
A beautiful live flower in a pot. Names and photos of flowering flowers in pots


Blooming houseplants adorn not only sunny window sills. There are such indoor flowers, which basically grow and bloom in the shade and partial shade, which are used for landscaping rooms with a small amount of sunlight. Many beautiful blooming unpretentious indoor flowers are presented in this article with a description and some recommendations on their agricultural practices. Having learned the names of crops intended for growing in pots, you can confidently go to a specialized store and choose plants for your home there.

Do not forget that there may be "folk" names for indoor flowering plants, so they may be known to you under other names. But this does not change their botanical essence.

See photos and names of flowering indoor plants and choose those cultures that will allow you to solve your design problems with maximum effect:

The name of the first home flowering plant - (with photo)


Ehmeya's home flowering plants are bromeliads with funnel-shaped flowers and densely rosette leaves. The inflorescences of Aechmea fasciata - the most popular species - are pink, those of Aechmea chantinii are red-gold, those of Aechmea fulgens are coral. This is the first representative of the bromeliad family.

Look at the photos of these plants and continue our acquaintance with agricultural technology and botanical characteristics:

    • Family: Bromeliaceae (Bromeliaceae).
  • Homeland: Brazil.
  • Location: Bright but not direct sunlight.
  • Temperature: All year round not below 18 °C.
  • Air humidity: Spray more often. Does not tolerate dry air in rooms with central heating.
  • Substrate: Flower soil.
  • Watering: From April to October, moderately moisten the soil and pour water into the leaf funnel. Use only soft water. From November to March, water less.
  • Top dressing: Fertilize every 2 weeks in spring and summer.
  • Transfer: After 2 years.
  • Reproduction: Lateral shoots - children or seeds in spring at 20-25 ° С. Seeds are luminous.
  • Pests, diseases: Scale insects, root aphids.

After looking at the photo and finding out the name of this home flowering plant, you got the opportunity to find it on the store counter and purchase it in your collection, look at a few more varieties:

Allamanda - climbing flowering houseplant


Allamanda shoots reach a length of several meters in a short time. Flowers, depending on the variety, are 8-12 cm in size. Allamanda cathartica goes on sale with flowers of various colors: ‘Henderson’ (orange-yellow), ‘Grandiflora’ (lemon yellow) and ‘Schott’ (yellow). The last type of climbing flowering houseplant develops exceptionally strong.

  • Family: Arosupaseae (Kutraceae).
  • Homeland: Northeast South America.
  • Location: Bright, sunny lighting.
  • Temperature: All year round not below 18 °C. Likes warm soil.
  • Air humidity: High, about 60%.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture with nutritious loam.
  • Watering: From April to October, water abundantly and spray more often. Then cut both.
  • Top dressing: Feed weekly in summer.
  • Transfer: February/March.
  • Pruning: After flowering or in spring, it is possible to shorten the branches.
  • Reproduction: Apical cuttings in spring or autumn at a soil temperature of about 25 ° C.
  • Pests, diseases: Yellowing of leaves, cushions, false shields.

Important! Allamanda prefers lime-free water.

Carefully! All parts of the plant are poisonous.

Anigozanthos - tall flowering houseplant


Kangaroo paw is a tall flowering houseplant with lanceolate leaves and elegant flowers that appear in summer. The texture of the petals resembles wool or felt.

  • Family: Haetodoraceae (Chemodoraceae).
  • Homeland: Southeast Australia.
  • Location: Bright lighting all year round.
  • Temperature: In summer it likes warmth, in winter it likes coolness (10-15 °C). In summer, you can put Anigozanthos outdoors, in a sheltered place.
  • Substrate: Flower soil.
  • Top dressing: From March to August, fertilize weekly in small doses.
  • Transfer: If necessary, you can transplant in the spring.
  • Reproduction: In spring, division of old plants or seeds.
  • Pests, diseases: Spider mite.

Anigozanthos is a light-loving plant, so it may not bloom in a “bad” summer. In addition, in a dark place, the "kangaroo paw" does not grow in a compact bush, which can be corrected by treating anigozanthos with substances that retard growth.

Look at these blooming beautiful indoor flowers in the photo, which shows specimens during the period of budding and blooming of petals:

Aphelandra - a small flowering houseplant

Aphelandra protruding

Aphelandra bulge is a small flowering houseplant with dark green leaves that stand out with creamy white veins. Bright, sunny-yellow flowers, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences, consist of long-lasting covering leaves laid like roofing tiles, and short-lived light yellow tubular small flowers. The flowering time is regulated by the gardener, and we can buy a flowering plant at almost any time.

  • Family: Acanthaceae (Acanthaceae).
  • Homeland: Central and South America.
  • Location: Bright lighting all year round. Temperature 20 °C.
  • Air humidity: High. Spray more often.
  • Watering: The soil should always be slightly moist.
  • Top dressing: Fertilize every 14 days from March to August.
  • Transfer: Spring.
  • Pruning: Before transplant.
  • Reproduction: Apical cuttings at a soil temperature of 25-30 ° C.
  • Pests, diseases: Aphids, false shields.
  • Important! Drafts should be avoided. Aphelandra blooms the next year only if it is placed in a cool (10 °C) and very bright place for 8 weeks in winter.

Look at these flowering houseplants in the photo, which shows the forms of blooming buds and their color options:

Brunfelsia - blooming and unpretentious indoor flowers in pots


Brunfelsia pauciflora var. calycina are unpretentious indoor flowers, depending on the variety, blooming with white, yellow or light and dark purple large flowers. Shoots splayed, slightly branched. The winter flowering cultivar ‘Floribunda’ is interesting for its blue and violet flowers. These indoor flowers in pots, blooming for a long time, require regular fertilizing with minerals.

  • Family: Solanaceae (Solanaceae).
  • Homeland: Brazil.
  • Location: Light to semi-shady all year round.
  • Temperature: Likes warmth. From November to January, keep in a cool room (10-12 ° C).
  • Air humidity: High, spray more often.
  • Substrate: Flower soil.
  • Watering: From March to September, water the plant abundantly with softened water. Then reduce watering.
  • Top dressing: From March to September, fertilize once every 2 weeks, then stop feeding.
  • Transfer: After the end of the main flowering period in early summer.
  • Pruning: Trim long shoots.
  • Reproduction: Apical or stem cuttings in spring, at a soil temperature of 25 ° C. Rooted with difficulty.
  • Pests, diseases: Yellowing of leaves (chlorosis), false shields, spider mites, aphids.

