
Houses for two families. Duplex projects Typical 2-family house


Our company performs qualitatively and on time house plans for two owners for customers in Moscow and regions of Russia. At the same time, we take into account all the individual wishes of the client regarding the layout, wall material, shape and area of ​​the premises, etc. There is a large selection of ready-made sketches in the assortment, for various needs. Their affordable price will please you. The houses on these sketches are made of modern materials and meet all quality standards. A well-established management system allows you to provide you with high-class service.

A house project with two entrances is necessary if a young family decides to live with the older generation. These cases are not uncommon when a newlywed has a child and requires the help of parents in caring for him and educating him. Separate entrances and wall separation provide tangible benefits to both parties, mainly in the designation of personal space. This helps to prevent many conflict situations in everyday life. Another feature of the project of a house with a separate entrance is the unequal area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe residential halves. One of them is equipped with a minimum number of rooms, the other, on the contrary, consists of separate bedrooms, guest rooms. It provides everything for a comfortable stay and education of a small child. There are options for sketches, where the two halves are united by one hall. To find the right one, use the electronic search form for the best option for a house project for two owners. Thanks to a set of filters, all this will take no more than a couple of minutes. You just need to decide on:

  • total living area;
  • the number of floors;
  • wall material;
  • the number of rooms;
  • the presence of a basement and an attic;
  • the presence and size of the garage.

After choosing a suitable sketch, place an order. If you decide to buy a cottage project for two families according to your personal parameters, you should determine the cost of the work. We calculate it based on the complexity of the sketch, in accordance with the current price list.

Make an order right now!

To place an order for a house project with 2 entrances, fill out the form and provide contact details. The manager will contact you in the near future. Our staff will help you choose projects for 2-family houses and calculate the preliminary cost of individual orders.

The project of a house with two entrances is a practical and convenient solution that is suitable for both one family and two. The design may include:

  • front entrance located on the front facade;
  • the second, through which you can enter from the back of the building. The passage is located from the side of the courtyard.

A house with two entrances can also be designed as a duplex for 2 families. This will save land area and reduce maintenance costs.

Benefits of profiled timber

A cozy family house made of wood is a time-tested traditional solution. Modern technologies allow the use of wood in a rational way. The wooden beam is easy to install and does not require adjustment. Timber material has an affordable cost and reduces construction costs. The size and quality characteristics of the material allow for projects of varying complexity.

Advantageous offer of the company

The construction company BRIGADA operates in Moscow and regions of the central part of Russia. We offer design and construction of log houses. We try to optimize the project and implement it inexpensively.

Our services include:

  • drawing up a project, with floor plans;
  • preparation of cost estimates;
  • a full range of turnkey installation works;
  • summing up and connecting engineering networks.

The cost of services is a cumulative calculation of the price of materials and the cost of work. Design and production cycles are controlled by professional specialists. Detailed information can be obtained at a free consultation, by phone.

Wooden house with two entrances - convenient and practical. The first entrance is made front and located on the main side of the facade. The second one is optional.

As a rule, the second entrance leads to the courtyard and passes through the vestibule, utility room or storage room. It can also connect the main room to a terrace, veranda, summer kitchen or other outbuilding. Two entrances are brought into the project for a bathhouse with a veranda or a summer kitchen for a large country cottage with a steam room and a shower room inside the house.

Two entrances - a rational solution for a two-family house

Related families often choose to build one large country cottage. Two separate entrances would be a great solution for such a project.

The house is divided into halves into two families, and a plan is developed for each so that they do not contradict each other. At the same time, the premises can be completely separate from each other or there will be common rooms in the house.

Advantages of two-family houses:

  • Living together with separation, no interference with individual life;
  • Saving land area. In addition to the house, the site will also accommodate a bathhouse or a gazebo;
  • Common walls and communications, a single foundation and roof reduce construction and finishing costs by an average of 40% compared to building a separate house.

MARISRUB projects

MariSrub company offers wooden houses for both two and one family. The architect will develop a functional and aesthetically attractive project, taking into account the characteristics of the land and soil, the wishes of the client.

