxinia does not need pruning to form a bush. It is necessary to remove wilted flowers and peduncles, as well as yellowed and dried leaves.

When gloxinia finally fades and prepares for a dormant period, its watering is reduced and top dressing is stopped. After the stem and leaves dry up, the entire aerial part of the plant must be cut off with a sharp knife, leaving a stump 1-2 cm high above the tuber.

If the gloxinia has grown widely, and there is a possibility of the pot tipping over, it is necessary to install a support and carefully tie up the bush without damaging the delicate leaves and stem. If the outlet is small and stable, support and garter are not needed.


In the process of caring for a gloxinia flower at home, diseases can rarely occur.

Gloxinia are susceptible to various fungal diseases, the development of which is possible with excessive soil moisture and maintenance at low temperatures. Leaf rot and tuber rot are especially common in these plants.

With leaf rot, the affected areas of the leaves become dark and watery, the leaves and buds die off.. Plants that get water on their leaves are especially often sick. When signs of rot appear, all affected areas must be removed, and the entire plant should be treated with fungicides.

When the tuber rots, wilting of leaves and peduncles is observed., they wilt, and new buds do not bloom. You should dig up the tuber, remove all diseased parts, wash it in a fungicidal solution.

After that, the plant is planted in a new land and watered very carefully.

Sometimes the flower suffers from pests: whiteflies, spider mites, thrips, mealybugs.

If harmful insects are found, gloxinia should be treated with insecticides.

Nematodes sometimes attack tubers that have begun to rot. You can fight this pest only by transplanting the plant into a new sterile soil.


Gloxinia is an unpretentious plant. When growing gloxinia at home, problems rarely occur. Sometimes the plant stretches, does not bloom, or sheds buds.

When gloxinia leaves become excessively elongated, and their color turns pale, the plant does not have enough light. You need to rearrange it closer to the window, but make sure that the sun does not fall on the leaves. From the sun's rays, dry yellow patches are formed on the leaves of gloxinia - burns.

The plant does not bloom or blooms very poorly with a lack of nutrition and lighting. In this case, he needs to be fed.

Also, flowering may be absent due to a very spacious pot. For an adult plant, you should not take a pot more than 15 cm in diameter.

The plant drops buds due to tuber rot. It must be watered very carefully.

Also, dropping buds can occur from a very sharp drop in temperature or from a draft.


The most common breeding methods for gloxinia are:

  • seeds;
  • stepchildren (processes);
  • Leaf cuttings.

The optimal time for sowing gloxinia seeds is November-March. They are scattered on the surface of the soil in boxes, they are not sprinkled with earth. To speed up germination, containers are covered with glass or polyethylene, which are removed after germination. "Teplichka" is placed in a bright place, regularly ventilated. The soil is sprayed with water at room temperature. At a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees shoots appear within 2 weeks.

When the sprouts have 2 leaves, they are seated at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. When the third pair of leaves appears, another pick is needed. When young specimens become cramped in the box, they are seated in individual pots.

Sometimes many lateral shoots or processes appear on gloxinia tubers.. These are, in fact, new specimens of the plant, only without roots. They can be easily used for reproduction.

To do this, leave from 1 to 3 stepchildren, and the rest are removed. When the shoots grow a little, they are carefully cut off with a sharp knife and placed in water for rooting. After the appearance of the roots, they are planted in the ground. Young gloxinia from the stepson will bloom in the same season.

Leaf cuttings can also be used for propagation. To do this, you need a leaf from the lower tier of the rosette, preferably with a thick and short petiole, no longer than 3-4 cm.

The cutting is immersed in water by 1-2 cm to form roots., after which it is planted in the ground to a depth of 2-3 cm. For better survival, the cutting is covered with a jar or polyethylene. After 2-4 weeks at a temperature of 22-23 degrees, a small tuber will begin to appear.


When to transplant gloxinia? Gloxinia transplantation is carried out in early spring or winter before the start of the growing season. Usually transplantation is carried out in February or early March, when the plant is still at rest.

Now let's take a closer look at how to transplant gloxinia.

The tuber is removed from the pot and inspected, and then the old roots are removed..

Gloxinia transplants do not need large ones. Medium-sized containers are used, mostly low and not more than 15 cm wide. We should not forget about good drainage at the bottom of the pot, which will protect the flower from stagnant water and rotting of the tuber.

When planting gloxinia in the ground, the tuber is buried by 2/3. The upper part should not be covered with earth, otherwise there is always a threat of water entering the growing points and rotting of the tuber. Replanted every year.