Carefully! Brunfelsia is poisonous.

Calceolaria - the best flowering houseplant (with pictures)


Calceolus means "little slipper" in Latin. Almost 500 different species and cultivars derived from them are characterized by the lower lip of flowers, swollen to the size of a wide shoe. Flowers are monophonic, two-color, tiger-striped of various colors - yellow, red, orange. Calceolaria, due to its decorative properties, is the best flowering houseplant that allows you to effectively decorate any window sill.

  • Family: Scrophulariaceae (Norichaceae).
  • Homeland: South America. For sale only cultural forms.
  • Location: Very bright, but not illuminated by the bright sun, a spacious room.
  • Temperature: If possible, not very high (15-20 ° C).
  • Substrate: Flower soil.
  • Watering: Abundant.
  • Top dressing: Fertilize weekly.
  • Transfer: Not needed, because This plant is grown as an annual.
  • Reproduction: In summer, at a temperature of 18 ° C, sowing seeds that do not need to be covered with soil (light-germinating seeds). Growing seedlings does not create any problems.
  • Pests, diseases: Whiteflies, aphids.
  • Important! The plant does not tolerate waterlogging. In autumn and winter, young plants need additional artificial lighting.

Look at the pictures of these indoor flowering plants, which illustrate their decorative properties:

Bellflower - indoor ampelous flowering plants

bell ( campanula isophylla)

As potted plants, the bellflower (Campanula isophylla) and its varieties ‘Alba’ (white flowers) and ‘Mai’ (blue-violet flowers) are mainly cultivated. These are excellent indoor ampelous flowering plants, in addition, Campanula fragilis (brittle bell) and Campanula pyramidalis, popularly called "Jacob's ladder", are grown.

  • Family: Campanulaceae (bellflowers).
  • Homeland: Mediterranean regions.
  • Location: Bright, sunny, spacious room.
  • Temperature: Not very tall. Wintering at 10 °C.
  • Substrate: Flower soil.
  • Watering: Water regularly from spring to autumn to keep the soil constantly moist. Campanula isophylla tolerates even hard water.
  • Top dressing: From May to August, fertilize every 14 days with a special flower mixture.
  • Transfer: Spring.
  • Pruning: After flowering, in autumn.
  • Pests, diseases: Spider mite, gray mold, leaf spot.

When cutting the cuttings, a non-poisonous white milky juice appears on the sections. Dip the cuttings in tepid water and it will stop flowing.

Decorative flowering indoor plants: names and photos

Consider decorative-flowering houseplants that can be easily grown in a pot culture. The names of decorative flowering houseplants presented below are not familiar to all gardeners, so the information will be useful and interesting.

Look carefully at the photos and names of decorative flowering indoor plants - among the variety presented there are very interesting new items:

Diosma - Coleonema calydum.

This evergreen potted plant has recently been commercialized (sometimes called Coleonema pulchrum). Beautiful leaves, similar to heather leaves, exude a spicy aroma. In spring, numerous small pink-red flowers appear on the branches.

  • Family: Rutaceae (Rutaceae).
  • Homeland: Southwestern region of the Cape Province of South Africa.
  • Location: In summer - a protected, sunny place in the open air, in winter - good lighting.
  • Temperature: In summer - outdoor temperature; in winter - a cool room with a temperature of 5 ° C.
  • Substrate: Flower soil.
  • Watering: Very plentiful in summer, water less in winter.
  • Top dressing: During the growing season, once every 14 days, apply a complete mineral fertilizer diluted in water.
  • Transfer: After flowering.
  • Pruning: When transplanting, pinching shoots, if necessary, more radical pruning.
  • Reproduction: From March to September, non-lignified cuttings at a soil temperature of 22-25 ° C. You can use cutting waste.
  • Pests, diseases: Spider mite.

Columnea - Columnea.

Columns are luxurious ampelous plants. Numerous species and varieties come on the market, partly with variegated leaves. The most famous is the species hybrid ‘Stevenger’. Flowering time varies depending on the species or variety.

  • Family: Gesneriaceae (Gesneriaceae).
  • Homeland: Central America, mainly Costa Rica.
  • Location: From light to semi-shady.
  • Temperature: Prefers warmth, but during the budding phase, which lasts 30-40 days in winter, temperatures around 15°C are needed.
  • Air humidity: High. Spray carefully.
  • Substrate: Flower soil.
  • Watering: During the growth period, lightly, evenly moisten the soil. Water less in winter. As soon as the buds reach 1-2 cm, increase watering and put the plant in a warmer place.
  • Top dressing: During the growing season, fertilize weekly in small doses.
  • Transfer: After flowering, transplant into pots for azaleas.
  • Pruning: Trim at the time of transplant.
  • Reproduction: Apical or non-lignified cuttings at a soil temperature of 25 ° C.
  • Pests, diseases: Aphid infestations.
  • Important! Water and fertilizers containing lime are not recommended.

Beautiful blooming and unpretentious home flowers in pots (with photo)

Choosing home blooming beautiful flowers, you always want to get the most unusual and original copy. And there really are. Meet them further down the page.

Fat girl fiery red - Crassula coccinea.

Fiery red fat woman - home flowering semi-shrub flowers 30-60 cm high. It blooms with fragrant bright red flowers. The shoots coming from the base are densely planted with opposite, cross-shaped leaves of 2 cm.

  • Family: Crassulaceae (Crassulaceae).
  • Homeland: South Africa.
  • Location: A room full of air and bright diffused light. In summer - outdoors, in a place protected from rain. In September, bring home flowering flowers in pots into the house, put them in a bright place for the winter until the buds appear.
  • Temperature: In winter, about 10 ° C, in summer - the temperature of the outside air.
  • Substrate: Sandy soil.
  • Watering: Moisten slightly in summer, water very rarely in winter.
  • Top dressing: In the summer, once every 4 weeks, feed with fertilizer for cacti.
  • Pruning: After flowering, shorten the shoots by 10 cm to encourage a second flowering.
  • Reproduction: Shoot tips in June. Plant in sandy soil, after drying the surface of the cuts for several days.
  • Pests, diseases: Aphids, mealybugs, mites, soft-bodied mites, powdery mildew, leaf nematodes.

Important to remember! Dislikes the midday sun.

Dipteracanthus - Dipteracanthus.

There are about 250 species of these unpretentious flowering house flowers, but only a few of them are offered to us as indoor ones. These are low, almost creeping subshrubs. Leaves with light veins, flowers are pink or white and purple striped. Looks great as an ampelous culture.

