
Typical mistakes in the construction of a private house. Notices Block or reduce steam transport through structures


Building a house has a lot of features and nuances. Sometimes it seems that there are so many of them that it is simply impossible to take them all into account. And how you want to build a house so that you don’t regret anything later - don’t stumble on an uncomfortable staircase, don’t suffer when washing uncomfortable windows. To make your frame house as convenient as possible, we have collected for you the warnings of many developers, as well as our clients: they told about their mistakes so that you would not make them. We designed their mistakes as tips - what you should pay attention to when building a house.

So let's get started.

Preparatory stage of construction

The stage preceding the construction of the house is no less important than the process of its construction itself, because the mistakes made now can affect the comfort of the building and the layout of the site, and it will not be possible to correct them. The experience of our clients and experienced developers will help you avoid many problems and mistakes.

What to look for when choosing and acquiring a land plot?

  1. When buying a land plot through an agency, many clients faced the following problems:
  2. The agency does not always have reliable information about the engineering communications connected to your site. It is better to clarify this separately in the management companies.
  3. To adapt the foundation of a typical project to your site, it is better to carry out geological surveys in advance. This will give detailed information about the depth of groundwater, the composition of the soil and will help at the stage of building a house.
  4. After talking with neighbors after choosing a land plot, you can learn a lot of things that the agency will not tell you.
  5. If you decide to buy a plot through an agency, you should not blindly believe everything that has been said. It's better to find out for yourself.
  6. In addition, the owners of the houses gave a number of useful tips on choosing a site for construction:
  7. When buying land on a slope, keep in mind that you will have to spend a lot of money on planning work and the construction of retaining walls. If you are not ready for such expenses, buy a plot with a flat terrain.
  8. Acquisition of a plot in a club village is beneficial in that you do not have to clean the street and clear snow on the roadway during the cold season.
  9. Do not think that the land with the construction started will make your life easier. You will get such problems: when choosing a project, you will need to be tied to the existing foundation, if the unfinished structure is in poor condition, it will have to be strengthened, which will entail additional costs.
  10. Immediately after purchasing the site, fence it off.
  11. Before starting construction, decide where on the site you will mix concrete, store and remove garbage, and burn small waste. This will keep order and protect the land from combustion products and concrete.

Construction costs

12. Almost all owners of built houses agreed that the desire to save money would entail even greater costs. Many clients building their home without a detailed estimate (based on the foreman's rough estimates) came to the conclusion that it took twice as much money as was announced. If you still want to save money, then you should not do it by reducing the cost of engineering support at home.

How to choose a project?

Most owners of private houses unanimously agreed that the purchase of a standard project and its implementation is much more profitable and cheaper than self-building. Regarding the choice and purchase of a project for a future home, the owners give the following recommendations:

13. It is better to buy a project from a reputable company, rather than asking friends or downloading a free version on the Internet.

14. Start building a house only after you have all sections of the project in your hands.

15. It is better that the project has a normal height of the premises. The minimum for residential floors is from three meters, and for basements - at least 2.8 m.

16. It is very convenient if the design of the house provides for dressing rooms, at least a small sauna and a separate washbasin in the garage.

17. A design project for the interior decoration of a house should be ordered in advance, and not at the time of plastering the walls.

18. Look through examples of interior decoration of houses in advance. This will help you save money later on.

19. Any non-standard building entails additional costs. Therefore, when choosing a project, give preference to typical standard one- or two-story houses.

20. If you think that remodeling an old house for yourself is cheaper than building a new one, then you are greatly mistaken. A lot of money will have to be spent on strengthening and restoring the worn-out structures of the old structure.

As for the choice of a one-story or two-story house, there is no unanimous opinion. It all depends on the personal preferences of the owners and the size of the family. In favor of the second floor, the following arguments were given:

21. Two-story houses are more beautiful and offer an unlimited choice of planning options.

22. A 2-storey house is more compact, so the cost of foundation and roofing is less.

23. The heat loss of such a structure is lower than that of one-story buildings.

24. Such a beautiful view opens only from the windows of the second floor.

25. On a small plot, a two-story house will help save space for a garden, vegetable garden or gazebo.

Opponents of the second floor near the house made the following arguments:

26. Irrational use of space in the case of bedrooms on the second floor.

27. Many owners of two-story cottages do not like to walk up the stairs.

28. Building an attic house is much more profitable and cheaper than building a full-fledged second floor.

29. The optimal size of the area of ​​the house, comfortable for living and heating, is 120 m². But it’s not worth saving on a garage: for one car, it’s better to make a room 8x5 m in size. So you can easily open car doors in the garage and can save up to 30% on the gate device (non-standard small ones will be more expensive).

Is it necessary landscape design?

The need for professional landscaping is indicated by the following feedback from our customers and home owners:

30. Proper planting of the house on the site will allow you to correctly orient it to the cardinal points, providing good insolation and comfort in all rooms.

31. When planning a site, it is better to foresee the laying of all necessary utilities.

32. The landscaping of the development area will allow for soil drainage, retaining walls where needed, and level ground for transportation and recreation.

33. At the stage of planning the territory, it is important to ensure the safety of good green spaces by fencing them during the construction period.

34. To avoid problems with the supervisory authorities, the site planning project must first be agreed with the architectural authorities.

Many owners of dachas and cottages unanimously agreed that the purchase of inexpensive finishing materials for the house does not guarantee its attractiveness and durability of the exterior finish. In addition, it is worth listening to the following tips on choosing materials for construction:

35. Always ask for certificates and manufacturer's warranties for building materials. In the future, this will help you resolve disputes with suppliers.

36. It is better to purchase materials in advance so that at the height of the season you do not encounter a lack of the most necessary products.

37. It turns out that mice can also settle in foam.

38. It is better not to use slate as a roofing material.

How to choose a good contractor?

In order to protect themselves from unscrupulous construction teams and firms, experienced developers recommend concluding a contract and indicating in it a list of all work, terms, payment and penalties in case of failure to comply with the terms of the contract. To this we can add a number of tips for choosing a customer:

39. Demand qualification certificates, portfolios and references from private crews and construction firms.

40. If you have the opportunity, do the purchase of materials for construction yourself, and pay the workers only for the work performed.

41. Do not forget to indicate the cleaning of the workplace in the contract with the teams, so that later you do not have to do it yourself.

42. Want to save up to a quarter of the estimated cost? Then hire a technical supervision service. They will make sure that your house is built according to building codes.

43. Photo chronology of the construction process will allow you to control the work of a private team.

Building a house

Having gone through all the difficulties of the preparatory stage, it is equally important to successfully start and complete the construction of the house. This will help you with the advice of our customers and owners of their own homes, who have gone through all this on their own.

Foundation works

The foundation is the foundation of the entire building. The durability and integrity of the structure depends on its strength and reliability. That is why the work on the construction of the foundation should be entrusted only to professionals. Tips from experienced builders on building a foundation:

44. If you want to save money, do not make a full-fledged basement. It is better to perform a semi-basement or slab foundation.

45. To save money and time on making holes for entering communications into the house, provide for the laying of pipes for networks in the building envelope at the stage of their construction.