New pots for transplanting gloxinia should be only 2-3 cm larger than the size of the tubers. Otherwise, the plant will begin to grow a tuber, and the appearance of buds can not wait. Be sure to have drainage at the bottom of the pot: pebbles, expanded clay, clay shards.

Before planting, in order to avoid the appearance of rot or other diseases, it is recommended to place the tuber in a solution of a fungicidal preparation, for example, Fundazol, Maxim, Fitosporin for 30-40 minutes. An alternative is a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate.

After transplantation, the tuber is covered with a film and placed in a well-lit place."Teplichka" is ventilated twice a day. After the appearance of two leaves, the shelter is removed. Also, after this, it is recommended to add a little earth to cover the tuber.

Description of the species and varieties

Gloxinia is a very beautiful ornamental flowering plant of the Gesneriev family, whose homeland is Central and South America.

The plant is a tuberous perennial with a short stem and large dense leaves. Their color is bright or dark green, the surface is velvety.

The flowers are very beautiful and bright, have a bell-shaped form., reach a diameter of 7-8 cm. They can be simple or terry, in color - white, red, pink, purple, two-tone, with a rim or speckled.

In nature, 25 species of gloxinia are known. Two of them, beautiful gloxinia and royal gloxinia, were taken as the basis for breeding many different varieties.

Gloxinia beautiful has a broadly oval leaf shape, narrowed towards the base. Their color is evenly green, petioles are long. Under natural conditions, the flowers are purple or purple.

Gloxinia royal has a thickened stem, up to 10 cm high. Oval leaves, up to 20 cm long, have a dark green color with silver veins. Flowers bell-shaped, purple.

Based on these two species, many varieties of gloxinia were bred, different in size, color, shape and structure of flowers. For example,

  • Gloxinia Avanti - has large bright flowers of various colors and small dense leaves;
  • Gloxinia terry - with large double flowers of various colors;
  • Gloxinia Hollywood - has bright flowers of pure purple color;
  • Gloxinia Brocade - has a compact rosette size and double flowers.

Gloxinia care in winter

Consider how to care for gloxinia at home in winter. Gloxinia has a pronounced dormant period. After flowering, its leaves and stem gradually turn yellow and dry out, and the roots die off, proper care for gloxinia is necessary. When the aerial part dies completely, it should be cut off, leaving a 1-centimeter stump. After that, watering stops completely.

In winter, tubers can be stored in 2 ways:

  1. 15 days after the death of the aerial part, the tubers are dug out of the soil and cleaned of dead roots. Then they are placed in sawdust, coconut or peat and stored in a dark, cool place. Periodically, the tubers should be inspected so that due to excess moisture they do not begin to rot.
  2. The tubers remain to winter in the pot in which they grew. In this case, the pot moves to a dark, cool place. So that the tubers do not dry out, once a month the soil around them should be slightly moistened.

The optimum temperature for wintering gloxinia at home is 10-15 degrees. It can tolerate temperature drops of up to 5 degrees, but provided that the substrate in which the tubers are stored is not too wet.


We recommend that you watch a useful video on the topic of the article:

Now you know everything about caring for gloxinia at home.

Gloxinia, or beautiful synningia, attracts fans of indoor plant growing with rich shades of its buds, lush greenery and a very decorative appearance. Easy care at home makes it an excellent choice for growing on a windowsill or a spacious balcony, terrace or veranda. Indoor varieties are quite diverse and allow you to bring a real riot of colors into the interior, and planting with a tuber prevents possible problems with growing a seedling. However, this South American beauty is famous not only for the juiciness of colors.

In order for gloxinia to please its owners with a luxurious appearance for a long time, some effort has to be made. This flower may have diseases, it needs proper feeding and provision of certain conditions of detention. Then the result of cultivating beautiful synningia will be truly worthy.


Today, indoor views of this exotic guest are as diverse as possible in their appearance. But the main features always remain characteristic of her. Gloxinia was first discovered and described in Brazil in 1975, but modern varieties are not descended from a speckled, but from a beautiful variety of this flower. It was brought to Europe from the South American tropics already in the 19th century.

It is worth noting that the beautiful gloxinia, brought from Brazil to the UK, is also called sinningia, in honor of one of the outstanding botanists Wilhelm Sinning, who cultivated this flower for many years. In many ways, the fans of this plant owe the modern variety of hybrids to him. But gardeners use another option, following the French version of the spelling of its name, assigned to a wild plant. And for many decades, both options remain in use.