  • Family: Acanthaceae (Acanthaceae).
  • Homeland: Brazil.
  • Location: Light to semi-shaded. Does not tolerate direct sunlight.
  • Temperature: Raised all year round. The soil must also be warm.
  • Air humidity: High.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture with the addition of polystyrene chips.
  • Watering: Moisten the soil moderately. Soften water.
  • Top dressing: From March to August, once every 2 weeks, fertilize in small doses.
  • Transfer: Transplant into flat containers every spring.
  • Reproduction: Apical cuttings in spring, at a soil temperature of 22 ° C.
  • Pests, diseases: Leaf curl, dysplasia, root rot, whiteflies.

Dipteracanthus is a fabulously beautiful ground cover plant for a window showcase with a special microclimate.

Look at these blooming home flowers in the photo, which shows different periods of their life and development:

Flowering plants for houses and apartments (names and photos)

Numerous flowering plants for the home allow you to create unusual floral arrangements. This is a unique opportunity for interior design.

Euphorbia Mil (thorns of Christ) - Euphorbia milii

Euphorbia Mil is one of the most popular representatives of the extensive, numbering 2000 species of the genus Euphorbia. In places of natural growth it is a meter-high deciduous shrub.

Euphorbia Mil - unpretentious flowering plants for an apartment, they endure the dry air of a city apartment, and central heating, and burning sun rays. Its long, pencil-hard, thorny shoots can be led along supports, like trellis plants. The newest varieties grow almost vertically, in compact bushes up to 60 cm high. The color of the flowers has various options in red and pink tones, and also happens to be white and yellow. Euphorbia lophogona, native to Madagascar, is an evergreen and blooms all year round with white or pink flowers. Hybrids of both species are bushy and decorative, bloom profusely and successfully crowd out pure species. These hybrids, called Euphorbia Lomi, bloom almost all year round with yellow, pink, red and purple flowers. True, they are easily affected by powdery mildew.

  • Family: Euphorbiaceae (Euphoriaceae).
  • Homeland: Madagascar.
  • Location: Very light, lit by the sun.
  • Temperature: Likes warmth.
  • Substrate: Soil mixture for cacti with a small admixture of loam.
  • Watering: Moderate, especially in winter. After flowering for one month, water a little, so as not to dry the root ball. Increase watering slightly from March to August.
  • Top dressing: Once every 2 weeks, apply fertilizer for cacti to the water for irrigation.
  • Transfer: Young plants should be transplanted every 2 years.
  • Pruning: Pruning is carried out in the spring, before new shoots appear.
  • Reproduction: Spring cuttings. You can use the shoots left after pruning! Use pieces of older shoots. Dip slices in tepid water to stop the secretion of milky juice. Dry for one day and then plant in a mixture of sand and peat.
  • Pests, diseases: Falling leaves.

Don't be afraid to keep spurge in a room with dry air.

Carefully! All parts of the plant are poisonous. The milky juice of all species of Euphorbia contains substances that irritate the mucous membrane. In addition, you can get hurt on sharp spikes.

Gloriosa (curly lily) - Gloriosa superba.

Gloriosa superba (Glonosa superba) - a sensational liana with flowers 10 cm in diameter, fiery red, with a yellow border.

  • Family: Liliaceae (liliaceae).
  • Homeland: Tropical regions of Asia, Africa, Madagascar.
  • Location: For germination and vegetation - light.
  • Temperature: Likes warmth. Tubers overwinter in a pot at 15 °C.
  • Air humidity: Spray frequently until buds form.
  • Substrate: Flower soil.
  • Watering: From March to August, water regularly, then limit watering and gradually let the plant wither.
  • Top dressing: March to August weekly.
  • Reproduction: In February, tubers.
  • Transfer: In March, transplant into a new pot, water.
  • Pests, diseases: Aphids, spider mites.

When buying, pay attention to whether the tubers have a small green top (vegetation zone). Caution The tubers contain the poisonous substance colchicine.

Beautiful flowering houseplants (photos and names)

Beautiful flowering houseplants can be quite familiar, but unusually decorated. For example, on the basis of balsam, you can form an unusual composition. A pig in a container will decorate any interior.

See photos and names of beautiful flowering indoor plants and draw interesting ideas for decorating your houses and apartments:

Balsam - Impatiens.

Waller's balsam (Impatiens walleriana) is a beloved potted plant that blooms all year round. Flowers of various colors, there are even with two-color petals. Meanwhile, balsam hybrids ‘New Guinea’ appeared and proved themselves well.

  • Family: Balsaminaceae (Balsaminaceae).
  • Homeland: Tropical areas in East Africa, Ceylon, India, New Guinea. Mainly cultivated farms go on sale.
  • Location: From light to semi-shady. 'New Guinea' hybrids tolerate sunlight well.
  • Temperature: Room temperature all year round. For Waller's balsam, it is somewhat cooler in winter (12-15 ° C).
  • Substrate: Flower soil.
  • Watering: Water regularly in summer, less in winter. Avoid overwetting.
  • Transfer: Spring. It is better to root the cuttings in the fall and let them overwinter.
  • Pruning: From time to time shorten the shoots.
  • Reproduction: Top cuttings. Balsam Vallera - can be seeds in the spring.

pigs - Plumbago indica.

After the eared pig (Plumbago auriculata) found many admirers as a container plant in temperate latitudes, its “pink” relative, plumbago, or pig, Indian (Plumbago indica) spread as an attractive room culture. It forms clinging shoots and blooms all summer with pink-red flowers collected in an ear.

  • Family: Plumbagiaceae (Mumps).
  • Homeland: India.
  • Location: Lots of light, but protect from direct bright sun.
  • Temperature: Warm. In winter it is cooler, but not below 13 °C.
  • Air humidity: High.
  • Substrate: Flower soil.
  • Watering: Moderate in summer, very limited in winter.
  • Top dressing: During the growth period in spring and summer, apply complex fertilizer every 14 days.
  • Transfer: If necessary in the spring.
  • Reproduction: In spring, grassy apical cuttings at a soil temperature of 20 to 25 ° C.
  • Pests, diseases: Aphids, tormenting dew, leaf fall.
  • Important! Be sure to avoid stagnant waterlogging!

Skullcap - Scutellaria costaricana.