46. ​​Any deviations from the project during the construction of the foundation may require you to additional costs for the purchase of building materials.

47. Concrete work on the installation of the base of the porch, terrace and blind area should be performed immediately after the construction of the foundation. This will avoid contamination of other structures with concrete.

If you are building a house with your own hands, then you cannot do without a level, a laser level, a plumb line and a two-meter level gauge. Only in this way will you be able to observe the strict horizontality and verticality of all surfaces. Also, when building a box, consider the following:

48. After installing the floor slabs, do not rush to load them.

49. Do not save on the purchase of finishing materials for outdoor work.

50. If you want to save time and money on building a box house, then choose frame construction. After reading about frame houses (owner reviews), you will be convinced that you can save twice on the construction of the box.


Many homeowners agreed that when choosing a roof configuration, preference should be given to a simpler gable structure. The more joints and breaks on the roof, the more likely it is to leak and require repair. In addition, such a roof will be more expensive. In addition, consider the following:

51. Make a roofing cake and skylights at the same time.

52. When constructing an attic floor, it is worth thoroughly insulating the roof. The minimum thickness of the heat-insulating material should be 250-300 mm. As a coating, it is better to use a soft roof, and not a metal tile. So during rain on the attic floor, the noise from the impact of drops on the coating will not be heard.

53. Be sure to use snow guards even on slightly sloped roofs.

Facade finishing

54. Stucco "lamb" and light painting of the facade - a very beautiful and practical finish. The house practically does not heat up, and the beauty does not fade.

55. If you decide to use “horizontal bark beetle” plaster, then keep in mind that debris and dirt accumulate very quickly in the recesses.

56. To decorate the facade of the house with flowers or vertical gardening, it is necessary to provide hooks and fasteners for shelves and stands for flowerpots in advance in the masonry.

Do you need a balcony?

Opinions of experienced developers on the need to make a balcony in a private house:

57. If you have a small area with a beautiful view from the windows of the second floor, then a balcony is worth making.

58. Otherwise, a balcony is absolutely not needed, because in summer it is already possible to go out into the yard, and in winter you will have to remove snow from it.

59. Do not make a balcony without understanding how you are going to waterproof and insulate it to prevent the formation of cold bridges.

60. Make sure that enough space is allocated for the stairs even at the design stage. Please note that it should not only be comfortable to walk on, but also to carry furniture between floors.

61. To make the staircase beautiful and reliable, it is better to make it from oak on a metal frame.

62. The optimal angle of inclination of the stairs in the house is 30-40 degrees, the height of the steps is 15 cm, and the width of the tread is 30 cm. The most convenient to use are not spiral, but two-flight stairs.

Experienced developers recommend that all “wet” finishing work inside the house be carried out during the hot season. Then you are guaranteed natural protection against dampness, fungus and mold. In addition, you should not worry that the central heating will cause peeling of the wall decoration. Also in the summer it is easy to ensure sufficient ventilation of the room. Regarding the choice of finishing material, we found the following tips:

63. The decoration of the walls of the children's room should be durable, practical and environmentally friendly. Do not use wallpaper that children can easily damage.

64. Not everyone likes painted walls due to the fact that fingerprints appear very quickly around the switches.

65. It is much more practical and economical to use tiles in the lobby and corridors, rather than parquet.

66. Cork flooring on the walls will not add beauty and originality to the interior.

67. Stretch ceiling with the effect of "starry sky" - not the best ceiling covering. It quickly bothered all family members, and regular replacement of light bulbs takes time and money.

window openings

Tips for choosing windows, their dimensions and location in the house can be summarized in a few points:

68. Shutters on window openings are a very convenient thing. In the summer they protect well from the heat, and in the winter they give warmth and comfort.

69. Do not make very high windows. In this case, the window sill will turn out low, which will limit your choice of heating radiator (non-standard models are more expensive), and also make it easier for children to access the window.

70. The optimal area of ​​all windows in the room is 1/8 of the floor area. If you make a lot of glazing, then even energy-saving double-glazed windows will not protect you from the cold in winter and from the heat in summer.

72. Above the stairwell and in the bathroom, skylights help to illuminate the room well and ensure its normal ventilation.


73. If you want the front doors to retain heat well, do not make a lot of noise when closing and are not too heavy, put wooden ones. Metal doors with MDF sheathing are very impractical and inconvenient. Their skin can wear out in two years.

74. For convenience, it is better to place the light switch near the door handle, and not near the hinges, so that you do not have to turn on the light first, and then reach for the handle to open the door.

75. When choosing handles for doors, give preference to those that do not have sharp protruding parts.

Do you need a fireplace?

Most owners of houses with fireplaces do not regret that they included it in the project, because it is so nice to sit by the warm fireplace and look at the dancing flames on cold winter evenings. As for the design features, here the owners give the following recommendations:

76. When constructing a fireplace, it is better to provide for the possibility of closing it with a glass door. So you can choose to either enjoy the fire and sit by the fireplace with the door open, or close it and be calm that neither children nor guests can accidentally get hurt.

77. A fireplace insert with a fan and proper piping make it possible not only to enjoy the fire, but also to heat part of the house. Although if the house is small and the ducting is done in accordance with all the rules, then the fan is not needed.

Laying of electrical networks

The layout of electrical networks and the placement of sockets should be planned taking into account the purpose of the room and future furniture, so that later you do not have to tear off a new finish and add networks and sockets. The advice of experienced developers on laying electrical networks is as follows:

78. In order for you to be able to de-energize the whole house, install circuit breakers and machines outside the house. Otherwise, even after turning off the power, one section of the wire going to the meter will be live.

79. It is better to use copper wires with a good supply of voltage.

80. Lay wiring in advance to illuminate the facade of the house and the territory of the site. Otherwise, then it will be very difficult to hide the wires on the house.

81. During construction, be sure to make channels in the interfloor ceilings to pass wiring, as well as holes in the partitions between rooms on the same floor.

82. When laying wires, do not forget to provide networks for the intercom, boiler temperature sensors, alarms, television, local area network, hoods in the kitchen and bathrooms.

83. Chandeliers in high rooms are better to make descending. This makes them easier and safer to wash.

84. When choosing fixtures, give preference to those that have conventional cartridges (E 27 and 14). With other socles, it will not be possible to change power and use energy-saving devices. In terms of reliability and durability, conventional plinths are also better.

85. Even at the design stage, it is worth providing for underfloor heating in those rooms where it is especially necessary, as well as an air conditioning system for the whole house.

86. It is better to lay engineering communications in strobes before finishing the walls.

87. If your area experiences severe winters, install a backup solid fuel boiler.

88. Sleeves must be installed in places where pipes and chimneys pass through ceilings.

89. So that the exterior finish of the house is not damaged at the time of laying communications for outdoor lighting of the building and the territory of the site, lay these networks before the start of facade work.