We suggest choosing a ready-made version, in which the specialist will make changes. Or we can do a custom project. Creating a sketch when ordering construction is free!

"MariSrub" will perform a full range of work, which includes:

  • creation of a standard or individual project;
  • selection and production of lumber;
  • building a foundation;
  • assembly and installation of a log house on the site;
  • roof installation;
  • conducting communications;
  • finishing after shrinkage of the house.

The work on the project is carried out together with an architect and an expert in the field of wooden housing construction. They monitor the rationality and reliability of the designs of each element of the structure.

"MariSrub" offers a phased payment system, which allows you not to pay the amount in a single payment. We work with credit programs. The cost of construction includes building materials!

Beautiful projects of houses for two families: photo, catalog

Convenient search filters will help you find typical projects of houses for two families, as well as order an individual two-family project. You will select mansard and two-story house projects for two families, classic and modern, houses of various layouts.

Completely all projects of houses for two families, photos, videos, diagrams, sketches and drawings are collected in this section of the catalog.

The layout of the projects of houses for 2 families is designed in such a way that the apartments are completely independent from each other, and only in some cases they have only a technical room in common. Such houses are more profitable in turnkey construction and operation: one roof is being built for two, and heating costs will be less. In addition, the plot for them can be used more compact in order to implement such house projects. Children, parents, for example, or siblings who want to live together will benefit from these benefits.

House plans for 2 families: options

Project plans for two-family houses can be divided into two types according to the structure: twin houses and semi-detached houses of the usual type. In ordinary private semi-detached cottages, one of the apartments is completely located on the ground floor, the second one, as a rule, occupies both floors of the house, or the entire second floor.

The houses are twins, absolutely identical and symmetrical with respect to a common wall. The double house project is perhaps less economical in construction, but their location on two adjacent plots allows for much more rational use of the space around the house.

For projects of such houses, the price is indicated for both segments of the house. Only one segment of the house is not subject to sale, since all the technical parameters of the house are designed for two segments at once. For a single building in such a project, you need to make many changes: recalculate the loads on the supporting structures, change the roof project, the foundation project, recalculate the volumes of required materials, and much more. Making such changes greatly increases the cost estimate for the creation of the project itself.

Layouts of houses for two families: making a change

When buying a cottage project for a large family, we strongly recommend adapting the foundation of a typical project to the characteristics of the soil of the building site, using the "" add-on. Only in this case, our finished project will be able to guarantee the necessary reliability and quality of the built new house (subject to competent construction, of course). To carry out such adaptation, you need to provide a report on the geological surveys carried out at your site.

"" - will help you choose the most profitable home construction contractor. By ordering this service, you will receive, in general, the same estimate, but without prices. The calculation is made on the fact that construction organizations in your region will set prices for you, and you will only have to choose the best and optimal offer from those received.

The "" package will offer the best option for distributing these networks in the house. Still, you should not do this during the construction process: it is difficult to independently provide for their convenient control, laying at the correct distance from electricians, etc.

Thanks to the popular addition "", the layout of houses for two families can be adjusted. The service "" allows you to create an original design of house projects for 2 families.

And our additional services "" and "" will take care of a comfortable and good microclimate - they are worth it, because what can be more pleasant than a warm floor, and what can be more important than fresh air in the house?

Having decided to buy from Z500 standard or individual architectural designs of houses for two families, developers can be sure that they will receive detailed project documentation, which consists of 5 sections: 3 parts of the engineering section (electricity, ventilation and heating schemes, water supply), structural and architectural sections.

All projects of residential cottages of the Z500 company are protected by copyright, which gives a guarantee to developers for legal security when building a private cottage according to the projects of the Z500 company.

A certificate is placed, which is a confirmation that the Z500 company is the official representative of the international architectural bureau Z500 Ltd in our country.

Having a cozy home is a natural desire of every young family. But the construction of a private house and its arrangement requires significant financial investments than, for example, the maintenance of an apartment. The best solution to this problem is to build a house for several families. Therefore, projects of houses for 2 families with different entrances are becoming more and more popular.

Often, a two-family house project is a symmetrical cottage. Source

An essential condition for two families to live together is their common interests and friendly relations.