Tropical skullcap is a mountain plant, accustomed to a lot of light. Partly lignified species reaches a height of 0.5 m and blooms in summer with bright spike-shaped apical inflorescences with fiery red short-lobed flowers.

  • Family: Lamiaceae (Lamiaceae).
  • Homeland: Costa Rica.
  • Location: All year long there is a lot of light and air, without direct sun. The temperature in summer is about 20 °С, in winter it is not lower than 15 °С. It is important that the soil is warm.
  • Substrate: Flower soil.
  • Watering: Maintain moderate moisture in the substrate.
  • Top dressing: From March to August, weekly feed with low doses of mineral fertilizers.
  • Transfer: Every 2 years, in autumn. Better to grow new plants.
  • Pruning: Before transplant.
  • Reproduction: Apical or other cuttings, in autumn, at a soil temperature of 20 to 25 ° C. Don't pinch! Inflorescences are formed only at the tops of the shoots.
  • Pests, diseases: Spider mite.

Plant several young plants in one pot, so they will look more bushy.

Strelitzia - Streiitzia reginae.

The name "bird of paradise" is due to the brightness of the flowers, painted in orange and sky blue colors and enclosed in bracts with red edges. Strelitzias have long been known as cut flowers, but they are also growing in popularity as houseplants. In the homeland of strelitzia, in South Africa, there are 5 species of this plant, but only (Strelitzia reginae) has received the greatest distribution.

  • Family: Musaceae (Banana).
  • Homeland: South Africa.
  • Location: Light and sunny, from mid-May a place protected from the wind is desirable in the open air.
  • Temperature: Warm, cooler in winter (10-14 °С).
  • Air humidity: High.
  • Substrate: Flower soil.
  • Watering: Abundant in summer, scarce in winter. Water only with water at room temperature.
  • Top dressing: From March to August every week.
  • Transfer: If necessary, but preferably every 3 years, as the roots are very sensitive.
  • Reproduction: By division or seeds.
  • Pests, diseases: Shchitovki.

Vriesia - unpretentious and shade-tolerant flowering houseplant


The most famous type of this unpretentious flowering houseplant is the brilliant vriesia (Vriesea splendens).

In addition to it, there are shade-tolerant flowering houseplants with green leaves and dark red and other color spike-shaped inflorescences.

Vriesia die off after flowering. Plants can be kept as epiphytes.

  • Family: Bromeliaceae (Bromeliaceae).
  • Homeland: Brazil.
  • Location: Light or semi-shaded, avoid direct sunlight.
  • Temperature: It is warm all year round, the soil temperature is above 18 °C.
  • Air humidity: High. Frequent spraying and providing artificial humidity.
  • Substrate: Flower soil.
  • Watering: With soft water at room temperature, constantly maintain light humidity. Pour water into the funnel and on whom.
  • Top dressing: Feed every 14 days in summer in small doses.
  • Transfer: Not required as the plant dies off after flowering.
  • Reproduction: Offspring, which should be no smaller than half the mother plant.
  • Pests, diseases: Growth disorders, leaf damage.

Blooming flowers in pots are a wonderful decoration for rooms in an apartment or house, balconies or even summer cottages. This is an original gift for a birthday, housewarming or other celebration. But, before choosing the right plant, you should find out which flowers in pots will bloom and delight floriculture lovers in the conditions for which they are purchased.

Common unpretentious flowers

This is a beautifully flowering evergreen plant, known as the "flamingo flower". Belongs to the android family, which includes more than 1800 species.

Anthuriums grow in the subtropical and tropical forests of America and on the islands of the Caribbean archipelago. They can be both terrestrial plants that rise along the stem of a tree, and grow on trees with aerial roots.

In the photo you can see some types of anthuriums that are suitable for growing at home. These include:

  • Anthurium Andre.
  • Anthurium Scherzer.
  • Crystal Anthurium.

These flowering plants need partial shade. However, in order to ensure longer flowering in winter, anthurium needs light.

Care features:

The second name of this popular houseplant is violet. Saintpaulias have surprisingly beautiful simple, semi-double or double flowers that have a variety of colors. Among domestic flowering plants, violets have no equal in abundance and beauty, variety and duration of flowering.

Care features:

The bushes of this plant resemble small trees in size that bloom with bright flowers. In the photo you can see that they are very similar to roses. That is why the second name of hibiscus is Chinese rose.

Care features:

  • On a northern windowsill, hibiscus will grow well as a shrub. But in order to achieve its flowering, the flower should be identified in a more lit place.
  • To prevent the plant from stretching upwards, you should pinch its top and side shoots in time.
  • In summer, hibiscus is watered several times a week. In winter, the number of waterings is reduced.

Geranium or Pelargonium

This is a beautiful, fragrant plant that can be grown in an apartment in pots, on balconies in boxes and even in flower beds. This suggests that the plant is quite unpretentious. And yet, with improper care for this flower, certain problems may arise.

Care features:

Another name for this flower is “cavalier lily”. Hippeastrum is a bulbous plant and belongs to the Amaryllis family. One, two or three peduncles may develop from its large bulb.

Hippeastrum flowers can be of a wide variety of colors: white, pink, orange, purple (photo). They usually bloom in March or April. However, if you change the planting date of the bulb of this flower, you can make it bloom at any time of the year.


Another name for this plant that blooms in a pot is “female happiness”. A flower will decorate any room, even if it does not bloom. With proper care, the spathiphyllum will delight with its delicate white flowers, the beauty of which can be seen in the photo.

Care features:

  • It is best placed on the east or west windowsill.
  • Water for watering spathiphyllum is recommended to defend.
  • The frequency of watering should be determined by air temperature. In summer, it is better to water the flower every other day, and in winter - twice a week.
  • Spathiphyllum loves regular spraying.


Creating these flowers, nature did not spare imagination. Their forms shine with fabulous beauty and originality. More than 17 million artificially bred varieties and hybrids have the Orchid family (some of them can be seen in the photo).

The most popular types of orchids:

These types of orchids also grow well in pots on the windowsill, just like other houseplants.

Care features:

  • Orchids grown in pots require a special substrate.
  • These plants require twelve to fifteen hours of daylight to flower. In winter, orchids will need additional artificial lighting.
  • Orchid pots are best placed on a western or eastern windowsill.
  • Watering is moderate.
  • Requires high humidity.


The Latin name of this plant comes from the word "thick", as Kalanchoe has fleshy trunks and leaves. Belongs to the genus of succulent plants. It grows in South Africa, South America, Southeast and South Asia. Kalanchoes are unpretentious in care, so they are often used in indoor floriculture.