90. The construction of a well on the site is best done before the construction of the house begins.

Perhaps not all the tips will be useful to you, and we basically disagree with some recommendations. In any case, your home is the embodiment of your dreams and your ideas about comfort and coziness. That is why it is worth going to the process of its construction with a large amount of knowledge. It is better to learn from the mistakes of others than from your own, so we hope the experience of experienced developers, our clients and owners of private houses will help you build your dream home.

This article will focus on common mistakes made when building brick walls.

It's no secret that the quality of other country houses, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired. Due to negligence or ignorance, builders make unacceptable mistakes, which sometimes lead to accidental consequences. Moreover, the denial of norms and rules becomes hardly unsystematic.

In such conditions, customers have a hard time. For any question, they receive a “comprehensive” answer something like this: “We have always done this, and no one complained.” It is difficult for a person who, by the nature of his activity, is far from construction, to defend his point of view, find convincing arguments and convict hacks of poor-quality work. As a result, the house was built, but it is uncomfortable or even unsafe to live in it. Money wasted, materials wasted, time wasted.

You can, of course, give advice from the very beginning to keep an eye on the builders, constantly monitor the progress of work, and invite independent experts to resolve disputes. But not all customers have the opportunity to regularly visit their suburban property. In addition, only a specialist can detect many errors. The best option is to organize independent technical supervision of the construction process. Such services are offered by specialized firms that have the appropriate license.

In recent years poor quality masonry has become a mass phenomenon. The use of a substandard solution, non-compliance with technological standards and other gross violations lead to catastrophic consequences. The walls literally burst at the seams, the lining peels off, and there is a threat to the health and life of the inhabitants of the house. In such cases, there is only one way out: partial (in combination with repair and strengthening) or complete demolition of the defective structure. Meanwhile, even safe, but crooked masonry can create many problems. Curved surfaces are very difficult to finish - apply plaster, veneer with stone, etc.

Errors in design and construction often lead to wetting and freezing of the outer walls. As a result - high heat losses, dampness, mold and slow but sure destruction of bricks. There can be no question of any comfortable and serene living in such a house. And the correction of such, so to speak, shortcomings requires huge financial, labor and time costs. I'm not talking about the moral damage caused to the owners.

Masonry according to the principle of "tyap-blunder". Brickwork is made in violation of technological standards. The bricks are stacked at random. The seams are uneven, in some places their thickness reaches 30 mm, while the norm is not more than 15 mm. At the same time, the vertical seams were completely left without mortar. What kind of energy saving can we talk about if cracks gape in the wall!
Obliquely. And here the builders, without further ado, slyly laid out the wall along an inclined line. The quality of work does not stand up to criticism. But the unfortunate masons did not have to use ledges to bring the wall under the sloping rafters of the pitched roof. But at the same time, an emergency situation was created: the inclined section can fall out at any moment
Wall "shrapnel". This wall is a victim of unscrupulous manufacturers. This is what happens to bricks that contain too much lime. In damp weather there was a "shooting" of lime. The process is extended in time and it is not known when it will end. You can stop the "shooting" by finishing. But do not forget that plastering is a “wet” process.
Wall in hoarfrost. The freezing of the walls of this respectable mansion occurred for two reasons: due to insufficient thickness and the wrong combination of hollow and facing bricks. If the problem is not fixed soon, then the house will face big troubles: destruction of the cladding, dampness, mold, discomfort, heat loss.
Insidious condensate. This is what happens as a result of the wrong construction of a three-layer wall. The builders forgot to leave a ventilation gap between the cladding and the insulation. And besides, they saved on thermal insulation. Condensation has accumulated on the inside of the front brick, which has leaked out. In winter, the walls will freeze, which will lead to the destruction of the brick
Curved tracks. Uneven seams on the brick lining spoil the whole look of the facade. Of course, the walls will not fall apart from this. However, it is easy to understand the disappointment of the owners, who spent a lot of money on expensive home decoration and received a very mediocre result. In Soviet times, experienced builders called such seams between bricks "advance pay"
Natural ventilation. And here the builders took it and filled the gap between the window and the ceiling with hollow bricks. Everything would be fine, but they put the brick on spoons - they saved on the material (they saved two whole bricks). And along the way, provided the room with constant ventilation. Even if the holes are then sealed with mortar, this section of the wall will freeze through (the thickness is only 65 mm)
"Infernal Portal" Above this doorway it is just right to write: "Abandon hope, everyone who enters here." Trying to "correct" the structure, the builders actually deprived the reinforced concrete lintel of the fulcrum. Those miserable 5 cm walls (at a norm of 15-25 cm), on which the element now rests on one side, will soon collapse, unable to withstand the pressure of reinforced concrete
Who builds like that? Water won't have to find a hole in this basement wall. The brickwork is full of holes. Moreover, the builders not only violated the current norm (it is forbidden to use hollow bricks when building a basement). but also went against common sense. They laid the bricks as if they wanted to show off the voids on purpose.
Escaped beauty. Another example of the incorrect use of hollow bricks. When decorating platbands, products not intended for facade cladding were used. In addition, the voids "look out" on the street. Mounting foam itself needs protection from rain, snow and sun. But the builders did not bother to fill the bricks with mortar
All wrong. This steel jumper was mounted incorrectly from the very beginning. The main mistake is insufficient support width. Support nodes should include concrete pads that would ensure uniform load distribution and prevent local destruction of the brick. In addition, steel lintels need to be insulated (with the same brick)
Zigzag of failure. Such serious cracks in brick cladding occur for various reasons. Most likely, the deformations are caused by movements of the foundation, built without taking into account the hydrogeology of the site. It is also possible that during the construction of two-layer walls, the correct relationship between the foam concrete base and the brick cladding was not ensured.

What to do? - seek advice and assistance from experienced engineers of Remstroyservis.

Seven construction mistakes - the difficult task of building a country house .

Unpreparedness and haste in the construction of a house can lead to numerous construction errors.

Where and how to start construction correctly and successfully?

Why is it so important to design a house?

How to avoid long-term construction and deadlines and why not rush?

What problems arise in the construction of the foundation and walls of the house?

How not to make a mistake in choosing the material for the roof?

How to build in winter?

Seven building mistakes - just about the complex. Unpreparedness and haste in the construction of a house can lead to numerous construction errors. What "rake" do developers step on most often? How to avoid long term? What problems arise during the construction of the foundation and insulation of the house? How not to make a mistake in choosing the material for the roof?

Remstroyservis experts answer.

Construction Mistake #1 - House Design

Many future home owners believe that building a house begins with choosing the first model project they like. Practice shows that this is a deep delusion - for each site and type of soil for different types of materials and floors - either an adjustment of the standard project from the catalog or an individual project of the house is necessary

Another very important point is the layout of the house! To select the optimal layout that you need, you need the opinion of an experienced architect - designer who will immediately find all the errors and future inconveniences in the layout of the house, problems with the arrangement of furniture and the future convenience of the house! You can also get rid of most of the problems associated with the functionality of the house.

An image error - it occurs if a final decision has not been made about which particular house you are going to build a wooden or capital house with or without a terrace. The result of this uncertainty is the completion of the ever-walking parts of the foundation and the destruction of the foundation and the house from excessive load.