The tropical perennial gloxinia from the Gesneriev family looks remarkable. The plant has a large rhizome, the upper part looks like a herbaceous shrub. The natural conditions for the growth of this flower are rocky surfaces from the Mexican part of the Andes, river banks and deciduous forests of Brazil.

Indoor gloxinia has a short stem, on which there are pubescent velvety leaves of a rich green hue. The flowers also have a fleecy surface, bell-shaped, can be double or regular. The brightness of color is inherent mainly in hybrids - their natural form is most often purple or red. But thanks to breeders, flower growers have the opportunity to breed white and speckled, pink and frilled varieties. The length of the inflorescence can reach 5 cm, diameter - 7 cm.

Propagation occurs by seeds or leaf cuttings. In total, there are 25 species of gloxinia in nature, but only two of them are used in breeding work.

  • Gloxinia regina. Royal gloxinia is characterized by silvery veins on pubescent leaves, a drooping shape and a significant length of peduncles. The hue of the bells is dark purple, rich and deep. The stem is thick, gaining height up to 10 cm.

In fact, it was these two species that became the ancestors of all cultural gloxinia that exist today.

Some Features

Exotic plants often require the creation of strictly defined conditions for them. Among the features of gloxinia that beginner growers should know are the following points:

  • the plant has a dormant period, after the completion of the flowering phase, its aerial part dies off;
  • in the period before the seasonal "sleep" nitrogen-free top dressing is necessarily carried out;
  • when choosing a pot for planting, it is worth giving preference to options at least 15 cm in diameter;
  • for year-round flowering, it will be necessary to equip the plants with a warm rack with a lamp that allows for at least 14 hours of daylight hours.

Tidea, which is often confused with gloxinia, has its own characteristic differences that allow specialists to determine the botanical affiliation of flowers quite accurately. First of all, the difference is visible in the shape of the inflorescence. In tidea, this is a “slipper”, while the gloxinia bell has a more regular shape. The size and structure of the tuber also differ. Tidea has a smaller size, in addition, the surface of this part of the plant has a scaly structure.


The variety of hybrid varieties is one of the most striking differences between gloxinia and many other beautifully flowering plants. The most popular of them look very impressive and can grow up to 30 cm in height. To decide which seed option to choose for planting, it is worth considering varietal gloxinia in more detail, having studied their description.

  • "Impress blue ink" has a characteristic color. Snow-white dots are scattered on a rich background of indigo shade, the golden core dilutes the composition, giving it sophistication. Large inflorescences are formed on the bush in large quantities, which looks very expressive and decorative against the background of lush green leaves.

  • "Negress". Terry hybrid gloxinia has expressive blue petals with a deep velvety black tint. Against the background of green foliage with silver veins, they look incredibly impressive. Large flowers have a diameter of up to 12 cm, buds are best formed when grown in a cool, well-lit place. The bush is quite high, reaches 25 cm.

  • "Strawberry shake". The rich pink-raspberry color of the Strawberry Shake terry gloxinia looks elegant and attractive. The flowers have a compact rosette and short peduncles, a bush of a small size. The petals are strewn with bright crimson-mottled dots.

  • "Defiance". The spectacular variety of gloxinia "Defianz" has a rich scarlet color of the petals, has a pronounced bell-shaped inflorescence. The plant has a long flowering, compact bush grows up to 25 cm in height.

  • "The Snow Queen". Luxurious gloxinia looks especially impressive due to the presence of upright shoots on a low, up to 10 cm, bush. Intense green leaves are covered with a cobweb of a silvery pattern. Large bell-shaped flowers have an unusual purple color towards the edges of the petals, turning into an almost white color.

  • "Starry sky". White polka dots on a velvety blue background - this is what the color of the starry sky gloxinia flower looks like. The main tone varies from almost black to pale lilac, tall peduncles hold terry buds well, the bush is compactly formed, flowering is long.

  • "Blanche de Meuro". The white pharynx and the outer part of the petal, combined with a lush raspberry border, is what distinguishes this variety of gloxinia. It is characterized by the formation of a large leaf rosette - up to 25 cm in diameter. With proper care, the variety provides long continuous flowering, abundantly covering green shoots with spectacular bells of flowers.

  • "Friedrich" or "Kaiser Friedrich". Intense dessert-raspberry, with a white center and a wide snow-white border around the edges of the petals, gloxinia looks like a true queen of flowers. The bells are large and look very decorative. But in order to achieve abundant flowering, you have to make a lot of effort.