Domestic species of Kalanchoe are divided into three groups:

  1. Beautiful flowering.
  2. Viviparous.
  3. Decorative leafy.

Care features:

In addition to the fact that Kalanchoe blooms beautifully (photo), it also has medical properties. The juice of its leaves has a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. Fresh juice treats burns, rashes, cracks, boils and stops bleeding.


This flower with a fleshy hard tuber and variegated long petiolate leaves has a second name - "alpine violet". Its homeland is Iran, Asia Minor, the Mediterranean, Central Europe.

The most popular types:

  1. Persian (photo).
  2. Ivy.
  3. European.

At home, Persian cyclamens are most common, blooming from November to March. Their pink, white, red or bicolor flowers have elegantly recurved petals.

Care features:

Although cyclamens are perennials, after flowering at home, they rarely bloom again. So basically they are thrown away.

This perennial herb belongs to the Bromeliad family. Its name comes from the Greek "aechme" - the tip of the lance. Most likely, the flower was so named because of its pointed bracts or prickly teeth along the edges of the leaves.

Aechmeas grow in tropical rain or seasonally dry subtropical forests. They take root in the forks of branches or crevices of trees.

Many representatives of this genus are beautiful ornamental plants (pictured is an echmea flower). They are widely distributed in room culture.

Care features:

It is one of the most common indoor vines and grows quickly and flowers beautifully when grown in pots. Hoyu is also known as "wax ivy".

The main species grown at home are the fleshy hoya and the beautiful hoya.

The most popular is the fleshy hoya. It is a climbing houseplant that can grow up to six meters in length. Her shoots require support, as they are quite thin. This type of creeper has thick, medium-sized dark green oval-shaped leaves that are covered with a waxy coating. Hoya flowers are star-shaped, white with a pink core, fragrant. The plant blooms annually.

Care features:

Any of these flowers blooming in pots will serve as a worthy decoration for an apartment or office. Most importantly, knowing the growing conditions, carefully read the recommendations and make the right choice.

Potted flowers appear in our homes for a variety of reasons. Some see them as an effective means of decorating a home interior, others, using their properties, use them to purify the air, others grow them just like that, simply because they cannot do without them.


All indoor plants are divided into several categories:

  1. With decorative flowers.
  2. With decorative foliage.
  3. Succulents.
  4. Fruit.

Decorative blooming

Most indoor plants belong to this group. They have a different period and duration of flowering, a period of life, but one thing unites them - an emphasis on beauty. Today, this group includes conditionally indoor flowers - garden plants grown in flowerpots to create bouquets. And the main ones are primroses. They are beautiful, but, unfortunately, they quickly wither and hibernate. However, with careful care, you can save the root system, and planted outdoors in autumn. These include:

Ornamental plants can divided into two types according to the flowering period. Most prefer to do it in the summer. If you add to them plants that prefer to bloom in winter, then you can admire your green island all year round. Creating such a cozy corner, it is necessary to carefully select specimens. They should have a lot in common: the same conditions of detention. It is important that they love the same temperature, humidity, lighting.

Sun lovers include:

Shade tolerant plants:

  • Balsam.
  • Jasmine.
  • Azalea.

decorative leafy

This group includes non-flowering or ugly flowering houseplants. Although flowering is not a very spectacular sight, these species distinguished by the beauty of the leaves. The rest period is not pronounced, so there are always a lot of leaves, which is why the appearance always remains in order. Some species (names) are quite capricious, so they need careful care. In appearance, these indoor plants can be divided into:

  • Climbing.

For example, Tradescantia. Homeland is the rainforest of America. Tradescantia grows rapidly and harmoniously decorates the wall, window openings. In winter gardens and greenhouses, a bright carpet of shiny leaves looks very impressive.

  • upright growing.

The poinsettia has amazing star-shaped bracts. It also produces flowers at Christmas, which is why it is called the Christmas Star. In order for flowering to occur on this particular day, you should follow a few simple rules for caring for it. They are related to the duration of lighting and watering.

Croton. This houseplant belongs to the small-tea family, because when you press the shoot, a wound with white juice appears. At home, it grows up to a meter in height, although in natural conditions it reaches three meters. Beautiful variegated leaves change color over time. Not indifferent to good lighting and warm room conditions.

Bauer's Begonia is a variety of begonia whose flowers are inconspicuous. In this regard, the emerging flower stalks are removed to preserve the vitality of beautiful leaves. Requires frequent transplantation, as it develops quickly and reproduces easily. In order for the ground part to form into a beautiful crown, the roots are kept in a cramped pot.

  • shrubs.

In room conditions, ferns easily take root, as they tolerate penumbra well. Their long narrow openwork leaves are often used to create compositions. Popular names: deer horn, venus hair, asplenium, nephrolepis, bracken, which is very similar to the ferns growing in our forests.

  • Palms and arborescens

Ancient people believed that a tall tree with a beautiful crown brings prosperity. However, since a tree grows from a seed, it will take a long time to wait. In addition, for the cultivation of these plants, it is necessary to fulfill important conditions related to the ability to provide them with sufficient space and light, which is not always feasible.

Indoor tree called Dracaena loves watering and good lighting, she does not need a lot of free space. It is easy to propagate.

Dieffenbachia. The plant is spectacular due to its variegated leaves. Needs good lighting, because the beauty of the leaves disappears in the shade. Undemanding, grows up to a meter.

Very sun-loving Yucca will do well with poor watering and poor soil, but in sunlight it is better not to limit it. Growth can be accelerated with fertilizers.

Monstera. This houseplant has beautiful leaves, a thick stem. Unpretentious, copes with low air humidity and poor watering, grows up to 4 meters. The substance that the leaves secrete can relieve headaches.

Ficus. There are several types of this plant. They differ in shape, size, leaf color, height. Undemanding to care. Trees are often used in the art of Bonsai. For example, Benjamin.

Decorative leafy plants are undemanding to care for, have an excellent appearance all year round, so they are popular not only in home floriculture, but also in public areas.


Among indoor plants there are also with healing properties. For example, aloe juice is used in cosmetology and traditional medicine, they treat skin diseases, colds. The plant grows quickly, undemanding.

The fat woman or money tree migrated to our region from South Africa and Madagascar. In nature, some varieties reach several meters. The leaves of this indoor tree contain arsenic, so you should take care of pets that love to eat juicy leaves.