Savings mistake - any future owner of the house wants the house to turn out as cheap as possible during construction, but this saving on the project of the house results in irreparable things, the destruction of the house, or vice versa, in a big rise in price due to a non-optimal typical construct. Our professional designers achieve up to 30% savings in construction due to optimal solutions without loss of quality. This is a saving of about 1,000,000 rubles on a small house. As a result, the cost of the house project pays off 10 times.

Liability error - when ordering projects in an unknown company and if errors occur in the project during the construction phase or even worse after, you risk being left without a person responsible for such work. therefore, order a project or buy a ready-made one only from a company with an SRO - a company that is included in the register of Self-Regulatory Organizations and is responsible for the design in the amount of the insurance amount prescribed in the License.

Construction error No. 2 - the wrong choice of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house.

One of the main questions, what should be the area of ​​​​the house? Build a big house or choose a smaller one. Single storey, 2 storey or 3 storey. Make the most of space

Here are examples and completeness of the minimum areas for the premises of a country house:

Living room - from 25 sq.

Kitchen - from 15 sq.m

Bedroom from 15 sq.m

Boiler room from 6 sq.m or from 15 cubic meters

Vestibule from 3 sq.m

Storage room from 3 sq.m

Hall on the second floor from 7 sq.m

Sanitary units - one per floor from 5 sq.m

The mistake of compromise - occurs when a family eats up to agree on what size house they need. For example, the husband wants a big house and the wife wants a small and cozy one. The result - if you take the path of least resistance and take into account the opinions of all family members and without considering all the wishes with a professional architect, you will get a house that does not suit everyone.

A financial mistake - during construction without a project or without an estimate, there is a danger of unplanned expenses, which will eventually lead to long-term construction, and construction sites abandoned for an indefinite period. In the case of building a house, a clear understanding of the cost of building a house and calculating the budget for its construction is required, and this depends directly on the choice of the size and configuration of the house.

Before choosing a house project, contact us to calculate the cost of its construction and understand the budget for all stages of construction.

Construction Mistake #3 - Incorrect location of the house on the site!

The most common mistake is the wrong location of the house on the site. How to arrange the house correctly?

The ideal ratio of the house to the plot area is 1/10

The maximum allowed ratio of house to plot is 45%

Distance from the boundaries of the site from 3 meters

Distance from the road from 5 meters - optimal from 6 meters, in order to fit, for example, a platform for a car

Orientation of the house strictly along the line of the front side of the site

The main facade of the house should go to the front side of the site

Living room with a terrace and a winter garden to a picturesque place or to the courtyard.

On the south side, the maximum number of windows is welcome.

The distance from the house to the bath is preferably at least 6 meters

Distance between wooden houses from 6 meters

The distance between the wooden from 8 to 15, depending on the number of storeys

Arrange outbuildings in advance

Entrance for cars and trucks (if required)

It is important to determine the location of the communications of the well and septic tank

It is imperative to order the landing of the future house on the site, since the site may have a difference in height, which will subsequently affect the change in the height of the foundation and lead to an increase in cost, and sometimes even to a change in the type of foundation.

Mistake during construction No. 4 - Refusal to study the soil on the site

What kind of soil do you have in your area? - no one can answer this question 100% without conducting geological surveys.

Even if the neighbors have normal soils, it’s not at all a fact that they are normal for you.

According to the nomes of geology, the distance from the drilling puncture, along which one can navigate, is 5 meters in radius. That is, the distance between two geological punctures should be no more than 8-10 meters. Accordingly, the house, depending on the size, will require from 2 to 7 punctures.

Based on the results of geological surveys, it is determined:

Type and parameters of the foundation.

Foundation depth

Number, size and length of piles in a pile foundation.

The proximity of groundwater, their possible rise and pressure, and, accordingly, the possibility of implementing a basement, cellar or basement.

An important parameter will be the maximum possible load on the ground to calculate the possible weight of the house.

Geology helps save 5-20% of the cost of building a house

Do not save on geology - 30,000 rubles saved here can lead to the destruction of the foundation and walls and the loss of 3,000,000 rubles.

Construction Mistake #5 - Choosing Builders or Construction Company

Any house is a complex engineering and technical structure, the construction of which requires professional tasks and competencies. Any mistake made in construction or a defect can lead to the destruction of the house in a few years or even 5 years. Choose only a reliable company with good professionals. A lot in construction depends on the builders, but even more depends on the engineers who carry out those. supervision and from their experience in construction. As a rule, the involvement of a team in the construction on their own and an unverified engineer for technical supervision leads to disastrous consequences during construction. And the main problem with this approach is the lack of a responsibility center, which will be responsible for poor-quality construction either by alteration or monetary compensation. Be sure to choose a contractor with an SRO license, even if it is not required for suburban construction of houses up to 3 floors.

Construction Mistake #6 - The foundation is like a neighbor's.

The foundation is the most important part of your home and neglecting it means paying the price of damage to the house and loss of money for repairs. And in most cases, the consequences of improper installation or choosing the wrong type of foundation.

One of the most common mistakes is choosing a foundation "like a neighbor's". Usually motivated by the fact that everyone does this with us. A rash approach leads to unpredictable results.

In addition, the durability of the house depends on the quality of workmanship and reliability of the foundation:

- The foundation must be calculated directly under your house and the soil on your site.

The poured concrete does not completely cover the reinforcement cage, and the reinforcement is in contact with the ground. This leads to its corrosion, a decrease in the bearing capacity of the foundation and its rapid destruction.

Insufficient foundation depth.

Filling piles to a slightly buried strip foundation. This can lead to the detachment of piles from the tape during frost heaving of the soil.

Insufficient width of the tape and a decrease in its bearing capacity.

- An excessively strong foundation is highly susceptible to the same heaving.

- Filling the sinuses with local soil. Clay soil is capable of creating a force of up to 40 tons per square meter during heaving and, for example, pushing through a basement wall.

- Incorrect reinforcement of the MZLF.

- Excess reinforcement. For example, the working reinforcement in the center of the section of the tape is useless. Or insufficient reinforcement.

- The lack of horizontal cut-off waterproofing, as a result - dampness and the appearance of mold on the walls in the house.

- The foundation is not properly insulated, which leads to freezing of the soil and the emergence of frost heaving forces.

- The drainage of the foundation and the removal of surface water from it have not been completed.

The heterogeneous type of foundation at the house and the veranda leads to a rupture of the foundations at the point of contact.

Construction Mistake #7 - Wrong choice of materials during construction.

You can often hear the opinion that this or that material is bad. It is important to understand that there are no bad materials - there are errors in their application and combination, which affects further operation.

Example: extruded polystyrene foam, a widespread material for wall insulation, its incorrect use, for example, in roofs or incorrect calculation of its thickness when insulating external walls, leads to the fact that moisture is locked inside the room or a dew point is formed on the inside of the insulation adjacent to the wall. In these cases, moisture accumulates, which significantly reduces the durability of the structure.

The roof is constantly exposed to adverse weather conditions. It must withstand significant snow and wind loads. Often, when choosing a material, customers use only questions of price and attractiveness of the material - this is the wrong approach.