The variety is capricious in terms of top dressing, the level of soil moisture, and the nutritional value of the environment. But all efforts will be rewarded with the beautiful flowering of this gloxinia.

  • Kaiser Wilhelm. The deep purple hue and contrasting white edging of the petals are in harmony with the unusual spotted core. Due to the high location of the peduncle, the buds open wide above the leaves, standing out against their background. A lush rosette, fully opening, becomes slightly wavy at the edges. Flowering is characterized by bouquet formation of flowers, long-term preservation of foliage splendor.

When placed in bright light, it may lose color brightness.

  • "Tigrina red". The variety implies the possibility of growing flowers, in which the red border along the edges is combined with a white middle and bright contrasting peas - a scattering of small dots. The corolla has a scarlet or purple tone, it can have both the shape of a bell and the appearance of a slipper. Flowering usually lasts from spring to autumn. The plant supports an exclusively vegetative mode of reproduction, since it belongs to the category of hybrids. You can't get seeds from him.

  • "Yesenia". Gentle-terry gloxinia "Yesenia" belongs to the group of hybrids of the Dutch selection and is one of the ten most popular varieties. The plant can reach up to 30 cm in height, the leaves form rosettes on a short petiole. The flowers are quite large, in a half-open form they resemble pink buds. When the bud is fully opened, a contrasting white or pink border is visible along the edges of the raspberry petals. Flowering is long, the bouquet form of the bush is preserved, it looks very decorative.

Home care

First of all, the culture will need a spacious shelf or window sill to accommodate the pot. In the conditions of the autumn-winter season, you will have to install additional lighting, move the pot to a warm place. The minimum duration of illumination should be 12 hours per day. In addition, there are other recommendations for growing this exotic flower.


Under natural growing conditions - the tropics, gloxinia receives at least 12-14 hours of contact with the sun's rays. Respectively, within the framework of indoor floriculture, the owner himself should be responsible for the lighting. It is worth paying attention to the leaves.

When stretched upwards and the stem grows intensively, the plant signals that the available light is clearly not enough for it. Despite the need for prolonged contact with a source of ultraviolet light, this flower is afraid of direct sunlight.

It cannot be used in open space, since the direct rays of the sun for a fragile and tender perennial are literally fatal.

Temperature and humidity

The choice of the correct temperature and humidity conditions is a prerequisite for growing gloxinia. The plant does not tolerate drafts and contact with cold. That is why, when installed on a windowsill, you will have to forget about ventilation before the onset of hot summer days. Compliance with the natural humidity regime for a plant can also cause a lot of trouble.

The flower needs a large amount of moisture evaporated nearby, but excludes the use of spraying, because it does not tolerate direct contact of flowers and leaves with water.

The temperature regime is another important point in floriculture. For the growing season, it will be enough to maintain room temperature exceeding the range of 20-25 degrees Celsius. For dormancy, it is better to put the pot in a cool place. During this period, the temperature range up to +10 degrees will be optimal. Gloxinia is an amazing plant that can quite actively declare its needs with the help of leaves.

If the temperature is above normal, the leaves on the petioles will stretch upward. When frozen, they will sink and lie along the edge of the pot.


The watering process is also very important for any plant. Gloxinia during its vital activity should be provided with moisture by adding water to the tray or stand. Top watering is also acceptable, but requires jewelry accuracy - the introduction of liquid should be exclusively basal.

Do not resume the flow of moisture until the substrate dries. In preparation for the rest period, the frequency of watering is further reduced, helping gloxinia enter the stage it needs without significant discomfort. The water temperature for the flower should be slightly warmer than room temperature, it must first be defended or filtered.


Gloxinia should be planted in a new pot every year, after the end of the dormant period. The land is purchased in a regular store - a mixture for violets or similar in composition is suitable. With the independent formation of the planting soil, a combination of 1 part of sand, the same amount of humus and two parts of leafy soil is used. After wintering, in February, the tubers are removed from the old container along with a clod of soil on a well-drained base, sprinkled with new soil. Next, the substrate is filled up so that it reaches half of the rhizome, but does not completely hide it.

top dressing

Fertilizer is applied in the case of gloxinia once every 10 days during the entire growing season. After its expiration, the feeding cycle should be interrupted. The lack of additional intake of nutrients leads to the fact that the flower:

  • becomes faded;
  • demonstrates the shrinking of the buds;
  • slows down its growth;
  • loses its decorative effect;
  • shortens the flowering period.