Kalanchoe is called a home doctor. The plant belongs to the group of biogenic stimulants. The fleshy leaves contain a substance that can stop blood, suppress bacteria and heal a wound. In room conditions it grows well, very unpretentious.

Indoor cacti. These plants also have many species and varieties, as well as decorative foliage. These tropical aliens are divided into several groups depending on their habitat. There are forest, spepny and desert species. Therefore, plant care should be built, starting from natural conditions. Then the cactus will feel great and even give some very showy flowers.

Sansevieria has an interesting folk name - "mother-in-law's tongue." The plant is very unpretentious, grows even in a shady place with low humidity. The leaves contain many saponins - substances through which you can get a medicinal effect. It has a choleretic, laxative, anti-inflammatory, expectorant effect. It is also known that "Teschin's tongue" perfectly purifies the air, therefore it is recommended for rooms with a high density of people.

Spurge has many high species and for this reason only some of them are able to grow in an apartment. Prefer bright light, able to survive in low humidity rooms. In order for the crown to form lush, it needs moderate watering and cool maintenance in winter.


Fruit trees often grow on window sills next to decorative flowers. There are dwarf varieties of pomegranate, citrus, coffee tree, avocado. Some even manage to grow tomatoes and cucumbers at room conditions, which give small fruits. Successful cultivation requires know all the features of the varieties, including irrigation rules, well-composed soil mixture, the right amount of light.

When buying a flower, ask the seller how much light the plant needs and whether it likes direct sunlight. Because it's very important. If the plant is photophilous, and you put it on the windowsill located on the north side, then you risk being left without the opportunity to observe its flowering. For example, saintpaulias prefer sunlight, but begin to wither under direct rays, so dispersion is required. Shade-tolerant flowers grow well in any light, but its abundance is necessary.

Fully mosses and lichens do without light which are cultivated into houseplants. Remember that most flowers go dormant in winter. However, some continue to grow and bloom, so they need additional lighting, even if the plant is on the windowsill.

Home flowers in pots

Today we will talk about favorite and popular indoor plants.

Indoor plants are planted to decorate the interior, refresh, purify the air in the room and as an alternative to live pets, because some people care for plants like children.

Without flowers in pots, mini shrubs, exotic palm trees, orchids, containers with summer flowering seedlings on the balconies, would you agree that our life would be many times more boring and gray?

In addition to the fact that flowers at home are beautiful, cute, there is another aspect - status - expensive, original plants in large houses, apartments, cottages - they ennoble, stylize, and increase the price of the interior.

Among the palms and treelike, the most popular are: Yucca, Dieffenbachia, Dracaena, Monstera, Ficus.


“Yucca (lat. Yúcca) is a genus of tree-like evergreen plants of the Agave family (Agavaceae). Previously, this genus was included in the subfamily Dracaenoideae of the Liliaceae family (Liliaceae), later they began to be included in the Agave family (Agavaceae). According to modern concepts, the Yucca genus belongs to the Asparagaceae family.

Pictured is Yucca

Yucca aloifolia most often lives in our apartments - this is a decorative and miniature view of these plants. Yucca is not decorative grows mainly in hot countries - in the southern United States, Mexico and Central America.


"Diffenbachia (lat. Dieffenbachia) is a genus of evergreen plants of the Aroid family (Araceae), common in the tropics of South and North America."

In the photo dieffenbachia

A plant with large oval leaves, a green stem, can reach a height of 2-3 meters, rarely blooms under artificial conditions. Leaf juice is poisonous, causes dermatitis, burns of the throat, skin. Handle the plant with gloves and keep away from children.


“Dracaena (lat. Dracāena) is a genus of plants of the Asparagus family, trees or succulent shrubs. The number of species, according to various sources, is from forty to one hundred and fifty. Most of the species are found in Africa, a few in southern Asia, and one in the tropics of Central America.”

In the photo Dracaena

As well as yucca from the asparagus family. Looks like a yucca.

At home, several varieties of dracaena are grown. A worthy plant, harmoniously brightens up the interior.

Monstera (philodendron)

“Monstera (lat. Monstéra) - large tropical plants, creepers; genus of the Aroid family.

In the photo of Monster

In a non-decorative version, it is common in hot countries - in the tropical rainforests of the equatorial belt of America, parts of Brazil, and Mexico.

Liana with huge "leaky" leaves, if well looked after, is a beautiful plant. There are versions that absorb negative energy, emit carbon dioxide at night, so you can’t put it in the bedroom.


“Ficus (lat. Ficus) is a genus of plants of the Mulberry family (Moraceae), in which it forms a monotypic tribe Ficus (Ficeae). Most species are evergreen, some are deciduous.

There are only about 840 types of ficus, some of them are decorative, they can be grown at home.

The most popular home species: Ficus rubber, Ficus dwarf, Ficus Benjamin.

Each species has many more varieties, varieties.

Ficus Benjamin. Usually a small tree with pointed oblong glossy leaves. At home, with good care, such a plant grows up to 2-3 meters in height.

Pictured is Ficus Benjamin

About varieties of ficus Bendzhanimin: “There are many varieties with leaves of different sizes, colors and shapes. The most popular with Russian flower growers: Danielle, Exotica, Monique, Barok, variegated Starlight and Reginald, small-leaved Natasja, Kinky, Wiandi. Dwarf varieties are used for bonsai."

At auctions (on the Internet, for example), you can buy such a flower for 400-1000 rubles.

Ficus rubbery- a tree with large, dense, pointed-oval smooth, glossy leaves 20-30 cm long and 10-20 wide.

Pictured is Ficus rubbery

“The most famous decorative varieties:

Ficus elastica ‘Decora’ - with bronze young leaves;

Ficus elastica ‘Doescheri’ - withcolorfulleaves«.

"Ficus Benjamin is the symbol tree of Bangkok, the capital of Thailand." It is difficult to imagine, but these green trees are relatives of fig trees growing in warm countries, on fig trees, or fig trees, berries such as figs grow. Figs are very sweet and healthy berries, we sell them in dried form. Sometimes decorative ficuses also bear fruit, somewhat similar to figs.

There is even an experience when ficus was grown from the seeds of figs bought on the market, you just need to be patient and take good care of it, although according to the reviews of those who grew such a miracle, it is very unpretentious, after germination it quickly gains in growth. The small fig tree is quite a trendy house plant.

Among the succulent houseplants and cacti, the most popular are: Crassula, Aloe, Kalanchoe, Cacti, Sansevieria, Euphorbia.