Roofing material in the conditions of the climatic zone of Russia must have a multiple supply of transition cycles through "0"

In this regard, materials such as ceramic tiles and sand-cement tiles are vulnerable, porous materials are quickly destroyed during freezing and thawing.

The above examples apply to all wall and finishing materials.

Many mistakes made during the construction of houses are typical and repeat from time to time, even if a professional team is building. What comes out of it? Often the house is ugly ... How to avoid this, read this article!

Having planned the construction, study all the cycles of work. Decide what you can do yourself, and at what stages you need to invite professionals. In the process, many additional questions may arise. If possible, consult with a person who has experience in this matter. Otherwise, in the future, you will face the cost of correcting errors, repairs or a radical restructuring.

It is more correct to learn from the mistakes of others, so we will consider the main mistakes made during construction.

Construction is better to start in the summer season. In winter it will be more expensive. All preparatory work must be carried out in advance (project order, estimate approval) and, with the onset of heat, dig for.

The main mistakes in building a house:

  • Topographic and geological analysis is not done. Based on the results of these works, the structure is bound, and the foundation is selected.
  • The choice of a typical project hastily. The future house will not live up to expectations, and it will be difficult to rebuild it.
  • There is no engineering project (supplying communications).
  • Appeal to unscrupulous builders, lack of control and interaction in the process. Problems are not solved by phone, it is necessary to meet, to discuss estimates.
  • Incorrect estimates. The estimate is calculated so that there is enough finance to complete each stage of construction.
  • Project inconsistency. For example, engineering communications are not in the specified place.
  • Haste in construction. Each technology needs a certain amount of time. , for example, you need to give a draft of 6 - 18 months.
  • Inconsistency of documentation during the construction of the foundation. Observe the dimensions given in the drawings.

Let's take a closer look at these and some other typical mistakes.

Country road

When moving out of town, you need to foresee all the little things. A country road is often off-road, ruts and potholes. Get ready for this, and then you can avoid disappointment.

Underestimating the forces of nature

If trees grow on your site, their roots can make their way under the foundation. The radius of the root system will be 1 m larger than the projection of the tree crown. Do not carry out construction work within these boundaries.

Savings in heating, when creating a wall of blocks 4 cm thicker than the standard one, will be 3 - 4%. It is more logical to invest in high-quality attic insulation and install a heat exchanger that returns part of the heat that leaves with ventilation. Thus, it is possible to save 20 - 30% of thermal energy.

Interroom floors from light porous blocks

Walls between rooms must be. This is their main task. The problem of light porous materials is increased audibility.

Insulation of brick houses with foam plastic

In Soviet times, the foundation and walls were often insulated with foam, and this is a mistake. For construction, you need to use materials that are equal in terms of service life. The foam gradually crumbles, and voids appear in the walls and foundation.

It is more competent to insulate the walls with mineral wool or foam glass. Non-environmental, wall-sealed and well-insulated, unable to harm you.

No heat channels in brick walls

When building brick walls, it is necessary to arrange channels that remove heat from external walls during a hot period. In the summer, under the sun, the house can get very hot. Heat ducts help circulate and expel hot air, relieving stress from walls and preventing them from cracking.

Typical mistakes in the construction of wooden and frame houses

Wood is an environmentally friendly, good building material. But the mistakes made in the construction of a house from a strongly affect the life of its operation.

Buying poor quality material

Failure to comply with the project during the construction of a wooden house

Be sure to supervise the construction process. Unprofessional work leads to many defects.

Errors in the construction of the roof and roof

The main mistakes in the construction of a frame house

  • Do not use poor quality timber.
  • Fastening the strapping bar without embedded parts leads to deformation of the box.
  • Don't work without.
  • Do not neglect the steam and waterproofing of the walls.
  • The absence of insulation clamps, its free location, in 5-7 years will lead to its subsidence, leading to the opening of the skin and repair.

Errors when installing floors

spring floor

Layer carefully. Expanded polystyrene, which is under the concrete layer, can be deformed from the load. A person of average weight may cause slight deformation of the styrofoam board. But if he starts jumping on it, then the deformation will already be noticeable.

Tie function- uniform load distribution. She will do it if she is thick enough and properly reinforced.

Concrete screed on wooden floors

Do not try to flood wooden floors, or make them "warm".

The tree during operation swells, absorbing moisture and, shrinking, dries. A screed made on a tree will lead to cracks or subsidence.

Expectation and accumulation error

If you have a plot and part of the amount for building a house, you need to start building. On the way to the accumulation of funds, emergency expenses always appear, prices rise, the professional situation changes. So time is working against you.

At the same time, real estate prices are unstable. Investing money in your home, even in small parts, is a more reliable financial solution than keeping it in the bank, because in the end you will get your own home.

The long-awaited moment has come for the beginning of the realization of the dream of owning a house. You have done a lot for this: you worked hard, saved on your rest, comfort, sometimes, unfortunately, this also applied to health. Now is the time to recreate in memory all the great path that you have done. So that today with enthusiasm to begin to realize the dream.

The more you remember how much titanic work you have done, the more respectfully and carefully you will treat it and its results.

You always want everything to be done perfectly and correctly when building your own house. However, due to life circumstances, not every person has professional knowledge and skills in the field of construction. This makes his mistakes, when building a house on his own, simply inevitable.

It is also extremely unpleasant that a person, at the same time, devalues ​​his previous work. Since any oversight in the construction of a house entails the inevitable costs of correcting it, always measured in thousands of rubles.

That is, his strength, knowledge and efforts were first paid for, and then this money was stolen from him, without the slightest possibility of return, by a construction error.

Surprisingly, but, based on practice, the most expensive mistake, which leads to the highest costs for its correction, is the lack of a future home project that has been verified from an architectural, engineering and economic point of view.

Since, it is with professional design that a feasibility study is made for each element of the house. Such design parameters of the house are set that will best satisfy a set of requirements: structural reliability, health safety, fire safety, living comfort, cost-effectiveness of construction and operation.

It is necessary to embody all your ideas about the house of your dreams as accurately as possible, in drawings. You must take into account your lifestyle and habits. How much time do you want to spend in it? What needs to be done to ensure the safety of the kids? Or is it worth thinking about your needs when you reach retirement age? Think ahead, long term, to see where you will be and what you need from your home. Children's room, playroom or gym - it sounds tempting, but only those rooms that will actually be used need to be included in the plan. What good is an empty home gym where the treadmill is used as a box rack?

Modern computer modeling programs have long allowed you to take a walk around your future home in a colored 3-dimensional space.

Careful design of all the most important elements of the house, taking into account all operational loads, makes it possible to make their structures not only reliable, but also optimizes the costs of their construction. For example, are you sure that it is necessary to install the "warm floor" system on the 1st floor? Can you design its structure so that it is never cold and unheated? At the same time, saving money on annual gas consumption?

A thorough and careful design of a house is the most important stage in its construction, which is guaranteed to save you from the colossal costs of reworking what should serve you well for many decades, never reminding you of yourself badly!