To prevent this from happening Leaves should be carefully monitored. The formation of notches on their edges indicates that there is a lack of boron in the flower tissues. You can make up for its deficiency by applying top dressing with a solution of borax (2%) with its application by the foliar method. But do not be too zealous - overfeeding in this case is much more dangerous than a lack of nutrients.

After flowering

When gloxinia has faded, then it begins a period of preparation for the second appearance of buds in the season. Usually, preparation for this stage has to be carried out in May or early June. To do this, the stem is pruned, after which no more than 4 lower leaves remain on the plant. Stepchildren will form in their sinuses, among which one or two of the strongest shoots must be left, the rest are destroyed.

Top dressing during this period is carried out twice. At the stepping stage, compounds are introduced that enhance growth. When buds are formed, those that ensure the maintenance of the normal state of gloxinia during flowering. Timely implementation of all procedures will greatly facilitate the life of an amateur grower, help him better cope with caring for an exotic green pet.

Secondary flowering is rarely very lush. However, in some cases this process is continuous and the buds are formed all summer. When the period of flower formation completely stops, it will be necessary to take care of reducing watering, completely remove top dressing, and wait for the leaves to dry completely. Further, in preparation for the dormant period, the entire top is cut off, no more than 1-2 cm of the stem remains above the ground (tuber).

After a dormant period

In autumn, somewhere around October, gloxinia goes to winter. To do this, it is sent to a clean, dark and cool place before the beginning of spring. During the winter, she needs no more than 1-2 watering sessions monthly to avoid drying out the tubers. The wintering process can take place in a room with high humidity - a bathroom, a laundry room. If the tuber is planned to be removed from the pot before wintering, it is worth doing it immediately in the fall, packing it in a plastic bag with a zipper.

The root is preliminarily cleaned of soil residues, then the substrate and vermiculite are loaded into the storage tank in equal amounts. In winter, such a package is placed in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator and does not require additional moisture or other concerns. Waking up a plant is also not difficult - it will be enough to plant it in a pot, provide a sufficient amount of heat and light.

Young gloxinia grown from seeds should be left in a pot for the winter, watering little by little and providing them with minimal top dressing.


At the sight of a variety of gloxinia seeds in stores, it is difficult not to catch fire with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bits selection at home. But few manage to grow this flower on the first try. Do not be surprised by the germination period indicated on the package - up to 9 months. It is relevant mainly for late landings.

But the seeds planted in March will appear pretty quickly. It is better to purchase planting material in granules and germinate it without deepening into the soil, in mini-greenhouses, on peat tablets immersed in water, which form the necessary nutrient medium. You can create such a greenhouse based on a transparent plastic container by making ventilation holes in its lid. The temperature of the environment at the time of germination should be +22 degrees or more. As moisture evaporates, its supply is replenished.

The material obtained from seeds is transplanted after germination. It can be divided into pots along with a peat tablet (it is better to use small cups at first). The tuber will form only in the second year of life. Until this moment, it is better not to interrupt the growing season for a dormant period.

If many garden flowers appear from bulbs, tuber planting is typical for adult gloxinia. If we are talking about growing a completely new plant, you can apply vegetative way. Cutting from a leaf is carried out using the smallest process. The resulting material is planted in a pot with a moistened substrate and placed in greenhouse conditions for a month.

After this period, rooted cuttings will need to gradually provide an influx of fresh air, opening the protective film for a few minutes. Hardening gloxinia can take a long time. After the cuttings sprout, they can be transplanted into permanent pots and transferred to the usual mode of growth at home without additional shelter.

Diseases and pests

If flowers are properly cared for, you can almost 100% avoid problems with their cultivation. But even among the most attentive and experienced owners, gloxinia sometimes gets sick. Among the most common symptoms of diseases are the following.

The treatment of the plant with the use of an insecticidal agent helps to defeat the attack of ticks - Karbofos or Aktara is suitable. As a prevention of late blight, powdery mildew, fungi, Fitosporin should be used periodically. If the infection has already taken place, the treatment is performed by Fundazol.

  • if the surface of the leaf is stretched, the shoots are directed upwards - this is to talk about a lack of light;
  • the formation of brown spots on the leaves is a reason to draw conclusions about improper watering (the water is too cold or not applied at the root);
  • flowers are not visible under the leaves - it is worth rearranging the gloxinia to a warmer and lighter place;
  • if the green shoots of the leaves turn yellow and dry - this may indicate problems with excess nutrients, contact with direct sunlight.

With proper care, the beautiful gloxinia will live for at least 10 years and every year will give its owner more and more lush flowering.

For information on how to properly care for gloxinia, see the following video.