Fat woman (or money tree)

“Crassula (lat. Crássula) is a genus of succulent plants of the Crassula family. Includes from 300 to 350 species, of which more than two hundred grow in South Africa; a significant number of species are distributed in Tropical Africa and Madagascar, several species are found in southern Arabia.

Many species are used in indoor floriculture; houseplants of this genus with round, coin-like leaves are sometimes referred to as the "money tree."

On the photo is a fat woman

It grows rather slowly, a compact tree with a dense tender trunk and fleshy, oval leaves in the form of coins. The leaves contain a lot of arsenic, so it is dangerous to eat them, you need to remove the plant away from children.

With good care, it can bloom, but it does not bloom very effectively.


“Aloe (lat. Áloë) is a genus of succulent plants of the subfamily Asphodelaceae of the Xanthorrhoeaceae family, containing more than 500 species distributed in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.”

Pictured is Aloe arborescens

In the decorative version, the most popular species are Aloe arborescens and Aloe aristata. Aloe is a very useful flower. Its juice heals wounds, helps with a cold. Raw materials are widely used in medicine for the manufacture of drugs.


“Kalanchoe, also Kalanchoe (lat. Kalanchoë) is a genus of succulent plants of the Crassulaceae family. More than two hundred species are known, growing in tropical and South Africa, South and Southeast Asia and in the tropics of South America.

Pictured is Kalanchoe

In the photo, flowering species of Kalanchoe

Also a very useful flower, the juice has healing properties. On each leaf, “babies” are “born” to collapse: small plants with roots, you just need to plant the finished plant in the ground in a couple of months. Ordinary Kalanchoe is a rather inexpressive plant, all the power is rather in its healing properties. But the flowering options are very beautiful, bright, expressive.


"Cactus, or Cacti (lat. Cactaceae) - a family of perennial flowering plants of the order Carnation."

Among the cacti there are very interesting and unusual representatives, they bloom very beautifully. There are versions that cacti absorb radiation, thereby protecting a person from it, it is recommended to place the plant near a computer monitor and radiation sources.


At home, several types of milkweed are grown: for example, Euphorbia fat or plump Euphorbia obesa, Euphorbia beautiful Euphorbia pulcherrima-or poinsettia (Star of Bethlehem), Euphorbia white-veined Euphorbia leuconeura, Euphorbia Mil Euphorbia mili, Euphorbia triangular Euphorbia trigona, Euphorbia large-horned Euphorbia grandicornis, etc. d.

In the photo, white-veined spurge

White-veined spurge is the most common spurge in the homes of Russians. It is poisonous, it is impossible for the juice to get on the skin, mucous membranes, especially when it falls into the hands of children.

Sansevieria (pike tail)

“Sansevieria (sansevier, sansevier, pike tail) is a genus of stemless evergreen perennial herbaceous plants of the Asparagus family. Plants of this genus are found in dry rocky regions of tropical and subtropical Africa, Madagascar, India, Indonesia and South Florida.

In the photo "pike tail"

The pike tail, as the people call this plant, is a very popular, unpretentious, inexpensive, easily propagating flower. There are several varieties of Sansevieria - spotted, miniature, in the form of roses, long feathers.

The leaves of this plant contain poisonous substances - sapopins. Ointments and medicines are made from sansevieria, for this the raw materials are processed, which neutralizes the toxicity.


"Spathiphyllum, or Spathiphyllum (lat. Spathiphyllum) is a genus of perennial evergreens of the Aroid family (Araceae), some representatives are popular houseplants."

In the photo Spathiphyllum

Inexpensive pretty flower, no stem, "bunch of leaves from the ground." Blooms with good care. It can be a very voluminous, lush flower, stand on the floor in large pots.

African violet (or saintpaulia)

“Saintpaulia (lat. Saintpaulia) is a genus of flowering herbaceous plants of the Gesneriaceae family. One of the most common indoor plants; known in floriculture also under the name of the uzambar violet. Under natural conditions, it grows in the mountainous regions of East Africa.

It is a favorite house flower of many gardeners of all ages, a compact, sweet plant with bright and beautiful flowers. Violet is quite whimsical - personally in my experience and in the experience of friends. However, as the comments of lovers of these flowers on the Internet say, caring for these plants is simple, but you need to follow a number of rules:

“And I have them, about two hundred ... There are no special problems. I water under the root, feed once a month, in winter, I illuminate with lamps.

“I have a lot of violets, it is not whimsical, the only thing you need to water is only in the pan, in the winter once a week, in the summer twice a week, well, to stand on the sunny side, I stand on the window in the kitchen, the sun is there in the second half days-bloom 10 months a year.

“2 main conditions - do not pour and do not put in direct sunlight. I water mine once a week.

Violet reproduces conveniently: a leaf placed in water gives roots.


“Gloxinia (lat. Gloxinia) is a genus of plants of the Gesneriaceae family. Named after the German or Alsatian botanist and physician Benjamin Peter Gloksin (1765-1794)."

As we can see, violet (saintpaulia and gloxinia are from the same genus of plants of the Gesneriaceae family. Gloxinia is very similar to violet, has a different leaf shape, larger flowers, sometimes in the form of bells. Propagated by tubers and cuttings, seeds.


“Anthurium (lat. Anthúrium) is a genus of evergreen plants of the Aroid family, or Aronnikovye (Araceae).

Possibly the most numerous genus of its family, modern sources number over 900, other (older) about 500 species.

The Latin name of the genus is derived from the ancient Greek words meaning "flower" and "tail".

In the photo Anthurium with blue flowers

Anthurium is similar to Spathiphyllum, but with red flowers - as we can see, they are of the same genus of evergreen plants of the Aroid family. Unusual, beautiful plant.

Schlumberger (or Decembrist)

“Schlumbergera (lat. Schlumbergera) is a genus of epiphytic cacti common in tropical forests in southeastern Brazil, including Rio de Janeiro, at an altitude of 900-2800 m. It was brought to Europe by the collector Allan Cunningham around 1816.”

In the photo, the Decembrist in bloom

We call this flower the Decembrist. Despite the fact that experts do not classify it as a capricious plant, according to the experience of many of my friends, it is quite sensitive to any adverse effects. It got its name because it blooms in winter, in December.

In addition to winter time, against the background of other flowers, it is gray and inconspicuous, and during flowering, all attitude towards it is manifested: if there was good care, the Decembrist will bloom profusely, with beautiful buds, if the care was bad, one or two pale flowers will come out.