PLANNING COSTS FOR CONSTRUCTION. It is extremely important to realistically plan all the upcoming costs of building a house on a monthly basis, in accordance with the technological cycles of construction. This will allow you to more specifically plan your personal finances and avoid fatal situations when temporary lack of funding will not allow you to complete a certain cycle of work. Forcing us to come to terms with the fact that the structures of the house will be exposed to the damaging effects of rain and frost for a long time.

Never plan to spend at the lowest prices without examining the specific reasons for these lowest prices.
Always plan for at least 8% for contingencies.
First, select the market offers that meet the necessary quality characteristics (according to the requirements of the project), and only after that, select the most profitable among them.

1. Decide in advance the issue of selecting appropriate employees. Skilled professionals are rarely out of work. For example, a team of good masons already in February has a schedule of work until September.
2. Procurement of building materials in a timely manner, achieving savings not on quality, but on terms of delivery.
3. Plan your time for the coming year. Indeed, in addition to building a house, you need to engage in your professional activities and pay enough attention to your loved ones and loved ones.


The desire to reduce the cost of building a house is certainly very correct! You need to think about this constantly. However, if a professional designer has already made a high-quality house project for you, having substantiated and provided for absolutely everything in it, you have already provided serious savings in construction!

Now you need to implement this project exactly, without giving a single chance to spoil it to anyone. Otherwise, your painstaking work during the development of the project will simply be thrown into the dustbin of history, along with a huge amount of your life time.

Saving costs directly during construction is achieved only through detailed planning of all logistics operations, a scrupulous approach to the selection of purchased materials and the involvement of qualified contractors who guarantee to do everything exactly according to the project, know and comply with the relevant construction and technical standards when performing work.

Let's imagine: You are an experienced and qualified lawyer, an employee of a law firm. You love your work very much, and you always do it as well as possible within the framework of the Russian Federation Legislation. You are greatly appreciated and respected by the management for this. More than half of your clients are regular, and another 30% come from their recommendations. You are constantly provided with work. Your average monthly income is about 50,000 rubles. Will you agree to the insistent offer of another law firm to go to work with her, but with a salary of 40,000 rubles, because she urgently needs a lawyer now? An honest answer to this question will give an answer to another question - how to find good masons, but to do everything with a 20% discount?

First, carefully study the regulatory technical documentation for the type of construction work that you need to carry out (section SNiPs and GOSTs). Then monitor the cost of this service. And only then consider proposals and meet with people offering it. Knowing how a given workflow must be performed correctly, you can preliminarily assess the qualifications of workers by looking at their previous work.

People who truly respect their work always do it conscientiously. And they demand the same attitude towards it from others, and worthy of its assessment. Here it is very important to be able to distinguish a real pro from a rogue who is well versed in oratory, demanding a high price.


All the following construction errors are the result of a gross violation of building codes, rules for the installation of building elements and neglect of the laws of structural mechanics, physics and chemistry. And they always work! Around the clock, without breaks and days off, 365 days a year. To help you avoid these mistakes, knowledge of the necessary construction and technical standards given in the section SNiPs and GOSTs will allow.

1. The foundation is the basis of the house.

To ensure the reliability of the foundation for many decades, it is necessary, even when designing a house, to calculate the effects of all operational loads on it. Then, in accordance with the installation rules, assemble the reinforcing cage, properly pour the concrete, waterproof it and perform all maintenance work behind it. If at least one of these requirements is not met, the criteria "reliability and durability" cannot be applied to this foundation.

The factory process of concrete production is a strictly regulated sequence of technological operations, where all components undergo quality control, which determines the final cost of 1 m3. For example, today ready-mixed concrete for the BN M200 W4 foundation can be purchased at a price of 2600 rubles/m3 to 3500 rubles/m3 (including delivery by a "mixer"). This price range is 90% due to the quality of its components.

The photographs show that during the installation of the reinforcing cage, the technical standards for reinforcement were completely ignored. Such a reinforcing cage, of course, will not be able to give the foundation of the house the necessary rigidity and strength. The question of the appearance of cracks in the foundation of this house is only a matter of time.

And this is the most common example of unsatisfactory foundation installation - pouring concrete directly into the ground. The requirement of building codes for a minimum height of pouring the upper plane of the foundation concrete of 250 mm above ground level was ignored.

The concrete has not been waterproofed. This will inevitably give rise to the process of its destruction progressing in time, the process of freezing water in it. The absence of elements that protect the trench from shedding during concreting is the reason for the ingress of a large number of clods of earth and plant residues, which can significantly reduce the strength of the monolithic concrete structure. Further, on this foundation, made with a huge number of violations, backfill bricks were laid.

Brick, being in the autumn-winter period in the zone of snow melting, and absorbing water, will be subjected to repeated cycles of freezing and thawing. This will lead to its gradual destruction, which in the future may cause the formation of cracks in the walls.

This foundation of one of the houses for sale (and 2-storey!!!) is literally made of construction waste.

And these photos indicate that the concrete for the foundation was not made in the factory, but right on the construction site. Wherein:

It was not pure crushed stone of the fraction 10x20mm that was taken, but mixed with pebbles (it has a smooth rounded shape, which adheres worse to the solution, and therefore is cheaper than pure crushed stone);
- the quality of concrete mixing is unsatisfactory;
positive, as a result, the mass is heterogeneous, therefore, the strength of such concrete will be significantly lower than the standard;
- concrete was not vibrated after pouring.

As a result, this concrete, due to its heterogeneous porous structure, will have low strength and high moisture absorption. It is obvious that here the builders saved on everything, and probably did not use high-quality and expensive cement M 500 in the right amount, because saving on cement is the most significant cost reduction.

To exclude subsidence of the floor of the 1st floor of the house due to the subsidence of the earth, it is necessary to cut and remove the existing loose upper layer of soil. Instead, a sand-gravel mixture is poured and rammed in layers. Then, waterproofing preparation for the concrete foundation slab should be carried out, then the installation of the reinforcing cage and pouring concrete with its obligatory vibration.

Returning to the photographs used at the beginning of this excursion, we see that no loose layer of earth was cut off for future houses. On the contrary, to reduce costs (no need for sand, gravel and work on their tamping), all the earth from the trench is laid under the future floor of this house.

The photo clearly shows that the reinforcing cage was assembled from scraps (reinforcement waste), there is no question of waterproofing the future concrete floor slab. Moreover, the supporting reinforced concrete slab is poured not as a single monolith, but in parts. This excludes the possibility of its bearing capacity. The future owners of the house will be doomed to living in a damp house, the floor of which will not only regularly give dampness in spring, autumn and winter, but may also crack at any moment.

This house has a floor level at ground level. During the rains and snowmelt, the owners of the house can only sincerely sympathize, because. they will literally have to scoop water out of the house with buckets.

If the thermal insulation of the floor in the basement, at the junction with the foundation, is not done correctly, then the owners will have to spend the family budget on heating the atmosphere around the house, since there will be large heat losses in the floor area. And if they save gas or electricity for heating, then they will have such a freezing of the walls.