Advantages of a two-family house project

Reasons for building a common house for two families several:

    when buying a common plot for one family, half of its cost is saved;

    the total price of the house is divided evenly between the two buyers;

    the financial burden on the family is reduced when arranging engineering communications;

    if desired, one common garage and a swimming pool in the yard are equipped.

A two-family home has a number of advantages. Among them, a separate entrance, a private yard, a garage and even an outdoor swimming pool. All this is almost half the cost, since all the costs of the project, the purchase of a site, the arrangement of the territory, and the conduct of engineering communications are divided in half. This method of building country cottages is popular among the middle class, who want comfort, but do not always have sufficient funds to build a private house.

The disadvantages of this construction option include the likelihood of disputes caused by different tastes of the owners. For example, when finishing the facade.

If the facade parts are made in different style solutions, then the external harmony of the house will be broken. Source

It is desirable that the facade be made in the same style and from the same material. Also, the house for 2 families has a common area. The design of the site will also have to be coordinated with the neighbors. The situation may be aggravated if utilities are paid jointly.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most from the construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Economic benefits of a joint two-family house project

The construction of a joint house for two families is beneficial from the economic side of this issue. Projects of houses for two families are chosen mainly by families consisting of relatives of different ages or simply being on friendly terms with each other.

In this case, families live practically under the same roof, but do not intersect in solving everyday household issues. The house itself is a completely autonomous two of its parts. The internal layout of the premises is the same and is mirrored. In some projects, a common boiler room, garage and other auxiliary premises are used.

Essential economic benefits from the construction of a common house are the following:

    only one land plot is purchased and registered;

    one common foundation is being laid;

    the work is carried out by one team of builders;

    one roof is being equipped, and general communications are being carried out;

Autonomous sewage, designed for several houses, works better than a separate Source

    the cost of utilities, repairs and maintenance of the house are divided equally;

    savings on project design and other technical documentation for construction.

A joint project is developed taking into account the interests and personal preferences of both families who will live together in the house.

Video description

A few more thoughts on the benefits of building a two-family house:

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer house construction services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

The cost of a two-family house in Moscow

The term "two-family house", or duplex, has appeared in the everyday life of the real estate market recently. In its construction, the principle of vertical division of the house area is applied, which eliminates conflicts between neighbors.

The project of a two-family house with two entrances necessarily provides for the presence of a small plot of land around it. The cost of such housing depends on the class of the project and the material used in its construction. The price of a business-class duplex with a monolithic brick starts at 10 million rubles. Houses made from cellular gas and foam blocks are economy class housing.

Their cost fluctuates in a wide range and depends on the external cladding. For example, a two-story house made of aerated concrete blocks with facing brick trim will cost from 3 million rubles.


Cheaper options for one-story houses with two entrances with a classic frame finished with a block house or clinker stone will cost the owners from 1.5 to 3 million rubles.

Project examples

Examples of houses with two entrances for two families:

    With a total area of ​​153 sq.m., designed for two families. Such a country cottage is attractive for living close relatives of different ages. That is, elderly parents with newlyweds. The house is convenient to use, with a sufficient number of living rooms.

Its approximate price from aerated concrete blocks is 3.63 million rubles, from brick - 4.11 million rubles. The cost of the project is 26.0 thousand rubles


    IN classic two-story house close couples with similar interests and equal incomes will easily get along. The last factor is important for ensuring peaceful coexistence.

The project of such a house costs 34.0 thousand rubles. The house is made from bricks or gas blocks. The approximate price of a brick box without interior and exterior decoration is 6.32 million rubles, aerated concrete boxes - 5.59 million rubles.

The classic project of a two-story house for two families Source

  • perfect for two active young families connected by family ties. For example, two brothers with wives.

Material for building a house - gas blocks. The facade is insulated and plastered with a decorative coating. The cost is 5.58 million rubles.



For living in a house for two families, the ability to negotiate and get along with each other comes to the fore. Despite the fact that both families live in their own separate living rooms, they will have to agree on many issues. For example, for the repair of the facade, payment of utilities, maintenance of a personal plot.