“Camellia (lat. Camellia) is an evergreen plant of the Tea family (Theaceae). The most famous species is Camellia sinensis (Chinese Camellia, or Tea, or Tea Bush), from the leaves of which raw materials for making tea are obtained. Many species of camellia are used in ornamental horticulture."

Indoor camellia is a beautiful plant, especially in flowering form. Capricious. You cannot move from place to place.


Without geranium, it is impossible to imagine an old grandmother's house in the village, its smell, which causes either a headache or a slight clouding, cannot be separated from the memories of parents and grandmothers for many.

Pictured is a geranium


"Azalea (lat. Azalea) is the collective name of some beautifully flowering plant species from the genus Rhododendron (Rhododendron)."

Indoor flowers appear at home for various reasons and reasons. There is hardly a house where there is not a single home flower. Flowers in pots are bought in flower shops in the markets, in greenhouses, propagated on their own, presented for the holidays.

Some use them for decoration, others, knowing the properties of plants, are used specifically for treatment, to purify the air. And still others are grown just for fun, being flower lovers.

Home flowers can easily transform the look of the interior, enliven and decorate it.

Photo gallery of flowers

Varieties of indoor flowers amaze with their diversity and beauty. The flower catalog contains photos of the most popular home flowers. Photos of flowers in pots are immersed in a blooming world.

Home flowers differ not only in their appearance, but in different conditions of maintenance and care. After all, in order for a flower to please with its beautiful appearance for a long time, you need to know the rules for caring for it.

A description of the appearance of flowers, their characteristic features, conditions at home can be found under each photo of the plant.

Indoor plants are divided into different categories:

  • decorative flowering,
  • decorative leafy,
  • succulents,
  • fruit.

Most indoor plants are flowering. They are united in this group by one thing - the beauty of the inflorescences. But the flowering period and duration of flowering is different for everyone. This species includes anthurium, geranium, orchid, clivia, balsam, jasmine, azalea and others.

Decorative deciduous amaze with the beauty of the leaves. Some have inconspicuous small flowers, while others never bloom. All year round they have a great view, they are not demanding to care for.

This group includes - ficus, dracaena, monstera, yucca, dieffenbachia, croton, begonia and others.

Succulents have a characteristic feature - a fleshy structure, bristles and hairs that perform a protective function. These plants survive in the complete absence of moisture. These include: fat woman (money tree), aloe, Kalanchoe, cacti, agave, euphorbia and others.

Fruit - dwarf varieties of citrus fruits, avocado, pomegranate, coffee tree.

Unpretentious and capricious house flowers

When the question arises which flower to plant in a pot, one must choose a plant not only for the beauty of its appearance, but also take into account the conditions of detention and the rules for caring for it.

These flowers are not demanding on watering, lighting and humidity. The owners of such unpretentious flowers can leave them for a long time and not be afraid for their appearance - they will survive. Unpretentious flowers are convenient for women, business ladies who do not have enough time for household chores.

Violet can grow on all windows, except for the south one (so that the sun does not burn the leaves). Violet roots are on the surface, so she does not like abundant watering. With excess moisture, the roots rot.

Euphorbia is a succulent with thorns and small flowers, loves light and rare watering.

Clivia grows where others do not survive. A shaded place for her is just right, excess water can kill.

Spathiphyllum is a female flower of happiness. He lives with diffused lighting, goes without water for more than a week. When the leaves dry up, it must be doused with cool water, it moves away and grows further.

Chlorophytum is the simplest and most unpretentious. He can live quietly on a closet in the far corner without light and prolonged watering. He is not afraid of temperature changes and drafts.

Dracaena does not require frequent watering and spraying, withstands darkness.

The fat woman does not like dark corners and excess moisture. The money tree brings prosperity and abundance to the house.

Yucca is sun-loving, manages with poor watering and is unpretentious to the soil.

And housewives, people leading a measured lifestyle, lovers of living plants can grow whimsical and exquisite flowers at home.

The capricious group includes such flowers: begonia, cyclamen, gardenia, camellia, room rose. Following the rules for caring for flowers in pots, they will delight the owner with their beauty for a long time.

  • Old inflorescences must be removed in a timely manner, and then the plant will bloom profusely.
  • So that the plant does not tend to one side towards the light and grows even, you need to turn it around half a turn once a week.
  • If a flowering plant does not bloom for a long time, it should be placed in a cool, dark place and watering should be reduced for several weeks.
  • If you sprinkle the ground in a pot with black pepper, you can drive the cat away from the flower.

Types of plant pots

For each flower, in addition to proper care, a flower pot is required. And although the pot is only a container for growth, and the decoration for the room is the flower itself, the choice of this item must be taken seriously.

There are a huge number of flower pots on the modern market. They differ from each other in material, color, shape and price. The most bought and demanded are plastic and ceramic.

Plastic flower pots are very convenient to use: they are light, it is easy to transplant plants from them without damaging the root system. These containers are varied in color and shape, which allows them to harmoniously fit into the interior of the room.

Pots made of plastic are practical, they rarely break, since the life of plastic is not limited. These pots are lightweight and easy to move from one place to another. But they have a drawback - they easily heat up at high temperatures. And the root system of the flower suffers from overheating of the substrate.

Ceramic flower pots amaze with their beauty. Their main advantage is their porous structure. It allows the root system to breathe freely, evenly distributing moisture over the substrate.

But these pots are heavy and difficult to move around the room, especially if it is a large plant. They break easily when you drop them. The price of ceramic pots is much higher than plastic ones.

Pots come in different shapes and sizes. It is important to choose the right size of the pot so that the flower is comfortable. There is a "golden" rule when choosing: the height should be 1/4 or 1/3 of the height of the plant.

For large plants and fast growing ones, they immediately take a large flower pot. And small flowers with a superficial root system are planted in a wide and shallow pot.

Very large pots are used for tall plants with a powerful root system. They are usually placed on the floor in the house or outside to decorate the garden.

All flower pots, regardless of material, shape and size, must have a pallet. It helps prevent root rot and mold growth.

If you decide to give a home flower in a pot to someone you know, approach this carefully. According to popular beliefs, you can not give climbing plants, palm trees, ivy, hoya. These flowers predict discord in the family, disturb the peace. It is better not to violate long-lived signs.

Choose a plant in accordance with the lifestyle of a person. Potted flowers are a wonderful gift for both young and old people. Such a gift serves not only as an interior decoration, but keeps the warm feelings of the giver.

Photo of flowers in pots