3. The walls of the house. Thermal insulation of the walls of the house.

Due to the continuous rise in gas and electricity prices, it has become very popular to build so-called "warm houses" or "thermos houses". At the same time, at best, aerated concrete or foam concrete blocks are used to save houses. However, walls made from them rarely meet the requirements of SNiP 23-02-2003 "Thermal protection of buildings". In the worst case, foam is used inside the walls.

Here you can see that the blocks on the load-bearing walls of houses, made in order to save money, form masonry with a thickness of only 200mm. The current standard "Design and construction of enclosing structures of residential and public buildings using cellular concrete in the Russian Federation" STO -501-52-01-2007 categorically prohibits this.

This is how cheap foam concrete blocks look like, during the production of which, in a rough form, the technological process is violated. Naturally, there can be no question of any reliability and strength of the walls of a house made of such material! But plaster is the greatest invention of mankind, it will hide everything.

The photo on the left is an example of how a plastic mesh was used to connect load-bearing walls made of aerated concrete blocks and facing bricks. This is strictly prohibited in any regulatory document on the use of cellular concrete blocks.

In the 2 photographs on the right, it is clearly seen that the blocks are laid on a thick layer of 20-25 mm cement-sand mortar. Heat loss through such a seam is 25%.

And when laying on a layer of special glue, as recommended by SNIPs, 2-3 mm thick, heat loss is only 4%.

These photos clearly confirm that the requirement to ensure uniformity of heat transfer resistance and uniformity of the structure is violated for the outer wall. The consequence of this will be condensation at the boundary of the layers of materials.

4. The worst way to insulate is to use Styrofoam inside the walls.

According to the classification for fire hazard, ALL foam plastics belong to the class "G", - combustible materials. Even before ignition, at a temperature of 60-70 degrees, processes of volume change and the release of harmful substances begin to develop in polystyrene foam. The fire hazard of foam plastics is considered from two sides: the danger of the actual combustion of polymers and the danger of products of thermal decomposition and oxidation of the material. The main damaging factor in fires are volatile combustion products that enter the air and cause poisoning. Only 18% of people die from burns, the rest from poisoning combined with the effects of stress, heat, etc.

The photo on the right shows how houses are burning, the walls of which are insulated with polystyrene foam inside.

Despite the fact that modern polystyrene foams are fire-retardant materials, they release toxic asphyxiants in a fire. Therefore, according to building codes, when insulating the facade with foam around the window openings at a distance of half a meter, it is necessary to make a coating of non-combustible material so that in the event of combustion, poisonous smoke is not drawn into the room.

Environmental hazard of foam.

Expanded polystyrene is a solid polystyrene foam obtained by polymerization of styrene in the presence of initiators (peroxides, hydroperoxides and azo compounds). Any chemist can confirm that 100% polymerization never happens, which means that styrene remains in the volume. At the same time, prolonged exposure to even small concentrations of it leads to a deterioration in human well-being. When expanded polystyrene is heated to 60 ° C for a month, a styrene concentration of 0.001 to 0.017 mg / l is created in the air. This corresponds to the toxic effect. Under the conditions of natural use of expanded polystyrene as a heater (temperature fluctuation -30 + 40 ° C, lack of light and direct precipitation), expanded polystyrene is exposed to the chemical action of atmospheric oxygen. At the same time, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, acetophenone, formaldehyde, methyl alcohol and styrene are released into the environment - a consequence of incomplete polymerization. It is important to understand that if the amount of harmful substances is below the MPC (maximum permissible concentration), they are still present! For example, even microdoses of styrene have a strong effect on the liver and disrupt the activity of the heart in women.

Inside the walls of the house (especially in winter) two opposite processes are constantly going on. The movement of water vapor and the movement of air. It is always warm inside the house, the warm air contains much more water vapor than the frosty outside air. From the point of view of humidity, the house in winter is like an aquarium from which steam constantly oozes out.

The warm air inside the house is lighter than the frosty air outside, which means that there is simply less air inside the house. This is how a balloon flies: the dome is filled with light (hot) air, that is, it becomes more empty, due to which it is pushed out by the medium - it floats. That is why dense cold air tends to get inside a warm house by any means: through cracks in windows and doors, microcracks in the walls. And accordingly, everything that is released from the vapor-tight insulation - expanded polystyrene - everything gets inside the house. Therefore, environmentally harmful materials and insulation cannot be used inside the walls of the house without installing an effective ventilation system that provides the necessary air exchange rate.

The durability of polystyrene foams is highly dependent on their quality. So, according to various sources, foam plastics of the PSB, PSB-S brands do not significantly change their properties from 10 to 40 years. And this is significantly lower than the average design life of a house - 75 years.

On the right in the top photo is a typical styrofoam structure. It is clearly seen that the air cells are separated by thin films of polymeric material. Obviously, due to the insignificant thickness of the films, a significant fraction of the polymer material is always available for the gas phase. But it's especially interesting to see what happens to styrofoam even after a little artificial aging. To do this, the material was kept in a thermostat at 60°C for only 10 hours (photo below). It is clearly seen that many films have turned into an openwork web. Naturally, such a change is irreversible and worsens the thermal insulation properties of the material. That is, even with such an insignificant and short thermal effect, the polymer foam changed its structure, the process of destruction began, which will only intensify with time.

In practice, there is a complex system of chemical interaction with the base, waterproofing agents, adhesives, paint, plaster, etc. All this, clearly, does not improve the properties and service life of expanded polystyrene.

When exposed to gasoline, acetone, white spirit (that is, substances that make up many paints used in construction and repair), in a liquid state, complete dissolution of polystyrene foam samples occurs after 40-60 seconds. Yes, and his rodents are very.

The thermal conductivity coefficient of polystyrene foam is very dependent on quality, and ranges from 0.035 W / m ° C for the best (and, accordingly, the most expensive) to 0.05-0.06 W / m ° C - for the most commonly used (and, accordingly, cheapest). Unfortunately, there is some slyness hidden in these figures. And this is due to the fact that the tests are carried out on a single piece of polystyrene foam. In practice, when insulating with polystyrene foam, cold bridges inevitably appear at the junction of polystyrene foam plates and at the points of fastening with nails, which is clearly visible in the photograph with a thermal imager. All this leads to the fact that the actual thermal conductivity deteriorates to 40%.

Expanded polystyrene is a material with low vapor permeability. The walls, insulated with polystyrene, "do not breathe", and this, in turn, worsens the microclimate in the room. The consequence of this is possible mold and fungus inside poorly ventilated rooms, which leads to a rapid accumulation of moisture between the building envelope and the insulation, the appearance of mold fungi, and further to the disease of people living in such houses, freezing of moistened walls.

In winter, when the air temperature is below zero, the humidity in the room is always higher than outside. Water vapor constantly migrates from the room and, in contact with the cooled surface, condenses. This occurs directly in the heat-insulating material, on the border between the insulation and the load-bearing section of the wall, or directly in the wall. Condensate accumulates during the heating period, greatly reducing the thermal properties of the structure. With temperature changes, the condensate freezes, destroying either the insulation or the wall. In any case, worsening thermal insulation, and at the same time reducing the service life of both the structure as a whole and thermal insulation in particular. There is a way out - a vapor barrier device from the side of the room. But the price of such insulation rises sharply, and therefore, in practice, no one does this.

Until the windows are inserted, you can see how an ugly inserted foam plastic is hidden inside the wall - the cause of dampening of the walls and mold. This will inevitably lead to the destruction of the walls. Also, the photo reveals another secret of the walls of this house, which the plaster will reliably hide before the sale: the load-bearing walls are made of cinder block. This material has a very high moisture absorption, low sound insulation properties, and sometimes an increased background radiation. The reason for the massive use of cinder blocks is the lowest price for wall material. Because they are made from waste in the literal sense!

This photo clearly shows how the brickwork fell out due to the formation of ice in the wall insulated with foam. This happened because the foam is vapor-tight, i.e. it does not let moisture vapor through, locking them in the wall. As a result, the wall is saturated with water, and then, during the onset of negative temperatures, the water, crystallizing, expands and breaks the walls.

Plastering in construction is a great thing! She can hide all "sins" in any walls.

Quite often, plaster is made without priming the walls and without using a special galvanized mesh. The reason is the same - economy. Consequences - cracking and destruction of the plaster layer.

The brickwork "wasteland" is very popular. It makes it possible, providing a beautiful outwardly masonry, to save well on cement. However, on frosty and windy days, households will be unpleasantly surprised that, despite the thickness of the walls, the plaster inside the house, the walls are “blown through” with a stream of cold air.

In most cases, in 2 and 3-storey houses, floors are made from prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs. It is very important to comply with all the requirements for the design and installation of reinforced concrete slab ceilings, from installing an armored belt under them to anchoring them to the walls. The first photo on the left shows that a completely unexpected fall of the floor slab in the house caused the cessation of its further operation.

In some house projects, it is possible to make only a monolithic ceiling. The following are extremely important here: proper reinforcement, adherence to pouring technology, quality of concrete, maintenance work for concrete, thermal insulation of the end part of the reinforced concrete floor.

Saving on the design calculation of a monolithic reinforced concrete floor, or on the quality of materials and the qualifications of concrete workers, with a high probability you can get exactly the same result as in the right photo above.

It is extremely important to design and accurately manufacture a staircase that is easy and comfortable to walk on. This is possible if 3 formulas are used in the calculations:

  • "Formula of the middle step".
  • "Formula for the convenience of stairs", developed by the Institute of Labor Psychology. Max Planck, which allows you to determine the slope that requires the least amount of effort when climbing stairs.
  • "Safety Formula". If the width of the tread is too small, there is a danger of the foot slipping; if the tread is too wide, the descending person may "hang" on the edge of the step.

The photo on the right shows a staircase, which will be extremely uncomfortable to climb and even harder to descend.

Independently, without professional knowledge and experience, it is almost impossible to figure out the quality of roofing installation. It is only possible to indirectly draw conclusions, carefully peering into the accuracy of the docking of its elements, having tested for leaks, identifying whether the ventilation ducts have been insulated, whether there are no gaps in the joints of the insulation mats, whether there are any traces of a cut with a “grinder” of the roof details, whether a sheet of metal tile is pressed through by pressing with a finger and so on..

The metal tile, made according to the “Normal” standard, has a thickness of at least 0.5 mm and will not give in to punching with a finger. The price of such a metal tile is 310 rubles / m2. The manufacturer gives a 10 year warranty. This price is more than 30% higher than the best-selling "OH" (general purpose) metal tile, which is made from thinner metal imported from the PRC. Its factory warranty is only 12 months. The price of "ON" metal tiles is 200 rubles/m2, so it is in great demand among Developers building houses for sale. These photos clearly demonstrate how the savings on the purchase of high-quality metal tiles will look like after 3-4 years.

To save on the number of metal tiles, greedy contractors make the roof slopes 15-20 cm relative to the vertical planes of the walls, instead of the minimum 45 cm. They are not at all worried that the walls, not having a “visor” above them, will constantly get wet during the rains. Work on the installation of the roof requires highly qualified performers, and therefore is highly paid. Workers who install roofs at prices below the market never meet all the technological standards of installation and, as a rule, do not give a guarantee for their work for more than 1 year.

The market, using the expression "metal-plastic windows", captivates with this concept, which we associate with something high-tech and reliable. However, the cost of some metal-plastic windows may differ from "seemingly the same other windows" by 70% or more. What's the secret?

Everything is the same as for other building materials - the quality of components and the quality of installation. At present, truly high-tech energy-saving windows have appeared on the market, which is a relevant response to the continuous increase in the cost of energy resources - gas and electricity. Their price is 40 percent or more higher than the standard ones. The photo shows the most common consequences of "savings" on the quality of windows and neglect of installation rules, which appear only during the operation of the house.

At the design stage, be sure to determine how many outlets you need and where they should be located, taking into account the location of the furniture. The lack of outlets will force you to use tees and extension cords. The former will overload the line, the latter - both overload and get in the way.

It will be very disappointing when, after wallpapering and arranging furniture, you will have to make strobes in order to draw conclusions for split systems and lamps.

If the wire strands in each junction box are not soldered, then the oxidation of the contacts and their heating after a few years will be guaranteed. The wires in the outlets for sockets must have a cross-sectional area of ​​\u200b\u200beach copper core of at least 2.3 mm2, while GOST defines 2.5 mm2. For laying highways, electric cables 3x2.5mm VVG NG and 3x1.5mm VVG NG should be used. Having saved money and made electrical wiring in the house from cheap aluminum wires, you need to be prepared for their regular heating, which causes destruction of the insulating layer.

Another system that is quite complex and difficult to assess without professional knowledge. Without a calculated determination of the required capacities of heating devices, based on the predicted heat losses, it is impossible to optimize the costs of its installation. To set the type of heating system - one-pipe, two-pipe or combined with a hydraulic circuit priority switch - is the task of the heat engineer. Since it is the feasibility study of the system design that will allow you to save both energy resources and the cost of its repair and maintenance.

Carefully monitor the accuracy of the installation of the system. Demand that you check the system's performance and let it work for several hours at rated power. There shouldn't be any leaks anywhere. All modern gas boilers are equipped with an automatic shutdown system when the pressure in the system drops. A pressure drop within 10-12 hours is evidence of a marriage in the connection of the elements of the heating system.

The consumption of energy resources for heating is exactly the same impartial judge who assesses the quality of the thermal insulation of a house.
Therefore, choosing contractors for construction, according to the criterion of the lowest cost, is wrong, without making a detailed qualitative analysis of the construction of each element of the house. Based only on the lowest price of building 1m2 of a house, you are guaranteed to doom yourself to numerous wastes of time, money and nerves to eliminate errors and flaws in construction. And they appear only during operation. And in the end, almost always, these total costs significantly exceed the cost of an initially correctly and efficiently built house.

We will be happy to advise you in a more in-depth form on any building element or system included in the construction of a private house. We build our work in such a way that you, being our Clients, are always completely satisfied with our services. And in fact, each time they were convinced that they really trusted the experts in the field of private housing construction.